We fi wlace the Iron on trial for one week without any aost to you We have now dozens of pleased consumers of gas usiag them. 'Phone $15 or drop us & card and we will give you prompt attention 3 J. W. OLDFIN, Cov. Sydenhsm and Ordnance st -- PICTURES FRAMED RIGHT. If you are in doubt as to the character . of frame you neasd for a picture you contemplate framing ask our framer. ie can give you best stock, best work, best effect and bex: price of anybody in the city : L.A, WEESE & CO, Fhotos. 'alipaper For Health Drink McCarthey's Ale and Porter. It's the best. Agent, R. J. LAWLER SS DEPARTMENT - OF RAILWAYS AND CA CANALS. -t er Extension of Time, THE TIME 3 tenders for roa farther. exténded fram Monday, the 31sL day of Jaly, 1911, to Thursday, the 10th day of August, 1911, at 12 o'clock nook, By order, J K. JONES. Department of Rallway® and Canals, Ottaway July 17th, 1911 Newdpapers Inserting UNS advectise-|; ment without authority from the "Pe- partment will not be pald for it, eA SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH. WEST LAND REGULATIONS, ANY PERSON WHO 18 THE SOLE head of a family or any male over i§ yedrs old may homestead a quarter section of available Dowminfon land in Maditoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta. The applica ae must appear in person at the' nd ney or Subs Agency Tor Nene istriet. Entry by proxy may be made at any agency, on certain conditions, by father, mother, son, hier, brother or sister of intend- Inge omesteader ties---S8ix Months residence Spon nd cultivation of the land In each of hree years. A hom tender may jive arithin nine miles of his homestead on a them of AL least 80 acres Solely owned an oceupl by him or by his father, m . pr, Son, daughter, brother or sinter In certain Aistriets a homesteader tn standing Jay Dr mpt ® quarter a Romeatead, Price, 1. per ache ust reside u ube the " or pre- emption six months in each of six years from date of tead antry ( (Including the time ed to hom be ibis six years, cultivat & house worth W Deputy of th N.B.--Unauthorized this advertisement wil tor. 1uidhe Ely cron sted or who has exhauste right and eannot obtain y enter for i pur: Hoh in tera districts. Duties--Must ianths In --- each of three e 5908.00. Acres and erect Ww. CO (mister of the erto ublication of not be pald SEALED TENDERS, ADDRESSED to the undersigned, and endorsed Dok fore tehsinn to Tunnel Bay roc Hr dunt." will be re ceived ha acs until 4.60 pm. on Monday, August 21, 1911, for the con- struction of an extension to Tunnei Bay Dock, at Brockville, County of Leeds, Ont. Plans, specification and form of contract can be 'seen, and forms of tender. obtalded ut hig Department and at the'office of J G Sing, Esq. Chief Engineer, Confederation Efe Bullding," Torotite; and on application to the Postmaster at Brockville, Ont, 'Persons tendering are notified that tenders will not be considersd unless made on the printed forms supplied, and si with thelr actual signa- tures, $a he thelr occupations and placed of residence... In the case of firme, "the aettal signature, the nature of the occupation, and place of resid. ence of each member. of the firm must be given. Bach tender must be Accompanied by an acoe tod cheque on a chartered bank, pava to the order of 'the Honourable he Minister of Public Works, equal to ten per cent. (16 pe) of the amount of the tender, which will be forfeited H the person tender. ing decline to enter into a contract ol called uperr to do sa, or fail to ple the work contracted for, If the tender be not acepted the cheque will be returned The Department does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender, By order, t DESROCHERS, Secretary. Department. of Public Works, ttawa July 24, isl) 4 Newspapers