Daily British Whig (1850), 1 Aug 1911, p. 7

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5 CB COOVOCOFOGO OOOO 0000 FURNITURE SAL OO000OP000OCO00O0000L AT ROBT. J. REID'S OOO OTGOOOVOOCO0O 0000 3 Solatoatoscos cots MO OOTFOOO0O0 They "commence to 'rebuild next month. Some good! snaps on Sale. $25.00 Solid Malogony Desk for $15.00, Dining Room, Parlor and Bedroom Setts at reduced Ideas, wl some inven vontivaaliisy te GREELEY MaINT MEN iis sy Waskingion, br 6 THOMAS COPLEY Prov: 987. rd to 19 Pine Btreet w Drop & wantin any thin dons, the raniine op) fatimates 176 Coli, "on ae ama Sow wor, wood Floors of al ry will receive Ds prompt attention reet op, 40 Queen price. 730 PRINCESS. ST Telephone 577 PICTURES FRAMED RIGHT. If you are in goubt as to the character of frame you nead Jor a picture you conte mpl, framing ask our framer can give you best stock, on work, best effect and best price of anyhody in the city. », . As WEESE & C0, Wallpaper. $® 10m onEaAm AND FRUITS, ® ® ALL KINDS oF CALIFORNIA 8 ¥ - Our Ice Cream Parlor is the ® finest and-coolest In the eity. It ghey be hot outside, but In our Parlor . M, Vv. PAPPA . sep it is Always &ool, hd & CO . et" ® Bese hBabasRRRLRLe RIL SUITS FOR AIL Men's and boys Sults and Over- coats. Ladies' Suits. Eloy Woman he cannot ARVEL per hut sed stamp for Qlustrar, woksealed. It give, full partie. wiars and directions invaluable to ladies, WINDSOR SUPPLY CO., Wiadeor. Ont. Urner) Amante foe © Rugs, Curtains, Ofllcloths, Blank- ots, ote. Jewellery, Art Bquares. ON EASY PAYMENT PLAN. All kinds of Boots and Shoes-- Ladies', Men's, Children's. Cheapest prices, prea and examine the Goods and Jageph Abramsky 208 PRINCKSS STREET, COAL 'Whe kind you are looking for is the kind we sell. Scranton Coal » good coal and we guarantee prompt delivery. * To keep moths out of furs, clothing,carpets and draperies use Keat- 88 For sale by all Druggists In tins only 10,15, 20,25¢, BOOTH & CO. FOOT WEST STREET. Oxford nice I Swede Two-hole sides, $3.00 Oxfords "or pumps in tho Meta, Pat. Colt Growing Girls' walking weight worth $2.50. Early Clearing Price... $1.75 f Mra, Frederick J. , [suddenly on Sunday mornin - | THE DANY 'wari WHIG, SORE a : 1911. 7 : | GANANOQUE BOY DEAD 1A FINE PARTY Late crak BURNS PHILLIPS, AGED NINETEEN, Wheel Company Employee Had His Hand Mangled--W., J. Gibson Gave His Employees a Trip to Clayton. ' Gananoque, Aug. 1.--The death oc curted at seven o'clock S y morn ing at the Brophy House, the home of his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs, Berp- ard Shields, of Clare Burns-Phillips, son of William Phillips, in the nine teenth year af his. age, Deceased was well known and highly respected, a na- tive of the town, and graduate from the public and high schools of the town. After mmtriculating for Queen's a year ago he secured a position in Cobalt, where ho cobtracted rheumsa tism and returned howe quite il, oth er serious complications set in and he never rallied. The funeral took! place Tuesday morning to Sp. John's church, where requiem mass i celebrated by Rev. Fr. Kehoe and the remains laia to rest in the Roman Catholic burying grounds. Mr. apd Mrs, J, Dier, proprietors of the Gananonue East Duiry, arg mourn Ling the death of their infant son,' Bernard J. Tier, who passed away about ten o'clock. The funeral took place yesterday to the Rockport cemetery. Quite a large pumber of Gananoque people have Deen in Kingston' during the past few , days enjoying the old toys reunion. At the Ontario Wheel Co' s works, on [Saturday morning, a young English- man, while opérating a planer, had his hand ecpught and quite badly man led. B W. 5]. Gibson, proprietor of the Gib- son Harness works, treated his em- ployees with their families and friends, to a trip te Clayton, on the steamer Lamonde, chartered for that purpose, on Saturday evening. A number of canoeists have already arrived, as Sugar Island, owned by the A.C.A. is in readiness for the open- ing of the meet on Friday next. The popular Sunday evening resort for divine worship, 'at Half Moon Bay, was largely attended by local boat owners and large delegation from the neighboring summer resorts. On this oceasion 5 collection was taken in aid of the Fresh Air Fund. This is douse annually and the proceeds divided for the ail of the poor of Montreal and of New York city. Among the recent arrivals for thy season, at Hay Island are: Miss Mil dred A. Wormwith and Miss Sar, Gill, Kingston. 