Daily British Whig (1850), 10 Jul 1911, p. 7

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HOTEL DIRECTORY. DESERONTO, TO THE STEWART HOUSE, LEAD- ing Commercial Hotel. Rates, §1.5¢ per day. THOS. STEWART, Prop. = RAILWAY SYSTEM TRAVELLING. Pacific Coast and Return VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, 'wee PORTLAND. . SAN FRANCISCO. 1 LOS ANGELES Ll SAN DIEGO, a. i Good to return until October 31st. | RoundTrip Homeseekers' Excursions TO WESTERN CANADA, TUESDAY, JULY 11TH, And every second Tuesday thereafter unt! Rept, 19th. Good to return with- in 60 days Through tourist sleepers, Toronto to Edmonton, via Chieago, Bt. Paul and Winnipeg For berth reservations and further Information, apply 10 J. FP. HANLEY Cor. Ontario and Johnson Sts KinGsToNg PEMBROK RAILWAY IN CONNECTION WITH CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. wanting anything don ter ne Eatimares given on al of | Hardwood Floors of all Al orders will receive prompt attention Shop, 40 Queen Street They keep the whole system in the pink of condition. sin Their singular curative pro- Comstock Laboratories Brockville, Ontario. Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills have a remarkable record for consistently curing constipa- tion, biliousnessandindigestion, purifying the blood, banishing headaches and clearing the 28 skip. 25¢. a box everywhere. THOMAS COPLEY PHONE 987. Drop a card to 10 Pine Btreet whens % in the Carpen- 1 kinds also repairs and new rl THE DAILY BRITISH WIG. MONDAY, JULY NE _-- SHOCKED THE BATHERS ..... .. EMMA CARUS WAS ORDERED, OFF THE BEACH. A 20.0X TEAM Wild West Show, Here To- Morrow. > Apnie Oakley, 'the peerless wing and the bright particular star of dou Buffalo Wild West show, which That Showed Her au Naturel, and %ill exhibit in Kingston Tuesday, Caused a Sensation. | July lith, afternoon and night. v known America's New York, July 8.--~Emma Carus "got the hook" fi the first time in her career, yesterdhy, when she was shooed off the beach at Glen lsland, where she shocked the modesty of the bathers by appearing in a Parisian | creation that would make Anthony! Comstock flush with righteous indig- nation, As she emerged. from the pavilion and tripped lightly down to the beach, + gasp escaped the hundreds of bath- ers, but Though they were terribly shocked they nevertheless kept a fixed gaze on the actress until she was politely, yet firmly, invited to leave the beach and don her street attire. I'he women admonished. their hus bands snd malé escorts to concentrdte their gaze elsewhere, but they had as much chance of being obeyed as roses , : : have df blooming or Fog 8, Pole. |engagement in this city with a great I'he costume which caused such gq | free street parade, which. is satirely furore wes a one-piece suit of royal [different from that offered by ther at- wurple hue with socks, cap and high- {tractions of this nature. kt is mare heeled French slippers to match. It [than a mile in length and one of its was decollete, cut low in a Vshape, | features its great team of twenty 'Actress Appeared in a Dip Costume! She i» as i star," ; {wing andgrifle shot. During her career | shee has travelled over féurteen "eoun- tries and has exhibited her skill before all of the crowned heads of Europe. I'he late King Edward of England, be fore whom she gave five exhibitions, land who was himself a fine shot; said | to her on one occasion : "You arp the {greatest shot T have ever rn----Am- erica should be proud of you" | this the peerless woman riflist replied : "Your majesty, I am proud of Ameri- ca." In company with Annie Oakley, | the Young Bufialo Wild West show will | present Capt. Curtis Liston and Col. 100. H. Stevens, the three making up { the greatést trio of marksmen ever seen in a single attraction. | The Young Buffalo show opens 18 Homesegkers Excursions Manitoba, Saskatchewan and berta, ' June 27th July 11th, 25th August Sth. nd. Sept. Sth, 19th. 5 9 Tickets good for 60 days. sohssssen Full particulars at K. & P. and) C.P.R. Ticket Office, Ontario Street ¥., CONWAY. Gen, Pass, Agent. Crt an-- BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY, Train leaves Union Station, Ontario Btreet, 4 pm. daily (Sunday excepted), for Tweed, Sydenham, Napanee, Deser- onto, Bannockbufn and. «ll points north. To secure quick despatch