"NO SURRENDER At Ottawa Over Reciprocity =, "NN Ottawa = { snying Sm-- YEAR 78 -NO, 169 Agreement. | SEXT TUESDAY BY THE LIBE. RAL MEMBERS. Rt Looks as if Awaited With Interest. Ottawa, July 21. There will be no compromise in regard to reciprocity. A story to the effect that it would be proposed to pass the bill but to delay its operation until after a general election, emanated from a source, "wholly outside partment; and itis scouted 'by both sides. Any one who has followed the discussion, knows that the Canadian government has with the United States to push through the agreement, with all due diligence. Because of this under standing, the president called an ex tra session of congress and the gov ernment here is bound to live up, or attempt te live up to its part of the understanding. Generally speaking, there change in the situation to-day will be none before next week, probably not then. Great interest indicated as to developments at Wash ington, where the vote takes on Saturday MH the agreement is passed there, the situation here ws in no way likely wo be altered, but, the nit will be clearnd somewhat, and the scene of discussiom will be in Canada alone. AN alovg it was accepted that nothing definite, not even a pre liminary vote wou'd be taken in Of tawa until it was known what the sen ate would do. The general impression is that the upper house of congress will pass it, but, somehow, certain politicians here appear to he none toc sire on that score. M, by any chante; it should be defeated, there certainly would be no attempt to put it through here. Any international undertaking to that end would be dissolved. With an sflirmative vote on Satur day, however, the government will go ahead and, in earnest, try to pass the bill. It is equally positive 'that the conservatives, unless all signs fail, will maintain their stand of unrelenting "no here and " plave roppaaition. x The government will alternate sup ply with reciprocity, and after at tempts, tikely to prove futile, have been made ton tertain degree, here will be an election. lH this is not what happens, the rank and file or both sides will be greatly surprise not to say disappointed. As how long the tension before something snaps, no one can my. A government caucus is called for Tuesday. The conservatives may have theirs on the same day. Views and opinions will be sounded then, and the exact course probably determined Meanwhile, #4 looks the culmination as repeatedly casted. to fore ALL 18 WELL with : THE WESTERN CROP. Cool Weather and Plenty of Rain-- No Damage Done by Frost. Winnipeg, July 21. Ch mantic in western Uannda could hardly be more favorable. : Some apprehension was felt on account of rumors of frost in certain localities. In order to oh tain reliable information, one thous and correspontients in the three prairie provinces were wired last night, ask- ing if the cool. wave was having a de trimental effect on the crops. Replies are of the most reassuring charactor, showing hat while light frosts have been experienced in a Tew localities they have not affected the crop in the slightest "dagree. Of the replies receiv ed eighty-one per cent. rported no frost, and no apprehension of it; and of the nineteen per cent. reporfing frost, not one indicated any injury to wheat from this source. Injury from hail has. also been incensiderable. On the ole the correspondents' reports show the farmers are inclined to consider the cpol wave as beneficial. Hon. Adam Beck Sails. "Toronto, July 21.--~Hon. Adam Becksia expected to arrive in Montreal on July 80th, from Liverpool. He sailed on the Virginian, on the Jist , in company with Chief Engineer Soth- mann, of the Hydro Electric Commis sion. Besides visiting England, they have been studying electrical plants and supply in France, Germany, Swit zerland, Italy and Austria. ------------------------ Golden Wedding at Owen Sound. duly 21.-Mr, wedding, yesterday, all members of the family being present. The groom's gift to Mre. Kilhourn was a | num. Mr. Kilhourn came June, 1 Will Abolish Greek. London, duly . 