« PTHE DAILY BRITISH wie. SATURDAY, JULY 22, 1911. JULY Store Closes Daily 6 O'clock. JOHN McKAY FURRIER Mid-Summe Sale Is a good thing for vou and for us, You save money, we clear up our stock for fall. and get ready for Hew goods. a PARLOR SUITES. --Some hand- some designs at $35, $35 up. We are unusually good on these, You may select your covers to sulte your taste and pocket. DESKS AND BOOK CASES --A e variety, small styles, $3.00; r, $6, $8. $11 up. RUGS, CARPETS, LINOLEUMS. OILCLOTH, CURTAINS. all redue- ed 'Phone 90. Yours, T. F. HARRISON C0. Lace Curtains Our showing of Lace Cur- tains in Irish Polat, Brussels Net, Marie Antoinette, Arablan and Nottingham qualities, In White, Ivory and twq tone ef- fects are ap exquisite In design as the most fastidious could desire. NOTTINGHAM CURTAINS. --8pecial values at $1.00, $1.25, $1.60. IRISH POINT CURTAINS, $3.50 to 38.00. | MARIE ANTOINETTE from $6.00 upward. ARABIAN POINT, $3.50. SOPRPROPE RRR rere R. McFAUL. Kingston Carpet Warchouse, BATH ROAD, A CR . evsesssesssoreree Es AUGUST © 9900900000008 0000 very delightful 'land jenjoyable bridge was given at the Country Club, on Thursday, by Mrs. H. J. Hooper, in honor of a number of out-of-town visitors. Cards were played at seven tables, The prizes were won by Miss Lillian Norton-Taylor, Mrs. W. St Pierre Hughes and. Miss Eleanor Mac | donell. The consolation prizes went to iMrs. Frank Strange and Miss Mary | Hloza. Afier bridge tes was Al | | Miss Edith Folger presided over the {tea table and Mrs. Hugh Macpherson {werved the ice cream. Those present were Mra. Crowley, Mrs. M. Ryan, and | Mrs. Benjamin, Sydenham Lake; Mrs. J. B. Carruthers, Mrs. James Gilder- | seve, Mrs. Francis Hill Macnee, Mrs. {). Stewart Robertson, Mrs. Jerem | Taylor, Mrs. W. H. Craig, Mrs. Halla- lway Waddell, Mrs. Campbell Strange, {Mra W. St. Pierre Hughes, Mrs. R. KF. | Kent, Mrs. ndrew Forman, Mont- ireal, Mrs. Frank Strange, Mrs. R. C. {Carter, Mrs. P. C. Stevenson, Mrs. {Frederic Brownfield, Mrs. Ramsay |pufi, Mrs. Hugh Macpherson, Miss ! Pauline Goler, ren Miss Elea. inor Mnedonell, Miss Mabel Dalton, i Miss Lilien Norton-Taylor, Miss Mary Hera, Miss Helen Fraser, Miss Mona Knight and Miss Léttice Tandy. - - - . - "The usual number of Tadies found (their way to the Yacht Club, on Wed: {nesday afternoon, still continuing to | appreciate the privileges of ladies' day ievery week: Bridge was as popular as ever, all the- tables being filled. Among those noticed were Mrs. D. Stewart Robertson, Mrs. R. OC. Car- ter; Mrs. Iva E. Martin, Mrs. T. D. R. Hemming, Mrs. Ramsay Duff, Mrs. Herbert Saunders, Mrs. William Less- lie, Mrs. J. P. Gildersieeve, Mrs. Jeremy Taylor, Miss Gilmore of To- ronto, Mrs. R. E. Kent, Mrs. Ashby, Mrs. R. J. Hooper, Mrs. Charles Tay- lor, Mrs. Campbell Strange, Mrs. C. Crookall, Mrs. Philip Prideaux, Mrs. Frank Strange, Mrs. E. HT. Bickford of Toronto, Mrs. W. St. Pierre Hughes, Mrs. Andrew Forman of Montreal, Mrs. W. H. Craig, Mrs. James Hig- Fh Mrs. Hallaway Waddell, Jansord Hora, Miss Martha Smith, Migs Eleanor Macdonell, Miss Mary Hora, Miss L. Fitch of Detroit, Miss Helen Fraser, Miss L. Mowat, Miss Mabel Dalton, Miss Mona Knight, Miss Frances Sullivan, Miss Bessie Smythe, Miss Willis of Halifax, and Miss Doro- thy Cotton. A The little girls who work for the worthy cause of the hospifal, met on Friday at Mrs. Howard Folgers, Emily street, to prepare for their annual sale in August.' Those present were Misses Kitty Hughes, Ethel Kent, Elizabeth and Margaret Cunningham, Margaret Hemming, Hilda Calvin, Doris Browne, Sybil Kirkpatrick, Gwendoline and Doris 'Folger. . oi Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Hooper, Albert street, entertmined at a most enjoy- able dinner, on Thursday. The guests were Mrs. Crowley of Tennessee, Mrs. M. Ryan of Newburgh, Mrs.. Benjamin of Yarker, Mrs. Vere Hooper, Miss Ada Petrie, Messrs. James F. Hayden and James A. Hayden. - - - - There was a very enjoyable high tea at the Country Club, on Thursday evening. