3 Eo er » { / n/ Fe A THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, JULY 8, 1911. \ PAGE EIGRY. THE - KEY . s The Savings Account Is often the key that opens when Opportunity knocks at the door. The lack of a few hun- dreds in cash has allowed many a Golden Chance to pass a4 man by. : u . -- -- - m-- -- x |was a great deal of discussion. The 'school not being finished off it was al Mecsas scsnsssssvesssecl Brsastsssrcshsttss rset sstsrsssnsssssa cell members of the commitiee, in their re- | good thing not to have it > 3 BO es | an le not 10 fate 3 Shisha | : A for Supper Sale "TONIGHT, 7.30 to 10. {used in' the first estimate, in order to |The expense should be cut down to! ON THE ERECTION OF THE NEW ketp to the limit of $40,000 * {meet the momey in hand. When the | " { la connection with the matter, Trus- | members of the bodid went to the] SCHOOL. | AN unusually attractive lot of special purchases secured this week has arrived to-day, and we expect to turn them into cash To-Night. Most of the items ad vertised are Hot Weather Goods wanted now. {tee Macnee reported that just early in councl they should have an estimate Contracts Awarded at Special Meot- | 32 Pairs Ladies' Black Pure the sveibug: he hag cuivel a leftat they eopuld stand by. Heavily decor-! rom Vay & Hamilton, who had std buildings were wisance. He! ing of Board Friday Night--Tptal been awarded ihe contract for heating, Ns pot sorry to : rm committee | Cost of Work Estimated at $80,, | plumbing and tinsmithing. The firm cut out part of the expenditure. | 476, janked Shel they be allowed so. with | Trustee Elliott pointed out that he 'draw the tender, stating at they ot sed to the expendit ii Work on the new school can now be had made a mistake. Simmons Bros. ppt ete TF fe he ed {ho commenced a8 2008 88 the cONractors were the next lowest, among the ten | ima would soon come when the board! sre ready lo start. The Board of gers snd Trustee Maénee said this could secure from the council a good | Education, at a inl meeting, Fri-io ool willing to accept the work, _... replace the old schools. tipon | day night, awarded the contracts for cutting out the sum of $185 necessary || oenting schools in outside places | the work, on vecciviug the w t Oto keep to the limit. This, it was jo fen felt 'ashamed of some of the | Silk Stocki 5 ngs), Made with a double Lisle Thread Sol , Tue and Heel and a wide Garter Top. . ! Sizes 84, ¢, 94, 10, x These are exceptional value at from 79¢ to 90¢ pair. : Yours To-Night 49¢ Pai is aii ---- 2 Positively not mjore than 2 pairs to one cus- tomer, as we want ai many as possible to share in this baagain. : 0000000000000 0000 An account jn the Bank of Toronto Savings Department should: be one of your valued possessions, the property committee, The report of . oo net bri . ] ; the enmmittee was received aud adopt- shown, wauld bring (he cou pry eehools in Kingston. Hewsver, after] ed, alter one was made 10 py uiiee Meek objected to accpling | he board Jud ated for oh ) her ..' UWiDg to the fact that the finance' oo oder after obe had t (did not consk . it wite to ask for! commities refused to grant the i- ithdrawn . in this way. Ye had apo: " tional $5,000 ask for, the commit- --Djation to this firm having the con- | The report of the Property tee had to use the knife on the esti- tract, but thought that new 5 | mittee, with the one amenc ent e- | mates. The board is keeping within should be called, for, and 'then the cpting the tender ol Simmons Bros. l the $40,000 voted hy the ratepayers, o - he its (Wns then actepted. | the 'estimated total cost being $39 ,- firms navied could secure the job on a On motion of Trusteqs Macnee and . | MeLean, the board adjourned until} {called by the chair, which means that | y i com- | ac- | BANK OF TORONTO RESOURCES, $30,000,000, TABLA BVA SERVOS 1476. The estimate submitted by the Trustee Anglin. thought it was quite committee was $39,327, but at the last fair to allow the contract go to the } a moment one of the firms giving a ten- com having the next lowest Roinder. {there will he ro more meetings dur- . i August. of Trustee Craig, an! der, withdrew the same, and the next |p 0" Henderson considered it | BR July lowers tender was accepted. The firm | ould be the most business-like way | On motion ! E A withdrawing - the tender admitted mak- | "700 0 Cw tenders. All the figures | nrder was carried for the passing of | ing a mistake in the figu-es had been made public. {all accounts, after same had been A resoluiion was put to have Haw Asked by Trustee Meek the reason {eirn-d by the chiirmen of committees | tonders called far, but it was voted for the gap in the first estimate, in | ard