EN:.-=: who have sane inventive ability Plone write SRMELEY 3 NTR Patent Auterweys, POLICE. READ FACES STEP Br ---- tt BICYCLES BICYCLE SUNDRIES ot Cut Prices 249 Yon bo © 'Wood's 3 Puobphotins BERTILLON TAKES NEW IN CRIMINOLOGY. New, Study in Facial Characteristics Will be Better Guide to Criminals Than Finger Test. New York, July 15--"A man may snile and smile and be a villian still, bat if we study his smile we can avoid becoming a victim of bis villainy." his was what Capt. Joseph Faurot, 'lof the bureau of criminal identifica tion said as he sailed on the steamer Vhiladelphia for Europe, to study a new phase of Bertillon system, the art of readmg faces, "Although the finger print is the most successful inark of identification,' Capt. Faurot said, "the detectives, when they have become proficient in the art of reading faces, will ve able to identify. an ofiénder on written de fineat and eoclent in the city scription in a room full of criminals. It may be hot outside, but in : "The study of facial characteristics, our Parlor it ig always tool. @ | which has become a part of our finger print system, will be on an amplified scale. We will study the ears, eyes, nose, mouth, and every human feature, including the scientific terms describ- ling the peculiarities of features. "This new system will 'enable us Yo read a description of a prisoner, land without a photograph the detec (tive will be able to identify the man {froin the written description in a "roomful of the type. "Of course there are many features that many people have in common, {out the thing is to study the combin- ations that distinguish one type from another. The ear, for instance, is one of the most salient features for identi fication, Very few ears are alike, there are no two fingér prints in the world. "As yet the finger print is the best guide; but when we have become pro ficient in the art pf reading faces hy written identification omly, criminals will have a serious handicap. The Great Tones and invigomies the who! nervous eystem, on 2 oud $a, 03 eine. ous Debil endal a rain Hotual Weaknens, Finigwions, Sper matorriea, and Effects of Abuse or Frcesses, Price 31 per Ai eit One will ph ease, six wii eure. go Pied in sine ear pt v Tere yoetat cess - ICE CREAM AND FRUITS, @ ALL KINDS OF CALIFORNIA : FRU Our Ice Cream Parlor is the : \ J 0000000000000000005000 bhbipbbbbbbbbbbbps The American Cafe 185Wellington St. The Up-to-date Restaurant and Eating House. Separate appartments. Well furnished and lighted. Try our Full Course Dinner, 26e. THOMAS GUY, Prop. ; dada] Quench Your Thirst WITH DUBLIN GINGER ALE, LEMON SYRUP, LIME JUICE, RASPBERRY VINEGAR. LEMONADE, ORANGEADR. D. COUPER, "Phone 76. 841-3 Princess Street. Prompt Delivery. hestecetastereitiisten alike At Mountain Grove, Mountain Grove, July 14. Misses Lenn Crozier and Evelena Price have returned from Albert College after writing on their normal 'entrance. Rus- sell Butterell, of Sydenham High School, is home. T. Walker, of St. Catherines, is at R, Hawley"s; Miss tena Lindsay and brother, Robert, are spending their holidays with friends Mrs. A. W. Thompson, very ill, is somewhat better. Mrs. Drake and her grandson, Charles Wood, left on Monday -for Carman, Man. Mrs. Kit- don, of Godfrey, is staying with her daughter, Mrs. A. W. Thompson. Men are very busy haying. Mr. Wood, of Newburgh, shipped hogs from here, yesterday. Last Sabbath was served ag children's day. The chil- dren brought flowers and tastefufly decorated the altar and. table, after a programme. Percy Butterall read an address and William Crozier presented D. J. Cronk with a gold pin in behalf of the school in recogmition of his faithfulness ss superintendent. Mr, Hall returaed to Roblin this week for his family and household effects. Mrs, Parks left on Saturday after visiting her sister, Mrs. Bell. A few of the young people attended the celebration at Oso, Julyyi2th. Mrs. Robert Cox is visiting Por parents. Miss Dolly Cox, Belleville, is home. were, hn ey LN UR ip no POOR PLUMBING IS DANGEROUS. obnoxious germs---ever health--are unsanitary Filth, odors, & menace "the outcome of plumbing . Can you afford to as- sume such a risk? Would you be wise in so doing? decay, disease to News From Picton. July» 13.--~Miss E. Bongard, BA, who has been teaching at Tné dian Head, Sask., was married July 6th, to Frederick E. Philips, of Re- gina, They will come east to Picton this winter for a visit, Miss Nora Gillespie will" shortly go to Campbell- ford for her vaeation.