Daily British Whig (1850), 1 Aug 1911, p. 3

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t INDIGESTION I you are suffering from. indigestion and "the attendant distressed stom- , you should give Mi-ona, tha} V guacanteed remedy a trial. Mr, William Shafer of 230 Queen St., S- Berlin, Ont. says: "For years | have been a sufferer from sehte indigestion, which' caused the most distressing pains in my stom- ach. 1 decided to try Booths Mio na Tablets ard they have done me more good than anything I have ever used, 1 am now more free from this trouble than I have (een for years. I am pleas- |¥' od to endorse and reeommend this re- medy to all who suffer with stomach trouble." Remember Mi-oma Tables are guar- anteed to cure acute or chromic indi- gestion and turn the old stomach in- 'to a new one in a few weeks. All drug- gists, 5c, a box or postpaid from The R. T. Booth Co., Ltd., Fort Brie, Ont. Sold and guaranteed by J. B. Mcleod. THISTLES Ap DANDRUFF. An Intercsting Paral Parallel and a Valu. Deduction Therefrom. C down thistles no more re lieves the land of thistles than does the scalp cure dandruff, In each case permanent relief can only come from eradieati tly the cause. A germ m that plows the gealp in searchi hair root where it saps the ¥, enuses dandraff, fall- ing hair, and baldness. I you kill that germ, you'll bave no but a luxuriant suit of hair, Newby: Bair by killing Ye BE . We. in stomps Jor 3 for far ori Co., Detroit, . 'Destroy Sect. " to the en One dol. teed. Jan. B. Meo: agent, a \PPRESSE: D endorse ed Aixvrid w aeEn SENDERS, the Under igned "enor for bie Bullding. ~" will be received at this office August 21, p.m. on Monday, a Public #11, y L the shedtion of Building at Uxbridge. Plans, Relfidations and forms contract be and forms of obtained at This Department on en: EE to Mr. Thos. Hast ings, 0 of orks, Postal Station ¥., oronto, Ont., and at the Uxbridge, Persons tendering are notified that tenders will not be copsidered unless on the printed form supplied, and signed with their actual signa- thelr occupations awl tice, Ia the case of irms the actual signatures, the nature of the occupation and place of resil- ence of each member of the firm must be given, aon tender must be accompanied on 5 chartered h Tort ihe rder of the Public 5) the of wil be Fortaited if the person tender- ing decline to enter Into a contract Phat | to do wo, com Beontrasted for. the will J ot hes stheque tmont does not bind Itself to arent ani' tha lowest of any tender. R. C. DESROCHERS, Secretary. { Department of Public Works, Ottawa, July 28, 1911, Newspapers will not be pafd for this advertisement If they Insert It with. out authority from the Department, SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH. an: LAND REGULATIONS, oa RSO; WHO 0 THE 8 BOL section family i Carton ad bl pine oy o ods Jong | in the Age hot Delors must ap for the dfstrlet' agency. 2 on certain made at a condit mother, son a , bro tend faug! or or sister of t residence upon and A ta d in of years. Ade RE may jive of his homest th = or least 80 lel od acres solely own 'and nhs by him or by his father, daughter, brother or or, 1 certain districts a homesteader In ing do pre-auint & quarter So ongsi stead. ice, on on i o himesicad or pre-emption & ane Ll pad 'on Say (Winding th patent) and cul tivate Hey acres olend eader who has exhausted we a right and cannet obtain pas, ol may enter for a ar- chased homestead In certain districts. Pr 3.00 per acre. Dutfes--Must real six in three yea culivae Lore. and erect & house worth § w, Deputy of the Min iT of the tion of pl SER ubiicatto out -- person nat rch by proxy ri, ings. Oly Sve five" ~~ picide-is-the-only.