PAGER FOUR ob Beescsssssssassssassresaald Tinsmithing & Plombing : ' L ' ' ' ¢ 4 ' ' ' : + Al Kinds of Tinsmith, Plumbing and Contract Work. Stoves taken down and stor- ed for the summer at meder- ate rates. All wok promptly attended to. Lemmon Bros. 'Phone 998. 201 Princess St. 'sesstassssedibe | } ¢ : : : : : * ee r-------- Beessststttttettttetts IF YOU REQUIRE A Small Launch, a Steam Yacht, or a Speed Boat, there is a Davis boat to fulfil your re Our < tution for speed, reliability and first elas workmanship. Ask for our 1911 catalogue. DAVIS DRY DOCK CO. 'Phone 420. ~ SEU PEP IEE RIEIEING POSSS00000000000000SOS » > : LUMBER * Our Stock ow: complete in HEMLOCK, SPRUCE RED PINE WHITE PINE in * » . # » matched, or the rough. S. Anglin & Co. Office and Yards: Dressed, 00 0000000000000000000000 i | | Cor. Bay and Wellington Streets TOON T IIIT TV avevRITIOYYED re sien. Si Summer Suits "Must Go! thes clearing-out 00 $5.50, $12 up-to-de look " $3. $6.50, patterns te giyles, f & quirements. fanwoline En @ gines have earned a' high repu- 4 T 'THE WHIG, 78th DAILY BRITISH WHIG, publ 306-310 King Street, Kingston, Eamiops at EY , 16 pages, Bs y and morning at $1.8 year. To t s, charge for tage had 0 be aaa88, aking PII TOT Daily $3 t and of Weekly §L T year, Attached is one of the best Job Print. ing Offices in Canada; rapid, stylish improved presses. an cheap nine The British Whig Publishing Co., Limited J. 6. gp ag rw AY TORONTO OFFICE. Suite 19 and 20 Queen City Chan. lers, 32 Chureh 8t, Toronto. H. Smallpeice, J P., representative, Daile Wing. HURTING THE CITY.. result of the building which oecurred in Kingston, lin the prostration following the dif- the tradesmen, which magry weeks, in "the valuable table' which the Financial Post publishes. This table gives the amount of work which has beey done per capita during the present season, in municipal centres in Canada. The building per capita _in 1910 was in Kingston, 6:32, and in 1911, 5. or an average of 5.91. The smallness of it, the insiguificanee, is shown by the fact that the total building ' "per capita, for all the cities that wre' named, twenty-eight of them, as 36.06- lu 21911, while'it was 27.61 in_1911, an average per capita of 31.83, The figures would have carried their les son with them in any case, and in the onse of Kingston it is lacking in the there is | at tario, at $8 per year, and 4 o'clock pm. ... 2 WEEKLY BRITISH WH arts om ublshed In work; i One sees a istrikes ferences among continued for element of inspiration. But the refidtion that progress, improve ment, development "was retarded seri ously because of the trades' troubles, because building could not be done, and that to be aban Again and again the boast oi some of it had doned a place in Quebec which has made re- markable headway, in which the spirit itself in =n commendable way, that harmony and good will generally pre- vail, and labour troubles known, Every Bnd must see the wis dom of so adjustiig As bysiness or industrial relations that there will be no mrsunderstandings, and especially no breaks in the a service that 'makes for the success of the individual and the community. of enterprise is asserting is yrecalled, are un continuity of ---------- a. YEAR' members. of parliament ished | assisted by the representatives of the On- 230 f aided and {churches and | societies. One { which the measure ran the gauntlet of | {the house and committee and the {boast which followed its final touches --that it was a pretty good, a reason able and observable, measure. It has had the test of time, and | now, in the opinion of some people, it is too shringent, too exacting. It restrains those who want a law unto themselves, who are happy only when they can do what they like, There can be verylittle sympathy with some of the complainants, the ice cream and cigar men, the hucksters, want no Sunday so far as their petty trade is concerned. At the same time there is hound to be a growth in that freedom which will allow the and drink_and go where he likes, long as he behaves himself and guided by the dictates of his The © Sunday of the Puritan fathers has passed. It can never be revived, The fact may be regrettid, but it cannot be ignored. : . recalls the manner . ir i | i who average man to eat $0 is con- science. EDITORIAL The plan of shorten the session op- position, on all rhe talking., A few days of this will the obstructionists of their weakness, : NOTES. the government the do to is to let its side issues, cure 5 Ll what will happen' in the The Hon. Bob ® wil please give us a He's bluffer we'll admit that--but he is not prophet. Hon. Bob Rogers, of Winnipeg, talking of } next election. rest, a a Ottawa faces the biggest revenue de ficit 'of many years, if not in its his their allies, the moral RS BOTTON OF THE MAINE | DISCOVERED BLOWN INWARDS . FORTY FEET. 1 Looks Like a Mine Explosion-- Little Hope of Finding the Bodies of Any of the Victims. Havana, July 20.