-- Miss DD, Ste- venson has gone to. Cleveland to take Picton, Our "modern open plumbinbing 4 In nt your wmerviee at prices fo aj you. DAVID HALL 06 BROCK ST. 'Phone 335, SERRE RR EERE eer E-- Order Some! . A 4 HISeEttTTetetTEt tt nates Seba ane. Whe Jou are . appe- weary--just try a glass of Labatt's Comet noey (LAGER STYLE) a i Brew-tanm and' choice lager, but has less looks than ans of spirit. Quenches gives appetite. ob- THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, JULY 1% 1911. the position of assistant superinten dent at the Lake Side hospital. Mrs E. Crawford, of Laduer, B.C, is on her way: from Vabeouver fo spend some time - with relatives on Big Is land and Prince Edward county. Mr. and Mrs. J. Smith went in their au tomobile to Charles G. Fox's, "Maple bell," to spend Thursday = afternoon, it being the weekly half holiday Misses Nixon, Orange, N.J., are visit ing at Mrs. Moyle's, Glenora Road Other visitors for the week have been Mrs. Bird and children, at Mrs. E McCaw's; Rev. E. Snider and Mrs Spider, town, and Mrs. A. Snider, Verona, at C. G. Fox's; Mrs. Ells worth, at W, Colliver's. New Kind of "Ice Boat." Popular Methanies, That cheap, but somewhat uncertain natural source of power, the wind, is nevertheless sufficiently reliable down in Florida to have solved a knotty transportation problem in the town of St, Petersburg. In this place there is a warehouse where fish is received in large quantities from the surrounding |: fishing eamps. A railroad track runs along a dock tothe building, and as the ice house is situated about three quarters of a snile away and the dock us tot provided with a flooring or pavement, the ice has to be hauled to the warehouse on a handear. The car holds seventy cakes of ice, each' one weighing two hundred pounds, or a total of 14,000 pounds, which is too great to propel by' hand. Therefore the expedient of using a sail was tried and has proved quite successful. There is usuafly enough wind blowing at any time to push the car, which, with an ordinary wind, makes the trip in three minutes. The car has no brakes, so the speed is checked by manipula- ting the sail. THE WHIG'S JUMBLE. A Lot of News of Interest to Every- body. GIVING WISDOM TO MOTHERS. Scientists In Dresden Show Just How tg Feed and Rear Infants. Dresden, July 15.--One of the most interesting sections of the Dresden «x hibition 1s that dealing with the care of very young children, the preven tion of infant mortality, infant patho- logy, and the proper treatmest of mothers. There are instructive tables of infant mortality in the various German states. Bavaria heads the list because Bgvarian mothers insist on their uifants swallowing large quantities of beer and sausage, A comprehensive row of photographs show the right and the wrong way of holding a baby when feeding, the pro- per dress to be worn by the mother, and the proper position which she should assuroe--all matters of supreme importance. Bottle feeding is bad, but if it must be resorted to, the exhibi tion shows the right and the wrong kind of bottle in greatest profusion. There are terrible things exhibited with curved and complicated tubes and rectangular corners advertised as "patent," which cannot nnder any cir cumstances be kept clean. There is a special sub-section devot- ed to an analysis of children's foods, to pure and adulterated milk, and ela borate 'diagrams and glass models of infants' stomachs shows the" results of under-feeding and overfeeding. Vic tures on the walls show how a 'baby's eyes and ears are to be clpaned, and others illustrate how inexperienced mothers too often perform this opera- tion. Model dresses for babies, the proper kind of cuff to prevest them scratehin, themselves, cribs, bed: baths, all in careful scientific array. A Race sng Jem; Colebrook, July --Peter Cronter, Yiveryman, Yarker, Ne one rig, dnd his. daughter, Agatha, with another, started from this place for Varker in a race. Mr. Crontér's horse became frightened and commenced to kick and run between a telegraph pole' and the fence, demolishing' the buggy, throw ing the driver out on his head, but Gibson's, "Batger's toffee," 25c. sizes. "Shoulder braces," all son's, Une way to nail 'it to the floor. Bibby' s sale of summnier suits. "Batger's toffee," 25c. Gibson's. Australia claims to have the tallest! tree in the world. | Gibford Safety Razor Strops 'Prouse's Drug Store.' Home ought always to be a place of | mutual concessions. See Bibby"s $5.50 outing suits. "Buy Wild Strawberry Compound." Gibson's There is only one tree in Shetland, and Shetland is proud of it. Bibby's salé of summer suits. I! Self