Daily British Whig (1850), 29 Jul 1911, p. 4

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nN hy less about. Tt is probable, toe, that SVS VECO |THE WEIS, 18th YEAR|, ies + in coer mr | BOUIDNCEATS CANDAION RILILID 'A BPECIALTY None but the most skill- ful workmen treat these Razors during the process of manufacture. Edelweiss . . King Cutter Others as low as 50c. Satisfactory or money re- turped. ) | f CIID IDC IR ICD TuoveRee a Shingles, Lath, Asphalt ooling, Builders' Brick, Portland Cement, Land Tile, uality Lumber, Silo Material. enn rennin S. Anglin & Co. Office and Yards: Cor, Bay and Wellington Sts. 000000000000 000 Senstttes sess sastel COAL! , The kind you sve looking for is the kind we sell. @ Scranton Coal ® good coal and we guarantee ; prompt delivery. "BOOTH & CO. FOOT WEST STREET. § " renal Bench Your Thirst DUBLIN GINGER ALE. LEMON SYRUP. LIME JUI RASPBERRY VINEGAR. LEMONADE, ORANGEADE, D. COUPER, "Phone 76. 341-3 Princess Street. Delivery. ~ Notice § Strangers and Visitors are ¥ g invited to inspect my big show- ing - of Antique Furniture. Suitable prices, Best quality. L LESSES, | 'wi B es wl kinds of : ny or al A PA Ro Highest prices, TTCOIUV ANP URIS Swen * ® 0 x 0 (CR OF SATISFAC- IS WORTH A TON 4 Grand Suite 19 and 20 Queen Cit; Chang . ers, 32 Church Ag Ad H. Smalipeice, J P., representative, Dailey Wing. FIGHTING TO NO PURPOSE. The Citizen, 4 conservative paper, is persuaded that the government has the hest of the situation at Ottawa, "The objections of the ~ opposition," it observes, "are twofold, first that reciprocity will be injubous to' the trade of the country at large, and, secondly, that it will tend towards an- nexation. As to the latter, it would be a matter of years to demonstrate this point either way. But the trade advantages or disadvantages will com- mence to demonstrate themselves al- most immediately after the 'bill is passed, and the advantages will be much quicker to develop for the fea- son above stated, than any disad- vantage that may result. The gov- erument, "therefore, will be placed in a favorable position to decide whe ther to bring on redistribution at an early session next year and imme- diately go to "the eountry, or, if all goes well, to wait until the end of the usual parliamentary term." It concludes that "the government seems to have the inside 'track to every phase of the situition," and it tidy consciousness which makes the members so acrimonious, so quarrel some, so ready to take and give of foncs, The session, so fat since its resumption, has been attended by a and feeling of the bitterest is spirit kind. ; KINGSTON'S RAILWAY NEEDS, The Canadian Northern railway has begun the comstrugtion of its road from Yarker eastward. Connection will be had with the western division later, and the village will be crossed by the road. A thousand pities that the city cannot have a close and con- venient link with this' new enterprise for the good it would have upon the Trunk and Canadian Pacific companies, from which concessions can be secured only with the greatest dif- fieulty. In Belleville the Grand Trunk was represented for many years in a very indifferent way, but the C.P.R. is finding it advantageous to get as near to the front as possible. It is running through that city and so is the Canadian Northern, and at once the Grand Trunk is being placed in & position to compete with them for the business of the district, Kings- ton should be better served with the railways. An improvement has long been sought in vain. The Canadian Northern could make the others take notice by its better connection with the city, and"it may be had through the Bay of Quinte railway, which has running powers over the Kingston and Pembroke from Kingston to Har- rowsmith, Mackenzie & Mann are credited with the ownership of the local or district railway, and if they have it there will be something doing. LIES, LIES, AND MORE LIES, On dit that the