¥. AUGUST 1, 1911, » FOUND. DEAD IX A CHAIR. SUPERSTITIONS HAVE TO REGISTER VOTERS" "=" TR : | John Kehoe, Johnson Street, Died ® : : Ey A nin ; i Very Suddenly. : . gi Most of Them Were Originated in ON AUGUST 10TH, 11TH, 120M.) Jou Kehos died very suddenly at|AT CONSTABLE SMITH WHO WAS the Centuries of Long AND 14TH. - hi , Johnson street, on Monday | AFTER HIM. Ago. . 4 , at 11.30 o'clock. Mr. Kehos| - : H-you fall -up-stairs;, you won't be There are Five Registars--The was in hia_usual pooh health Monday | Man Named Hickey Who Smicided married this year. Sectire Morning, a was sitling mm his room | shoot ticer---- you see t new moon first over "Qualifications Necessary 10 3 i. posting. He worked Saturday as usual, 1 Thicatened . 1p | on your left shoulder vou will have a Registration. Pond went down to see the old boys| Took Poison Before His Arpest. 5) 3 uve * The registration of manhood suffrage come home, and returned feeling ax] and Died on Way to Kingston. [ H you siti before breakfast you will voters for the coming dominion elec good as ever, "All right, you have got me this be pointed before night. | tions will be wade in Kingston on the: His wile had gone to Vietoria park, 'time, but 1 have taken the dose." The maiden who bathes her face in 10th, Lith, 12th, and 14th, and a court to see the flag raising, aud when she | These ate the words, credited to the the dew on the first miorning in May of appeal will be held on the 19th. returned, found him dead, sitting in a men named Hickey, who committed shall be beautiful through the year, The registrars, aeconiing to slatits, shale pig the Windaw. j {suicide. Friday last, on being Rlatel as Je bod lack to meet anyone on are Judge Price, J. B. Walkem, K.C.,! Mr. Kehoe was thirty years of age, 'juder arrest County Const, $ i; . T. XK. Fi and J. P. Gildersleeve. and was employed at the Locomotive | Smith, arest by which ge made in| It is bad luck to go back after any- : Certainly, if you wear These four can appoint any additional works. He leaves three children, two fthe 'Whig, on Saturday, Hickey had thing that has been forgotten. { the right kind of Un- registrats they see fit, and have named boys and one girl, Vera Lawrence and 'trouble with his wile, and, it is al-| I you drop a disheloth or tea erwear. 'The coolest William Mundell gs the fifth. The places: Roy and two rothers, Joseph, care- faced, that he threatened to shoot her. towel, expect a visitor, . of registration will be announced im- taker of the post office and Thomas, | i was upon this charge, Constable : If a hits Cal, runs across your | Underwear must not mediately. and two sisters, Mrs. R. O'Neil, and |Sumith was endeavoring td place him oe its 4 gn of a wedding. nly be thin, # must The following are the qualifications Mrs. J. Magnet, both of this city. 'under arrest when the unfortunate ai- a pews alls it is the mg to --Xilso ht Anil if it necessary to secure registration : Deceased wus a liberal in politics, and fair took place. ¥ SOS of a wedding, to others of a 80 $y n 1 i has Everj~male person sof the full age a Roman Catholic in religion. ~The! 'Constable Smith had a most exeit- deat : lock eat : *ertain special points of twenty-one years, a subject of bis funeral will take place Wodnesday ing time. Hickey lived in a hous jn hile irae ea FUN JErORS tr Pain} of good finish and costs majesty by birth of naturalization, and morning, at 9.30, to St. Mary's Ca- | the woods some distanes from Ardoch, b : rh Yo rid -- Hy eats uck, | : » not disqualified under the Ontario thedral. i {and he got wind of the fact that the > Ade pment vi - You oitie ess than the average, Election Act and not otherwise hy law TY eg . officer was after him. eeptionally A i luck for bt ok _-- ' «ho shall say that does prohibited irom yotiiy, stall "he ui - AY:IAKE ONTARIO PARK. |Twiey Gonsigble Smith teathed, 1he Shue sey Shors as bork ats