Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Jul 1911, p. 8

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| Tne OF CROSS ON BIBLF UN-| MAN SUICIDES AND LEAVES { NERVED A WITNESS. MONEY FOR GAIETY. i i : i ---- West-| He Backed Out of the Box and Said Last Lines Asked His Friends to Supposed to be a Victhm of Rocke He Would Not Swear--Magils-| Rejoice That His Troubles Were! slide on Chilcoot ' Pass in 1898 trate Was so Impressed That He| Ended and He Had Gove to Rest| Thomas Muleahey Visits Old) News from New Westminster, B.C, | Let Him Off Easy. | ant is Last Testament, Howe and Views Monument tells of a serious automobile accident | Awed by the sight of the gilded | Will be Observed. : ! Erected to His Memory in Ceme- near there on the 12th, in which Miss cross surmounting a ible handed him | ya York, July 21.-- Carefully ar- : tery. Ida Newlands, a sister of W. A. New-|on which to make biz onth a well | oun his very small store of world- | lands, .agston, water works colle [known young man backed out of the ly goods on a table in his room and: | Jor, J anived severe injnries. 4 party Nitiuas Lok in the police Sourt setting aside his last $25 with written wad lef on an excursion to Agassiz, room, Friday morning, saying ww : and when the auto car was running {would not swear. He was accused of eo Shas, the. monies, be ape over a bridge it swerved and plunged [supplying liquor to another yofmg| ¥ d pas A er his funeral, | into a ereek, the oceupants being man on the prohibited list, and inthe 3c 2 i ts ot whe thrown out: headlong. «ies Newlands 'prisoner's box told the magistrate Carl Schietter, a cigannaker, hi landed on the marshy side of the that he did not know the other fel himself yesterday in his furnished rc slough, and though wot in danger of low was on this list. The magistrate at Williamsbw:g. drowning, was severely shaken un and called upon him to swear, and the | NSchletter was was conimed to the home of friends sight of the cross caused him to re {Ten years ago he was in prosperous for several days. Miss F. W. Cun fuse to swear to the lie be had circumstances, T! came 'reverses and ningham, daughter of a prominent spoken. with them domestic troubles, which he New Westminster resident, was nearly | Pole Magistrate Farrell was so im (had tried in vain for years to drowned, and would surely have met pressed with the aet of the accused, strengthen out. His wife and son left death but for the presesée of mind of ;that be declared he would impose the him and would not return. W. D. Purdy, one of the party, who minimum fine of twenty five dollars | Recently Schletter toll his friends dived after her in ten feet of water 'and costs and give him time to pay. that he did not know how much and brought her to the surface. | He added that it was a pleasure to | nger he copid stand the strain of Had the car proceeded over hear the truth told in such a case, hig lonely life. bridge a few feet further, it would and informed the young man that he "Ry" he said, "because | am mis- have pitched into deep water, and had given the bench a higher opinion gable and have had misfortunes 1 do several of the prty would have been of himself. not want friends t ieve for me. J drowned. A wreckloss chauffeur caused 'the young man on the prohibited want 'thin en a a when | the aceident, Miss Newlands was on 1 het was taxed ten dollars and costs an L Le ad ith tour of the weit, having left Kingston or two weeks in jail. In view of his id Bos ng io Fost a "pease, --- several weeks ago after a visit with weak condition, the magistrate advis- © %_W igh 1 have hd since 1 lost her brothe® and sister here. led him to take the jail sentence, as ™¥ wife and boy. 1 want my friends | erwin Setem------ 'he would be fit to return to work to rejoice with me when I leave my : THE CAMPSALLS SAFE |aiter receiving necessary. medical treat troubles behind me." lin Ireland had died', So great an im- em---- ment and rest. This he agreed to do