Daily British Whig (1850), 26 Jul 1911, p. 3

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TO OAS CONSUMERS tT We will plage the Perfertion Gas Iran on trial for one weekowiihoul any cost to you, We hase now dozens of pleased consumers of gas using them 'Phone 515 or drop us a yard aad we wili give you prompt attention J. WW, OLDFIN, Con, wham snd Orduance St. PICTURES FRAMED If you are in doubt am to tle character, of ame Yau esd for a pidiure you contemplate framing 'ask our framer he can give yow best stock, bes work, best effect and i price of anybody in the city. D, & WEESE & C0, Photos, Welipaper, For Health Drink McCarthey's Ale and Porter. It's the best. : Agent, R. J. LAWLER She RIGHT, DEPARTMENT OF: RAILWAYS Ep AND CANALS. Inteveolontul - Rallway--Improvements J at Haifax--Furilier Exfenston of Time. 5 FOR RPCEIVING and Bhe ha# bepn 4 from unday, the 1917, to Thursday, the 1011, at 12 oclock THE TIME tenders for Ple farther exten dist day of July, 10th day of August, noon, . ? K. JONES J Department of Hallways and Canals, Qitawa, July 17th, 1011 Newspapers inserting this advertise. ment without . authority from the De- partment will not be paid for it, PEE SYNGPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH- WEST LAND REGULATIONS, ERSON WHO IS THE SOLE family or any male aver 18 omestead a quarter frababi he district, nade, at may cond ons, i ANY Pp head 'of t's ars Cntry by proxy ny Agency, on certain > ther, mother, son, her or sister of intend: allen Bis months rekidénce upon Itivation of the land in each of years. - A homestéader may live withih nine miles of his homestead on ats fart of at hin acres solely Lined docu; ld m of s father, money, bh hier XY brother or sis 4) Foertaim districts a homesteader In good standing may pre-empt a quarter s homentead, Price, ton kx om 1 'entry oe A the omestead 3 bird 08 extra ier whe has - hausted and cannot obtain my enter for a pur- in certain ow cts. ust wihree A wh and erect | Deputy of Yo N.B.--Unauthorized gis advertisement wi . uD TENDERS, ADDRESSED t 1 . fdersigned, and endorsed "Ten for Jxtenston to Tunnel Bay kK, "Break vil Oat. will be re: ceived at this wffise ntl 100 pm. on Mond August 21, 1911, for the cou- struction of an extension to Tunnei Bay Dock, at Brockville, County of Leeds," Ont Plans, specification contract tender hie Winsor of the ol uBlication ot be BE, to and form of neer, Confederation din; oronto; and on appliteation to the JSostmaster at. Brockeil e, Ont, ... Peracns ndering are notificd that tenders. will not be considered unless made on the printed forms supplied, and signed 'with their actus! wigna- tures, stating thee? vécupations and laces a. Ih the case of ual dre, the nature tion, and place of resid- member of the firm must En, rms of thhk 'oven ence of eac given. Each tender must be actompaniod by an aceepted cheque on a chartersd bank. paya in to the order of Honotvrable the Minister of Works, og RE or ten per cent, f the a of the Hod if the pearson tended © ene te ® dontract when called upon to do so, or fall te compiste the work contracted for. If the tepder be not acepted the cheque will be returned The Departinent dos not Bind itself to accept he lowest or any tender. By order, R € DESROCHERS, Recretary. Department of works, Ottawa July 2%, Newspapers will not be paid for this advertipemient if they imsert It with« out authority from the Department "ublic 1911, : PEsNASsA st TIAL Sats) 18 "THE ASS IN KINGS- . 