sure of seeing the very newest designs and the very best values by asking the salesman to show you the IDEAL Line. Most good stores sell them. Our trad k identifies then. hed ou'll see beds that cribs Loa with ty qua ich insures lifelong service and satisfaction, py ifelong service and spusfaction, name of dealer nearest you. Write for Free Book Neo. 120 «* IDEAL BEDDING Cfu D MONTREAL -- TORONTO -- WINNIPEQ 28 srssresasessasaBransitesisssecesscscd Fresh Fruit Arriving Daily Raspberries, Cherries, Peaches and Plums. TTVTVTTLT LTO ROVONN R. H. TOYE, 302 King St, me: srsssssssessesfrrsssscsssssasasaasseesl Ee cries # pr) {Special Sale Of Oxfords © FOR MEN Regular $5.00 Men's Oxfords in Pat. Colt Skin, Velour Calf and Tan Calf, NOW 88.75. Velour Calf Regular $4.00 Men's Oxfords In Pat, Cult Skin, and Tan Call. NOW $3.25. REID & CHARLES le ~Xngeles, where (he ety Tas . |peak load, of electrical -- WENT TO PETAWAWA MEMBERS OF H.OHA FRIDAY MORNING. LEFTY 'Given Royal Send-off by Band amd Their Many Friends at the Sta- tion--One Hundred and Thirty. two Men in the Paty. Ww bl them mem bers Ringston shortly morning, Petay ¥ Lang wishing camp, the sas nd playing Au and ge crowd journey, and a fin of RCH AC eft anid Pembroke railwm after via' a iwa a safe the ) o'clock oi Lion, nine 0 clock, 0 Friday bound far I'he band go until about Int, be to + their concerts in donald Par There were Major J. 8. N It wasn expected boys" about As usual, them they as the one happy "Teddy," the battery, the horses, much attending sev | eral years, and it, | He would rather stayin bifbra | special train, to the camp thus Mae- not ust and will here horiges. rand. solder 132 men and 116 A Lesslie 1s TW con that the arrive at k the soldiers Pet afternoon. took with and, like would TWAS three ot on in the P tran" famil the bear, and cats, looked dogs fd out, it of with did He mascot camp, Fhursday, but he about the jaw the camp for tited of tue went to the { on nol care has been is about Municipal Ownership. Thomas Times The greatest un unicipal enterprise the world is nearing completion Qf i in | in | Mountain wa fin detaken to bring pure ter n distance of 250 ficient quantity to supply a 2,000,000 inhabitants. It is the gravity system throughout, no pumping plants being required. ! It will de 255,000,000 gallons | do every nty-f lervoirs located nearly {the city. i [t consists of ninety-slght miles cov- eed concrete conduit, fokty miles un covered, twemty-one mile of canal, twelve miles of inverjted syphons forty-three miles of tumeld, ten and jthirteen feet in diameter; four reser- Ivoirs along the line holding three ty nonths' sipply. Bonds issued for $23,-| 100,000. Total cost will be safely un Tor Chief Engineer Mulholland's esti | | mates. " | In ibe suf of i miles city ir hours into res 100 fest above open will h.p. the water producing wddition, utilized in power 1,200 fergy, the of the the aque- sale of which will take care bonds and interest of both duct and the electrical plant. { Mark Twain's Works. If you are interested in obtaining a complete set of all his books at one half the former price on the easy pay- ment plan it will cost nothing to get! inll particulars and a new thirty-two page book. 'Little Stories About! Mark Twain." [Address Box 409,! "British Whig office." Sea Bibby's 82.50 outing trousers. Miss Chandler, Athens, has accepted a position on the staff of the Iroquois high See Bibby's $2.50 outing trousers. the committee schol The veto bill passed stage of the fords. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bough Bears the 3 Signature of 'TRAE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, JULY { repedted nightly lwith which the Xp tEiven eomtrot-of the | stealing 1 | Mont smallpox, but 14, 1011, : i AT LAKE ONTARIO PARK. i A Fine Vaudeville Performance Belg Given. The hand attraction in the citi not deter a crowd {oom present at' Lake Ontario park, evening.' The pavilion was well I'he programme was eutirely new of the hest vel presented Harris twine gave an elaborate sentation of their work and warmly applauded. Miss Mille © sang with great sweetness "To The End Of The World With You," and in the duet' gave "MH 1 Shbmid Plant Tiny In response to a recall she old favorite "Annie in & manner to win her many is¢ Hoesevear's two songs An id Sweet Sony of "Shive Un The Moon," greatly appreciated. Pathe's "Coradiatgon Of Ning George V," wer first-class! representations of the pro- to the abbey and the Buckingham palace. The scenes an Lhe route were shown vivid | did | being | o large one were aij Seed sang; the ( esston return B to different the king in the roval coach, the colonial troops, foreign visitors and Duke of Connaught were recogn- {| nized. They are beautiful and = well worth going owt to see. The ther views were "To the End OF The World" und "Niece to the ' Chorus Lady." The same-programme