Daily British Whig (1850), 14 Jul 1911, p. 7

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: +600 tons, sailin A nm-- HOTEL DIRECTORY. DESERONTO. @0 TO THE STEWART HOUSE, LEAD. ing Commercial Hotel. Rates, $1.50 per day. THOS. STEWART, Prop. RAILWAY SYSTEM TRAVELLING. VICTORIA. PORTLAND. SAN DIEGO. $101.10 Good to return until October 31st. TUESDAY, JULY 11TH, And every second Tuesday thereafter until BEpt Edmonton, via Chicago, St. Paul and Winnipeg For berth reservations . Pacific Coast and Retum SAN FRANCISCO. 19th. Good to return with. in 60 day and further Information, Apoiy to NANCOUVER, $95 80 -. LOS ANGELES. TH WESTERN CANADA, On "tourist sleepers, Toronto to Cor. Ontario and Johnson Sts. TREES CUTAN MBROK RAILWAY IN CONNECTION WITH CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. er Homeseekers' "Excursions Saskatchewan berta, June 27th. July 11th, 25th. August 8th, 22nd. Sept. 6th, 19th. Tickets good for 60 days. Manitoba, Full particulars at K. & P. and| C.P.R. Ticket Office, Ontario Street. F. CONWAY, Gen. Pass. Agent. rt BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY. Train leaves Union Station, Ontario Street, m. dally (Sunday excepted) for rd Sydenham, Napanee, Deser- onto, Bannockburn and. all peints north. To secure quick despateh tc Bannockburn, Maynooth, and [Lima on Central Ontario Route your # ipments via Bay of Quinte Railway. "bi fur- ther articulnrs, WG . Ward Fri. Agent; eich, hy Agent. ALLAN LINE Royal Mail Steamers ------------------ LAWRENCE PICTURESQUE ST. ROUTE. MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL. July h Victorian, Fri, June 23; J Fr 'July 28 Corsican, Fri, "June 30; 5 rginian, rs July 7; ri AUER. Tunis ww July 14; Fri, 'Aug. ol TO GLASGOW. Hesperian, Sat. June 24; Sat, July 22. Ionian, Sat uly 1; Sat, 29 Gramplan, Bar' July 8; Scotian, Sat, July 15; Bat., "Aug. MONTREL,& TO HAVRE LONDON. Fil. 1 5, 12. This service is composed of one] class, second cabin steamers, sailing from Montreal every Saturday. Rates moderate. Full phformation on application to J. P, HANLEY, C. 8. 'KIRKPATRICK. G.T.Ry. Agents, Kingston, THE ALLAN LINE, ¥1 Yonge Street, Toromto. Quebsc Steamship Company LIMITED. River and Gulf of St. Lawrence Summer Cruises in Cool Latitudes, 8.8 "Cascapedia" 1900 tons, re. cunts fitted out an the Clyde. speci ally for this service, with all moderns comforts BAILS MONTREAL THURSDAY pm, July, 2rd, 17th and ast August, and 28th Se ptember, and from noon for Pictou, Mal Bay, FROM 14th uebec the following day at NS, calling at _ Gaspe, Perce, Grand River, Summerside, P.E1Ll, and Charlottetown, P.FI, New York From Quebec Via the far-famed River Sagwenay, calling at Gaspe, Charlottetown oy Halifax, 88 rinidad, 2,600 salls from Quebec at § pom), 28th J @th and 26th August, and Sth Sept BERMUDA . Bummer Excursions, $10 and up, by the Twin Serew S8. "Bermudian™ § - from Nw York at 20th July and everx 3 pm. 10th an Temperalure cool 10 days thereafter ed by sea breezes seldom' 80 degrees trips of the season for kh and comfor Ror tickets is and Statercoma, apply to P. HANLEY C. 8. KIRKPAT. fick. Ticket Agents, Kingston, Ont. VEBEC STEAMSHIP COMPANY, .