H SUG : Dealer in all kinds of New and Second. hand Goods. Anyone having goods for sale drop a card to 242 Ontario Stra oo -- ns THAT TOBACCO ' With the "Rooster" on Is crowing louder a he joes along Only 45c per pound. For chewing and smoking. AT A. MACLEAN'S, Ontario Street. THOMAS COPLEY . PHONE 987, Drop a card to 19 Pinel anting hi done 1 y Tor ing Estimates give pairs and new wood Floors of all kinds. Al ors will receive Drompt attention Shop, $4 Queen Btreet : treet ¥en the C jon all kK nds work also SHEPVOIP PPP IRRE FPP PI MPN WILLIAM MURRAY, 3 Auctioneer, oOiy and 'Country Sales Care 3 fully Conducted, Market Square, Kingston, esassssreseel THE KIDDIES CANNOT GET TOO MUCH SANITOL. than a lransar, BAN TOL "TOOTH POWDI HK elfeciually safe guards oral health fective gormicide-- it neuiralizes barmfu 8 dn active antiseptic. Promotes a witairs sound, wholesome mouth Refreshing and delicious to taste, more than -efScient in use. All druggists sell Sanitol. Price, 25 cents. Mo : BIBBY'S CAB STAND 3} DAY OR NIGHT - Phone 201 fecsssessesseseracnae Geo. Muller & Son ae Lavine, Bleyoice, Gs Carts: and Baby Carriages Telephone 1032. 379 King " KINGSTON, COAL! The kind you are looking for is the kind we sell. Scranton Coal =» good coal and we guarantee, prompt delivery. BOOTH & CO. FOOT WEST STREET aa AAA AAYA LLG kin Crown Gypsum Hair Plaster saves will make your walls practically inde, structible, P. WALSH 56-67 Barrack Street Sessssssssssssssasnsanld Tinsmithing & Plumbing All kinds of Tinsmith, ' Plambing and Contract Work. 3 Stoves taken down and stor- ed for the summer at meder- ale rates. All work promptly attended to. labor and Lemmon Bros. £ 'Phone 998. 201 Princess St. ¢ @esvsetssssssssasassasd ! 0O00000000000000O0H goo CHOCOLATES Ganong's, G. B. THE FINEST IN THE LAND O« OOO THO Q ? | Oi 166 PRINCESS STREET. ©] BD £00000 OO0000000000C 00006000 G00] Summer Furniture Sale Everything reduced 10 to 20 per cent. Splendid opportunity to save money. = il "$7.00 Dressers, Surfers oak, worth $18.00, for . RR . 815.75 Dresser. Surface "oak, worth $20.00, wer ein wi BEEP -- Mag., BE "Maple, all reduced. Special line of Iron Beds, $2.00, $2.25, $3.50 and up. 1 - Summer Furniture,' all 'reduced, , Lawn Swings .... ... Settees BE a Severna seanerant Jit | Porm of Therapion, casy to take BICYCLES 4 4 ous Debitit | Ladies', Men's, Children's. Dr. Martel's Female Pills EICHTEEN YEARS TNE STANDARD | Prescribed and recommended for women's ail ments, a scientifically prepared remedy of proven worth. The result from their use is quick snd permanent. For sale at all drug stores. For Health Drink MeCarthey's Ale and Porter. It's the best. i Agent, F R. J! LAWLER H REMEDY, No. 1, No. 2. No, 53 | Fren bh ER , A t success 0 thersex ik Either No. at THER NEW API ud n ) 0. Haversto re bn ad Landon Bog: Ti safe, lasting cure. BICYCLE SUNDRIES BICYCLE MUNSON at Cut Prices 249 Fan St. tend fer Cut Price Catalogue. Every Woman The new Vaginal Syringe. Hest Movs convenient. It cleanses Ask yout Whe annot supply the MARVEL sccapt no of ist for § nn hut send stamp for ilustrate d on olesealod. It gives full partie wlars and directions AvaluADI 16 ladies. rs DSOR SUPPLY CO., or. Oat. Ceneesl Agwats few Ca Te Tones and invigorates the Remedy. parvaus nem makes new d in old Veins. Cures Nero. ' Mened and Brain Worry, Des ney," Sexual. Weakness, missions, matorrhaa, and Effects of Abuse or Ercesses. Price 31 per box, six for §5. One will please sic' will cure. Sold by All g ruguists io nailed in n on revel rica. New mail pda Pinar Fie Wood Med ne Co. ont, sSescsssessssecssrssrnesd BUILDERS ALL KINDS OF LUMBER AT LOW PRICES, y ASBESTIO PLASTER FOR LE ALSO OOAL AND ALL KINDS OF WOOD. iS. Bennett & Co. Cor. Bagot and Barrack Sta. 