audited. ? iol down, the majority of the members Ly. pb he had placed the cost of the Tn_e_nnection, with the cut made in| being of the opinion that in so doing school, at about 825000, Architect the criginel estimates it might _be| there would be pothing to be gaired, Ellis stated that if the school had stated thét in the mason work there | that lower tenders would not be _ been erected eacly in the spring, the (wns a cut of 82,377; earpentening, ceived should new ones be called for. cost would: have been near to his fig: | $436; plumbing, ete., $185. : kK The contracts were. awarded as fol- ures. Advance in the cost of labor had uae Heluderari aekdl if une HE OWS 1 : vith i {thine was being done in the way o | _Masan work, H._Wails, S14 103; Ee trond fre reais --ter Frmive and--Cataraqii- heating, plumbing, tinsmithing, Sim- "the rouult, providing new tenders were *chools, hit was informed by Trustee | mons Bros, $6,2M; painting and 8 he was informed | Marne that us yet no attion hadi KINGSTON BRANCH 107 PRINCESS BT. GEORGE B. McKAY, Manager, BURT LLRBOL TLL O TON, * 000000000000 0000000000 ened Sesvstsoree E > Spray Your Fruit Trees. [15 Pairs Men's Fine Lisle Thread and _ called for. Whereupon THIS IS THE TIME FOR THE DEADLY CODLING MOTH, And itis astonishing, but the De- partment of Agriculture says that 50 strips, ist glazing, W. H. Savage, ¥763; earpen- tering, King & Grant, 311,460. The site for the school cost 24,250 fences, £200: hardware, 3450; weather £216: architect's fees, ¥1,500, making the total cost, $39,176. Thie chairman, Wid: Renton, who this weet "Feéturned from' a very per cent. of the blossoms are de- stroyed by the Codling Moth, and the only way to get rid of it is ¥ RPRAY Rd : With the Arsenate of Lead for all Insects and Sulphate of Lime for Growth, Lat us tell you how to dei lit and increase your 'yleld of fruit 50 per cent. all Fungus Arsenate of Lead Sulphate of Lime Sold®only at W. A. Mitchell's Hardware At Cochrane, Ont., live Friday nicht destroyed the Cochrane hotel, the Northland printing ofhice, and two ie widenves. Loss about twenly thousand | dollars, Miss Annie MacDonald, Stella, is spending a few days in the city. +a ++ Tho gal sided at | tin, HON, pléiint "trip to the Pacific const, pre the meeting, and the other members present were Trustees Ang Benpett, traig, Elliott, Hender- Lambert, Lockett, Macnee, Meek, Metcalfe, Melean, and Wallace. I'rustee Macnee presented the report of the property committee, and there Brrsrrrssssssnrerennssel COAL! The kind you are looking for Is the kind we sell. Stranton Coal is good coal and we guarantee prompt delivery. BOOTH & CO. FOOT WEST STREET. : : ¢ i BOR BVBRTTRRNS 9 a ssssssssasnssessassses -- by the architect that the tenders would i he higher. Trustee Meek said the] wages had not been raised as a result | of the strike, and he could not ske | why the cost shold be higher. | Trustee Wallace did not believe that | the labor trouble in the city had been |" the means of adding one extra cent | to the cost of the new school. He had | stated that the new school would cost double the amount expended on Fron- tenac school. The cost of building ma- | terial had doubled, and if new tenders were called for, the price might" 0} still higher. He felt sure that they | would not go lower. He believed that the board now had the rock bottom price for the work. | Trustee Bennett said that mons Dros. were willing to wort at the price mentioned, should have the contract. It not be wise to call for new tenders. | Foo much time "fad "already heen wasted, Cataragui and Louise schools | were practically the same as when he | came to the city. ! Trustee Meek pointed out to Trustee | Bennett that twenty vears ayo, the | board had just as intelligent men to earry on the work as the board of to- | day. However, in the olden dave | there was no board of health' eredit | was due the board of health for hav- | ing awakened the present hoard. The Yoard finally decided to allow Taylor & Hamilton to withdraw. their if i do Nim- the ! 