Harvesters' Excursions DESERONTO, © T0 ER TEAST AOR: por G4. emos. STEWART, Prop. "TRAVELLING. "F-%] LW FN GRAND TRUNK 5¥s7Em Kingston Civic Holiday JULY 31st, SINGLE FIRST CLASS FARE, Good golag P.M. trains July 29th, all trains July 30th and 31st. good to return until. August 1st. SEASIDE EXCURSIONS AUGUST 6th, 7th, Sth and 9th. Good to return until August 31st. AUGUST 16th and 25th. $10.00. : TO WINNIPEG AND WEST. For full particulars, apply to J. P. HANLEY, Agent, Cor, Johnson and Ontario Sts. f KINGSTONG IE MBROKE - p v N\ TYRANNY' IN CONNECTION W CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY, TO THE Canadian North West $10.00 ON AUGUST 16th and 25th, To Moose Jaw and East--Pro- portionately -low rates" beyond to and including McLeod, Calgary and crevices, thoroughly cleanses corrects oral asodity, AINTY WOMEN they find mote s sweet, clesp, whale: some condition in the mouth 4 the daily use of BAN L TOO POWDER. Prophylactic and highly an. tiseptic, it penetrates the the teeth, and 25¢. at ony, drug store. "Becond Hand Furniture Large Stock of New and Second: hand Furniture; also all kinds of Pre- serving Jars, Call at HH, Sugerman's, » 242 Ontario Street. CLEANING OR DYEING MEN'S CLOTHING. We. clean or dye 'men's clothing to your entire satl:- faction. We send the clothes back looking like new. Our long experience has taught us the best way. R. PARKER & CO, Dyers nad Cleaners, 09 Princess St, Kingston, Out, S00 00COOOIROOONS KINGSTON BUSINESS C).'t 3: fT (Limited). "Highest Education at Lowest Cost" Jswenty-sixth , Fall Tern Joking August . Courses Is kkeoping Bhbrth Tele graphy, Civil Service and lah, Our graduates get the positions. Within a short time Over sixty secured positions with one of the rations in tme, tion. Edmonton, vs V ' Homeseokers' Excursions SASKATCHEWAN ¥ * ---- NEGROES OF THE STATK OF GEORGIA FOREVER. THE Good Character Suffrage is Propos- ed by Representative Slade, Who Would Leave Proof to the Wo- men, Atlanta, Ga, July 28.--Fixing good character as one requisite for qualify- ing to vote, aud determining good character by the test of respect for good womanhood, is the intent of a proposed chan, in the constitution ol Georgia, A thared by Representa- tive J. J. Slade, of Muscogee county, and favorably reported to the legis laturd by the committee on constitu- tional amendments. ly admit its purpose is to forever dis franchise the negroes. Discussing the measuré before the committee, Hepre- sentative Slade declared that it will 'have the effect to disfranchise every negro in 'Georgia, regardless of what other qualifications he might possess, "Circulars are being sent out to negroes all over, the state telling them to- hurry up and get in a position to qualify for the ballot under the edu- cational and property qualifications," said be. "I want to stop it and make it impossible for anyone with a black or mulatto skin to vote in Georgia, no matter how much book learning he may possess. The protection of the white race demands that the| negroes be made positively and for the political nferiors of the whites, As they are 'the social inferiors."" ~<f In 'view of the fact that under 'the pr amendment respect for good womanhood becomes the prime re quisite for qualifying for the ballot, some member asked Capt. Slade how white men would be able to establish proof of good character as defined. "Any good white man can get a good white woman to testify that she would trust him in the dark," replied the captain. "Ii"any white man can- not, the scoundrel should be disfran- chised,"" The amendment provides that when the registrar refuses to register a man on the ground that he is not of good 1s MRS. HAYNES CHILD © OF AUSTRIAN ALLIANCE? Endeavoring to Prove That She is the Daughter of the Crown Prince Radelgh. , i Montreal, July 2. ~Mrs. Cec prge Osborne 'Hayne's, clgim ito relationsihup with the royal h Austria-Hun- {gary is not credited in the official cir- cles of the diplomatic service &f the empire, represented in Montreal by Herman Hann von Hamnenheim, con- sul-general for Canada. } "It