Store: Closes Daily b O'clock. JOHN McKAY FURRIER 149-157 Brock Street. Kingston. August Sale and i 5 ; AI Sales For Cash This Sale Is making new clistom- ~ ers for us every year. This year we will see a large increase in the num- ? ber. : " $27.00, in Golden Oak $20.00, jn Golden Oak, $22.00, in Mahogan $21.00, in Mahogany... 00 | $14.00, in Golden Oak, .... $11.50 $11.00. in Surface Oak $9.00 CARPET ENDS. all grades, up to . 18 yards, lengths, reduced 25 per cent, vw' "Phone 90, vo. SIDOU ~ T..F. HARRISON Co. ee -- . #® Lace Curtains Our showing of Lace Cur- | tains in Irish Point, Brussels Net, Marie Antoinette, Arabian and Nottingham qualities, In White, Ivory and two tone ef- § fects are as exquisite In design as the most fastidious could § Lb desire, - h NOTTINGHAM CURTAINS. § jp --Special values at $1.00, § E $1.25, $1.50. } JRISH POINT CURTAINS, b $3.50 to $8.00, } MARIE ANTOINETTE from { $6.00 upward. ® ARABIAN POINT, $3.50. A aeertresrs tiie rerreers R. McFAUL. Kingston Carpet Warehouse, BO00000000000000000000 3 i G'000000000000000OCOGOOYS = : "Investmibnts are * but traps laid to catch the un- to avoid. Hi 000000000000 0000 Miss Mona Knight entertained at a very delightful tes, at her home, on Alice street, on Thursday afternoon. fea was served iu . bunches of pink sweet peas making a very pretty and effective table decora- tion, Mrs. H. B. R. Craig. poured ten, Mrs. Charles A. Low served the fruit punch and Mrs. R. J. Hooper served the ices. The girls who absist- ed wore Miss Mabel Dalton, i fdith Goodwin and Miss - Jessie Smith, of Ottawa. Mrs. J. Murray, of Toronto, and Miss Lilla Herald, Dundas, were the guests: of honor and the other guests included Mrs. James Rigney, Mrs.' J. de Mille Burper,- Mrs. J. DD. Craig, Jf Ottawa, Mrs. Andrew Forman, of Montreal, Mrs. tampbell Laidlaw, of Ottaws, Mrs. Albert Scott, Wrs. P. G. .C, Campbell, Mrs. George McKay, Mrs. Arthur Craig, and her guest, Mrs. Sare, Westmount," Miss J. Browne, Miss Lettice Tandy, Miss Helen Crowe, Miss Aileen Rogers, Miss Kathleen Saunders, Misses. Anna and Marian Lesslie, Miss Kathleen Kirkpatrick, Miss Pearl Oldvieve, Mise Jean Craig, Miss Leta Carson, Miss Grace Hem- ming, Miss' Annie Fairlie, Miss Muriel King, Miss: EOth Folgwr, Miss Kate Craig, Miss Constance Cooke and -Afiss Millie Ferris: x - . * » - " The Yacht Club tea on Wednesday aftérnoon was as usual most enjoy- able. Those present were Mrs. Fred- erick Brownfield, Mrs. R. E. Kent, Mrs. Frank Strange, Mrs. T. D. R. Hemming, Mrs. Francis Hill Macnee, Mrs. W. Rotiivens, Mrs. William Lesslie, Mrs. James Gildersleeve, Mrs. Howard Folger, Mrs, Arthur Craig, Mrs. James Higgins, Mrs. Ashley, Mrs. D. 3. Robertson, Mrs. R. Mackerras, Mrs. W. H. Craig, Mrs. K. (. Carter, Mrs.. J. D. Craig, Mrs. Charles Taylor, Mrs. Philip Prideaux, Mrs. Campbell Strange, Mrs. Jeremy Taylor; Miss Gilmour, of Toronto, Mrs. Charles Low, Mrs. Ramsay Dufi, Mes. Patrick and Miss Earl, of To- ronto, Mrs. Hansard Hora, Mrs. Hal foway Waddell, Mrs. Hugh Macpher, son, Mrs. W, St. Pierre Hughes, Mrs. Andrew Forman, of Montreal, Misses Mary 'and Martha Smith, Miss S. Willis, of Halifax, Miss Mary Hora, Miss Ella Fraser, Miss Mabel Tilder- «leeve, Miss Thristine Cochrane, Miss Muscript, Stratford, Miss Jean and Miss Kate Craig, Miss Jean Duff, Miss Bessiv Smythe, is | inwson, Miss Muriel King, Leta and Vera Carson, Miss gers. . . . A very enjoyable tea was given by the Misses Crisp, Union street, on Thursday afternoon, in honor of Mes. Van Straubenife and the Misses Van Straubensie, who had Intely re- turned from a trip on the continent. The tea table was centred by aluge bunch of pink sweet peas. Mrs. J. 0. Crisp poured the tea and Miss Maud