'Phone 941. Set BVBVBVeTS ALITY. SUITS FOR ALL Men's and Hoys Suits and Over- Q | ®oats. ladies' Suits. Rugs, Curtains, Ollcloths, Blank- | ats, ete. Jewellery, Art Squares. ON EASY PAYMENT PLAN. All kinds of Boots and Shoes -- Cheapest prices. Call Prices. Joseph Abramsky 203 STREET, 300 Cords Peeled Pup and examine the Goods and This Wood was peeled and plied ures just given out ander cover to dry. We are offering this Wood to the public at $5.00 per cord, eut in any lengths. This is the Dest lot of Wood ever offered for spring and simmer use. Try iti and be con vinced SOWARDS 'Phone 155. North End Ontario | Some "TATY, * liberties, HE pATLY BRITISH WHIG, Judsoay, JULY 18, HELD IN BROCKVILLE THE FIRST ORANGE LODGE In THE PROVINCE. lhe Men Who Founiled the Order-- | 'They Were Great Friends and i Warm Hearted Orangemen. | Two men, Arthur McClean and Ogle both living in Brockville en IR. Gowan, {and both' very" great friends and fthusiastic Orangemen apd war-heart 'ed Irishmen, ere undoubtedly ihe founders of the noble order: in Can About the year 1820 application was made to the grand lodge in Ire land for an imperial warrant = to .or- sanize a grand lodge in what was then known as British North America, say that Arthur McClean ap- plied for .and secured thid imperial an while others say that Ogle R. jowan went home - to Ireland and brought it to Canada with him, being clothed with all the necessary powers, Be that as"it may, the first grapd lodge was opemed in the old court (house, Brockville, with great cere mony on Jan. lst, 1330, as will fully appear from the following resolution taken from the minute book of L.O.L. No. l., passed at a 'meeting of the lodge held at Brockville, on Dec, ISth, 1852, with Ogle R: Cowan in the chair and which veads : "It was unanimous- ly resolved to reorganize the Loyal Or- ange Lodge No. 1/, which was 'opened in this town on the first. day of Janu- 1830; and that Brother -Oglo--R: Gowan be requested to forward the warrant for said lodge, in his posses gion, to his son, Harcourt, for the purpose of carrying this resolution in- to effect.' Shortly after came the troublous time of Papinstiu and the"rebellion of 1837 drew near. The brethren in Up- per Canada deemed it a most oppor- tune time to band themselves as loyal Orangemen under the British flag for the protection of their blood-bowsht their homes and families and having announced themselves to the world, stand ever ready to serve should a eall be made and occasion re- yuire it, and history proves that they did serve their country in time of need. Accordingly old Court House, ada. they gathered at the 'Brockville, on the Ist of January, 1830, where, with unique ceremony, "in due and ancient form," the first Grand Orange Lodge in Canada was organized and founded of which grand institution the late Worshipful Bro. Ogle R. Gowan was elected the first deputy grand master of British North America. Promptly the brethren present made application for: warrants to institute primary lodg es in their different sections. The first primary lodge warrant was granted to No. I, "about August 13th, 1830, | The following were the first officers members; Bros. Arthur MeClean, John Gilmow:, D.M.; Henry Ben- treasurer; Thas. Tory Tompkius, secretary; Phillips Mussen, 1st com- mittee man; William Woods, 2nd com- mittee® man; John Price, 3rd. conmnit- tee man; George Upton, 4th committee man; Gibson Gilmour, 5th committee man. - { Members+Bro. William Boon, ry Thurston, Walter Ryan, John lor, James Pepper, Dr. Robert mondson, Anthony Thackaberry, (liwm Weir, William Goss, Henry {William Davis, Jacob Smith, and H, Whitmarsh. The warrant for L.O.L. ing been granted, it was convened. on July 4th, 1831, by the following offic- and members: . Bro. Arthur Me- Clean, WM; Hy. 