5 A young lady, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Pappa, Victoria aveuwe, mot with 5 painlil mishap, on Sun day, while out in a motor launch with some friends, a set screw in the shalt caught her foot, and badly mangled it and her znkle Oefore the engine could be stopped and her foot extricated. The launch was run at full speed to the Jno dook and medical aid eet phoned for, which was prompt hand and her injuries attend hel 8 which will lay her up for some time. Messen. C. A. Lewis, E. P. Wright, Robt. Tulloch, Jno. Matthews and F. A. Willis, went to Belleville yesterday, to represent the Thousand Island Guy Club, at the Belleville Club competitive matches, Thomas H. Waldie has disposed of the old Waldie farm and homestead, just east of the town to Hugh Loney, Front of Leeds township. Sergeant Millard Wright left on Saturday, for Kingstod, from whence he procestled to Petawawa, to meet the other members of the artillery team which is tg sail from Quebec on the Oth inst., to compete in the artillery competition, with some of the crack teams in the mother land. William Burleigh, 5 formeriresident of the town, located for some time past ia Marysville, Ky, is spending a few 'woeks with his mother, Mrs. Or jdasa 'Burleigh. The Misses Marguerite MeDonald and Lillian Betlard, are sponding a few days in Kingston, guests of Miss Helen Breanan. Mr. and Mrs. William Ward, Montreal, are spending a few weeks in town with the latter's par ents, Mr. and Mes. Jas. McKellar, Carden street, Miss Phoebe Bryant, Garden stregt, is spending a week in Kingston, guest of the Misses Elder. Miss Jennie Ziwvian, Toronto, is spend. ing a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Zivian, Mrs. E. H. Hurd, Charles street, is spending a few days in Brockville, guest of her daughter, Miller, Mrs. Ida La Londe and daughters, the Misses Ida and Myrtle Ta Londe, of Toronto, former residents, are spending a few days with local friends: Mr. and Mrs. Hampton, Master Claude Rita Hampton, Belleville, are guests dof Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Cole, Calf. to &, soles, Tan, 2 1-2 Ties, sizes A lew good sizes sHill left in Men's Oxfords in Tan. Calf, and Pat. Colt and Gun Metals, "$4.00 and $4.50 shoes. Farly Choice of any. Man's Ox fords In stock, stamped, priced $4.50 apd $5.00, all leathers all lasts, all sizes. Early Closing Price... $3.50 | About 30 Pairs Tan, Bik. Hoys' and Girls" Seuffes, Ox- ford ties, wolted soles, sizes "Ml to Z, worth $1.50. Closing Price <r $100 | Torani -------------- DATES OF FALL FAIRS. Arnprior .. '| Baneroft . Saskeaen Sesaaaen veseee Lansdowne. oo wines ee Sep. 21-2 Odessa + urine anSEpt. 2-4 Petarboro oc wy. Sept. 14-15-16 Prestott. oe vce. wee Sept, 26-37-98 Wehaky awngan pueian Sept, 2021-9 ee ek 1 Tweed Cis ans inns siniOt, and Miss Pp og [FV PITH OF THE NEWS. -- The Very Latest Called From AI Over the World. The Ontario Medical council allowed pass standing to -ninety-two students. Herbert Evans ended his Life at his lodging-house, Sackville street, Toron- to. An outdoor assembly was held 'by the junior brotherhood of St. An drew, Veterans meeting at Hamilton com: plained of ingratitude on thie part of governmetits. Thi Niobe grounded off Cape Sable, N.S., 'and floated again. She is slight- ly damage * Suit has been entered against