write BSE Attormeye, & MEN: B353840400000sssssssgal CE CREAM AND FRUITS, : ALL KINDS OF CALIFORNIA FRUIT. " WANT ad Our Ice finest It may L staide, 'our Parlor ays of NM. P. PAPPAS & Co, "184 Princess Street. * ® * . » ® ~ LE 1 - Four-burnes sion sides fever used Gas Range broiling and best J. W. OLDFIN, Cor. Sydenham and Ordpance St COAL! The kind you are looking for is the Kind we sell. Scranton Coal | ty good coalgand we guarantee ; prompt delivery. BOOTH & CO. FOOT WEST STREET. 'won by MTN TetstetsesveTRIBLBTR' --THE-DCCTOR'S QUESTION Much Sickness Due to Bowel Dis. orders, A doctor's first silted by a patient bowels regular 7 He that ninety wight per cent. of at tended with inactive bowels and torpid fiver, and that this condition must be removed gently and thoroughly before health can be restored, Réxall Urderljes a positive, pledsant and safe pemedy for Constipa- tion and bowel disorders in general, We are 50 certain of their great cura- tive value that we promise to return the purchaser's money in every "when they fail to produce entire satis faction, Rexall dy, they act quietly, and soothing, strengthening, healing ence on the entire. intestinal They do not purge, gripe, sea, flatulence, excessive looseness, | diarchoen or other annoying effect, They are especially good for children, weak persons or old folks, Two sizes, --8fc. and Ie. Sold only at 'our stove ~The Rexall Store. Gi. W. Mahood. guestion when con- "are knows s : tliness is 18, are case have , a influ- tract. cause nau- PROOC 2000000000000 "Phone 58, oe 166 PRINCESS STREET. COCOOO00OCO0000C00 'SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH. WEST LAND REGULATIONS, ANY PERSON WHO IS THE SOLE head of a family or any male over 1§ Years old may homestead a quarter section of avallable Dominion land in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta The applicant must appear in person at minion Land Agency or Sub- a for the district. Entry by proxy may be made at any agency, on certain conditions, by father, mother, son, faughter, brother or sister of intend: yw mest irl of th three years. within nine midis a fa of at least 80 and occupied by A Juther, son, ul. residence upon ed land in each of Oia may live 5 his homestead on Acres solely owned by his father, bier, brother or In certain districts a homesteader in good stand ma re-ampt a quarter eo homestead. Price, Dut §s--Must reside u ad Br pre-emption six SIX years from te of homestead entry (including the time uired to earn homestead patent) and cultivate fifty acres extra homesteader who has exhausted his homestead right and cannot obtain tion may enter for a pur- hjmestead Ih certain districts. per acre. Dutfes--Must months in each of three cultivate LAA acres and erect & house worth $300 CO ORY, Deputy of wn Minister of the N.B.--Unauthorized Fu of wil this advertisement pata for, blication not be ' WE HAVE - RELIABLE WATCHES FOR OUTING PURPOSES RANGING IN PRICE FROM $1.00 UP, WE MENTION FOR MEN OUR $5.00 NICKEL WATCH JHAT CAN BE DEPENDED Rodger & Wright Jewellers, Formerly Spangenberg's B47 KING ST., KINGSTON. Marriage : i some inventive A £4 i your | Orderlies are eaten like can-| ; { Gold in Guilight v tetris sateen i bright and delig was given on Tuesday allernoon, Mrs. William Harty, "Otterburn," farewell to Mrs, Keuneth Blair. i Hart uring a becoming gown ys, We nd white marquisetie,- very