--The progress of removing the water surrounding the wreck of the Mginé was practically completed yesterday, when the water level in the cofferdam had been low ered eighteen feet, leaving the wreck surrounded by islets of mud and small pools of green, slimy water, in which scuttled myriads of crabs and other small creatures. "» The dregs of water remaining in the cofferdamm can be removed in a few hours, but the engineers are confront- ed with the infinitely more serious pro- blem' of removing the mud in which the remains of the battleship are em: Although the water now is only two feet lower than in Previous pumping operations, the revelations with re gard to the shattered condition of the hulk have been greatly enlarged ow- ing to the lateral out-spreading - of the distorted frames and plating, es pecially 'in the forward section, where the principal force of the explosion was expended. The strueture of the bow as far ak as frame eighteen is now exposed, per. mitting inspection of the 'plates, beams, ribs, ete., which hhs shown the original structure of the double bottom. which is now elevated to a height of about forty feet above the normal position, apparently giving confirma. thry evidence of a tremendous exter ior explosion. To this view, however, the engineers in charge decline tg commit themselves, merely admitting the identification of. parts gf the bot- tom of the ship. The, hope of the dis- covery of the remding of many of the crew is diminishing on account 'of the unexpectedly complete demolition of the berth deck. tory. Ome big item in it is the ex- penditure of the health" department. | The typhoid penny, but the if Ottawa has become x clean city, fever cost a money is well spent | | | Can't the council pass = which will make every motor boat the harbor of 'a lot of little and mn use a muffler ? The noise | badly-equipped | craft is becoming a nuisance It i getting on to some people's nérves. b |e } dis- | So a new grievance has been | covered at Ottawa--that government business to discuss the merit {politics are discernt by-law |i "the eighteenth century a member from Kirkwell Burghs. the Laurier {gays a writer in the will not stop all other |Review, women had a larger part-- | of land |direct and indirect--in the political life WOMEN IN POLITICS, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, JULY 20, i8if. DR. WHITE Specialists in divesses "of Skin, Blood. Nerves, Bladder and Special All. er a Sdvsabie if impos a a : im ib send bistory for free opinion and vice Quesi fon blank and book of k a form. B 10 1 , ours : a.m. to 4 $ to 6 p.m. Sgadays, 10 a.m. Ran, oud .» DRS. SOPER & WHITE TRUNKS, ¢ $2.00 to $20.00. : 26 Toronto Street, Toronts, Oni. THE CAMPBELL FLOUR MILLS COMPANY, LIMITED. OFFERING OF $300,000 Seven Per Cent. Cumulative Prefer- ence Shares, with a Bonus of Twenty-five Per Cent. Common Stock at $100 per Preference Share. per cent. on allotment. per cent. on Sept. 16th, 1911. 'per cent. on Nov, 15th, 1911. per cent. on January 15th, 1911, 25 25 25 ' 25 Applications for the above recelv- ed at the office of J, 0. Hutton; - 18 Market St. KINGSTON, ONT. Apply early if you wish to get a reservation. KING DECORATES SLEUTH. Detective Sergeant Byrne Reward- ed for His Good Work. 'Dublin, July 20.- Detective Sergeant roitv . v p g o pretty | Their Active and Persistent Intere lice force to be singlél out by shown in a Recent Volume. Women's part and interest in British | ble in the last hali | ntmber of women of wealth ar high } jegree nominated members to the | House of Commons, and when Fox was juite 'willing Su-agoept this kind wspitality from th Countess of Suth- orland who controlled the election of All through the nineteenth century, North American pecially familiar, as he has run leyve over thousands of passenger of lin search of suspects. And every man lor woman he has taken into {has been found to be actually werted iby ioften he had to arrest purely on suspicion. Iman charged with two Byrne is the first man of the Irish po King George for decoration. No Conan Doyle imaginary figure, but a most substan tial brawny human reality, bis record A itu % when quite lyends like a romance, fo transatlantic travellers he is es his lists custody the headquarters police, though "chance his arm' and One of his big arrests was a Fremeh- killings and Every young man wants *'t} going to see that he gets it. too SEE