te) Bannockburn, Maynooth, and points on | Central Ontario Route your shipments! via Bay of Quinte Rallway. For Jur. | ther particulars, apply, R. H Ward ¥rt. Agent; J. H. Welch, Pass Agent 'Phone No, 3, : ALLAN LINE Royal Mail Steamers eeessssssasssss PICTURESQUE ST. LAWRENCE ROUTE. MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL. Fri, July 2k Victorian, Fri, June 238; Fri, July 2% Corsican, Fri, June 30; Virginian, Fri, July 7; #rl, Aug Tunisian, Fri, July 14; Fri, Aug MONTREAL TO GLASGOW. Hesperian, Sat, June 24; Sat, July 22 lontan, Sat, July 1; Sat, July 28. Grampian, Sat, July 8; Bat, Aug. 5, Scotian, Sat, July 15; Sat, Aug. 12. MONTREL TO HAVRE AND LONDON. "This service is composed of one| class, second cabin steamers, sailing from Montreal every Saturday. Rates moderate. 4 Full information oa application to J.P, HANLEY, C. 8 KIRKPATRICK, G.T.Ry Clarence St Agents, Kingston. THE ALLAN LINE, 77 Vonge Street, Toronto, Quebec msh Company ~ River and Gulf of St. Lawrence Summer Cruises In Cool Latitudes, 8.8 "Cascapedia" 1.900 tons, re- cently fitted out on the Clyde, speci ally for this service, with all modern comforts SAILS FROM ON THURSDAYS, at July, 8rd, 17th and and 25th September the, following day at NBS, calling at Gaspe, Perce, Grand River... Summerside, "PEL, and Charlottetown, PEI, New York From Quebec Via (he far-famed River Saguenay, calling at Saspe Charlottetown and; Halifax, 88 rinidad, 2.600 tons, | sails from Quebec at 8 pm, 14th and! Sth July, 11th and Ith August, and' th September. BERMUDA Summer Exciursions, Je the Twin Screw ES. "Berfaudian S00 tons, sailing from New York at. %! Lm. 18th and 29th July and every 16 a "thereafter Temperature cooled by sea breezes seldom rises above M0 2 degrees. b he finext trips of (he season for g und comfort. ai tickets and staterooms, Spot te LP. HANLEY, or ©. 8 KIRKPAT. ICK, Ticket Agents, Kingston, Ont. URBEC STEAMSHIF COMPANY, ars QUEBEC, ! MONTREAL 1 pom. 20th Fist August, 14th| and from Quebec) noon fpr Pletou | Mal Bay.| a X n by { LAKE ONTARIO AND BAY oF QUINTE STEAMBOAT CO, LTD, | Strs. Caspian North King 1000 ISLANDS AND ROCHESTER, N.Y Steamers leave Kingston daily at 10 for 1,000 Islands, calling st Al Bay, Rockport and Ganan- ue. Raturain jeaves at 5 pm. for lotte, N.Y. La Rochester), 'ealling st Bay of Quinte ports. * For full infermacton, apply, ERE EAE agent : "KINGSTON BUSINESS COLLE | - ____(Limited). "Highest Education at Lowest Cost" Twenty-sixth year, Fall Term begins August 0th. Courses Io Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Tele graphy, Civil Service nnd English, Our graduates get the best positions. Within a short time _over mixty secured positions with one of the largest rallway cor porations in Canada Enter any Call or write for informa- . F. Metealfs, Principal, Kingston, Canada ete attittstttitse Watermelons California Plums Apricots and Peaches A. J. REES 166 Princess Street. "Phone BS. * ov PIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIY CYP PY IC YVYSYREUYEY < { "of Pig Raising. I'opeka, Kan, July 10. mothers go right on-rearmg in the rood old fashioned way, guess ing at what should be done to make and women, while the old both front and back, with a network oxen driven through the streets by of lace interwoven on. the bodice that one man. The 700 men and women of insignificance. The actress' arms were this street demonstration. bare and a nagrow strap ovér each | - i the garment. The sides were also cot WOULD TRAIN FOR V shape, converging from a pointun- | the same peek-a-boo effect as iu the | bodice. fitting tights, which came to a point | uhove the knee, and her lower limbs | A French bathing cap, matching the | suit in colar, was set jauntily on bor | | {fades ghe peek-a-boo effect into a dim | this aggregation will participate in shoulder supported the upper part - der the arms to the waist line, with | CHILD REARING SB he-amore -no-skirt--to-hide the dont were bare to the top of her low socks, | head. "Fathers and children VILLAGE, OF SYDENHAM. " The Death; 6f Mrs, Edward Pixley Petier men ' y man i# out in the barnyard studying Wednesday. learefully how to better Sydenham, "July Farmers are | and corn and how to raise more meaty busy, with their hay and report a good steers and fatler pits," Ww I'he weather has been very hot McKeever, professor of philosoph ind dry for the pust week, but the the "Kansas Agricultural College. plendid 'rain which visited this local 'Crop production, stock raising and ity needed. J. P. Lacey and fam- 'preeding are sciences taught by schools ily are moving to the Cove' for the Lut child rearing i combined summer. Rev. A. E. Smart, of Shar with hearsay and superstition," bot Lake, will preach, Sunday morn- tinues Mr. McKeever. 