Daily British Whig (1850), 18 Jul 1911, p. 6

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PAGE SIX. . MOTEL DIRECTORY. DESERONTO, THE STEWART HOUSE, LEAD & Commercial. o'el Rates $1.5¢ ' THOS. FIEWART, Prop aafiel sleeper Hi) Jit IAEA Pacific Coast and Return YANCOUVER. $95 £0 PORTLAND. Got & SAN FRANCISCO. LOS ANGELES, wt Good to return until October 31st RoundTri) Homeseekers' Excursions TO WESTERN CANADA, 'And every second day thes until Sept. 15th. Good to ' in 68 days Edmonton, via Chicagn Winnipeg For berth and further information TRAVELLING. LT SIS 0 - VICTORIA. - $101.10 SAN DIEGO. . TUESDAY, JULY 117TH, Through tourist ANT EY Cor. Ontario and Johns IN-CONNBCTION WITH ADIAN PACIFIC > . 3 a Ql a via Excursions Manitoba, Saskatchewan berta, June 27th. July 11th, 206th. August Sth. 22nd. Sept. 6th, 19th, Tickets good for €0 days. Full particulars at K. & P.. and and ¢ Ontario Street! ap---- : C.P.R Ticket Office, Ontario oe Grinssssasanee Sn Ee CONWAY. ' F. Gen, Pass. Agent. -------------- BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY. n leaves Unlon Station, Ontario | . 4 pan. dally (Sunday excepted) rou , Bydenham, Napanee, Desor- Bannockburn and all points secure quick despatch LU oints ot ont orth. To mockburn, Maynooth, and Central Ontailo Route your shipments For fur- Bay of Quinte Railway. 2rticu re, ol RH. Ward, g Agent. PICTURESQUE ST. LAWRENCE : ROI TE. "MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL: fan, Wri, June 2% Jeli, July 21 oratoan, yl, Sune sb el uly ok, A oy oJ is lai . ' : Tunisian, Fri, July 14; Fri, Anes 11 MONTREAL TO GLASGOW. perian, Bat, Jyue 24] , July .22, jan, Sat, July 1. Grampian, Sat, July §; Scotian, Sat, July 13; Sat, Aug. MONTREL TO HAVRE LONDON. This service is composed of one class, second cabin steamers, sailing from Montreal every Saturday. Rates moderate. Full information on application to J. P. HANLEY, C. 8. KIRKPATRICK, G.T.Ry. Claregice SL Agents, Kingston. '+ THE ALLAN LINE 1 .. 97 Yonge Street, Tor Quebec Steamship Congany River and Gulf of St. Lawrence! AND Summer Cruises In Cool Latitudes, } Bs. "Cascapedia" 1.900 tons, re- cently fitt out on the Clyde, speck ally Tor this service, with all modern comforts ! ROM " pm, 20h SAILS - F THURSDAY, July, 3rd, 17th and 31st August, 1ith 25th September, and from Quebec jhe following day at moon fer Pictou 8, calling at Gaspe, Mal Baw MONTREAL ON Al- LAKE QUINTE STEAMBOAT CO, ID; NORTH KING 1000 ISLANDS For full infermauon, apply, BLACK [IAMOND + 'ARCUND Homeseekers™ "worn 3. ON AN OCEAN LINER i i TAR RW 112 Se. Tames RAILWAY. j= impr . THE DAILY BRITISH. WHIG, TUESDAY, JULY ---------------------- > OUR SORVSTAL BRAND prox oc . ---- preserci : hd table & w2.27= | REPAIRS 10 A DREDGE ONTARIO AND BAY OF dani Graaniated Sugar STEAMER ANDREW MACLEAN, Outarje Street. LIVERY AND CAB STAND. Open Diy apd Night. _fdered for i boats and tra tly atjended to Car for AND ROCHESTER, NY. K unt further LwOOOOO0N ar iv island Hock leaves atl Port Quinte = Cataraqui Motor dally Pe POHANLEYX! «1 tion ket ' Agent, & CO, Freight Agent FINKLE CO. 'Phone 291. 120 Clarence St. OOOO OOOO HODTO BOL Once said: "When a man sleep with a. lie, just as like as ss uve Mark T goes and keep him awake." ding This is hy . #lrats we free This an hd 24 we LT WELDON, GF, that gas for Street, & PA, Moutrenl, when we say can't be Peat. TON CRUISES Ky the Steamship 'CLEVELAND ' ' (17.09 Tons) : CORT The firt to we FE50 York Octower ihe swond AND UP Incinding AR COOK WITH GAS. Durntion 110 DAYS mation. Light, Heat . 