21. Aa change, according is about to be made in the German |t Greek, | 488 in ten vears. Oxford county shows | O86 in the north riding and 22.306 system of national education. which how hitherto been the pride of | 25 German "gymnasium," he obligatory, ity place. is no longer t em -- ii 's eivicowned street raj "alga jhway will show a profit of 100 cent. $2.50 hoot, ¥ The There Would be no Quarter by Either Side--Result| oj ref (hat (he Niobe was a of Vote in United States Senate training ship, but will last, however, | likes fight, with | Owen Sound, and Trent Mrs. J. M. Kilbourn celebrated their | Pollowing the | necklace set in plati- land M. Lloyd. The company here with (in course of ecection a factory his father's family from Brockville, in | incisive | i to the Standard, {population of Woodstock, according to and English is to take 1 TEMPEST IN A TEAPOT. eged Disparagement Made by German Officer is Denied. Montreal, July 21.--A storm of "tempest in a te spat" variety, remarks attributed to sub-Commander Von Yerboni de Sposetti, of the Ger man cruiser lremen, now in port, {anent the fighting of the | Canadian warship Niobe, ' subsided, iyesterday, as the eommunications The officer that I much good | she was an The { Goette, itook the matter up hy the denial of the iduly reported to de | AR } | } the over prowess of here was quoted as Niobe would not be actual warfare, bat that excellent training ship siih-commander, oficial result bet ween _I the Commander the consul 1 "phone, sub-commander intawa, Von stated that he and (Lerman x wad Nes de good would not admit | that he questioned her utility in times fe war, The matter is new considered honi oti Lue closed. BACHELORS TO HELP SUPPORT BIG FAMILIES Council in Lyons, France, Wants to Tax All Unmaried Me ; Pavia, July 21. For the first time in france a resolution in favor of a tax oh bachelors was voted by the Lyons mdinicipal couneil, "The council thus proposes to raise $60, 000 that it for the alleviation of the distress suffered by innumerable large families the laboring clagses in the It is proposed i yesterday } needs among ity, to make all single n if they more Parhament h asked to pass a bill to bring the proposed tax info operation of 32 and 81.25 supplementary pay a weekly tax rent of $1 has SHOT WIFE AND HER FATHER. . Jealous Husband Commits Double Murder in Anderson, S.C. sAnderson, S.C; July 21.-In a fit of jenlous rage Samuel N. Hyde enter ed the home of his father-in-law, M: V. Beaslev, in the village of Orr, shot and killed him in a struggle and then turned the revolver on his wife, kill ing her and wounding his sister-in law, Miss Willie Beasley. He swrren dered to the sherili and while express ing satisfaction that he had murdered his wife, declared he regretted the kill ing of Beasley and the wounding » of the girl, whose condition is not con sidered critical, A SUDDEN ENDING, Stung Once by Bee, Dies in Thirty Minutes. Pubois, 'a., July 21. Philip Dusch a well-known resident of Brady town ship, died, last night, thirty minutes after being stung by a honey bee Mr Pusch went out to place a cap on hive and was heard to call. His wife rushed to his side in time to see him fall. Dusch he had been stung but once and that right on the point of the He sixty-two years old. ; n said jaw. wis MINERS THREATEN TO CALL BIG STRIKE Anthracite Workers May Walk Out If Operators Fail to Grant In- crease in Wages. Wilkesharre, Pa, 21. A strike of the anthracite mine workers, if the operators not grant increased wages and other concessions when un der the existing Agreement expires uext Marsh, » was advocated, yester day, by Benjamin McEnanay, pres dent of the union, in his report at the annual convention of the workers from the Wyontisg- Lackawanna district, which has some 50,000 mine workers He said : "Ia the last nine venrs not a single concession of any consequence has heen granted to the mine workers, nor have our wages been increased, not withstanding the fact that the cost of living has increased more than dou- {le the advance in wages granted by the awaid of the coal strike commis sion" in 1903 "Neo now July do declare that titled to a substantinl increase in wages nost year, and we sincerely trust that the operators, in the spirit of justice and fair dealing, both to the mine workers and to the general pub- lie, will recognize the wisdom of grant ing it without endangering the indus- {rinl peace of the region." ---------- New Industry for Trenton Trenton, July 20.