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. Halla®ay Waddell, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Craig, Mrs. A. I'. Christmas, Moun- treal; Miss Florence Cunningham, Miss Bessie Smythe and Mr. G. H. Smythe. - . . Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hume, of Goder- ich, Ont., formerly of Kingston, an- naunce the engagement of their daugh- ter, Jessie Moore, to Dr. Charles "E; Puggan, of St. David's, Ont. The 'marriage will take place in Septem- ber. . . " - Mr. Hevold Hughes, William street, entertuined at dinner, on Sunday even- ing the guests being Messrs. leonard Birkett, Charles Mills and W. Burton. . * Mrs, Charles Low, Union street, en- tertained at a very enjoyable bridge on Friday aiternoon. - - . - Mr. and Mrs. Mclotyre and family, apd Mrs, McAfee, from Atlanta, Ga. are spending the summer in town, and art en pension at Mre. J. Sherman's Johnson street. Miss Ruth Martin, who has been spending some time with Mrs. L. L. Hénderson, at her summer home, down the river, returned home to-day. Mr. James O'Reilley arrived from Petawawa, to-day, to spend the week- ol in town. rs. D. Phelan and Miss Eleanor Phelan have just returned from a de htful week's visit at "Glenna," Mrs. iward Steacy's beautiful summer home on Wolfe Island. - Miss Mildred Clow, of Kingston, is visiting her friend, Miss Beatrice ugham, in Napanee, Dr. Patton's yacht, from Toronio, brought a cruising ty to town, on Friday, to spend the day, and left again, to-day, for Toronto. The par- ty included Dr. Patton and Miss Pat- ton, Toronto: Mr. and Mrs. Carlysle, i and Mrs. Kennedy, Ottawa. Mrs, Wiliam Hewitt, of Oshawa, is li E » ion street, Y {homes at Sydenham Lake and Mrs, iE b bert street, will leave town om Satur | day, and return to Montreal. 4 i Miss Grace Malloch, of Hamilton, is | the guest of Judge and Mrs. Reynolds, "Fern Bank," Brockville. J A great, many of their. friegds were at the station to wish bon voyage to | Captain and Mrs. Kenneth Blair, when they left on Thursday Tor Montreal to sail on Friday for Kildare, Ireland. Miss Nan Skinner and Miss Douglas, came up from Tremont Park, on Thursday, to spend the day in town. Mrs. Alexander Richardson, of To- ronto, is visiting Mrs. George Ma- hood at her summer cottage at Stella. : Miss Dorothy Hill, Maitland street, will return from Decatur, Ill, on Sunday. 2 Norton-Taylor, and Lilkan, Norton-Taylor retur on Wednesday from Brockville, where they were the guests of Mrs. Jackson for the past few weeks. Mrs. Crowley, Tennessee, Mrs. M. Ryan, Newburgh, and Mrs. Benjamin, Yarker, came in from their summer yy Thursday in town, the guests of Mrs. R. J. Hooper, Alfred street. ; Professor and Mrs. Iva E. Martin and Misses Phyllis and Charlie Shortt left on Friday to motor to Belleville and Picton and from there will go to Sarnia "and several places in the states before returning home. Mr. Sydoey McCann, who arrived corona- ago, is home from England with the tion contingent some days visiting Mrs. David Gillies at Isle Auk Heoux, . Mise Mollie Saunders, Alice street. left, on Thursday, for Adolphustown, to" visit Mrs. Johnson. Mr. J. R. Herrington, of .the Stan- dard bank of Canada, Toronto, sfriv- ed in Kingston, on Friday, to spend a few days. Mr. J. B. Carruthers, Mr. Erice Carruthers and Mr. Arthur Wilkinson returned, on Friday, from a trip -to Picton. Mr. Arthur Wilkinson - is spending a few days with Mrs. J. B. Carruthers, at the Point. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Strange, Syden- ham street, left, to-day, on the yacht Heather, to _ spend the week-end among the islands. Mr. and Mrs. Hansord Hora, West street, left, to-day, on their yacht, Isie, to spend the week-end down the river. Mrs. D. Miss . Miss Alice King and Miss Kathleen Saunders, Alice street, who have been spending a lew weeks at Stoney Lake, will visit Toronto before returning home, on Saturday. Mr. David McGill, Montreal, arrived in town, to-day, and, with Mrs. Me- Gill, who has been visiting her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. George King, Alice street; will return to Montreal on Sun- YY. The Misses Vaughan arrived in town, on Friday, from Utica, to visit the Misses Pense, West street. Mr. and Mrs. S. Levi, of New York, ate the guests of Mr, and Mrs. De Cordova, Emily street. Miss Dorothy Cotton, who has been visiting Miss Kmma Pense, West street will leave, on Monday to visit her sidter, Mrs Alex. Rosamond, in Al- monte. . . - . Mr. Henry Fowler, who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Low, Union street, returned to London on Friday. "J. L. Gurd, of Montreal, is the guest of Mrs. J. 8. Smith, Johnson street. ' Miss Ruth Henderson left town Friday after ' spending some visiting friends in town. Mr. and Mrs. J. 8S. R. McCamn, Union street, who have been visiting in Toronto -and Peterboro, for seve: ral weeks, returned home on Thurs day. Miss Lenore Hamilton, King street, lef, Friday for Befleville, where she was a guest at the bachelors' ball, given there last evening. $ +» 6 = on time Mrs. E. Low is expected in town next week to spend a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Low, Union street. Mr. David Murray aad Master John Murray, Frontenac street, expect to sail the end of next week for the old country, where they will spend a week Mrs. H. B. Fairfield, of Toronto, is vigiting Mrs. William H. Stevenson, Division street. ' Mr. and Mrs. M. Rees and daughter, also Mr. and Mrs. Davis, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Rees, parents of M. Rees. They are also visiting his brother and sister at their camps. Mrs. E. F. Purdy, of New York, has ben visiting Mrs. H. W. Wilson, 48 Clergy street west. : ys 4» Mr. John Beanfort, with a party of frieitls sailed over from Cape Vincent in his yacht "Orania," and spent a few days in town, this week, returnin 40. the Cape, on Wedneaday. They wil reburn to Ki on, Monday, and cruise ideau. Claude Kent, motored the Mr. and Mrs. from Chatham, and arrived in town on y to spend some 'time with Mr. and Mrs. Noel Kent, Barrie wtreet. Misses Margaret and Katharine Fair- lie, Brock street, left on Friday, for Niagara Falls and Buffalo, to spend some time. : _ Miss Honor Tett, who has been visit- ing Miss Gladys Burton, Stuart street for same time, returned to-day to New- visiting Mr. and Mrs. T. Hewitt, Un- |burgh. 1 ies g iii i ally ili pi i: { 1 | H 7 i i i 5 ¢ i if CITY COUNCIL VOTED $230 FOR THE NORTHERN ON-] TARW) FIRE SUFFERERS. Special Meeting for Passing a By-| law to Rectify an Error in Two) Local ~ Improvements Recently | Passed. Tv i A special meeting of the {ity vous | cil was held, on Friday aftefnoon, at| balf past four o'clock, for the purpose! of passing a by-law to rectify au er | ror in two local improvement by-liws| recently passed, inorder to make them satisfactory to the Toroalo putes purchasing a guantity of Kingston's | local improvement tures. It¥re-| quired a vote of seventeen members of | council, and exactly this number at- tended, so that the necessary by-law was passed. Mayor Grabam was in the chair. Two recommendations made by the city property committee, regarding the | awarding contracts for coal and | wood for the city" buildings to S.