PAGE TEN. . = ; ; ee ; THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY JURY 15. 1911. battleships, built to fight in s ling] BRITAIN'S VITAL STATISTICS. ] WAR with the thick plating and the heavy, ee guns. Only by the big ships and the Births and Deaths Decrease ta Low. ge ] i guns can naval battles and, per- | est Recorded Rages. haps, the fate of empires, be devided. {| The annual summary of marriages, All look much alike. They wear the: desths and births. in Great Britain Great Muster of the King's Warships at the Coronation so -orim. siy ae Tat To" uty 00 tance of a few cablelengths, make there has been a ht increase in » f the Fi 2 or 'n ship simply an elusive indistin- | marriages and a deo » in. both Review---Motto 0 y guishable smudge upon thé sea, al births and deaths, which fell to the = mT bee iy a oa A " , most impossible to 'define with the lowest rates on record N 4 5 ) Feasting IS Thorough. ' strongest glasses or train a gun upon. ; In England and Wales the marriages ™s eC -e : 5 3 3 { Tide and wind most obliginzly swing numbered 267,000, corresponding to a 3 = = a . } :8 ee tn them broadside om, with noses point- rate of 4.8 parsons per 1,000 of the HE ANDARD NI | | premimny ea Swe po ei HE pe pe im 5 51 ETHEST AND FAVORITE BRAND. . ah rublishier "res Ai : ature men 1 ome : 3 --- 0508 ry . | tCopyrigt Publishers' 'Presy wart body of mature men an 8 the B sSarms. of illustrations. It ister 1,000 ghove the corresponding ¥ w---- Sa -- Wi he British vy undertakes tc a distracting proport £ young : t =EES = = = do ing ror ine. He vi Ag with hive ay Pe BE on FINE useless to lamwmt the absence of the rate of 1909, but 0.7 below the aver = MADE IN CANADA CONTAINS NO ALUM tertaining its friends, it does it thor- |. iglature ih the Isle of Contgnent ro tall masts and smowy canvas of long ai Tate in the dee ade IOI oughly. For the coronstien visitors || 1. "to a friend the life history of #89 A fleet at anchor for review | atl Re TE whs SE from oversea, intent ob-secing the gi. John Forrest (a not unfamiliar would not show an inch of canvas. |! tha Fre 53.000, equal to 13:4 per naval review, on June 24th, the ad- |...) his exploration of the Austra- Fighting ships are built- to fight, and | OW S ie. poputation This was 1.1 miralty provided a huge trooper, the : the smallest: third-class cruiser | h we | Pet Li elov the rate of IW + th Dongola, which for the day was trans- could choose her own distance, circle lowest hit ver lo recorded formed into a pleasant yacht. The' Nelson's strongest fleet, and--yive Thire is a satisfactory decline in eee TE STROH OF i ! | ! : lian desert with a camel team, and his bringing water to a western old-field } 4 . in spite of ¥heredible difficulties. One Lo i . The Srotgriic . special train from Watedoo ran along catches adil, far-off names in passing, her enough amunition--hammer it] infant, mortality. The proportion of FoR lunch dinner, or side the steamer's berth, so there was the Colobor? Here is a tall, state- to pieces at her leisure. Besides, it {deaths under one veas of age to regis ' ; : on those occasions pe beanie in (Jding one's way on Iv. oki Chinfman in wadded sill gic 18 hard to rob anything that floats | terid births was 106 per 1,000 in 110, yoned. As each ™ guest reach we | 3 per 1,000 Joss than 1909, the low > . ~ Ww mts, being questioned by two Cann: Of its picturesque quality. These lean |ll" Copy yp EE Tk onl when good fellows get J deck, he was handed a pamphlet, vou eam a I The old boy smiles Steel hulls with the funnels and the 15 ar et ee et ro A - Ae Toothoy. you' cant find § iri rs" St of ih Iu petty ming ng sim ties protest of i 2 0 1 + | FIST YOUR PROPERTIES NOW » ole review, FIvIng - ! , slim, long, white cigarettes, and casemate and fwivet lool ike - : Sti ; 3 i / R sosition of each sh yet he th | very im ong, ¥ & » i kable decrease of 26 pe Oe) : . be ter ale than : a - S Tit opethee or which he lights deftly in this strong greyhounds OE, Falters, strongly mgt Births nha S70 ; an FOR SALE OR TO RENT oy df ails as ar atten 'Cloak-rooms, | wind with a modern box of safety ib. 