--A sharsholders' meeting was held here for the purpose fof elocging directors amd taking over Lihe Toronto factory of Lloyd & Sons, 11 imited, which will 'be moved to in the course of a month. elections were made © re {sidlont, J. Fanuell! vice-president, (. 2s Lloyd; secretary treasurer, Capt we are en Ix A. LE. Bywater; directors, George Collins have wnel will manufacture baby carriages, col lapsible go carts, ete. Woodstock's Population. Woodstock, July 21.--~The eor he census, is 9321, an increase fof the south riding. Total, 47,90. last in { This is about the same as the Consus, » +1 Men's workin AY men residing in Lyons hable to a tax | of | boots from ¥1; men's 5. Dutton's, 208 Prin-| oud keep her thing else aily KINGSTON | i | LATEST TIDINGS pi . ; i Distant Places. i -- 'THE WORLD'S EPISODES {GIVEN IN TEE BRIEFEST POS. SIBLE FORM. i Matters. That Interest Everybody-- Notes From All Over--Little of Everything Easily Read and Re membered. A ' Same $200,000 raised in Winnipeg for i s+ children's hospital | The House of Lords passed {veto bill without, dissent. I'he Capien, Fort "Li and his revolutionists Hayti. ~ They also berte President troope-withdrew: - Samuel Fogler, Chatham, Ont, aged and an employee of the CP, near the Colborne oeCupy attacked as Simon | | =seventy, i was killed street crossing, | Unite] States trushed, to Cape {rebels "are in are in danger. The Schwaben 1, the newest Zeppelin left Friederichshall, Lucerne, Switzerland, been where the foreigners warships have Hayvtien, control and dirigible balloon, for learrying eight passengers Ihree orphan children adopted Mrs. Ole Bull Vaughn will get bulk of the estate of Mrs. Ole widow of the noted violinist. An army of orgamzers have the entire G.T.R, object of organizing the service, including Germany, by Bull, started out system with branch clerks. Louis Strang; of Racine, Wis, prob ably the best known automobile racet in Wisconsin, © was killed Blue River, Wis, the car jumping an em bankment Fether!s hotel and the Hotel summer hostelries, N.Y., were destroyed by lire hundresd lost over the of very the al Rock vil'e, Sharon Nprings, More than one their effects. bhree wing additions will: be added to the Ontario Ladies' College, Whit by, costing between 360,000 and 880, 000, and increasing the accommoda tion from 160 to 200, James FE. Grasse, Chicago, theatrical photographer, in filing a petition in bankruptey, declares he is unable to collect from several of the biggest stars in the country, Jacob 1Salsman has been arrested, charged with stealing a bag of jewelry {roma table beside the casket of un dond friend whose funeral he was at tending in New York. Mrs, William King, N.Y.. has lost a $250 diamond, suspects a neighbor's chicken of hav ing +vallowed the jewel and asks that the fowl be investigated. For liberating twenty rats from a box in a street of New York crowded with women and children and causing a serious panic, John Kief barely escaped being mobbed. He was fined $1. Dominion Montreal, jeweller, Hin S200,000, This works at Hoot for the land. § the first of the Porcupine! victims' {to eome to life ia George Dunbar, for | merly of Pembroke, but now a res: i dent of Porcupine, where he conducted i previous to the fre, guests of Middletown, She Souare Methodist church, is sold.- Henry Pearce the purchaser. The and other considerations out fifteen dollars a in price a general store He is in Ottawa, Sir William Wilcox, the British ad viser to the ministry of public works, the noted engineer and designer of the Assouan dam, who has carried out great irrigation works in Egypt and Messpolamia, has resigned. | LIGHTNING HIT GIRL'S UMBRELLA. Benton Harbor Young Lady Had Narrow Escape From Death "Escort Unhurt, denton Harbor, Mich., July 21 While walking under an umbrella with Miss Willi was struck her sweetheart, vesterday, Teent Tumvek, of this city, by lghining, and probably fatally in a The lightning struck the wm brotla and the girl dropped to ground. Her clothes were torn shreds, and she was severely scorched from head to foot on One side. Her companion received only a light shock. i