'they | would | . tender, Just a Few of the Many Bargains For T0-NIGHT-7.30 PM. | | i ~~ \ COTTON HOS Fronts, very find™q regular 26c and 35 . value at 50c, SKIRTS and N Pl Blak Embroidered LADIES' LISLE THREAD HOSE, Black with Embroidered Fronts; also Open Work Fancy. LADIES' LISLE THREAD GLOVES, long lengths, in black and white, all sizes, sell at all times for 7bc. LADIES' BLACK SATEEN UNDER- SKIRTS, Fancy Flounce, regular $1.00 LADIES WHITE MUSLIN UNDER- ightgowns, neatly trimmed with Lace and Embroidery, regular $1.00 and $1.26 value : ber onl uadity, fast colors, TO-NIGHT 19c. nag Fronts, excel eat TO-NIGHT 39c. TO-NIGHT 39c. TO-NIGHT 48¢c TO-NIGHT 4€c. | Call for New Tenders. Trustee Elliott moved, seconded by Trustee Henderson, that the property committee be authorized to call for new tenders for the work required. | Following out his resolution, Trustee | Elhott stated that so many hg: had been made, he felt satisfied that should new tenders be called for, that | reduced prices would be the result. He thought it would be fair to all con cerned, to call for new tendecs. \ Trustee Henderson, in view of 'many alterations, regarded the tel as a new proposition entirely, and thought that new tenders should be called for. He was of the opinion that the labor trouble in Kingston been the cause of the high prices. Trustee Meek wanted to know 1 the | mat- how long it would take to call for new ten- | ders, and the architect stated it would require about three week's time) Trustee Anglin considered it be unwise to call for new tenders. The resolution of Trustee Eliott call for new tenders was finally on and defeated by a ) 2 ak follows. I Yeus--Trustees son. --2. + Nave-Trustees Anglin, Bennett, | Craig, Lambert, Lockett, Macnee, Meek, Metcalie, McLean, Wallace.--10. | the property committee's thowed that the amount for fire es- | capes ($644) had been omitted, thie caused Trustee Henderson ask a few questions. He wanted know when they would be placed on the school, and he was informed they would likely be erected next year, at any rate just as soon as the money was available 'Trustee Wallace made quite 4 lengthy speech in which he claimed that froperty , committeg had not to voted 10 to vote of Elliott and Hemder- and | to} of the hoard. He cited the case of a child who had been punished for hav- ditable manner. property committee had carried out their work in an able manner and yet had not been well treated. Trustee Lockett said he was keenly disappointed to tind that the property committee had to cut down the cost of the school. Although, no doubt, the teaching might be carried on just as well in a cheaper school, still he felt that the city should have a bet- ter school. He was ashamed to learn that the finance committee had turn- «d down the board's request for an odditic nal $5,000. He had bern giv. 'len to understand that there was only | ens member of the finance committee who had viewed the plans for the new school, and yet the request was turned down. He also had:been in | ingston. had | Miss Gertruge Malloy, I Mr. would {free of charge, | street, report | | asbestos insoles. sidsummer clearing sale. tern taken. INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters on Their Rounds. Swat the fly ! Bibby's 69¢. shirt sale is on Anotner. hotel proposition? not. Fox's Foot Relief Surely for sore « aching feat, "Prouse's Drug Store." Drink all the water vou like as Ald. Carson says itis good. Hot weather 'everywhere Kingston; it's cool here. Witham Swaine, pianp tuner Orders received at MeAwley's. "Phone 778. The Orangemen must divide but tomorrow with the Sunday street cars. ! Ribby's great 6c. shirt sale Miss M. E. Neilson, ford Mills, is in Kimgston for the holi day. Sale bathinz for 3Be. pair. street WTS. V. White, Kingston, is guest of Mr. and Mrs. W, J. and running shoes Dutton's, 209 Princess the Wing, Westport. | M. ging in Queen evening. Bibby's great 6%. shirt sale. An old boys re-union to 'mark the centenary of Brockville's nativity, . is on the way. ratra white Reform. As a street church, belts, 10c. New York summer resort there is Bibby's 69¢. shirt sale. qualities for GYc. H. Cunningham, piano tuner, King street. L#ave orders at Auley's bookstore, John Litton has the contract for the 21 Me- erection of a smelter on the lead works | site. He will begin work at once. Order your corset at New York Drees Reform, from °° $3. Perfect fit guaran- teed. New York Dress Reform. For sprains, strains and swelling rub in Dr. Hartz White Liniment, 20c., 'Prouse's Drug Store." the guest of and Mrs. HH. W. Lockwood, West | port, has returned to Kingston Men ! Keep cool by wearing leanvas boots, clearing at ¥1.25. ton's, 200 Princess street Mrs. W. J. Blair, Kingston, intends | visiting "the Canadian west this som {mer and will leave sarly thir month. Bibby's special 69. shirt sale. Wear revolving rubber heels, put on 15¢., 25e., Ic., a pair. 208 Prihcess white Dut- {Sole agents, Dutton's, Walter McHqubam, Carleton Toronto, where he | has sccepted a position, Don't sufier with vour feet. Sold only at ton's, 209 Princess street. Bibby's 6%. shirt sale. Rev. Hugh Pedley, of Montreal, will Wear {preach at First Congregational church | to-morrow, at both morning and eveén- | ing services, shoes, men's, women's and street. The Portsmouth Orangeshen will {march to the