New Greys, New Olives, Ne extreme smartness take a look at our Suits and tell Tell us what tailor shows better tailoring. Take a "try give you a better fit SUITS, 'BIBBYS mn Men's and Boy's Departmentdl Store AP NAN NAN lI PN NIN, gg A New Statesman Suit If you have any doubts lurking in your mind just come in and for the price or anything nearthe price, more stylish on" A look will cost you nothing, and ourdime Is yours. THE ST! SUITS, SUIT CASES, $3 to $12, S000000000000000V5000060000080000000000 DOOVLVII00000000000000 : e thing fine clothes, We're OUR w Browns Every garment shows us what tailor tan duplleate them Again' fabrics us what do can or - can and tell tailors ATESMAN. SUITS |thifpe cases of housebreaking in France. | Arriving in Queenstown, he donned the disguise of a merchant sailor and was {gbout to sign as a hapd on a sailing vessel just leaving for a long trip, when 15.00, SUITS, $20.00. Shoes, regular $4.50, for $3.48 es $12.50, $18.00, Oxfords, regular $2.00 for $1.59 fancy patterns i» vo. Ge Oxford Ladies' Fine Negligee Shirts pnd splendid quality The [of England than in any other country. Sir John M#&edonald . {Yet notwithstanding these two Yaets Sir John Maedonald government set- | the wealth of Endand as. regards led that question many years ago. | political memgries and the large port CANDIDATES FOR OFFICE. grants to the veterans of 1866. The office of county crown attorney, x 1 in York, made vacant by the death of Suits ever offered at These Suits we claim to he the best prices ISAAC ZACKS 271 PRINCESS STREET, THE NEW FRENCH REMEDY, TH A oO No. 1, No. 2, French ER with Pl SHCCONS, No.3. Used in Cures blood £nhad Ings sores, discharges(sithersexjweakness ost vigor & v tal force, drains, losses &¢, Either No. at drug sts or M4] §1 from Fougera & Co. 90 Beekman St. NewYork City, or Lyman Rros, Co. Lid. Toronte. 1tin doubt No: required. sond self addressed envelope | for fee book to Dr. Le Clere Med. Co. HaverstockRd. | Hampstead. London, Eng. Try newDragée Tasteless) Form of Therapion, easy to take, safe, 'asting cure, BICYCLES BICYCLE SUNDRIES Se Cut ous BICYCLE MUNSON » " Ce MY Ye oronTe Sendier Cut Price stains' | 000000000000000000000¢ Notice Strangers and Visitors are invited te inspect my big show- ing of Antique Furniture, Suitable prices. Best quality. L. LESSES, Cor. Vpineeas and Chatham Sts. fg 'Phone 1045, Will Buy or Sell all kinds of Furniture, Ilighest prices | BP00000000000000000000 Dr. de Van's Female Pills A reliable French regulator: never fails, These pilla are exceeding! werful in regulating the fonerative portion of the temaie system. Kefuse wll cheap imitations . 's are sold at a box, or three for Aailed to any address: Drae St, Catharines, Ont. For sale at Mahood's Drug Store. | ' AN OUNCE OF SATISFAC- TION IS WORTH A. TON OF TALK. fF We reverse matters-----give you an ounce of alk (ju enough to attract your atiention) and a Ton of satisfaction, Our coal is ood to begin with, ' properly tcked." free from slate, screen free from dust and small ime secondly, well housed tod jn sur yards: third. ull weight, and at the the market will Bd Stodtest price tat K.C, is now being the legal followers of the aspira- are being James Baird, dangled before Sir. James Whitney, and them tions of a few of aroused. whom it wants to see appointed -T. Louis Monahan. He has beef prepdr- ing for the office by doing some work with it. The World ap- 1 in connection proaches. the subject carefully, and drops this significent. remark : "It is urged that some old war horse of the party should be reward od with the office, but Sir James has listened to that tale with great fre- quency ilready, and there will be more fitting posts open in the future when it will be wiser to listen to the tale agnin than at present. A young and able and energetic man 1s required, {and in all these respects Mr. Monahan the man for the job." Will the World's nomination cepted ? + What the real qualifica- That one is learned in the law, and painstaking of = be ac is tion * that he is and persistent in the performance his tasks, that be has a longing pete law respected and as great a vigorous to lopgring---to see the men who- violated punished, that he is versed in the ways of the criminals and is disposed to act always in the interest of the Oh, no. Fitness for service is an but it not the de termining consideration. "Tha man who becomes a crown pro- secutor must have some knowledge of crown ? essential, is law and some gumption, bul he must te a professional politician and a fol- lower of the party in power. The World's bright young man may be the ideal candidate, and he may get the place. But he con only succeed