rp ton 4 Fo, For those hot, sizzlin g days, nothing so refreshing as Dalton"s Concentrated Lemonade. Made from lemouos and sugar Tartaric Aad. Guaranteed free from Sweetened and ready ouly. to serve. 1 bottle makes half a gallon. Try it once and you will never again make lemonade in the ordinary way. 'ALL GASCERS AND 10¢. ssa Ate Unwisely relieve. the iF rt ats once. dnd help digest 6 over! oad. Sometimes people do, and because the stomach balks. The lover of rol ings mag fs feel quite safe with a box of NA-DRU-CO Dysgepdia Tablets at hand. box. If your druggist has will mail them, pot stocked them yet send 50c. and we 34 We Make Brass, Bronze, or- Alamipum Castings Prompt Deliveries. The Canada Metal Co. Ltd., Bend Your Patterns. Fraser Avenue, Toronto FOR SALE, Gas bhext also 3 Stove, extens- American make, a Second-hand Gas Henge, burner, whi broiling and roasting ovens Snaps for quick buyers Must Che mold, J. Ww, (Car. Sydenham =» Four-burner sion sides, 'never used; OLDWIN, rdnance St Cs Se---------------------------------------------------------------- f---- & : PICT RES FHAMED you are In doubt ra of frame for a pietare you framing ask our can give you best stock, bert work, best effect and bes price of anybody in the city. WEESE & CO, Wallpaper. RIGHT, ag to the you nead contemplate framer Hin Photos. @esssssssassassssssen $ | i Bracelet $ $ The Kind That Keép Time....... Rodger & Wright Jowellers, Fornterly Spangénberg's, $47 KING ST, KINGSTON. Marriage Licenses VP LVVLVBTTLRLRTRINN They Were a Fine Looking Pair When the preacher spliced 'em. She had beautiful brown eyes and straw- berry lips, while he was a clean-cut young fellow. And. they lived happy ever after- ward. At least, that is the way the story goes. But while we are on our way home from the wedding we want to drop a gentle reminder to have the gas stove coupled up be- fore they get back from their honey- moon so the bride may 'wear the smile that won't come off." | | | | | : CHEAP, CLEAN, CONVENIENT. COOK WITH GAS. | Light, Hal & Power Dept. ; CroLasm, Gen. Mgr. i TIONING 21 ME Se Aah tom snd wore ini gb "Good Amarin Coal il at le. per salon, daivers 0 i parts of the Ce BENNETT BRAND| 'wecialty of Tok Al {that PERFECTION COCOA Is rich in food value and easy to digest. It is just 'Cocoa, pure Cocos, ground from the choicest Cocoa beans. Nurses and Doctors recommend its use in sickness or in health, m Do You use Cowan's DAY OR NIGHT Phone 201 WHO WERE SUCCESSFUL IN ENTRANCE EXAMINATION. Headed the lough and Williamsville, Jessie Curl, of Vero List, With Eva Mc Reta Green, of Closely Following. The: following are the successful can- didates ut the recent high school en trance examinations held at Barriefield Cataraqui, Harrowsmith, Grove, Sharbot Lake, Wolfe Island. The fultersea, Mountain and FOR BALD HEADS. A Treatment That Costs' Nothing i It Fails. We want 'you to' try" three large bot tle of Rexall Haie™ Tonio on our personal gusrSateé that the trial wll not cost you a penny if it does give vou absolute satisfaction. PLUMBING 8 prool of our 'INith in this rome *PC , and "it. should indisputably | de- PLUMBING... that lh of kfiow what we bout when we say 'that Rexall ¢ an air Tonic will Rox bald ers bald- sh he duration abel hair are' entite- Grad, he 4 licen closed aut gronn : 5. Sha ey Rem are hasing our state ments ton whl has Already been ac complished by the use of Rexall "93" FHfair Tonic, and we have the right to [pssume that what it © has done for thousands of others it will do for In any evenk: vou cannot lose anythihg by giviag it a trial on our uarantes. Two sizes, O0p. and = yon can obtain Rex (his