| Anglin & Co., and for the tolls of the| hay market to James Daly, i adopted. i On motion of Ald. Elliott, seconded | by. Ald. Hoag, the council voted $250] to the fire sufferers in Northern On-| terip. The council was in session] about half an hour. POSTMASTER'S SISTER KILLED. Mrs. Maw, Montreal, Fell From 'Car and Died Later. A telegram from Montreatamounces the death in the Royal Victorian hos pital, on Friday afternoon, of Mrs, fobert Maw, sister of Postmaster James Stewart, of Kingston. Mrs. Maw in stepping off a street car at the corner of Park avenue and St. | Viateur street, in Montreal, on Friday | morning at 9.20 o'clock, while on her way to see her married daughte: trip- | ped 'and fell heavily to the pavement, | being rendered unconscious. She was | taken to the Royal Victoria hospital, | where it was found that she had sus | tained a fracture of the skull. Death | cnsued in the afternoon. The deceased | lady was the eldest sister of the post- | master, and was sixty years of age. | She was born in Howick, Que., where | the remmins were taken on Saturday | afternoon for burial. Her husband | died two years ago. She is survived | by eight children, a son and a daugh- | ter being married. Mr. Stewart left at | noon Saturday for Howick, to be pres- | ent at the burial. | SUBSCRIPTIONS ASKED | > r ------ | For the Flag Pole to be Erected in| Victoria Park. Those who wish to subscribe to the | Old Boy's flag-raising in Victoria park, on July 3lst, can now have an oppor- tunity of doing so, as the committee has left a subscription book at the Whig office. The committee members invite the public to call and contri | bute their share, be it ever so small. The cause is § worthy ome. A fla; pole | is to be raised at the park and the | hildren entertained by a programme | of sports, ete. To defray the expenses | yuite a sum of money is required. The | Whig will be pleased to receive and cknowledge all subscriptions. Dr. and Mrs. G. W. Croshy, of To | ronto, were vigiting their aunt and | uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cadue, on | Howe island, recently. The former trip and will reside in Toronto "Buy Encs salt?' Gibson's. Down Go Straw Hats at the Hat Store ® * * We are by far the biggest dealers in Hats In Kingston, and in our various depart. o ments you will find Hats for ¢ everyone--Men, Women and © Children, Every Straw and © Panama Hat in our entire ® stock now shows a big reduc. ° tion, and this includes all ° e ° . MILLINERY : . ® { | ® wlline. soimmaiasin z E 126 AND 128 PRINCESS ST. ® 2000000000000 000000 x 0060000000000 0000000 were |}. {1 havé just completed their honeymoon ® | i "Buy : ; os 0 AAG Come and see the line of 25 cent Mechanical Books dfsplayed here. the market that can compare with them for definite, practical information-botled down 1 . Sa Mechanical Books Yor Self Education There are absolutely mo Books on Late Additions Series, 25c. . 61---Blacksmith Shbp . 82-- Testing the Hardness and of Metals. . 63--Heat Treatment of Steel Engine Design. Offices. . §7--Steam Boilers. Vo. 68--Boller Furnaces . 69--Feed Water Appliances, ~ Machinery's Reference Practice. . 64--Gage Making and Lapping. . 