'A CARRY A OF LITTLE INEXPEN- ARTICLES IN SUMMER Y SUITABLE FOR GIVING RANGING IN of} * paid the dirt drop out--saves you time snd money--but injures oeither hands nor clothes, That is just the difference between Sunlight Soap and ordinary Electric Restorer for Men restores every perve in She bady to its proper ores Premature decay and 1 sexu For sale at Mahood's Drug Store. PARRICT LAR VEOPLE PLEASED. ople. are al- | i the way we : Pardeular ways pleased clean the fipegt and most dell- | cate lace curtdihd. . ROPARKER & €0y Dyers nud Cleaners, 49 Princess St, Kingston, Ont, Quality Talks You can get the best of everything at -- ePeoncseOOEO OR] 490 PRINCESS STREET. Cor. University, 'Phone 530. Special sftedtion' given to 'phone orders, cl @ecssrsscssasssvssasacl COAL! The kind you ape looking for . Is the kind we sell. Scranton foal w good coal and we guarantee prompt delivery. BOOTH & dd Foar ws STUBS. It is part of my professional service to show women how to correctly wear their corsets Let me select and fit, in the se shusion of of your classy, perfect garment -- No other is so flexible, yet per manently s retaining as Margaret Dunnett, Cprsettiore, 105 Wellington St Fate 87%. Make a regular meal- time habit of this | palate-tempting beverage PICKERING'S| | Unique Grocery & Meat Market : | wld J, : light (Continued from Page 2.) Mrs. A. Strachas, King street, was hostess at o! delightful tea, on Tues day afternoon, in honor of Mrs, Bruce Strachan, of Ely, Mon, who wad heartily welcomed to her husband's aid home by his many friends. Mra Strachan was assisted in receiving her guests by her daughter-in-law, and later in the afternoon, Mr, Bruce Strachan also shared the honors, and his frivnds were more than glad of the opportunity of seeing Wim again. Pur ple clematis ant haollyliocks combined in making a very eflective decoration in the drawing-room and halls. In the dining-room huge bunches of dainty pink sweet peas, and jervs, were ar- ranged, as A fancy decoration. Here Mrs. James Minnes poured the tea, Mrs, Higgins cut the ices. and Miss v Marion Hedden served the fruit punch. The girls who assisted were Misses Rinne and Sylvia Cochrape, Misses npie and Marjogie Minpes, Miss Made: line Higgink and, Miss Lenore Hamil ton. Among the guests were Mrs, R. J. Hooper, Mre.«d. C. Connell, Mrs. Andrew Forman of Montreal, Med. H By R. Craig, Mrs. R. H. Mackerras of Sierra Madre, Cal, Mrs. C. Crookall of New York, Mrs. sJ, D, Craig of Ot- tawa, Mrs. Hallaway Waddell, Mrs, Charles Low, Mrs, Arthur Craig, Mrs. Campbell Laidlaw of Ottawa, Mrs. A, P. Christmas of Montreal, Mrs. Hugh Mgopltson Mrs. Felix 8. 8. Johns- How, Mrs: Wo Ho Craig; Wiss Frances Sullivan, Miss Florence Cunningham, Miss Mabel Dalton, Miss Lilla Herald of Dundas, Miss' May MoDonnell, Miss Edith Goodwin, Miss Annie Fairlie, Migs Loraine Minnes, Misses Amy and Daisy Ferguson, Miss Edith Young, Mise - Jessie Polson, Misses Jean and Kate Craig, Miss Florence Williamson, Miss M, MeMahon, Misses Leta and 'ega Carson, Miss Marjorie' Merrick, Migs Restie Smythd, Miss Irene Swift, Miss Dogothy Hill, Miss Mona Koight ang Misd Jessie Smith, Ottawa. * » - - Me. and Mos. A, P. Christmas, of Mdiptreal, entertained informally at high tea, at the Country Club, on Saturday evening. The guests inelud- od Mr. and Mrs. Hallaway Waddell, Mr, and Mrs. W. H. Craig, Miss Flor- and Mr. -H Smythe. - Dr G.. W.' Mylks, Wellington street, entertained . informally at dinner, on Puesday evening, at the Frontenac (Mub, in honor of Mr. Woods White, of Atlanta, Georgia. ree. The Misses Crisp, Union street, will entertain informally at the tea hour on Thursday afternoon. ' . » - 3 Miss Irene Swift, King streel, was hostess at an informal tea, on