sutful bridge, by A Mrs. of received a as a (Wing room, ib Cards Brst ) in the or sisted byt-Mrs. Blair, y. frock of blue ma : table row ned ivelte, Bix The passed, were played at prize, a Japutiese Mrs. Blair, the second prize, a white parasol, by Miss Hora, the third, a pair of candle sticks by Mis. W. H. Macnee, the consolation prize, a J apunese silver phot graph frame, went to Mrs. Frederic Brownfield, The bridge players were: Mrs. R. E. Kent, Mra. W. H. Macoes, Mrs. F. Brownfiel Mis. R. C, Carter, Mrs, Jeremy Ta) lor, Mrz. P. E. Stevenson, Mrs, Frances {Hill Macnee, Mrs, J. A. Sweeney, Tor- onto; Mrs. A, P. Christmas, of Mon- treal; Mes. W. H. Craig, Mrs, Ye way Waddell, Ms, Hansard Hora, Mrs. T. D. R. Hemming, Mrs, J. Hig gins, Mrs. (. Crockall, New York; re Hugh Macpherson, Mrs. Charles low, Miss Mary Hora, Miss Eleanor Mae- jdonel, Miss Frances Sullivan, Miss Low wl Brownfield, Miss Fiteh, of Lireit ards Marion--Redden-- {hridge, tea was served, and dainty re freshments were I'he 'tea table {was centred by' a bowl of pink roses, {surrounded by green tulle, overlaid lwith Jace. Miss Grace Hemming poured tea; Miss Phylis Shortt poured cofise, Vand Miss Lassie Kirkpatrick served | the fruit punch. The ice ¥feam was cut yw Miss Charley Shortt. Those dropped in for the tea were: Mrs, Jarruthers, of New York; Mrs. E, L. | re Miss Loretta Swift, Miss Doro- thy' Cotton, of Toronto; Miss Nora (Gordon, Miss Marjorie Irownfield, Misses Margaret and Agnes Browne, Miss Dorothy Carruthers, Miss | trude Lawson and Miss Marie {ruthers, Ger- Car- I'here was a high tea at the Coun- try Club, Monday evening given in honor of some of the out-of-town visi- [tors. The table was decorated with {pine sweet peas and ferns. Covers were {laid for ten. The guests included Mrs. {A. P! Christmas, Montreal: Mrs. | Hamilton Mackerrak, Sierra Madre, Cals Mrs, Andrew Forman, Montreal: Miss {es Etta and Kathleen Kirkpatrick, Miss Florence Cunningham, Mrs. W, H, {Craig, Miss Beatrice McGill, Toronto; Miss Kate Craig, and Miss Bessie Smythe, re +l --- £ There Wass very jolly {ni fen at the Country Club, on 'Saturday. The 2 | unin wene ie Madge Baw son, Mise botia Kent, I nssie Kirkpatrick, don, Migs ( elie, § jorie Brownfeld, rane, pi Crisp and lias Vera Carsol on a Miss Fertunii, King street, ig enter- taining at tw this afternoon, in hon: or of Mrs, J, ( Farthing, of . Mope, tresl; is tii : . re t Mrs. 71. 0. 'Crisp, "Porfamonth, {entertaining very infarmally at {tea hour this afternoon. . is the - Miss Alice Machu Barrie street, will leave, on Tuesday for Montreal . to RETIRING FROM BUSINESS MESSRS. W. ALLEN.& SON, Boot and Shoe Merchants, Announce their retirement from busi- ness. The store will be open for the payment of accounts until July 15th 1911, ALLEN'S SHOE STORE, Sign of the Golden Boot, 852 BROCK STREET. THE CAMPBELL: FLOUR MILLS COMPANY, LIMITED, OFFERG OF $300,800 Seven Per Cent. Cumulative Prefer- ence Shares, with a Bonus of Twenty-five Per Cent. ' Common Stock at $100 per Preference Share. 25 per cent. on_allotment. L5 per cent, on Sept. 15th, 1911. » per gent, on Nov, 15th, 1911. 