65--Formulas and Constants for Gas 66--Heating and Ventilating Shops and Mail Orders Filled on Receipt of Price. to Durability 9 a 11s No. 12--Pipe and Pipe Fittings . 13--Bollers and Chimneys . 14--Locomotive and Railway Data. No. 15--Heat and Steam, Steam and Gas Machinery Data Sheets 25¢ --Screw" Threads Screws, Bolts and Nuts Taps and Threading Piles --Reamers, Sockets, Cutters. Spur Gearing Bevel, Spiral ahd Worm Gearing. Shafting, Keys and Reyways jearings. Couplings, and Clutches Machine Tool Operation (1). Machine Tool Operation (2). Engines. 16--Mathematical Tables Mechanics and Strength of Material -Beam Formulas and Structural desigos 19--Belt Rope and Chain Drive. . 20-- Wiring Diagrams, Heating and Ventilating. Dritls and Milling L -springs, Slides and Machine Details "INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up -by Re- porters on Their Rounds. ""MeConkey's caramels." Gibson's. Everybody is getting ready for the home comers. Miss Fdna Lake, visiting in Napanee. , Wilhain Swaine, piano tuner. Orders received at McAuley's. "Phone 778. James Lackie, Princess street, has returned from Ste. Anne de Beaupre. W. H. Martin, is expected home to visit his parents on Brock street. tet your decorations ready for the coming of the old boys next Satur- ay Queen street, is Norval Hughes, of Toronto, is here visiting his mother at the lower sta John McLaughlin has returned from Bath, after spending some time with iriends. A Mrs. W. Craig, Alfred street, is in Athens, a guest of her sister, Mrs. A. nendrick. The Oddfellows' is moving into its new quarters King street. H. Cunningham, King street. Leave Auley's bookstore. James Brown, Princess street, leaves shortly on a five Ymonths" business trip out west. (.L.C. and Victorias at Orangemen's Picnic, Lake Ontario Park, civie hol day. Admission, 15c. Mrs. Kirchinaier, is spending a few weeks with her mother, Mrs. B. Lacey, at Tamworth. Miss May Robinson, down, Saturday morning, friends in the aty. "Buy Abbey salt." 'Gibson's. A house is a good investment, whe ther you live in it or rent it to pthers g bargains this summer. McCann. Get your flags ready to unfurl when the old boys come home. Give the home-comers a good welcome. It was John Clement, of Belleville, instead of John Garrett, who died in the Hotel hea hospital, Friday morn- ing. Remember the Orangemen's on' 31st, Lake Ontario Park. sion, 15c. | Miss Sylvia Crowley has accepted a | position as stenographer in the de {partment of militia and defence at { Ottawa. Relief Association on 0 Me- tuner, at piano orders Bath, to came visit Ricnie, Admis The citizens should make tions now for decorating their build ings in honor of the home coming of {the old boys | The remains of Miss Mary Sullivan, | who dropped dead in Quebec, arrived {on the morning train and were taken {to her late home. "Fresh on Friday," Huyler's { McConkey's high class sweets son's. | Matthew Joyce, formerly |ton, died, in Orillia, on Friday | remains will be interred in St cemetery, Kingston Robert Stevenson, Barrie street, ha returned home from Battersea, after | week's fishing trip and left for Buf falo and Rochester, N.Y. Mrs. J. W. Corbett, in charge {the Friendly Circle of Sydenhan | street Bible school, held a picnic a | Lake Ontario park, Thursday after { noon. | Dr. George 1. Cooke, of the | wegian hospital, New York, is { pected home, Tuesday, to spend | vacation with his parents, at { Point camp. | Charles G;. Emery, | tobacco man, whose {on Calumet Island, has put his jvate yacht, the! Melly C., in {water for the season. A. A. Reid, formerly of the branch of the Merchants Bank, here, but