not add to Summer titled to be entered on the list of | Ry : SE {house, Hickey armed himself with a!" ff on Kind of pin is lving i "you : manhood suffrage voters for the poll- | The Vaudeville Performance This | or chester rifle, sud refused to let the | ..p with the pon ne NLT mfort also ? ing subdivision in which he resides. | Week is Good, 'constable in. The officer broke in the svn) bad ook. To counteract thi Many kinds of good All such persons must have resided in| There was a very large attendance 'door, and then Hickey fled upstairs. pick it up and bend it aid throw it] 1 ' " : the province for twelve months ore at the vaudeville entertainment at Constable Smith called to- him to| away, wishing at the same time for Underwear for Women, ceding the date of the first day on | Lake Ontario Park last evening, The stop, but in return Hickey pointed the sométhing you 'want. & hildren and Men are which the registrars of manhood Thorntons, well-known Kingstonians, 'rifle, which was loaded, at him, end| If you find a hairpin piek it up abd : bufirage hold their meeting. consisting of Miss Gladys, Masters threatened to shoot. The position was | put it in yout boot, and the first man | "Students at usiversities and col | Howard and Harcld. In the opeging 4 most serious ome, but Constable | you meet With a red tie you are going @® leges may register if they are not gk {chars ey sang "Listen to the Smith was ready for it, and called [to marry, ' réady registered in their home towns' [Jungle Band" as a quartette. A ut to Hickey to pat rifle 'down,| If you stub your . toe tl BEsssevesvsavanssoene Registrations made under the On-| pretty ballad by Master Howard, "My ovr to je po He ne with walk walk around the t on hse w---- tario law, and all those eligible under | Heart Has Learned To Love You." his request, he would have to Stub your toe, ingi x -- See pons bem Jf Sa : py part. 1 of the Ontario municipal lists Master Howard . followed by singidg .serious.steps.to. get: him. Hickey then = WEATHER will qualily for the Dominion fran: "Timmy Valenti e' 4 Miss Gladys sang yr his at. and Constable Kiss your thumb, 3 | : THE BANK oF Toho » 4 . HAVING proved the value of Ita services in the past, it providés to-day an unexcelled banking = gervice, SAVINGS Accounts In- vited, Interest is pald on balances half yearly. LADIES' aad © Child- ren's aceounts receive courteous attention, BUSINESS Accounts opened on favorable terms. $30,000,000 0000000000060 000000000000000000000008 : : I : KINGSTON BRANCH 107 PRINCESS ST. - GEORGE B. McKAY, Manager. 0000000000000 GOOOOS eooeveeneresnennaesy ® soso theese chise. sweetly "Oh, You Dream," concluding [Smith put the handeuffs on him, and He's sure to come. with a guairtetie, "Gee, Ain't It Great {prepared to drive to the jail. He did| Never give anything sharp to a friend Passed the Examinations. To Be Home," which .was loudly pot put much stock in the story Hic- unless he gives some slight token {u The following are names of candi- | upplduded. H. F. Newmarket, the key told about having taking a dose. (¢ent) in velurn. Sharp points cul Es : : : uN ' uc dates. who have passed on one or fiore | expert mandolin antl banjo soloist. After getting his man into the rig, friendship, a W C 1 U d Hammocks parts of the examination for entrance played séveral fine selectiong on both and driving BE miles, Hickey ~ was Il you meet a load of hay, say x =A omen Ss 00. nae vests, mto the faculties of outa lion t i | et umets and was repentedly pr taken very ill, and in a few moments payload, hayioad, 2 10¢, 12ic, 15¢, 20c¢, 20e, 35c¢. Frontenac--+F, 1. Medcof, Pt, II. ; J. | cored, iss Rosevear sang he {fall dead in the constable's arms. 1s ing me some luck. i E. Revelle, I't. | Southern Ciel' and "0 Callaghan." ' Never enter into any imports usi- > The kind you can lay straight out; H. Redmond, Pt. 1; , ghan, story about taking a dose had been ', porte D 4 1. : true. It is believed that the - deceased | M*®s transaction unless it is a the rawers, Lennox and : Addington A. MH. PULLED DOWN THE BARS. took a dose-of Strichynne as a bottle fa of the noo. # aati At 236. 