. THE BANK OF TORONTO HAS... Ample funds, excellent bank- 000000000000 00000000 Our full equipment facilities are at the disposal of @ the nrogresgive business men 9 Kingtson. : - INCORPORATED 1835, $30,000,000 Resources, . | i KINGSTON BRANCH ' 107 PRINCESS ST. GEORGE RB. McRAY., Manager, i 0000000000000000000000/00 . isn HOT WEATHER Hammocks The kind you can lay straight out on and not double up lke a Jack knife. ing facilities and connections, @ #0d a long experience of bauk- ® ing business in Canada . and . * . » * . . * . eo d ° o * . ° . * ° ° ® Ad . . ° * ® AUTOMOBILE And Hendeved Senseless--Lay on the Road Half the Night--William Roushorn, a Farm Hand, the Vietim, William Koushiors, a young mao eniployed on J. BB. Carruthers' farm, a short distance the other side of Portemouth, was struck by a large automobile Tuesday evening, about 12.30 o'eloek, snd knocked uncon seioup. The place where the accident occurred was just a short distance the other side of the gute leading to Lake Opdario Park, He had been ia the village for the greater part of evening and was on his wav home. The automobile approached him from in front and he suys it did not show a light at all. Before he bad time to get out of the way of the car, 'which was travelling at a high rate of speed, it struck him. He laid uneonscious in the road until three o'clock Wednesday morn: ing, when he revived sufliciently to find Wis way to his stopping place, He was hurt considerably around the head, and one of his Wands was bruised. Friends' came. fo the city early ia the moruing for a doctor, and hig~injuries ware dvesved. He is reported to be doing as well as ean be expected. The party ocoupying the auto did Bot balt to see. slum: , ture' they hail done, and ng ane knows who they, were, Eh : sp ey A Card of Than Mr. andg Mra. MN. Sullivan and fam. ily, Ontey, dhwive to express their in- arcet thanks to their many friends, who mo kindly assisted them in their recent sad bereavement. | -- - i The section men of the Kn. & P. and | the Grand Tronk railways have ished cleaning the yards within the | city in howor of the old boys' home| coming. All the have been ent down and waste material has heen gathered up. BALDNESS Prevented hy Using Parisian Sage in weeds -- A YOUNG MAN STRUCK BY ArT the Straight down the street. } fins" THE DAILY * TOSSED INFO THE AIR | When Waggon Strack Against Tele- : graph Pole. { The young som of a Brock street merchant had a miraculous escape from death about tem g'clock Wednesday morning, when his father's delivery horse which he wax driving, ran away. | The animal became frightened up Broek | street, near Bagot, and started down! the street as fast as it could run. The voung fellow pluckily held to the reins | und endeavored to stay the mad pro- gress of the frightened beast, but his frantic tugs on the lines failed to produce the desired effect. A number © of pedestrians at the corner of Brock and King stueets, efdeavored to stop the runaway by waving their hats at! the horse, but it failed te pay any attention te 'the siguals, and dashed SIBLE FORM. Matters That Interest Everybody-- Everything Easily Read ang) Ree membered, Taoronty hes an epidemic of bicycle stzaling, : Broexville Kberals will hold mvention on August Sth. Sir James Grant, of Osawa, has de- fended the reciprofity pact. A French army officer resigned his office on a question over national de fence. " A student of physico-psvelical phe- | homens says that the human soul has a definite weight. thei When in front of the Whitney hote the horse swerved slightly to the right, ©, . \ 2 aod the wheels skidded on the street' The stemmer Germanic ran aground var tracks, finally erashing into a PON Little - Current and was released telegraph pole on. the market side. without damage. Hi Hundreds who stood spelibound, wirile ! The infant child of J. J. Wilkinson, the runaway was in progress thought Oshawa, was drowned by the spsetting the boy was surely killed for 'the wag- of & boat near Windermere. gon struck the