25 per cent. on January 15th. 1911, Applications for the above receiv- ed at the office of KINGSTON, ONT. ; Apply early if you wish to geta reservation. SEALED TENDERS, ADDRESSED to the undersigned, and endorsed "Tender. for additions and alterations te the Post Office, Kingston, Ontario," will be received until 400 pm, on Monday, July 31, 1911, for the work mentioned, Plans, specification and form of con- trict ean be seen and forms of tender obtained at this Department and on apphivation ts Wm. Newlands '& Sons, Architects, Kingston, Ont, Persons 'teaderipg are notified tenders will not ps considered made on the printed and sighed with their actual signa tures, stating thelr, occupations and placed of residence. In the case of firms, the actual signature, the nature of the occupation and place of resid. ence of enol member of the firm must be given, Each tender must he accompanied by an accepted cheque on a chaartered bank, made payable tq the order of the Honourable the Minister of Public Works, equal to ten per cent (10 Ppt of the amount of the tender, whieh will be forfeited If the person tender- ing decline 10 enter inte a contract when called upon to do so, 'or fail to complete the work contracted for, If the tender be not Accepted the cheque will be returned. The Department does not bind itself] to arid. lowest or any tender, hd DESROCHERS. By erd Coa Deparment of Public Wokhe. that unless forms supplied, refary tawa, July & 1811. Newspape pers will not be paid for this advertisement if they insert it with- out authority trem tbe Departmedt. Tspen igo as a | silver llewel box, was | De- | ~Adten+Shent the weekend in town. r. who | J} ? if Islands. J. O. Hutton, 18 MARKET STREE}! 4 the Quest THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, ¥ a few ¢ from there she will up the Dttawa river lo visit rea" tives. Later on MisssMacoee will ¢ to Little Metis to spend some time with Dean and Mrs. James Cappon. Mrs. J. U. Farthing, of Montres who has been visiting Mrs. Lennox Mills, Bishop's Court, is the guest of Miss Callaghan, Garden Is- and : { Mrs. Philip Gilbert came down from {Toronto this week join her father, | Brittén, at his island = home, 4 i RYN 0 BOW to {Judge ner Gauanogue. { . i 3 »- i Mrs. the Watson, J. Goodearle, from Toronto, a nf her mother, Mrs. John Luion street. Miss Nell Fitken, who has been visit Mrs. K. L. Jones, King street, for time, left, to-day, for Belleville, v Miss Hope is wing =oine to spend two weeks with i dewell, Miss Alice spending some Hague, avenue. adet Alexander Paterson came ml Saturday 'and visiling Mrs. J, B. arruthers, "Annandale Mrs. L. L. Henderson, of Mo who is spending the summer sand Island park, spent Satfrda jtown. \ 3 { The Rev. D. T. and Mrs. Macphail, Cayuga, who are shmmedidd down neat Gananoque, will spend a days in town at the latter part of the | week, | Miss Nora Gordon, tleave on Friday spend time {with Mrs. I'. D. Crerar, at Muskoka, | | 2 Grew | i : | } 1 | i Toronto, is Mrs, Hague, from time with University George ( fre iMontreal on is ( of few } King street, will | 10 Some { Judge B. M. BPritton, of Toronto, Efnest. Dawson, frock street, {will gail on the 19th of July to is regiment in Chatham, England. Mrs, Kennéth Blair left, to-day, spend a few days in! Deseronto. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sackett, Cape Vincent, spent a few days {beginning of the week with Mrs. { Cordova, Emily street, Mrs. C. V. Schuyler, of New came up from he Gananoque, and town, Mr, and Mrs. come from Ely, to spend sonm Archibald Strachan, Mr, A. P. Chostmas, who is on trip to the Magdalen Islands, come to Kingston at the end of week to few days with and Mrs. Craig, William . i join | : | to | of York, summer home near spent Saturday an Bruce Strachan will Minnesota, next week, time with Mr. and Mrs. King street. " wiil Mr. street, spend Ww, H. " Gill, N.X a H. of Brooklyn, ard children are here to spend holiday with Mr. and Mrs. W, Wormwith, Earl street. Miss Elise Brice, of Chiswick, don; Eng., is visiting Mrs; W. Sawyer, IX} University avenue, Mr. Hugh Bryan, principal of Ren- frew Collegiate, br. Frank Hastings, Barton, Vermont, and Mr. Harcourt Malone, Montreal, were gests for the week-end of Mr. Robert W. Asselstine. at the howe of his parents, Mr. and | Nes Benjamin Asselstine,' corper Divi sion and Gatrett streets, Mr, Robert 'W. : Asselstine] prigeipal of, the high school at Hailéybary) left oh Sunday for Toronto. Dr. and Mrs. McKelvey Bell are leaving shortly for Bay View, Thou sand Islands, where they have taken a cottage for some weeks. - - . Mrs. Grace Lon- A. -» Mrs. George Bowen and Mrs. Jobn Seurs have arrived dts Mrs. Harte's smpmer home, Among the Thousand R.C, for on ' Captain C. F. Constantine, H.A., who has been in Fuogland the past returned home Tuesday. ing J Nr. visiting his year, George Tandy, who has been parents, Mr. and Mrs, Harry Tandy, Wolle Island, will leave, on Friday, to spend a few days in Montreal before returning to his home n Schnectady, N.Y. Misses Emma and Elsie Pense Miss Nora Gordon, who spent days in Rochester, returned Tuesddy. and a few home on Ex-Cadet-|C. A. Robinson, visiting at Mrs. (!. Britton's Gananoque, spent Saturday ton. Mrs. A. {formerly spent the her daughter sand Islands, who is camp, at in Kings- of Kansas City of Kingston), week-end in town. She and have left for the Thou- to spend .the next two months. Mr. Sills will also visit his old home shortly, and accompany them on their return trip. Mr. ry Walkem came down from Bellevil , on Saturday, and spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Walkem. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Shibley son, from Montreal, are visiting W. B. Carey, Alhert street. + vv ww a J Guess and Mrs. H. W. Spel on Tuesday, to spend a week po, M. Sills, Miss Minnes, and Mrs. 3 Mrs. I. ing left, i SyT Nixes. B. Kramer, who has been re. D. J. Dick, Nelson street, left Top Toronto, on Monday. Miss" Rutl Hendergon came up from Thousand ( Island Park, on Tuesday, and spent the day in town. Mrs. Lorenz, who has been the guest of Mrs. W. L. Goodwin for some time, in spending a week with Mrs. William Workman, at her summer cottage, Col- ling Bay. s Mr. William . Ireland, of Chatham, who has been visiting his brother, Mr. Frank Ireland, Alice street, left, on Friday, for Cape Breton, to spend some time with his son, Mr. and Mrs. Moore, who have been the guests or Mrs. Moore, Alfred street, left, on Tuesday, for Ham) ton, -where they will spend some tinge before going to their home in Lauder, Manitoba. Miss. Ruth Martin, Clergy street, iz the guest of Mrs. 1. .I.. Henderson, at her summer cottage, at Thousand JTs- land Park. Miss Chown, of Saskatoon, Rask , is staying a few: davs with her aunt, Mrs. John McKay, Sr., corner of Sy. devham snd William streets. Miss Sybil Stewart will arrive on Thursday from Ottawa. and will spend the summer with Mrs. Lasher, at "Hedge Lawn." | WEDNESDAY, SCHILDREN'S 10 Steamer (eque, the | announcing | left WEDNESDAY, Hmusements. i To-Night & Every Night 3. 