5 APTER A ROUND AT TENNIS . rong play, the exposed skin 1s 3 Nin to Li pe snd benefit by soothing. a g soplication of BANT- PACE CREAN Mildly antiseptic, . = or Pn Pute Cold Cresm in that it econ- noe silg--gloves can mediately on after (th wee; it will not soil the ste fabric. raliwgy cor Enter any or write for informa ¥. Metcalfe, Principal, Kingston, Canada Ladies College best Residential ege we for Girls & Young Ladies. equipped, Efficient Staff. Accommodation ; Ample Ried Beautiful Situation. WRITE FOR CALENOAR AND PARTICULARS. Bev. W. D. ARMSTRONG, STNG. WA, PRD. DD. BN ALBE RT COLLEGE BELLEVILLE, ONTARIO ------------------ Over 300 students enrolled nually, half of whom are young ' Indies. Highest advantages In all departments. Puildings heated by steam and lighted by electricity. "Will re-open Tuesday, September 11th, 1911... For Calendar or room address PRINCIPAL DYER, D.D. an- Many Want Squirrels, Watertown Standard, Mayor Hugo is in receipt of several letters from people in other cities asking him to send theni live gray squirtels. As the people of Watertown are much attached (o the squirrels, . and they are the properiy of the owners of the eity park, nothing in all probability will be done about the Touuests, Dr. Hawke, 21 Wollealoy street, To- ronto, successfully treats piles, fissures, elo, without an operation. Write for free booklet and references. A number of peoplé from Svdesham "wtroet Methodist church had a picnic at Lake Ontario Park Tuesday ai ternoon, jor t, SMALL NU MBER WHO VER : f PASSED ENTRANCE, Only Fight Out of Thirty-five Passed the Entrance--Napanée Firemen to Celebyate on August 9th, - A wedding of ans took place, on morning Inseronto, when Hart, of Deseronto, of Charles V. Meagher, Rev. Father MeCarthy happy couple went to points west for a short 6 Napanee, July Tetra to Napaned | | I monday il 1 Miss hathlcdn care the bride of Napanee officiated. The Toronto and honeymoon, Men. J. felt, with in Mar- #ix M. McCaul and daughter, Tuesday, to spend Hiv daughter, Mrs: Hawley, Metiee, Sask, | "Onlv twenty-iwo entrance pupils out of 110, passed the Jecent entrance ex- amination Napanee pu pi's out, of thirty v were successful, This is the smallest percentage that Napanee hans pesswed in a great many 1H ois here VenRra © Miss Melita, , Hoard, Rooks left. Tiesday, for Man. Miss Bowen, Deseronto Jef, Tusday, for a two months? visit with friends in Moos o Mrs, Froste, of Deseronto, won {a two months' visit 40 ber son in Re finn, Sask Mrs. Breckenridge leit, Tuesday, to spend a gol er of months wit th ker hitsbsand in th it. , on geitie--4n trim for | Ahly demonstration in Port Hope on Sugust Oth. "In a (fal rup, on Mon day, they made a mark of thirty- five seonds fiat on a 220-yard ram. The Grand Trunk station waiting- room i= undergoing extensive repairs, . on Budget From Bloomfield, Bloomfield, July 25--The laetories have finished canning peas. and are now busy cannn beans. The hay crop in these parts is light, but spring Pro ise rv good yield. Mrs Kherle, of rie, Pa., is visiting her siwlpr, Mrs A. H. Saylor. Dr. Willem! Cooper and wife, of Detroit, re SN ding several weeks around here. Frederick Pal bride, of Petro, visited ul Stanton's Sherman 8 and Mortimer Smith, of henora, visiting their par here. Miss Alma Saylor, of Toronto, spent over Sunday at (% H, Savlor's John Derbyshire fell from a honse he was painting, and broke his shoulder. John BE. Clark's hor of Wellington, broke its ankle while driving along the road, 8. Fdgar Aartin, manager of Farmers" (fanning company, left. for Alherta, 3 Thursday, to accept the management of a large Before vf presented with a gold leaded care by the employees of the factory. Much to the surprise of his friends he returned on Saturday night, from Toronto, the deal having fallen through. gram John O ver and (Curtis aylor are we, ranch. going he Bright Eyes, Rosy Cheeks. Thit depressing "used-up" feeling and pallid face can be quickly ex- changed for happiness 'and rosy checks by a course of "Wade's Tron Tonic Pills. They build up the constitution, make néw, rich blood, strengthen the nerves and improve digestion. Price 25 cents, at J. Ny Meleod's Drug Stores. an -- About thirty young people held an enjoyable picnic at Lake Ontario Park. on Tuesday, Dander-t'i makes hair kills (he dandruff germ, Hie. Prag Store.' A man can talk on a dozen different grow and "Prouse's subjects easier ihan a woman can stop. talking on one. LE CAPT. ET. THE MOST SEVERE BOOTH HAS It Was Almost Impossible to Make Landings Owing to the Severe Wind---News of Vessels About the Harbor. Captain = Booth, of the R. & 0, piloted the big steamer hingston into port oh Tuesday morning, at 10. 