SHOE POLISH Needs just a daub, a rub,and you have a last 4 0 ing and easily revived shine. Polo comes in the BIG box, Atall grocers and shoe stores. a THE: PRESERVING TEST FOR NEARLY 60 YEARS. "Good for Leather--Stands the Weather" EXTRA GRANULATED SUGAR time. This consistent high quality. hds stood the searching test o preserving vis possible' because of it ! only FROM YOUR GROCER." The Canada Sugar Refining Co. Limited, Montreal Established in 1854 by John Redpath ¥ THVT LLLTRLVRTVLVLVLLVLVLLLTVLLALTTLLTVON @ rss strassssssssassafit srs sassssssssasasang NERVOUS, LIFELESS DEBILITATED MEN YOUNG MEN AND MIDDLE.AC! the victims of early indiscretivns and iat cesses, who are failures im life--you ere ones wa can restore to manhood and revive e spark of ene and vitality, Don't give in despair because you have treated with r doctors, wed electric belts and tried various drug store nostrums, Our New Method Treatment has snatched! hundreds. from the brink 'of despair, has re. Sored happiness to hundreds of homes and has made successful men of those who were he. aud out." We prescribe specific rem- r each individial éase Sceording to the ; symptoms and eemplications-wo have no! . patent medicines. This is one of the secrets of; our wonderful sucess a% onr treatment can not fail, for we prescribe remedies adapted to each individual' case Ouly curable cases ac- eapted. Wea Ba ness py ve for over 20 Years. CURABLE CASES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY Rare you a victim? Have you lost Rin Are you intending to marry? as EADE blood been diseased? Have you an weakness? Our New Method Treatment wil mt. What it ed as done for others it will vou. Consultation Free. No mniatter who has treated you, wie for an honest opinion Free of Books Free-- "Boyhood, Manhood Fatherhood, . Cinustrat- ed) on Diseases of Men. UT WRITTEN CONSENT. No names on boxes or Question List and Cost of Treatment FREE FOR NLR Drs KENNEDY & KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. NOTIC E All letters from Canada must be addressed JEgFNOTICE to our Canadian Correspondence Depart- ment in Windsor, Ont. If you desire to see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat no patients in our Windsor offices which aré for Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business only, Address all letters as follows: : DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windsor, Ont. Write for our private address. % Moist Heat is the Natural Heat YOUR HOUSE WILL "FEEL" WARMER AT 65° WITH MOIST AIR THAN AT 70° WITH DRY Adding moisture to the air in your home will give you the same heat for less fuel. A consideration, no doubt. But that is not all, Warm dry air, however pure, is not healthful. The human body demands more moisture than is carried in the winter air. The *"Hecla" supplies this moisture in plenty. A large circular pan of water is placed where it will be easy to fill and where it will not be overlooked. . "Hecla, Furnace SAVES ONE TON OF ' COAL.IN SEVEN. -------- Door Open to fil pan. Either door may be used. Circular Water Pan Has five times the evapora. ting surface of pans placed over furmace door. Runs clear around the back of the furnace, Will hald enough water to last 24 hours. May be filled at either door, as shown abeve. By actual test the " Hecla" saves one ton of coal in seven. That is, it is so constructed us to give the same heat for six tons of coal as you ever got from seven Do you want to know more about this furnace ? 'No Gas or Dust. And it is keep the and d : In the [* Hocla every place where © has shown that might otherwise find an out ng beenfused absolutely ught by our patented process. same fused joints keep out th dust and smoke. just as important to free from coal § fam It telly about heatin as as Comfort. It is yours foc the asking. Write for it. '® CLARE BROS. & CO., LIMITED, - PRESTON, Ont. ELLIOTT BROS. Kingston. | 4 The 52,000.000000 mark has THE DAILY BRITIS# WHIG, SATURDAY, JULY 13, 1911. WERE STRANDED ROCK IN OCEAN. WHICH Alle Res- Captain Wolpert, of the S8. mannia, Rehearses Tale of cning Defenders of Hayti. New York, July 14.