® & avEREC. . pRingaton ally westbound, Steamers dens "4 Jasthaund, caBaity Excursions to Prescott and re- NORTH KING LEN Woek End E Excursions Charlotte and return : trday at 10.30 gston, Ont n Rebatg nystem. Montreal and ret §.00 Toronto and orarR . BE - 38 Steamer "Belleville" septal - tn ho. westbound Sat- Pull tenia, on application to 4 JS Pr BARLEY aeiget Agent, oes: Il. FOSTER S ALGLP.A. Toronto, Ont, and A) AND Clarence St | PISOS ADeye | Brings om Troubles which are Best | Corrected by br. Morse's Indian Root Pills Man was A in- tended to live an active, outdoor life, his ' digestive tem was model accordingly. Indoor: work with hands or head, long hours sitting or standing _#tiil, es- pecially in air that's none too good, slow down the healthy activities of edeatary stomach, liver, Oersiop Constipation kidneys and the millions of tiny skin glands: biliousness, rheumatism and similar troubles follow, Then the worth reliable family medicine, Dr. Mori's Indian Root Pills, is appreciated, Though it has been in use for over half a century, modern science has not been able to devise a safer or better cleanser for the whole system, Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills are largely vegetable im composition, free from any harmful drug, and mild yet most effective in their action. are * Mother's standby' in hundreds of that good old many of the common ailments. Made since 1857 by W. H. Comstock Co., , Limited, Broc kville, O nd | 31d everywhere at z5c. a box: Ou! THAT TOBACCO With the "Rooster" on Is crowing louder as he goes along Only 46¢ per pound. For oviny and smoking, AT A. MACLEAN'S, Ontario Street, ER (PION: Eg Fi 3 1 Bed 3 n ERAPIOI ures blood t vigor & v talforce. drains losses, 8c. Fither No at druggists'or Mail $1 from Fougeta 8 Co 90 Beckm nan St. NewYork City, or Lyman Bros. Co. Ltd. Teronta. Hindoubt No end €eif addressed envelope for free book te «Med. Co. Haverstock Rd, Hampstead 1 ondo 0 E - "Try newDragees Tasteless) Form of Therapiop, casy to take, Jae, Vasting cure. Srrasssresrrecressrased THE CLUB HOTEL! WELL INGTON STREET, (Near Fiincens) There are is, none approach-- the on homelike surroundings. Located In centre of ty and close to principal ores and theatre. Charges are mbdérate. Bpecial rates by the week, M. THOMPSON, Proprietor, But tor Pr. - The Army of - Constipation ness, Indigestion, Sick Headache, Sallow Skin. Small Pill, Small Dose, Small Price, | Genuine must bes: Signature PERFECTION COCOA Cowan's seems to hit the right spot. It is a great food for husky young ath- letes : satisfies the appetite : easy to digest: and delicious LAKE ONTARIO AND BAY oF | AUINTE STEAMBOAT co, LTD, STEAMER 1000 ISLANDS AND ROCHESTER, N.Y Steamer ieaves Kingston Sunday ard Friday at 10.15 am. for 1.000 Islands, calling at Alexandria Bay. Rockpor:, and Gananoque Returning leaw at pom. far Ohariette. N.Y. (Por Rovhesterd, tun. ar Bay of tr ports. For tell Inaérmavion, apply, 1. P. HANLEY, wicket Agent JAN BWIFT & CO, Frewghi Agent. / { consist of a state superintendent Constipation, headaches, indigestion, | } "{* The ponservation commission is i They , | of homes because they nip in the bud so | | | poe ach plotpita sores, dischargesie ha SEX 170) blood i io < ae DAILY JSRITISH WIG, FRU Y. JULY 1. 1911, LACK OF EXERCISE SOME ey PLUMS | ABOLISHES THE COMMISSIONS; CREATES POSITIONS. Highway * "Board is no More--Itoad | Superintendent, ag Salary of $8. 000, to be Named This Week-- Host of Candidates for the Job. Albany, N.Y. July 13.