will be for. this week Ihe announcement of Sunday ears was re with an outburst 'of applause, the ceived Why at Kingston? Stratford Herald The Galt Reporter expresses: a Harald concurs the following: "It's a® pity that . the Hon. Wijliam J. Hanna not enter year ot 'Home' boy, who was emt te King- ston penitentiary « for five years by Stratford's Police Magistrate = for i bicyeles. The Guelph is the place for Kingston penitentiary, | where the hardened fdlows are to be | found." It does seem as if our polic e | magistrate, doubtless with good in tentions, made a mistake in sending | that boy to Kingsten. He should : | to the place where refopmator: is best developed---to the Central pris on farm near Guelph, if it is possible to send him there, We express the hop that there is Aet fime for a change the boy's destination. | | Yiew in was mr prison farin vouth--not tins work in | Tribute to Sir Wilfred. real Star There are occasions upon which poime minister is more than a leader; 'and this is one of them. He | becomes the official representative ' of all. Canada. We forget party and pub lic questions in acelaiming the First Canadian, Personally, Sir Wilfrid Laurier is an ideal persomage for this position. That he comes from the hos om of the minority race makes it alll the mote fitting 'that he should so splendidly fill ue the measure of pride. In truth, the touch of the win: ed poet in his elequence is the gift of his race; and the picturesque quality which ig never absent from his public appearance, is another heritage that | Latin. birth gives to its favored soms. | rm -------- in Killing Hs Thousands. Montreal! Herald One of the features of the King's visit to Dublin was the opening of a dispensary for the fighting of tubercu- They are taking up this battle very seriously in the British Isles. Our parliament is about to meet; and there ix no problem to which it could more profitably devote its, attention We terribly "'panicky" about the on silently Talling its thousands the party our losis. are See Bibby's 88.50 outing suits. The alarm a girl feels when generally a still gdarm. = kissed I See Bibby's 813 blue suite, fe is! A Lot of News i {ficial fellowship, 'Prouse's Drug Store." gn Princess "street, the poorest representative of the fam- uv. Sunday, tation campment of the Grapd Republic 23rd. white plague goes. yw. diecday 5 ma THE WHIG'S JUMBLE. body. bibl 's sale of summer suits. False modesty rite maker. Une way to make mone to 15 Wt a way a hypo . mai} Bibby's sale of summer Creed is often times a bar suits. to bege- IMmon sells t ought to be Bibby's sale of summer Gibford. | Safety Razor Is not as common as sulle Strops, It's hard work for some people sufficient rest, Farge baskets red silberts. Often times the clerk tyle for the store. to cherries, $1.35, at furnishes the Bibby's sale of summer suits, Sometimes in 'dels ather than danger. See our patent <olt boot with non- erspiro sole, for men. Duiton's, 208 there 8 success It's a pity that the non-producer is 10t a non-consumer, Bibby's sale of summer suits. We all find "it easier to rouble than money. * For pure ire cream in bricks or bulk, ©y Sakell's, next to Opera Phone, 640. Evervhody offers explanations, ew people believe them. : A: business failure always knows ow other people can make .money. Bibby's sale of summer suite, borrow House. but 1t is a very good plan te--be-seonom---- cal in the matter of advice giving. 9 For sprains, strains and swelling rub Dr. Hartz White Liniment, 25c. 'Pronsé's Drug Store" . Perhaps it is well that the insigna of nourning is becoming to the wearer. Bibby's sale of summer suits The man of the housa i* sometimes Baseball game, Victorias ve tivie holiday, 3st, Francis LV OLC v Lake park, thntario July Mrs COV Melntash, ed, ut wged eighty 8 i , 1 vears di Smith's Falls, on Phere are about now in eo twenty new resi Smith" Ar Lavigne, for ling month in irse of erection 1 s Falls it case, Ww tried ute A std 18 given a jai "hd ie Sale of 81 motor vegls, Sle. finish gloves, 25 New York Dress Reform, 209 Princess street all eol- we; Ble. chamois President Taft has accepted an invi to address the national en Army of the N.Y. August 2 at Rochester, Midsummer sale cany Must clear all white as boots and shoex, men's. wo men's and children's, Dutton's, A. Mayhew, C.P.R., was Smith's several amazing reduc tions XN Princess street N brakeman arrested, Falls, charged with articles from a ear run ning between Smith's Falls and Mont real. He was released on £3,000 bail. the Wednesday on on at steal ing GIVEN FIVE YEARS. Seventeen-Year-Old Lad Stole Bicycles, Four A seventeen-vear-old home boy who was found guilty Stratford, of have ing stolen four bicveles, was sentenced in the He to the on al to five vears penitentiary was brought penitentiary Desoronto. | The case has caused a great deal of Liscussion in Western