may not be chivalrous to doubt a lady's word," said Mr. von Hamenen- heim, "but I am of the opinion that { Mus, Haynes stofy is. of doubtful au- thenticity, to say the least. There have been many stories published of the private life of the Crown Prince Rudolph, most of which are altogether fanciful. This, 1 imagine, is one of Py a 4 The friends of the amendment frank- them. The claim, of course, is not an limpossible one, but it is a highly im- probable one." ; Further than this Mr. Von Hammen- heim did not care to discuss the mat official interest in the case. Many stories have been published from time to time detailing the inei- dents leading up to the night of the death of Crown Prince Rudolph and the beautiful Countess Vecera in the lonely hunting lodge in the forest of Meyerling. No offidal account of the tragedy in which the heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary met his end was issued from the ill-starred palace of the aged monarch Francis Joseph, the tragic history of whose immediate famiiy has been a load of sorrow to the old or for years, un emper many til he stands alone, a sad, hearthrok: |. en man of over eighty years of age. The Crown Prince Rudolph had married, for reasons of state, Princess Stephanie of Belgium, but. the alli ance was not a happy one, there hav- ing ben no love between the Austrian heir and the princess from the neigh- boring kingdom. This was the sate of affairs between the two, when the prince met the beautiful Baroness Ve- cera of Vienna and the two fell madly in love. For many months the gossips of Vi- {enna were busy associating the names | jof the two lovers with many unwise ter, adding smilingly, that he had no character, the latter may secure a re- (and secret meetings and at last the sets on Sunlight Soap. Used in every country in the globe in pref- erence to com- mon soaps because it cleanses clothes more , at half the cost and in- TH H REMEDY gu AY No. Used in Fi tals with great success. Oures blood ison, bad legs sores, discharges(eitherses jweakness Vigo: rlvigatiorce, drains Tostes Be. Either No.at d ot Mail §1 from Fougera & Co. 90 Beekman ..New York City, or Lyman Bros. Co. Ltd. Toronto. Ifin doubt No. required. send scif addressed envelope in free book to Dr, Clee Med.Co. Haverstock Rd, ampstead, London, . Try vewDragée(Tasteless) Porm of TRErapion, casy to take, safe, lusting cure. Prompt Deliveries. PAGE SEVEN. We Make Brass, Bronze, or Aluminum Castings Send Your Patterns. The Canada Metal Co. Ltd., Fraser Avenue, Toronto > ISS . Womens' Oxfords at $1.50 Women's regular $2.50 and $3.00 Vigi Kid, Patent Colt 8kin, Gun Metal, Calf and Tan Calf, now - Nv - $1.50. ideas, who ha ve some inventive abili write SRERLETS MelNTIR Attorneys, ington, B. C i RET The Summer has only begun but already the merits of Dalton's Lemonade have sold more than enough to give a glass to every man, woman and child in Canada. Up to date, enough has been sold to make 10,437,000 glasses (over ten millions)--and over 860,000 bottles. Loaded on cars IMITATOR the quantity would make a train of 26 carloads. DALTON"S LEMONADE "A Pure Food Product Contains NO OTHER Acid « MANITOBA, AND ALBERTA. August 8th, 22nd. Sept. Gth, 19th. Tickets good for 60 days. Full particulars at K. & P. and C.P.R. Ticket Office, Ontario Street. F. CONWAY. Gen. Pass. Agent. versal of the registrar's decision by court and city 'were shocked by the securing the statement in person of | news that Crown Prince Rudolph had two or more chaste white women of [petitioned the pope to divorce him good standing before said registrar | from the Princess Stephanie and coun- that they are willing to trust said | tenance his marriage with the Aus applicant for registry. It in said thelirian baroness. This petition was re- amendment will probably be passed.! fuged by the pontiff, as were many -------------- {others addressed to him. The royal + Entrance Results. {father of the infatuated prince sternly Pieton--I. Allison, F, Allen, G. Ack- refused his sanction to any such pro erman, A. Brown, F. Carter, M. Cart- |ceeding