AUGUST 2. 1911 iting Mrs. J. B. Carruthers, at her | Nation river," Yuebee, where they will summer home, returned home on Sat- | spend ¢ os 5 Rg : oe ; ? 2 Xo a Rie atl. ar LEAL bn ori Pe - ® several weeks. : '" . ' v. Me. and Mrs. David Laidlaw will] : Gold in ] > Cunningham, King |leave for an extended trip down the . street, is the guest of Mrs. Maunde, | Saguenay and the Gull, then on to] ., efo _ : at Niagara. New York and Boston. ® Gwilight Miss Maria Watson, of Toronto, who | Nr. and Mrs. Cornelius Bermingham, spent a few days with Mm. R. J |larrie street, and their guests, Mr. AUGUST | Carson, "Romily House," at the first (and Mrs. Nilloy, Stanford, Uomn., . 7s of the week, returned home on Tues Judge and Mrs O'Rielly and Mr. August lst to January 1912, twenty-two weeks. at less than - a ; day. James OO' Riell Cormeal, and Mr. The b " ; ™ 0 G p A very. njoawhle,usiisan, as iss Maltin Saunders, Align. attest. jmr, Oust, Cot i ar Hottest Elec- fe pur oe, iil saps the TORORTY GLOBE OR MAIL delivered O yO oo y - Store Closes Daily en at the Uoustey Club, on T who has been visiting in Adolphut-|day to éamp on their an down ? in honor of Mrs. J Herald and Miss town, arrived home, on Tuesday, and brs Rideau for the next two weeks. tion Campaign i mn This will be the hottest political fight since the days of Sir 5 O'clock. Lilla Herald, : of Dundas. The table |left; to-day, for Lachine, to visit Mrs. John Macdonald and the National: Poliey.- The above papers was prettily arranged with pink | Archie Maclean. - - - Miss Gretchen Williams arrived Forty Years have arranged to have several staff men accompany the different sweet peas, and the guests iusiuded v from Toronto 'on Tuesday to visit |] . a D ; I Mrs. D. D. Calvin of Toronto, Mrs. J.| Mr. C. B. Sainte. of Prescott, was | yj, Malcolm Sutherland, Earl speakers in their trips from Halifax to Vancouver, and full re Murray of Toronto, Mrs: . Andrew For the guest of Mr. and Mrs. a8 R. 1 street. . lman.of Montreal, Mrs. J. 8. Fri Craig, Union street, for the week-end: I Wy Thomas Hendry, who has printed fully each morning JOHN McKAY Chisago, Mis. Nii an nt ad ii Fisderse Sutherland, been visiting his sister, Mrs. John \ Canada is now face to face with a crisis, and no man or wo- Kuight iss s y io | patton, in New York, has returned to § $1 00 4 J man should fail to keep thoroughly posted on this importaut i Bessie Ric hardson. town. i his camp at the north of Cochrane FURRIER # . .| Messrs. Campbell and McKinnon, of | boro he 4s stationed with the G.T. . ports of the speeches and developments in the campaign will be question on which the election will be fought. "Phone, mail or send orders to the N W. R. Givens, chaperoned = Tétunto, spent. Sunday in town, > . 149-157 Brock Street. Kingston. . {very oll party to a dance at Marys-| Mrs. C. T. McKay and Master Lionel i od M YRiell d bh ial 1 { ville, Wolfe Island, on Monday even- | McKay, 'who have been visiting ge x rs. O'Rielly and their vice : le an on er 13 Sotheiaad ac. or comand [100 Wr. nme 0' Risye arived on The College Book Store ' Sunday from Cornwall to visit Mr. Mr. Herbert Steacy's motor boat, [at Stella, returned to Toronto on Sat- | Bar $ . and included Misses Katharine Hart, lurday. a AEs, Gurtelite Bermingham, Bar ; y 1.00 'Phone 918. Se I , PRINCESS STREET. Mm [Mabel Waldron, Rose Rogers, Mary| Miss Armstrong, of St. Louis, is vis |"%, i Strange, Dorothy Hill, Helen Duff. iting Miss Winnifred (Maxton, at her is and Nu, Archibald ar Vihar, Messrs. Harold Brownfield, Herbert |summer home in Verona. byes. Thong 8) Ev. inn.. a Steacy, Sherman Hill, Lesslie Smith, Mr. Stanley Craig returned, on Mon- on Monday from Lanark, where they Rodgers Stewart and Dick Elmer. am after spending spent a fewdays with Mrs. T. I. 3 NOTE---A phone message to-night, up to 9 o'clock, will start Ole r Caldwell. 