community anly t our store---The Resall Store. e. Erowy Sydenham | nates are published in alphabetical or (der, Jessie Curl, List with 512 marks, followed {hy Eva McCullough and Reta of Williamsy ile. The total marks l1ainable were 650. Of these 390 rejuired to pasd with not Jess forty per cent. in any subject. {were 234 candidates who wrote. statement of marks obtained in 1oject has been mailed to ea h | successful eandidaté and a certificate to each suecessful one, entitling the holder to admission to the cblleziate institutes, high and continuation {sehools in the province. The succe gsful leandlidates were : ' Florence Abbott, Mountain Grove. Lois Allan, Mississippi. Mildred Anglin, Battersea. Howard Armstrong, Joyceville, Lavinia Ashley, Wttslerry. Harold Baker, Portsmouth, Alice Balls, Washburn. Blanch Bauder, Verona. Beulah G. Burleigh, Verona. Etifford--Bepnett;--Wittettehotme: Jessie Curl, Verona. Goldie Clack, Gogirey. Marion Clow, Hartington, Lillian Curran, Sydenham. Rose K. Campbell, Atkinson. Thelma Cliff, Williamsville Annie M. Conboy, Oso Station, (iladys Clark, Mountain Grove, Andrew Clark, Glenvale. Lena Davis, Wolle Island. Stella Dowsley, Sydenham. Flossie Davy, Verona. Majorie Fair, Kingston Herbert Freeman, Reta Green, Williamsville, Ernest Gendron, Arden, Hugh Gray, Godfrey. Harold Godfrey, Godfrey, Russell Grant, Bellrock. Margaret Howes, Godfrey. Elsie Hannah, Snow Road. Alberta Hughes, Harrowsmith, John Halliday, Portsmouth. Joyce, Joyceville, King, Glenburnie. Earl Kemp, Wolfe Island. Mary Lake, Godfrey. Isabel Lemmon, Collins Bay Thelda McAdoo, Eric. Lathleen McCammon, Eva McCullough, Elhott Mchnight, Laura McConnell, Harrowsmith, Clara A. Martin, Sydenham. Reginald Morrison; Joveeville. Augustus: Mulvena, Barriefield. John Morah, luverary, Norman Morrison, Joyceville, Erie H, Mallett, Sharbot Lake. Nettie (3. Murphy, Wolfe leland. Sadie Muiray, Sydenham. Wilfrid Nichols, Sydevham. Hazel Orr, Willettsholme. Vera Orr, Willettsholme. Warren Percy, Bellrock. Clara May Peters, Wilton. Grace A. Peters, Wilton. Annie Price, Mountain Grove. Kathleen Prior, I¥Arey. Anson Serson, Elginhurg. Wiliam Shillington, Burridge. Ellen Shortall, Atkinson. Lizzie Sleeth, Keelerville, Walter W. Spence, Wolfe Island. Melrose Sproule, Westbrooke. smiles Stover, Elginburg. Hechert Teepell, Inverary, Myrtle Teepell, Inverary. Norma Toner, Washbarn. Marguerite Veboman, Sharpton. winhifred HM. Wallace, Perth Road. Damon Well, Godfrey. Helen Wood Sydenham, Kenneth Wood, Barriefield. Wren MAKING OF THE CALENDAR. A Lecture at Queen's University by Dean Dupuis. Dupuis Jeetured on Thursday, to a good on of Verona, headed the closely Gres, ob- were than There A full each we Station. Godfrey. Portsmouth, Williamsville, Godfrey. * Dean lin the Physics class room jad and appreciative audience, "The Making of the. Calendar.' He began by showing views Mlustrat- ling the ancient civilizations of aby {lon and Egypt and the position of {Palestine and the Hebrews in relation {to thesst He explained the origin of the [pumber twelve, as used by these an oan | cient people, and showed how superior lit is to ten as a basic number for Led measuring and weighing. oie Te BIBBY'S CAB STAND The method of determining the length roe. | of Yhe year as employed by the an ¢ient Egyptians in the otientation of heir temple, and the uses of the heliacnl rising of the stars were fully ex- plained and illustrated. The reason why these methods were not sufficient [was explained in the changes of hlignity in the ecliptic and the -pro- cession of the erquinoxes. Then followed a full exilatmtion ol tthe Julian and the Gregorian