30 a.m., just Er hors and a Lplf lote,] ways the Toronto Telegram. "What kind of weather did! bave ?' asked the Telegram, ' when Captain. Booth had made his way down from the bridge after the steam- er was made fast. "Ii was the most severe gule [have ever experienced. The gale that swept down the river from Kingston to Pres cott travelled at a dip of sixty and sixty-five miles an-hour. "Jt was not that the sea was bad, but the wind seemed to flat down on us, and-made it cult to make a landing. We every landing, however, and the ing passengers were delighted." The passengers, however, have evi- dence of having passed sleepless night, wou 80 lay diffi- made wail B One mar who had visited the dock about 6 am, and waited until the boat arrived, awaitibg his wife, greet- ell her as follows: "Well, old" girl, did You enjoy your trip Lib -Jnoks please don't. Never again for me." Movements of Vessels. The government boat Scout for Prescott, The steamer India passed down' to day with timber. 'The steamer Nevada passed yesterday @fternoon, The stenmbarge Water Lily was down fast evening with a cargo of freight, The steamer Prince Rupert mss up to-day with pulp for Tonawanda. The sleamers Mapleton, and Port Colborne passed down day. The steamer Burma arrived vin's to-day with timber ish. The tug Powerful passed down her way from Duluth te light. § The steamer Jeska Davis' dry dock to-day for Fairhaven, The government steamer Loretta went up the Rideau eanal to-day with Inspector Phillips on board. The steambarge Westport this morning on her way from Napa nee to Merrickville with castings. The Calvin wrecking company still working on the barge Davy dower the river where she sank. The re- ceht Storm delayed the work consid- erably but it is expected that she will be floated in a couple. of days At Swift's wharf : Steamers ston and Caspian, made the river trip to-day. The storm had not abated sufficiently wamant the steamer North King coming across the lake; steamer Quin- te Queeh arrived this morning after being storm bound at Stella all day Tuesday and will take an excursion down the river this afternoon; steam er Aletha did not come farther than Stella and sent hor freight down by Quinte Queen; the pleasure yacht Aida was in port yesterday with a cruising party; steamer Rideau Queen cleared for Ottawa this morning: steamer Belleville is due down to-day: steamer Dundurn is due to pass up to-day, al- Aeared down at Cal from Span: on Montreal came out and so the City of Montreal. l{ Shade trees Renoville to of cleaved drrived is King- at Charlotte last nightto in A LAD LOST A FINGER IN A FACTORY MACHINE. A Kingston Boy Injured by Falling Off a Railing and on to Rocks-- Civic Holiday Events for August 13th. Gananoque, daly 96. A young lad named Bentham wet with a -painful | | necident while operating a machine in| otie of the local factories yesterday Wis hand got edught and Oohe finger {was crushed so badly that amputa- tion was necessary. Dr. F. J. 0'Con- nor was called in attendance. ! The weekly dance of the Gananoque Canoe and Motor Boat Association, at its-viab- house, {ast evening, was wel. attended. The Citizens' band or chestra furnished musie, A young lad, said to belong te Kingston, one of & party of campers lin this vicinity, met with a severe mis hap, here, on Monday "afternoon. In furnishing amusement for those with him, he attempted to walk the iron railing befween Hick's restaurant and {Hale's liquor store. Slipping, he fell among the rocks some distance below, getting several bad gashes and bruises about head and body. Dr. Davis was at once