Schletter's friends did not fully un | i hi 3 === e Ag . | oe. y-Just-whot AL ie did the dream make upon 1 i depstand- until yesterday just nr Thm he deetares; thet - : ing Whods. {lars and costs or a month in jail. meant by this remark. When he fail- | {he north and Es Sul fe wane ut Word has just been received {Both hailed from Gananoque, and had ed to appear his landlady forced the [of jig sisters, intwhding to go to lre lsane M. Campsall, broker, of Poreu- {joined the first two mentioned in a door and found her lodger dead 8 [land and visit his parents. When he | pinel whose two hrothers, Wesley. and rush-the-can Stlebtation on Thursday the floor, the cord of a window shade | ronched Bridgeport he found that his ; Ernest, also Wesley's wife and two tYoning at the corner of Ontario and tied tightly about 'his neck. {mother had died at about the time he "The kind you can lay straight out on and not double up Hke a Jack knife. 1 : The Baily Service : | THROWN FROM AUTO CAR of Toronto To its many customers In the various departments of bank- ing gives that convenience and satisfaction that is so helpful to those who have banking business to transact. | DAWSON MAN MOURNED FOR! MISS IDA NEWLANDS HAD DEAD THIRTEEN YEARS. { NARROW ESCAPE. Thrown Into a Creek Near i minster, B.C.--Another Lady of) the Party Was Nearly Drowned, x ¥ 3 SPECIAL --FO Saturday Shoppers FROM 9 a.m. to 12, Vancouver, July 21." Now that you aren't dead, what shall we do with this beautiful tombstone with your epitaph on it tha# has kept vour me mory green these thirteen years?" "Do with it *' asked Thomas Mul eahey, prosperous mining man of Van- couver and Pawson, as he stood in {the "Ronidh Catholic cemetery in { Bridgeport, Conn, last week. 'Why, leave it be; sure it'll come in handy some day." . Thomas Muleahey, well known in the Canadian Northland, who left this 'city, last night, on his return trip to | Dawson, via Seattle and St. Michael's, thas, all unknown to himsglf, been {mourned as" a victim of the Sheep Camp landslide, on the Dyea trail, in 189%, by two sisters in Connecticut lever since word of the tragedy was sent east thirteen years ago. While | there were eighty-two persons killed jt the time, Mr. Muleahey was not one tof them, but he failed to let his sis ters know; hence the tombstone and ! the epitaph. Last April Mr. Mulcabey hed a vivid dream. He dreamed that his mother SAVINGS AND BUSINESS AC. COUNT INVITED. SOME INTERESTING things have just arrived and will be sold To-Morrow Morning. None of the lots are large, but they wero all our representative could se- cure, 80 come early. 600 Ladies' Pure Linen Hemstitched Handkerchiefs Sheer Linen with Dainty Cord Checks. Yours To-Morrow 5 Cc Each While the lot lasts Or 6 for 23¢c. 300 Sample Packages Each Package contains 2 Stamped Linen Doylies (Dark Flem?h Linen), 2 Skeins Mercerized Crescent Silk and 1 Embroidery Needle. These packages are just the thing for little girls, and will prove a great boon to many mothers. as they will prove very interesting for the children Tomorrow 7c Package. TO-MORROW fifty-five vears old, E «2 GO00000000000000000000 0000000000000 0000000000000 RESOURCES, $30,000,000, 2 KINGSTON BRANCH 107 PRINCESS ST. GEORGE B. McKAY, Manager, the Ufhey Came Safely Out of the Warn-| Two other driffks were fined five dof children, have heen ° reported missing | Barrack streets. The quartette had! On a table was Schletter's last $23, {left Dawson. He did not pursue his since the fire. They have all been | three or four pails of beer and two and with it a few lines stating that | journey further, and it. was while vis- found by their father, Wesley was in (Potties of whiskey, and . when dis: it was to be spest for music and re- [iting relatives that he viewed the the woods, but got out safely. The | Covered by Police tonstable McCarey, freshments after his funeral. He monument erected to his memory particulars of their ercape have not {an wers helpless as they lay among quested his friends to remember him He is on his way back to Dawson vet .been received. John Campsall)|the Piles of rusted iron in the corner |, o jolly fellow, not as a despondunt, [where he has prospered and made his re Furnished by RR. BB. Lyman & Ca, Anchor Baillding. July 21st, 1911 2.30 «P.M 681 113% 79% sig 246} 00 1374 1524 00 1423 1334 on 125 1064 157% 124 334 1008 9 Ss. Open 694 1138 79% 834 UH} . bo} ws 131 . kb24 . 