30) Big Free Sho Ww. VAUDEVILLE:-PICTURES. -SONGS AY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURD 1), CORONATION PICTURES, America BULLETIN THURSDAY, JULY Tour of 1,000 Ixinnds. Fare, Sc, Hs am, G FRIDAY, JULY nud Broekyille are, Dic return, JULY Islands, IS, ==230 pm Fare, 30e¢. SATERDAY, [Tour of 1,000 Meals On All Trips Str. QUINTE QUEEN . ' -- Berta rong: Capacity, 348. -N#- vibra: Speed A row boat " : list, i? mi SWIFT'S TUESDAY LEAVES AM. EVERY WHARF FOR LAKE {ON THE MOUNTAIN AND PICTON, ONLY S56e. riered Wednes- idays at RETURN FARE be ch and Steamer may days, Thursdays reasonable rates SWIET & CO, ur 1D. 8, COLLIER, 44 Union Street, Notice h in T Managers have pleasure the public that Steamer Wolfe firsg-cla condition work, and will be pleased | arrangements with to "charter. Her capacity iz passengers. e to now have the Is- lander in excyrsion to dake desiring now. 345 In the seclusion of your own home let me select, fit and show you how to wear a Spirella Corset ft adds beauty to your figure, subdues irregulari- ties; a basis for correct, tasty, ively retains its shape; of frequent laundering. - Corset is is hygienic, ; com . modish, To know su- preme comfort and tasty, correct dress. Wear one. Phone or send poet card Margaret Dusuett, Corsettieve, 105 Wellington St. 'Phoue 87%, Ladies' admits "The JULY 12 i 15 == 2.30 pm. 7.30 | very they | for i parties | 1911. F | PAGE THREE. eecee tessse POPPIN ' The People's Forum Line Jeopies Jronm CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES A Bit fusertion 1¢ a word, Each utile iusertion thereafter - f cesitiol word, Minimum charge r ong, lusertion 25¢; three tuaertdaga, 3c; six, $1; one month, $2. - HELP--WANTED, ' APPLY, A Street iw TRY¥T.LY ASS BARMER ¥, 1 3 oh STRONG BOY, a « RY ING PAR. n Bros, Princess ARN SHOE 81 os to Bex 711 N ROYAL OE ¥. 134 Prin OOD GEN - SERY XT RE. i i 113 Appl WANTED, A HOU vo oR GENTLEMEN WANTED--GENERAL. FOR SALE SE, YEARS ol Dn, ars, ay AMRSHIRE y NIT MODERN Cow, AND « . Map : % a 8 WW. R rk Street @ ROOMS: THREE ONE. SECOND-HAND THIRTEEN 3 dise D In good condition Ap- J + Hay, arence Street, Hot SE T o Pir o NEXT TO CR BOf } MALT Aji- BOAT oF w A nN r "AAD '? HOUSE, 258 cellar: all with bara Apply on premises, Td LS scription leather only suffice ring ¥ Beott's, 206 Barrie Clergy West, SEVEN-ROOM FRAME Mivision Street; good madern improvements, and big lot Street, cor. TO BRING THEIR Clota and have it made up into up- to-date suits. Price and workman nip gugrantead ro please Pressing and repiring dome on the sRortes: # notice. Thomas Galloway, ist Brock Bt, next Bibby's Livery. GASOLINE For Ignit House APPLY KINGSTON r ' ham and ess Stréets iL ABORERS wages bo: Syndi ed QUARRY MEN; $1! 30 per day o Explorati (HI Ont FOR DETECTIVE ltl , per Hed, 'Colonna w ORK, THIS ANY PERSON HAVING GOOD SE. cand-hand Rurniture sad Stover efore disposing drop me a card. |" I will pay gored Jiices I have for sale Brass gnd Iron Beds and all Kinds of Furniture in Oak. Happy Thought Ranges. Wiil sell reas able J. Thompson, 333 Frip Street. S.C WHITE LEGHORN HENS, Glie Year i bed I rer aRgen sb +? ---------------------- -------------------------------- 1Yot NG LADY STE NOGR SP FoR 3 to 4 weeks HN madufacturt instittition required, App to Box GOOD, or EARY iar Grotery POSITION \ A FOR Yirs Fete Ne