will not be paid for this advertisement If they insert It with out authority from the D¥partment. Oo Srcccssssssnassssssenesl RR DECEIVING umMERs |10 BF A GREAT RACE MOTOR BOATS ON THE RIVER NEXT MONTH. OF Dixie 1V., Loaned to Frontenac Yacht Club, Has Easily Attained a Speed of Kortys «six Miles an Hour; The Dixie IV, which was built for a {syndicate composed of Commodore H. iH. Melville, Viece-Commodore Frederick K. Burnham and August Hegkseber, of the Motor Boat U hab 3 51 America, fog the elimination trial races 40 select d team of three defenders to Face against a trio of Eoglish challengers for the British International cup, otherwise known as the Harmsworth trophy, bas been given a preliminary trial trip. ft in said that, while she was pot driv. en to her full limit capacity, she show- ed a speed of forty-six miles an hour. The designers and the owners' repre sentative, Frank N. Morley, secretary of the Motor Boat Club of America, were so well pleased with the Dixie's showing that they are more confident now than over that the new craft will qualify for the American team and will succeed in. keeping the cup on this wide of the Atlantic, The Dixie is reported as havikg travelled as good as fifLy-two miles an hour for a short distance, and if the designers had desired she probably could have been driven to the guagan-, teed speed of fifty-five miles an hour, but this was not desired on account of the boat's engines and: gegr being and untried for such ca sefere| ten {eAT> Through the courtesy of Commodore Melville and his associates, the Dixie 1V has been loaned to the Frontenac Yacht Chub by 'the Motor Boat Club of Ametica, to defend the cup, as the former organization has no suitable flyer to make a good showing against the English speed marvel, On account of the strenuous efforts which it is expected the Thousand Is lands Yacht Club will make, next month, regain possession of the famous Gold Challenge cup, as well nd the fact that. certain indieations give weight to the rumor that England will make a bid for the cup by send- ing one of its fastest speeders all the way across the Atlantic for a try, the comipg event, the premier of the mo tor boating world this season, the famous Gold . Challenge cup races, schediled to be run over the Fronlenae course, on August Sth, 9h and 10th, have aroused all sorts of interest in every section of the country. For the first time in the nine vears' history of the Gold Challenge cup, the race may be obkerved from shore or yacht, in its entirety. The Frontenac course, off Clayton, N.Y., requiring the boals to pass four times over the ground in covering the prescribed twenty-eight miles, is, per haps, unequaled in the entire country, the rising bluffs commanding a view of thy triangular that requires not | even the nse of glasses to note the position of the racing boats down the course, to No Excuse Whatever. With a remedy available such as Wade's "Iron" Tonic' Pills, there is no excuse for complaining of illness aris ing from general debility, impoverish- ed blood, nervousness, sleeplessness, ete, A treatment of Wade's Iron Tonic Pills will restore robust health by toning up the system. Price 25 cents, For sale by Jas. B. Mcleod, drug- gist. A Dance at Pittsburg, A very enjoyable dance was held, Wednesday night, at Rogers' Grove, Pittsburg. About three hundred peo- pla were preséit, and enjoyed a very pleasant evening. A new platform has been erected on the grounds. A ber of the campers were present, Cros, by & O'Connor's orchestra : furnished the music, There will be only one delivery at the post office on Monday, on account of the ecivie holiday. The office will close at. eleven o'clock, but the lobby will be open all day. +8econd Hand Furniture ® Stock of New and Second- urniture; also all kinds of Pre- Jars. Call at H., Bugerman's, Ontario Street. Lar hand servin 24 2000000000000000000000 * J OUTING SUITS CLEANED. .o We clean golf, tennis and g other outing sults to the satis : faction of particular people. ® We give satisfaction. TR PARKER & CO, . Dyers end Cleaners, 6 Princess ST, Kingston, Ont. slo OADSORGSOIGS! 