0, FOLGER, ve San Fran. 0 «Feb 6 ae Annual Fvent Trips wn Out, 1912, & Feb 195%, by large Cruis ag 8. N etoria Losime 18°40 tons. + Ashore, HAMBURG AMERICAN LINE 41.4 Broadway, N.Y. of local agents Necessary Expeuses Aboard and Mer seeing Car on applica- ¢ wain not the darned lie will snore all night prefer to tell the truth and have no fear of insomnia cooking CHEAP, CLEAN, ( ONVENIENT. A card addresied to the Office otk the - Works, Queen Street, or 'Phonejt.: X ¥ 197 will, bring the necessary infor- & Power Dept. ah |ARE BEING MADE AT GANAN- - | OQUE THIS WEEK. | siotne r Launch=--3 Mishan a Gananoque Township io Leeds tarmer Paid $106 for Adulterat-| 51 ing Milk. : I~.--The luly govern met r tHiawa, in deepening the Caua- in this section, was doing diar {brought the g ner vernment tug Beaver, the for pairs ~he was prought up into Lian ano ue river, vesterday afternoon; and repairs' have been started. It that the Ottawa will" prob the near vicinity As an appro- de by the government estimates covering consider- 1s expected do serviee in in the ably later on priat in ther thle work for 'the town and its | proaches. wl ge A old SOARON. I Was mg Robinson has again prov adage that misfortunes come singly. Some weeks ago cabin cruiser was put business by an explosion' of burning the boat badly and necessitating a large amount of re pairs, which have heen going op ever since, On Sunday as she lay at Brit wharf, east of the town, a {motor skiff ran into her, head-on, and + big hole amidships, requiring three new 'streaks to be put in her tarde : the {voor ed the never handsome of gasoline, his out tows stove result of the recent entrance ex- ons is very creditable for the ue schools; ent of thirty-six candidates, thirty wepe according the old-time requirements, successful, But this year it has heen made an added feature'that the result must be thmitted to the department of edn- Oscar Lloyd, pupil of _Gananogue school, £6 candidate for the Methodist has successfully high mitstiry, | | min uc -- rn a -- -- We Make Brass, Bronze, or Aluminum Castings Prompt Deliveries. Send Your Patterns. The Canada Metal Co. Ltd, Fraser Avenue, Toronto THE PRESERVING TEST ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' { ¢ > ' - | | | | : uw ., tirand River, Summersi LL, and Charlottetown, PET, ., - New York From Que'sec Via the far-famed Rive agweuns iF 8 'at "Gaspe, Cha orter AEena? | Haiitex, 88 Frinida', 500" aps tiie from Quebec at ¥ ow Coxeh Joly 11th and 26th Augur | and sth Sept. | ; BER4UDA a Sungai and up. by tons, sal Toh ag from New York mi Mh July apd every o Say ereatie: perature PA a r. Tem yr 808 breests seldoni tises above dally, On 500 On Rebate Ryarem: Week-End Excursions real and return... .. .. .... $A00 ARE PRIMEY. .x +r nos. $000 tum 350 } has stood the searching test o The Canada Sugar Refining Co., Limited, Montreal : @voe cssssssssssssssssasfssssscssssssssanrssanld FOR NEARLY 60 YEARS. EXTRA GRANULATED SUGAR preserving time. This consistent high quality. is only possible because of it FROM YOUR GROCER. Established in 1854 hy John Redpath. Br sssaneasssaaaaaeas@@niasaiasasasesses LADIES' PATENT LEATHER FOR $2.00 We ure giving exception- ally good value in Patent Leather Oxfords, Strap Shoes or Pumps. For $2.00 This Week iH. Jennings, . King St. has . a because it is a perfectly balanced food. And itis the least expensive food you can put on the table. "BEAVER" | is a scientific blend of the best Western Spring and Ontario Fall Wheat. Itisas good for pastry as for Bread, and best for both. . Your grocer has it. Zs Hy 5 : DEALERS Write us for pices on Feed, Coarse Grains and Coreala. ssvsesseesseel TRUITT VTVTTRRTTLLLTRRS See" eTeee sssssssscsessesssasiversssssssssssesnaseesl passed his matriculation