4 : There was a very enjoyable dinner . is a. Carpets F : at the Country Club, on Monday, giv- Mrs. William Nickle, Earl street, en- 3 ae your paper FRIDAY OF THIS WEEK urniture ndy, of [tertained informally at luncheon, on Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Macgillivray an: ) . ! en in honor of Myr. Harry Tandy, o Monday, in_ honor of Sir Henry and {pounce 'the engagement of their . . > Toronto. The guests included Mr. and r . Lady ellatt, of Toronto, you daughter, Clara Dorothea, and C urtains. Mes. Hallway Waddell, Mr. and Mrs. [Ligh Tllall, SL Toronto. hi a I a let A PHYSICAL CENSUS 3 Seeeserseresestesess . 2» een Rogers, Knight, Alice street, are expected son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fleming, | sa i: 3. B Christinas of Montreal, and Ne. home, on Friday, from Peake's ls. |Craigleith. The marriage to take 2 . a Far vw a» land, Maine, where they have been |Place quietly the first week in Sep- ; INDE iA SUMMER § ES di al ber. IS RECOMMENDED FOR THE . S or d A number of Kingstonians will be pen OO rT weeks. tember. . SCHOOL CHILDREN. 5 | guests at a fancy dress ball to be giv- ties Va Straubenzio was Very Warm Weather, a "TONIC _ KF l ] LES 1 _ guest of his mother over the OF DUTCH OR AMERICAN DESIGN, BURNISHED "oR DUN FINISH. +4 for that worn out, tired and run down feeling there is no better tonic than a pgs tion of v s rl BEEF, IRON AND WINE. = ----_---------- -- --tAdgust--Hth-- TS Mis RK. Ww. Re. %, + A 2 his At 3 3 "= 2 yson has returned Kingstonian will vouch for this. Trained in Normal Schools and ers is Sale is makin . pew comtom- The usual tea was held at the oi; and Ye the guest of Miss 1.30 p.m., the thermometer at he. por Faculties of Education in School will see a large increasé in the num- onstanhee. Le, azeldell." Later [lice station gor, and Constable. Tim- Hygiene. Yacht Club Suis, alter in she will visit Mrs. Herbert Horsey at|merman declares it is always right, | ° spe . . Dr. Joseph Downing, of Chesley, Cressy. registered eighty-nine degrees in the] 'The following motion redpeoting a Ont., a former Kingstonian, spent a Bal. sun. On Monday afternoon, it went as [physical census of school" children was few days in town this week. Mrs. Thomas Potts arrived in town high as ninety-nine. One of the warm- moved by Dr. Spankie at the Ontario Ours is delicious in taste, Mr. Paul Whitney, of Ottawa, spent | from Richmond, Va., on Tuesday, to|est spots in the city is at the police | Medical council and unanimously pass- ~ontains irom to. emnrich the a few days in town at the heginning visit Mrs. Henry Cunningnam, Earl [station door. led : $ blood, peptonized (digested) of the week, the guest of Mrs. E. J. |street. rn | "Whereas the question of the medi % or to feed the tissues. and B. Pense, West street. Mr. Andrew Forman, accompanied Returned to Kingston. leat inspection of schools and scholars | g choice wine as an appetizer. Dr. Joseph Graham, of Hammond, |by Mr. Samuel Alexander, arrived] R. L. Claxton, who has been ém- fis now prominently before the people In a recent Government .» was in town for a few days early |from Montreal on Saturday in his|ployed with the Moncton Textile com- lof various nations; and analysis a bottle taken from in the week. motor