Ontario, and has been upon, by of the newspapers, it being held that the] for the hoy ix the re commented several roper place matory without ty of Interest to Every- | ' o ne pA A of all competing brands -- beyond . even striking distance of the best--are | Black Cat 10 "re 10% 'This wonderfully even, mellow cigarette is smashing all smoke records for purity, flavor and fragrance. : Only the choicest, sun-cured tobacco from the richest southlands enters into the making, "and the blending and rolling are done by only the most highly-skilled workmen. . Today's the day for you to learn to what _ perfection a Virginia cigareite can really attain. = o * Say "Black Cats" to your dealer--foday. At Any Good Tobacconists | Montreal, Canada ; Beyond the Reach CARRERAS & MARCIANUS CIGARETTES, Limited, --------------E 3 costs the dddler more t Is Worth The Difierence "Ww than ordinary sugar, but it Jasons ugar is worth this' difference. . St. Lawrence "Crystal Diamonds" are absolutely the perfection of sugar refining-- brilliantly clear and sparkling--and an ornament to every table. Ask for "St. Lawrence Crystal Diamonds" -- in § pound boxes -- also sold by the pound. The St. Lawrence Sugar Refining Co. Limited MONTREAL. 30 CHANGE MARRIAGE FORM, for a he pretty girl to vain being than to be pre without beg vain, | Wear revolving rubber heels, put or {eee = of charge, be, Me. | Sole agents, Dutton's, 1% ened It | LERGY Objections Were Raised to Certain Phrases in Ceremony. ! uly '3o-1t has long 3 Pair 200 Prince been § St i ono bg - thie form of marriage Ch weh of England nt-day decorum gested ww of 1} sitable 1 ™ Tene m MONARCH KNIT OU state your class and style very definitely by weariag "Monarch Knit" ultra in everything excepting price. . The woollen wear t | CANDY GENIE hat stays in shape. buyers see that it's selected before being shipped. On reaching our warehouses it's inspected; selected again, then combed, dis- infected and preshrunk before entering our action has been House of Convor held in Weostminste that on to read ' meet mg the se Ab vertex] {mung hisld teres) *It 1a tb vy erent) be 1 Lightly, or , disgrestly, he fear to kent In wanton. ndvised- df God." much cons a hand wecdly, , but re There priser ubout in the twentieth tu Rhodes Bristow in alteration. deal too rv," Saud IpOSn youd supporting the pro- For sweaters ard shapely coats -- coats with style, fit and shape woven permanently into the fabric ~ you cannot buy better than 'Monarch Knit." Your merchant is a friend of yours. Ask him to tell you exactly what he knows about "Mon- arch Knit" goods, » More than likely he'll say: "My margin of profit isn't large on 'Monarch Knit,' but I prefer to handle this line of goods because they'll satisfy you in every respect." Here are the underlying reasons--Every ounce of' wool, knit into our garments, is imported from Aus- tralia--That's where the best wool comes from. Our a] rrr x 4 EVAL Ley lit weaving rooms, There it is knit into the style, fit and shape that stays--in the brightest and most sanitary mills on this continent. - Can you wonder that * Mon- arch Knit" is supreme on the tennis court and the favorite woollen wear of motorists on land and water? Ask your dealer about " Monarch Knit." He knows. The Mooareh Knitting Co. Led. Dunnville, Unt Factories aise at St. Thomas, Ont: St. Catharines, Ont, end Buffalo, N.Y. "Wing, Ws atl I d J a AA Fa § 23a was a bad thing, century, fr which exhortation came, After agreed to wns a keen debate on the | praposal to modify that part of the | marr ape exhortation which describes j the 7 for which marriage | was A. committes recom the begin rdained for the increase of mankind or sw the procreation of children." The Archdeacon of Jirmingham { maid did not think the inclusion of the rd "procreation" was at all affective. To a large number of per: sons af as widely offensive, and, as ta priest uttered it with hesitation and er i, a great deal of the + feet of the teaching which ex {hort afion was meant to convey, amd johich he regarded as extremely valo i lost committee a sgreed to sm was 2 discussion, the alteration wa There first cause ordained {mended that clause should | It wax instead' of was -ordamed Tne » talurred on the jablé, was } The iw recommendation | Successful Pupils. | Toronto Condery ators pils of {F FRICwS Hazel lors of Music, pu Miss Bhaw, who passed: Miss J shnson, jJumor Rano; Mise Browne, primary harmony, hon iss. M. Mucavley, junior counter Cape Vincent Sunday Connections. 730 am. and 2 pm., g leaves Cape Vincent 11 Die, return. America {tury re. i a.m, and 6.45 pm. - Eh When a fellow is afraih be can't a certain girl, be ¥nighs snd find out it ve without MArTY her id Choire fresh butter jn 5 Ib. at Gilbert's, how eary Ih, erocke Your looking gluse will toll you hat nove of your friends will Bee Bibby's $2.0 outing trousers, ? 3 KA, }