Betts served the ice cream. They were assisted by Miss Edith Ven Straubenzie, Miss Constance Cooke and Miss Kathleen Crisp. The guests included Mrs. Norton Taylor, Mrs Buxton Smith, Mrs. William Gunn, Mrs. Gamsby, Mrs. H" A. Betts, Miss pupuis, Mrs. Alexander Kirkpatrick, Mile. de St. Remy, Misses Lyman, Misses Muckleston, Miss Ada Bates, Miss Carrie Beard, Miss Milly Ferris and Miss Moffatt. . ; - Mrs. BE. H. Bickford and Miss Bea McGill, of Toronto, entertained at a very smart bri at the Country Club on Thursday afternoon. Bridge was played on the verandah at three tables and the prizes were won by Miss Flow ence Cunningham, Miss Frahces Sulli- van and Miss Bessie Smythe. The other players were Mrs. Francis Hill Macnee, Mrs. Hallaway Waddell, Mes. W. H. Craig, Miss Mabel Brownfield, Miss Marion Redden, Miss Mary Hora, and Miss Loretta Swift. After bridge tea was served in the dining room. The table which was artistically decor- ated with pale pink sweet Jeoh, was presided over by Mrs. Bickford, Mrs. WW. Kh Craig served the ice cream. There will be a luncheon, at the Country Club, on Tuesday, given in honor of Mrs. John Herald and Miss Lilla 'Herald, of Dundas. Mrs. Francs Hill Maenee, St. Law- rence Cottage, King street, will enter. tain at br g tis evening. Miss Olive Fair, nurse-in-training from New 'York, is ing her holi- days with her father, Mr. W. J. Fair, King street. - Mr. Vernon Crawfor®, Pittsburg, Pa, is spending his holidays with his ents, Mr. and Mrs, Crawford, Barrie street. Mr. David K , a former KN i now living in Montreal, ing a few days in town, . Christmas arrived Seesecsenne ia the garden, large] * | Barrie street, accompanied them Voss Helen Fraser, Miss Mota Knight, i Mrs. P. 8. McLean ! Billie, of Picton, are spendi week in Kingston with Miss and i other le Yoo fe Mrs William M. (/Bierne, Misa Kath- leer (FBierne and Master Willie O'Bierne, of Stratford, are. at Glen Island, 40 spend a couple of weeks. Mrs. E. G. and Miss Treasa Adams, Westport,' are spending a few weeks in Ns! Singleton and son, Kingston, are the guests of ler parents, Rev. and Mra. Peanion, Elgin. Dr. Johnston and Mrs. Merrickville, are the grests Mrs. J. Johnston, Urtiversity avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph McKay, Lon- don, are the guests cof her mother, Mre. E. McKay, Alfred street, Miss Nellie M. Stewart came down from Toronto, last week, and will the summer with her aunts, Miss Stewart and Mra Day, Harrow- pith. > gy (Dr.) Beckwith, of Saginaw, Mich., is visiting her parents, D. A. Rea, Albert street. Ae Mr. Morgan J{ellatt, of Toronto spent Friday in town, on his way to - Gan Hg Mrs. W. A. Mitchell, William street have returned from their camp, on Simcoe Island. Mr. Charles Livingston, of Toronto will the week with his par: ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. ivingston, Bar- street. Sr. and Mrs: James Third and Mas- ter natd-Phird; who have been ing two Wiehe ut Youshoks, will return home early in week. Mr. Mrs. Willian H. Hylsnd, of St. Pahl, Mihn., who have bees visit- ing the former's mother, on Barrie street, for the past month, have start ed on their veturn trip and will stop off at Toronto, Hamilton, Niagara Falls, Buffalo, N.Y., Detrqgit, Mich. and Chicago. They expect reach St. Paul about Sept. lst. Mrs. Hyland, as and Eric. and the arris, Johnston, of Mr. and far as Hamilton. Mrs. Clarke Taylor, and Master Keith Taylor, arrived from Ganan- oque, on Friday, to visit Mrs. C. Livingston, Barrie street. Me. : Clarke Taylor; is expected in town Friday. Miss Rose, of Morrisburg! is visiting Mrs. W..B. Ferguson, Union street. . ® . Rev, Dr. Buchanan, and Mrs. Buch- anan, left on Friday, +o spend a short