'Give them the wind of the average of 24.8 per: 1,000 of the op AALES 'NEGOTIATED. RENTS COLLECTED. . : rbrarR ei matches. Part of the after deck is and away. they would go. 1 Cat all' ape I i be z i: : INR ¥ deck chairs, camp stools, awnings were 8 d k 5 i Besides, the hi are "dressed." | ation at all ages. Ns Was SN per FIRE INSURANCE. among the arrangements for our com- railed off an ) marked Reserved. » Stups are dressed. 11.000 below the rate in 1909, which CONVEYANCING AND BEAL ESTATE. - About the cabin behind the "harrier, That sans that a long line of bunt twas the lowest rate reached till then h : : . two strapping footmen in the royal ing, red and blue and yellow, barred [oo 4 ith the precoding te . E B k T : scarlet livery are hovering in atiend. and starred and marked with all man | Ompape _ » oe . la ¢ ompson, vears, the birth rate showed a decline \ i 3 x AR pT ance. We have an, Indian princess on ner of dots and bands, run. from the | 97 per 1,000, OVER NORTHERN CROWN BANK. MARKET SQUARR, I A BEI Ye: " A board, and these flunkeys are there bow to the top of the foremast, thenee | With regard to London, the mar 'Phone 28% KINGSTON. ONT. ' I 3 / from the royal household in compli- to the top of the mainmast and thence | aves in 1910 numbered 39.000, a rate ment. This is certainly a repregenta- to the sterm--pennant and flag; flag {of 16.0 per 1.000 of all age tive gathering, and the tone of all the and pennant alternately--af every ship. : talk one hears is frankly and enthusi- A bit of colored cloth wating in the Tastically patdiotic; 7 s Wr-suggests gates and; --whenr ried 8, OF an increase of 0:2 per 1,000 on the previ i ons year. The London births number- | T 7 He proportronob- 23-6 jper- Canada is well represented. Here hundred ships axe' contributing their | 000 of (he total poputation=the fow=--{~ ure the governor and the premier of scores of flags apieee--no one need | deaths under one year of age to regis | . : : A 4 " nal Rd : - BR 1%» Ontario, the governor and the pre speak of the ugliness of a modern iron: | tration was established Deaths in : | : mier of Saskatchewan,, the premiia clad. The strong breeze gives full value | London were 61,700; a rate of 12.7 per | It has character, uni- of Albesta, the premier of New to every flutering pennon and, every ' 1,000 of the population. This was 1.3 | - S i; Brunswick, and the premier of Prince jack and white ensign, below that of 1909, which wus at th form purity, and an un ow Edward Island. {me noticed als We might read the glorious annals | time the lowest on record. : usual eliciousness toits § Mr. Foster and Sir Mackenzie Bowell Of the fleet and the history of Eng- ; Smo tet j WHEN YOU REQUIRE ANY flavor. . { L looking very well and much interested land in the names of the ships as wel It has yet to be ascertained that a ! lh 3 Suis, 2) "- . in all that there was to be seen. pass. There is the cruiser "Blake," dude ever died of brain fever Other Canadian politicians were als, 'caMed after the famous admiral of the | = on board, for one heard the fateful Commonwealth, who pounded the "A n Get a tall glass--fill Long , words "judgeship" and "'party ser- Dutch up and down the channel." Thes ith coM:. water -- and Tinsmithing, Gas=Fitting, Plumbing or Hot Water Heating Done ORDER FROM ' : " vice" joined in unholy union. Later Hoatings steel forts bear the titles of 1 ; ¢ A : on, our distinguished statesmen ex- \plson's wooden three-deckers, Van- Cold ade a pinelrof Abbey's RIGNEY and HICKEY, A , y ¥ 4 ertcd themselves to the utmost to get guard, Mars, Bellrophon," Superb, Aga: Salt, C Al I up . . Rr . A as thorough a