Mon- day. afternoon, given in honor of Mrs. A.B. Christmas, of Montreal. - Mrs. BE. H. Bickford, of Téromto, will be hostess at a bridge at 'the Country Club, on Thursday afternoon. Mise Mona Knight, Alice street, will entertain at tea on Thu sday after- noon. . - The usual Yacht Club tea was held this afternoon. . Mrs. Henry Skimmer, King street, is not staying at Tremont Park, but at an island in the vicinity, and her cot- tage is called "Cataraqui Lodge." Mrs. C. J. Hinckley, 185 University avenue, entertained formally at din- ner, last evening, for her visitor, Dr. T. Davies, of Toronto. J. Ross Allen and Mrs. Allen, with their datghters, Rhoda and Js- abel, Olean, N.Y., are en pension at "The Avonmore," William street for a short. time. Dr. Allen is a Queen's pra- uate and Mrs. Allen was formerly Bertha Greenwood, of this city. Miss Agnes Fowler, has returned fromr n week's visit in Montreal, Que- bee and Ste. Anne de Beaupre. » - - Mrs. Charles Thurston is the puesd of Miss Ada Sharman, 27 Wellington street, Mr. Norman H, Wormwith, M.A, is on a month's vacation. Mr, and Mrs. G. E. Searles, Clergy street, have gone on a trip to Quebec. Mr. and Mrs. George CHff have en: tored thei: new home in Edmonton, Alta, and have entertained various Kingstonians therein. Mrs. James Massio and the Misses Massie, after spending six weeks at Ridean Ferry, will return to the city to-morrow. Miss Sara Gill, Earl street, Mrs, €. Gill, Brooklyn and Miss M. Wormwith, go to Hay Bay, on Thursday, to re- mat a month. Mrs. W, H. Wormwith will go down on Friday. - r A. My. and Mrs. John Robertson of Owen Sound, announce the engaite- went of their sldest daughter, Bessis Jaskel, to: Mr. Fred. Hughes of Frk- s'rf, Alta, son of Colonel and Mrs. Jolm Waghes of Newtonville, the weetding to take place quietly early m August, ' Ridean Takes Nav, Co., Limited. Steamers leave for Ottawa eo Monday, Wednesday, Thursday v, ob 6 am. For Cl every Tuesday, Weidnes- snd ¥ Saturday, at 615 pan, Jones i and return, every Wed- needay and Suturday, at 6 am. Fare for ad trip, Soe. J ume Swift & Co., agents, . P. Hanley, agent. Storm Helped Beach. ill wind that blows nobody an old saying, and a very hile everyone has been ran > ent Running haw, Miss Bessie Smythe! loa 8 Hmusements. TONIGHT 350 3:7 BIG FREE SHOW VAUDEVILLE AND PICTURES, WEDNESDAY, CHILDREN'S 1 CENT DAY ON CARS. MATINEE AT 33, LAKE ONT ARIO PARK FAGE THREE. 4 sesesacarretersseensatsstenioney | The People's Forum L 8 or SA ADVERTISING RATES 30! rent shucrtion Te = word, Each con- secutive insertion thereafter Nalf one insertion 25c; three insertions; S8c; six, $1; ene month, $2. HELP--WaNTED. cent a word, Minhmum ehinrge for | EEE P TEER ESR REET R REE SR ESERIES he We ee SUMMER RESORTS. "THE ALEXANDRA" JUST THE jlave for a quiet vacation; cooling breezes; right on the shore of Lake Ontario; good table: mode. rate rates; circular on application te Alex. MeAdam, Manager. Well. ington, Priece Edward County, Ont Steamer America BULLETIN. WEDNESDAY, JULY 26, 2.30 P.M -- Fare, Be; Tour of the Isnnds, JULY 5.00 AMG PREAY, JULY 2 it Vai ianan- GIRL. FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. Apply 12163 King Street Easy, AN BXPERIENCED MAID; ocd cook. Apply, treet, MUST BE 162 Johnson LADIES MAID POR King. Apply to Jus; qucis Hetel . NORTH Tiiten, Ire- AT ONCE, A HOUSEMAID AT ROCK- wood Hospital: good wages Ap- ply ta the Matron, De return. SATURDAY, July 28, 23¢ P.M.