pole with such terrific ! The physiciang at St. Michael's hos force that the boy and baskets were pital, Toronto, are puzzled by the case thrown ten feet into the mir. of a ny who saline on the viveet. horse never stopped, for as soon apt. . t, the nia, the waggon struck the post the anim- °° which he started to oress the al ar ond and dashed on. TL went Seen 10 ueenateres was wrecked at around 'the corner of Ontario street & "t0Oghe Tomi, NB. and ran as far as p : | ee Ea hen i a aot vcoal gard, | TINGS FROM BATPERSEA. The boy a= soon ight i ---- Ch erin ar a hin arn] ba| 3 wn SaciglonFishing fs Reported yond aout wueist and a bleeding nose | as Excellent. appeared to ha all right. He went tol Matter wa, July 2B. The lawn sos a doctor to have his wounds dressed. {einl conducted by the Ladies' Aid on Waggon appeared to sofier mast {the parsonage grounds on Friday from the actidetit. AR three springs tmight was a financial sueoess, over were twisted owt of shape, the shafts Herty dollars being realized! Pring wore broken, and also the reach and Lthe evening Rev. My. Pierce introduced the box. a short programme, consisting of ad leresses hy the pastor and Rev. W. CANADA IS ON 1 IW. Awvsing recitations by Wisses 5 J oP Mury Boal and Ada Holder: solos by Rar IN SHIPPING {Miss Mae Lake and 8 M. Anglin, TRADE and choruses hy choir. I. Rev. J. Tallman Pitcher, of Ganaw . CE ad oque, addressed a public meeting in f. K Clevgue is Optimistic---Sur- |. Methodist eh on Monday hs of Ti evenime along the line of increased B onnage Among giving to the ehureh, throagh the the Beats | "envelope system.' His Bible talk . - and address were very much enjoyed F. H. Clergue.' of Sault Ste. Marie He in + spending ~ fw dayx with w is in the city, and ix very optimistic [Ormshes, at Bay View. visited us GIVEN [X THR BRIEFEST POS. Notes From Sif Over--Littley of 1 | i i ANTICIPATING a' heavy demand for Fine Linens this season We have increased our stock greatly. Our present assortments of Linens is well worth coming to see. Nut only are the Linens fine, but they're selected with an eye to artistic effects. "These Linens are from the inost reliable mekers in Ireland and Scotland.' k $a Roonomical Housekeepers, who also wart really dsinty Linens, will be delighted with them. We can only mention a few of the many things we have now ready. : Table Cloths, Square and Oblong Napkins to Match. Put up Onc Cloth and § Dozen Napkins te 'a sett. a From $4.50 a Sett to $10.00. Fine Linen Table Covers Very pretty patterns with pfain cdge from $1.50 to $12.00. Round Table Covers, $4.75 to 7:50 LINEN NAPKINS, ina great variety, put up in dozens to a pattern ; also in § dozens toa pattern. Hemstitched y A csssssrsrssssssffsssasssssssassasssssfisessssassssenssancacl : | Table Linens by the Yard. Special Values 5@c, 63¢, 75c¢: Special values at 9Qc and $1.00. LUNCH CLOTHS, ve TRAY CLOTHS, concerning the state of shipping on the H vour hair in growl i \ great likes. It has '"'never been better, your haw m gy mg thinner and of far as Casadian bottoms are con: ( Time, « The July gales which wm Monday and Poesday did consid rable damnge to Me orchards. In all sizes of 5 O'CLOCK TEA OLOTHS, Plain Hemstitehed ; causing you anxiety, go at once to J. B. McLeod's and get a bottle of Parisian Sage for only 50 ednts. It is such a delightful hair dressing that you will like to usd-it vegularly. Daily applications will refresh yon and re {stove fife to the hair roots and thus iprevent baldness. [1 7 - Mi = h - Il Parisian Sage is guranteed Lo stop A. Mitchell HARDWARE Just Tike & bed for comfort, Hammocks from $1.00 to $7.50. i Jieats 'dandrufi and make the hair lustrous and radiant, or money buold, Sold by druggists and dealers - every: where. | ol A ---- WE WILL SELL || Thursday, 8.30 am. | } ' FOR 25c. EACH |} 100 Dozen Ladies' White ; Muslin Blouses | Short and long sleeves, fancy em- |} | broidered fronts, over 50 Patterns |} | to choose from. At this price, you | cannot buy Muslin alone, not to say anything