and things seemed hopeless er, R. Carter, M. Connor, C, Davis, N. {for the lovers to whom report said a _| Embury, CC. Frederick, R. Frederick; {child had been born. E. Foster, M. Farrington, G.' Good-| Strenuous efforts were being put win, R. Gilmour, B. Galt, S. Holmes, forth to separate the two but to no H. Hudgin, E. Hubbs, D. Hubbs, L. lavail. The prince threatened to re- Hyatt, D. Hickey, H. Irwin, L. Gor- inounce his claim to the throne of his don, I. Kennedy, C. Leavitt, ~A. Me- father and to marry the baromess, in Cattney, M. Moore, G, Mastin, B. spite of the fiats of emperors and { Merry, H. Miller, L. Musgrovei, I. | popes. Marriage, however, without « Osborne, E. Preston, L. Palmatier, B. [the blessing of the church seemed an Powers, F. Roblin, X. Shortt, A. | empty proceeding to the beautiful Shepard, M. Stinson, A. Steet, H. Haroness and the two spent secluded Smith, G. Spraguei, W. Turnbull, H. days together in the deepest misery. v 3 ro A 1 'TAft,'G. Taylor, M. Thompson; V.{ Then, one night when things seemed AR i + 7 *] Vand , G. Vipeent, H. Wright, hopeless, the two went together to Gi. Walmsley, M. Welsh, I. Welsh, C. [the royal hunting lodge in the forest E. [of Meyerling and died in each ' other's BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY. Train leaves Union Station, Ontario Street, 4 p.m. dally (Sunday sxcepted), , Sydenham, Naps hy ser - kburn an all hointa iL pure quick despatch to riooth, snd ints on oute your shipments uinte Railway, For furs ars, a RA . H. Ward, nt; J. H. We ch, Pass Agent. 'Phone No. 3, ALLAN LINE Royal Mail Steamers mE DE LARRY , PICTURESQUE ST. LAWRENCE Quebec Stanship Company River and Gulf of St. Lawrence ROUTE. = MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL, June 23; Fri. July 21 Corslean, Fri, June ; Fri, July 28 Virginian, Fri, July 7; Fri, Aug. 4, Tunisian, Fri, July 14; Fri, Aug. 1L MONTREAL TO GLASGOW. Hesperian, Sat, June 24; Bat, July 22. RE RR A Bootinn, Hat, July 1s: Bat., Aug. 12." MONTREL = HAVRE AND Victorian, Fri, This service is composed of one class, second cabin steamers, salling from Montreal every Saturday. Rates moderate. * Full information on application to J. P, HANLEY, C. 8. KIRKPATRICK, G.T.Ry. Clarence Bt. Agents, Kingston, THE ALLAN LINE, 77 Yonge Street, Toronte. Semmer Cruises in Cool Latitudes, 8.8. "Caseapedia™ 1,900 tons, re- sently fitted out on Lhe Clyde, speci. ally Tor thie s+ ice, with all modern comforts ON SAILS 1.va MONTREAL THURSDAY, at 4 p.m, 3rd, 17th and dist August, 14th an ¥sth September, and from Quebec the following day at oR otow, 8, ng at Perce, Grand River, PERFECTION COCOA Is good for Growing Girls and Boys--and they bke it. It nourishes their little bodies and makes them healthy and strong. Cowan's Cocoa, as you get it from your grec, is absolutely pure. hts delicions flavor is obtained by the use of the highest grade of Cocos beans, skilfully blended. Nothing is added to impair the heahth. building properties of the Cocoa. Do You Use me PEI, and Charlotte: town, ¥ New York From Quebec the far-famed River Saguenay, saline at Qinpe lottetown and. a BS ha t8p 1 iy » from Qui - mm. uly, 11th and 25th August, R Stl Sept. Excursions, $10 and w Screw S88. "Bermudi or & fling from New Yo at Taty, $th, 18th and 30th every 10 days thereafter. Sea breezes above » ¥ trips the season for ' tal apply to ES Me REAE WE gong on, esos] STE : North King & Caspian 1000 ISLANDS AND ROCHESTER, NY NY FA calling ¥ of Quinte ports. fubatly Excursion to Prescott and re- LAKE ONTARIO C000 00000 CHOCOLATES Ganong's, G. B. THE FINEST IN THE LAND (A. J. REES 166 PRINCESS STREET. AND BAY oF QUINTE STEAMBOAT CO, LTD, - STEAMERS 8m J Williams, G. Worrell, R. Young, Zimmerman. Wellington--H. Alexander, I. Best, M. Haight, M. Huyek, D. Hill, J. { Noxon, M. Rupert, A. Saunders. { Ameliashurgh~1.. Brooks, 0." Car- {rington, .K. Ferguson, C. Cox, A. Graham, A. Post, W. Rutter, S. Wall bridge, R. Welsh, S. White, hp ------------ -- Amateur Photographers, All amateur photogradhers will find it to their interest to have