conception of the memon, and the "fighting Temeraire," 0 »" It's the finest hot Suh 136 and 138 Princess St. | = . British fleet as possible, scrambling oi with deathless memories of the Nile ne weather drink you ever PROF. ARCHIBALD MACMECHAN, [inlikely places, such as capstanheads 8nd. Trafalgar. Others flaunt splendid : : 3 : tasted s | and derricks and steamwinehes, glasses. insolent names, whic h have been made " BREWED BY fort. All the hoats had been lowered Jin hand, for the best possible view. good by three centuries of hard fight Pleasantly acid--sparkling--refresh- 10 ros., . { a t and swung out-board, o that there Some plump figures silhouetted against ing nd naval Supremacy, Yi aribiis, ing--and a single glass will quench the should be an uninterrupted view from ihe blue sky, with coat-talls flying !rresistible, Indomitable, nvincible. | 5 ybev's 8 . 4 inc DOMINION BREWERY (0. Lid: the decks. Not ach and tea lin the stiff breeze, ronoroted lr Others remember the distant past, like Hirst. Abbey s Salt cools the blood Telephone 35. 217 Princess Street. 3 T ront were provided, but even breakfast for guiety of the scene. King Alfred, and the Black' Prince, or) SWeetens. the 9 oronto those who had beén stinted by 'the As the *'Dongola'™ steams on wo the Armada; for Queen Elizabeth also| stomach -- S | early hour of departure, from town; | yin vich right ahead through the had a Dreadnought in her fleet; others| .braces and Effer- | All orders promptly attended to. and as soon as breakfast was over, flying scud and sea mist, a long, '™ all the great captaine dead and! invigorates. 92 vescent lunch began. A running banquet all | gone, who spent their strength and 9» A » . i black tangle of masts and dim hulks 0 RE P Dr. Martel Ss e day long. Best of all, there a stretching all across our road and per- 82%¢ their blood to keep England in. | wee I RR RR SS. 3 ---- - w---- p val officers whose . i A % hen. Rae 3 ati Wi tisitaAg a eietaiir Ua number of ngval 6 dexing the sky. -/Thero was no end 'iolate, Cochrane, St. Vincent, Col RIAN A A Bs The ay ¥ i ; : lingwood, and Nelson, the peerless; aera Ad PAR WAY phe) 1 - ; " BICHTEEN YEARS THE STANDARB information and make themselves f them, and as far as one can see, no while others remind us of the common Y a ' od and ded ' agreeable to their guests, as only der. It is a confusion which seems ~ 0,0 C0 on dat i th i ' . x for talk naval officers can. Nothing had heen d nextricable, but disorder is the very ee 8 ani. Domi no Js o . a . or Ire a a St Shanty scheaiifically setgtsed vemedy af srovse forgotten. The motto of the navy, | ast thing one can venture to pre- ee a. = SACloggs fighting or feasting, is "'thorough." Jiet regarding the royal navy. Order te a2 : pe, A permanent. For sale at all drug stores. ighting g, 18 . ; Behind the floating city of craisers 3 ; : \ ' ---------- -- mmm | *"The wind has backed This will is its last law, as well as hegven's. he, Routing sity uf si or ATTOY TOASTED spoil the whole show," said one naval As we approach the western end hi Sd Bs sete Poni es i 3 ,. fomorros man, when we were clear of the dock |} the tangle we perceive that the - fine names apd' the same fag through the Cov a ¥ 4 Ee w CORN: Fat Southampton and steaming down | hart in everyone's band is perfectly ages. This is a: goodly muater' of the is Lr J oS g to our destination. It had poured | correct, and that every prediction in pn ahivs £ ' J A Ne , ~ fi i {rain all night in London, and though | t comes true. Every single ship is et a. after. luncheon, an officer ™ PAL it § FLAKES / . the weather had cleared during the moored in her appointed place and | . - . f d ! a 7 0 Yhl : : : + d: "Do y see that bright yellow Will cure any headache in 20 min. railway journey and give us charming san ke picked out with perfect acéur- ch he You ee 1 Rn utes, will nip a cold in the