2080000000000 00000000 CONSPICUOUS 1X A IN A BALLROOM. Flakes of Dandraft on the Collar and Shoulders of a Gentleman in Full Dress. This is the thing you quite frequent- soe in the ball-foom--a man's black fgramme: eon t Nyasally covered with : dau: num- ¢la nurse in many homes of HE sEAkcn KOR ¥. ¥. 2. AuNor. Canadian 'Detective Seeks Ares Somes. Ogdeysburg, N 2X. July 20--On 'or formation received "from Fimira with a newspaper clipping relative fo ah alleged elopemgent of Frederick not and Misa. Ethel Moy ken: od C. Stone; an Ontario provincial de- tective, left for Ottawa in search of the couple, The note received from Elmira sta ted that Arnot and Miss Baker Lad been seen at the corner of Sparks aud Sussex streets, Ottawa, on the mor ing of July 17th. The detectives have been searching Montreal in the beliel that the couple left Zor that city, but no trace of them has been found there, Detective Stone, who is workiay un the case, is acquainted with bi He was at the ferry docks when they arrived in. Prescott. His suspicions were aroused at the time and be 1. Jowed thenr to the Alexandsa Hotel and stood by the register when tid woman registered "Mr. and Mrs. John McBain." He claims to be confident 'that they will be eaptiared. descriptions having been sent Lo muny police offices and detective hu. 2rus. The couple, it is said, male in juir- ies as to the fare to Naneuver, h.C A warrant charging both wih bigamy a8 been issued, the Canadian laws ings such that Miss Baker can be held on that. charge if it can Jo pret ven that she was aware thsi Amo had a wife and family; * Surprise is expressed at the risk fahen by both in remairfng here for days after' their reported marri- iige in Brockville. At the time of she ceremony. . announcement of ihe wedding was made in the Pros aviila papers, the right' names of the j1'n- ciples being (#ven. The fact that they stated they were from Rochistec protected the brief announcement fiom local attention. f GANANOQUE TIDINGS, J. R. Serson - Has Returned Home to Recuperate. July 27.~The coal Taber finished un- and cleared for Rev. 'Gananoque, schooner Horace loading, yesterday, Oswego. Byers & Anglin have bad their big stone evusher. at work for some Lime past, getting ready to start the con erete walls of Parmenter & Bullock's pew. factory. Quite a large gang of men are at work. Farmers from the rear of the town ship report that considerable damage has been done to the grain crop by the heavy winds. In many places whole fields of corn were levelled to the ground. Three silos, . owned by farmers in a radius of a bali mile, were wrecked, James A. Thomson has disposed of his motor launch, Kamma-Zi, to Joshua Hill, of Berryton, and has yurchased the Guess from W. J. Me Jonald. Mrs. Joseph Dempster, who lhas been undergoing trealment in Brockville geners Fospital, for sev eral weeks, returned home, yesterday, much improved. Miss Edith Jackson, teacher in Wal- son, Sask., has returned to spend her holidays with her parents here. Mrs. H. A, Crooks,| Paris, Ont., and Miss Florence Reid, nurse in New York hos: pital, have arrived to spend a few weeks with their mother, Mrs. D. J, Reid, at her gummer residence on Tre 'mont Park. ~ Rev. J. R. Serson, patient for sev- eral weeks past in Pruxo eneral hospital, yeturned home, a to | recuperate, after his recent serious op- eration. The Misses Margaret and