now of the Sherbrooke branch, passed through the city to-day on his way 4 his home at Mount Forest. Abbey salt." Gibson's J. H. Fowler, of the London Adver- prepara an Gib Rings The Mary' of tire millionaire summer home is pri the lyiser, who been spending the past week in the city, the guest of Charles A. Lowe, Union street, left yesterday for home on the steamer Toronto. The president, acting on behalf "of the Y.W.C.A., wishes to state that as yet that association has not formed any swimming class, nor negotiated for building a bathing house. . J. Pelton of Kempt- the engagement of their eldest daughter, Effie Louise, to Rev. H. BE. Walker, BA, of Winches er, Ont. The marriage will take place early in the autumn. "Imported Bay rum." Gibson's. J. C. McConachie has returned from t, where he inaugurated of the Children's Aid society vamimoned the ts of nine chil four of t were placed in - [eed - 5 . y. school section ert i N Beatty, Fagan > a 2 = For that run down worn out, tion of Ours is delicious in ~ontains iron to enr blood, peptonized (di beef to feed the tissue choice .wine as an aj In a recent Gove analysis a bottle our stock of Beef, Ire article ranking as first SALA LALAAL0 S6440400480A8044044040 Druggist and Optic 185 'Phone 343. grees TONIC tired and feeling there is no better tonic than a combina- BEEF, IRON AND WINE. taken ' Wine proved to be 'a superior TRY A BOTTLE, 50¢. Dr. A. P. Chown PRINCESS STREET. SIPIIIIII III IIE BRASS 2 BEVERY wR seve OF DUTCH OR DESIGN, BURNISHED OR taste, FINISH ich the gested) and potizer, srnment from and ¢ PRACTICAL FLAMES 8 FULLY ¥ on class VIII Jewellers, Opticians. Ssssssese THE COLLEGE BOOK STORE GLL4000000008804004049 * KETTLES AMERICAN DUI L/ HEATING GUARANTEED | SMITH BROS., 350 KING STREET, Issuers of Marriage Licenses, 0000000 To-N ' FT SN pecials in Ladies' Waists. $1, 1.25 } Special in Ladies cess Dresses-- colors; $2.50 p Special in wide Ribbons, 15¢ ~ pecial in Ladies Cotton Hose, Special in * Chi Fancy Socks, 1 Specials in New Specials in Ladies' broidered and Hose, 3ac. Specials in all Li Summer Goods PEE E® ght A AA NN NINN NINN -t)y 12 1-2. Corsets, H0¢, 75, 12 1-2¢ and 15¢. Specials in Ladies' Em es ® > XE ee DOOOOTO O00 COT White MADE OVER AND REPAIRED Ww. F. GOURDIER LA GOOD DOWNTOWN Black ldren's 2 1-2¢ Model & $1.00. 5 Vests, Jouble Brick Dwelling, water heating, gas, extension |and dining-room, for $2400 I have an excellent invest money safely at See me good Lace | THE REAL ESTATE EX nes of Houses to rent and rents Money to loan, Fire insurance. presented. 'Phone 539 COCOONS OO OR * GRAND UNION ds HOTEL, I XY a Xr Not much Sweetness on day with steam the atmosphere and the of soap hanging round nose. y I'he merchants of the homecoming of the The decorations throughout the city for the day and two preceding day makes the streets looks so a touch flags and bunting. addins Special sale long corset f / ters, Dic. New Reform, 29 Princess street Prepare to Decorate. enerally are prepar ing to decorate their stores in honor | should be of eolor, so bring ont yo "Buy Koos sit." ibson' WHY Nor LET £'S bo YOUR W 4d Bovs unpleasant genera) civie boh 8. Nothing | cherry odor Besides Special prices for the wash. "FLAT WORK" "POUND WORK." as ur York Dress | , with four | a 8 rooms oppor Beat companies "HOME, SWEET HOME." permeating can save you worry and money KINGSTON LAUKTRY, Cor. Princess and Sydenham Sts. Phone 22. LOCATION, NO. 108 QUEEN ST. hot kitchen infty interes MULLIN PFERT. collected, re : TRL VTRBLTOTTRTTTCLCBTa an SULT RTTRTRBTTRTBTRSS wart smell yoy: ASH? BB 'Ne home and sssssassssssiasasenl