'Bennett, treasurer : Thos. Tory. Tompkins, secretary; John Price, Wm. Boon, Henry Thornhill, Gibson Gilmour, and properly institut- ed by these brethren. The first celebration of No. 1, held by the brethren on July 1831, and the minutes say that business transacted, but met ously and celebrated the day." The brethren from the commence ment were most scrupulously careful and particular in their dress aad per- sonal appsarance upon parade at #ach | faa) celebration of the Battle of the | Boyne. By a motion of the members jof No. 1, held on July Ist, 1853, ftdwhas ch that every brother should appear in the procession on the com- ing 12th of July dressed in "white pantaloons, black coat, Black hat, and iwhite gloves, each one having, of course, his regalia." and {WAM nett, Hen- Tay- Ed- Wil- Orr, E. No. 2 hav- ers was 12th, "no numer- 656 MARRIAGES IN THREE MONTHS. Windsor Makes Record for Quarter Ending Last Month. Windsor, Ont., July 17.--A remark- 'able record of 656 marriages im. Wind wor during a period of three months lending with June 30th, is set by fig- by City Clerk usted. The record nearly doubled the fmt for the same period during 1910 and the only reasom given is the abounding prosperity. The record includes hundreds couples who had the knot tied Windsor to avoid the publicity avoidable in the United States. of m un- Gillespie Commodore. Alexandria Bay, July 17.-Predie- tions of a few days ago by islanders interested in~ yachting affairs came true, Saturday eyening, when T. A. Gillespie, formerly \ of Pittsburg, now of Orange, N.J., was elected com- modore of the Thousand Islands Yacht Club. retiring commodore, was not present. Mr. Rafferty had been commodore of the club for tem years. A board of governors was chosen, Thursday afternoon, and Mr. Rafferty was not elected a member. The remaining officers chosen are: E. R. Nichols, Hopewell, Hall, vice commodore; J. N. SHiiphant, Neh, Mah- bin, rear comm . L Hayden, | 4. N. Oliphant,' in: em | my Tabi's Oren Fabien," 117¢. to 1%. tiilbert T. Rafferty, of Pittsburg, the | BIG w ATERSPOUT » IN_.CHESAPEAKE BAY. ow Remarkable Phenomena Tore Lighter From Moorings at Baltimore, ! Baltimore, July iA water spout | that broke all records in'size, she ape | and movement for this phenomena ia Maryland waters formed off the great steel works at Sparrow's Point dur ing a storm, Saturday, and caused | consternation among the hundreds of | small craft on the Patapsco river as | it swept with fearful velocity out into' the Chesapeake Bay. Power boats in the vicinity sped away to either side. It passed near several large steam boats, Had it struck any of the sinall craft it would undoubtedly have swamped them: The same peculiar whirling wind that formed the water spout held up all 'phone 'connections between Spar row's Point and the Maritime "Fx change for fully anShour A big lighter was torn' from her moorings and swept down the bay close to the water spout. It was the first spout seen in this vicinity since 1903, and seemed to contain thousands of tons of water. A hail storm followed its disappearance down the bay. As seen from the marine department of the steel works, the enginceys say it appeéred to be one hundred feet in diameter and three hundred feet high, connecting the waters with the heavy, lowering storm cloud. No damage reported, although several small boats had narrow escapes. When the spout burst, off Port Howard in the bay, it made a magnificent spectacle. N-------------- FIRST WIFE GAVE HIM AWAY. is Man Married in Hamilton Pleads | Guilty to Bigamy. Newark, N.J., July 17.