35¢ 9c Cowan, Pt. 1; E. G. Vile, Pt. I; L. 4 containing some of it was found al eating any Jruil. in. which there . JC, Jue, ove, GG. Johnston, Pt. I: M. McCall, Pt. Ald.' Carson Had Street Opened ON | orwards at his Home." It is believed | AY stones count them thus : Rich Il., (Hon.); E. G. Milling, Pt. I; Holiday. that Hickey had the dose concealed on hat, Poor man, pReEgr yam, thi, Paul, Pt. UW: G. A, Preston, Pt. 1. Ald. Joha Carson was very warm [his person, and took it when he ran [005 OF» 'lawyer, Indian chief, unter, Child ' : \ under the eollar Monday afternoon [away from the constable. When search: Sailor, aaldier, sailor; this Loinchs Rext 1 ren s Cool Undervests " deidi rs, Oi i " ' 3 mr, So ©, never; goin oF . Buy Seidiltz powders," Gibson's. when he found that (Clarence street, lod, he had about 2140, and one large Sa neind in wilk, satin, i. rain The board of management of the In-| Letween King and Ontario streets, [knif f two sf nes. v 3: THE COUCH HAMMOCK |..-icosi sais mice' Sha" ie | i ed, a rig ra lle, bod he here ar mors 'ses us. sop Ln all siz. s and several makes. 4 cided to recommend double tracking to A long bar was placed across the stable Smith now has in his posses your tea, if it is ver salt it in a Drawers to mate h. Just like a bed for comfort. all leading «© points, notably from | street, near the arch, and when the sion ten of the cartridges. lady, if bh rder . Si ack t be Chandiere Junction to Levis. 2 vity "daddie' came along be lost -- . en Ys th wo Pa Fh I ur 3 ot Hammocks from $1.00 to $7.50. Gilbert sells Gurd's Caledonia water: | little time in pulling #t down. A A Salvation Army Baronet. it ih ret Lime it AS, a man from the engineer's department | M. A, P., London. tor that night, if 'the second time the was close by and he"%tated that he | A scion 'of one of the 6fdest of the : 3m bad been given instructions to keep noble families of England, Sir Genile next, if the third the next following, M n's on and not double up Hke a Jack knife. : The the street closed, but Ald. Carson, in [Cave-Brown-Cave, 19th baronet, of and il it falls ofi-he will not come i . very quick order, showed the spec- Stanford, is now 5 member of the 3 . Rois : ; WwW A. Mitchell tators that he was boss of the si-{Salvition Army in Brooklyn. His pa- bl Henk a nh oy , Mmoung of nei No. tuation, and down came the bars. |trimonial estates in England were ho | yf you drop gloves or an umbrella, pam) 0RONTO, 104 stronger, Ald. Carson #aid the understanding encumbered that yeaus ago he came 10 [jot gomeone else pick them up, it . : was to have the street opened on this country to make a living and bad | would mean disappointment to do so 00 n erves on § the holiday and he was very much bben employed on ranches in the west. yourself, HARDWARE. Silver stolen from Lucky Godlrey, M-Eik Lake. bas heen found. Cox Memeie 00. put out to think that anything should | He became one of the most expert of |" It means a disappointment to drop ake, 0 A block the old boys' demonstration. ' cowboys, and held the record for rop- |scigsors, spins - . Setime-- ing and branding n steer in the short- | Two spoons put in a cup and saucer With long or short slecve STOCK QUOTATIONS est time, The freedom of the plains [by mistake means a marriage, D I kle k 5 lengtl From McGiialg Bros Men ) aipealed to him. Some mouths ago | Someone will come hungry if you : TAwers ankle or knee length, ny treal (Sir Genille decided on going to Eng- [take a second helping of food when : Through J. O. Hutton, land on a visit and travelled east ag {you already have some. Men sBalbriggan Underwear August lst, 1911. [far as New York. There a Salvation If when out walking with a friend a # Ask. Bid. [Army lass with her tambourine and a [post or tree comes between, it means 400 and 50¢ Fach. i Crown Reserve 318 315 (frank look in her blue eyes lured him {8 quarrel unless "bread and butter" ig Eastern Canada Pulp ...... B50 45 [From a public resort, in which he and | repeated three times. 