boat, "Little Miss." Mr. Alex-|pany, has been transferred to the Do- | "Whereas the legislature of Untario our 'stock of Beef, Iron and Mr. Frederick Jenkin, of Toronto, |ander returned to Montreal on Mon- |minion Textile company, of this city, [in 1907 authorized trustees, to provide Wine proved to be a superior was the guest of his parents, Princess (day. Mr. Forman is the guest of [to the position which W. A _.Gray, land pay for the dental add medical | 8 2rticle ranking' as first class. street, for the week-end. Mrs. W. B. Dalton, Johnson street. |who has gone to Woodstock, occupied. |inspectaon of pupils, as the regulations TRY A BOTTLE, 50c. Mr. Body, accountant for Mr. East- | Mr. John Aird, King street, who |Mr. Claxton is a son of M. H, Clax- [may prescribe, or in the absemce ol wood, broker, Toronto, was Mr. and [spent the week-end in Peterboro, re-|ton, of Mchkelvey & Birch's. He ar {regulations as the oagd may deem Mrs. John Jenkin's guest on Satur- [turned home on Tuesday. rived Saturday, and his wife arrived |r Dr. A. P. Chown Druggist and Optician, 185 PRINCESS STREET 'Phone 343. < ¢ : week-end. -- - Ca pa i or ---------- on at Tremont Park, anafioque, on . was quite--hot;~ Wednesday. Every | Would Like to Have St FIA : < ® PRACTICAL HEATING FLAMES, FULLY GUARANTEED. SMITH BROS., 850 KING STREET, Issmers of Marriage Licenses. 008664400004 day and Sunday, 'a Mr. Harry ayandy guna] to To- Wedticaday noon. They will take wp | rolved that this council, in the ronto on Tuesday aftér spénding a [residence on Brock street. |interests of school children respect- oo oend_Mea 8, © Suthetiond, 3 few days in Jom, mie ; aod the Jessie Bal {fully recommend to the Rt ol AA hicago, n Damaged the Jess td education " the advisability of takin CHIFFONIERS FOR THIS, WEEK. Misses Johnston, Earl street, will Capt. and Mrs. J. B. Cochrane snd| The steamer Jessie Bain was dam- !a physical census of the school chil: $27.00, in Golden Oak 00 (leave on Thursday, for New York and |(heir daughters, the Misses Christine aged, Wednesday morning, by the bow {dren, with the view of comparing the $20.00, in Golden Oak, $17.00 | Boston, returning to Kingston the und Sylvia Cochrane, will leave; on|of the schooner Katie kecies hitting | health and physical condition of chil- $22.00, in Mahogany middle of August. : 'Thursday, to spend some time at the{her upper deck. The Jessie Bain has [dren in urban and rural districts, and $21.00, in Mahogany 00| . Mr. and Mrs. Robert Partridge, of |eance camp on Sugar island. been lying for some weeks at Folger's in the meantime, further respectfully [@3ERREEP IED IIIs $14.40, jn Golden Ouk, +00 | Toronto, who were the guests of Mr.{ Mrs, Hamilton Mackerras, Migs|wharf, between the main wharf and recommend the training, as w Eng dot em 30 Suse a rien 8 and Mrs. R. Faston Burns, Frontenac |ijorence Cunningham and Miss Mar |Richardson's.--Fhe-- Katie -- Eocles, land, of the students im our model ®) 1S yards, lengths un 3 Po street, returned on Tuesday, to Tor: (,on Redden returned on 'I'uesday from heavily loaded with coal," was scheold, normal schools, and faculties cont y y ' onto. Oliver's' Ferry, where they were the|coming in, and her. bow hit" the top |of education in such a knowl gs oi aa nN Cy { . Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Fortt, William |gueats of Mrs. Stewart for a few |of the Jessie Bain, damaging it con- school hygiene as will enalys them 'Phone 90. street, loft on Tuekday for Lindsay. {gay siderably, - [to recognize common defects and dis Bt.