after {a lot of old blisters and time servers have been cast aside, and this is not a time when even the broken political machine can be thrown upon: the scrap heap. ---------------- FREEDOM ON SUNDAY. Toronto Saturday Night calls the Lord's Day Act "a topsy-turvy piece of legislation, filled with inconsisten- cies" and appeals for "a little com- mon sense, and common justice thrown in with these middle-age ideas of re straining .the liberty of the subject." The 'act is being whacked in many' quarters this summer. Is it that the people are demanding greater freedom on Sunday ? asks a contemporary, It is. And this freedom is a thing that grows. Of course, there is a difference as the settlement not a just one ? -- There was a false alarm with regard to cholera in New York. The Herald The World has a candidate|says the information with regard to {book | CARER Was erroneous and in any case the health department is capable of guarding against any epidemic. "Cho- lera," says the Herald, "in the past now involves publie health." no 'mena to Brantford wants an abattoir, and should have it. should have a place where animals may be slaughtered and the meat pre- pared in, a sanitary way for consump- tion. lf some people saw where their chops and steaks come from = they would at once become vegetarians. Hon. Frank Oliver has turhed to Ottawa. Mr. goget in discussing with the farmers not yet He went Borden and he has been re- west be- ore ons the advantage of reciprocity in trade far which Some of his meetings have been larger, in Alberta, than Mr. Borden addressed. any Sir William Mackenzie laughs at idea "of Toronto's council or controll lers . stopping 'the Tordnto street way company from increasing its cdpi- rail- outside of the city, and Sir William Sir William his interfere with his plans. is 'a king and Bob chancellor. Fleming is Oswego has an ardnfnce which com pels the motor boats to carry lights, and inspectors from the department of commerce and labour will see that it is observed. Kingston should see that the Jaws relating to the harbour are obeyed and the Lampman is right m concluding that without a motor of the Coaway type, the harbour master is helpless. According to Mr. Labouchere, editor of Truth, England is so over-run with titles that she can no lenger turn up her nose at her continental neighbors with their petty princes and dukes, and viseounts. not a circumstance to what it will ge if peers are to be made by the hun: dred in order to meet the political emergency u chere's wrath is properly aroused. For an All Day Sail. Every town and city the tal. The company represents interests does not propose to let any little man And the situation is of the "times. Mr. Labou- { that women of the upper classes. have {so long had in political life--there was, {until "Memoir of Lady John Russell" twas published, no biography of the | {wife of a prime minister, and no single | Fresh from that adequately protrayed the occasion, on board a liner carrying {part of English women of the govering 11,200 passengers, came a confidential jelass in that phase of life in England. clerk named Amdon, who had made off Spencer Walpole, in his "Life of Lord jwith $110,000. He met the wye of John Russell," gives some account of Byrne, who promptly invited him to a | Lady' John Russell's keen interest in [private conversation, resulting in his the "questions and policies in which her (extradition Hy the next boat. {husband was directly conderned. Ash-| One day a young Englishman {ley, in his life of Lord Palmerston, de- (walking down Queenstown, while Byrne | {votes a page to the influence of Lady watched him for a few minutes, then | Palmerston: . and Morley, in his ex- crossed the road and arrested him on haustive life of Gladstone," embodies suspicion. He turned out to be a hank | Lord Rosebuery's tribute to Mrs. Glad. manager who had embezzled "a huge {stone, "who for Sixty years shared all / gum, the sorrows and the joys of Mr. Glad- | stone's life, who received his confi- | |dences and every aspiration, who shat- ed his triumphy with him andscheered | him under his defeats, who by her |tender vigilance sustained and pro longed his years.' My. Monypenny, as the first volume shows, is planning hi¢ life of Beacons {field in a spirit and on a scale that \ : |insures some attention to the Countess 'e Were fullilled. We gather that of Beaconsfield. But the tributes to Supporters of rBuproeity : 1851 a the wives of prime ministers in the sured the peopleof Old Canada that, | pages of Walpole, Ashley and Morley With the American market open, for about all in English political ests would be converted into wheat biography until