-Governor Dis has signed the Murtaugh bill abol lishing the state highway mmission § {and substituting a new commission to | of | | highways, the state engineer and sui- Fveyor and the state superintendent 'of | public works, | The governor also approved' | Wagner: hill, consolidating into * the |state gonservation commission, the | | present forest, fish and game commis- sion, the forest purchasing board, the { Black river power commission and the | state water supply commission. loth acts became effective at once. The superifitendent of highways {to be appointed by the governor and is to serve during his pleasure at an! annual salary of $5,000. | i | the | 18 consist of three commissiones to be appointed by the of six vears at salaries of each. The commission is authorized to appoint three deputies at 22,500 each; a chief engineer and a counsel at #7 000 each, a secrdtary at $3,500, other necessary assistants. I'he commission is divided into three | {divisions, lands and forests, inland | water and fish and game. ] LAST OF THE PICNICS. Street Methodist Sunday School Event, ¥ Fhe annual Sunday seliool picnic Kereet--Methodist--rhireh--tre last of the season, was held, "Thursday | afternoon, at Brophy's Point. I he steamer America took the merry crowd 2:30 o'clock, and ealled back from the Cape. Going rained quite heavily, but by the picnic grounds was reached, the rain had cleared and the sun was \ shining Baseball games and races were chief amusements. I'he most amusing baseball game was between the married men and which the latter by score of Princess' down at her way down it tthe time away, brightly. the won 14 single men, the overwhelming and the breaking of the bat termina ted the game at the fourth innings. {The 'juniors had a very interestpiy game also. After supper off. {the Bove, | Charles; | Boys, | Donald the races were all results are: eight vears 2nd, Norman twelve years and under Robinson: 2nd, Gordon Free-for-all--Cecil Rawson. | Threelegged race--Croft and George Timms, | Boot race--Ist, Frederic i { i and Jones, Ist, Black Ernest Wisken. Men's race--W. H. Woods. . Girls, eight vears and under--Ist, |B ertha Clifi, 2nd, Thelma Chown. | Girly, twelve vears and under-lst, | Sophia Bain; dnd, Wolene Robinson. Frec-for-all, girls--Evelyn Freeman Women's race--Mrs. Lane amd { W. G. Anderson. Newdle race--Aleda Gardiner. Teachers' race--lst, Emma | 2nd, Lizzie Gardiner Girls, five years and under | Jones, - Dorothy PORTSMOUTH SCHOOL BOARD. Up at Meeting. ! The regular meeting the mouth school board was | Thursday night. The chairman, | as MoCammon, was in the chair, | the other members present were : 'W, id. Rerr, H. EF. Baiden and William | Fllalliday. | The board found that | necessary to secure a new teacher, and it decided vertige for such, a teacher. I'he board will ask the couneil for the sum of $1,000 this year. Last | vear the amoant asked for and re | ceived was £000, but this year the board has some extra work, and an extra amount will be necessary Limited. every | Matters Taken Ports- of Thom. it would junior ad wine to Co., Ottawa Rideau Lakes Nav, Steamers leave * for onday, Wednesday, wiurday, at 6 a.m. For 'Clayton--Every . Tuesday, | esday, Friday and Saturday, at 6.1 J. Jones' Falls and return, esday and Saturday, ound trip, H0e. | Jas. Swift & Co., agents. | J. P, Hanley, agent. | i Wed- = every Enoch Arden. No poem of Tennyson's is move wid- lev known than this one. It will be | (illustrated at the King Edward, to [night and Satirday in over.2,000 feet of film, which will. be luadly explain. | od by a competent lecturer. This is |the most interesting film since the tale | not | of two cities was shown, and {withstanding that it was secured at double the cost of ordmar} pictures there will be no extra charge for ad- {gission. | ------------ Was Burned to Death. A telegram was received, at Queen's university, on Friday morning, . from | the Poregpine Relief committee saying "John Whateraugh was burned to {death in the forest fires, pn