~Tour of the Iwiands, Fare, Se. MEALS ON ALL TRIPS, Str. QUINTE QUEEN ERAVES SWIFT'S WHARF 730 AM. EVERY TUESDAY FOR . LAKE ON MOUNTAIN, GIVING 3 HOURS IN PICON. WEDNESD EYEE on _ 1 4 ov NG EX~ CURSIONISTS . A' DELIGHTFUL 65 MILE TOUR THROUGH BOTH CHAN- wy ALSO 1 FULL HOUR AT ALEX, "S WHARF 2 Pm AN~ ETURN FARE, oe SPECIAL RATE ON 5 TICKETS. EITHER TRIP. Thudsdays and Fridays opea for charter. 0D. 8. COLLIER, 43% W. Union Kingston, Ont, July 5 1811. T0 CONTRACTORS { TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED AT the office of the County & lerk, Codrt House, up to 9 am. of August Yet, for the several trades works required in the erection and completion of an ad- dition' te the Sydenham High School for the Board of Education. Plans and specification may be seen at Mr. William Griffith's, Sydenham andg at the offices of the undersigned pn and after the 25th inst Lowest or any tender not nec éssarily accepted, POWER .& SON, Merchants' St, Architects; : Bank Chambers, Civic Holiday MONDAY, JULY 3187, HAVING been set aside as a Civie Holiday by the Corporation of -the City of Kings- ton, now, therefore, 1 declare that day a Public Holiday Andl call the same, It is requested, in vie A coming: of the" OI RR * the day shall be but also that the their residences and ness, upon all citizens to observe of the hom ne any' hit generally observed, citizens decorate places. of busi c J. GRAHAM, Mayor, Kingston, 1911 Routley's, i Fishing: Reels The' enly reHable Storé to' Buy your Fishing Tackje that's fit for fishing. You gala in qhality and save in price. ' July 26, e LF Steel Rods. L9 x Bait Casting £7 Sie and Irn =Flae tines, Nets, Minnaw Catchegs, Ratiy od Hold- ers. Floats, Hooks, SinRers and, all the Implements JAaviaehie the big ONLY ORE Sons: S AK.) At Bicknell's Corner. Bicknell's Corner, - July 25. Several from around at Varty Ty 'Thursday, Ed Mrs. Jolin Greenway, Wi visiting in tils vieimity? ening has Gone some damage lately." Mrs. Joseph Amey's two-year-old colt was struck. and "Killed. P McDonald has made a great, impro<ement.io his resi: idence by painting it. Mra Joie For arvey, Camden East, : dnd Mea. at Mrs, Alves Honlton's' a Ritls, oo at ° W. Hinch Willinm ©) a The worst rr = 'robbery ia that pata. pas sheen pu sy ne YOUTH, 14 YEARS OR OVER, AS apprentice 'to the wholesale drug business. Poison & Co. --------------------------------. -- A DINING-ROOM &Iny Chambermald at the Address, Mrs, y Napanee, AND Royal Hotel H. Hunter, A LABORERS AND QUARRY wages, $1.35 to $1.60 per day and boa pply to oe Syndicate, Collins Bay, Li ies EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER required for city office; must be energetic d avcuraie;. good Wages. App in own handwrit- ing, to Box 781A, Whig office. AN TRL GENT PERSON WAY 109 monthly correspondin ng LOST. BRINDLE BULL DOG: LAST SEEN ON Collingwood Street Finder please getury Lo 194 Bagot West HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS BRUNSWICK ROTEL, ONTARIO ST. opposite G.T.R. station, one block from CPR, on street car line: bar supplied with best of wines and ara charges moderate; special rates by the week. John Cousineau, Prop. he week. accommodat! Rates reasonable. Mulvilie e Driscoll. TO LET, . i 5 . PWELLING, OFFICES, TOR i R. McCann, TI Brock Str eet. for newspapers. No canvassing Send for rticulars, Press Syn cate, 8.96 Lockport, N.Y. CAPABLE OLD ties, arrivin 19th, "Sept §rd Apply now, The mond Street; Grenville Street, COUNTRY DO August 5th, August and weekly alter Guild, 7. Drum- Montreal or 14 Toronto CLERKS TO SELL ARTIOLES MUCH peciany by needed in every home, os working en: geod salary; per- manent phaition | if you are work- ary behind the counter, ay; you can ble your wages and b be our own So Apply, Box "RB. B. Whig Office. TEACHERS WANTED. A a3 ALIFIED No. 18 Township of Kingston ply. stating salafy to 'John Peters, Wilton, Ont TEACHER FOR S88, Ap- Ek TEACHER FOR SCHOOL SEC 5, Olden; salary, $800 pe 'prefers See, -Tres Address, Mountain 00, Grove, Ont, QUALIFIED TEACHER FO 8.8. Ne. 18, Township of Kingston Ap- stgting salary and gualifiva- to 0. .Ellprheck, See.