'In our eager- ing, at St. Paul's church, also to the ness to herald to the world the mag 1.0} No, 444, who will attend ser- nitude of our corn and wheat crops, vice at three o'clock. Rev. Mr. Fokes the superiority ob our beef cattle and will fill Rev. Mr. Hanna's place at the thoroughbred swine, and the tremend Methodist Episcopal church during the olis productiveness of our good old latter's absence, on vacation. Among fathiul hen we often lose sight of tne those who spent Monday at Napanee real issue--the splendid crop of strong were John elsted, John Switzer, H. sons and fair daughters the eduntry is B. Woodrufi and Edward Ruttan, : os : on : I'he local train men ure working producing. : MAY a £, "Droughts and deluges may hard these 'days, and bring in heavy our grain crops; disease and degenera on grow wheat 7 says ' crop y Wis a guess econ destroy -- ya gl The Wretchedness of Constipation must bear Signature Sea Forme ht a early. VeIY tion may play havoc with our cattle I . iT TT thousand hills and our Ureagured the home of her son, Gardner Pixley, oh a thousa . i fli y Wednesday The funeral was porkers in the fields of alfalfa; lkeld Thursday morning, and burial boasted helptu} hen may Ch took place at Sydenham cemetery, Mrs ally cease her productive labors. | Pixley loaves two. daughters: and one tiene calamities may Some Hpon {son, besides 'several grandchildren, ® 1 M0 11S turn, and yet our Mrs. George Davis is visiting at Wes. 03 not be dimmed, provided only that ley Davis'. Mr. Barber, of the C.N.R., ©Ur growing boys and girls 'be | was at the Union . hotel for a few safeguarded in the home, so educated {days. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Berron and and disciplined in the school, - the {two daughters, of Montana, made a Church and other institutions that {short visit with their parents, Mr. and they will develop inte well rounded, t Mrs. Guess William Martin, Water. magnificent specimens of manhood and town Central, N.Y., visiting his womanhood. - brother, Henry Martin, for a couple "Go where you will throughout of weeks. Mr. and Mrs: Armitage, New length and breath of this fair Jersey, are the guests of Miss E. and I challenge you to fixd a Lacey, for the summer. . pleasing aspect than that of a Miss Celia Wood is visiting friends cheeked twelve-year-old girl, in the city for a couple of weeks. Mrs, In a loose fitting house dress Levi Leeman, Fernleigh, is visiting her dainty white apron, while with a snowy daughter--Mrs. C. F. Smith. B. I. [tea towel in her hands she is engaged Reilly arrived from Kingston, Thurs- in drying the dinner dishes. day, to spend his vacation with » his| 'It is much to be regretted that we mother, Mrs. (Dr. Tottenham is do not give its just measure 0 honor dat expected -- from Brownwood, and praise-to this exalted home life, morning. us glory 80 | is the land, more rosy- zarbed and a COWAN'S PERFECTION COCOA Is good for Growing Girls and Boys--and they like it. It Cowan's Cocoa, as you get it from your grocer, is absolutely pure. Its delicious flavor is obtained by the use of the highest grade of Cocoa beans, skilfully blended. Nothing is added to impair the health. building properties of the Cocos. Steamers leave Kingston dally, eastbound, 600 am: wastbound, L490 Pa . Daily Excursions to Prescott and re. turn, fL00, On Rebate System. Week-End Excursions Mantreal and return, . 