Gov, Wilson of Woodstock jail by a prison. or who painted his house. B. Close, of Toledo, E. C. Vance, hoa Wisconsin, and & Swedish guide, were drowned in Metagami river. Bubonie plague, transmitted by ground squirrels has appeared in Cali fornia and caused one death thus far. In the Bethoa-Green byeelection, Masterman, liberal, had 2,745 votes; Hoffgndrd, unionist, 2,561, and Scurr, socialist, 134. The result is unchanged. Ward Stanforth, barrister, of Chat ham, was nominated by the tonserva- tives of West Kent .to oppose A. B. McCoig, M.P., in the dominion elec- tions, De. J. A. Macdopald, editor of the Toronto Globe, who went to England for the coronation, returned home Sun- day night with his family. Dr. Mac- donald is greatly improved in health. Trying to regain his hat, which had blown into the water, Augustin Nel son, thirty vears of age, a native of St, Martinique, lost his life. in the river, opposite thy harbor commission srs elevator. . FEARED HE WAS CONTRACTING That Ended Lives Two Daughters. Napanee, July 31.--W. J. Shannon, who was so recently bereaved of two of his daughters from the effects of fewer gas, went, on Saturday, to the Kingston hospital for treatment 6 he feared he was SUR ustiag the sume dread disease. Mrs. James O'Brien seturned % week igo from Hotel Dieu, Kingston, where she spent several weeks. She is not very much tmproved in health, Mes. C. S. Garratt and little layton Allison, and her sister, Helena Allison, arrived home Thursday last on a visit to inther, J. G. Allison, Marysville. Nrs, PF. A. Wroughton i% on a visit to her father, James Daly, after spending the past two months in England. apt. Wroughton went over with the North-West contingent. Miss Clara Johnston returned * this aeek from Kingston, where she spent #ix weeks, after undergoing a critical operation. Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Cline and {aughter, Elsie, of Toronto, arrived Saturday to spend some time with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H, Ming. Mes. Hust and daughters, Mabel and Maud, also are the guests of her father, I. Ming, Miss Flossie Allison leaves, Monday, for Chicago. Mrs. Eakins and son, Gray, arrived home last week from a visit with her son, Dr. Eakins, * in Port Arthur. Mrs, Treleaven, Yoron- go, is the guest of a parents, Mr, and Mrs. Vine. Mrs. D. B. Wilson, of Vancouver, B.C., amived last week to spend the summer with her mother, Mrs. N. Hogle. M. W. Sills arrived home on Satur- day night, after spending the past wo weeks searching for Myer's Cave, lhe party came Across sev eral caves, wat think the noted cave is yet to be diseovered. The search goes merrily on. Miss M. Ross is expected this week to spend several weeks the guest of Mrs. A. Alexander and their friends. e------ Parties. Con. . Bo 11 Disease of His son, Miss on their State of the Lib. 36 54 12 Ontario ... Quebec Nova "Seofia . . New Brunswick oo aaety Prince Edward Island Manitoba . Saskatchewan .. Alberta .. . aavaor ie British C olumbia WUROM oii vrs sussens von { 7 14 et Total Rideau lakes Nav, Co.. Limited. Steamérs leave for Ottawa every Monday, Wednesday, Thursday = and Saturday, at 6 a.m. For C layton, every Tuesday, Wednes- day, Friday and Saturday," at 6.15 1m. : Jones' 'Falls and réturn, every Wed nesday and Saturday, at 6 am. Fare for round trip, Sle. James Swift & Co., J. P. Hanley, agent. Slain by a Negro. Winnipeg, July 31.