time down the river. Later they will go to Northfield, Mass. -to visit riends. : Mrs. J. Sherk, of Montreal is visit- ing Mrs. J. Sherman, Johnson street. Mr. John Wilmot, arrived to-day, from Ottawa, to spend the wedk-end with bis mother, Mrs." N. Wilmot, Clorgy street. . ~~ Lalani Misses Edith and Daisy Ferguson, and Miss Veta Minne, left on Wednes- day, to visit Mrs. Herbert Horsey, at Cressy. oy Mrs. Bernard Browne and the Misses Hazel and Doris Browne, are expected home to-day from Muskoka, where tl have heen spending some time. r. W. Aird, King street, arrived home from . Montreal, on Thursday. Mr. Iph Uptogrove, is expected in' town from Minneapolis, on Monday, to visit Mrs. W. R. Givens, Maitland street. Miss Elizabeth Cunningham, King atveet, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. G. Y. Chown, at their summer colfage at the Point. . eta . Mrs. Patrick and Miss Earl, arrived from Ottawa this week, and are eu pension at Mrs. Gamble's, King street. Mr. and Mrs. George Mahood and family, Gore street, who have been 4 7 g = amb i 00000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 I 3 BB 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 oe asssssnsessecesrsenes AMiss Adgate WEIS, SATURDAY. JULY 28, 1911. guest | camping on Simcoe Island for the returned past two weeks, home early this week. Mr. James O'Reilly, * Mr. W. T. Mines, Mr. Charles Lark, manager of the Standard Bank, at Colborne, spent Jin the city this week. . op Sears, "Heathfield," re- turned, on Thursday from the Adiron- dacks, where he was spending a week. . E. W. Low, Ottawa, jis visiting Mrs. Nathaniel Mills, at Ri u Ferry. - ' - Miss Gussie Wright, Colborne street, has returned from New, York, where she has been visiting friends for some time, . Mr. E. L. Kenny, of Toronto, is a guest in town for the week-end. The Misses Lesslie, Gore street, are visiting friends at Thousand Island Park. Mrs. Herbert Robinson, Bager street, has returned from visiting Mrs. H, Tandy at her summer home on Wolfe Island. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Adams, Je, Miss Bea McGill and Mr. Morgan Jel- lett, of Toronto, left, to-day, to camp on Mr. Adams' island, near Ganano- que, for the next two weeks, Mrs. Samuel Sutherland, of St. Louis, is visiting Miss Elizabeth Suth- erland, at their summer cottage. at Dead Man's Bay. . - - - Mrs. Alexander Richardson, who was visiting Mrs. George Mahood, at Stel. la, expects to return to her home in Toronte-the-end-of -next-week: . John Robertson, of Perth, ing a few days in town. - Mr. Hubert Osborne, of New York, will arrive m town next 'week. Mr. R. H. Patridge arrived from To- ronto, to-day, to join Mrs. Partridge, who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. R. Easton Burns, Frontenac street, for some- time. They will return to To- ronto on Tuesday. Mr. Sidney McCann, Union street, arrived home, on Wednesday, from Isle au Roeux, where he has spent the past three weeks visiting Mr. and Mrs. David Gillies, on his way home from England. Mrs. Dawson and Miss Madge Daw- son have moved from their house on Brock street and are en pension at Mrs. Hewgill's, William street. Mre. Ji BL Mowat and the Misses Mowat, Johnson street, left, last week, for an extended trip through the maritime provinces. . - Mrs. Francis Rannie arrived, to-day, from Toronto, to spend a few wecks with Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Wright, (ol- horne street. Mr. Frank McMartin, who has been visiting the Misses Johnston, Earl street, left, fo-day, for Chicago. | Mr. J. M. Sherlock, of Toronto, is spending the week-end in town, with Mry. Dunlop, Rideau street. Miss Ruby Duff spent Thursday in town, on her way from Utiea, N.Y., to Harrowsmith, where she will spend some time, Mr. and Mrs. Austin Gillies spent a few days in town, this week, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. 