Americans who are interested in reciprocity will put up large campaign funds with which to carry the elections in Canada. A very likely 'story. It originated in the cranium of some correspondent whose 'occupation is not properly directed. He is a figtionist, and should confine his labours to fiction. Of a piece with this story about the American money is the story that early in the year, when reciprocity was herd, the league which was organ- ised in Quebec to oppose it put upy half a million dollars, and that from 'Ithis fund has been financed the .cam- paign which the ponservative party has conducted. The fushness of the party jn funds suggested something, and that something the young man with the fertile mind was ready to de Ho the leader is quite as great gs the "sentation with malice forethought. | work; one wide suffers quite as much as the 3 other and that the loyalty of one side| CONTINUED ACTIVITY OF NA- TIONALISTS IN QUEBEC. loyalty of the other side to its leader. | { : The yarns some men in, and the | Canadian Autonomy Cry---Relentless the yarns some papers print, are not Opposition to Sir Wilfrid Laurier. correct, and the authors of them. Montreal, Que, July 29.--Heuri should be suppressed. Political life is urassa and the nationalist leaders irksome enough, and trying%enough, 3re ating every possible arrange - F mi went to continue the fight which without the concumbrance of misrepre- they have undertaken ouminet Sh Wilfrid Laurier and the liberals. They have just announced a pro gramme which covers a series of meetings ' in about a dozen rural constituencies Under. the - severe treatment meted out to them by Hon. Kodalphe Lemieux, Mr. Bourassa and bas associates kept quiet for some weeks. ' Now, while refraining from answeMhgy Mr. Lemieux's charges, they continue their slanderous allega- tions against the liberal ministers. Mr. Lemieux has shown that Henr Bourassa is a disgruntled office-seek- ¢r, and the nationalist leader has never refuted the charges made" by the postmaster-general. He showed that Mr. Bourassa sulked because h was neither called to the cabinet; given the deputy speakership, nor the postmastership of Montreal. "As a result he tumsed against the liberal party, and is now doing all in his power to drive them out of office. -- To make a brave showing and to Sir Mackenzie Bowell, according to gi%e Suie semblance of a soiugitu- the Intelligencer, would rat iwi tional basis to his argument he has the nationalists tha = hay "Araised the ery of Canadian autonomy: glial nthe MDErals. | He denourices the navy, and is doing Bourassa & Bowell makes a nice party [ail in his power to alarm and stam- name and means a nice political com- | pede bination. question. ------ When the whole matter is _ summed The Archbishop of Ottawa has econ-jup it comes down fo this. point: firmed the report that his successor [Sir Willeid Laurier did not r ult us the head of the diocese of Kings- the people beiore creating the Cdna- ton will be Rev. Father Spratt. The dian navy: hence his action was un constitutional, and in "addition is church will certainly prosper under his guidance, He is a man of mild but detrimental to the best interests of masterful ways, EDITORIAL NOTES. Friends, visitors, and veterans, wel come $0 our homes and hospitality ! ~Theypublic decorations in honour of the visiting friends of other days are going' up. Let. us hope that the city will be given a gala appearance, Election bets are numerous in Otta- wa that if there is an election now the conservative contingent in the next parliament will be weaker than it is now. 3 -- It is the current opinion that if Mr. Borden fails in the next election he will retire from politics. He will, in that event, share in the glories of many distinguished men. \ _-} the, French-Canadian people. A Learning by Experience. 