red, ee in HE SWOONED. Sees His Face With Forty Years Changes. Pittsburg, July 21 Sted man, a hermit, saw his face for the first time in a mirror, vesterday, ant when three feet of whiskers eanght his eve he swooned. On beng revived he sail he had not seen a peflection of his face for more than forty years. He it eighty-five years old, and with his visit to the White Horse tavern, on the Pertysville Road, yesterday, he saw for the first time a street car and antautomobile. He hat never seen {a tain nor never heard of an airship until vesterday. Jacob Word has come from Vancouver of "hi sudden death of Theodore Per- fault who for many years was a well- known citizen of Remirew. He did busi- iness as a barber, and going west a few years ago dealt in real estate. A fine of and $22 costs or twen- tv days in jail was levied against Stew. art Montgomery, proprietor of the ihotel in Frankville, charged with sell ing tquer during prohibited hours. % Whitley, of Port Rowan, has appointed principal of Peseronto school. i . | Men's s0X, 10 pairs, Pe. Putton's, 900 Prinosss stroef. The man who ean pleased please a 'woman . From Near and a amended | a ; the | s | eonne { conn the | tod has no time for od , ONTARIO, TO BUILD AUTOMOBILES. Company, Organized at Brockville, With $200,000 (Capital. trockville, July 21.--A new pany, capitalized at $200,000, with Messrs, W. H. Comstock, T, J. Storey | and (§ W. Maclean, as provisional | directors, has been organized for the manufacture of automobiles here. A site has been pirghased from J. W, Stage, and the erection of a building 1,00 by 50 feet, will be started at once. Three styles of .cars will be turned owt, oon { i pitish FRIDAY, JULY 21, 1911. A STRONG FIGHT de-| i a continuance of the reciprocity bate. : After a moment's silence Hon, Nr Fielding rome. "Then," observed the minister of Goance, "1 move the adop- tion of the resolutions." There was a roar of protest from! the opposition benches. Mr. Thoburn! was appealed to and responded to the spur of his colleagues. He capitulated, amid the laughter of the liberals, and continued the debate. : Some Stormy Scenes in House | of Commons. A VIGOROUS ' BATTLE THE LIBERAL ~~ MEMBERS WARMLY CHEER LEADER. COURTEOUS ACT NETS $20,000. Man Whe Gave Sick Fellow Traveller Berth is Rewarded. | Atlanta, Ga., July 21.-A cojrteous fact on the part of William; R. @'Nail, {of Bambredge, Ga., his been rewarded : {by a fortune g 'Personalities House! When 0'\eil exchanged a lower for at Two O'Clock on an upper sleeping car berth with J. Killing | I.. Young, of Oakland, alifornia, four years ago, when the two men were | After Warm Adjourned Friday Morning--Only Time. : WILLIAM JIUGH] from Ne w Jerse and nd ond Repre % } ommitt gress of entative ember of means of the NOT YET ASSIGNED Council Has Not Yet Decided Wo Will Build the Canatian Navy. \ 21.1In spite of state ments by Sir Henry Pellatt thai firm will build the ships of the Cana dian the experts of the naval] hraneh have not vet figured out whieh | of the eight tenders is the most fay ornble and should be accepted The | tenders were submitted to the author ities in Britain recently, and their | opinion amd advice was obtained specting them \s the question of establishing a shipyard enters into the problem which confronts the battlsship builders in tendering for the Canadian work there is naturally a good denl of variation in the tenders which have been receiv er, which have to be considered it believed that within the course of afew the government will bein a position to announce that the } Cttaw July hs nay re and some of them have condition is days it hag accepted tenddrs for ten ships, The following statement out on behalf of the ministé navy this, mormng "The statement has been published several to the effect {that the British-Canadian Shipbuild ling and Dee hus seeured the for the construction of ships {of the Canadian junfounded. We | minister of the naval servic | il has 1 taken the given of the was which times k eompany jeontract navy is absolutely informed. by the o that the An Are not vet wtion | upon different received { However, expected that a derision { i soon be reached pe it is may NEW BRUNSWICK | WILL LOSE SEAT \On Census Showing St. John's Population Returns Will Lead to This. baly 21.