- the world that Sten ha handruff and fall- or fail te : Ln Lor uit on THE SPORT REVIEW] VICTORIAS DEFEATED ATH. hor LETION BY #4 TO 2. Duncan Strained a Cord in His ies «The Junior Athletics Won From the Orioles by 4 to 3. The Victorias defeated the Athletics, at the cricket field, Saturday after- ngon, by 14 to 2. There was a fairly ood crowd present. During the eighth innings, Duncan, in stealing second base, stumbled and fell, straiving a cord in his ankle. He was taken to the general 'hospital in an automo- bile, Vietorias--~Cotman, c¢.; McCammon, p.; Davidson} Ib; Pound, 2b.; Duncan, u.s.; Dick, ai Crawford, rh; Nichol- son, c.f; McMahon, Lf Ahletios--Stokes, cy "Walsh, Pp; De ly haney, 1h.; Dunlop, 2h; Ewart, s.s; Rae, 3b; Brouse, ri; Pound, ef; Reid, Li. . "Bill" Dehaney made his appearance for the first time this season. Umpire--George Sullivan, « Athletics Beat Orioles. The junior a defeated | the Orioles at the cricket field, Saturday afternoon, by a score of 4 YA Orioles had the better of the game in the first innings by 2 to 0. Neither team scored in the second. Athletics picked up in the thicd innings, three men scoring to O les' one. Athletics got the winmi ran in the fifth in "innings were played. % ©; Thompson, p.; Schultz, 1b.; eT i. 2b.; Potter, 8.8. Sargent, 3b.; Doyle, r.f.; Robin: son, c.f; Darragh, LL Athletics--J, Evans, ¢: Derry, p; Briden, 1b; Sommerville, 2b.; W, Evans, 8.5; Allen, 3b.; Sherbino, r.L; McKay, cl; J. Stewart, LL . Athletics Beat Park Nine. Athletics and Park Nine played a game of baseball at the ericket field Monday mornibg, - The Athletics won by 11 to B. "Athletice--J. Evans, ec; Derry, p.; Mortis, 1b; Sommerville, 5H: W. Evans, s.8.;: Allen, 3b.; Sherbino, rl; McKay, off; S%ewart, LE. Park Nine--Shangroe, ¢.; Ryan, pg; McCormick, 1b. Nan, 2b.; Dun- ean, 8.8. Turcotte, 3b.; Kennedy, r.L,; Gallagher, Lf; Lineagh, Umpire--Walker. ed Kingstonian Won Victory. J. J. Kerr, of Kingston, was lead for Dr. Hazelwood's rink at the Bow manville Bowling Tournament held there recently, and succeeded in bring- ing the team to victory in a final tug of war contest for a umbrella. Eight teams were in the contest, ---- CL.C's. Won From R.L The C.L.C's trip to Round Island Saturday was not in vin for they came back again victors to the tune of 16 runs te 5. ---------------------- PR. J. P. FRAAMAN HOSEN Bf As Liberal andicate Tor Tennox and Addington. Napanee, August, 1. -- Dr.. J. P| Vrooman was selected on Saturday as the eandidate for the dominion legislature to contest the riding of Lennox and Addington at the coming election In the interest of the reformers. Harry C. Garratf, of Vancouver, B.C., arrived Sunday to spend a couple of months with his wife and family, who reached here about a month ago. 'Herbert ». Pringle, wife and son, of Victoria. B.C., are visit- ing his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Fm TO GAS CONSUMERS We will place the Perfection Gas Iron on trial for one week without any cost to you. Wa have now dozens o pleased consumers of gas using thent 'Phone 65156 or drop us a card and we will give you prompt attention, J. W. OLDFIN, Cor, Sydenham and Orduance St OPENS NAPANEE MODRL ied TUUSEPT, FIFTH A Candidates desiring En and who have passed the Model Entrance or have made the necessary percent. age on Normal Entrance or Faculty Examinations, should apply at once to the Edue ation Department for ad- on form milion THE "BOARD oF EDUCATION, NAPANEE Notice to Contractors Tenders for Tralnmen's Houses. SEALED TENDER ADDRESSED to the %ndersign: marked on the envelope "Tender for Trainmen's Houses," will be received at the office of the Commissioners. of the Trans. continental Rallway at Ottawa, Ont. until 12 am. noon of the Iist nat Aug. 1911, for the erection of train- men's houses required on the line of the ranscontinguthl R Railway at the following points Disitier "A nh Fro and Edmund. po = Ahe rovinge of New Bru a Distelet Yh me Bt. Foye, and Fitz ApATIOh the Province of ets Distr "IF --Coc hrane, in the Province Distr -- Graham and Redditt, in the Province of Ontario and Trans. ih in the Provinces of i Monituba. and ine "hes Tt hiaine od Bn he 'orm I at the Le Gordon = Gran it, Chief