--Deciding that it would be best for him to plead guilty to the indictment than to contest it, George E. Pritchard, an electrician, arrested on bigamy chauvges made on May 2nd by Mrs. Ellen Pritchard, a8 middle-aged woman, who created quite a stir by claiming that although she had witnessed the second ceremony 'and had posed to wife No. 2 and to others as the prisoner's moth er, she was in reality no other than his legal wife, entered a plea of guilty. . In her testimony Mews. Pritchard said she wedded him in Hamilton, Ont., in St. Thomas' church, on July, 20th, 1891, and that the ceremony was performed by the Rev. Canon Curran, now dead, She waved as proof a trans- cript of he records of that church, to gether with a copy. of the Hamilton Herald, of July 31st, 1891, which tells of such a marriage, and then openly challenged Pritchard or to contradict her statements of guilty was accepted by the pros ecuting atoiney, and, as a resuft, Pritchard is to-day under the minimum sentence of eighteen months at hard labor in the Trenton, N.J., state prison, anyone else The plea NAMING OF AMERICA CELEBRATED IN FRANC! Die in Festal Garb--Claims be America's Godmother, Die, France, July 17.--St. [ie is in festival garb and crowds came to the city on Sunday from all directions to participate in the exercises com memorating the naming of America in 1507. M. Lebrun, minister of the col onies, arrived early, with other ernment oflecials to participate in the elaborate programme. This included, among other things, the placing of a commemorative tablet and the pre sentation of historical paintings. 114i ted States Ambassador Bayon members.of the embassy attended St. Diel rightfully claims the of being America's -"godmother," in that little French town more than four centuries ago a tract was pub lished wherein the name "America" was used for the first In thi manner a name was given Lo the new continent. St. to St. gov honor for time Toronto Street Market. July 17. Wheat, fall, to 83e.; wheat, goose, per to Sle.; oats, bush., {43¢. to 44c.; peas, per bush. : bas |ley, per hush., 60c.; hay, choice, old, per ton, 318 to $19. hay, new, per tom, R217 to $18; straw, per ton, 314; od hors, $10 to £10.50; butter, dary, per Ib, 2le. to e.: butter, ferior, per 1b, 18¢c. to 20c.; egw, dozen, 22¢. to 25¢.; chickens, per 17c. . to 18¢.; spring chickens, 20¢. to e.; spring ducks, per lb, We; tur keys, per lbh. 20e. to 2e. potatoes, per bag. $l '60 to 31.75; beet; hind quarters, $11 to $12.50; beef, forequart are, £6.50 to $7.50; beef, case, 87.50 to $5.50; beef, medium, ear case, $37.50 to 88; 'mutton, prime, 328 to 80; veal, prime, $10 to 811; lamb, {211.50 to $12.50; spring Inmb, per 1b, i Torontn, per {bush., 82¢. ibush., 80: pes Nie dress choice, in rer 1h. choice, car -. Complexions Made Sightly. A complexion that is marred hy pimples, blotches or other eruptions can be made smooth and fair by the use of Wade's Qintment, It ia the one thing to remember when any healing remedy 'is required. | It cures eczema (salt rheum), old sores, bed sores, piles, catarrh, dand ruff and all scaly or itching eruptions of the skin. In bix boxes, 25/ cents at Jas. B. McLeod's drug stores. The Late Rev. Ceril Ainsworth. 