ealand- {ers, and the way in which the latter was derived from the former. This was ¢ followed by an elaborate discussion on [the introduction of 'the puwnber seven and of the origin of the Sabbath or Sabatin of the Babylonians. { The lecture concluded with an no- count of the scclatiabtic calendar and the Sneling of the golden number, the t and the Sunday letter, and thence lof the great moveable feast Easter. The audience was delighted to hear the veteran dean on the Teeture plat. form again. For an All Day Sail, Take the steamer America, Friday, 8 a.m., for Gananoque, Brockville, and Ogdensburg, He. return. Meals on board Suffering From Water Famine Venice, July 21. --Water famine in » wild form in cansing trouble here. Une main, conveying across the la' goons the city's water from nn Duiomite mountains, Dees: ruptured and irs, railway and navigation are sty ww der RE the Amusenente" LAKE ONTARIO PARK TO-NIGHT 22d Ev BIG FREE SHOW | VAUDEVILLE AND PIOTERES, PROGRAMME CHANGED MONDAY AND THURSDAY, Steamer BULLETIN, FRIDAY, JULY Gannnoque, Ogdensburg. 2-800 =a Brockville 50e return. of the islands, Fare, ucent ae re, Bhé ret MEALS ON ALL TRIPS, LEAVES SWIETS WHARF 7.30 A.M. EVERY TUE! ¥V_ FOR LAKE Mot RAIN, GIVING '2 HOURS PICTON LEAVES SWIFT'S WHARF ESDAX CURSTONISTS AS DELIG MILE TOUR THROUGH BOTH A SELS; ALSO 1 FULL HOUR'AT ALEX BAY. HETURN RATE ON Thudsduys nnd Fridays charier, 4 D. 8. COLLIER, 44 W. FAR SPECIAL open Union Se, America for nad SAT BDAY, JULY 22-230 p.m, 'Tous Soe, SUNDAY, JULY 23 --Regular Trips to Cape Vi 7 nd 2.00 a Str. QUINTE QUEEN uy (2 PM. LA N- 5 TIC Kidrs: Terrier TRIP. | for | The I ecu ers People's Forum | ® CON DENSED ADVERTISING RATES First, insertion lv a word, (Each con- secutive insertion ' thereafter half tent a word, Misim we for une lasertion 28c; three fusertions, Soc; six, 81; one month, $2, HELP--WANTED. APPLY, 17% EARL STR ons A COOK. rT 7 AT ONCE, A HOUSENMAID AT ROOK woed Hospital) goed wages Ap- ply Sto the Matron, A BINING-ROOM Chamtiermaid Audress, W, Gin AND A al the. Royal Hotel Hunter, Napanes SMART YOUNG furniture . and Apply, st t Co MAN TO carpet + F LEARN business ance, tu Harrison FROBATIONERS FOR THE land County Genoral Hospital ply tb the Lady Wellasd, Ontario GIRL THAT book Keeping Agures State 718. Whig WEL- Ap Superiatendeyt i NDERSTANDS aud is veiréct n salary wanted Bo office LABORERS AND QUARRY wages, $1.36 to $1.59 per day and board. } Apply to Exploration Syndicate, Collins Bay, Ont. EXPERIENCED required, for energetic and wages Apply, in dng. to Box IXIA, STENOGRAPHER office. must be acourate; good own handwril Whig ice, ity AN INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY arn $14) monthly corresponding bs newspapers. No canvassing. Bend for particulars, Press Byndi- cate, 2.969 Lockport, N.Y. WANTED, IMMEDIATE!L y. GENERAL superintendent of field work for 2 established beneficiary (Ontario); a thera salar DRYGOODS ISNT. RETAIL Established tey MHrothers, Kingston, Ontario. price about $20,000 Only five drygoodn stores in the eity. opportunity. out, August ut by CRUML oy BROTHERS, Kingston, Ontario. FOR Rods bc to $156 Reels 25¢ to $9 Lines3c to $5 Sinkers, Floats, -- Hooks; ~Mintiow Seines, Floating Minnow. Pails. Special Steel Rods--$1.50pe82, $3, $4.75, Wy ire The largest atsgrinieht. AK: ROUTLEY 173-5 Princess Street. 