1 investi : Montreal Gazette ot us hope that - the mventigating The qualified voters of Hamilton by committee will get at the bottom of a majority. of over 400 in a vote of the troubles in medical' examinations. some 7,000 have approved of a by-law The students are entitled to all that to borrow $504,000 for the establish in coming to 'them from the Medica] Ment of a municipal light and power C N : . w plant to operaté in connection with ouncil, and it they have: suffered the Ontario Hydro-Fleetric Commis from the body that is paid to protect gion. The contest, so far as the pre them, there will be an eruption. * liminary discussion was concerned, -------- was the warmest through which» any Austin Chamberlain, at' a banquet of the public hydro-electric prgjects of insurgents, was hailed as the next Hv . It. was claimed, and premier. He liked the acclamation, /® rly established, by opponents of the It tickled his vanity. His father's am- by-law that while the taxpayers of the a aR ee city would be liable for the principal bition in this direction was never gra. and interest of the loan there was tified, and his father was an abler no prospect that the expenditure man. Waiting for men's shoes is soifie- Would give them =a shaper _pyios times i x : an they are now getting from the % depressing ceeupntion. local company. The idea that the public management must be betler than that of a business corporation } : i has been so much cultivated in On: the chairmanship on the King's coun tario, however, that arzument against ty republican committee, after a ser. the experiment was non-effective. vice of eight years. In that time he Hamilton's City Council - will add a gave his time and money to the cause, municipal electric service to its others, Now: he's cast offi--that is what his and Jann. by wipetionte, retirement means. The average man who labours for his party is a fool. . Timothy L. Woodruff, a prominent New York politician, has retired from When summer Comes. ------ The summer months are the most The Corn Trade News is figuring dangerous of the year for the little upon an export of only 80,000,000 V9 The complaints of this season hushels of grain , from Canada. The come so quickly that oftep a preci : i mid : ous little life is beyond aid belore idea is that the production within the the mother realizes baby is ill, Celie, empire will be sufficient, and that of diarrhoea and cholera infantum are Canada's crop only 80,000,000 will be all rife at this time. The mother required. Sonie people are never sat- MUS guard her baby's hemlth every iafiod except th : , minute. She must be careful of his iiteg oxeep oy are grouching. Pes: f,,q and careful that his stomach is simists with a big P. * 'kept sweet and his bowels = move re : - : 'gularly and freely. To do this noth If the Canadian tories would only ing can equal Baby's Own Tablets-- take a lesson from the British tories, they are mothers best friend at all and abandon their turbulent ways, all times of the year, but more espedi- would be well. The British party has *lI¥ io the summer, when, if given : pS occasionally, ; ct as preven- been bad enough, but it now promises. iy, of a See i Teva to be good, and will be forgiven. 'bles, or if they do come on sudden: There is some hope for the Canadian ly the Tablets will just as quickly party. If necessary the electors, like remove the cause and baby will soon be well again. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 [cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. an indulgent parent, will chastise the erring ones. The Belleville Intelligencer--Sir Mac- ay TT a kenzie Bowell's paper--makes this kind- Turkish Bands Ravage Village. ly reference to Sir Wilfrid Laurier :| Athens, July 29.