Bireet seneEw AT THI an AAD son SJRING OWE her Qugen Jou W ANT A GOOD STORE OR Av ¥ { rt . Que HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. class ? sto Te Whig office } | Apply Refers Box IMMEDIATELY, eh SL RSE i TAKE h higt GENT PERSON MAY dar Tr monthly corresponding for newspapers. No_ canvassing Send for particulars, Press Bynd:- cate, 3.969 Lockport, NY. ™o AT ON¢ GOOD BOI ers, r er 3 Sispbul wood « i A wan FOR WORK y oking; hme Wm evening LIGHT ig of e« pr 240 Ki & Ww ANTE D, ve DIATELY, GENERAL > ¥ dent of field @ WGr {J WANTED, A FARMER, EXPERIEBNC- | ed in ralsing vegetables and ponitry To tke thirge all tHel year round of a farm om a Jarge" island in the St. Lawrence River no chlidren Apply, by Teter. to Farmer: Gibson, éare of the British Whig, Kington; Untacie. : | i } } CLERKS T0 SELL ARTIC LES MUCH needed In every Home, Sdpecially br na silo sive 8a. BY Der manent position ing for. s Li ar "hebiud, n tor Bohs o day Va car double your Fe het be your own boss. Apply, Bex TE. B, C.)! Whig Office. he TEACHERS WANTED qt Al, IFIED TH Lough RL to 8 Ro S88 Nao A stating Veront 5, nt ACHER Fi oro AY I. Deyo r Read advertisements n Home \ Bd the pieeia Designer, New Ides and Vogue. Miss Eula this city; weeks at Ringstan, N.Y., and Keator, Bryek street; spending a couple of Thousand Island paik. Mrs. E. J, Adams returned on Tues day to Ottawa after spending three weeks with Mrs. James Craig, Ear street. Mr. and Mrs: W. T. Minnes ant fam ily, "Hillcroft," expect to leave the end of the week for their summer cottage at the point. Dr. Gutman, of Queen's university, spent a few days in town tha week Miss Mildred Jones, King street, left to-day to spend the summer at '"'Rock- ford," Brockville. Mr. and Mrs. Georgelilahood and wo little girls leis. om Sunday to pend two weeks at Stella, Amberst Island, Mrs. J. Sweeney came ftom Toron- to on Monday and is ny gome s'me with - Mrs. Hallaway ' Frontenac street. - - are the - » Mr. and Mrs. from George street to of house Barrie street, lately ofecupied and Mrs. H. E. Burstall, Miss Doris Smith, Alfred street, the guest of her aunt, Mrs. GO. Marshall, in Syracuse, N.Y. Miss Edith Ferguson, Union - street, on Tuesday to spend some tune with Mrs. J. Richmond at her summer home near-Gananoque: { Mr. and Mrs. John Fairlie, from Montreal, who have been visiting Mrs Fullérton, Gananoque, are now the guests of Rev. John and Mrs. Fairlie, Brock street. . 0 on by Col i » - Mr. Hargld Marshall, vi the Cana- dian Bank of Commerce, is spending his holidays in Montreal. Miss Marjorie Low, of Ottawa, visiting 'Capt. and Mrs. Bogawt, Petewawa. Mrs. Frank Botterel, who has visiting Mite Alice Macnee, &ill return | to her home in Montreal on Tuesday Miss C. Bajus bas returned New York and is visiting her mother, Mrs. G. Bajus, Rideau street. Mr. A. Duff, of Toronto, was visitor in town for the 'week-end, Mrs. Charles Parker, Kamigops, B C., spending a few days, this week, with Miss May Bolger, Brock 'street. "al Notice, the steamer Wolle Islander, Ath, on hee regular Thorsd ay trip, leaving "foot of 'Clarenes wet at 3 o'clock, returning at 7 o'¢le Take July Mrs. Robson Black, Toronto, has .been_ visiting her parents, Mr. Mrs. George Mills, University aver returned aome, Jestuetay af Messrs. Walter Moonee," Bowen Van Straubende and Colin Carruthers turned, on Saturday, down the river. : Miss Evelyn