called and patched him up, na bones being . broken. James Bates, Stome steeet, had his wrist badly gashed by a knife flying out of a shaper head on which he was worgng, yesterday: afternoon. Fhe tinmanoque-- Yaeht-- Clab var ranging for a day of aquatic sports; including "an open power host racy for the flyers, yacht, dinghy and canoe races, for Acgust 15th, civie holiday. As the ATA, meet will be going on at that time, af Sugar Island, it is expected many from there will partici- pate in the canoe events. i The heavy wind of yesterday and Monday has been responsible for much damage throughout this section. have been broken down, and from reports from the rural dis tricts surrounding, very few apples have been left on the trees. ln addi tion to this, on Monday afternoon, a launch was swamped a short distance from town, but fortunately a larger launch wax near ut hand and. took the party on board. Mr. and Mrs. George A. are leaving, early this week, gary, Alta, to spend a mouth with! § Mr. Robinson's parents, former Robinson | downe township, 8S. Latimere, spending the past few patient in the Hotel Dieu, has turned home. Mz, Shields, Quebec, are spending a short time with relatives in town, George Keyworth, spending the past month here with his parents, Mr. anc Mrs. William Keyworth, Oshorne street, left, yesterday, to resume his | duties in Fort William. Miss Annie | Linklater, spending some time with! Kingston friends, has returned home, Mr. and Mrs. George Bo Algie, Oswe go, N.Y, en route for Petroit, Mich., spent the past few days in town, guests of the latter's brother, .James Latlimore, Stone street. Mise Matiio Harpell, Cataraqui, spent the past few days in town with friends. in - News From Flower. Flower, July M.~Mise Janet Me Farlane is improving slowly. Miss Lizzie MeDermid| of Renfrew, Miss Dol ly Lyon, of Perth, and Miss Maxwell, | of Ottawa, are guests of Mis. Apple by. Campers at Round Lake are Mr. Muzphy and femily, J. Costello and amily, and Mrs. Me Ah and daugh- ter, all of Renfrew. Mr. Lyon's many friends here will be glad to hear he is doing nicely in Kingston general hos pital, where he was operated on few days ago,' for appendicitis, John A. Crawford, of Odessa, is the guest of Mrs. John Crawford, Sr. Mrs. James Fewin, of Renfrew, spent a few days with her friend, Mrs John Crawiord, this week: The Kings ton and Pembroke boarding cars leave here, on Tuesday, for Wilbur. min Lyon, Mr. Lee and Mr. Sproule, of Lavant, spent Sunday in Flower. Miss Carrie Closé and 'Het Triad, Miss McNeilly, of Calabogie, spent Sunday in Flower, a Mrs. Sasgk., Benja tr News From Sangster. Sangster, July 25.~R. Aylaworth, Flginburg, passed through here buy ing lambs. I. Riley 'had the misfor- tune to have his barn burned on Tuesday night. Quite a few from here went the excursion to St. Anne de Heaupre. Miss Minnie Young 18 home after a lengthy visit in King ston. F. J, O'Connor is home Wolfe Island. Mrs. T. Colter, Rose Young and MH. Wisterd, at Barrett's; Miss Minnte Young and Barrett at M, J. Cochrane's; Mt. and Mrs. James O'Connof, at = Thomas Young's; Miss Nelly and James Dar rett, at Westport! Mr. and Mes. M. J Cochrane, at James (VConnor's; Mrs, Jdmes O'Connor, ab IP. DCarmor's, Cole Lake; E, O'Connor, at M. Daly's; Mis. Rirkett, at James Murphy's; Miss Nora Shain at J. Mickey's, ' Tich- borne. on from Miss 1 x ------------ At Lavant Station, da Hood, Renfrew, visited her friend, Miss Elsie Lee, last week. Mrs. A. Howard, Moira, N.Y.) is visiting her pavenis, Mr. and Mes, William Thom: ag. Mr. and Mra. 4. E. Jackson spent a week visiting at Lanark and Carle ton Place: Lavant baseball ~tenm played & friendly geome with Clyde Forks on Saturday evening, the scofe being 15 tb 9 in favor of Clyde Forks. Mr--and Mrs, Ross Alcorn spent a day in Smith's Falls Inst week. Henry iting his paremts at Wilton. Mr. Mrs. William a rome visi aunt, Mrs. J. s Robertson, Settloment, on Sway. 1.000 Steamer North King Heaves at 10:15 and Frida ¥a Hor Aypeiprd am, Sunday, fr ft, P. Hanley, Lavant [for Lavant Station, July 25. Miss Hel-| for Cal- | resi | Hindontt No. rec dente BF thé Front of Leeds and Lans- | free