--An unknown ne murdered Frank Jolmston, pro- prietor of the Winnipeg club Saturday morning. The murderer fled and has not been captured. The soene of the killing is a negro resort, and the ernime was the result of a quarrel over women. agents, A---------------------- Mark Twain's Works. Hf 'you are interested in obtaining a com sot of all his books at one ment plan, it will cost nothing to get full particulars and a new thirty-two book, "Little Stories About! ark Twain." Address Box 409, "British Whig office." Your dog doesn't amount to any- , «of course, but you hate to see man kick it or another dog Aug. 8 to Sep. 1} tulip half the. former price on the easy pay- | ox LWAS HELD BY CHURCH OF THE GOOD THIEF. Record Crowd Attend Delighttul Evént at Portsmout! r Great Success in Every HRHespect With ideal weather, a good erowd, and perfect mrrangements, carried out by a band of willing and able work- ers, the garden party, held on Mon day afternoon and evéning, under the auspices of the Church of the Good Thief, at Portsmouth, was a greai success. All afternoon the grounds were well filled with people, and at might there was a record crowd. Ar. rangements were made for a couple of special street cars, after the affair was brought to a happy close, about eleven o'clock, and this made it most convenient for the people returning to the city. The spacious grounds 'were fitted out with the various booths and as a result of the efforts put forth by the good ladies, and mith credit is due to all who assisted, a good sum will be realized. The R.C.H.A. band was present and provided a fine pro- gramme of music, There was dancing and it was enjoyed hy many. The supper table, and the refreshment booths, did a good business, also the ald reliable at such events, "Old Alint Sally." Indeed, a garden party would be very flat without Sally. C. J. Foy, of Perth, was a visitor to the garden party, and he was given a warm welcome. He was in- troduced to the gathering by Dr, E: Eyan and delivered a fine address. It was the intention of Hon. Charles Murphy to be present and defver an address, but at the last moment he found it impossible to attend, He sent word to Father McDonald that he would be unable to be present ow- ing to a rush of parliamentary busi ness. Much regret was expressed at his absence, but, no doubt, he will be able to be present at some fiture garden party held by this church, Mr. Foy, in his address, expressed his great plearure at being present, and took occasion to refer to the homecoming of the Kingston old boys and girls, stating that.it was a grand idea to have such meetings, when former residents could have the opportunity of visiting old scenes, and renewing old acquaintances. 'The speaker referred to the rapid strides being made in Canada, which, he claimed, was a. country with a great future. Many people feared annexa- tion with the States, but he felt sure that Canada was able to look after own interests. The great corpor- ation was being enlarged. The day had passed when John Bull was known only as John Bull, but now, it was John Bull and company. The=tPeaker pointed out that people of this country were not as strong as their ancestors, but"gave it as his opinion. that the reason was that they lived too fast. They must "oot back to the soil.' Farmers were not producing all they could, As the old boys come back to Kingston, their old home, so should the people veturn to their land. No country had greater opportunities than Canada, Following is a list of those who hud charge of the affair : General committee--P, M. Beaupre, John O'Neil, J. Kennedy, T. MeDon- ald, M. J. Kennedy, J. Shanaghan, Geo. Sullivan, F. Devle, F. McGeein, F. Burke, P. Kennedy, 0. Gravelle, T, McGuire. Old Aunt Bally--Miss Miss R. Burke. Fish pond--Miss Miss K. McGuire. > Soft drinks--Miss Sarah Burke, and Messrs. J. McGuire, J. Burke, E, Burke, W. O'Neil, D. McGeein. 