THE STANDARD AND FAVORITE BRAND. MADE IN CANADA Dr. de Van's Female Pills A reliable French regulator ; never fails. These lls are exceedingly powerful in regulating the efuse de Van's are sold at 15a box, or three for $8 Mailed to any address. Scobell Drug Co.. $i. Catharines, Ons. pi generative portion of the female system. sll cheap imitations. Dr, For sale at Mahood's Drug Store. HSE a (a) Gonorrhe Runnings IN 48 HOURS. Cures Kid. ney and Bladder Troubles '- ¢ IF YOU REQUIRE A Small. Launch, a Steam Yacht, or a Speed Boat, there is a Davis boat to fulfil your re quirements. Our Gasoline En gines have earned a high repu- tation for speed, reliability and first eluss workmanship. Ask for our 1911 catalogue. DAVIS. DRY DOCK CO. 'Phone 420. {LUMBER Our Stock. is now complete In HEMLOCK, SPRUCE RED PINE WHITE PINE in Dressed. matched, the rough. S. Angiin & Co. Office and Yards: Cor. Bay and : Wellington Streets B00000000000000000000 et -- ------ POOEOO0E00H000000000 BAD WATER - AGAIN : WHY NOT BE SAFE!~DRINK | THOMPSON'S Celebrated Dublin and Belfast | GINGER ALK. " i Guaranteed to equal any Im. ported Ginger Ale. Try a case and be convinced, 3 Thompson Bottling Co. ' 202 PRINCESS STREET. 'Phone 304. or APOPVEV LINE TOV ° » ° ° ° ° ® ° *» * » * . * ° * * ° # * ® » ° ° ° " ° ° ® » * 8 ° 00000 Notice . Strangers and Visitors are fnvited to inspect my big show- ing of Antique Furniture. Suitable prices. Best quality. L. LESSES, Cor. Princess and Chatham Sts, 'Phone 1045, Will Buy or Sell all kinds of Furniture. ighest prices. from now according to sta- tistics the anthracite coalfields of Pennsylvania will be ex- bausted. No danger of frees- ing for a few winters yet. NEVER MIND THE 199 : YEARS. you need coal this year--this winter-- NOW! If you use our coal you are ' gure of one warm winter any- | "DAILY BRITISH WHIG, published {at 306.310 King Btree ngston, On. | sarlo, aye per year, tions at 2.30 "nd 'elock m. A EEKLY BLITISH WHIG, 16 pages ublished pars on Monday and Rg Te TORR 4 tates, © to be sdded "mal price' of Dally $1 A hed is one Of the best Job Print- in and fr in Ca ;. rapid, stylish ot 7 nine improved presses. cheap work; The British Whig Publishing Co., Limited J. G. a Guita, Soe Trens. TORONTO OFFICE. Suite 19 and 20 Queen City Ch ers, 32 Church 8t, Toronto. H. Smalipelice, J.P. representative, Dailey Wma. THE USE OF CHLORINE. A consulting. chemist in Hamilton, J. M. Williams, does not Approve of chlorine for the purification of the wa- recommends fu. place of it of By the change, he writes, "we eliminate the one pro- nounced disagreeable clement of a bad taste in the water. We introduce an astringent compound Which is imme distely exerting its actioll 'on organic contamination. This astringent qual- ity provides that albuminous and géla- timous bodies would be efficiently dealt with, apart from the destructive effect of the chlorine, but which, of course, is involved with this astringent actiomr and precipitation action." Here is the opinion of a professional man, and it be passed upon by profes- What do they say with re in ter and chloride iron. can only sionals. gard to Mr. William#' contention ? In this matter of purifying water the ele of cost largely. Is chloride of iron a more expensive arti- ment figures cle than chlorine? It is an important query, though the question of health takes precedence, and the -policy of the Health department should not be dic- tated or determined by the penperfous- ness of any one. MORMONS NEED WATCHING. The Whig some time ago quoted from articles written by Nan Moulton to the Canadian Courier and to the ef fect that the in Alberta were an industrious and thrifty lot, and that Mormons they were exceedingly clan- nish. The same correspondent, in a later issue of the Courier, and follow- ing up interesting subject, gives a very clear statement as to the with a most teaching of the Mormon church regard to polygamy. | These Mormons are the descendants of Salt Lake's contingent and" really believe all that Brigham Young and his successors taught. Polygamy is not so much in evidence in Utah as it was, because it is illegal. It. is preached in Alberta, it seems, amd is believed init is a cardinal doctrine of the church--and it is not practised because it will not be tolerated under the Canadian law. danger that sooner or Men and wo- There is a later it will break out. men who are under a belief that they ean, religiously, do certain things, will attempt them if they can. The only bar is the fear prosecution the certainty that the law will not per- mit the iniquity. The rumour in cir culation some time ago, and origina- ting in Urah, that polygamy had been because living was longer abandoned too high, and one man