8. BR. Me Cann, Vinion street, on their way to Gillies' Depot, from Isle aux Roeux, where they have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. David Gillies. - Mr. and Mrs. P. CC. Stevenson will move, next week. into their home, on Brock street, formerly occupied by Mrs. Dawson. : Mr. David Murray and his son, Frontenac street, sailed,, from Montreal, for Scotland, where they will spend six weeks. E ae 2 Mr, W. H. Sullivan, C.E., St. Cather- ines, spent last Sunday in town, the guest of his parents, Dv. and Nrs. Michael Sullivan, King street, returm- ing to St. Catherines on Momlay. . and Mrs. Hervermamn and Mrs. O'Neil, of New York, are the guests of Miss Dyer, Barrie street, Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Baker, arrived irom Toronto, to-day, to visit Col and Mrs. R. E. Kent, King street. Me, Ellis Almon, arrived in town from Montreal, on Friday, and is the guest of Mrs. Jeremy Tayloy, Earl street. Mise May Wright, Colborne street, is having a delightful visit in London There have alretidly been several teas and luncheons given ' in her honor. Miss Wright and Miss Marion Maec- Arthur, of London, will spend the next two weeks in Dorchest the guests of Mrs. W. G. Pattersob, (nee Miss Edith MacArthur.) - - - » * Mrs. Walter Pillar and baby, 414. ronto, are spending the week-end with Mrs. Thomas A. Davidson, Pembroke street. 3 Miss Kathleen Hagerty, Chicago, IL, is the guest of Miss T. Galla- |gher, King street. i mbe, of Atlan- nesday last in the Their daughter and their nieces, Ellis, ' * accompanied them. Miss Virginia, and her friend, are visiting at Sharbot Lade for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Lipscombe left for home on Thursday on the steamer Kingston. Campbell, Atlanta, city. Mr. and Mrs. Ga., spent Wednesday in the city and of Barrie, and Mr. Charles Starr, and Mr. Edmund Sutcliffe, of Toron- 1H ri sia lf il i § i5 i 7 i | Es § I it if : WEEK 35e,'3 for $1.0. Margaret Deland. William J. Locke. Clara Louise Burnbam. Marie Correlll. Anna Katherine Green. Halle Erminie Rives. Hudson Douglas. Katherine Cecil Thurston. Irving Bachellor, Randall Parrish. ° Winston Churchill. Stewart Edward White. Elinor Glyn. ~ - SEE WINDOW DISPLAY that you will enjoy reading. Nid-Summer Sale of Popular Reprints of $1.50 & 1.25 Books THIS WEEK 35c / OVER 1,000 OF ,THE MOST POPULAR WORKS ONLY OF FICTION EVER PUBLISHED. Books 'by 'the following popular authors: -- You are sure to find several among the stock : THIS THE SUM Florence Jeanetie C Helene Nyce The New Sweat Girls" Affairs.' Home Journal Nearly 49 interesting articles by: Rarclay. ¥ Gilder. E Harrison Fisher. Charles G., PD. Roberts New Designs in Filet Crochet. A Thousand Flowers for a Girl's Room. The Collar That Will be Worn this Autumn CD MER PORCH NUMLER Needlework - Department ers and Caps 260 PRINCESS STREET. OLD BOYS' NIGHT. . bone General Parade of HBoats 'In th The illuminated parade of boats on old boys' night and the prizes for best decorated motors, yachts and small boats is open to Kingston boats generally and not the club boats only. All boats taking part are therefore requested to assemble at yacht club wharf not later than eight o'clock, Where Britons All Unite. If there are any outside these walls who had counted upon differences and absorption in home disputes in the hope that they would make easy a policy which this country ought to reject, and if there are any who sup- pose that we would be wiped off the map of Europe because we have our difbeulties at