--How the Hay- tign army and navy were stranded on y y the ocean off Port au Prince ard wire almost 'annihiliated by a few monster waves was told by Capt. Wol fiwrt, of the Alemania, of the Hamburg-American Atlas service, which arrived in port vesterday. There eh 2 hasn't been a vessel since Jonah's time that has had so much herd luek as Hayti's navy, the Presi dent Simon, one time the Umbria, an Italian cruiser, said Capt. Wolpert | The Umbria, after being 'shape for a voyage to ihe [last May, was manned by jer w and headed toward i Prince. | So busy was the crew keeping water {ont of the hold that they had no time A TOCK 1p i Ss put in republic, nt German Port au {to clean or, watch the guns. | When the President Simon arrived {in the harbor off Port au P'rinee, late lin June, there was a big celebration {lune were fired from the vessel and {on shore. Then. the personnel of the bs wy was senl on board to relieve the } Germans: at the pumps and the crew took a little sleep. Next day Presi Simon decided to run a little ex- {curdion, and as the navy was still at the pumps ordered the {army on board to operate the engines {nr nd to man the guns. | We must five ns lute," hs "first aide when he went on board. "The nide hurried off to see that the {propsr twenty-one guns were fired for { the 'presidential salute, but nothing { endued, save a deafening silence All dent busy he * he said to = 4 ET 4 == the powder had been used inc the fire | works display of the previous night. | At last a large projec tile was discov- tered, but no one knew how to put it | in to the cannon and the Germans re { fused to help. At any rate, while the {crew had been keeping the President | Rimon afloat she breeches of the guns { had rusted and refused to open. ; { there not even a single cannon {with which to salute the president Afi hour after he had come aboard | {someone found. a rifle and the weapon [w as discharged twenty-one times. | 'The President Simon had not steam half a mile from her anchorage when she struck a rock, and, the ef- forts of the men at the pumps not- withstanding, the navy began to sink. Fhe predidential yacht had followed {the expedition, and President Simon immediately went board, and re- {turned to Port au Prince unaccom- panied by the army and navy. The | Allemania, just steaming into the har- | bor, went alongside and took the sol- | dicrs and sailors off. was ed on | } i -- sin | | $30,000 FOR PIER MUSIC: | Refies of Maine Arrive--Mammoth | \irship--Recard Export Year, -New York, "July 15.<By night New | York harbor is one of the most popu- {lar summer resorts in the world. idtores wl pleasure craft carry thou- isi mds of phssenzers to nearby re sorts, 'The double deck recreation peers, reaching far out into the riv- ery, meanwhile hold an enormous {1opulation, who enjoy many of thie {attractions of the ordinary {resort at the end of the city "his year unusual preparations have {keen made to entertain the crowds. [Scme ¥50,000 is being expended to provide regular concerts between 7.30 ard 9.30 every evening on each of 'the city's eight piers... Cn four of th se piers claborate concerts will be given by an orchestra pl thirty-four men, . rendering standard orchestr al prozrammes of the highest class, Spe feinl music for children's dancing will | be provided 'three afternoons a {week on seyerdl of the piers Miny tons of twisted and battered metal from the wreck of the Maine hyve reached New York within the past three days. A large brought in hy the 83. of the Hamburg:American line, vider the direction of the government tht has not been announced what final distribution receive, The. metal his no-mtrinsie value, ex- Loept be snid old metal It boars eloynent testime ny, after these | {years, of the frightful force the explosion which wrecked the Maine The metal was loosendd (from upper works of the ship' which jenly recently been exposed hy s.owly receding waters, A number of tourists reliurning from {amaica besieged the government of- | ficers ' for souvenirs. the famous | battle ship. | According to cable advices it le balloon, eight times the size | Zoppellin's "Deutschlacd," is | butt in Germany. A company ea- !pitalized at $2,000,000, has been | famizd to build the ship and carry ten a regulde passenger service. The {new dirigible, will be 775 feet in 'Jongth, thus comparing with the longest ocean Lners. Her cabins will | actommodate two hundred passengers fin addition of a crew of one hun dred, wnich will be required to handle lit. The dirigible will be driven by { thirty motors, placed at regular n- { tervals, which are expected to develop high speed. Her designer, Boerner, | expects to make the wip from Europe ito America in safety ile consider {ubly reducing the Ed held by the liners. | alsy Alle- wus ghany, these relies will to as of hay 1 the large of a dirigi- | to. be or- now been passed by the export trade of the teommtry. The next best record was made, in 1907, when the exports a: mounted to $1,853. 700,000. la :1910 {this had dropped 'off about $15,000. 