1 ' . . 4 Canada Cement 22k 22 |4 party of friends were regaling them. | In blowing the seed from a dande 3 Men S Fine Gauze Weight ; Canadian Pacific Railway... 244 {gelves, and interested him in the work {fion, repeating, 'He loves me, loves y : ; B Dominion Steel ! 532 lof the army. He is now working as a |M® not," which ever comes when the Natural Wool that absorbs all per- Petroit United ver 4d Janitor and frying to save from his 188¢ seed goes is true. : : Buluth Superior g wages the $100 NE ra | vo di If your right hand is itchy you are spiration, Per garment at : : . Mian. & St. Paul ..... 391 lquired at the Salvation Army train |80IN€ to shake hands with a stranger, " 5 " Richelieu & Ontario as 22 ling school for a er ne if your left hand is itchy you are go- 7 Cc Porto "Rico ...... ...... sri it ing to reveive money. I your nose is Penmans Limited .... Jo 7 itehy you are going to kiss a fool. Toronto Railway ------ Jerusalem's Public Ovens. If your right ear burns someone is ' . . Dothinion Textile .... . 5 London Chronicle, speaking well of you; if your left ear Bo b S Twin Oty... ...... ..... 108} There are public bakeries in Jerusa- [burns someone speaks ill Yo you, ys Bal riggan hirts Lake of the Woods 147 lem. The dough is kneaded at home Wish on the first star you see every Montreal Power. ... .. 1667 [and carried in great lumps to the [night, saying or singing : and Drawers public ovens. These are to be found "Star light, star bright, _. ds in al : ) A save- : i T 2 o Baseball Records, In almost every street. They are cave Very first star I've seen to-night All si > i ing ow ren ' Sizes, New able Linens, | Fastern League--Newark, 3; Toroo- Hig Saulth; ge Sowa Below . She x ell me truly, alll wish to know to, 2. Rochester, 3; Baltimore, 1. hether the boy that I adore, C r.acn. : vault is the oven, with a sort of well . ' Providence, 10; Montreal, 3. Buffalo : ' Loves me less or loves me more, ; ' + (before its open door. In the well Star bright, star bright, 4 New Linen Towels, Trays, Voc ML SR B® Pos- Sigua Lhe" baie witha Jung peidie Tell me is it 50." iis : Boys' White Sweater Shirts ton, 1. Chicago, 4; Philadelphia, 2.|and takes out the loaves. If you whould find an eyelash, put i y forks: 0 8t I 2. Cindint }TS - . : {it on the back of your head and wish. i J New York, & t. Louis, 2 mem The oven floor is marked out in { yon blow and Br off the hand With Red or Blue Band on Collar and : ® * : nati, 2; Deooklyn, 1, blocks, so that kin each s : 5 7 p Shams Embroidered Slips, American League--Washington, 5; | family is phat he baling of block. the first time you get your wish, if Sleeve, all solors, : y . Cleveland, 2. Boston, 3-2; St. Louis, [The loaves, which are "about an inch the second time there 18. 8 possibility 25¢ Each ; : 23. Chicago, 13; New York, 0. De- | thick, are of the size of a tes plate ol the wish coming trus, but if "it : troit, 6; Philadelphia, 3. and have a hole in the centre. The doesn t comie off the third time the ' Canadian League--Berlin, 10; St. [baker makes them from the dough, wish will never come true. Thomas, 6. London, 4; Guelph, 3.