4 ) TENDERS ADDRES Io} id Lhe undereuthag a Tender for Palio Bering | Dundas Ont will be receiv HL this office until 4.00 pan, en Paesdas, Awgust 8 1841, for tha work Meitéoned, Plans speelfic contruct cal bE Shen teader abtafned of appl! office of Mr. Thes ASH of Works Postal 3 Street Toronto, -Ond, fice, Dundas, Ont, and al Und Depart ment 3 notified SEALED ms tendering p 1s will' not made on they prjpted toyme supplied and signed with theft Chon! sign tures, stating their ccenpatiy HI pliaves of residence In the e 0 firms, the actual signature of the vecupation and ence of each member be given Fack tender mus bY kn accepted che bank, pavadte to Honourable the Works, equal te of the amount are he nature of resid firm m dcoompanied u on a the order Minister of « ten per cent of the 'tefrder, of which ing decline to enfer, futo' a when called upon lo dg. 86 er fall complete the work contracted for. will be The Department does not to accept the jowest or any By urder, so : R. C. DESROCHERR Sécretary, Works, 17, 1K returned. tehtler Department of Public Ottawa, July advertisement IT they Insert it with- eut authority from the Department FOR SALE BY TENDER RUSINESS --1 Stoeck-in-Trade and Fixtures as u going concern of ( run Amt other Splendid Good reuson for welling Tenders will he received wp fo 40 YEARS The only reliable house to buy your FISHING TACKLE THAT'S FIT FOR FISHING irsed that be considered winless 1st chartered the Public (10 pc will be forfeited If the Persog tender ! contract | it] the fender be not accepred thé cheque bind itself Newspapers will not be paid for this right man Apply, P.O, Box 5. Toronto CAPABLE OLD arriving Sept. Ard The COUNTRY August 1 DOMES. 19th Apply now mond = Street Grenville Toronto Street CLERKS TO SELL ARTICLES MUCH needed In every home, sspeciany by working men; good salary; pers manent position; If you are work- ing for small salar behind the counter, write to-day; you Gan double your wages and be your own boss. Apply, Box "BE. B. C." Whig Office. WANTED--GENERAL. SHOE REPAIRING OF EVERY DE- scription; first class work; best leather only used; one trial wiil suffice. ring your repairs te Scott's, 206 Barrie Street, cor. of Clergy West. GENTLEMEN TO BRING THEIR Cloth and have It made up nto up- to-date suits, Price and workman- ship guaranteed to please. Pressing an fepuiriig done on the shortest notice. Thomas Galloway, 130 Brock St. next Bibby's Livery. ANY PERSON HAVING MEN; I IPI II II IIVI PIII III PIII IIO PIII seed FOR SALE. ™ EL 3 F ACRES: coon ne nL DINGS) wl athon a exirab re He arm. r 59 Welllngt LOST. SUM OF MONEY IN BROWN PURSE, Aeave at Whig office ai id get ward ed for a alasekhart 1 Kingston ™G SILVER RATTLES, ON THURS. 1 we Oly Park #1 Bagot ner Kindly returs tw ristmas, 134 Bagot Sree i e---------------- RINGS, - DY JOSE 14TH : in tadlies depot twin pear return SECOND-HAND THIRTEEN Dise Drill, In good condition. Ape ply te DJ. Hay, Clarence Street, THREE - WALNUT AND and Sofas at Turk's 'Phone -- A BIE VARIETY on makogany Chairs very tow prices 105 city Hamond, one tur quolse Sultabie reward for to Whig office nd their ONE HUNDRED CHICKENS, fed; Rist right CORN far ibs SUMMER RESORTS, "THE AL EX ANDR RA = Just place for a quiet atlon; « breezes: right 3 shore Lake Omtafh Ie rate re 1 Alex Adngton Ont THE ailing of modes cation Well wmnty SEV EN- ROO: FRAM nov Division NR eT RANE good RU = modern lmprovements, with bara and big lot. Apply on premises, GASOLINE Cytinder ignitor al any House ron Liles Batteries the at GALLON, Greases, Columbia served prompily Knapgp's Beat cry d ¥ Bi ad McAdam, Manager Pritee'! Edward © 1e es 185 300 SC WHITE LEGHORN One year ald - pure bre egg-laying strain; 78¢ euch; to make pogan for puiletn Marrison, Calaraqul, Oat HOYELS AND RESTAURANTS. a HENS, heavy want A. BRUNSWICK HOTEL, ONTARIO ST, opposite G.T.R. statiofi, one block from CPR, on streot ear line; bar supplied with best of wines and liguors; rges moderate; fal rates by he week. Joho usineau, Prop. TAYLOR SAFE, NEW, Tea Bing, Counters, Computing Scales, Top Bu ¥ n Deltvery © Waggon Ani sw Kirk, 28} Princess. Street, or 78 Nelson Street, * TEAVY BLOCK Shelving, HOTEL. 