Haeiheer AWS: « Sad at the fol- lowing inte gs District "A: RY Fos District Dis- neer, n NJ District HE i dan a "Doucet, District apr er Pru E ein strict Vainiar. dai District. "F': Mr. 8 R. Poulin, aod trict Bustin St. . Man. be made on the form. HE thet Commissioners, and to he + and and sealed by all the nd wits tnes. urier,, i ay for a sum equal t. 10} pa) of the amount t 18 reserved to reject any t| Transportation . OLD BOYS ENTERTAINED, 3 (Continued from from Page 5.) . J: Reid, of the reception commit. . won the gratitude of the Toronto Land Chicago association officers. He laced his tally-ho at their disposal on Monday mornung and drove them to and from Victoria park. President Claxton, of Toronto; manipulated the horn; and made the streets of the old town resound with the blasts of the time-honored instrament. A phofograph of the party was aken in front of the Whig building. David Coins, of Chicago, ab- sent for twenty-seven years, is among the home comers. He is visiting his brother, Henry Sunsingham, King street. Capt. R. y was the oldest resident of Ki Fat the flag cre mony in Victoria park, on Monday gt He is dn his eighty- "ninth ¥ The police handled the crowds admir- ably, at all the big gatherings. They innie S. Black, the chaplain of 4 the old boys association, of Toron- to, is most popular with that organiz- ation. He is as enthusiastic at a base. ball match as in the pulpit. A elergy- man who is a baseball fan is always a ge ivé preacher. 'Many resi were prettily illumin- ated with Chinese lanterns. very much admired was that of Michael Planagan, on Barrie street. Not gince the time of the diamond jubilee of Queen Victoria in 1897 has Kingston been se gayly decorated with s and bunting. The old were [given 5 welcome that they will remem- ber fot years, THE LATE MRS. C. H. MARTIN. Bhe Passed to Rest Afternoon. On Monday afternoon the spirit of Mrs. Charles H. Martin todk its flight, from the general hospital, where she had been confined for a number of weeks, suffering from a fatal disease. Deceased was the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Wilson, of Col- borne street, a lady of generous heart and * sweet lisposition. Almost twen- ty-five years ago she was married to her bereaved husband, Ex-Ald. Martin, and lived in Napanee, Kingston and Dorchester, N.B., Mr. Martin being a niember of the civil service. Early in the spring she returned to the city, specially to be with her mother, who was then quite ill, when the discov- ory was made that she herself was sadly afflicted and that the end was npt far off. She is survived hy ler parents, a husband apd two sons, Kent and Theodore. Deceased was a member of Queen Street Methodist church. Ta. all the bereaved, heart- felt sympathy is extended, IN MARINE CIRCLES 9 worked Juistly but effectively. on at This Port. day morning. The ~steamer Dundee passed down, Tuesday morning. The steamer Alexandria passed down, Monday night. The schooner Maize Oswego, with coal for Booth's. The schooner Keewatin is at the nitentiary, with coal, from Char- otte. : The schooner Major Ferry arrived from Oswego, and is unloading coal at the Grove Inn. The steamer John Hinckley was in Davis' dry dock for repairs, and clear- ad for Oswego, The schooner Charley Marshall load- ed stone, at the penitentiary, for To- tonto, and cleared to-day. The tug Bronson, of the Montreal company, is in the Kingston dry dock, for repairs. The steamer Rosedale, in the Kings- ton dry dock, having repairs made to her rudder, cleared for the Welland canal, =o The steamer Buena Vista cleared from Crawiord's wharf, Tuesday marn- ing," for Jones' Falls, with a large number of passengers. The schooner Julia B, Merrill, load- od with feldspar, will clear, to-night, for Charlotte. The schooner Abbie L. Andrews will load feldspar. Capt. John Corkey has been ap pointed on. the government steamer Bayfield, during the illness of Capt. McQuaid. The Bayfield is engaged at Port