|bakes them, and returns them hot | When you sleep in a strange bed | ® Hamilton, 8; Brantford, 7. from the oven to the customer. He {have someone name the four corners | Wi} . Se e------ a-- receives two cents for each half dozen | With eligible men or maidens. Which- aw n Said "Duke;:"" Not "Jew." loaves, or he may instead take a toll [#Ver corner you see first on opening ® -- hire ia" 3 i f letter | of one loaf for each dozen. Before |YOUr eyes in the morning, you are to ALSO ae Wg Boy erating a past ro starting the baking he grenses the [marry the person for which it is dent of the Toronto association for a| floof of the oven with olive oil. The{named. ; ; sta t ha ¢t he made on the| "el used is bakeries being the great | Sleep with wedding cake under your u . ' 1 in oe i; park' Monday cost of fuel. pitlow seven nights, writing the names A big assortment of Ladies morning, in addressing the audience oF tvs dierent intcreivag __paple A x The writer is ler the impression Literal. the opposite sex on different slips S 5 3 ] ! l that the speaker said he would rather Hatper's, New, York, I t ae aulip aug seh mati : Judge Joseph Buckner Lamar, ol ARC. the one leit on the. . sevent weater Coats, all Co10rs, ong i gated ftom dian than dmoend (Georgia, who has recently been ap- [MOrving is the one you will marry. x £7 an i wd that, "I would rather ascend from an (Pointed to fhe supreme bench, tells _ an Sule of sluthing should bo| 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 A * A the followi t : on ace ally wrong side out,. and short lengths, at very rea~ Indian than descend from o duke. Woen Nis Mitre ite young thay you must . not change it or it will & . ¥ ; ' ; a ing ack. aS tgs Terre Cars Carried 13,000 People. were often warned againet playing on MM a sheet on the bed happens to be sonable prices. R |. The Street. Care had, ome of sheithe lawn when it wap damp. The fre LCCC Lie up RR 10 Be 3 i, i busiest days on 'Monday ir their his ey tad : ----e that {1uek, if both happen to be put on a Digi i. » tory, ecartying some 13,000 people. It it a a . Nite 3 fwrong side out it means good luck. was very late when all the res made very little impression Nothing is meant if it is done pur x \ Ontario Park. Two: cars] POR the Joungaters, until one day posely. : ll [went of the track in the afternoon on fbi hi ttle don was learning the [4 ol, person starts 10 make a bed . y King street, near the city park. Peo- oo) ---- or the next Bunday- 5s 4.4 Teck for the owner if anyone ple 'were seen travelling on the tops of |* : finishes it. the cars, and the s collecting Little white spol ou the finger nails Tae : . . : Bl their fares. h. i "wenn, from the thumbs to little finger : Ladies' Lisle and Silk | ie the gfomns, Jot hd Sum She Rs #0, ; J i ; Mpg A t, a beau, ow Al " ibso n" ol . . ; Pale Ey Sibaonrs the past} .1* What, son 1" aid the judge. A fourvey to. go." fe x Bley gh Ry *%h atl . i - " 3 : 8 . Long Gloves a speci- {J [xe sot 5 soe Thi?al™| le dom" seta te vith vor. | tay in Theat" Sick month io : eX " olan ¥ ; . Held Lawn Social. ¥ ) ho y SUMMER SALE. A A AAA AN SAN ONAN a ta a a tO A st Reluction or 1-5 off the regu 20 P C lar price of all our Oxford : *Ns® Shoes of $2.00 and up DURING AUGUST In order to make room for New Goods, we will clear out all our Oxfords. Everything must go-- Men's, Women's and Children's. 20 per cent. off all regular Oxfords and all the odds and broken lots on taliles marked. Low: enough to suit everybody. Call and get a Bargain, : Eih * one iy y \ ' May the ch y ae a ye Monday might a most Aelightfal : : I. p of the ear {lawn social was held at Hitcheoek's Island, conducted an MeLaren, The event was at- 'by a number of Kingston peo , the steamer Wolfe Islander making over at eight o'clock, smd re at one o'clock. The gt very prettily illaminsted, and music was provided iE Ed z - 5 _ tuab i § CRE abeat- ER Asan nin i i mn, lf lh Pt Ns tt tN si? The Lockett Shoe Store $0000000000000000000000000000000000000080 7 t hearibg destroyed d EARL tn Re ad Ty Cajaven. dns Sits mh SUES poe for cat "st Deafness (caused by ; on 3 . testimoninls recefved by actual for 3 1 ' by Hails! © d y f : in two Be sure to take 1s ., Toledo, O. ---- Fay b S00 E0000060000000000000000000000000000000000 P ONE 0000000000000000R00000000000000000000000 »