Eleanor Kane, E. Cosgrave and Beatrice G. Aikens, spending thé past week in Montreal and Quebec, returned home yesterday. THE LATE 'MRS. QUINN, ------ ' Popular in the City of Watertown, THe Times, Watertown, N.Y. Mrs, Georgisna A. Quinn, wile of Samuel: Quinn, died about four o'- elock Tuesday afternoon at the home in Emerson Plave. Mrs, Quinm is well known in this city, where she was for poveral years a nwse. Her death was due to child birth, The child was born shortly after two o'clock Tuesday afternoon, and Mrs. Quinn's death followed about two hours later, The infant has also pass- ed away. Mrs. Quinn was thirty-three years of age. She came to this City from King- ston, Ont, where shé grispated as a nurse, from the Kingston hospital school. After coming here she acted as the city and as such she gained 4 large circle of friends. She was popular among : v set. Belore her marriage vod hg Georgiana Nugent. About two years ago she was quiet ly wedded to Me. Quinn, who has been associated with the Felt Drug Co. for several years. Besides her husband Mrs. Quinn is survived by her mother, who ~resides in Kingston, Ont.; two brothers and ww sister, Mra. Cunning hatte of Chicage Sal will be held from the Be, 20 Emerson Place, Friday morn- ing at eight o'clock, and from the Holy Family church, at 8.30. The will be taken to Kingston om the, 0 train for interment. i the. Torte Was Very he. ati will play in ing from eight ny "The Chasbere; valse, "Mariana," Waldten- fel; wope daves, Tn the Sha- "Sam wd Deh Se Soe y ection, "he Merry on 3 mores jie, - Tan Pothey Hats rapuent); concert via, Les Chaatears * Mishmele King. Aliral d Lie, Ww. God Save the and 0. BRAN, be bendmastér ROCHA, - * call | Guelph Minister. Cluelph, July '27.--The congregation of 8t. Andrew's church, Moose Jaw, AE ONTARO PAR TO-NIGHT--mszie at 230 BIG FREE SHOW VAUDEVILLE AND PICTURES, PROGRAMME CHANGED =" THURSDAY AND MOXDAY. Steamer America BU LLETIN, FRIDAY, JULY B Broekvitle asf ¢ mre : SATURDAY, JULY '26, '238 Tour of the Islands, Soe. SUNDAY, JULY 30 730 ag. Regular tripe yo retur wo GRE, 3 JULY 31, "230 pametPour of Ea AUG, "3 2.30 pwm~Tour of the islands, SOc. WEDNESDAY, ATG 2, THR. am--- Shoot the Rapids to Irogquels, Soc, aT ON ALL TRIPS, Str. QUINTE QUEEN LEAVES SWIFT'S WHARF 7.30 AM. EVERY TUESDAY FOR LAKE oN MOUNTAIN, GIVING 2 HOURS N PICTON. sar § flape Vin. LEAVES SWIPFS WH RVERY WEDNESDAY FOR G 9QLE AND ALEX, BAY, GIVING EX- CURSIONISTS DELIGHTFUL 65 MILE TOUR THROUGH BOTH CHAN: NELS, ALSO 1 FULL HOUR AT ALEX, BAY, RETURN FAR Ge. SPECIAL RATE ON § TH RTs. EITHER TRIP. Thudsdays sud Fridays open for charter. D. S. COLLIER, 44 W. Union St, Kingston, Ont, July §, 1811, AUCTION SALE Saturday, July 20th, ON MARKET SQUARE, Chestnut Fiily; 3 years old Sdundy, Kind and tri Single and Double, Sale at 11 o'clock WM. MURKAY, Auctioneer 28, 8.00 amGanan-| mdenshurg,' ana 200) Td CONTRACTORS TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED AT the office of the County Clerk, Court House, up to 9 am, of August 1st, for the several trades works required in the erection and completion of an ad- dition to the Sydenham High School fog the Board of Education Plans and specification may be seen at Mr. Wiliam Griffith's, Sydenham, and at on and after the 25th inst Lowest or any tender not necessarily acoepted, 2 & BON, POWE Architects, Merchants' Batik, Cha Ambers, Givie" Hollday MONDAY," Juty™ Ei v1 heen set axide as Vd Rader NG by the Corporation of the City of Kin ton, now, therefore, I TLR Fir day . £0 DanaRnitY Public Holiday And call the. same. It is retjuested,. inh coming of the Old BoyE not only that the day sh Bal) be generally observed, but alse that the citizems deforade their residences ag places of * busi: ness, J