Presbyterian chiirch, nl x i day night, and the strmon willibe de ing carried ont work in a most cre |joeed by My. Dawson. i The members of the! Great reductions in price at Pre vost's, Broek street, {elothing, gents' furnishings and clot ling made to order. This clearing sale {to make room for fall and winter im- : portations. | © The Matter Will Stand. | The civic finance committee, on Fri- Lany evening, l'of the acquiring of leased government {lands from the Kingston and Pem- | broke Railway company, in the vicin- lity: of the hay market, for a .T.R. freight station. In view of the fact that both railways are favorable {to ereciing a union passenger station lin the eity, it was decided to alléw ithe land question to rest awhil&. Vital Statistics. honors | teacher at Ded will | Sunday | i Da | swtong hose supporters ue] ress | es | no | | place which begins to. compare with | $1, #125 Place, | | is spending a few days in the city, be- | {fore leaving for Dut- | All white | children's, | th {less than cost. Dutton's, 209 Princess | e | | been | i : - 5. well treated by some of the members | Bibby's great July shirt sale. Sun- | in ready-made' committee of h: | meet with it, considered the question | | Fine Cotton Sox a . / Both in plain colors of Tans, Gieys, Greens and in Fancy Designs. These are a maker's lot of Fine Sample Sox, and range in value 25¢ and 35¢. Your Pick To-Night 15c¢. 158 Embroidered Pillow Shams and Stand Runners In different makes, ranges in value 25¢, 40c, 50¢. Your Pick To-Night 20c. Cool Underwear Of many kinds for Men, Women and Children. Men's Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers Special 40c. Men's Balbriggan Shirts at 50c¢ With long or short sleé¢ves and DRAWERS with long leg or knee lengths. » 50c. TUVVVLLRLLVVVLLTTTLTLTT LLL LLTLT ATRL TTTLCT TL RAG RED Now Ready August Delineator With hundreds of the very latest and striking New York sty es. \ On Sale To-Night 15c. Laidlaw& Son. » i FAH LTTTLLTTTATLATTLLLE TETTVLTLTLLTLATA TLL FLAC LLL TLLATLTLLATTTL TLL VAT LAT LETT LL TLL LT TA TLL VLE THLE SETS . . - wesssssssssssssasssassPfitrrssecaen sssvsessssss @vrssssssssssessssscal ------ EE ------------ 450995400909990999990004990990999909909940994 8 : i FOR THE OLD BOYS. Committees to Meet Monday Even. ing Over Reveption. The Sivie finance committee desided, ioh Friday evening, to call together a prominent citizens to on Monday evening, to for a reception and entertain {ment for the Kingston Old Boys of iChicago, Toronto and Ottawa, who {are coming to the Limestope city on {the 2th to spend a few days. Besides {the mayor and aldermen on the finance lcommitice, the following citizens have 4 bien invited to attend : A. B. Cun iningham, Col! Thomas Benson, Major io. 8. N. Leslie, Lieut.-Col. G. H. Ogil ivie, J. A. Minnes, Colin A. Macpher {son, Dr. E. Ryan, E. T. Stency, J. A { McParland, A. F. Roney, J Hiscock, | J. Reid, Dr. A. E. Ross, W. R (Givens, J. Elliott,'P. Daley, E. { Charbee and John Flmer. arrange FOR LADIES--CO LOOKING AND VERY COMFORTABLE We have just received a very pice assortment, 75 and $1.00 $1.50 and 200. 150 and 200 Heavy Soles and $3.00 and $3.50 Ladies' Oxfords with Leather Heels Ladies' Plain Tie Shoes, Wood Heels afies' 2 and 1 Strap Pumps Ladies' Pumps, with or witheul Straps, gather Heels . - Tour of the Islands. Eth eh hh STITT LTLLLLSSLTRGTSS White as formed that the major was under the i impression that a stone school was ing t ix months, the fol | 2 to be erected, while brick was to ig: ope ha Da tintics welt tt fampus route. S0ec. ; used. The mayor should have know | Lith the city clerk : Births, 199; mar-| William Smith, an aged man, arrest this. The speaker Was Very sorry riages, ' 115; deaths, 200. Kingston's adn week ngo, on a thargs of drunk- to see the price cut dows. He [population has pot i very enness, and remanded, was given un- lieved -tha basement of the school yuch, according to thewe figures. {41 noon, in Saturday's police court, |, should be better fitv.d He believed ; ---------- {to leave the city. . the itare was just! 'Men's sox, two pairs for 3c. New| Come and hear J. M. Sherlock sing fable. ' " {York = Dress Reform, 209 Princess in Queen street church, Sunday even 1 Trustee Mook said he was pleased (0 arrest. ing. krow at the committee from the! A quantity of shelied «, inealind aghtning steuck and burond the pheard by a farm [hated |of George A. Ritchie, Hamilton America, Tuesday, 2730 p.m., via her 28 THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE STORE CLOSES AT 5 P.M., JULY AND AUGUST. R WALD RON * wed not pressed the. couneil for [for by a citizen, were loft As regards the basement of the er's wile with the : ig 4 .e