bo Jk to Dr 1 | Porm of Thera, fon cary to days in Kingston, visiting his wife, a | 'Santy Claus an e Good Old dummer;* Bolton, Hamilton, is vis | and' THE NATION 1 CONSTIPATION "Fruit-a-tives" Alone ~~ Cures This Disease A famons scientist states that Consti- pation, or non-actionof the bowels, causes \ more deaths than all other diseases ! combined. Constipation inflames the Kidneys, ruins digestion, is the found- ation of Rheumatism, poisons the blood, causes Headaches; Neuralgia, Nervous mess and Insomnia, Constipation is caused by a weak or sluggish liver. Bile, the only purgative of the body, is secreted by the liver, which in turn should pour ont into the intestines sufficient bile to move the 'bowels. Unless the liver is active, there cannot be enough bile to move the bowels regularly, and Constipation is the result, ' "Fruit-a-tives", the famous fruit me- icine, will always cure Constipation because it acts directly on the liver-- relieves the congestion--increases the quantity of bile--and strengthens the bowel muscles. 'soc. a box, 6 for $2.50, or trial size, 25e. At all dealers, or from Fruit-a-tives #GCood for Leather-- Stands the Weather" shines easiest--just a ub, a rub and there's our shine! Black or C , at all grocers and stores. n EMEDY, 0.3 No, x TH HERA {PION Tl b HER with great succe Hag 22 wn badlegs sores, dischargesfeitherse oli ccd ost vigor & vital force. drains. Josses 8c. Kither No. at Srug gists or Mail §1 from Fougera & Co. 80 Reekman ow York City, or Lyman Bros, Co. Ltd. Toronto, uited. send self addressed envelope Med.Co. Haverstock Rd rwDraglecl astel ess) ke | Hampstead. London, E tof ideas, who have some fhventivo ability | esse write GREELEY & MeN TIRE, nt Attaratys, Washington ». OU Eastern Onta around when the Firm in the British E appear now. A hot and Diamond you like to ge these sple hink of. the fair the prizes.. 'N.B. Fill in coupon, mail address, and let us en- roll you as a te --ORANGE ME Waien you get homé cut bottoms off cartons and Pleasin information by return mail--inside info e time and a little we' gave away three of these beautiful ponies and outfits "to the boys and girls of Western Ontario. Let us tell you what ness of the contest and it to under-mentioned EE Sultana Cake Sultana Cake, made from $he very best material at 3c por Our Fruit Cake lemds in quality at 30c Ib. Try. a » with your next ofder, R. H. TOYE, 302 King St, es. Srssestassssessnsssssffressetrsesasssesean Early Closing Specials... Growing Girls' Oxford Ties, sizes.2 1-2 to $, nite walking welght solés, worth $2.50 Early Clearing Price... $L.75 Tan, Calf, Wos. Black Swede Two-hole ' Ties, welted soles, all sizes, worth $4.00, Early Closing Price A few good sizes still left in Men's - Oxfords® in Tan. Calf, and Pat. Colt and Gun Metals, $4.00 and $4.50 shoes. Early Closing Price . ». $2.00 | Cholce of any Man's Ox fords in stock, stamped, priced $4.50 and $5.00, all leathers all lasts, all sizes. Early Closing Price... $3.50 Tan, Ek. Pairs Girls" Beuffes; Ox- soles, sizes . $2.59 pair $2.00 Oxfords ankle straps or pumps in the store. Gun Metal, Pat. Celt, Viel Kid. Early Closing Price 12 Pair Any $198 Childs' Pat. Colt, high cut Roman Sandals with Jockey Tops, sizes 4 1-2.ito 7 1-3, worth $2.00 Early Closing Price About 30 loys' and ford ties, welted 11 to 2; worth $1.50, Early Closing Price July $1.00 and August, "=~ J. H. Sutherland & Bro. THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES stv promptly at 5. o'clock exception of Saturdays. Store closes during with the a rio and Montreal boys and girls expect ' Santa" snow flies. This year the biggest Cereal mpire has induced Jack Frost's old chum to job this for "Santa" but a pleasant one, be- cause --he's giving away dandy little Shetland Pony "Turnouts" ings to boys and girls who love ponies. Would ge? Go to your grocer and buy two packages--one Toasted Corn Flakes, and one T Toasted Wheat Flakes il to us. You'll have very {ation that will show you ndid prizes for yourself. They' 1 only cost the win- energy. And your chance is excellent right now. Name . Street Address City or Town as a ee ._ee sh --_.=