able to maintain several + establish- ments, appears to be a joke. Poly- gamy is simply in disrepute everywhere in America, and has been suspended because it will not be tolerated. Nan Moulton has done a service in, revealing so clearly the teachings of the Mormens in Al berta. It is for the representatives of our governments to see that these defy the laws of Can- evil propensi- Was no useful people do not ada and indulge their Lies. > HELL TO BE ABOLISHED. By a strange inspiration the Ot- tawa Citizen and the Hamilton Spec- tator, at the same time and in the same issues, and in precisely the same words, deal with a live issue--the hell of the present, the hell that is felt every summer, in every congested city, when the poor sizzle and suffer from the terrible heat. There is great force in what our contemporaries aver, that one should think as much, and of the present as of the future that the people should be as anxious and willing to escape the hell of the pre sent as they are to escape the hell bye and bye. The argument is against a continuance, of civie conditions, that are blighting and blasting in their effects. The poor must endure many things, quite as painful as purgatorial fires, because they cannot help them- selves, Cities can do a great deal to help them. Slum hfe can be abol- ished slowly. It takes time to wipe out the evidences of poverty as they are seen in the shacks and shanti and alleged homes of the very poor. The movement involves capital and labour. They are preceded usually by an education that is uplifting, and in this education the public men "must lead. In England wonders are being done in the feeding of school children, in the housing of the grownups, in the care of the decrepid, in the treat- {ment of the sick and unemployed. | A human spirit is abroad, and it is transforming old Eadlind and gra : making it an earthly paradise. "itizen, HP DATLY BRITISH WHIG, TURSDAY. JULY 18. rey namely, that there is a work before every Canadian, and it is to encour age everything that tends to improve | the masses, to "set forth upon EDITORIAL Mr. Bourassa wants federal parliament and thinks of op- posing Hon. Charles Murphy in Rus- sell. That would be an interesting | contest. But what of the conserva-| tive candidate glréady in the field? | fs he willing to' be sidetracked ? NOTES. i | back into the i z.4 in i in | The' Toronto World is in error supposing that the street cars Kingston are used very much in ear rying people to church. Some do travel 10 evening service in that way. | Most travel to the lake side park, and | appear to enjoy it. Nobody disputes | that the issue is with the people. What they want they will have. Women now 'aspire to be judges. They must first aspire to be lawyers, and real The man of practice' makes the best judge, because his reading has been large and his practice varied. If the women 'would succeed in they must imitate. the man. are made wise by hard discipline. good ones, large { law Judges are not born. They Now that the coronation and _im- perial conference are over, that the great guns, have subsided in old Eng- land, Mr. Foster has been heard from. He has been dining at Birmingham, and saying that Canada fs bound by most of the legislation passed in Lon- don, thing a trifle ? Isn't he overdoing this ' Abolishing hell is no easy matter. It may be cast out of our theological minds but it cannot be abolished from the cities until the civic forces have fought ral Sharman used to say that hell. The Hamilton Spectator says it is poverty in hot weather, a good fight and won. Gene war was Manitoba is hustling for harvesters, 14,000 of whom have been asked for, and only half the offi- have over already al erop correspondents been heard from. = The crop of the. west promises this year to be an immense A harvest of 200,000,000 bush- £200,000,000 the western provinces. one, els of wheat means to Sir Wilfrid Laurier is lauded by one a |BY crusade and abolish every civic hell. i | Branch Railway Line | oot of Princess street. This ONTARIO ° EXPLORATION COMPANY FROM WILBUR. to. Collins 'Bay Abandoned--Ore May Db Shipped Over Richardson's Whar! the Ontario Exploration Syndicate from its mines at Wilbur. It has de cided not to build the length of pier it originally intended at Collins Bay, nd "it has abandoned its proposed branch railway line from the K. & P road to Collins Bay. It foynd the cost would be to great. One of the rectors made the state ment that an arrangement might be made to ship the ore to Kingston over the K. & P. railway, and load it into vessels at Richardson's wharf, at the is the way 'the feldspar from Richardson's mines is loaded here for Charlotte. The company has lost half the sea- son