Tuesday, !at Dome. Please advise relatives." | 6G. Y. Chown says no person of that 'mame is' on the college registers. It imay be that he was a former resident of Kingston. | 81.63, Watertown and Return, $1.65 | Good going Satwday 5 am. and 2 | pm. ad Sunday 5.30 a.m. and 2 p.m, i [ returning: up to Monday evening. Mystery "ewrrounds the disappear ance of R. F, Hall, a Boston man, whose sister, Mrs. W. J. Welch, lives [at Carleton Place, Ont. He was Jast lward of at Swift Current, Sask., ou tember 22nd of last vear, and hin {wife believes that he has met with | foul play somewhere' in Dakota. | When you lay vour hestt at a girl's feet. she expects You to put a ring 'on i er fingers, I's poor heliey to turn a deal ent io the | Bien 's nobby onking rcniners, 250 to governor, jor terms | S10,0007 | and i of | on | to I, | in | I'hev proved very interesting and | | under--1st, | Robinson | Timms, 2nd, |} Mrs. Peters; the Regular! held on | and | be | Thursday and | 5 Wed- 6 a.m., fare for | | : TOWN OF GANANOQUE. Sunlight Soap cleans, fr land prusetvesojl. | cloths/and linole- 'ums. Common soap may fade the colours and injure the sur- (face. Why take risks? SUNLIG MiHard Wright on Artillery Team Going to England. Gapanoque, July 14.--Under the auspices of the men's committee of Nt Johns church a largely patronized rambie amolly 1Ue ISIanus was last evening on the St, Lawrence The coal Horace | aber cleared light for yesterday another cargo. Gananoque Encampmoat, No 3, 1.O.O.F., held its semi-annual Lisialta ticn of officers Wednesday when Roy Kemp, D.D FP, the following © PL.P, M t. P., Ularke Allen; H.P., 4. A Smith; scribe, MN. R. Gardiner; P.C. P,; 3.W., George Masten;\J. W., J E {thomjscn; treasurer, A H. Allen suide, R. Kemp, P.C.P:; first warden, 5. Mullins; second W., DD. Buck: third W., 5. F. Robinson; fourth W_, F Hicks; 1.G., C. Melntyre; 0.G,, H Parker: first G, of T., H. Keyworth; second G. of T, H. Bradley After the ceremony the gathering adjourned sergt. ma id schog ner Uswego for Cvening, installed Harding: soap--perfectly made. ac Use Sunlight We will give $5,000 to tions--try it ap Scean ng Jo. rec When Gompany Drops in you don't have "to turn the house upside down" to make something cool s to drink--if you have ; 9 Dalton' CONCENTRATED Lemonade in the house. Just add iced water and serve. It's a pure lemon product and , contains no other acid. A bottle makes 12 glasses and costs only 10c. Keep it handy. At all Groeend and Druggists. Beware of the Tmifafor Insist on Daiton's contains Rothing tat that can jajure | fabric, clothes or hands. 1: pure anyone who © can find adul- terants in Sunlight Soap. oil Bu it will do twice as much |i, i. Hicks' restaurant and enjoyed a as other soaps. 517 fine supper, At Christ church, on Tuesday even Neville united 3 pz, Rev. Edward A. in marriage Dr. H, W. Blgdgette and Miss Johanna Tillema, both of Us wego, N.Y. Sergt. Millard Wright, of No ~ Gananoque Field battery, has been se lected as one of the artillery compete with some of the expert tomms of the motherland in England, Ang 20th. The Canadian team will saul from Quebec Aug. Sth. The coal schooner 'Britow unloading last evening acd for Oswego this morn ny W. McAuley, of the Merchants Bark BICYC BICYCLE SUNDRIES BICYCLE MUNSON 249 Yonge St. team ty | at Cut Prices Send for Cut Price BIBBY'S CAB STAND finished . cleared tone up weak stomachs. - ooh the Saeaive juices : which are lacking~ensure your 168d being propetly converted into brawn and sinew, red blood and active bram 50c. a box. National Drug and Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited 51 4 DAY OR NIGHT Phone - 201 - 44 jrhere ernsed--hy For Health rutin Giga Op ue "A ltisens' Drink MecCarthey's Ale | fnrnishedamusic, 'on Wednesda at Captl Visger's new summer and Porter. - It's the | , *Vp/ "8 best., its opening. Mr. Agest, R. J. LAWLER". of Hamilton, Abbott's summer cottage, on ee -------------------------- Park for the staff here, has been promoted to: the | Lansdowne branch, to ll the "acandy | the--tramshrremre--ot! to the Quebec branch hand orchestra evening hotel, a dance in honor of Wood and the Misses | have taken W. 8 I'remont The Citizens' iband orchestra furnished music for a | Cook's Cotton Root Compound dance at tianaaoque Inn last evening My and Mrs. E. Warren, Syracuse, Th groat-U , and ' or on pr N.Y. are of the latter's par Glaior on which women can ents, "Mr Mrs David Gordon, Sein. ln thrte Ring street. Mr. and Mrs Fairlie, Montreal, 'guests of the latfer's moth 10 degrecs : No.3 x lor, Mrs. H. B. Fullerton, Main street, T, ial cases, $s per all druggists, or sen! for the past Tew weeks, have to Kingston, to spend time with t of price the former's parents, and Murs John Fairlie. season rue sls and Jno gone ot. Address: Twi _ , formerly W indsor) ome Ren LIPTON'S TEA OVER 2 MILLION PACKAGES SOLD WEEKLY Rev. J T. Pitcher, past few days in Stanstead, turned home yesterday. Miss son, Kingston, is spending a short ! time with Mrs. J. Richmond, at the latter's 'summer home. Miss Littlejohn nurse in the Victoria hospital, Lon on, is spending a few weeks' fur longh kere, with her brother, R. J Littlejohn, Garden street. Mrs. Harry Johnson, Smith's guest of her sister, Mrs Oscar for the past two weeks, left for accompanied by Mrs. Sheets who will spend a month in Smith's. Falls and Merrickville Mrs. John Wehster, Mouatreal, the guest of her parents, Mr Mrs Alexander Ramsay," Stone Mrs You Use 1 Wrishi, Chatham, is visiting. her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Jos. Dempsior, is Kin street east. Mrs. Wilfrid Watt, it Golden, B.C, the guest of usher parents, Mr. Mrs. James Demp- ster, King street spending the Que., re- Fergu KINGSTON BUSINESS COLLEGE (Limited) "Highest Education at Lowest Cost" fwenty-sixth ar Fall Tern | begins August foun. Courses in { Suakiesl ne; rthand, Tele- graphy, vil Soe ad English, Our graduate the best positions. Within + t shart time over sixty secured positions with | one of the largest raliway cor- |{{ porations in Canada. Enter any | time. Call or write for informas { tion. H. F. Metcalfe, Principal, | Kingston, Canada. | | | FOR FALLING HAIR | You Run No Risk When This Tenmmsly. We promise you that if your hair falling out, and you have ngt let go too far, you can repair the dim: age already done by ysing Rexall "93" Tonic with persistency {gularity for a reasonable Falls, Sheets home to-day, and children, 8 and street is and - | rn IN NATIONAL and re length ot fair CHANGE ANTHEM. { Regal spelled backwards spells Lager Lager spelled backwards spells Regal Users of Regal don't get less than the best. We tuke care of that. JAMES McPARLAND, REGAL AGENT. S$ a scientific, cleansing, germicidal preparation, that destroys microbes, stimulates | gocd circulation ground tha hair roots | Juumotes hair (nourishment, removes fandruff and restores hair health It is as-pleasant as pure water, | { and it is delicately perfumed. = It toilet | We want Haw Ten'e Lit will cost perfectly in Hemember, vou f Re sxall Remedies in this lonly al gir store--The Rexall 1G. W. Mahood time, It is {antiseptic, Antipathetic Peace