19% «M2 1434 1094 1243 1064 157% 123% 3 1803 798 Amalgamated Copper .. Atchison . American Smelters . . Brooklyn Rapid Transit .. Canadian Pacific Railway. Erie, Binge... oor oe Great Northern, pid. | Louisville & Nashville Missouri Pacific M.S.N. a rion No-thern Pacific Norfolk . Pennsylvania RR. . People's Gas Reading Southern Pacific Southern Railway Union Pacific ...... United States Steel ..... . W. A. Mitchell HARDWARE. ae - WE WILL SELL Saturday, 8.30 O'clock Our entire stock of Colored Mus- lin Dresses at 2 prices. $1.98 and $2.98 These Dresses are: high-class made, in finest fabrics, viz, Mulle Linen, Foulards snd Mus- lins, all sizes, latest shades and patterns. A Dress for everyone. Positively no reserve. Every Dress to be sold. Prices Range from $6 00 to $12.00. An Inspection will convince you, 68 Pairs Only Ladies' Black Pure Silk Stockings Made with the New Anti-Darn Toe Cap and Double Heels. This is a capital Silk Stocking, usu- ally sold at $1.20 a pair. Wehave only 08 pairs to offer, SizeY, 94, 10 inch. YOURS TO-MORROW 75¢ v MORNING HUNDREDS OF PAIRS OF Extra Strong, Fine Ribbed, Black Cotton STOCKINGS All sizes, up to the very largest, 10c, 12 1-¢, 15¢, 20c. J. Laidlaw & Son. Open. Close. .. SB} 86} S81 SR AGAIN DEFEATED 93 9 Vain Attempt to Legalize Racing in N.Y. State. Albany, N.Y. July 21.-The Gittins bill to relieve directors of racing as sociations from liability for gambling éarried on at race tracks, was de feated in the assembly last night by | fifty-three ayes to sixty-three nays. | The measure passed the senate and its enactment probably would have meant the revival of horse racing in New York state. A motion to reconsider | o : : the vote by which the bill was de $y ermwda and New York Millionaire teatedd was made and laid on the | Changes His Flag. table, This will permit the bill to be! New York, July 21.-Stuart Hamil- taken up again, but because of the ton, the millionaire yachtsman of overwhelming vote against it the mea: {Bermuda and New York, has re shre is believed to be dead. | nounced his American citizenship and re mi mn woke become 5 British subject, according COMMITTED FOR TRIAL. ta advices from Hamilton, Bermuda. Hamilton's father, who is dead, was an enthusiastic Yankee, and prided himself upon owning and flying the Toronto, July 21.--Magistrate Deni- largest American flag on the island. son, this morning, committed W. J. | Lindsay for trial at the assizes on the Mission Meeting at Cushendall. charge of "conspiring with W. R.| Cughendall, July 21.--The Ladies' Travers and others to obtain by 'Aid and missionary society of the | fraud a treasury certificate for the Sand Hill Presbyterian church met at Farmers Bank from the dominion gov- the home of Mrs. Burns, Cushendall, ernment." W. R. Travers, convicted gen« on Tuesday and was very largely at- eral manager of the bank was in court. tended. Mrs. H. Johnston read the His face looks hagg and flabby, [Bible lesson and Mrs. Reede offered and as he sat with bent %houlders In 'prayer. Mrs. J. McKendry, missionary {court, his pves' roved nervously aboul gecretary, read a selection and mtro- the room with a hunted oxpression. duced Mrs. Robert Laird, of Kingston, ent who addressed the meeting in an in- THE BILL WILL PASS teresting manner. The speaker told of | sie the work of the recent convention in terday, following Justice Middleton's And it Will be Without any Amend-| Belleville and related many pitiful as rweent decision. affecting the selling of 1 ment. well as helpful incidents of the work ice eream and soft drinks on Sunday Washington, * July ~ 21.