this memoir of Lady fields, lakes and rivers would groan John, Russell came. from the press. under the burden commerce, and | Up to this time, however, there the whole country would prosper "were not more than three or four vol- Well, reciprocity came, and the prom- | umes in which the confinuous interest ises of material advantage were ful of English women in pelities could be tilled to the letter. Whitby, Port fully traced. he fell across By:me, who saw through hig disguise and shipped him back to Havre, where he was convicted. Wall street on another was Beufits of Reciprocity. Toronto Weekly Sun The chief interest in letter réproduc- ed (from the British Colonist, Foron to, 15851), is in its statement of the promises that were then being made as to the results that would flow from reciprocity, and what we now kuow as to the manner in which those prom m were of | Hope, Wellington, all thé harbors along the Lake Ontario front, were {crowded with vessels taking pro {duce for the American market ; aloug In 1961 there were less than 2,146 |@very leading road droves of cattle were {miles of railway in all Canada. To- [and great numbers of horses {day Ontario, alone : hae in the neigh {driven towards the American border {horhood of 9,000 a ! The Pro- In ten years the population of On- {vince was ay. backwaud in the matter {tario, showed yt as great a rela {of ordinary public highways fifty tive incr as it showdd im forty | |years ago as it was in railroads. Our years aller reciprocity came to an end i {capacity for sustaining population at | And it will be the same again. Mis | {that time, with much of the province tory will repgat itself. Reciprocity | still covered with forest, bea's no com- | Will come, &nd the noise of those now | arison with the capacity of to-day. [OPposing will be dréwned in the hum | Still, in the ten years ending with of increasing prosperity for the Cana- 1961 the population of Ontario in- dian farmer. creased by well, on to fifty per cent. | In the forty years ending with 1901, | Protest Against the last census year, ithe population | Montreal Gazette : : of the a nd Td a Of 1 Against early closing either no one little over fifty-five per cent. lobjects, where the merchant thinks his Nearly fifty per cent. of an interests are served thereby. {in the ten "years ending with = 1861. is one thing for a merchant, of } Only a little over fifty-five per cent. J" accord or by agreement with in the forty years ending with 1901. his fellows, to shorten his What is the explanation? No one day, and quite anpther thing for the fact will explain the difference, but city council by misuse of hix powers, the fact thal during the ten yeas the {and at the pressure of outside parties, American market was open to wus, |'° ay that, whether he thinks it im) while during 5 lafize part of the forty ithe. jnterest of his business or not, he | it has been closed oes a dung way shall close his doors at a cestain time {towards explaining the difference in | 28¢h day or any day and cease to Meet | populati Iitonse a. {his customers. The proposition means | periods Io aa in: ths = different lan unjustifiable invasion of personal 'rights. It belongs to the village age Reciprocity and Ontario { Toronto Weekly Sun on | Population. | { Fool Laws, increase i Notice to Contractors y and full Information obiained at Ont. supplied by the Commissioners and be signed and sealed by |the tender and But it |eompanied by an accepted ch his {Chartered {Commissioners of ihe business | Railway, for a sum equal to ten pert not suit another. In the revising of between liberty and license, and the | Take the steamer America, Friday difficulty is to have one and not in i vite the other. There was a straining after Sab bath observance in our Lord's day. Many. rules were laid down, and it was very hard to keep them. Rules for the government of life and conduct were never popular, and for the rea son that that which suits ove will ors. New York Dress Reform, Princess street. Letting go his hold om top of large New York trolley car whi was ring, to slap from his' nose, Wm. and a there is the danger' of that his log. them , | All Oxiords and whité shoes womens and children greatly oF | 209 Princess: street. for 8 a.m. for Gananoque, Brockville, and DEdensburg, Oc. return. Meals on See our $1 motor veils, 50c.; all col 200 a he fy R. 5. Rickler, a live wire, fell to the ground Don't miss Dution's midsummer sale men reduced. He Was Too Particular. An Irishman once dreamed that *he was visiting the late Queen Vietoria. "Will you have a drink *"' the queen said to him. will," said the Irishman. "A drop of Irish, av coorse, hot by pre ference, your majesty." So the queen put on the kettle, but Rheu the water boiled the noise awoke ug J" said he, "TH take it cold next time," ly $2.50 boot $1.75, Dutton's, 209 Prin Men's working boots from ¥1: men's] lof municipal meddissomeness. It is {clearly out of place in s city the age {of Montreal, where the trade alone can properly fix the hours {when men shall trade with each other. | iNot only should the proposed by-law | The rejected, but the by-law which it! {proposes to amend and make more (aggravated should be repealed. 