Hope and Cobourg, taking sound- ings vy Swift's wharf : Steamers Caspian and Kiagston down, to-day; steamer Quinte Queen cleared for Picton, with excursion, calling at Collins Bay; steamer Rideau Queen, from Ottawa, to-night. M. T, Co's elevator: The steamer Fairmount, with barges Quebec and Dunmore, arrived from the Welland onal; the Quebec was loaded with wheat, from Fort William, and dis- charged the cargo here; the Dunmore loaded with steel; the Fairmount lightered her me of grain and went an to Montreal; the tug Emerson cleared for Montreal, with three barges; the tug Mary cleared for Mont- real, with the barge Quebec; the steamer Saskatoon' js due to arrive to-night, from Fort William, to dis- charge 51,0080 bushels of wheat; the steamer Kinmount, loaded with grain from Fort William, is dus to arrive to-night, and will Tighter awl proceed to Montreal. Joupod in Aer 8 Jad. , young lad about twelve years old, the name of Dyon, was down om Swift: s wharf Sunda i He the steamer | way & 'near ihe gang plank of and re -- cheer 10 the steamboat manager, who 'proved himself a hero, wien ion Monday | ; L Arrivals and Departures of Vessels Phe steamer Nevada passed up, Sun- arrived from H on fs. | LAKE ONTARIO PARK; _ TO-NIGHT 22 Er 'at "830 BIG FREE SHOW VAUDEVILLE AND PICTURES, WEDNESDAY, CHILDREN'S 1 CENT DAY ON CARS, MATINEE AT 330. BULLETIN. SSH @ | The People's Forum o -- insertion ic a word, Esch con. secutive insertion thereafter balf cent 8 word, Minimum charge for one insertion 25¢; three lasertioss, 30c; six, $1; one mouth, $2. rm HELP--WANTED, TWO MALIDS. APPLY, General Hospital, KINGSTON STENOGRAFPHER AT THE JACKSON Press. Apply at once, TesetveIsssIIIT IR seseses esse) : LOST. A BUNCH OF RELS ABOUT SEVEN on a ring, of no use except to the owner, Piease return te Whig office. FOR SALE. ONE SECOND-HAND Disc Drill, ply te D. THIRTEEN in good condition. Ape J. Hay, Clarence Street. ROLL OF BILLS, CONTAINING FIVE $5 bills and three $1 bills, on Sat- urday night, on Princess Street Reward for return to Whig office stu oF MONEY, FRIDAY MORNING on either "Raglan Road. York, Main, Division or Princess Streets Fioder kindly return to Whig of- fice and receive reward, A BIG VARIETY OF WALNUT AND mafogahy Chalrs and Sofas at 5 ¥Y low prices. Turk's - 'Phone 05. SEVEN-ROOM FRAME Division Street: good cellar: all modern improvements, with bara and big lot. Apply on premises, HOUSE, APPLY TO 85 King Street. A COOK. MRS, R. Kent, BE. GIRLS ND RNS, APPLY A ~. Oberdortfer uve Ca, Ontario St, WEDNESDAY, AUG. Shaot the R. THURSDAY, ALG, of the Islands, SOc. FRIDAY, AUG. 4, 8 am ~Ganavogue, Brockville and Ogdensburg, He re- fare, sary RDAY, of the islands, Se. SUNDAY, 7.30 am. and 2 pm--fie- gular Trips to Unpe Vidonhs Soe seen MEALS ON ALL TRIPS, Str. QUINTE QUEEN _SWirTS WHARF 7 oy EVERY TUESDAY Fon nike NA, GIVING N. AVES SWIFT'S he 2 - ¥ WEDN NErmAY FOR GAN. ey hed T0090 am. «= aoe, x 5) Pm Tour . Rn K, ARRIVING oe 0.15 a, RETURN FARE, 50, SPECIAL. RATE ON § TWKETS, EITHER .. Thursdays and Fridays epen for charter. COLLIER, 44 W,. Daign St, Kingston, Ont, July 5, 191 Liberal Convention A Liberal Convention for the purpose of Nominating a Candida'e to contest Frontenag County in the Reciprocity issue will be held THURSDAY, AUGUST 10th AT COURT HOUSE, KINGSTON, At 2 p.m All those in favor of the Reci- procity Agreement welcome. A. BE. WELLER, President. J. 0. ELLERBECK, Sec. Routley's Fishing Reels reliable Store to Buy that's fit for In quality and The only your Pishing Tackle fishing. You gain save in price. Bamboo Poles... +. . Steel Bods... ... . $1. 