00 Toronto and ypeturn 94 «$5 CHariote Rnd Pelurl assy oo. $3.50 Steamer "Belleville," eastbound od. westbound © Sat. pesday at 4080 pom, arday at 10.36 pm, Full particulars on application to J.P. HANLEY. Ticket Agent, + Kingston, Ont, H. FOSTER CHAFFEE. Fn AGFA, Toronto, Ont, Texas, to spend the summer with her There ig certainly need of a great poet parents, Mr. and Mrs, Edward Fillion, or painter who will, by means of high Mr. and Nrs. T. P. Maxwell and art, divert the attention of many daughter left, on Friday, for Kings- young girls from the airy. phantoms ton, where Mr. Maxwell will attend which they are now pursuing and help ovllege during the summer, Henry them to fix their affections upon the Martin is very ill. K. Juequith is things that make for more substantial also on the sick list. Henry Leitch character. launched his new motor boat last 'In the colleges are special week William Oram, Boston, has in pig raising, poultrying, horse brged- bought Albert. Blakley's motor boat. ing, production of special types in Edward Martin had the misfortune to cattle for beef and milk, erop rotation fall from the hay loft in hig barn and and seed selection, but the fathers and breap a couple of ribs, last Tuesday 'mothers go on making experiments in evening. George W. Shibley, of Whig oftice, Kingston, is at the Union born, thotel, Another gang of men arrived gy) on Friday, to work on the C.N R. career are often blizhted through ignorance on the part of the parents: "I want to see established coyrses in child rearing, so that par- Deseronto Post, ents can know how to train and care Fhe first anniversary of the new De- for their first born without hurting the morastvitle Presbyterian church proved poral and physical fibre of the child an interesting event. Rev. James Rin through a long series of experiments nie, Tweed, convenor of the home mis gnd Ye3als which-tench--little--to--the sion committee of Kingston presby- parents and do much lesk to male the tery, preached at both services on gild a useful citizen when he "grows Sunday. On Monday a dinner party o, » : 0 was held on the church lawn to which many went from Picton and other | {places besides the immediate vicinity, | A good nlusieal programme was given by the Picton friends, including solos duets, recitations, and. several pieces by the boys' orchéstra of the Meth odist church. There were speechés also. The event of the evening was the burning of the mortgage. That this] really beautiful little church is only | one year old and free from debt is surely 3 matter for congratulation te "8%¢ . this plucky band who have just de-| The well-known double track kane of cided to assume dignity aud re- | he Grand Trunk fromthe east to sponsibility of an augmented congre |Cnicago appeals to the traveller, and gation.' It forms a filling close to the | ith the superior train service that is college Demorestville Anniversary. Excursion to Western Canada. The Grand Trunk Railway smounce that on Tuesdays, July 11th mber 5th and 09th, 1911, homeseek ers' excursions will be run from all stations in Oatario and Quebec to estern Canada, via Chicago and Du- th" or via Chicago, St. Paul and tnneapolis, at reduced round trip fares. {rifle shot of the world, will appear as | the | "shooting and is the world's most famous | To} its | Standard Brought 0p to That courses | the rearing children. Children may be well | but their prospects for the use | . | System | and 20th, August Sth and 2nd, Sep | 16, 1941. EXCITED OVER SEARCH A pure, rich, high grade, flavory coffee. The kind that makes you linger over your cup--such is - Seal Brand Coffee Packed in 1 and 2 pound cans only, FOR CHESTS BURIED YEARS AGO IN MICHIGAN. Boys Unearth a Rusty Iron Box] Which Contains the Secret of a Spiritualist Regarding Turning | Sable' Stones Into Gold. Corey, Mich., July 10.--A romanee of the days when much of the state of] 'Michigan was a Wilderness was brought to light yesterday when boys + lof the South' Bend, Ind, Y.M.CA | simmer camp, whils digging a hole for a flagstaff, brought up a rusty 'irom box, contaiming . pistols, books 'and | {several documents. In the chest were found two rusty pistols of an jandient pattern, a plain | gold ring, a silver cased watch, of] Swiss manufacture, a small dagger' lund a rust-stained hunting knife} lenth- | qu-- er bound books, dating from 1767 to / Se --_---- LIST YOUR PROPERTIES NOW 1819, among them a Bible, *"Childréw of the Abbey," and "Book of Pas- | FOR SALE OR TO RENT BALES NEGOTIATED. . ' RENTS COLLECTED INSURANCE. sion." CONVEYANCING AND REAL ESTATE, There were several school books and |, E. Blake Thompson, a number of pennies, bearing dates | OVER NORTHERN CROWN BANK. MARKET SQUARK, i i i lead and copper ores, arrow hedds. and | la collection of pebbles. Deeds, dating | back as far as 1739, related to prop- | erty at Plymouth, Conn. : An