-All betting in the North-West, and some hints | and predictions, to-day, are that the were given the 'members which will Be | reciprocity bill will pass the senate, {useful for future work. The society wilt | Ottawa, July 21.---A matty hot 'without amendment, twn_tg one. meet with Mra. J. Garrett in Aagust, ! weather uniform for the letier carriers Senutoe. Townsend's amendment to |The meeting adjourned with rofleail lin ol Canadian cities is being iscued the reciprocity bill, providing for the | response and Lord's Prayer Jed by Mrs. [hy (he post office depantment. Instead international improvement of the St. |W. Spence. Mrs. Burns was assisted in [of the preseng hot and tight fitting Lawrence river, was defeated in the serving the dainty lunch by her moth- [blue coats, the mail carviers will be 63% oh 624 633 64] 61} STOCK QUOTATIONS whi i Over Ev . . Hot. They had a glorious time, but it ke is ' ho i rer sven yenrk ob an the lot, Ther bod» glorious fr, but [pron man. He who" asked to has | ome vines the days of ters, all living, and himself still an | An old man found drunk and help- | Schletter's friends have arranced +o STOCK MARKETS able, active man, evidently lost no. 1688 on Princess street was taxed two ' i ot ? : : {dollars and costsp or a month in jail. carry out his programme' literal!y hy time in getting upon the scene to look i. spending his last few dollars on an THE COUCH HAMMOCK ",".- MOST VIOLENT SCENE ~~~ =r ------------ | J. 8. Potter Called Here. | ; | PITH OF THE NEWS. Just like a bed for comfort, J. 8. Potter, "of Toronto, head of IN ITALIAN COURTROOM the sailors' mission work, eame down, | The Very Latest €ulled From AN Hammocks from $1.00 to $7.50. Friday nara: on the {inet or | i | Over the World, ronto, to attemd to some business wit a, + i : regard to the sailors' mission work Two Men Thrown Bodily Out Spec eon. Ulitior Silton has returned here. Mr. Potter left, on the noon tators Drew Knives But |" The new 4,000,000 paper mill is to train, for Lachine, where he will} ' Ihe built at Sault Ste. Marie, Ont preach, on Sunday, and then go on) Were Seized. | Sugar prices in "Cannda Were ad to Montreal, for a short. time, Yiterho, Tialy, July 21.-One of the |vaneod yesterday. by 10c. per Xe alg Sir William Mackenzie's offer to sell {most violent scenes ever witnessed in | weight. out his electric interests at Winnipeg ithe Halian courts was that, this mbm: | The zovernor-general sent a message has been accepted Hy the city council, im ot oo Farris trial, Wass En- nt Sympathy to the people of northern % 4 a and the teens will submitted to a rico ano anc rennaro Abbatggio UD >. inspeetor, was killed at Farnham, Que.' 'Buy Abbey salt." Gibson's. by carbineers. Some of the spectators Strongly in favor of reciprocity in the : ' drew knives threatemingly, and were v. S. senate. {seized by the police. In the midst of | Masked robbers held up a.train on {the hubbub, Fabromi, who was chosen the Northern Pacific near Buffalo, iby the government to uproot te North Dakota. ; Camorra, stood by calmly and-ddlar- | [lubert Reeves, a voung Emglishman, led loudly that he couldn't be intimid. jwas killed while walking on the rail: {ated by all the Camorra in existence. | Way near Kenora. : b Chicago, The court adjourned amid rioting and | At Vancouver, the Hon. William Wheat € disorder. Templeman is organizing a company July Shi ro. te tart a new liberal morning paper Sept. .... At Portsmouth, Eng.. a boiler of Dee, arp the torpedo boat destrover Kangaroo} COF8-- blew up, on Friday, killing two men July and injuring fifteen, PL. o.oo ' The new townsite for Porcupine Dec. coon. about a mile from the Mattagami river, will bw called, Timmins, after Henry and Noah, 'of Cobalt and Por eupine fame. It will be located on the Campbell Vet, and comprise 160 acres From McCualg Bros, ° Montreal Tiwough J. 0, Hutton, July 21st, 1911. Ask. Bid. 2463 246} 228 22 Ho: 330 Bo 0 i | 97k 143% 170} 147} 163 #9 1104 121% oi no 00 PREFERS TO FLY UNION JACK. |, CER. ...... oh Canada Cement Crown Reserve . Eastern Canada Pulp . i Detroit United Nova Scotia Steel Minn. & St. Payl Montreal Power ...... Lake of the Woods . Toronto Railway Dominion 'Textile Twin City . ee i Richelieu & Ontario . Queber Railway Penmans Limited | Porto Rico .... ICE CREAM ON SUNDAY, W. J. Lindsay to Go Before a Higher Court. Magistrate Says it May be Sold in Cones and Carried Away. Toronto, July 21.