of Embroidery or Laces. Sizes run 34 to 42 and prices range to $1.25. ~~ | "THURSDAY 25c¢ For 48¢ Each "Colored 1 | 5 ile a p to $1.35 AY 48c corned," he said, Canada is right depression 'onthe other side there will This causes a surplus of tonnage although the Canadinn vessels all they can handle. "The falling hair and itching sealp, "to erg wheat this' fall 'will be. lower in and althongh there may be this mr meovat Gos oom Tutu The three summer hotels are almost full of towdsts, who are arrivieg daily. The fishing in the lakes here abouts this season is unprecedented |recurd catches of salmon and bass being made every day, Mr..and Mrs. Myers, of New York have | with Frederick Mathews, as guide, for | secured four salmon one day last con- | week, ranging in weight from fifteen sequence of the extra boats competing, {to twenty-one pounds each. a much]: Rev. Wo He Anglin and family, of larger crop than last year, we ate in McKellar, Parry Sound, and Miss good shape to handle it for the ame {Edith Farqubar, of Sault St Marie, reason." are guests at W, C. Anglin's und {friends for a coiiple of weeks, Mrx 1imie Barlow and Miss Laura | Hughes, of the city, at J. Kk. Hears'. Morley Shurtfefi, of Vankleck on i top. But owing to the irom and steel less year. on boats, | be about 10,000,000 tons of cre to handle this vear than last the lakes amonu the American rate MANAGER HARTRICK'S VIEW. Regarditig (he Distribution = of | Mrs. Vankles Tone! ye {TH and Mes, Paul and Wiss Scis- & ¥ of pm : Game, sons, of the city, at F. W. Balle. to don. en Td ihm Sc Va " : SUrl- fpr. Lake's: Mr. and Mes. Nebnde, bution of the purse which was offered i. Jake's W. Vanluven's. Reuben ie ome re Virb the (Kup, CP, cpereor, Sobdnes La nding RT. {at 8. Knapp's. Haxtrick - stated to the Whig Wednes- | word was reecdved = from William day that in view of the fact that Chapman, whe was in the Porcupine {1eorge Sullivan. gave his decision in dintriet during the late disaster, that favor 'of the ictorias, they should {he and his cousin, of Bedford Mills, Ot. thi iciey id it was to be i {rame throvgh safely. Dr. Lake i the loser Althatgh outside. auth weity jabuent. Weth a Pre of od Jrieude ¢ : io ority lon u cruise Lo Ottawa. iss Marion had hen J ought - the matter Sulli- { Cunningham is' home from Boston. van sti olds to is former dec ion i that the run does not connt and the score is 3 to 2. Mr. Hartrick says that if Sullivan had admitted his decision | death of a much esteemed lady, the was wrong, he would be willing to [late Mis. Thomas Garrett, is deeply abide by it, but the way things stand, | regretted by her large circle of friends he fests entitled to the bulk of the land acquasmtances. The decensed had money. : only been ill for about a week when | her case was considered serious by her | physician, Di Burrows, who, while ng out little hopes for her recov intimated that a surgical op- i ot Erimsville Lady's Death. Frinsville, July 25.~The removal wy Will Play Wednesday Fvening. It is quite likely that Live Coals and | holdi Wermwiths will play off the game or) fi which was thrown out on a protest eration was the only chance of saving Friday evening, if both teams find it | her life. At the Hotel Dieu, Kingstou, agreeable. Live Coals won the formes I however, the doctors, after a consulta- game, but it was thrown out as the | tion, deemied her too weak to undergo result of a protest. ithe trying o~deal. Death came to her; Svsa-------- relief on Friday morning, 2lst inet, Bankers All In. {The funeral of the decenved lady was It wes stated, to-day, that there is! largely attended on Sunday, Lied, to a probability of the Bankers hasshall [the Roman, Catholie Senietery. dete: team dropping out of the Mercantile MI! viemng nti cue! o rgb --t -- League, through inability to get their tinction of creed, or pay ta s a team together to play the game {bute of respect 'to one Who Was We aia {and favorably keown in the communi Baseball Records. ty. Deceased was a model Christian Eastern Leagne--Toronto, 1; Balt. | mother, hug uectionsite ng Jhithtul more; 3. Montreal, 96; Jersey City, wife, and a tus fend, - jo Srey 2.1. - Rochester, 3-9 Newirk, 2} "pat | Indy, who was the daughter the is as ¥ Sence. 