explanation of the mystery found in a letter left by the owner of the, chest, in part, as wollows "This chest is the property of kiah Thomas, formerly of New Fuog-| land, later of the Michigan wilde. ness. A spiritualist of God, believing, and my spirit still roams over akes in the full moon seasons, ing all my valuable deposited pos ssions, for they are many and ein: ~God-pave mene wonder ecrets, 'but because of the great sn | he them oll away but one--the least of them the tuning of Sable! stomes into gold. 1 have buried this secret by the body of old Duck Wing | in the big swamp." ! was from 1781 to| 1554; samples of silver, | 'Phone 286. KINGSTON, ONT. Hesi- | Children Often Need & texstive--but you 'cannot be we careful what you give them. Harsh purgatives injure the bowels and pave the way for life-long troubles. , The new these guard- | took does the work mest effectively without frritating the bowels or causing any discomfort. The children like them for they taste like candy. One of the most popular of the NA-DRU-CO preparations 25¢. a box. If your druggist hus not yet stocked them, send 25¢. and we will mall them. 20 National Drug and Chemical Company of Canada, Limited, M George Knevits, who lives tion of a house built by thatNas a boy carefully secreted ' bles in the It as thé queerness became about the same time Fhomas' body woods about fifty vears frozen to death The whele neighborhood is now cited immediately gun, for the remaining chests -- A GLAD REL NION. a homas, vs recolsets collection he finding of peb aid that noticeable = house Proves ssssssssssssassssPrrsssasnsssbanssssaseld " Our Cakes Lead In Quality the had was found Wo in He been ex over a search, e i 20¢, 23¢. 30c, 35c¢. Try our Ice Cream Cake at Florence Cake at Swiss Mountain at Angel Cakes at R. H. TOYE, 302 King St, eso Gr vrs sssssssssssssssseosssasssssssascasasss Of the Survivors of Late Newton Family. Tweed News re-union family of the late tichard' Newton, son of Rev. Richard Newton, who came to this country 1511, setthng Hungerford township on the farm, now bv Wesley Maynes, took place on July 1st. Phere were present four Hour davughters--ramrmy--im forty to sixty-one total surviving known pioneer family, They | . Newton' and wife, of Chio; Mrs. T. B. Newton and ter, Mrs. Culver, with her young Newton, of Oriliia: Mrs. John Prous and daughter, Mrs. George Wood gersoll; P. L. Newton and wife, don, Ont.; W. K. Newton and Salford; Mr. and Mrs.' W, Salford; R. 'W. T, Newton and wife Woodstock: Mrs. W. Dutton, Avner also Miss Eva Modre, daughter, Rev. T. A. Moore, Toronto, who read a letter from brother, H. Moore, expressing his regrets because of inability to be present to ab sent in England a reporter at the | coronation for the Montreal Herald Mr. and Mrs I. Newton and Master Laurson, of Tweed, with ah | ample and dainty luncheon joined the party at the old att had | dinner on the lawn [ Mr. and Mrs. Mavnes threw their gates and doors, very. hearty welcome and them the freedom of the farm A happy time was spent in recounting many of the incidents of the old, old days. } A hearty . vote of thanks dered Mr. and \ Paynes great kindness, one A brief visit was then made to the old cemetery, made sdcred as the final earthly resting place of "Mother The party here separated again at the Ketches re-union. Richard | the of Rh oh Rh : : E in mn a owaed I and "from | the 8 years, members of this wel Dy Foledo, | dang were In Lon wie Wifey THE INTENSE HEAT OF THE PAST FEW DAYS Chambers, of hs owing t as # home and Makes the 5 o'élock early closingmovement of Will Custom ers kindly shop early during July and August get full of the - Wide | great benefit to our employees, extending house and so that our help can benefit ys carly closing movement was ten for their | A visit fo on Store, will show SON good values in seasonable shoes. nr to met ---- family ..