30 a $15.00 Bait Casting Rods. 23¢ to $5.00 Long and Short Reds. . Sc. to $2.00 Silk and Ivigh Flax _LiMés, Nets, Minnow Catchers, Pails, Rod Hold- ers. Floats, Hooks, Sinkers and all the Implements to tackle the big A.K. Ro utley . Wasn'¢. Interested. Governor Tener, of Pennsylvania, says the Cosmopolitan, is an inveter- ate smoker and choice 'as to his selec tion 'of cigars. Lighting a Havana re cently, he siid: ~ "The Londoners are indifferent about their tobacco--indifierent and blase, like an omaibos conductor: I "sews in Oxford street. "You know the London omnibus? It is a double decker. I you sit on top you must go up and down by a very steep stairway. "Well, this blase eonductor Palled up his 'bus at Régent circus, and the ladies bound . for Peter Robinson's eagerly got out. But one fat lady, who had been sitting on top, came down the steep and: winding stairs very slowly. lier skirt Sapped round her ankles, and at every step she stop- ped and thrust it reiliy down. The conductor waited with a borgd ex- pression, his hand on the bell-rope: but he lr¢. patience when the Tat lady stopped for the fifth or sixth time to thrust down her billowing skirt, and he burst out angrily : " 'Now, then, lydy, un of {yer. Figgers ain't no P ier Limitation. Cosmopolitay, New York. = ator La Follette, SHtieuing trust said : "Ta dignity under abuse and at- track is, somehow, funny. It reminds me of a little Sioux City girl, "Ons morning she hung about kitchen Suntingally, can't » up, ; to me, the the lost of bere, ve AUG. 5 230 pw~--~Tour| , CLOTH WORKERS, FUR FINISHERS and girls to learn; steady employ- ment, Apply! to John McKay, Brock Street. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE: work and to assist with children Apply to Mrs, Armstrong, 260 Barrie Street, LABORERS AND QUARRY wages, $1.35 to $1.50 per day an board. Apply te Exploration Syndicate, Collins Bay, Ont. AGENTS WANTED FOR PRIVATE Christmas cards, either sex; sample book free: Jar profits Chipchase, | "Gardox," Pariington TTEAgENA. Naw INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY for néwina mony corresponding or a fo! eH oula prose A Ben a C! re, - cate, 3, Tol Lockport, N.X, hia MEN COUNTRY DOMES. August Sth, August d and weekly oh The Guild, 7. Drum Yont real 14 oronto - CLERKS TO SELL ARTICLES MUCH needed in every home, especially by working men; geod salary; per- manent position; if you are work- ing for small salary behind the counter, write to a you can double your wages | an be dos own boss. Apply, Bax " Whig Office. carAmLE oLD tics, arrivin 18th, Sept 5 Apply now, mond Street, Grenville Street, or ------ pr MILI TURRETT and Mechanica LATHE, BORING Lathe Operators to assemble small parts, marine engine test floor men and 'toel makers, 'in a factory Increasing its capacity. a golden opportunity to "start up" for the right men only good mechanics nepd apply stating fully experience, age re ferences and remuneration want ed, 20 Alhambra Ave, Toronto TEACHERS WANTED. FOR 8.8, No. 11, WESTBROOK, TOWN. ship of Kingston: dutles to cem » after holiday Apply, stat. salary and experience, to George Hyland, Sec.-Treas., West- brook, Ont. PROTESTANT TEACHER FOR THR Junior Department of the Ports- mouth Public Scheel; salary, $275 per annum, State experience qualification by the JIvd August, Thomas F. Graham, Portsmouth, Ont WANTED--GENERAL. SHOE REPAIRING OF EVERY DE- scription; first class wor! best leather only used; one trial will suffice. rin your repairs to Bcott"s, 206 Barrie Btreet, cor. of Clergy West. * GENTLEMEN TO BRING THEIR Cloth and have it made up into up- bra date sults. Price and workman- ship guaranteed to please. Pressin repairing done on the shortes Bot! ce. Thomas ° Galloway, 130 Brock St. next Bibby's Livery. ANY PERSON HAVING GOOD SE- cond-hand Furniture and Stoves before disposing drop me a card I will pay good prices. I have for sale Brass and Iron Beds and all Kinds of Furniture in Oak. Happy Thought ges. Will sell reason- ahs. J. Thompson, 333 Princess reet. OSTEOPATHY. "HEALTH WITHOUT DRUGS. "---R. Ashcroft, DO, Edna E. Ashero D.O, Graduates under Dr. Btill the Founder of Osteapathy 438 Princess Street, corner - Division "Phone 1. No charge for son suitation and literature. 3 fe Bours. 10 to 12. 