their de veloping and printing done at R. Ug- low & Co's. The best and quickest service, at reasonable rates. Old Boys? Attention. ; Do not fail to see the Thousand Is- Monday, 2.30 p.m. 50c, It's Now On. Campbell Bros." slaughter sale of summer hats. When five thousa fancy leather 'goods workers, mostly girls, went on a strike in New York, the employers secured a group of husky women uards 'to offset the strikers' pickets. four husky ladies put a man picket out of business. "lhyler's sweets." Gibson's. | Disappeared im love, Elsie Pelz, twenty-six, at Lockport, Ills., poured gasoline over her clothing, locked her- self in dshes and applied a match. | Firemen found her dead. Str. America tours the Islands Sat- urday, 2.30 p.m, 50c. Four medical scientists who have stationed 'themselves on Pike's Peak {declare the 14,147 feet of altitude {makes the blood forty percent purer !than at sea level. Kidneys Wrong 7 'strengthens. and atimiates TL Dr. Morse's " Indian Root Pills ad P . H rage amu This is the place to have Auto repainted to stand all of weather, E. J. DUNPHY, er. Montreal and Ordsawes Strests lands by taking the steamer America, | the Frontense course August 3th, has x ! BICYCLES [arms from poison seif-administered. i The child of the unhappy alliance {disappeared and was believed to have {been sent to America. That this child | was Mrs. Hayne, nee Alma Vecera is {the belief of many, including the win- some little lady herself. - TO HAVE FINE RACE, Expect the Dixie IV. to Win Chak lenge Cup. Frontenac, N.Y, July 28. Dixie 1V,, America's premier motor. noat, which American motor DHoating enthusiasts hope * will carry the stars aud .s1ipes to victory in the international gold challshge cup races, to be held over {arrived here. . The boat was shipped on her eradle {from New York in a special car, apd a special derrick lifted it from the car |into the water. As soon as practicable {it will be tried out over the new course. Dixie IV. will be housed at Watch Island, the summer home of Walter | Jerome Green, commodore of the Frontenac Yacht Club. The Alice R. C. G. Emery's tug, to- day brought a scow carrying the moorings for buoys to be placed at the turns of the cowse. These buoys, which are especially prepared, are now in the course of construction and will be placed within a fow days. The old course Has ben changed so as to give wide, sweeping turns. Death of 0. .B. Fralick. The death occurred late Saturday wight of 0. R. Fralick, "merchant tailor, at nia iome ca King street. He bad been ill now for nearly ' two months. The late Mc. Fralick was one of the town's oldest business men. * He was three times married. He is survived by his widow, and four children, at home, and two children 1by the ®econd marriage, who live in New York city. ' The funeral Wednes- day afternoon was largely attended, burial taking place in the Glenwood cemetery --Picton Gazette. . Be Wise To your own interests and atiead Campbell Bros." ciearing sale of sum- il. i : pa i i H Hi i Ai lil i i fll i i i ; ii po to do over our name. absolute satisfac- tion on your part, and that alone, seals the sale. INCE Eve turned dressmaker no garments have had the vogue of "* Monarch Knit." For lounging coats and sweaters--the cor- Hit rect costume for motoring on land or water, or camping in comfort in the cool of a summer night, "Monarch Knit" is par excellence. There's a style and swagger about 'Monarch Knit" garments that distinguish the wearer, because fit and shape are woven permanently into the goods. mérchant--he's a friend of yours with no axe to grind. Ask your He'll tell you exactly why * Monarch Knit " coats and sweaters are superior--tell you far more emphatically than we'd care He's wise enough to know pleased customer is the best advertisement for his store-- Wise enough to know that once you are pleased more than a few of your friends will be calling around. Our aims and his are identical. ' The lasting: qualities -- style, shape and fit--of * Monarch Knit' garments are guaranteed. Buy a "Monarch Knit" garment where you may, that a