- Glenvale, Ont pis lions, reas, Qu Al IFIED TEACHER FOR UNION 8.8. No. §, Portland, and 34 Cams. den; Protestant preferred Apply, stating salary, to W. H. Kerr, Sec and Treas, 'Petworth, Ont QUALIFIED TEACHER FOR S58 No 15 and 18, Lansdowne T ow nahi; duties to commence after summer holidays; salary; $400 Apply Charles MeDonald, Sand Bay, Ort, TEACHER FOR SCHOOL SS. Na. *, Township o Kennebec, Pro testant, holding a seceont-class certificate; service to begin after the summer holidiiys, at §22 nes month Apply, John Waoaodeock Sec.-Treas,, Dead Creek, Ont WANTED--GENERAL. RE. 'phone YOUR FLAGSTAFF NEEDS pairing for Old Boys Day 611. E. Paradis, 11 FOR FRESH FORK Spare Ribs Kidneys A. Maclean's, Ontario CUSTOMERS Tenderloin, and Livers at Street Anot { Hy or & Bate- HOUSE TO RENT, AT ONCE, 7 rooms, convenient bor rooms ta rent, - Gardiner man, Estate Agents, SHOE REPAIRING OF EVERY DE. scription; first class work; best or or omy used; one trial r ing your repairs Boott's, Barrie Street, cor. of Clergy West, 2 NTLEMEN BRING THEIR Cloth and PR vg it de up Inté up- to-date snils. Price std workman shilp guaranteed to please. Pressing ' and Fepairing done on the shortest notice, Galloway, ' 130 Brock St, next ahh s Livery. 2 ANY PERSaN HAVING GOON SE- gond- and Stoves befo ng Arop me a con rices. I have for sale Brass an on Beds all kinds of Furniture In Dak. Poy t reason abie. J. Thompson, 333 Princess Breet re - es. ses ork raiture: also al Cal of New and Seconds Kinds of Pre~ Fugermany, SUMMER SoTrAGEs AND FURNISH ed Dwellings R." McCann, ; 61 Brock Street. Ive FURNISHED TOPTAGES AT Eastview Park or $3 to $5 per week Apply to Rev. J DD. Boyd, Erie, P.O, or at the Whig office. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, dry, alry rooms, absolutely moth roof; our own lock sud key ost's hE Storage, 299% Queen St "Phone §26b. CLEAN, J PRENCESS STREET, Store; also 6-room house, month, and 3-room house $4.5 month Apply, C. H, Powell, Raglan Street, 103 FROM MAY 1st, BRICK HOUSE, No. 181 Division Street; extension kitchen; hot water heatin ERs ' to. Frederick Welch, No 179 Division Street. BRICK HOUSE, Neo. 28 WELLINGTON Street, fear Park; ten large rooms; improvements to sult good tenant. Apply to IL Cohen, care of Susman & Cohen, or 136 Queen Btreet. i FINE, NEW FIRNISHED COTTAGES at Bastview. Park, on St Law. rence, five miles from city, and pasture for horses Apply to B. Cooke; City; J. D. Boyd, Eric, or P.O. FURNITURE FINISHKR. ANTIQUE FURNITURE A SPPRCIALTY ebonizing and gliding, cnamelling and all cplors of mission werk; al) work given best atiention, Pat i . 33 John Street. 'Phoms LEGZL. CUNNINGHAM & MUDIE, BARRIST ers and Solicitors. Law Office, EH Clarence St. Kingston. DENTAL. SPARKS AND PARKS, DENTISTS 230 1-2 Nrincass Btreet, Klagston Phone 346. H, SIMPSON, LDS, D.DS, DENT. * B® 268 Princess Street. Telephon DR CO Bn rincess Bt DR, ©. ©. NASR, DENTIST: DN Weicker, assistant, 158 b 'Phone 736. OR. po E. KNAPP, DENTIST, 19 WONT. 1 Strest, near Princess Street one Ss. A ATHRoY n, DDS, » 187 510. «DS, DENT. over Dominion "i ial) ar Office, Wellington Street "Phone BUSINESS CHANCES. ANYWHERE, CAN STARS ANTORE, s 1 order business at home. Ne canvassin Send for Free 0s boo H $ Lockport, N.Y. MEDICAL ARKS, B.A, M.D, EF HFSIOIAR ee hours, ¥ 1 » 0) 3 oy to and 7 to § pm. 