--The situation in "No man in Canadian public life hak | Macedonia is disquieting everywhere Advices received here accuse the Turkish 'suthorities, on the pretext of searching' for information as to non- existent Greek bands, of putting the peasants to torture with the object of destroying the Greek element in Ma cedonia. The Turkish bands, it is stated, terrorize the villagers till the latter no longer dare visit the niPgh- Boring villages nor cultivate their fields. . received more attention at the hands of political caluminators. In forty years,J however, no opponent has been s0 base as to utter a slander which touched his personal honor, the puri- ty "of his private life, or tbe righte ousness of his character." How to Entertain the Old Boys. Sunday, 7.30 a.m. and 2'p.m., trips to Cape Vincent and return, steamer| _ + Titles for Women. America. 50c. return. 3 . The Gentlewoman Monday, 2 p.m., cheap excursion to| Whe queen of England is being urged C Vincent. 50c. return. to use her fafluence to induce the onday, 2.30 p.m, steamer America | king to signtlice coronation year by on her famous trip of the islands. 50c. 1 instituting a new order exclusively for Ee et Rr po thee parents would have boven thes | "ay. I Dos' Nog 1 avers. se ean must do his own reform Sreating | a new order it his Tan suggested that he might con tit! ; he eannot delegate a leader to rp do it for him. : on several distinguished = women, such as Mrs. Humphrey Ward, Mye. J. R. Nomen ask "Why?" Men ask, [Green. wife of the historian, and El- "When 1 : » tien Terry, City of Edmonton = 414% DEBENTURES Rate to Yield 44% to 4.40% Price Its fellgw-countrymen «on this * ihieves in DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, JULY Specialists in diseases of Skin, Blood. Nerves, Bladder and Special Ail. mt it advisable : if ne visit a : imposs!ib send history for free opinion 4% Vb vice. Question blank snd book on diseases of men Consultation free. Medicine furnished in tablet form. Hours: 10 am. to 1 p.m. and 2 to 6 p.m. Sundays, .10 am. to 1 Pw, - DRS, SOPER & WHITE 36_Toronto Street, Toronte, Ont. ~ FOR SALE Valuable Property--Easy Toms CITY OF KINGSTON. Large House and Grounds, Uni- versity Avenue. Three 70 x 180 ff Lots, Alwington Avenue. Eight valuable 40 ft. frontage Lots, Al- fred Street. in the vicinity of Queen's University. Semi-detached Brick House, University Avenue. Four Houses, latest equipment, Earl St. Lots in Weyburn, Moosejaw, Re- gina. Rivers, Watrous, Nokomis. Biggar, « Wain#right, Saskatoon (Sask.), Calgary, Tofleld, - Hutton. Edson; Scott (Alberta) and Winni- Full Information cheerfully fur- nished on any of these properties. Apply, J. 0. HUTTON, 18 Market Street, Kingston: BAND CONCERTS The following are the programmes to be rendered at the concerts in Mac donald Park on Sunday and Monday evenings. Sunday by R.C.H.A, Band. 1. Grand 'Li Remi de Saba, . . . ro : +.» Gounod 2. Grand national overture, "The Coro- nation"... .. .. Ord Hume }. Largo, "Ombra Ma Ful" Handel {. Selection from the "Messiah™ "i . Handel my Re- march, (a) Air, "1 know that deemer liveth" (b) Chorus, "And the Glory of th Lord.' (c) Air, "He shall feed His flock." (dy Chorus, "Hallelujah." , Sacred song, Palms," Faure . Reverie,. .. Chimes." Lindahl. | Rogan "The "Cathedral . Grand military tattoo.... "God Bave the King Monday, by 14th P.W.0. Rifles. . Grand mareh, "Entry of The Gladi- ators" Bell gavotte, "The Bells of St. Malo" . Two-step, "Who Are You With To- night." Selection, "The Dollar Princess' t Unrequited Love" 18, alut D Amour I, a-gtep, "Sugar Moon" . Waltz, "Midsummer." 14th Regimental March, 'Auld Lang Syne" "God Save the King." WIFE BLIND BENA- TOR AND HER BABY, From the viewpoint of the aver} age citizen, there is. no more inter esting flgure in national life thar Senator Thomas I. Gore of Oklahoma is the score of his ablilty and his wife shares with him the general re gard of the public, by reason of ihe vast holp she has afforded her hus. band In furthering his 'personal and political Interests THE OF THE Charged With Stealing Secrets, Cracow, Galicia, July 29. Consi derable sensation has been caused in St. Petersburg society, says the Czas, by the arrest of Mme. Kresinska, a ballet