000. During the ten months ending | April 30th, 1911, the United States! ' sold abroad some "si JIE3,781 0060 worth {of goods, indicating that {An interesting detail of these sta" i tistics' ix the fact that our exports] {to Japen increased in value from [216,000,000 in 1910 1, $29,000,000 for the first three-quarters of the current ! year. dn See Bibhy's $5.50 outing suits. Bathing and running. shoes, from Patton' SAVED ARMY AND NAVY ON, simmer out streets | | war | The Western, to be Held in London proposed shipment | thet i of i group beyond | {doubt the total export trade for the ers. The newly-married couple recris {fiscal year will exceed $2,000,000,000 led many costly } About ninety guests were present, in Every time you get a peyny, ; SUPERSTITIONS WEIRD. Still Cling to the 'Rural Villages of Ena ME ACTRESS 1S MAD 15. Fes Britishers are PEAR MAXINE STORMS AT GOOD- | WIN MEMOIRS. Loadon, July aware how deeply saperstitidn ds root ed in the peasantry of the remote coun try districts anti! they are semsatia ally reminded of the fuet, as when an} Irish peasant woman was arrestod the other day for killing an old crone he cause she believed her to he a witch. This bit of realism from the of the Irish countryside awacls Has Tried Every Scheme "From she Says Nat Moneymaking Mines to Malice." London, : July 15 annals | while at 'the theatrical garden party any- 's.w a eopy of the New York Ameri thing that the novelists tol ean wheh had ju arrived in Lon- about the country districts they 8] eci- 'don, containing extracts rom Nat ahize:' Superstition has been employed Goodwin's memoirs and describing her by Hardy, Eden Philpotts, Miss Jane [alleged efforis to break into English Barlow: and others as local solely rathée than as fascinating actually | The actress in itself] In the pages of country fic- mow and then : : tion witches have been consulted by | and stamping ber feet, and us she fn lovesick girls, they have even been ished furigusly turned on ber inter ducked in poms, but never till recent. viewer and said ly, either in fact or fiction, has one' '| am not been killed. jthat man 'does such writers as Laurence Gomme go "mor ox -making up and down the country dollecting malice." : out-ui-the-way information, such as The fair Maxime's the survival of the pagan pructicés mpd the article promptly tify the thinly-veiled charactors beliefs, I tne thinfs superstitious country peo- scribed by ae ple fear are numerous. well remembered hece. The ul They object to hear a cock crowing American miming wan who $i At i at untimely hours, to see the new them into Faglish Th ny = dk rt moon for the first time through glass, Samuel Newhotiga I a - dag 2d to cut their finger nails on a Fri- te Ie a Je A rman] day. 2 wis these are things American tourists whose on tation ) with X ant | rarely discover when they are out and Goadwin sai os dg rd tamil oS about after material for a book about Bagot bbl on En:land., Even Kate Douglas Wiggin, nowy British in fascinating travel causeries She hae caankly heen written around Penelope, fails on the the Duchess of Rutland, whole to strike that fruitful material. f= her) 1. 3s Amick this ~is-Tot tobe wondered RT. tor Sir Herbert inl for nine out of every /ten Britishers 0 (1 informed the know nothing of its existence Out sphndent that she h side the peasantry itsell, the knowl 0 40 production edge rarely' percolated bevond the Ap.h.' in America, ran Irish: priests and country fudia for the durbar, us gentlemen, who are not very commun: Sip Hugh and Lady icative about ths matter, as the stub. place in "The Garden of born superstition in of their je taken by he parishioners might be taken to reflect lott discreaitably upon their ministry. Masime Elliott, have color : read it through, utieniny every excrmmations © surprised tnvihing He scheme at his tried every | from mines to friends who, saw | procesded to iden de wmeadont is of the] duced Hoodwin wife was is Sulvesses comtinng those entertained the Johny Jacob As Lady Tree In American corre fecided to The Garde in order ig of the ries Clifford Allah' Gertrude some sister, THE i [ CRIME IN INDIA. NEW STAMPS. New Postage Frank | Severely Criticised . July 15 stamp, begun by gatnering weight issued to Heaton when | Another Official Has Britain's Bengal. Caleutta, July - 15.