---An {timate places New Brunswick's in {crénse in population, as a return of at 30.000, the gain being in Westmoreland the north The result, so far as disappointing. The base of tation in the ext house will, be advanced 25,0008 52,000. This {wall mean the loss of one seal in par Hinment for New Brunswick, | | (Mtawn, unofthcinl es the censn mainly county and { | along share St. John goes, is re prose: from Lo GRABBFD BY STALLION. Vicious Animal Severely Injures a | Farmer. Exter, Ont., July 2] ~(re0, Coward, of Ushorne township, had the skim ol his left arm below the elbow complete lly torn off by a stallion early this morning. Mr. Coward was mturning the animal Yo the stable, and mstead of tying it up with a double halter, as he usually does before taking off the we removed the bridle and commenced feeding it some oats. The horse made a grab at wim, catching him by the arm. Mr. Coward swung {outside the door, and hang a good sized man, be managed with the tgventest diflieutty to keep from being briclle, he id. { a rose, purpose, en route to Florida, where Mr. Young | Ottawa, July 20. For was going for his health, be thought | moments last might the parliamentary | little of the incident. Ex dently Mr, battle came to close quarters. After | Young considered it a great favor, for D. Taylor and Dr., Sproule had | in his will he left £20,000 to the young concluded [their speeches, calling for Georgia man, who is twenty-*ix years the prodiction of the %Yeporr of old. ('Neil was in Atlanta, yesterday, Justice Murphy of 'the supreme court and was informed of his good fortune on the administration of the Cbinese Hoy--a--son--of Mr Foung--who had - : Georgy ber J i i immigration act, Sir Wiltrid Laurier come to Georgia to look for him. a few ROYALIST FORCES - ASSEMBLE ON FRONTIER And Cause Tronhle to Portugal --Said King Manuel is in Dis- guise Among Them. Lisbon, July 21 the number of some | assemble! along the Spanish frontier | and an advanor into Portugal is ! sidered imminent. They are : armed. The Portugnese government and was forwarded hy | has called the attention of the Span- | Lish government to the fact. It ix said him to the minister of justice, with when the premier was m conference | King Manuel himseM has been here ameng his troops in disguise. i concerning it {A SEARCHING INVESTIGATION | + did not rise to reply to my friend from New Westminster," he obsérved, "because | had concluded that his speech was pot wade for the purpose of securing information, but for; the purpose of hilling time m ob { Hear, hear.) He has four hours, while a information ' could have within ten minutes." for Centre Grey having request withm fifteen twenly manutes, the premier gave | him the information asked for The report of Justice Murphy had been transmit ted the minister of trade struction spoken three on request for been preferred { fin preferred member the Rovalist forces to | " thousands chn well to and commerce, "There are two reasons for the fact that the report has not been laid up- on the table of the house," observed Wilirnd. "Justice Murphy has commended the prosecution of certain parties not at present in the country, and he also recommended that this re port be not made public until these prosecutions had been brought about, ay publication "would militate against the administration of justice and the reaching of the culprits." } Mr. Taylor rose wrathfully. he declared, was 1 Al | of wasting time. | wrecking crews in getting engine out | Cries of "Oh" amd "You can't con- {of the canal bed. { vince the public of that." | i "I don't want to convince the mem | her for Bellechasse," retorted Me. | Faylor, "but I repudinte the charge | George heduc is Dying of a that sqwas trying to kill time." Fractured skull | '1 must, of course, give my hohok Montreal, July 2). George Lede is | able rien "Whe gro Of hun dhe |g of. irnckured koh a fou | Aner I odd | ir h a. Am | other people are seriously injured ns gla wear his assurance that his } he result of lLeduc's auto crashing | purpose was not to kill time, for bis [0 ler oh ole at the rate of | prolixity had given me an altogether Hort : grap | 11300 tock | fifferent impression. However, if fe id bin. Sir To be Made Into the Welland Canal Accident. { Port - Colborne, July 21. --There will likely be searching vestigation { into the facts regarding the miduight {fatality when Engineer Charles Smith was drowned. The railway edmpany | and canal people demand thay the re | | sponsibility for the acudent he fixed Trathc on the canal is still blocked, wl great +lifliculty is experienced by ro- a His not that | MONTREAL AUTO ACCIDENT. 