home, .it may be worth while saying that they bitterly mis take the temper of the British people and the patriotism of the opposition. Hon. A. J. Balfour, in British House of Commons. --p---- The Babies Go For Nothing. So don't leave them home when you take steamers North King and Cas pian for 1,000 Islands. Any day at 10.15 a.m. Sunshine and fresh air will_do them good. J. I'. Hanley, nyent, ' St. George's Boy Scouts. St. George's Boy Scouts, will go in- to camp at Brophy's Point two weeks, leaving on Monday. About eighty boys Monday morning before leaving for camp, Sergeant Eoclistin, of the R.C H.A:, will be in charge. The bugle band will also go with them, The Greatest Ever. The greatest value in summer hats Kingstonians have ever known at Campbell Bros.", big clearing sale. colors; 209 $1. motor weils, Se., all vests, two for Be. Dutton's, Princess street. Albert Elmer, Division street, has returned to the city, after a trip to Albany, Syracuse and Buffalo, N.Y. 8 SeEEEs POE LORIE Pe PP DE@ fe § sizas, priced up to $6.50. JERSE colors, odd sizes, to clear at cleared out at special prices are expected to go. They will parade}! Ladies' Wash Dressed, Princess Style, dainty See our White Waists at $1.00 each. OPEN NIGHTS. 000000040 ¥ For that worn out, tired and ; run down feeling there Is no g better tonic than a combina- & tiod of BEEF, IRON AND WINE. in taste, FEIIIPINIE » 04464440040 sobs Ours is delicious ~ontains iron to enrich the blood, peptonized (digested) beef to feed the tissues. and choice wine as an appotizer. In a recent Government 3 analysis a bottle taken from our stock of Beef, Iron and Wine proved to be a superior & article ranking as first class. "TRY A BOTTLE, 50c. Dr. A. P. Chown Druggist and Optician, 183 PRINCESS STREET, 'Phone 343. S0044060064 Midd Sresece Soe PETIT IIIIIIIIIIIIY The College Book Store 'Phone Biv "BRASS KETTLES DUTCH OR AMERICAN DESIGN, OF BURNISHED OR FINISH. DULL PRACTICAL HEATING FLAMES, FULLY GUARANTEED SMITH BROS. Jewellers, Opticians. 850 KING STREET, Issuers of Marriage Licenses. No Ladies' Bathing House, A special meeting of the Young Women's Ulristian Association board was held at the home on street, Thursday, to discuss the 'ad visability of erecting' a bathing touse for young ladies. Owing to the lateness of the season it was de cided to leave the matter over until wext year when it will be taken up early in the spring, Johnson Sale of white boots and Oxfords for | men, women and chifdren, less than cost. Dutton's, 209 Princess street OTIOO0 eRe eee see Welcome to all Home Comers; o-Night 2 We will sell the balance of our stock of Ladies © White and Colored Wash Suits, newest styles, broken' a OOOO Your choice To-Night $1.49 COO Sg eee $1.49. 0 (o 29 dozen Ladies' Drawers, good quality Cotton, . finished with deep tuck frills, both styles. Special © ® Beauti- & Big range of Ladies' Fancy Parasols to be & ~75¢ and up. See onr range of Lace and Embroidered Hosiery, Yo |8 also Wash Bells, Wash Collars, Neckwear, Corsets. ¢ 2 Underwear, Etc, Ete. The values are extra good. Bie didi dh ob NN MADE OVER AND REPAIRED W. F. GOURDIER DETACHED Frame Dwelling heating, in Al good condi 12 rooms, Kot water cellar and yard All tion for $3.500 MULLIN THE REAL ESTATE EXPERT. Houses to rent and rents collected, Money to loan, Fire insurance. Pest companies presented. 'Phone 539. n 90 Degrees In The Shade Mercury ninety humidity everywhere. Hard time for COLLARS, CUFFS, SHIRTS. SHIRTWAINTS, when they are not dered right. Try this Laundry defy bumid days and avold hurt to your pride and pockel. KINGSTON LAUNDRY, Hor. Princess and Sydenham Sts. 'Phone 22. laun E : i 190 Colborne St i . Ep EE ERS TROLS AR orp ~ Satis EE