--Sub-Inspector Rajkumar, of the criminal investiga tion department, shat dead at Maimansingh, Eastern Benga]. The murdered sub inspector in the company of the court inspector and standing in front of the police station at the time of the tragedy. It appears that-there--were no er than three assailants. Several shots {were fired, all of them striking Sub- | Inspector Rajkumar. The men dis appeared without attracting attention The sessions judge has stil to pro nounce indgment in the Dacca con ford, who is perhaps the greatest spiracy case, in which the assessors tea Iv Dosseshs {delivered their verdict, on Saturday, '8 authority, and, certainly B Yori | finding the accused not guilty and the largest Library on philately : Idescribing the government evidence us 4he ideal stamp. Henniker Heaton "unreliable. The judge is not bound said the most esseitial thing was the | to accept the verdict of the two Ben- soven ins head gal assessors, who, according to law, Nothing else are associated with the judge to help said, "in| an) him with their knowledge of local so- colony. Once 1 proposel to cial conditions and Hindu habite, Sn ward that Queen Als recent political cases the judges hive should be placed on one British stamp, hardly ever accepted the verdict of but h? answered that in his opinion, the assessors. and apart from personal consi era 'Simla--The murder of tions, the whole of the Manivachi Junetion, and Sub-l sginage of the empire she spector Rajkumar, at Maimansingh,' the sovereign's -~head have caused a deep sensation through- beatitiful empire stamp India. ol ted to the delogates at the late R. W. Ashe, collector at Tinnevelly, but ference, money difficulties was shot by a 'Brahmin attorney while ' Ein : > hers rendot®™l its adoption impossi getting in a train with his others rendn®} i i | w - 1 . SASS] - ito, thie ble. Over the top British Em assassin afterwards committing" sai . b cide pire" and below the of the coun | The assessors in the Dacea econspir- WY of issue.' 'acy ease described the evidenee of the Evelin Cecil, the government unreliable, and found for Astor Manor, will the forty-two men accused of waging master genera! whether, against the king not guilty, the dissatisfaction at the -- he will consider whether { A GREAT FAIR. should designad trait of his majesty of tions with the existing be tancelled other --is at on Been Shot in of new Pur sped A pub em London, Criticism Joh penny Sir John celt, men lie phat. "The monarchy as the wider very was is is being a Henniket vesterday, was was interviewed thing is cateulated Lo underming England," ftenniker fearon proposed that committee forthwith ber pointed to produce a stamp, thing Will be a constant urce extinguishable laughter.' As that «committee be named Lord in ne said i a should ap else the ot head ol Craw I " shou'd British Jd: minion King Kd appear, andra 's Mr._ Ashe at stamps and wild cont A submit oO mn lone most was son- and was name unionist member as ask the post in vi new sy fresh with a new and whether i her be issue denom wirad | Sept. 8th to 16th. | The. finest cattle and live stock in Canada will be seen the Western fair, which wilt open September Sth, and continue till Sep | tember 16th. ly the - dis [plays of the products of the farm and Charles orchard; in. fact, there is not a build. land, after fing on Queen's Park, London, that ix life of { not a point of atiraction when the ficient Western fair is on. Hagerland, | There are the went beyond his {which this year called for help. Bassett after a to shore dime life horses, saved Life Gets Nickel, According Wttle business tra which place Park Bassett, the visitor, to to a took between a and actiom Neare less famous are Ocean Lionrg former had five cent place from the wor New i ponded poptied valuation who is special "attractions, depth will afford surpris and delight to all visitors. Of course [there will be jumping and speeding the man safely events, in which the mettle of the best Hagerland gave a in the country will be tested. who had his here will be military features; de cepted and handed back five vents, monstrations of the alacrity of a city the remack : fire department; the aeroplare will be "Here's vour change." ~ in* operation in Londan for the first Cor. New York Herald. "tarn" will be given by a of Polar. bears; and there will an amusing act by trained a dqgs; acrobatic acts clever and amus Raslic's one accused the ing: and dog shows and many Flower, of New York, dther special attractions that are cer doned more prisoners tain to delight the tens of thousands predecessors of visitors, writer referred Throughout each day and evening Governor Flower rephail four splendid bands will be on the did, and there is not} grounds, so that an abundance of ex- mgnisiration that 1 iol cellent music iv assured. Each evening with greater satisfaction 1} there will be magnificent fireworks, of pardons that | granted Space is being rapidly taken up, and regret is that I did not make it those desirous of securing plaess er." Governor Flower a big should apply at once to the secretary, --big of body, brain and backbone. A. M. Hunt, in res sucepedded struggle horses saved paset | wit Los. Angeles time; a Big of Heart. also. be Weekly late of hs thar an ! When usation, cat of | had to done. the this 404 ng in hack am the aly was rep ei { Papers of New Zealand. Reception at Delisle, Sask. | With' sisti-seven daily papers dlelsle, Sask., July 15.