343-34 tacked with Wines pecisl ™e, GRIMASON + YOU WANT A GOOD STORE OR Balcony Awhing, Porch urtain, Waggon Cover, Cork Life Freserd- ers or Fenders for your mutor buat drop a card to Capt. Joseph Dix, 211 Nelson Sreet and choleest 'Meals, 25¢ each, or the week. Yard and accommodation Rates Mulviile & Driscoll. Liquors, Cigars. rales by stable reasonable. A FRONTE NAC or will 1 STREET, 68 x ~ Bulig std brick em 92 ¥ §0.,% 1-2 mower. all for } 000 vans tors; Is sland 41, BL . awrence River: Gardiner & Hates STORES, m £3 Clarence Street : "8 BY BROCK | eee cis "OT, an DWELLINGS, ete, " J. B Bireet. OFFICES, R. McCann, nea AN OLD-ESTABLISHED GROCERY business in smart village, with Blire Bakery Business; & Concern houses ombinéd diner & SUMMER COTTAGES AND FURNISH- J R Bate~ ed Dwellings McCann, 61 Brock Street GROCERY STORE AND H t 4 Ha) Prince DWELLING, Siredis \p 31LY ER. rL Age 1 to acks, " ir nd i" nuhie town, ow J FINE FURNISHED ts Kostview Park week Apply A Erie, P.O, or at. the Ww © OTTAGES AT $3 to §5 per DD. Boyd, 11g office NEW Sonn ron BRICK Slrect; pOEver cellar of alr fur Aprovemehis: ga possession about mg the cf buyer ApS HOUSE, To NEL- good modern 460 Xx 150; OW tier quick FOGINS nace Tot Bey wap for STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN dry. alry rooms, absolutely moth roof; your own lock and key rost's Clty Storage, 299 Queen Mt 'Phone 26h, Ist FLAGS, AWNINGS, TENTS, camping outfits, fishing marine supplies, lunch baskets, English raincoats, everything in canvan, kit bags, silk tents, spray hoods, motor boat supplies, rank W. Cooke, 209 Ontariv Ht. 'Phone ¥91 or 23 < CANORS, 165 PRINCESS STREET, LARGE Lackle, store; 'also §-room house, $7.60 per month, and d-room house $4.50 per month Apply, C. H Powell 10 Ragin Street FROM MAY ist, BRICK HOUSE, Ne. 181 Divison Street; extension kitchen; hot water heating. gas Apply to Frederick Welch, No. 179 Division Street FOR BALE OR TO LET. THE EXTENSIVE RBUSINKSS PRE. SKE- cond-hand Furniture and Stoves before disposing drop me a card 1 will pay good prices. 1 have for sale Brass and Iron Beds and all kinds of Furniture in Oak. Happ) Thought Ranges. Will sell reason- able J. Thompson, 333 Princess Street. mises for many years occupled by Henry Skinner & Co, Wholesale Druggists, extending frown cosy Street to Queen Blreet, frontage on both, and includ! Mensive buildings. Apply to ningham & Mudie BRICK HOUSE, 28 WELLINGTON Prin. Street pear Park; ten large rooms; impad gvements to suit good tenant Apply to I Cohen, care of Surman & Cohen, or 136 Queen Street Neo. fine TEACHERS WANTED. A FoR S.C rrington once Anglin, QUAL Tein THA en 2 4 ip Sec Treas, Battersea, PROTEST ANT TEACHER FOR THE Depirtment he ind inst . eX periend - y. the 27th *, Graham, Secretary NORM AL TEACHER FOR in Sharbot Lake Village, Pre testant preferred; salary. $5 annum; duties commencing mid-gammer holidays Apply Thomsen, Seo, Sharbot nt N.See. OCEAN STEAMSHIP AGENCY. TRANSATLANTIC LINES, ALL CLASS. C. 8 Kirkpatrick, Agent 4 one ) flares Street, Kingston. BUSINESS CHANCES. ANYWHERE, CAN START all order busineas at home. Ne a Be your awn boss Bend for Sree booklet. Tells how Heacock, 2,989 Lockport, ' TT OSTEOPATHY. | ANYON] ¢ "HEALTH Sia ii Ang a Asheroft, D.O. B. Asheloft DO, Graduates under Dr. the Founder of Ost supa BY: tat Princess Street, corn 'Phone 447. No charge for sion suitation and ters hours. 