1 miles an hour, at : morning. says so, have nothing more to Still Ranks High, Bisley, "July 21 Trainer, the | who in the first | ay. "The prime minister should be | making apologies, of ; Private not insinuations, was hrst Whig { tawa Valley and Upper St. Lawrence LAST EDITION WEATHER PROBABILITIES. Toronto, Ont, July 21 19 am --Ot- fresh in Moderate to westerty winds; thunder showers a few localities, but mostly fine, Saturday, fresh north-west winds: fair and cooler * ©; Here's Something Special BRITISH MORAIR DRESS GOODS. Just 'the thing for a natly Bathing® Suit or Outing Dress They look like silk. wash well, and do pot crush. We offer them In two-tone color effects. Any piece in the lot Is worth $1.90. Some are worth $1.16. Yours whils £0) they last 50c See Display in East Window, REAL BATHING SUITS FOR LADIES AND MISSES, Two-plecd Garments, made of good washing in colors Navy or Black med with White or Red VERY SPECIAL AT $2.75. wall lustre, trim- SMART BATHING HOSE In Stripes, PIAlds. Polka Dois, and Checks, GREAT VALUE AT 25c, AA A AA AAA NNN STEACY'S THE PEOPLES STORE. quoth R. L. Borden, who entered the | anadian stage of. the king's prize, was second | { at this time. (he member for | " in the second stage, and i= still welll house New Westminster, he said, had placed | much of the evidence taken by the commissioner on Hansard, owing tol "the unwillingness of the | government to make his report pub he ap in the list of pogsible winpers IGHT BRITISH OFFICERS LOANED TO CANADA, o Be Attached to the Eight Military | { apparent Sir Wilfrid courteously expressed that the opposition leader been in the house a moment fore, when he had communicated the | reasons for the government's course. | For Mr Borden's benefit he repeated | his statement, the liberals pounding | Co-Operation their desks at the discomfiture of the | ' opposition leader. Ottawa, July . 21. Following the Mr. Borden replied that he was not { poliey of the government to carry | inclined to 'criticize the report, of the | gut the recommendations of Maj. Gen. judge, but every man implicated must | Sir John French, an arrangement has | know it through the taking of the {been come to between the Canadian evidence.- The opposition léader tart | government and British war oflice by i ly repudiated the suggestion that Mr. [which the services of eight experienced | Favlor had been killing time "He {officers will be loaned to Canada for deserves the thanks of the house and | the purpose of accordance the country," he added, ama liberal [with the principle The eight officers will be assigned to | fwho has been in Cahads before), ' iInfantry; Capt. BR. J. E. Hayter, of 1 further time by making another speech | wind Maj. W. Kobertson, of the Roy al on the same matter, dealing with the | Engineers. | They Will be here in about alleged weaknesses of the administra: two weeks tion of the Chinese immigration act. | At midnight the house was still inl session, and «no further progress had) been made. Major Currie, who fol | Until lowed for an' hour and a hal on the} (Chinese, immigration act discussion, | | remained steadily in ther places Tonuver) at 10.80. Mr. Cowan was still tpeaking at midmght, and the resolu tion to resume the reciprocity debate, re- | had | be- | gret not training in o coordination laughter from the tion upon at the Venrs ago rate." Mr. Barden again quitted the chamber Currie followed. H, de there had wasting of time of the house, the party who was guilty for all the loss of time * waa the premier, because he had not given explanation (Liberal laughter} The Simeos man availed of the opportumity to utilize at any Thereubos . hereupon, promptly [the new re aor he clared been his "He succeeded in extorting | and co-operation. decided