2 to Bb. 6 4 HENRY PP. SMIT ARC 45% King Berest. Phone it. TIO ARTHUR ELLIS, ARoprrion mw Tptysraity Avenue, 'sloph ine SUMMER RESORTS. GENUINE RURAL AT Bijou Villa; also se parate 4 room pge: boat at ag fly. Ap- to H, P. Gordo . RRat th, Ont COMFORT "THE ALEXANDRA" JUST THE place for a quiet vacation: ceoling breezes; right on the shore of lake Ontario: good table; rate rates; clreular on application to lex. McAdam, Manager, Well- in on, Prince Edward County, nt i modes HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS BRUNSWICK HOTEL, ONTARIO ST, pposite G.T.R. station, one block on car line; r aT with Borg and liquors; charges Moderate; ial rates by the week. John a Prop. THE GRIMASON HOTEL, Princess Street. 342-344 Bar stocked with the best: of Ales, Beers, Wines, Liquors, and choicest Brands of Cigars. Meals, 25c each, or special rates by the week. Ya od "ana stable accommodation. Rat reasonable. Mulvilie & 'Driscott TO LER, STORKS, DWELLINGS, ete, J. B 81 Brock OFFICES, R. McCann, Bireet. BUMMER COTTAGES AND FURNISH- ed Dwellings J. B, R. McCann, 61 Brock Street. SEVERAL with 415 tion FURNISHED whole or partial Johnson Btreet;' ROOMS, board, ac pleasant loca STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CL EAN, dry, alry rooms absolutely moth roof; your own lock and key 'rost's ( nt. Storage, 299 Queen St "Phone 626 FROM MAY 1st, BRUWK ROUSE, Ne. 181 Division Btpeet; extonsion kitchen; bot water heatin 8, Apply to Frederick Welch, Re 179 Division Street. BRICK HOUSE, No, 2% WELLINGTON Street, near Park; ten large rooms; improvements to suit good tenant. Apply to I. Cohen, care of Susman & Cohen, or 138 Queen reet, FURNITURE FINISHER. ANTIQUE FURNITURE A SPRCIALTY, ebonizing and gliding, enamelling and all colors of mission werk; all Bork tof Y8s best attention. Pat 23 John Btreet. 'Pho LEGAL. CUNNINGHAM & MUDIE, BARRIST- ers and Bolicitors. Law Ottice. 19 " Clarence Bt. Kingston. DENTAL. SPARKS AND SPARKS, DENTISTS, 230 1-3 Princess Biree 'Phone 346. A Riagaon. of wines| S.C. WHITE LEGHORN one year old» pure bred: fax-laying strain: 75¢ each; to make room for pullets Marrison, Cataragui, Ont. HENS, heavy want R.A 5 USK, EIGHT ROGUS, improvements. lot; 4% barn Apply dn pees Pine Street. or corner '¥ and Montreal Streets YOU WANT A GOOD STORE OR Balcony Awnl Porch Curtain, Waggon Cover, Cork Life Preserve. ers or Fenders for your motor boat, drop a card to Capt. Joseph Dix, 211 Nelson Street. OL ESTABLISHED business in smart brick store. Bakery BOON EOINE CORCOrn: Nose! . shop combined. Gardiner & Bate- man, 67 Clarence Street. Rus GWNER RE. a splendid es. Business with and excellent particulars, ad Li§ Wellington ANAND OPPORTUNITY, tiring, wll sacrifice tablisheéd Millinery high.class trade stand, For full dress, Miss Killing, Street, Kingston NEW SOLID BRK HOUSE, 70 VEL. son Street; sevén rooms. good cellar: hot air furnace: modern nprovementis: gas. lot, 40 x 150; possession about 1st Sepl.. owner jenving the city spap for quick buyer Apply an premises FLAGS, AWNINGS, TENTS, CANORS, camping outfits, fishing tackle, marine supplies, lunch baskets, English raincoats, everything in canvas, kit bags, stlk tents spray hoods, motor boat supplies, Frank W. Cooke, 259 Ontario Bt. 'Phone 891 or 23. FOR SALE OR TO LET, mises for many Henry Skinner & . Drugglsts, extending from Prine cess Street to Queen Street, with frontage on both, and Including ex~ tensive buildings. Apply to hax ningham & Mudie THE EXTENSIVE BUSINESS p yeats occupled Wholesale v -BOARD AND ROOMS. BRIGHT, AIRY ROOMS, wIiTH without board; can be had at University Avenue; convenient cars, gas, and all modern venliences ERT FINANCE AND INSURANOR. ron FA URARG BE THAT iNsuRps Go . H. Godwin & Son's Insurance DS ra over Northern Crown Bank, Brock Street, or 'pohne 424, GENERAL INSURANCE-FIRE, LIFR, Accident and Health Policies fssu- adi first- Ham companion Nandard rates. oon, ent, Wellington Street. G, A. BATEMAN, CUSTOMS BROKER and Insurance, Fire, LJle, Accident or Indemnity im first class come anles, 'Phone 386. «7 Clarence treet, Kingston, Ont. 8. H. SIMPSON, 8, D.D.S & 6s LB Street, Teiep ir DR, ©. CO. NASH, DENTIST Weicker, assist icker, 3! ant, 183 DR. A. E. KNAPP, DENTIST, 10 MONT. real Street, near cone Phone ott n Street. briacess 8% LS S.A. AYKROYD, DDS, L.D.S, DUNT. ist, over Dominion Express Office, 351 Wellington Street. 