--~Ice cream in coves may be sold and carried away to be 'eaten -by the purchaser anywhere be Jikes, but the selling of ice cream to be carried away in pails, bricks or other form, is illegal. Sn. devided Magistrate Demison yes 98c SALE OF OUR - White Muslin Underwear Highest class goods to be found in the city, well made, extra good material, trimmed with Lace and w-- C0000000000000000000000000000000000000d00000 Are You Going Away? Will Wear Shirt Waist Suits. = --- on ------------ A At A Xoo. Bubroidery, including : senate, today, by a large vote. The provided with blue blouses of light Underskirts. Gowns, French 'Gowns, Corset Covers and : Prices Range from $1.50 to $3.00. AL SILK CONS IN STOCK--WALF PRICE ~~ SEE WINDOW DISPLAY x 'R. Waldron ek Te ve---- wh majority were opposed to mixing up reciprocity and waterways. Bound to Fight. Ottawa, July 2i.--The intention of hs government is to press the recipro- y at least for the present. This wad clearly announced hy Mr. Fielding this resolutions before everything else, er, Mrs. J. Weir, and Wiss Mae Bell. - material with gilt bottons and gold Swimming Classes Popular. braid trimmings. Light and cool The swimming Classes which the Y. { elias, white 1a color, will also re M.C.A. has arranged for the boys of | rlace the present heavy headgear. (the city have certainly become very | this humane reform has been inaugur | popular. The last class of boys which ated bP response to many recussis re ae out ai the bathing hour num: 15°51 J Fm i heer bered fifty. boys will meet at t i . . There are members who as- gust 10th, the day after the resumes, and that the elections be over bi the second week in Octo- ber at the latest. md a ; At Ice Cream Beoolb. The ladies who looked after the ice garden party on Thursday were: Miss Poolan, Miss FE. McFlhern, Wiss A. Abbott, the Misses Bajus, Mrs. Pow- ers, Miss R. Doolan and Miss K. Shagrue. Special for Saturday. Little lady sunkist oranges, dosen, at Carsoveky's. 15. eream hooth at St. Mary's-of-the-Lake Y.M.C.A. Satarday afternoon, at twp | Protest Will be Useless. o'clock and gb ot again. A class of | , py Sith, inspector of twenty girls was aut Fridaf MOTSING * cincial hospitals and charities "and were privi to use the Y.M.A P ' [A. bathing house until the one which {the Y.W.C.A. contemplates = building for them is erected. iin le Start oh Crook Neck Squash. Green corn, green beans, caulifiower, oh oh cinnot t the hospital [vegetable marrows, green peas, Young pu. jocated ov. ' pro- was 'the Stravbenase Site proposed for the [tuberculosis hospital. He was well satisfied with the place, and in a let- iter just received by Pr. J. C. Connell, in the city a few days ago and viewed § Dr. Smith states that the local boards | A A St Bp { Po not start out with an old battered trunk or suit case, See our new styles and get our Prices on the New Trank Trunks are better to-day than ever--Finer looking stronger and OUR PRICES CHEAPER A Pleasure to Show Our Goods, |turnips, celery, green peppers, dtc., at ad Colds or Fevers "Fresh on Friday Jt Huyle's McConkey's high class sweets. Gib- Are broken up Ih 8 single night, and ; lines prevented, by. taking ied He 'olborne street, bas 3 o serious : ctr om Mew © | HOOQ"s Pills | wn : * i = * & A A SN ASL IN IN AAA At NIP . The Lockett Shoe Store $00000000000000000000 P00000000000000000008 BE000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000 A000 AARAC0000000000000000000000000 000000 > 3

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