dancer, un a charge of es pionage. Some hme ago the Russian military authoritivs became aware of the fact that important military see rets avere leaking out, and suspicion fell on Mme. Kresinska. Her house was searched, and such a _guantity of compromising material was declared to have been discovered that the lady was arrested. For Skin Aflame. Many of the itching and burming eruptions of the skin cause as acute sufiering as though the skin was actu- ally burnt. Ordinary remedies give no relief but Wade's Dintment stops the burning al- most instantly. Positively cures zema (Salt Rheum), Ulcers, Piles, Ca- tarrh, Dandrufi arg all scaly or itch ing ernptions of the skin. In big boxes 25 cents, at J. B. Meleod's Drug Stores. 3 The Craze for Excitement. Montreal Star We regard with amazed horror the brutal and degraded Spaniards who the protests of worthy people in Great Britain, Canada, and the United States, and yet the mortality of the Yolising is mot bali that of the or automobile race and there' is is certain skill and activity required in a successful" joremslor wikich would be quite useless to a lodal hero who ae fame by shooting Nisgars Falls ------------ still maintain bull-ights in spite of | i a | Riveri's Drug talcum n powder, "Prosse's BIBBY § Limited Men's and Boys' Departmental Store (00606400060 000000000000 > Monday Being Old Boys Day, Our Store will be Closed ME SUITS, $15.00. : Nobby, fast Indigo Blue Serge Suits, new three button sack, full peg top trousers. Expert tailoring, Sizes, 34 to 44. " BIBBY'S SPECIAL MEN'S SHIRTS, $1.00. New Chambrys, plain and fancy, plain or pleated bosoms hew stripes, new. pin dot, plaids, ete cuffs attached, coat style, ete The best $ Shirts In Canada MEN'S OUTING SHIRTS, 1.00. $15.00 $00000000000000000000 30000 MEN'S SUITS, $10.00. Dressy Tweed Suits of fine imported and domestic tweeds, ent after the same models as gur more expensive sults Stripes and plaids. Suits that are being sold else- Fe » i where at $12.60, $13.50, $14, BIBBY'S SPECIAL $1.00 $15 : MEN'S FLANNEL SHIRTS. BIBBY'S SPECIAL $10.00 | Very popular with men for outing, boating and negligee dress, BGolors are Grey, Blue, Tan and Green Collars" attached and detach ed. Ties to match, PRICES $1.00, $1.30, $2.00 soft reversible colors of Tau, White, fancy Made with collars, plain Grey, Blue and young MEN'S SUITS, $7.50. Good, serviceable Suits Domestic Tweeds in peat pat- terns of Black and White Pin Dot, Dark Browp, Herringbone patterns, well "cut. honestly made, exceptionally good value. An ideal knockabout suit. BIBBY'S SPECIAL 000000000000, of * MEN'S SWEATER (OATS. Our New Sweaters have ar- rived, New weaves, new colors, new trims, new style Some with high roll collar Some military style. collar vest necks, ate, English and ductions. See our Plain Grey with combination trim SPECIAL . LADIES" SWEATER $1.00 10 $6.00, See our Special $3.50 line $7.50 MEN'S HAND-TAILORED SUITS, $18.00, The Count and Emperor. Fabrics are fine Imported Worsteds. in rich shades of Grey, Brown, Gréen, Bronrye, ete., Rand-padded . shoulders, collars and lapels, hawd-work- ed button hole, good lining and trimming. Smart styles Perfect gems. BIBBY'S SPECIAL Canadian pro 82.00 COATS, CHILDREN'S SWEATER COATS, $18.00 . 50¢ to $1.50. FALL OVERCOATS, We call special attention to our J $10.00, $12.30 and $15.00 BOYR' SWEATER (OATS, B0c to 82.50, MEN'S CAPS, New English and styles New patterns, shapes. new shades S0c, T5¢; $1.00 and $1.25. Canadian CHESTERFIELD new OVERCOATS. Greys and Blacks, Three-quarier length, mn Englisiy, See Neat patterns Ceylon flannels great MEN'S SHIRTS, $1.25. oul New Coat Shirts, plath and pleated fronts. Madras » and New and neat de- signs. All sles, 14 to 18, BIBEBY'S SPECIAL $1.25 NEW PAJAMAS, \ $1.50 PAJAMAS. NEW NECKWEAR, Bo0c. New Bilk Tubelar Reversible Derbles. Each side different LIMITED 78-80-82 PRINCESS STREET

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