2 Candy booth--Mrs. Burke, Miss Kennedy, Miss 1. Wilson, Tee cream--Mra. M. J. Kennedy, Geo. Sullivan, Mrg. T. F. Burke, Misses M. E, Burke, F. Jutrke, Short, H. Short, and a Ryan. Supper table--Mrs. James Matheson, Misa F. Gravee, Mrs. McCarthy, Mrs. 40'Neil, Mrs. Tobin, Mrs. P. Beaupre, Mrs. D. MeGeein, Mrs. Ryan, Miss 1.5 Gravelle, Mrs. Phillips, Miss Somerville Mrs. Frederick Gravelle, Mrs. J Hal pin, Miss Mcllquhan, Miss M. Seymou Miss B. MeGeein, Miss Hillier, the Misses Beaubien, Miss Howson, Miss McDonald, Miss Mary Burke, Mies 1. Ryan, Miss K. McDonald, Miss Me- Grath, Miss Rose Kennedy amd T. Me Guire, E. Sullivan, F. Tobin, J. Me- Chuire. Messrs. Frank Burke and J. B. ¥Ma- theson ably looked after the money at the gdte. P. M. Beaupre, was in charge of the decorations, and carried out his duties with high honors. A large number of visiting old Hoys and girls were among the many pres ent, and they thoroughly enjoyed the affair. i her the B. McGeein, M. Kemnedy and P Mrs, and M. -- SUMMER TOURIST RATES To Pacific Coast via Chicago and North-Western Railway. Special low rate round trip tickets Fs (a THE MARVELLOUS "FRUT-A-TIVES" IS THE ONLY REMEDY MADE OF FRUIT Frait is natprefep "physician. juiced s, kidneys and skin--and form the greatest known blood purifier, Physi- ciansknow, however, that it is impossible to use fresh fruit in practice. "Frait-atives" is made of the juices | of a Jul BR a-tives" acts just liketbe fresh fruit juices--gently andmildly. "Fruit-a-tives" is a true stomach fonic --a- certain cure for Constipation and Biliousness---the hest Kidney Refu. lator Is crowing louder as he Only 46¢ per pound. For chewing and king, #0] This b is ne place Auto weather, Oer. Montreal and Ovdsanes Streets \50¢, & box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25¢. 1 dealers or. from Fruit-a-tives Limi Ottawa, THAT TOBACCO POWER OF FRUIT [2 3) pled 28 Kingston Civic Holi JULY Sst, Round trip tickets will be jssued at SINGLE FIRST CLASS FARE, {Good golag P.M. trains July 28th, all trains July 30th and Jlst. good to return uatil August 1st. : SEASIDE EXCURSIONS AUGUST 6th, 7th, Sth and 9th. Geod to return until August 31st. Fam Laborers' Excarsions AUGUST 16th and Be. $10.00. TO WINNIPEG AND WEST. For full particulars, apply to J. P. HANPEY, Agent, Cor. Johnson and Ontario Sta. KINGSTON IPE MBROKI RAILWAY IN CONNECTION WITH CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. Canadian North West $10.00 ON AUGUST 16th and 25th, { To Moose Jaw, and East--FPro- Fruit increase the action of liver, es, 'oranges, figs and prunes-- contain all the medicinal or ag properties of all fruite, and Blood Purifying Medicine. With the "Rooster" on ops along AT A. MACLEAN'S, Ouiario S{reet. "LASS TO OURS. to have y repainted to stand all kinds E. Jd. DUNPHY, Dr.Martel's Female Pills | GICNTEEN YEARS THE STANDARD | Prescribed and vesommended for out! . wis, | ments, worth. permancat. For sale st all drug stores. ous Deditity, Mental and Brain Price 31 Ebon, Ff 5 Onew will cure. Sold plain sled, COWAN'S PERFECTION , COCOA | Is rich in food value and §! easy to digest. Cocoa, pure Cocoa, ground from the choicest Cocoa beans. Nurses and Doctors recommend its use in sickness or in health. IDEAL HOLIDAY TRIP HH would be Impossible to imagine »l etter holiday and trip combined than Black Diamond S$ Line Board steamers at Montreal or -Que- | her River and Gulf to St return Reagutiryl $ simply i farsa, »i ing meals Write a of nz | porRonately low | rites beyond to and including McLeod, Calgary and i | Edmonton, SASKATCHEWAN MANITOBA, AND ALBERTA. August Sth, 22nd, Sept. Sth, 19th, The Great Jongh M (Reedy, Tickets good for 60 days nos gore whole. ¢ hrm lite oy Makes now Full particulars mt K. & P. and Blood in old Veine ures irr I © P.R. Ticket Office. Ontario Street. F. CONWAY Abuse " ream: | Gen. by all rocoigia or hinted 8 BAY Fr re Wood ee Me Con | Train leaves Unlon Station, Ontario o Toronto, Ont | rot, 4 pom. dally (Suggay excepted), | fur Tweed, Sydenham, panes, Deser« ml, Bannockburn. and all points nia To secure quick despatch to Bannockburn, Maynooth, and points on 'entral Ontaitn Routa Jour sl Rpmants Bay of Quinte Ra wa For furs 'whe H. ¥ tieulars, s Ward, | Fre Agent; it. "Weldn, Pass Agent. hone No. ALLAN LINE GFA Mail Steamers | PICTURESQUE ST. LAWRENCE ROUTE, MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL. uly 