GEAIAM 26, Hari. . upon all eltizens to observe of the home- & * fa) Kingston, July Terai nd Norytown News, Mallorytown, July 95. Fon P js visiting = Harold | Wells) a fo Many of the farmers hive fimis al hay: ing in this district. Alexander Huston was at Lynj Suntlay to see hig sister, who was hurt by & fall down stairs, A lawn social is to be held on fhe lawn of Ja Scott's, Caintown, on Friday everiing in 'did of the Metho- dist church there. Frank Tapping was im the village on Tuesday. Egbert Mallory logded a rar of stock for the Montreal market, on Saturday. The pry tan: apples from 'the trees and malt' Heres of grain cammot be bound hy der. A. P. Guild, i& pot very ill. Dr. T. H. sratiord, wile: daughter, of Cal- gary, Alta, are visiting her mother, Mrs. Avery on.their return from Eng- Jand and Scotland, before leaving for their home in the west. David Haws and Frank an, havieg. ¥xchang- ed farms, are moving. Nat Kelly, of Escott, was at Brotkvi ton, of Fort William, is holidays itl be her Hugh Gray. Sou Lie "sl a visting Nr fey fo Ede eo i rr y Sunday viniting, Fiend in Par a he war, Vo on his rou road, and farthers him, tog m work 3 Tots of women are never so happy us when 2 Wis, alpensy,, , taiking "Huyler's sweets." * the offices of the undersigned wind of Monday has blown off pany | i g fvery HL @ = The People' s Kk orum Flest 'secutive iasertion thereafter hall one insertion 23e; three Insertions, oe; six, $1: one month, $2. HELP--WANTED, GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. Apply to 199 King Street East, LADIES MAID FOR STR. NORTH King, Apply to Jos Titen, Iro- qucia Hotel ONCE, A GOOD GENERAL SER- vant, Apply, Mrs. MS Sather land, 181 oar ONCE, A HOUSEMAID AT ROCK- oud Hospital: good Wages Ap- ply to the Mairon EXPERIENCED GENERAL SER- vam: no washivg or fronlog. Ap- ply, In the evening, to 45 Gore 5 DINING-ROOM GIR) AND A Address, Napanee. rE, Hunte, ARRY MEN: per day and Pexploration Ont. LABORERS AND Fh ages, $1.35 ts to Apply Syndicate, ofiins' Bay. A -- i WANTED FOR PRIVATE Christmas cards, sither Fox sample baok free. large profs Chipchase, "Cardex," Darlington, England. AGENTS STENOGRAPHEN EXPERIENCED office; must be required for city energetic and aceurates good wages Apply, in own handwrits Ing, to Box THA, hie office. CAPABLE OLD COUNTRY DOMES. ties, arriving August Sth, August 18th, Sept. 3rd and weekly after, Apply now, The Guild, 7. I'rum- mond Street, Moatreal or. 1M Grenville Street, Toronto CLERKS TO SELL ARTICLES MUCH needed in every ro pecially by working men; i per- manent 'position; si you are work- ing for small salar nrg behind the counter, write to- and § you can double your wages sn be our own boss. Apply, Box * Whig cent a werd, Mislmum 'change for) Chambermaid at a Roya) wef pe AWELLING SYEIURS, MR A, SUMMER RESORTS. ma "THE ALEXANDRAM{ JUSY THER lace for a quiet vadation; eoolin reexes; Tight on the shore of Lake Ontario: good table; mode rate rates. cirenlar on application to Alex. MeAdam, Manager, Weil. ington, Prince Edward County, 13 HEALTHY Youre and six weeks old bert Gptler; Rievoa, Pias, Apply ont. , FOUR te Gil. COND-HAND THIRTEEN ill, in good condition. Ap=- D. J. Hay, Clarence Strest. ONE SE Disa In y to Ont LOST. NRINDLE By ' DOG: LAST SEEN ON Dltkng wed Fires Eindep PE et ith te TPE Bagot We * L : 2 HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. A WIG wv ARIETY OF WALNUT AND mahogany Chars ' and Safe at ve Ty low prices Turk's Phone 10 Sivisiag Steet' good cenar, 38 ern mprovements, wit a ig Wot. Apply on premises, SEVEN-ROOM FRAME HOUSKR GASOLINE FOR 15a GALLON, Cylinder Olls, Grease, Columbia Ignitor Batteries, served prom at any time at Kpapp's Boat House, ir BRUNSWICK Hore. ONTARIO ST. on 8! reel bar wopalind with best of wines and liquors; charges. moderate; Speciat rates by the week John inesu, Prop. THR GRINASON : ROTEL, 342.344 Prin reet. Bar stocked with the t: of Ales, Beers. ines and _cholcest ors, Cigars. Meals, 26¢c cach, or ol Yates By the week. Fr stable agcommodat reasonable. ville ¢ 5 Driscoll TO LEX, A McCaun, §1 Brock Breet] SUMMER COTTAGES AND FURNISH. ed Dwellings. J.B, McCann, #1 Brock Street. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, dry, airy rooms, roof; your own rost's City Btorage, 'Phone 26h. CLEAN, absolutely moth lock and key 29% Queen Bt FROM MAY ist, BRICK HOUSE, Ne. 181 Division Street: Satension Kitchen; hut waler heatin hes Appl to Frederick Wel 7 Division Street. BRICK HOUSE, No. 28 WELLINGTON Street, near Park; ten large rooms; Improvements to sult good tenant Apply to 1. Cohen, care of Susman & Cohen, or 138 Queen Street. TURRETY Mechanics marine and tool increasing LATHE, Lathe BORING Operators to assemble sn 1 engine test fk makers, in a its capacity; a. golden opportunity te "start up" for the right men; only Eood mechanics perd appty. stating fully experience, age. r= ferences and remuneration want 20 Alhambra Toronte MILL, an parts, men factory ed, Ava; FINE, NEW FURNISHED COTTAGES at Eastview Park, on St Law. rence, five miles from city, and pasture for horses Apply ta | 3. Covke, City; 4. 1. Boyd, r Eric, P.O we FURNITURE FINISEER WANTED--GENERAL. YOUR FLAGSTAFF NEEDS RE- halribg for Old Boys" Day 'phone 611 KE. Paradis, w HOUSE TO RENT, AT OXCE, AROU1 7 pooms, couvenient © locality, or rooms to rent. Gardiner & Bate: man, Estate Agents, SHOE REPAIRING OF EVERY DE. scription; first class work; best leather only used; one trial will suffice, Bring your repairs te Scott's, al. Barrie Street, cor. of Clergy West. TLEMNEN TO BRING THEIR loth and have it made up Into up to-date suits. Price and workman- mip guarunteed to please. Pressin repiiring done on the shorteg Aico Thomas Galloway, Brock Bt, next Bibby's A ANY PERSON HAVING GOOD SE- cond-hand Furniture and Btoves before disposing drop me a card I will pay good prices. I have for sale Brasé and Iron Beds and all kinda of Furnityre in Oak, Happy Tho t ges. Will sell reason. able. J ompson, 333 Princass Btrest i= OCEAN STEAMSHIP AGENOY. RA LANTIC LINES, 4 NSAT AN Kirkpatrick, ALL CX! es. 42 Saronce Street, Kingston. 'Phone OSTEOPATHY. PERSONALS. GE Long Point Locals. Lowl Point, July 35. Mes, Honey J. Palmer and som, Leo, have retura- to their home in Waiertown, N.Y. fo {gd and Mrs. Samuel Chipman and son, Victor, have returned. to Olta wa, after two weeks' visit at Jacob Bryan's. Miss Stella Sy in visitiog at Mrs. Susan S Mies) Townsend, acini ho home for a two weeks' viet with -- parents. Charles Slack, Athens, spent Tuesday and W with mother, Mrs. Joanna Mra. John | Bay, visited Mrs. HAIR,. MOLE bigrol permaLentty . Ei i . David Townsend Brockville. Dr. Fergus OC onnor aud two little daughters, Norah and Mas garet, sre spending a few days .C C. O'Consor's. Mrs. L. E Murphy daughters, Ethel and Mildeed, x Borr dam, N.Y., have returned home. Miss Myrtle Mek aes ju visiting he sister, Mes. J . Mr. nd a J. Sykes and a Lennie, visited at Josiah Runnings', Owilet, on Sunday ANT! UR FURNITURE A SPECIALTY, wb sbeniging and gliding. ocnameliln 1 colors of mission Dork; Re ven best attention al 33 John Street. "Pom ork Driscoll, 95 LEGAL. OUNNINGHAM & WMUDIR, BARRIS. ers and Bolicitors. Law Office, 1 Clarence Bt, Kingston DENTAL. SPARKS AND SPARKS, DENTISTS, 230 1-2 Princess Btreet, Kingston 'Phone 346. DDS, DENT. H. SIMPS a Street. Telephone ist, 258 626. N, L.D.S. rincess DR. ©. ©. NASH, DENTIST Welcker, sssistant, 183 briacess it 'Phone 186 DR. A. E. KNAPP, DENTIST, 18 MONT. real Street, near Princess Street 'Phone 653. 