--A reception population of 552,168 males and, 490 was eld at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 529 females, New Zealand may justhy! RT Keeler for the homecoming of claim to be anything but illiterate.' their son George, and his bride, for. These figures are of Dec. 3lst, 1908, merly Miss Winnifred Shannon, daugh- and gain added interest frog the fact ter of R Shannon," Sunbury Ont., af. that there were also at that time ter having spent two weeki among thirty-two tri-weekly, twenty-six semi- ifriends 'in the eastern part of Sana weekly, sixty-eight weekly, four fort katehewan and Manitoba. The dining nightly, one three-weekly, one four- | room; and parlor were beautifully de weekly and thirtydoud mea'ly publi | corated with bells and' white stream cationd in the dominion, 6 ers and numerous bouguets of flow 0 an ! Preparation, and useful presents. Fnrminghom Age-Herald leluding some from Sunbury, Omt., He Salf it down: ward, Sask, Grandora and Vanseor Save your coin and don't spend any | After congratulations from the muay | Salt it down. relatives and friends the guests as And as soon's you're in the swim yon assembled in the dining-room, 'where Will give all vou have to him who they partook of a fine repast. Music J3 the first who tries to tfim you and singing were indulged in until a Salt it down! § ate hour. f re ce em emamant : tp + | Fox's Foot Relief for sore achivg | See Bibhy's $15 blue suits, feet, "Prouse's Drag Store" isis oy : t fw i bv | Duchéss | than ~_ That Splitting Headache Loe " it you take "NA-DRU-CO" Headache Walers be _Furantee they contain ' 25¢. a tox, af a! not hing Sugpins' LIPTON'S TEA 2 MILLION PACKAGES SOLD WEEKLY mt cn on An St SR EOE" O] OB Is Your Baby Deing Well? vou a yes of Fe Irate ? MILK FOOD (Starchless) for the youngest and It agree ith babies Do you dread the summer? Are can't stand the heat and } PN Cow's NEAVE'S diet sudden n 1S he a danger. fect te baby is the x Y mostdeli who It | SW e wa read ot ke rfiectly Put Food if vou througl always ed f od Jor ba n Neave r the'hh lang your baby want to bri the Sold in 1 Ib. airtight tins by all Druggists i FREE TO MOTHERS Sed Wheiesle by: 17 wo ~ write today for free tin of Neave's Milk Food and copy of cur valuable book, * Hints f Abeut Baby." Address to Tre Canadian Agent: EDWIN UTLEY, Mirs. J. R. NEAVE & CO, . TORONTO. ENG LAND. Citmacis tle one safely first summer, n Cansda. HEAL VEN is a favorite in distant countries as well as being the most popular Polish in Canada and the United States. Australi half a million boxes per year. lone takes over Superior merit is the reason. Itcontains no Turpentine. Tryit with amatch. It is good for your shoes. THE F. F. DALLEY. CO., Limited, HAMILTON, Ont., BUFFALO, N.Y. and LONDON, Eng 14) | mame | and i address, ¢ please ? ING SENSE Y ou would not tolerate a plaster ceiling in your home or store, if you really knew how much better are Preston Steel Ceilings. For plaster cracks and crumbles--and these steel ceilings cannot. Plaster harbors dust, discase germs, vermin--and Preston Steel Ceilings cannot, because they have no crevices and can be washed like, a pane of glass. : _ 4 P R. E. 8S T O N And, then, any fire insurance company will'grant you a lower rate if you putin Preston ceilings. For they go a great way towards fire-proofing an interior. Of course they are damp-proof as well. You can have Preston Ceilings put on to cover old plaster ceilings. Easily. done. ' We tell you how. cover old plaster ®ith them save on fire lusurance S T E. "Preston Steel Ceilings never need repairs and seldom need re-decorating. They will outlast the building you put them in. Thus they are the cheapest ceiling money buys, in-point of service. Even in first cost they compete easily with plaster. In the long run, plaster simply- doesn't compare. - Nor does it in beauty. For these ceilings come in hundreds of most graceful, eye-charming designs, that can be painted in any color scheme. Our skilled decorators advise you, free, about colors, if you wish, C -E-1.L 1 N Before you build or repair indoors, allow us to talk with you by mail sbout this ceiling question. . You will be interested -- and will surcly save money, Drop a line to Metal Shingle & Siding Co., Limited, Preston, Ont. Branch Office and Factory, Montreal, PRESTON STEEL CEILINGS Branch Office ond' Factory, Monireal