318 'July 28 3 3 ri. Aug. 4. July 14; Fri, 'Aug. L TO GLASGOW. June 24; Bat, July 23. July 29. a scientifically prepared remedy The zane fram She mas in guick and | Wood's 4 as, K Pass. Agent. OF QUINTE RAILWAN Victérian, Fri, 'orsican, Fri, Virginian, Fri, Tunisian, Fri, MONTREA Sat, i fanlan, Bat d akg Grampian, Sat, " | Scotian, Sat, July 13; Bat., Aug, 12 | MONTREL TO HAVRE AND i LONDON. This service is cemposed.of one lass, second cabin steamers, salling [trom Montreal every Saturday. Rates moderate. Full Information on application to | 1. P. HANLEY, © C. 8. RIRKPATRICK, i 2 T.Ry. Clarence Bt. Agents, Kingston, THE ALLAN LINE, 77 -Youge Sireet, Toronto, unbec Steamstp Company lo 4 Gl of St. Lawrence in Cool Latitudes, "Cascapedia" 1.900 fons, re- wl fitted out on the Clyde, speci. for this service, iy with all moderna | omforta i { Be June 21; Jers: m Do You use Cowan's fleaperian, FROM MONTREAL ON at 4 pm, rd, 17th and 14th and 28th September, day at noon for Pletou, a ng Gaspe, Mal Bay, Porie, @rand ivep. Sum metside, 'EL, and Charlotte. town, | New York From Qlshec the fart. amed Halifax, 8" Beini Ca galls from ns iehec at 8 sth August and Xth Sept BERMUDA SAILS THUKBBAY, dist August and frum Quebec the 8 Showing the : d John's seenery, ideal wan and and berth for Hiw Lawrence Nfld and! delight- | nd sail down Hp includ | strated Book: today this trip A. T. WELDON, GV, St. James' Street, Via walling - an and tone & PA, 1th and Montreal. Bumm, on sale from all points in Canada to Los Angeles, San Francisco, Portland and numerous other Pacific Coast points, during July, August and Sep- tember. Excellent train service. For illustrated folders," time tables, and full particulars, address B. H. Bensett, General Agent C, & N. W. Ry, 46 Yonge street, Toronto, Ont. Ss-------- -- Died in Westbrooke. ARO OCEAN LINER r Esc ureiom, 3 " n Berew nan" or b.- 406 toms, sailing An New York at 3 pom, 9th, 1615 and 30th August, and every 19 days thereafter emperatures conied by sea breezes seldom rises above 50 degrees The flacst trips of (he season for Senith ® or tickets and starerdoms SPAY to Le Ha or KIR AT- ©. HANLEY, quUImEC TES COMPANY, Duration |e Tw 110 DAYS OORT | TWO CRUISES i By the Steamehip ee CLEVELAND i "Foun jem Fer 8 Sh iy i ai, nr ont Nd 0.500 von - Hagm TRG AMI RICK, Ticket pte Ringeinn, or local agents Miss Margaret McGuinn died, about three o'clock Sunday afternoon, at the home of Her brother-in-law, George W. Smith, Westbrook. Miss * MeGuin wus 'the eldest daughter of the late Daniel MeGuin, of the township "of Kingston.' She was wel! 'kuown in this city, baving resided here for a number of years. Deceased had been ailing for the past three years, and? for the past year hind been residmg with her only surviviog sister, Mee. G. W. Smith. She was a member of St, Andrew's church, Kingston, Toe Huneral will be held from the home of £. W. Smith, Wednesday morning, to Cataragui cemetery, -------------- Renfrew ratepavers pay Shiny mills on the dollar, and Perth to. psy, thirty, ! LAKE aNTARIO AND BAY oF | QUINTE STEAMBOAT Co, LTD. {North King & Caspian 1000 ISLANDS AND ROCHESTER, nw Steamer loaves 10.15 am, for Alexandria Bay. ue. Charlotte, N.Y. enlling at Hay of Quinte ports' For & JAS. SWIFT & CO, Freight Agent Fleamery King augt bound, lenve ton £00 a m.; westbound, Baniy Excursions to Prescott and re- turn anlir STEAMERS | Om, Nebate System. Week- End Ex {sto nivenl and retu oe {Toronto and ret [Charlotte and return i Htemmer "Belleville," sug #1 5 nan nesday at 590 pom, Rochester), judas at 1930 pan Full particulars on appliestion to 4. Pp HARLEY, Tiekat on, SHA BH FOSTER CHA AGPA, wrote, Ou do sake daily at calling at Ringston 3.000 I=iands, Bockpnrt Returping leaves Port of HR ¥ 358 ean boun ol westbound Le full information, apply ¥, 'HANLEY, Ticket Agent. A i

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