5 A AYKROYD, D.D.S, LDS; DEN Le Ist, over Dominion Express Of is Wellington Street, 'Phone 10 BUSINESS CHANCES. ANYWHERE, CAN START mall order business at home. No sanvadsing Be your own no Bend for free booklet. Tells how Hescock, 1969 Lorkport, NY MEDICAL ANYON a » B.A rgeon, Toe aw ap {aa ot Lin, hours, 19 1» € and 7 to % pm Oneness UPHOLSTERER, LE Save ate carpet pore 'hair at UTGHARED YEAR-OLD SOW, Legh Hens, Wyeoff strain; bred for h eR production Ad. dress. nnie Bryant, Pf. Box 42 Division Siteet > S.C. WHITE LEGHORN one year old; pure bred; egg-laying strain; 78¢ each; to make room for pullets Marrison, Cataragqul, Opt. HENS, heavy want A NEW FRAME HOUSE, modern improvements, lot 44 132: good harm, Apply on pre mises, 138 Pine Street, or corner of Bay add Montreal Streets raat ROOMS, IF YOU WANT A Gea STORE OR Balcony Awning, Porch Curtain, Waggon Cover, Cork Life Pregery- ers or Femders for 'your motor bold, drop & card to Capt, Joseph 1 Relnc » Dix, mn Strest, ORD- business LISHED GROCERY smart, village. with Bakery usiness; t holiness 4d Gardiner & Bate- Clarence Street n AND OPPORTUNITY, will sacrifice OWNER RE. i splendid oa Millinery Hiei nens with trade ant exeeilent w full particulars, ad- 17s Wellington 2 ished ne Kin gst NEW SOLID BRICK HOUSE, 70 SE » Nireft sever rooms; good cellar, hat 7' air farpses madern improventenis; gas; lot." 40 x 156; possess about 1st Sepl | ewner leaving city; smap for gulck huyer On preinises on ol) the Apply mr sam-- ------------------ -- FLAGS, AWNINGS, TENTS, CANORA, camping outfits, fishing ARChis: marine supplies, lunch baskets, English raincoats, everything In Ainvas, kit bags, siik tents, spray hoods, motor boat supplies, Frank W. Cooke, 2369 Ontarico St. 'Phone $91 or 23. FOR SALE OR TO LET. THE EXTENSIVE BUSINESS PRE. mises for many years vocupled by Henry Skinner & Ce, Wholesale Druggists, extending from Prins cess Sireet to Queen Btreet, with frontage on both, and Includin tensive buildings. Apply 10 Tune ningham & Mudie ~ BOARD AND ROOMS. BRIGHT, AY WoomMs, wirtH OR without board; can be had at 321 University Avenue; convenient to cars, gas, and all modern cons venlences, ARCHITECTS. nekRYy P, SMITH, ARCHITECT, ETC, King Street. 'Phone 348. ARTHUR ELLIS,. ARCHITROT,, - Telepuine ing Avenue. i Ss -------- WM. *EWLANDS & SON,. AROHI- tects, ete. Office, 158 Bagot Street, Phony 80). POWER & SON, AR hants' Bank on HITROTS MER ullding, _cornes rock and Wellington Pireets, FINANCE AND INSURANCE. oR INSURANCE THAT INSURES GO o W Godwin & Bon's Insurance ort over Northern Crown Bank, Brock Street, or 'pohns 434. GENERAL INSURANCE--FIR LiFe, Accident and Health Polleles 1ssu- ed; first-class companies; standard rates. T. J. Boon, Agent, 158 Wellington Street. G, A. BATEMAN, CUSTOMS BROKER and Insurance, Fire, Lite, Accident or Indemnity in first class come anles, 'Phone 386 Clarence treet, Kingston, Ont FRONTENAD LOAN AND INVE me ety; established aT, Bir Richard Cartwright; money issued on city and arm roperties, municipal snd eoun i: morigages purcha {eposiis gectived and, interost a lo A «© snag! Director, ¥1 Clarence "btrect ' Tey: LIVERPOOL, LONDON. AND Fire Ingurance, ec Zompany. oy which the LL urity the So "the stockholders. tion to ve fob "ia fiity ind er Sirens. 3. Morgan Shaw, of Faroito,. last. trip | throtgh = hers made a business last week. The fellow who simply site down | aod hopes for the best is hopeless. aany a mas who is honed really has the soul of a rabbit. a We put all our Coal carefully over a screen before delivery. Try us for your supply. -- Dr. Martel Female Pll Bvescrfiad andsesmmendadiios So scientifically of proven worth," The result from their use be quick and permanent. For sale of ofl drug stores, © wh