'Phone 384 d J» PERSONALS, mm Tice ete om er XE Feed FOR SALE. BABY CARRIAGE, Apply to ALMOST Brunswick Hotel. NEW, ONE ECOND-HAND ,. THIRTEEN Disc Span, in good condition. Ap- ply to D. J. Hay, Cigrence Street. A BIG VARIETY OF WALNUT AND mahogany Chairs and Sofas. at very tow prices. Turk's, "Phoge 105 Elektr eo reet; a 0. 1 all barn mprovements, with Apply on rere, VEN. Di vis and Dig oy GASOLINE FoR Cylinder Oila ignitor Batteries, at any time at House. Be GALLON, Grease, Columbia served prompily Knapp's at YEAR-OLD sow} Wycofl strain; bred production Ad fyant, P.O. Box 52, THOROUGHBRED Aghorn Hens for heavy eg dress, Anhie F Division Streét! -- NEW FRAME HOUSE, ie ROOMS, modern improve 4" 17%. good barn, 177 Pine and Montreal "Strests: » mises of Bay S.C. WHITE LEGHORN HENS, ane ycar old;- pure bred; hgavy egg-laying strain; 16¢ each; want to make room for pallets A. Marrison, Catgraqul, Ont, IF YOU WANT A GOOD STORE OR Balcony Awning, Porch Curtain, Waggon Cover; Cork Life Preserv- ers or Fenders for your motor sat; Acard to-Capt. Joseph Dix, ae Kelson Street. OLD-ESTABLISHED GROCERY business in smart village, with o store. Bakery usiness; going concern houses an mbined. Gardiner & Bate= Clarence Street, RAND OPPORTUNITY, tiring tablishe OWNER RE. a splendid es Business with and excellent wrticiiars, ads 178 Wellington d, A 1 Miss Kill is, Kingston NEW SOLID PRICK HOUSE, 70 NElL- son Street; seven rooms; good celiar; not -alr furnace modern Improvements; gas; lot, 40 x 150; possession about 1st Sept. owper leaving the city; spap for quick buyer Apply on premises FLAGS, AWNINGS, TENTS, CANOES, camping outfits, [fishing Llackle, marine supplies, lunch baskets, English raincoats, everything In canvas, kit bags, slik teats, spray hoods, motor boat supplies, Frank W. Cooke, 269 Ontario St 'Phone $91 or 23. FOR SALE OR TO LET. THE KXTENSIVE RBUSINKSS PRE. mines for many years occupied by Hunry Skinner & Co, Wholesale Drug ghsis, exiending from Prin- ceas Bireet to prse Sireet, with frontage on bot wad indialing tensive ba. Adina. Apply te une uingham & BOARD AND ROOMS, ---- -- BRIGHT, AIRY ROOMS, WITH without bogrd; can be had at 321 University Avenue; convenlent te CArs, gas, all modern cone venlences and ARCHITEOTS. P, SMITH, ARCHITECT, NRY oe 'Phone 346. ETO, 268 King Street. ARTHUR ELLIS,. ARUHITECT,. 1s University Avenue. Telephone 1013. an WH. tects, etc. "Phony $08 NEWLANDS & BSON,. ARCHI- Office, 208 Bagot Btreet, 5 "0 & BON, ARCHITECTS chants' Bank Bullding, Brock and Wallington MER. corner Streets. FINANCE AND INSURANCR, yon NSD RANCE THAT INSURES GO W. H. Godwin & Son's Insurance OPI over Northern Crown Bank, Brock Street, or 'poline 434 GENERAL Acciden of; first-class sonbanips rates. T. J. Wellington Rion INSURANCE-FIRE, LIFE, t and Health Policies 1ssu- standard Agent, 1 ise A. BATEMAN, CUSTOMS BROKER and insurance, Fire, LJfe, Accident or Indemnity in first class come manies, 'Phone 386. «7 Clarence reet, Kingston, Ont. a, FRONTENAC LOAN AND INV ment Soolal¥; established 1863; president Sin richard Cartwri i ti lowed. . 8B. MONT Director, ¥7 Elataos Brook. LONDON, Fire 1 ingyran o; Company. Np Sonn assets, 34.10 n Mdition t which the 'poi ly security the 'un na¥l ity all the stockhol ag city property \naured a eet possible rates. Before entwing or giving new busin from Strange & reo at 4 ales 'Phone 336. UPHOLSTERER, winter a on ra ear Imported direct by rail and lake . from the United States. Taking orders now.

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