'Fhe remains of The late Ceril Ainsworth arrived at Belleville Tuesday from Jamestown, Ohio, where {he died on Saturday, from appenadie 'tis. Deceased, in his twenty-second year; was recently ordained a minister of the Christian Church, and was sta tioned at Jamestown. He is a son of Rev. M. 0. Apnsworth, Indianapolis, a former, resident of Prince Edward eoun- ty. The remains were taken (0 Bird's cemetery, Hillier township, for in | terment. A widow, but no family, survives. n on 911. PAGE SEVEN. y _-- eoceecenscee A 10c. Bottle of ' 3st eETILE : CREAM AND FRUITS, KINDS OF CALIFORNIA IE ALL Tr " is always cool M. I. PAPPAS & C0, . 184 Fri Street. ee000000OROOOOORAORRS i - - . Carriage Painting SOME. CLASS TO OURS. This is the place to have your Auto fepainted to stand all kinds of weather. E. 4. DUNPHY, Hostreal asd Orduanecs § 9 FRUIT. a 0 n Ss Our lee C Ream Parlor is the i fine and 2 the elty be he t wits . but in CONCENTRATED emonade makes a half gallon of the most delicious lemonade you ever tasted. It's a pure Lemon product with all the delicious flavor of the fresh ripe fruit. Con- tains no other acid. No trouble --no fuss--hand- | ier than lemons and sugar. i Get DALTON'S at your | s or druggist's. Car A i. COHEN British-American High-Class Ladies' Tailoring. Will remove from 231 Prin. cess Street to a finer pre- mises at 267 Princess Street.on or about July 16th Reducing «all , his any ladies' garments moving Latest style and fit guaran- grocer's 1 Beware of the Imitator--Insist on Dalton's Sr rt itiittis tata a tt @@ Tr sass ass sss s aang) } iF resh Fruit Arriving Daily 1 Raspberries, Cherries, Peaches and Plums. prices in before : cesssattettttste *e. The American! Cafe 18s WellingtonSt. The Up-to-date Restaurant and Eating House Separate ® appartments. Well furnished and lighted. Try our Full Course Dinner, 2be. THOMAS GUY, Prop. HORII IIIT ha sescsssssssesseel R. He TOYE, 302 King St., se 0. @ rss srrsnssssessssssferacsssassesssssssace Afraid to Eat?. Does the your meals ? fear of igdipesti tion spot il the enjoy ment of I needn't. Just take Quench Your Thirst WITH DUBLIN GINGER ALE, LEMON SYRUP. LIME JUICE, RASPBERRY VINEGAR, LEMONADE, ORANGEADE. D. COUPER, 'Phone 76. 841.3 Princess Street. Prompt Delivery. and you won't know you havea stomach. They will see toit that your food is properly digested. They are among the best of the NA-DRU-CO Prepac ns, com pounded by expert chemists and guaranteed by the largest wholesale druggists in, Canada. 50c.abex. If your druggist has not stocked them 1 ct, send us goc. and we yu mail you a box. 36 NATIONAL DRUG AND CHEMICAL CO. OF CANADA LIMITED, MONTREAL. i anty Claus ip he Good 0! Summer; Time OU Eastern Ontario and Montreal boys and girls expect ' Santa" This year the biggest Cereal Firm in the British Empire has induced Jack appear now. A hot job this for "Santa" but a pleasant one, cause he's giving away dandy little Shetland Pony "Turnouts" and Diamond Rings to boys and girls who love ponies. Would you like to get one? Go to your 1 buy two packages ORAN GE MAIZE Toasted Corn Flakes, and one --ORANGE MEAT Toasted Wheat Flakes around when lhe snow flies. Frosts old chum to ke gracer and one Wht you get home cut bottoms off cartons and mail to vs. You'll have very pleasing information by return mail -- inside information that will show you how to secure these splendid prizes for yourself. They'll only cost the win- ners a little time and a little energy. And your chance is excelient right now. On July 10th we gave away three of these beautiful ponies and outfits complete to the boys and girls of Western Ontario. Let us tell you what they think of the fair- . ness of the contest and : . i the prizes, Name N.B. Fill ia coupon, mail it to under-mentioned address, and let us en- roll you as a contestant. CONTEST DEPARTHENT, ORANGE MEAT co., KINGSTON Street Address City or Town