bud, glimpses of the soft green English Sey. cacht. comin ut of Port mouth." will relieve the monthly Jam of landscape bathed in sunlight, the out What yacht coming o 8 t ; " ; And everybody looked as hard as he women, and in every case as most threatening. More aw? Ya ys 167 4 : y look now was m re View You are to imagine 167 ships could. Soon there was the report of a in came, driving the sightseers to] ¢ . ha We . f Leaves you Feeling Good. rate Same, © Ny he ied bl o f all sizes and makes, designed for gun from the eastern end of the flect shelter but later the wind blew 11 kinds of deadly purposes, aggrega- bo fiercely, that the clouds withheld their tin . ors than a ilies ton. and and then another and another. I'he burden, and the rest of the day was g : Yi 3 Herre hump of the reports struck the ear ir- arrying sixty thousand handy-men, regularly and the spectacular black . 4 clear and bright but cold. The green | © : Re -- g s s 4 : ruffled with white, and disposed in' long lines, streets and powder reserved for saluting half veil lanes, with room for each to swing fish r 4 walter was A ¥ i Fs a ; long: purple stretched overspread the? ; i oc we ships in oating wreaths o : sen 5 i clouds swept by. clear, as the tifles ebb and flow. Each gnoke. When the Real Thing comes, ' { . street, or sea-lane, 18 a mde long, no one will be able to see what gun : ie » are approaching a: a i . Spitpeat Which we ure sp) ® lind there are five of them--five miles 4 fired. The reporters wrote of 3,000 ALL KINDS OF LUMBER AT rapidly from the westward, is simply EN H l rie LOW PRICES. an open space of water between the of ships of war. The "Dongola" en- juny booming, or 3,60, according as a # . hire. (In the | ters between lines D and E, and pro- they multiply 21 by 167. But no gun 8 is : ASBESTIO ASTER FOR A jhe of ight «nd Hambuhire. ol fa ceeding slowly, gives her hundreds of nery-licutenant is going to have the! § Smother raspberries with ALSO ALL ons al static of Portsmouth, | sightseers, swept together from the rifling of hig precious guns fouled with | Bf . - hat Woo. RIND | rd, es Pry Tt the ed are four corners of the globe, an un black powder. Only one gun per ship | #8 Corn Flakes; a layer of the 'nendinarters of English yvachtuug. equalled opportunity to study a js used for . saluting; and modern | : berries, then Corn Flakes OF ' | Owes a, The advantage of {fleet in being "'the strength and gplen- breech-loading makes quick serving aii} Ho . 3. ! S. Bennett & Co. ) Cowes and. Kyle The y an EE ides dor of England's war." ' onsy matter " | :y and so on until dish is Oor. Bagot and Barrack Sta. ample room for the secure anchorage The best place to see if from the In the uproar the royal yacht en | § filled. Serve with cream oJ ¥ 'Phone 941. of a large number of ships, and, being |open forecastle. I'he sun is warm ters the lines from the eastward, pre Il B 3 |e tr ) { . A ----------._ ANNA NE SP PNA for the day was obviously to furvigh CI Emig iA = ae CRA is then the plan of this re are = Aly WA Te EMRE £ surréunded practically on three sides | there, the view unobstructed, and it ceded by four black torpedo boats at and a little powdered sug iT. ; ~ Seve RSBVRBTRRN® hy land, it is protected from all heavy lis easy to move from side to side. an easy pace and looking more like Made in Can ida es en --c-- | Wether, except when the wind is Perhaps it is best to select one bul sharks than ever The yacht is a big . ~ east. Today it is blowing strong lgark and watch the panorama from steamer with three masts; from the | iat Southampton to our. station at the 1 hulk of the fleet. | On the bridge, visible only by the eye] far end. of the line just behind the First to be seen is a swarm of of faith, is the king. As the yacht] from the®west, so there will be no sea lit, My choice is the port side, look- main floats the royal standard in the | ZZ " acts abd no sea sickness. From the dock |i. north, for on that hand lies the strong breeze, ns $tifi as a diagram a "ou : i | "Buenos Ares" is about eighteen" or torpedo-hoats, thitty-twe all together, steams past, the crews who have been! § twenty miles. in one flotilla. The low black hulls standing easy all round the rail of Ahe | | Some time 1s spent in exploring Lhe builifor speed have something snake different ships stifien into neat re | ship snd getting our bearings The | like about them; they go through the gular black patterns, a sort of human | HE zreatest strain falls midway be : atmosphere of the sea begins to take | son like sharks when they have to lace, and the wind carries a finint , greate strait ndway effect at once. Constraint disappears. } ve. A mosquito fleet, each armed sound of cheers. We cheer too, taking | tween the top and bottom of a one Although: the majority of these five] (ith its deadly sting, which, if ones the time from the captain. I'he most | picce fire pot, beca se the live coals | are located at the centre of the fire. This I . ; continued strain overtaxcs the expansion { # : | or six hundred men and women never |i .ais 'home, can slay the strongest enthusiastic person is the dark gentle- | n saw one another before, they lay battleship afloat. Kipling calls them men from Madras. Our intentions | aside their stiffness and -chat a the choosers of the slain. You must re Food, > I souk i his Jhneuty ares pighbors on the shight- > 1 rd us; the wind was Loo strong. - - . their nearest. neighbon just one oy have had a Serpedc axplained do You The first foreign ship to observe the powers of a one-picce fire-pot and causes it The experience of Motherhood is a ft. provocation ] in 'the shops duietly and calmly 1 tesv of the sea according to anei- ok iit td tre. af trying one to most women and marks | imperial family. 1 suppose there you are to rea,ize its truly diaboli-|ZoUTTeW 4 [Ae FT Sram to bulge out and crack at the centre, and distinetly an epoch in their lives. Not never was such a representation Ol}i,) pgture and the almost human in- Sn euntom was ste] ATC war through the cracks, dust and de adly coal gas EMER one Woman in a hun. (the British dominions overseas | ii ance of its machinery; but the float. And iy the hite ensig W, rentually pass through the reg EJP dred is prepared or |irought together in one ship before. | pinict must first bessatisfied that dl0at. ARC Soon . Lhe SAILS SHEEN | escape and eventually pass through the reg- understands how to | Here is a very pretiy, pink-cheeked vou are not a foreign spy. And all dipped from the stern of the yac it in | isters. In self-defence, you have properly care forher. | lady from New Zemland in eager con-ii i nots ne from artificer or tor acknowledgement. The first two ships ; ; Es HY coursenear- | versation with! a swarthy, black-mous- o-lieutenant only deepens their I did not see salute. to buy a new fire-pot very ly every woman now- tached, little man, very fashionably pd li Some of the comments one And #0 the king passes to his own adays has medical! dressed, whd hails from Madras. A he Y musing. = place in the heart of his gregl fleet - r. and that's treatment at the | ice girl from Vaocouver has his Ne a he re the toxpedo-boats," where he will meet and greet the cap- ' money, an lat s time of child-birth, | inp. roundeyed wife in a corner Wau a a aL. "That's what | tains from the foreign vessels of war. but many approach | 5 16 saloon plyi her with - wo Aaah We have seen a great sight, and we i plying th ques --'! (word missing) h . : RCTS he expeenet I Lore Toe Tule dich woman in He [rete 0,00 WOT hy Fo | ie he ot trai dre {fabulous rings on 2 : ve The king is not a sort of tepid royal and whes His a Js over 4m Er o ey ahd [2 8 big ship aud som hay 3 pro- dummy. He is a man with a man's n hard to edad XK Fow | amused: when