from a cruise 5. , Sthwasaun, ol: many Te [street fortieth wedding anniversary, and ave receiving the congratulations of their friends, One of the most. plensant trips that ~~ " Wedding Anniversary. and Mrs Willian Keefov, Brock are, today, celebrating their Mr. Koel Kent have moved | ed Gli No HER been | from | a SS nest mence Sapt Fst ug salary, to WwW, brook, Ontario, Ne, 7, TOW N+ ns duties to com 1811 Apmly, «wat I. Grass, West TEAC HER FOR ship Ki PROTESTANT TEACHER FOR 2 I he Appl ts Phompsor Falls, Ont, A at AL PIED TEACHER ¥ "ownsh Ir ) of Older A ey MAFIED TE Al HER Ariowé n commadation; salary, futiner particulars White, Becretary-Tre Te TH ACH app FOR Latimer class certificate; cate preferred Ap Arthur, Sec.-Treas SCHOOL must have Norma ' ply 1 Ri Latimer SECTION ond fi TEACHER No. 1, FOR $100 LR J Rep: {A QUALIFIED ~N I "Ab i TEACHER : salary FoR ALIFIE B TE AL HER 'rotestar Tien Harry Sharbot Lake jo AL HER FOR SS, Ne. a KAL ADAR: } commend r mmer salary 3300 per snnum tating qualifications Allport, Sec. Treas, Kal \ days Apply, Frearv 7 dar, Ont | ! i | } a { [| TEACHER FoR 0 HOOL N 1 ewnship of Ie + State smlary and "1 commence SEC TION Hoher i i Mountain { BEF¥SYAKE El" FHERNISHED == orrAGES tor 43 fo JAUK'S EXCHANGE Meals at all hours on shortest notice Speckal rates by the week Upen day and night + 23 Brock Street, WINCHESTER +l dge 1} i» RE » ¥ iG ne of it ammi inition, sar y Band, Tetre-dv. Punt. in estaurant, : SHO Xe "larke, BRUNSWICK HOTEL, ONTARIO ST, oposite GIT.R. station, one block from P.R on street car ne; bar auoiing with best of wines and lguors, charges moderate; special rates by the week John Cousineau, Prop. idol? 5. x Vick ON FRONTENAC STET or wi ' 000 oa ver Fen } B I. rence ' 6 HOTEL. 342-344 Bar stocked with Ales, Beers, Wines, choicest Brands of » each, ur special Yard and Rates & Driscoll MASON rT wes Btreat. OLD-ESTANL best of Meas in 1 Liguors, and Cigars. Meals, rates by stable accommo a: ation reasonable. Maulville AN irence Sireet TENTS AND AWNINGS. - LEAVE your order for awnings and tents at F. X. Bazeau's, the old reliable who knows his business; wil cater to your wants and do right and no high prices Ontario Street, Kingston AWNIN K outf supplies, raincoats, kit bags, TO LET 1t 163 DWELL i STORES, OFFICES, R 61 Brock McCann, CANOES, fishing tackle, lunch baskets, everviking In silk tents, spray bout supplien, 25% Ontarivc BL FLAGS, campin marine English CANnVas, hoods, nmiotyr Frank--W Cooks; 'Phone 891 cor 23 TENTS, v SUMMER CoTT AGEs AND VU HNISH- ed Dwellings J.B, RR. McCann, b1 Brock Bireet "ar view Fark P.O, kk FOR SALE OR TO LWT. STORAGE FoR FURNITY RE, CLEAN, dry, airy rooms, absolutely moth proof; your own 'lock and key Frost's City Jarigs, 299% Queen St 'Phone b26h, BRICK 3 Hao HU JEL LINGTON " Ta¥ge ond care of Queen ven hdd to 1 when, to suit Cohen, or 136 Rou MAY lat, BRICK HOUSE, Neo. 151 Divisioh Street! extension kitchen; hot: water heafing; gas fa ply, to Frederick | Weielr, No 9 DIyf¥ign Street yas TTT wo rug EXTENSIVE RUNSINESS PHE- ov Mises for, yaks ease occupled by Hourk 8 pit) dey fing Wholesale Lrug Tn Prin. ens § Eifel, with frontage, on ath erwive bu ldings and including ex- Bingham & Mudie 165 PRINCESS STREWP, Bijou Theatre, teady tion in a few da tendment uf {Hees Clas. MH, Powell, st ep FINE, NEW FURNISHE ih at * i ew: Park KNOWN for AS GOQUPA Apply to Cuns