esteem sometimes carries a man to the border of foolishness. Red, black and purple berries, at Gilbert's. You've got nothing on us. Our derwear is sticking to us, too. "Shoulder braces," all sizes. son's. I pity the man or - woman who at: tempts dollar style on cent capital. Gas and 'electric accounts are now tue. Pay at cnce and save ten per Gib- b | i un- Gib-! -- Bibby's $15 blue suits. You and 1 may lose ten chances to praise in hunting for one to censure. For pure ice cream in bricks or bulk, vy Sakell's, next te Opera House. Phone, 640. The 'pull-together comunity is al- | ways noticeable for its good results. | Bibby's sale of summer suits. | If you Trust to the honesty of thieves you are quite sure to be rob bed. For sprains, strains and swelling rub Dr. Harte White Liniment, 25c., 'Prouse'i Drug- St. The dust and dirt de always the man in the tail end of the cession. Extra large and stromg hair nets, fie.; threeinch silk ribbon, 10e." New York Dress 'Reform, 209 Princess St. At the age of eighteen a girl is aw- fuliy ashamed of her appetite in com- pany. Baseball game, Victorias vs. CLC oy Civie holiday, Lake Ontario park, July 31st. Sometimes a man wonders he was shaved by a barber) butcher. a Sale of $1 motor veils, Hoe. ors; 8c, chamois finish gloves, 25¢. New York Dress Reform, 209 Prigcess street. + Bibby's sale of summer suits. Une kind of an enemy is a who doesn't criticise you when Are wrong. Old Boys' for pro- whether or a | all col friend you baseball game, Chicago ve. Toronto, Civie holiday, at Lake Ontario park, July 3lst. De. McQuade, of New York, is at Yarker on a short visit. Everyone is | pleased to see his smiling face. Very | few of the old land marks of the place' are left. a Midsummer sale--Must clear all white canvas boots and shoes, men's, wo- men's and . children's, amazing redue- tions. Dutton's, 209 Princess street. The marriage of iss Jessie Hicks, daughter of Mrs. Jacob Hicks, Belleville, to George W. Hen- ley, of the McLaughlin company's of- fice staff, Oshawa, took place in Belleville on Thursday. Measuring Raindrops. . Spencer C. Russel, at a meeting the Royal Meteorological Soeiety, scribed how -he obtained recc of the actual size of raindrops. He said the experiments had led him to ocon- | clude that the most satisfactory re-| of de- | make money fast is to! Ii | Miss Lillian Simpkins, Syracuse, N.Y, | Woodrufi's. ness for a time. | Pabv at his father's, W. battering his neighbors. he fortunately sustained no serious ivjury. Agatha won the race. Wellington Brown, who has been re | airing and improv ing his house, has about completed. Mrs. Stinson, 0. Martin, and infant son, Wamer, oi ! Montreal, have arrived to spend . the summer months with her parents, - visiting ner aunt, Mrs. Charles Lee. . Wve Smith, Saskatoon, Sask., the week-end at F. 5S." Wart man's. Mrs. Fason and two sons, have left for their home in Detroit, after spending two weeks at H. Master Norman Kitchen is spending his holidays at his grand mother's, Mrs. Grey. rs. John Shangraw was taken suddenly ill on Friday night, but is now improging. The Dominion Feather company; who has boen engaged in their business here for the past six weeks, has now left for Gananoque 2 resyme busi- Burton Sutton, wife and daughtet, Catherine, are spending their holidays at the home of her father here. Irvine Wagar, wife, and Hiram Wagar's, Hart and wile, a Jou. on Tuesday last. 'Ihe Colebrooke L.O.L., celebrated at Napanee, Wilbur { Wartman's daughter, Gladys, has {been successful in passing her Toron- to Conservatory of Music examina- tions . with honors. Mrs, Matilda Benn, Toronto, is visiting here, Mrs. Davidson and daughter, Gananoque, are visiting at Arthur Hart's. Born to Arthur How Duke Bowers Got Rich. Duke Jowers runs thirty-five grocery stores in Memphis and he believes in advertising. Aout a week ago he fill- od four pagés of a newspaper im his town with advertisements of his busi ness, all devoted to sounding the praises of the groceries he had to sell ft vost him as much to do this as it would have cost him to open anotlier store, so he said; but he expects that his sales will increase so much that ijt will, in fact, not cost him a cent. Since be hegan business in = Memphis, Mr. Bowers says that he has spent more for newspaper space than he is worth, 'but he believes if he had spent only half as much for advertising he would not have ben worth half as much as he is. There is only one moral that can be drawn from this story --advertise! Some | day, Mr. Bowers thinks, "everybody | will be convinced that it pays to ad- vertise."' Wanamaker found that out | long ago. Every big and successful | merchant in the country knows that | it is true. Every merchant in Rich | mond would find that it is true and | the man. . who takes half a column | would increase his space to hall a page, and the half-page man would double up.