she smiles, she shows a here ol Ati ion who ve a likes and dislikes. He has spent half aah od : 1 i y from ~t1oo, ix Hibs i atv . t upon this comes the nervous et of brilliantly white teeth. Two of 8 5} bore about ships,--which is his life in the rough, hard sea-service, fire-pot you replace is so much of ering for the child, and a my neighbors at luncheon came from rear-admiral's flag, for instance,-- added to the cost of the main- He kind of a fire-pot you wan nothing save and one thing that training does for the Sevchelles. Two others discuss |® : a a man--it cures him of indecision. T . istinet cha the mother resulta. , the (Ses the marriage of a Canadian Shai the shotenaid politician. He fake way the king decided to throttle the | tenance of your furnace. in the furnace you are going and healthy mother of chil 'wit! 1 happen tg know. An Australian |IMOE® CHEF 10 t, he lie that was repeated till everyone he | Now, the Sufishine fire-pet is built in'two installed in your new house. C birth under right lady is quite sure she had gone out Perhaps like your corresponden : lieved 'it, shows the stuff he is made! : : : - pa. sigs . . : . : be no hazard tobealth 'to Sydney in the same ship with a [has spent Bal his life on a naval stat |; Being a man, he has. his prefer | sections, which are jained together with our | Get the Sunshine--t g unexplainable thing is Jiiuenose ten years ago. Another [ion and ot help picking up S0me fences: being n naval officer, he has de- "famous" cup-joint. Because of the shape guaranteed furnace. the evidence of shattered ately dame wears a large green fern- trustworthy information. cided preferences. And now he is where 0h : Bo Sigel and broken health resulting | frond pin, which is as uamistakable a| Not far away a couple of petty ihe would fain be, on shipboard, with | EB - of the cup-joint and the layer of McClary nace investment, ) an unprepared conditicn, WOMEN | 1, joe as the m leaf. Here is an officers are recoguiizing with delight [the fleet that is England's bulwark. | will foraint 2 Bhoteh the sxperence | Leen: ae full regimentals. [Oe Ship afte gogthers . - 3 be knows pride, it mast ave, ates: As lho 'Ho has a plan for getting all the! "There's » Belly-ruffun,". says is heart this this day w Y DAYS stalks' together and giving the jto another, "I had tea on the Belly- Hooked down those 'ordered lines, and tL "oe ph i o "And {knew thi a fro | chance King the "cooee' when be passes in the |ruffun at Southsea last week." that everything afloat from the! > oars p20 Unfortunately the scheme one relishes the correct pronunciation, | farthest submarine 10 the latest super: | ot thers comes to nothing and he bas to con- [after all the learned affection, | Drendnpught was ready for instant se of the fact tent himself with a British cheer. | which would place the accent on the tion. - : 's Vegetable Another man in uniform has "Ceylon" | second syllable. Wasn't there a Belle- | As we steamed back to Southamp-|§ 'on the shoulder. A very handsome, rophomn & Trafigar * and another om {ton in the sunset, 'the ships grouped | a black-haired, foreign-looking lady | the North Atlantic stationnot so long |themeelves differently. We saw then, | % 4 »" like with a fong-handled eyeglass js talk- lage? And who ought to ¥how a ship's {not in profile, but head on, once more 0 yi what one te be the name better than a sailor? tangled pyramids of colored flags in invited tor Taal" to a stately but impassive But the "Dongola is running on. la disorderly bui picturesque medley. man standing beside her. One hears The lane is' fenced with cruisers of In the vellow, westering light, they \ i .. : ; i withi ps id "hav bisct for the : : : BR: Foot Vas ihe «fk. lam. Shee ety i to, ros ul be wd wort bo he FW Sale By J.-B. Bunt & C 0. Kingston London. Toronto, Montreal p Vancouver, $ Jabs, NB, Hamil , Calgary. : - iit