examination McGill College, Montreal, W. V. B. Bulloch and W. EK. todav, for Montreal, on a trip. Harcourt Acton, the Gananoque for Messrs lees left, busmess re presenting the Company, In reporting business condifions as ex cellent. W. H MeKauday, Princess streét, Heft recantly foi sitnation. Edwin Trott, spending the past three months with his wife and family Birmingham, Eng., arrived in Quehec on the Victorian, the latter part of the week; snd will resume his duties in the employment of the Skin- Ltd. i: Fou wlulterating milk sent to {cheese factory in his-section, a well {known Leeds township farmer was {fined $50, together with costs, ¥06, tmaking $106 in all. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Parke, spend. ng the past two weeks with the for- mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Parke, King street, have leit for their {home in New York City. Migs Anna in ner Co., the | Kane, spending a short vacation- with | {{riends in Toronto, returned home last levening, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Thom- Ison, Garden' street; amd niece, Miss lavior, of British Columbia, have re- {turned from a trip'to Quebee, Miss [Hrazeau, Ditawa, spent the past week in town, guest of Mrs. W. F. Laque, | King streat. Mr. and Mrs. MeClymont jand family, of Ottawa, have taken jMrs. H. C. Taylor's eottage on Tre- {mont_park, for the season. Mrs. H, J. [ Reid, King street, spending some time | past with relatives in Adrian, Mich, {has returned home. Miss Nash Morris itown, N.Y., has arrived here to spend la few weeks with her sister, Mrs. H. J. Reid. Mrs. F. H. Avay, Ottawa, is spend- ing a few weeks ih town with her mother, Mrs, Liddell, Charles street. { Mrs. Meith Kilday, Hamilton, { spending some time in town with re- Iatives, The steamer America brought in a big excursion party last evening from Kingston, James'. A dance was held by the visitors at Turner's hall. i X. Belnois has startel, this week, to collect accounts from subscribers in If your sabseription._has vonr renewal ready for IR Ie E ths section. 'expired, get his call. BASEBALL AT CANONTO, Ime Canonto Team Defeated Lavan by 25 to 9. Canonto, July 17.~The important {feature of an annual picnic here, held on July 11th, was the baseball match {between the loegls and. the Sluggers, {from Lavant. Notwithstanding the {fact that the score was high, the game twas well played and at times would {have done credit to some fast city {diamonds. Lavant was slightly out- classed in the firing department. Bas- ley, who dished thew up for the Can- onto colts, kept them. viciously ham- mering, the atmosphere from start to finish. Put to say those chaps from Canonto didn't have a swat-feast off three of Lavant's choicest twirlers, would be breaking a commandment. Io all corners of the field did they {hammer the leather, and finally the Lavant fielders tived of climbing the fore, let down the. bars. The game called. in the seventh inne {ings with the score, 25 to 9, wn favor lof Canonto. Thomas, of Lavant, handled the game in a very satisfac tory manner. The teams : Lavant--Crawford, Laroche, Hannah, Afeorn, Rollow, Lee, Lyons, Moffatt. Canonto~Melnivre, Hannah, Basley, Laurence, Madden, Guinn, Crawford, Chatham, Burke, 8 Seore by innings : ' Canonto L.238166 x25 Lavant © 0839 er )-9 -------- ppp Rideau Lakes Nav, Co. Limited. Steamers leave for Ottawa Monday, Wednesday, Thursday Saturday, at 6 a.m. For Clayton, every Tuesday, Wednes- day, Friday BBV RVBRTRR HBR ETRTRTRRTETRETRELRTTRRR BOBBY was every and mn. Jones' Falls' and return, every Wedl- nesday and Saturday, at'6 am. Fare for round trip, Bie, James Swift & Co, agents. J. P. Henley, agent. | Spesiong in a Whisper. Mont real raid Since Sir Willrid came "hack started in on what looks like an tion tour, the " . an and elec: for which has been | Sunday ° afternoon hy | having had a mishap requiring re- | to | Harness | Montreal, to take a | Wilson, 1 and Saturday, at 6.13} 18 1911 THE LATE M. P. BRESEE. ¥ : | a He Was for Years Well Known iu Brockville. lie Recorder olm P. Bresee, a eri of Brockville, ant life-long of the township of Bastard, Sunday night, at John nd had been ill { i Brock Ma well-known re { passed away it 3 | sicdence, corner He his re George streets for several veeks t The late Malcolm Deter Bresee was the township of Jastard on Gih; 18397 He wus the eldest the late Peter Bresee and his wife. * Permelia Nichols. His grand { father, the, late Nicholas Bresee, was {ope of the noble band of United Fm JLovalists. who ecame to Canada it was a wilderness and settled Brockville at hut dwell | bor 1 Dex acs of pire { when jastard township, containing in | that four { ings. The subject of this sketch wag mar ried in 1866 to Bethsaida, eldest {daughter of the late Thomas Stey én, of Bastard, and with two { children, Miss home, and | Herbert T. Bresee, vive. Another {six years | Bresee, 'Delta, and two sisters, ih. C. Melatyre, Brockville, {T. F. Birch, Detroit, Mich, ealled upon to mdurn his de Deceased resided in the to Bastard, following farming, when he purchased the farm on road west, of Fembank | where he remained until N 1906, he retired and moved into the to®n The Tatm Of Mr Presee--was. Kirwan {through gt Bastard townsi®p as {of the best kept und m yp-to-date appointments throughout He was also one of of dairymg and owned in that township Life she Rose, at of this town, son, Adlert M., ? i ne? Brother, sur diey Felix Mrs Mrs also ago. anid re mise wuship of until 19060, i front north one in | township. | pioneers | first creamery | In {and since eomipyg {been an active | Baptist church, being a {the trustee board Politically la staunch supporter of the party and its principles. religion deceasid was a pg had First wkville i the member Va liberal [ACCUSED MAN CHARGES | ACCUSERS WITH BLACKMAN ------ c far west provinces | posactive Said 'to Have Sent Black for the past few weeks, has returned, | | Hand Letters to:Erie Millionaire swears Out Warrants, Pittsburg, July 18. --Gilbert BRB. Per kins, head of a priv ate detective agency hr time ago charged with wrles H. Strong, multi-millionaire railroad man of Erie, Pa., has sworn out warrants against Charles B. and George R. | Martz, brothers, alleging blackmail. i They alleged to have repre | sented the United States authort ties that had valuable informa ftion against Perkins, resulting the desecration of the mausoleum the Erie, Pa., cemetery of the | Congressman Scott, father = of Mrs Strong, and the subsequint "black hand" letters received by Mri Strong Perkins will be tried at Erie next Monday on a charge of conspiracy. of this city, who was arrested at | dianapolis some using the mails to defraud Ch are 10 they from ir late ------ ti Orangemen at Sydenham. Sydenham; July I18.----On Sunday, July $th; the Sydenham Orangemen held their church parade. The mem: bers of L.0O.L., No. 444, turned out in fine strength rand many visiting breth ren were present. Preceded by the ban net, they paraded the village to St Paul's church, where they listened to an interesting and impressive sermon by Rev. Bro. Smart, of Oso, L.O.L,, No. 247. He touched on the many du ties and obligatiods 'every Urangeman owes to society,?and to himself, and dwelt on the infamous '"'Ne Temere' decree. After the service the proces sion! was re-faphed and returned to the Orange Wall by a different route | A hearty vote pf thanks to the clergy {man and choir was passed, also oné to the visiting brethren which was responded to by the R. W. Bro. Gray, past grand organizer. The following lodges were represented by the vis tors : Frontenac, R.R.P., No. TS, Kingston; Portland, {.8.