'Phone BUSINESS CHANCES. ANYONE, ANYWHERE, CAN STA & mall order business at home. anghaning your own Bend for Tree booklet Tells how Heacock, 2,969 Lockport, N.Y. IT 0 FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST. ment BSoclety; established 1563; president, 'Sir Richard Cartwright: money issued on city and farm roperties, municipal and count ebentures; mortgages purchas deposits received and Interest al- lowed McGill Managing Director, $7 Clarence Btree LIVERPOOL, LO Fire Insurancé Com assets, $61,187 215, which the policyholders i security the unimited lability of sll the stockholders. Farm and city property Insured at lowe, possible rates. Before renewing ol or giving new business get rates from Strange & Strange, Agents, "Phone 326. DON, AND GLO pany. Availab In addition 24 ave for PERSONALS, MEDIOAL 4. F. SPARKS, B.A. PHYSICIAN and Surgeon, 100 * Wollingian n Qttles hours, 10 (» 12 inet Fa to ¢ 'Phone 386. to 9 p.m. NN LAND od a tects, ete. "Phony Pt rowsR oS SON, ng Brock ang STRA NGELY BLA N DED, soi Bagot Bireet 1 wellington Siroets Reflection of Lightning in Mirror Deprives Millionaire's Son of Sight. Henry Adams of Atlantic City hap: peed "to glance into a mirror daring a severs storm and saw the reflection of a vivid flash of. lightning. Instantly he fell to the floor uneomseious. When revived #t was found that Adams was totally blind. A delicate operation was performed on him in the hope that the paralyzed optio netves could be #estored to uselulngss The operation failel, and it is believed Adams will be blind for life. > Adams' mother once was struck hy lightning, and in bis youth she always cautioned him to close windows during a orm. He was doing this when the lightning flash came. ° Twenty-four years old, Adams is the son of s millionaire owner of board walk 'bathhouse. ---------- Missed a Train That Was a Day Late. When the Switz City division of the Hlinois Central wax built 4 was known as the Indians and inoi Southern. It was a narrow gauge road; the roadbod was bad, the 'en- gines and cars were built on a mwinia- ture seale, and while there was schedule UPHOLSTERER, W. J. GAVINE, UPHOLST ring an Sarge: Bork. THs renovatin op & call 218 Bagot Bowed op NG, RB alr mat- or ESTABLISHED 1866.. - HAIR, MOL LES. BIRTHMARKS, warts, ete, ved permanently without scar. o Twenty Jonry ox Hants. Dr. Elmer ake Eye, Nose, Throat and Bkin Blem- tah Boeciaiiat 268 Bagot Bireet "-- OCEAN BTEAMSH\P amor. - --i. FRANBATLANTIO LINES, ALL C 8. Kirkpatrick, Agent. 42 Clarence Btreet, Kingston. 'Phone There' a Difference Josiah McConnell desired to go to Switz City from Sullivan, but missed the train by' 4 minute or two. The train hed left al of time, five minutes Sullivan N i su and ages. Un atrial of the case it was proved beyond a doubt that the train eConpell missed should have gone the day before and was really twenty- three hours and fifty five minutes fate, United States government will ap- peal to the supreme court iu the Harrima Gilbert, sells Bur' pai ote. "Of course, 9 J 3 He floundersd help! meat and "then, thought, blurted ant, And that is the reason why our Coal and Wood is being sold to the working man. It means a saving. J. SWIFT & CO. Giving Himself Away. She was very literary, and ho was clock at the station showed that the mot. He had spent a harrowing evening discussing authors of whom be knew the railroad. eompuny for £5,000 dam. pothing, asd their books, of which lies knew lese, Presently the mai you've ha "Pre--I've read Ro in Tisaes.

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