2 A late Patrick Dunn, wax born in Napa injo, & Ovi Te Coa N nee, fifty-cight years ago. To her hus ve na Arouklya "1 | band, Thomus Cisrrett, by whow she york, 3° pian. © froukivn, 33 Tal whe mrind Thty Auterican |eague-- Philadelphia, 3-8; | 2° Jeb. She is Shea, Sty Lo : Cleveland, 1:1. Boston, 4; Chicago, J. | prion A Beautiful Puppy. Peiroit, 8: Washington, 2. New York, John MeBartney, Earl street, 3 St Louis, 2 : | Canadian League--Hamilton, 4; Bersdy = ifol or TIE poppy. 10 nid sister, Mra. Seott, of Sudbury. the fin, 2. St. Thomas, 187; Guelph, 2-5. London, 3; Brantford, 2. was offeral a hand price before. it started for its journey but refused the ------------ ------ : 4 SPAS KING COMERS C52 55 Ce In London Qver the Morocco Sits- ~ ation---Spain and Britain to "London, - July 26.--The arival of ing Alfonso nul his conference with sent a The Kingrionw old boys' of Ottawa will nat run an excursion to Ning ston as has bees intended. A tele gram was |rocsived in the city Wed- snnouncing the fat, and said those who inténded coming would come on regular " Ur. Edward Ryan is in Torouto at i J of the Ontario bt . > . Thursday, but is not so sorfously in Both plain and Embroider cd, and Hemstitched and Plain Edges. Also 1m Damask. | GUEST TOWELS, made from DOY LIES of all kinds. very fine pure Linen Hackaback Towels for All Uses Fine Linen Huckaback Towels, with both Plain, Hemmed and Hemstitched ends from ; 20c Each to $1.00 Each Embroidered Towels Many Dainty Patterns. Stamped Towels Made from Fine Pure Linen, all ready Stamped and for KMBROIDERING. Plain Linen Towels In a great variety of makes, from 10e, 12ie, 15¢, 18¢, 20c, 25e up Serviettes In Plain and Damask Linen, neatly hemstitched with new narrow hem. 3 LINEN TEA POWELLING, 10¢, 12}c, 15e, 20c. LINEN CRASH TOWELLING 8c, We, 12¢, 15c. GLASS LINENBY THE YARD Be, 10¢, 12ic, 15¢ up. APRON LINENS, BUTCHER LINENS. } v J. Laidlaw & Son ee _-- eB Or WY | | : | ' : | { ' | sun Pevsrsssssssssnsssseely -------- Picton, July 25.~Mr. and Mrs. E M. Young were in Rochester, N.Y. for the Shriness' convention, also Mr. and Mrs. 1. Bedell. Miss E. Vandusen hax passed the Ottawa normal examina tions for kindergarten teacher, Mrs, Claude Wanoamaker and little som, 'amphet!, who hive been visiting at Mrs. Wannamaker's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles GG. Fox, ! a few days, returned: to her home at Salem (on Tuesday Manly Dutta, South Pav, was hurt hy his bay loader, last Old Boy Spruce Up For the A A A NN NNN NSN SRA Sat jared asx he was thought - to be al frst. Rome of the West Lake farmers ace engaged in tobacco growing this year, and if it promises good, it will be carried on more extensively. Mrs, fH. Williamson has heen visiting in New York with her mother. Mrs. H. Demaine, of Syracuse, is boarding in town for ihe : : We are selling some and ends in Ladies" Pate and Gun Metal Shoes cheap ils week. ¥ lopmentsf in the Morocean situation = soning. His believed that and bunting on Run up your flags Friday next and leave them owt wntil following. : Mise Mary Abbott has tetumed to city after visiting Misses Me securing 3 naval base on the west Perth Road Africa. the meantime, there is a goodi™ extitenent on the stock ex- , ing this matter" London!' it the much-talked-of | Germany may result from «f gossip has | const In deal of Ey war Tords, | The peat aflice garden is mach ad wired by passers-by. Joseph Kehos, the caretaker, has even sotton grow big in a hotbed. He planted the weed on May I0h. There are some snaps yon in New "Rhoes, A NG Headache 's Pills 1 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 ® rt odds 20 Per Cent, on all Men's Ox A Al ls A HE ING The 'Lockett Shoe Store eee Nernst ieeeesesrnesssreneeneseseresss -- nts ery for Peeve Feesesiiececccrescscncssccescsscnee ro