( LO No. 183, Elgin: L.O.L,, No. 1, Has rowsmith, and L.O.L., No. 1135, Bo gart, -------------- News From vhilipsville. Philipsville, July 17.--Mr. and E. A. Whitmore spent a day with and Mrs, Orlands Lillie, at their the Rideau. Master Brockville and Master J. 1 Toronto, are spending their holidays with their grandfather, W. B. Phelps. Miss L. M. Blackburn, [ Montreal, is the guest of her uncle, |W, B. Phelps, for a few weeks. Miss | Haskm, of Athens, was the guest of {her niece, Mrs. W. W. Topping for. a lew days, has returned" homet Mrs Miles Lockwood is improving so that she is able to sit up some of the time. iW. Perry and daughters, Toronto, down in their auto and are the lguests of their grandmother, Mrs. H { Brown. H. E. and Miss Amanda Eyre, {spent the afternoon with Miss L. M. M | Blackburn at the home of her uncle. {A number of the boys are working on the C.N.R., near Forfar. Mr. and Mrs William Stevens, motored to Mallory town on Saturday evening last, . and spent a day at the home of her pat ent's, Mr. and Mrs. In F. Armstrong Mrs Mr cot tage, on Glen | Davison, Laishley, of {came At Mount Chesney. {| Mount (Chesney, July 17. --Rome the farmers have finished haying { report a fine crop. Rain is badly need- led, as the pasturss are very poor and the milk supply very light. RC Hawkey -has purchased a new rubber tired buggy. John Brown has return- el to his home, after a long illness in the Kingston general hospital. Vis ors : FE. Prevost spent Sunday at H Sears': Mr, and Mre Fdward Me Gatvey spent Sunday on Wolle Island; Miss Mary MoCallum and Miss Jennie Sloan have returned home after a week's visit with M-s. M. Parks, Pie ton: Miss A. McGrath, Kingston, at Joseph MeGrath's; Wilfrid Gritton, Kingston, at James MeGarvey's; Miss F. Priceland, Kingston, at Megs. F Fowler's; James and Mrs. Metiarve; paid a visit to friends in the city re of and Islands~--Rochester. Steamer North K Jeaves at 10:15 y , Wednesday and Friday, and at 5 pw. EY. J. Pe Hagley, 3 de ed . the the | the | the | when | aptist LIPTON'S TEA OVER 2 MILLION PACKAGES SOLD WEEKLY "Wow 75 it ovate 2' HAT is abont the first question the onneE po arent js asked by the prospective purchaser pur healthfal buy- Boiler and Radiators ndurance, »M the manifold advantages of m Vim mpossible to give hem live an details regarding address STEEL avo RADIATION, LIMITED Head Office Showrooms : 78 82 Adelaide St. E. TORONTO Branches in All the Principal Cities and Towns Fraser Ave ---made in sizes to fit every member of the family----is the comfiest woollen wear in the world : AKE no mistake when ordering a "Buster" coat for the boy or girl or a lounging coat for yourself! Ask for "Monarch Knit" and see that you get it, No other woollen wear is quite as good as "Monarch Knit." Garments bearing that label are knit of the finest selected wool and knit to fit. Your merchant large variety of Knit" Garments Ask him the reasons why our yearly sales are twice greater than the sales of our next biggest competitor and you'll know a good deal about the su- perior qualities of "Monarch Knit" Garments. The Monarch Kaitting Co. Lid., Dunoville, Out. Factories ale st St. Thomas, Ont; Se. Catharices, Out, snd Bulle, NLY. carries a Monarch ; oh Ye TEVIAGR (PPI

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