--Richmond Times-Dispatch. | i © Saved by His Pride. | Although pride was not one of the cardinal vigues she had sought to in- still into her poor people, the settle | ment worker rejoiced when the strong | man's . wile informed he that the | strong man had discontinwid his re- gular Saturday afternoon pastime of { "How perfectly splendid," exclaim- od the settlement worker, her face irradiated with the satisfaction of good deeds accomplished. The fighter's wile, fearing the work- 'er was taking to herself too much | credit for the reformation, went on : "It's the way I manage hish that does it. Up to midnight on Satur. (day 1 keep all his clean clothes locked jup in a drawer that he can't get in- ito, and since he has commenced { heading, Her Swaddling Clothes," man-Review saying in part : frgm a colony to a nation is one ihe {facts of modern political history {decade lwas anything but pleasant late {dom inated by {misleads the average hundreds {from England and Europe that {settled in Capada during the {years have enabled the Canadians tdevelop {tent that her products and rescurves [have become Canada have brought about a marked | (difference in toward the rest of the world jeade ago Canada moved with the hesi- tating steps of an infant among nations of the world. thrown aside ha {and tions of the earth. {under the British crown, {complete autonomy and is free to en | iter in regard to hen material weliare. dom - and enlarged horizon the adian bas become to gpirit of absolute confidence and _PAGE SEVEN. Sararestuntttteneteesftisiiissettnintieestitasssssssassasaacand Extension of the Kingston Laundry GREAT SALE OF FURNITURE <= All the Furniture contained in the Store House on the Laundry Property on Sydenham Street, must be sold without reserve by the Ist of August, as they are going to enlarge their Buildings. OVER 52,000 WORTH MUST BE § CONSISTING OF Bedroom Setts, Springs and Mattresses, Sideboards, Extension Tables, Couches Etc., Camp Cots. Pad and other Mattresses to fit, Camp Chairs, Stool and Boat Chairs and Etc, Flat and Role Top Desks. Some very Cheap Parlor Setts in Silk, Verona Cloth, Leathers and Tapestry, Solid and Imitation Mahogany, Frames, all kinds - of Dining Room and Parlor Chairs in Setts or Odd Pieces, China Cabinets And Buffetts, Chiffonnieres and Dressing Tables, Dressing Table Chairs with Mirror in Back---Something New. Now Is the Time fo Get Good Furniture Cheap, as we have no place to store it without building. ROBT. J. REID 230 PRINCESS STREET £ VOLT VVTVOLE BOW on » : i TELEPHONE 577 -_ cl Ls Brsssssssssssssssssss@esasas sssssssssssssald A something | : : | | i | : : | on | NOT -- SAME OLD WORLD. for tabove THE and pestle or their shops to show what they dhe merchants now have hit-or-mmwx, come foctric signs that make i blind to gaze upon, : the seller of feather dusters and whisk brooms strolls about the streets with weird cries. You get these things at the store, and twenty-one seconds later a motorcycle youth de livers them. No more the vendor of apples { fisrcely on the streets, Apples are now sold al a nickel apie at the fruit [stands, and the fruit has to he polish ed daily to keep it bright The hydrant has displaced the town ipump; the barber shop is now a place where they do manicuring and ive ibaths, longer a lounging place for gossips, It'd all been changed by wcience, and scarcely a day passes that science {dossm't take a pot shot at some pie turesque phase earlier lives and tknock the feathers out of ite tail, for {there's no room on this earth for both {the scientific and something had to go Galveston News, Watertown and Return, $1.65 Good going Satweday 5 a.m. and 2 and Sunday 7.30 a.m. and 2 p.m., returning up to Monday evening: OPINION OF CANADA. v mortar Everything Changed Half Century by the Sciertists, Has Thrown Aside Her Swad- in. the Last dling Clothes. Spokane, Wash., July 15.