|J. H. Sutherland & Bro. THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES great "mn SUMMER TOURIST RATES Pacific Coast via Chicago North-Western Railway. low To { rate round tickets on sale from all points in Canada to 15s Angeles, San. Francisco, Portland and numerous other Pacilic, Coast points, during Joly, August | tem er Lxcelluit Fi iHusteated folders, 2. and full partieylars, address B. H. Bennett, General Agent C, & RK. W. Ry, 16 Yonge street, Toronto, Ont. Echo Lake Items, Echo Lake, July 6 looked for. Some have alread, started to take off-the hay. Herries: quite plentiful aod are ripening very early. Mrs. M. LL. Gowdy, the Friends' minister, remains this cir {cuit for* another year. Dgmon Good: | San Francisco: "Herpicide put iberry, of Wagarville, wh) has been growth of hair on my | Herpieide {working at . A. Wagar', was ealled (does more than is claimd.' {home on account of his father being! Hempicide kills the dandruff very sick, Mr. and Mrs. Clinton "Pest the cause, | Wagar, of Long Laké, visited at Al [efdt "cures dandraf, len Wagarje, on Saterday; Mr. York, prevents baldness fat LL. Switzer's; John Daflin and! Sold by leading Special ip tram service r . time IT CURED THE DOCTOR; OUR CRYSTAL BRAND Of Standard 3 d Granulated Sugar and found excellent for table use Price is New Scientific Dandraff Treatment Recommended by a Physician, Mere. Mary C. Crawford, Oske Wash "Herpigide cared me perf of dandruff and falling Yir. ¥ i I used akling with the result." A. R. Kelly, 2,005 Desadero tins been serving Liways rig ANDREW MACLEAN, Ontario Stree tri le tl | All kinds of Tinumithing and "lum mg on shortest notice, © Stoves taken down good dry store room We 'make a specialty of Hot Heating. Good American Coal Oil at l4e. gaflon, delivered to all parts of erty. A bumper crop Lair 31 Sesirdshey, Champaign, landeaff wr well {18 Herpicide for and | L } ave hair, satistied street, : on snd stored ip wl Air germ the a ef per the Un remove fallihy hair dragg et Reriel {work of Rev. Peter Nicholl, who re-| fered by this line, including the fam- | pp) of J Babeoek's: Cord ScCutis 1c [tires from the active ministry in Ue-| U8 "Tuternational Limited." the finest | ,nd family, at Al. Wagar's: Mr. acd picidé Co, {tober, During his three years' pastor-| nd fastest train in Canada, many | Me Vandewater and Miss Hattie Ir. IAr botiles {ate new churches have been built in! assengers will be attracted this way. lish, at A. Wagar's; Mrs. Florence lead, {Demorestville and Crofton. It was, The route via Chicago is a most in [pnary. of Bracebridge, at ber father's, therefore, an impressive moment when teresting one. Baggage is carried [Robert MeCulla; Misg Jessie Lesdie {Dr. Crvan, treasurer for over twenty 'through the United States in hom [Luck for the holidave. | yours and now an elder as well, step- without requiring any special atten | e-------- jped forward aud _-- the tion on the part of the passenger. In- | Mark Twain's Works, maortg while Mr. Nicholl applied the speetion is not necessary at any of | ' : : ] match and the shoking ash fell into the points at. the border. Bk i are ingetaste] In Shusining 2 the baptismal font. | In addition to the above routes, the |pulf the former price on the easy pay-| o i nt sale of tickets is also authorized via | ment plan it will cost nothing to get Prof. Beard, Cobourg, late of Fred- Sarnia, and the Northeh Navigation | fal) particulars and a new thirty-two ® enicton, N.B., has en engaged as [Company's magnificent steamers across | book. "little Stories About ® orzanist of the First Methodist church, Lake Huron and Lake Superior. {Mark Twain' Address Box 409, ® Picton i Por further particulars apply to any | "British Whig office." : : Mrs. Phoebe Ann Kimmerly, relict srent of the Grand Trunk Railway | lof the late William Kimmerly, died in system. ' "4 | Deseronto, on June th, aged seveniy- | {Hour years. y s i (fren Detroit is ND US yon No need for them. You ean way of cleaning most delicate We give satisfac re SE RJ | § . Mise Campbell, Orangeville, Swill he oe Wishine, of 'on the staff of teachers at the Deser | there's more fear than danger. [onto high school after the holidays mn stamps for sample guarantesd spatial agent, (S000 00000000000000OS 'tion. BR. PARKER & (v,, Dyers and Cleaners, 63 PRINCESS STREET, Kingston. Ont * v Sess ssssennsns + the Her ke Ny Mich ol One BR. Kings 'KR CURTAINS, anixoety abou depend on our the finest and lace curtain: asensses W. C. BENNETT Phone 1033 : 313 King St. Agents lor the Souvenir Stoves and TRY. THE UN THE UNIQUE GROCERY AND MEAT MARKET For your Table Want! Our stock is the best money can buy r Special value in Brooms this week. C. H. Pickering 490 PRINCESS STREET. 'Phone 510

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