Gon aglan COTT \G i» daw. ity, and K-roomed Ly, or St 103 BOARD AND ROOMS. TT b ROOMS, WITH be had at BRIGHT, oR without 30 { pas ' TD veniences FURNITURE FINISHER. ARCHITECTS. ANTIQUE FURNITURE A SPECIAL TY, ebonizing and gilding, enamellin and all colors of misston werk; a! work given best attention Pat Driscoll, 23 John Street. "Phone HENRY PP, SMITH, ARCHITE( Pr, WTO, 25% King Street 'Phone 345 ARTHUR ELLIS,, ARCHITECT, 188 Vpiyersity Avenue, Telophiue NEWLANDS & SON, ore ARC Hi. ce, 208 Bagot Btreet; PERSONALS, HAIR, MOLES, warts, etc, removed permanently without stay ao onty fue ax rienge Dr. Eimer ake, Kye , Throat and Ekin Blem- ww 'Specialist. 268 Bagot Street. WHN.. tects, etc. 'Phony 608. BIRTHMARKS, eT MER. corner POWER & SON, ARCHIT hants' Bank Rulld rock and Wellington ' FINANCE AND INSURA NP FOR INSURANCE THAT IN INSU RES GO GO to W. H. Godwin & Son's Insiirance Emporium, over Bank, Brock Street, OSTEOPATHY. "HEALTH WITHOUT DRUGS -R. 6 Ashcroft, DO, Edna E. Ashcroft ., Graduates under Dr. Stil} the Founder of Osteopathy, 438 Princess Street, corner Division 'Phone 447. No charge for con- pultation and literature. Office hours. '10 to 12. 210 6. € to 8. DENTAL. SPARKS AND SPARKS, DENTISTS, 230 1-3 Princess Btreet, Kingston. 'Phone 346. Northern Crown or peline 4 GENERAL INSURANCE-FIRE, Liv, Accident and Health Policies issu ed; first-class companies; standard rales on, Agent, 164 Wellington Street. cr Tous ROK "n Fire ident ir AS COM larence A. BATEMAN, and insurance In demnit panies, treet, he § Kingston, Omit 8. H. SIMPSON, LDS, ] DS, DENT- i= 258 Princess Bt el. Telephone | puoNTENAC LOAN AND INVESTS ment Boclety, established 1863; president, Sir Richard Cartwright; money issued on city and farm roperties, municipal and count ebentures; mortgages purchased; deposits received and interest al- lowed B.C MeGHIL Managing Director, ¥7 Clarence Btreet DR. ©. CO; NASH, DENTIST Welciker, assistant, 153 'Phone 735. DR, OC. B 'rincess Bt DR. A. E. KNAPP, DENTIST, 18 MONT- res! Biree', near Princess Street "Phone $52 LIVERPOOL, LONDON, AND aLonm Fire Insurance Company. Avaliable assets, $61,187 215 In addition to. which the policyholders have for security the unimited lability of gil the stockholders. Farm snd 3.8, LDS, DENT. Express Office Street, 'Phone S. A. AYKROYD, 1 t, over Domi nm erator ¥ er h Pr a entant and Ompagh st HooL a vitda see TION 8 com ale ar stags nee, App exjrerie Ont ale saiary Fads TEACHER in Neo. 3, Palmers : ommence afier summer Apply James Me Seq. Tras, Lavant Sia A FOR Kinnor, tion, Ont OCEAN STEAMSHIP AGENUY. FRANBA TLANTIC LINES, e- C RL Agonis 43 rat Kingston. BUSINESS CHANCES, ANYONE, ANYWHERE, CAN START a mall order business at home, Neo : booklet. Tells how ree bookie 969 Lockport. NY." sarnck eity property insured at lowed possible rates. Before rencwing old or giving new business get rates from a & Btrange, Agveuis "Phone 126 4. WF. SPARKS, B.A, PHYSICIAN and Burgeon, oo Wellington st. Office hours, 10 to 2 am. to 4 and 7 te § pom. 'Phone wd} LEGAL. REMOVAL, AD LOCKSMITH, HAN Bydenham Bireet, Princess Street Gun emithing J. GARRUTT, moved to 149 two goors from facing the Orpheurn a speciality NINGHAM & MUD BARRIST- ers and Bolicitors. i. Office, 79 Clarence Bi. Kingston Badly Screened Coal Means paying for something yo donot get. Our process is up-to-date, insuring clean coal. d. SWIFT & CO.