~Under the "Canada Has Tirown Aside |, the Spokes | and if science were a leogth editorial lengthy i ithe besl would never, |" 'he old oaken bucket has jto the galvanized handle | The {and coment, sold, She rn alternating, and go sort ob yO It's seemingly science knocks queer but all the picturesque out Nib i, | No'moge a shooting gal | of life, in has and the picturesyuie were a target, ing Fiven place 1, I'he stop ring Canada | of signilicant 'A or two ago Canada's position Her elim- had frightened Europeans of the Snows,' was regarded as a barren winter impression man of "The Transformation . of most interesting and soldered on. yon Yous moss-grown well eurb is no more eried over the well is a solid slab of | while in a bright red building Riphing {a sizzling, thumping gasoline land industriously pumping the tpto an elevated metal tank on stilts No more the plods his weary way from He back on the now engine is as 'Our Lady called her, h cool. water plowman the field. which longer the no and emigrants heels. { have |, i ten Ihe scissors grinder used to have a to Teontraption wade of wheels and wood mm and leather, and stood up and ground the things. Now he has an automobile, jwith grinder attached, the auto power runs the thing, The shoemaker used to squat a polished leather his litterad shop and eohble shoes while you sat with your cold feet on paper the [Now a mimature shoe fac tory, "To-day this i ryies uo plow, has ' of thousands last of ow the country to such an a SCI1SsOYR wine famous the world over "Changed" and better conditions in and the picturesque, én attitude sent In "A the Canadian's de | 81.65, new vou go into "To-day she has where they ean make vou a pair swaddling clothes jof shoes in the time it took him to taken her place among the ma put a heel on, and the buzz of ma "Although a colony jchinary is only broken hy the rattle of | she enjoys a (the easly vegister. Where merchants used to jit o i p.m The (, N. RB work at slow. shout nothing do in very starting Yiarker; ing vet into treaties with other nations "Consequent upon this greater free. Can with a de- + imbued St. Lawrence River ; sme voday. Premier Beer sults were given by the use of plaster go to the miskion he is too of paris or fine flour placed in three proud to take off his coat andy fight inch shallow trays to a depth .of one 'with a dirty - shirt on.'-New York and one-half inches. Raindrops duri six thunderstorms had been yielding a total of 164 Ere divided up into the following sizes : Twenty- five of five millimeters, forty of four' millimeters, forty-eight of hie milli- meteres, thirty-five of two millimeteres and fifteen of one millimeter. The larg- est drops occurred at the commence ment of the storm, grading off as the storm progressed. Before a fall of hail a marked increase in drop size was ap- parent. London Evening Standard. (termined optimism with regard to the country's future." Gulf and Sea mmmer trip By the Lawrence River and Guill Atimntie, the best trip In Amevien, with comfort and good ser view, m= rave treat the mont de. Huhtful and cnsrming trip of the HLACK DIAMOND S88, LINE. The Seamer Rosalind, which was running between New York, Halifax anll Newfoundland, is sow one of the Stesmers used Railings every Hatur- day from Montreal. See Montreal and Lachine Rapids nearby, then down the se, wrence, past Quebee, with iis citadel, Plains of Abraham, the Tele of Oriesns, the famed Saguenay River, Rimuuek!, Father Point, to Charlotte. wan, PRI. Sydney, Ng and St Sohn Newfound! ana i$ Weite do-day for illustrated booklet sent free LT. WELDON, GF. & PA, 112 84, James Sireet, Montreal Times, | ny Ti ou oe late hours Fish Picks Berries. Fred Vgsen was fishing in the Lee reservoir yesterday and heard near "shore what 'he at first supposed was a muskrat. It proved to be a big crap. He watched the fish for, some minu To take » beautiful St, and Inte the ETE Senility and i lesgne: » great blood ws Tron i tes and says positively that along the the nerves, invigorate the system, re- shore strawberries hung over the wa- store wasting vitality and cure aj] [t¢r varying in distance from four to constitutional irregularities. Price, 25 (ten inches from the surface, and iw cents, at Jas. B., Mcleods drag | was surprised to see the big fish bob- x ibing his head out of the water and e-- 'grabbing the berries. He watched it _Tho-peopie of 'Yarker and vicinity {repeat . the operation half a dozen were Wry loyal on July 12th, as about. times. He then tried his bait and sue- one hundred took the train for Na ceeded in hooking the fish.6He had to panee. ishoot it before he could lana it. The Wear revolving roid heels, put on carp weighed thirty-two pounds. --Lee free charge, .1 » Boe. Boe. pair. Masw.. Dispatch to Cleveland News. Sole agents, ro 200 inten 4. | Bibby sale of summer suits, foun in tha front ranks" of poor op "Se T's 830 utng sms. Bibivy's nobby outing trousers, $2.50. §