10 to 13, 3 to to 8. BOARD AND ROOMS. FURNISHED COTTAGES sent ---- Park, on St Law miles from city, and hore "Apply ' City yD FINE, NEW at Eastview rence, five pasty tor BX Nook a Eri ro ot AIRY board Ave and BRIGHT, without University cars, "gaf, venience ROOMS, WITH can he had at 321 Hue, canvenlent te alli modern cones ---------- br ---------- o SIN-ROOMED ham Stre hed mont BRICK HOUSE, CHAT. t d yard ecilar ARCHITECTS. HENRY FP, SMITH, ARCHITEC BTC, id Brrect Hlone $48. . ARTHUR ELIAN,, ARCHITECT, University Avenue. 18 BLACKSMITH SHOP, HSTAR- TelopLoine tished hilgines WEL ) mec en ntoama WM... tects, ete 'Phony $08, NEWLANDS & SON,. ARCHIE Office, 188 Bagot Birest, POWER & chants' Brock BON, ARCHITROTS MER. Bank Butiding, corner and Wellington Sirestis. FURNITURE FINISRER. FINANCE AND INSURANCE. ANTIQUE FURNITURE A SPECIALTY, ebonizing and gliding, shavaaliing and ail colors of mission werk; all work RE best attention Pat Driscoll, 23 John Street. 'Phone wk FOR INSURANCE THAT INSURES GO to W. Il. Godwin & Bon's Insurance Emporium, over Northern Crown Bank, Brogk Street, or 'pohne 424 GENERAL INSURANCEFIRE, LIFR, Accident and Health Policies lssu- od; da class companies; standard Boon, tL 18 Wellington Street. MOLES. BIRTHMARKS, removed permanently Twent Leary ox: Dr. Eimer fake Bye, Throat and Skin Blem- 26x Bagot Btrest without srience scpr A. BATEMAN, CUSTOMS BROKER and insurance, Fire, [Jte, Accident or Indemnity In first class come. panies, Phone 366 wi Clarence Street, Kingston, Ont Nose, a, 4 'Boecialist REMOVAL. h | wW. J. GA ng oh aa Sarva Drop call all 218 fs Bagot MEDICAL AL hoyrs, 10 " ~¥ ar om 'Phon DENTAL. BE J. F. SP and Office and 7 to to School Pupils Te are requested to kindly attend in Ls teri Park on the morning of Manday, Bist, when & reception will red the OW Bors, and assist ings singing Ma ¢ Leaf" and Be Britannia." full aftendance is most desirable rn the meantime fhe children should pre- pare for pe siiging. which 'should be made a features of the oecasion, Mr. Felpnann will be Airector JOHN MACDONALD, dh Tre ARES Der a Education. " ---- in Es £ [OTLEGLY Xs B be «The A, RI PETE TE ERS GIT bE & "Phone 135. DR. A. B KNAPP, DENTST, 19 NONT. real Street, near Princess Street "Phone 653. 8S A. AYTEROYD, DDS, LDS jst, over Dominton Exp ress Office. 4 Wellington 'Phone 1 $1.65, Watertown and Return, $1.65 day 5 a.m. and 2 30 aim. and 2 pm. | A vew Bot weather uniform for pest- men id being issued by the postoflice "Fresh on Friday," McConkey's and Hayler's high" class sweets. Gibmow's, DENT. | FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST. ment Society; established 1363 president, Sir Richard Cartwrli hit money issued on city and far count asad: properties, municipal and BE Mortgages pure J. GARBUTT, LOCKSMITH, HAS moved fo 149 Sydenham Street, two doors from Princess Street, facing the Orpheum, Gunsmithing a speciality D, posits received Abd Inftett 5 an Director, fat ay Btreet. ng i LIVERPOOL, LONDON, AND HLORS Fire Insurance Company. Avallable aeaein, $61,187 215 In addition ne which the polleyholders Rare security the unimited Habllity rot ail the stockholders ¥arm and city property insured at lowed possible rates. Before renewing old or giving new business get rates from Strange & Birange, Agents. 'Fhone 315. OF INTEREST 10 YOU ¥ Our Customers can feel oe. of appreciative attention. Ask any of them about our Coal and Wood and the Service we give. LEGAL. HAM & UDLE, " CUNNING AM a J dre aw ARAL of Clarence Bt. Ki SITUATION WANTED. WORK WANTED BY MH. B, SCOTTY, 1H st fawrence Avenue, printing and paper hanger. by day or plece, ESTABLISHED 1866, 'with