ment to be Klominated. the 3 Verse to made these dave, throughout peace, one of said \ change has been tional anthem. In the main thought civilized world old verses of the have struck somewhat "0 Lard our Seatter in to use i= Ra anthem king ns discordant nots God, arise enemies, them fall their politic their knas { On Him our hopes we all.' IE] | real necessity a thi Rexall a that | von to try with our promise nothirg with prices, can his And make : }' Confound voi unless satisfied two sizes, vou } its nae ih re It comes i and #1 obtain | Frustrate Community 0), save us it te hat the been replied hy by Dean Hole, peaceful spirit has written verse HOW following, | breathing a more sesssssssssasssassesldh Mid-Summer Sale a i Mew s Fie Oxfords rise, hou bur woes to mirth, tll the earth; be pesce And over Let theie This alte sanctioned bv Ring therefore of national been specially and has finary ration 14 importance, se Moves Common th than any American and C house fly is the caus © WILSON'S FLY PAI f 1 lies and the dise / be mig that it is now likely to sally followed, Keep us from plague and deartl mver | urn 1e i Make wars to 'cease, Mr. Perley is . Simply O11. Masitoba Free [ress Mr vig one of the Borden speak ing party, is credited with having de clared [on various platiorms that the old reciprocity treaty which from 1554 {to 1866 gave Canadian products | free to 'the Uaited States markets {was of no value Yet when the Canadian 25 Per Cent. Discount our Men's Ox Tan. Gun Metal and Patent Colt. | acores to Canada feongress was about to abrogate old reciprocity treaty the government declared that "it was possible to express in figures the ex tent to which # had cont ibuted to ithe wealth and prosperity" of the country, and that "it would be difii- ewit to exaggerate the importance which the people of Canada stiached to the continued enjoyment" of the right to reciprocal trade On all ( TdE, in Everything must Bo. $5.00 Oxfords, Xow xd $4.50 Oxfords, NOW $4.00 Oxfords, NOW $3.00 1 '| 1 : | | :' ¢ : : ' : Brantford i i The Expositor : Kingston and ' di 1 pointed "school @essssrstassssansansy -9 Satisfied. All Goodyear Welt Goody and made by best makers. Stratford have ap nurses" for the pur. mspection. While the principle was approved in these Leities some doubt was expressed as! ito whether or not it would he prac: jticable in operation, as much depend on the tact, judgment and dmmon sense of the official. In Brantford the + system certainly | gives entire a faction. Hartt's, Invictus, Walker, Whitman. Bell's, pose of medical Censure is the tax & man pays the public for being eminent, York Herald. ; "Whe gird who deli hits man on the rack mas er on the shi Fibs sabe of summer us to New | The Sawyer Shoe Store 212 Princess St. | ' | : | | in Keeping a fm herself 1s . er Sr di in the flour means quality in the bread and the pastry you bake, Without quality behind your ' knowled dge or. skill can bring good without the skill than without the goal ee B VER " is the highest development of blended w rich health-giving properties of Manito! the carbohydrates of Ontario Fall wheat, which make delicate, - white, light bread and pastry, Remember, it is for bread ana try, both. With BEAVER FLOUR in the house, you only need one kind to attain the best results in every form of baking. BEAVER FLOUR means economy as well as efficiency. Ask your grocer for it to-day. DEALERS Write for prices on off Foods, Grains sod Ceres. £. 5 TAYLOR C9. Lid, Chatham Sut. no Pe FLOUR resis ter be

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