1 On a Satmday Aftergoon. | Take the steamer America for a {tour of the jslunds via her own par- {ticular route, 2:30 p.m. Bie. Men's sox, two pairs, of! he. Dutton's, BATHING SUITS, 50¢ to $2.00. - A A i | IBBYS Ml A rr Headquarters For 78-80-82 PRINCESS STREET NEW TAILORED SHIRTS, $1.00, $1.25, $1.00. Men's Underwear AANA A ANNAN 3 3 : : | 000909000000 0000000000¢ - _- - within nine miles of hix homestead } a farm of at least B30 acres solely owe and ocpupied by him or by his father mother, son, daughter, brother or | sister i | TENDERS FOR STATION AND OTHER BUILDINGS, BEALED TENDERS, ADDRESS] to the undersigned, and marked the envelope "Tender for station build ings will be received at the office of | the Commissioners of the Transconti nental Rallway at Ottawa, Ont, unth 12 o'clock noon of the 3rd day of August, 1911, for the erection of station and other buildings required along the line of the Transcontinental Haitway as set forth below, viz: Section 10 From f(echrane irrie, in she Province of Onturle Section 11. From Fraser tu Grant] the Province of Ontario Section 13 From Buperior to aid, in the Provimce of Ontario 1,000 ton Coaling Station at Mile 232.7, District "D. Plans and specifications may | to C 5 in Thig- Grant, be seen the office of Mr, Gorden - Grant Chief Engineer, Ottawa, Ont, and at the tol lowing Distriet Offices For Sections 10 and 11 and the 1.000. ton Coaling Station, Mr. A N. Moles worth, District Engineer Cochrage, For Section 12, Mr. 8. BR. Poulin, fet Engineer, Bt. Boniface an Tenders must k= made on the forme Dis- the parties to and be ac- He on a the Dominion of the order of the Transcontinental all witnessed, of to Bank Canada, payable cent. (190 pe) of the amount of 1 tender, ; The right is reserved to reject any or_ all tenders. By order, | P. E- RYAN * Becretary. The Commissioners of the Transtontinental way. . P day' of 1. Dated at Ottawa this 3 1913. i Newspapers inserting this advertine. authority from the Commissioners will not be paid for it ATlE | reside In certain Afstricts a4 Romesteader In good standing may pre-ompl a queries section ajongside his homestead flee $2.00 per gore. Ditlea~~Must reside up- on the homestead or pre-emption six monthe. in etoh of px years from date of homestead entry (incivding the {ime required to earn homestead patent) und cultivate Lfty scres ex A homesteader who hak ext ig homestead right and cannet pre-emption muy enter for a hased homestead certain dist Price, $300 per Duties six months each of years, cultivate Fifty acres and & house worth $300.00 WW. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior publication of will not be paid n ' a in acre in M erect N.B--Unauthorized this advertisement for ---------------------- KINGSTON BUSINESS COLLEGE (LAmited) § "Highest Education at Lowest Cost' Sweaty-sixth year. Fall Tern begins August Joth. Courses In Bookkeeping, Bhorthand, Tele . graphy, Civil Bervice Buyiish, Our graduates get 'he positions Within a short time over sixty secured positions with ons of t 4: argent railway cor- ions Canada. Enter any Pime. Call or write for informa. | * tion. H FPF. Metcalfe, Principal, Kingston, Canada OUR © RAND of ard Grauainted Sugar Stand . fax been tried ahd found excellent for preser and table use Price I» = 1ways t, " DREW MACLEAN, rio Street. k McCarthey's Ale Porter. It's the ment without SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH- WEST LAND REGULATIONS, ANY PERSON WHO IB THE SOLE head of a family or any male over 1% years old may homesioad a quarter section of available Dominton land In Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta The applicant must appear in person at the Dominion Land Agency or Buab- Agency for the district. Entry by proxy be made at any agengy, on certain senditions, by - father, mofher, 500, Saughier, brother or sister of tntevd- ing homesteader. & the résidenc the and Mivation os ou jilires years. A home ® upon wack of Agent, R. J. LAWLER BAD WATER AGAIN } WHY NOT BE SAFRI-DRINK THOMPSON'S Celebrated Dublin nad' Seifest GINGER ALN. Guaranteed to equal ported Ginger Ale. Try and be convinced, frm. cane any w i