already, so far as shipping is con- cerned, and could easily have afforded to wait for the enlargement of the span of Cataraqui bridge. AT LAKE ONTARIO PARK A Fine Programme Was Given on Monday Evening. There was a fair attendance at Lake Ontario Park last evening. The programme, was a very attractive one. Ford and Laird, comedians, jn black: fuced act, were very funny. They sang, as a duet, "Beautiful Rag," "*You're Going to Wish You Had Me Back," and "Listen to the Juggle Band." "Joe" Carr, a versatide comedian, sang in good voice, "I'm An Honor- ary member of the Patsy Club" and "I'he Dreamy Italian Waltz." He also contributed a very pathetic recitation, "The Kid's Last Fight," which drew forth an outburst of applause, In connection with the illustrated pio tures Miss Rosevear gave two pretty songs, "F Love the Girl My Father Loved and Mother Is Her Name," and "The Difblin Rag." There we four reels of pictures presented, wil were attractive, entitled "The Lucky Card,"s "Immortal Alamo," an epi- sode in the Mexican: Texas WaT "Bearded Youth" and 'Delayed Tro The same programme will be posal." To-morrow . will presented to-night. be children's one-cent day with ama tinee at 3.30 p.m, ILLUMINATED - YACHT PARADE Feature on Civic Hou "day Night. --An--iHuminated --yaeht : Macdonald park on the evening Monday the 3lst, would be a Should be a - parade off of very Ottawa paper as the spedial friend of | in Its 1) his | return In-| gratitude, however, is the distinguish- ing feature of publie life. the capital, the man who led beautification, worthy of a civie But he was not deemex reception on from a national ergand. INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters on Their R d A retreat is now going on at the House of Providence. Russell Sharp, California, is visiting his parents, on Barrie street. Bert. Robertson went out to Syden- ham, on Monday, on business. Rev. D. M. Morden, of Ottawa, stopped off here on his way to Picton. Is Kingston city council going to make a grant to the fire sufferers of Northern Ontario ? Edward Berrigan and John Tobin, two attendants at Rockwood asylum, resigned on Monday. Arthur Casterson, of the Ontario Ferry No. 1, spent Sunday with his parents, on Rideau street. Ernest Leach and his two sisters left, on the steamer Alexandria, for Quebec, on Monday afternoon. Walter I. Lake, of the Chicago Tri- bune, and Mrs. Lake 'are visiting Mrs. James Reid, Princess street. Father Mulcahey, Worcester, Mags, is in the city. His brother, a student at Queen's, is ill of typhoid fever in the Hotel Dieu. POLICE COURT CASES. Charge Against © Medical Student Again Adjourned. The charge of the theft of a micros cope from Queen's Medical College, laid by Dean Connell, against E. C. Davis, a student, was again adjourned when it was called in court, Tuesday morning, at the request of J. MeD. Mowat, counsel for the prisoner. There is a possibility that the charge may. not be pressed, if the loss to the col lege is made good. Robert Harpell, who was - charged with collecting garbage without put. ting up the necessary bond, arranged to comply with the new conditions im- posed' by the city council. William Symonds, charged with vagrancy, was given a chance to get a job, which he said he was seeking at Collins Bay. Disease in Cattle. Montreal Herald, The British royal commission on tuberculosis having reported that the disense is transmissible from cows to man, we shall possibly hear no more for a while of the tests against Canada's agricult restrictions and inspection orders. It is better that some of our cows be put to an un- timely end than that the people of Canada be exposed to a direct source of fatal infection i Miss Alma M. eid, daughter of M. R. Reid, 1L.P.S., Sydenham, her Jimary piano examination with mors at the examination held in Kingston by the Toronto Conserva- tory of Music. Miss Reid, who also has a good standing in third form work of Sydenham High School, is but fifteen years of age. De. M , of North A rehased i , has have ; happy feature at the close of the en- tertainment to the old boys. . Fight vears ago, when Kingston had its big celebration .in honor of the old boys, the vachts were illuminated, and made a grand sight as they glided along the shores of the park. Every craft, how éver small could carry a few Chinese lanterns lighted. The yacht club mem- bers and others who have boats might Have an understanding as to such an illuminated parade in connection with the band concert which is to close the proceedings of the civic holiday. Does Your Stomach Work Properly There is no complaint go humiliat ng and tiresome as stomach com plaint, The reason wo many people suffer with their stomach is because they overwork it and