mght mahitary divisions | i Maj. L. P. Phillips, of the King's Own | the Royal Irish regiment; Capt. J BOOUer [ihe Cheshite Regiment; Lieut Col, C.J government some explana | defence conference of two cently created. Lieut. Col. G. Watkin, | Roval Rifles, Capt. L., J. Lipsett, of | {Gordan Hall, of the Yorkshire Light | himself E English; Liewt Cal | Wood, | | { i Semen cmpnatn spn WILL NOT SEND BILL BACK ft is Ready to Anrvounce Names of New Peers, London, July 21. At the cabiaet | leounci] this mormegs ander stood | it was decided that on Monday Prem ier Asquith would grant certam mayor presented by Hom. Mr. Fielding, at concessions in the velo bill, but wolld 31 o'clock vesterday afternoon, bad maintain unalterably the mma terns aot heen reached ! of the measure and would po wend Sir Wilirid Laurier and Mr. Fielding the bill again to the lords til he eS have remained steadily in their places ready to amnounce the names of the "= : tdrawn back into the stable. He had {his cont on at the time, the sleeve of iwhich was partly torn off. The skin lof the arm just below the elbow was | 'torn clegn ardund and ripped off to ibelow the wrist, and several wips iwere mnde in the haud, which required eight stitches respectivel to close. The muscles and cords of the arm wore laid Bare, and the play lof the muscles By the working of the Hfingers could be seus. Population of Iugersoll. Woodstock, July 21. The census re turns for the town of Ingersoll show the ation to be shout 4.790, which represents an increase of about 3 all might: The attendance on both new peers io be created to carry the i wides large. but members were government's hill through. 1 nionists 'showing signs of weariness. had a cancus ules at the house of Mr At 12.15 o'clock this morning, Mr. Baliour and decided to Sght tu the Cowan ronchuded, and finally the reso- last ditch. Llgtion of Mr. Fielding enrried - Me. Thoburn, whn had the floor in The Columbia Rasnherry the" rediprocity debate, moved an ad-| We expect a thotisomd boxes Satur {journment of the debate, a resalation day morning. Before buying ehaes bere, "negatived by the liberal majority. have a book 4t our beroies and note | Mr Thoburn declined to go on, and the prices at Carnovaks's. {the partis came (0 a sodden cline. | {1 appeal to the prime minister." "Buy Abbey salt." Gilmon's {declared Mr. Thobarn. "1 casmot' ge | Sir William Mackenzie may be apr fon at this hour. I ask an adiéurn pointed Canadian High commissions | ment." tin the place of Lond Stratheons Sir Wilirid: shook his head. | "High class sweets," Hayler's and; Mr. Thobure was stubborn. He sat | McConkey s. Fresh on Friday st Gib down. The deputy speaker called for jeon's, wns lt Sp St i {¥ | 'Phone 577, JAMES BORN, + Kingston, 1911, to Kenney, a son DIED, HOULDERH Kingsts July 20th 1911 § aged Jeare inera private) from his sidence, 168 York Street, Satur day afterncon, st 230 o'clreck SULLIVAN At Ste. Anne's de Beaupre Que July 20th 1811 Mary Buliiv Funetal- from her father's Ontes, Monday at 10 am te Patrick » Chureh Railton lemn requiem mass wiil the repose of her soul ' alntances are re to attend and Eimira KENNEY Tuly w Sireet In 20th Thursda and Mr Montreal on Mr 144 ¥. Ont, on rge Houlder, 5 late re residence Phelps papers {OBERT J. REID, The Leading Undertaker. 230 Priscese JAMES REID nase PRINCESS FTRESE, bolanece. 'Yhoue 147 for A ------------------ The an ANTIQUE TABLES: Octagon, Square, Round and. Oval Tables Mahogany and Wainut Heacona offers not refused. Turk's Phone TURKS. Summer Good Calves Tougues in Glass. Ox Tongue 6 glass Prisket of Beef in glam Gaiantine Chicken in glass Chicken and Tongue in glase sliced Dried Beef in glass Banana Butler Lemon Butter. Orange Butter. Pineapple. Butter Fyer-thing for the Camping, Picnie and Fishing arty REDDEN & CO. It cost Charles Spence, of hicago, $30 3s break a chne over the head of { hurler Mateman, bat he «PF it wan worth it beenseahe got to see his wile, Bateman 3 stepdaughter, from whom he is separated ~ We sek a lawyer to protect us from our neighbors amd a doctor to pro tert, us from ourselves MH a man dies of starvation bis heirs care pot apt to goarrel over hie -.iate Brockville is to toon have free poste al delivery,