do not give it a, tonic. Mi-Gna Ta speedily remove the agreeable belching (gas on the sto- mach)) sour taste and foul breath Dizziness, biliousness and headache all disappear when you begin to take Mi- o-na. Mi-o-na is guaranteed by J. laod, who will refund your money if they fail to cure or do what 'jwe claim. Post paid from the R. T. Booth Co., Limited, Fort Erie, Ont., on receipt of price, 50e. blets will tone 'the sto- mach agd dis- B. Me- | Pu NARCOTIC. Jere of Ud Br SONUELPITCER Panplin Send No iron ore ll been shipped by |. The Kind You Have Specialists in diseases of Skin, Blood, Nerves, Bladder and Special Ali- ments of men. One visit advisable ; if impossible, send history for free opinion sad ad- vice. Question blank and book on diseases of men free. Counsuitation free. Medicine furnished in tablet | form. Hours : 10 am. to 1 p.m, acd 2 to 8 p.m. Sundays, 10 am. to 1 pw, , DRS. SOPER & WHITE Le 26 Toronto Street, Torente, Ont, Cook's Cotton Root Compound The great Uterine Tonic, and only he" ehetanl Monthly on w depend. in three d of strength--No. 1, ¥ o. Pe 1 cases, box. said by all ta, oe sent on of pr Bes pam . Address | EO Tost Dr ees Wind Z { THE CLUBHOTEL NGTON (Near Princess), There are other hotels, but none approach the Club for homelike surroundings. - f Located In centre of city and close to principal stores and ! theatre. q Charges are moderate. Special rates by the week, P. M. THOMPSON, Proprietor, 9B VVVVVBVBOUNBANN) KEEP WELL DRESSED. No need to look ~ shabby these days.. Let us keep your clothes well cleaned and press ed at moderate cost. RR, PARKER & C0, Dyers and Cleaners, 69 Princess St, Kingston, Ont, fy rg OTe Te0e0e0000000000 Setsssstsestitttetetes _ Watermelons California Plums Apricots and Peaches A. J. REES -166_ Princess Street... "Phone 58. PLLLLLAELL000000808048 4 FIGIIIIVIIIIIIIVIIIG « CAMPBELL, FLOUR COMPANY, LIMITED. OFFERING OF $300,000 Seven Per Cent. Cumulative Prefer- ence Shares, with a Bonus of Twenty-five Per Cent. Common Stock at $100 per Preference Share. THE MILLS 25 per cent. on allotment. 25 per cent. on Sept. 15th, 1911. 5 per cent. on Nov, 15th, 1911. 25 per cent. on January 15th, 1911. Applications for the above receiv- ed at the office of J. 0. Hutton, 18 Market St KINGSTON, ONT. Apply early if you wish to get a reservation. For Infants and Children. Always Bought Bears the Signature Use "For Over Thirty Years CASTORI wenn geve. § 2 00000000000 OO EERE REP TERRE | DO000000000000000000090 i BIBBYS um Men's and Boy's Departmental Store There's Money ----IN-THIS AD t=--= | / "take stock' in what we When special offer of any kind we always do exactly as we advertise The people who read our ads and say will find it very profitable reading. we make a We deliver the goods to the letter, and we advise our patrons" of our offerings through the medium of oir newspaper ade, and so THERES MONEY IN THEM SHIRTS. SPECIAL AT 69¢, 1911 coat Regular SUMMER TROUSERS, SPECIAL AT $2.50. Light colors in homespuns, made with belt loops, cuff bot- toms, Peg top style, Worth regularly $3.50. BIBBY'S PRICE, All terns, bosom. qualities BIBBY'S SPECIAL, pat soft $1 models, neat style, el $1.00, etc 6c, $2.50. SILK NECKWEAR. --SPECIAL, 20, Rich patterns in Silk Four-in-hands, Flow ete All new goods Hoc qualities. BIBBY'S SPECIAL, 20«, eS EMMER SEP SPECIAL AT $10.00. hin Ends Regula: 20000000000000000500000 styles colors lapels. $15 Two or Three-plece English tweed. ~ light latest models, long wide trousers. Regular qualities. BIBBY'S SPECIAL, $10.00. FANCY HOSIERY. SPECIAL, 25. Lisle Thread Cashmere, mice Plain and fancy, neat designs, Rich colorings: Regular 4ue and b0e qualities BIBBYW SPECIAL, 20«. SUMMER VESTS. Neat black and white effects, all sizes Regular $1.25, $1.50 $1.75 Vests. BIBBY'S PRICE, $1.00. nmr pn oN BIBBYS Limited 78-80-82 PRINCESS STREET Slaughter Sale of Boots and Shoes Men's High Grade Patent Oxfords, Welts Men's Tan, Welt, 85.50, sale price Men's Black, White and Chocolate ( Boys' and Youths' in proportion : BRING YOUR SHOE Jack Johnston's Shoe Store LIST YOUR PROPER FOR SALE OR TO rr EE INSTRANCE | rg E. Blake Thompson, VER NORTHERN CROWN BANK. MARKET SQUARE, v Phone. 186. aN KINGSTON, ONTi ~ $1.50 fords $i 69 REPAIRING, 70 Brock Street TIES NOW RENT RENTS COLLECTED ...At Half Price... Mull and Lawn One-piece Dresses, in Cream. Whife, Sky and Pink at Half Price. Coat and Skirt Wash Suits, in White. Cream, Mauve Tan and Grey, Half Price. i White and Cream Coats in Linen and Indian Head at , Price. : be White and Cream Skirts at Half Price. . Silk 'and Lisle Cloves, all lengths, at Hall Price. Mauve, Blue, Sete reassess etRIVRIISIY Half + hb SPENCE, ils. 119 Princess Street. naan Asst asssrisias ase 1