-Col. Massie, Earl street, spent| .r J F. Friel, dfter spending a leases ho y the week-end in town, and returned on {few days with ars. uesry Cunning Dr. Hawke, 21 Wellesley street, To-| «hig < council. further recognizes ® Tuesday to Petewawa. karl street, returned to Chicago on [FOR'0, successfully treats piles, fissures, that, while the empl y ant of' scheol » Master Bert Sutherland, West street, Saturday. ete., without &n: operation. Write for | jootors and nurses giving all their § is spending a few days with Mr. and ere. free booklet and references. , Mrs. Thomas Minnes, at Dead Man's| Mra. George McKay, Stuart street, Horace Saunders and Miss Frances Sime J sudical inspection," vould be Bay. is entertaining this evening .in honor Gladys Norris, Brockville, were mar |; "4 ar yet it i of a $+ 2: of her guest, Mrs. Sare, of West |tied, on Tuesday morning. ion that the public are not sufficient] Mr. and Mrs. Stocks, formerly of { pount. Miss Margaret Kelley and Miss If ili g i th te = dic ¥ Seotland, now of Demorestville, Prince ss ma» Louise Hipson leave, on Thursday, for a be ame onl Lace Curtains Edward County, who spent the werk-| Mrs. W. Claxton entertained at o|Chautauque, N.Y. _ considerable expenss involved: in | end in town with Mrs. Stock's sister, |very enjoyable house party for the| A ©0in of the reign of George ITF|. ~~ =~. ch Re chensi Mrs. Cotter, West streef, left on Tues | week-end, at her summer home in|"8® found at the foot of Clarence | ISHTAR ne 4 a sompe mave day, for Napanee, Verona. The guests were Miss Arm. |Street.where the roadwdy is being pre- System al tip Press! home. We have just receiv Our showing of Lace Cur- Rev. and Mrs. Wm. Pearson, of fstrong, of St. Louis, Miss Madeline|Pared for paving. INCIDENTS OF THE PAY J RYE Ju ; talns in Irish Point, Brussels (|of Elgin, are visiting thei: davzbter.|ifiggins, Messrs. Harold Hughes,| 1 Ursday, 3.30 p.m. America tours : a SE ( ed a big shipmeut of Net, Marie Antoinette, Arablan Mes. Frabk Saglotas, Allcud street. Dave Brisco, of Napanee, J. Wilson, the islands, 50c. Newsy Paragraphs Picked up by Re- Fancy Linens, finish § and Nottingham qualities, In Bain Ruth) Sheet, ka kitawg, is " Picton, and E. Madden, of Napa- porters on Their Rounds. ed with hand-made R White, Ivory and two tone ef- Miss Lillian Norton-Taylor, Welling-| Mr. F. A. Smythe, of the Standard 3906864995900000099940 "Buy limo juice," Gltmor's, : lace. Something ex § fects are as exquisite in design ton] strept, will entertain at uncheon,|bank, will leave for Toronto on Ni aud, aig Nisiodr oceptionally fine and Bb as the most fastidious oculd ® [at the Country Club, on Thursday, Thursday to spend his holidays with is vigiting Mrs. Nuxley, York steed I - : i desire. ®| Mrs. James Higgins, Gere street, |his brother,--Mr--dohn-C. Smythe. William Swaine, piano tuner. Urden very pretty, entertained informally, at bridge, on received at McAuley"s. "Phone 778. Io the lot are Round NOTTINGHAM CURTAINS. [Tuesday afternoon, in homor of = Mrs.| Mrs, Bediord-Jones: of "Toronto, is Jire. J. R. Rattsubury snd sie, of Be aly oun values at $1.00, ® Bruce Strachan, of Ely, Minn. visiting her sister, Mrs. Van Strau- ar, sre vidting Mis. Naxiey, 1 and Square Doylies ® $1.35, $1.50. Boi Brack Graham, Bartle street, is vouzie, "Kizklgatham.* Portsmouth. F an of Portsmouth. bas Round and Squure es8 at a bn 18 a noon in 3 3 = y sit had ' : y os 4 - . « . IRISH POINT CURTAINS, ® honor of her i, Mrs. J. Mur en vintae pray Ne pos gone on a visit to friends in Toronto, | ¢ Centre Pieces, Oval $3.50 to $8.00. ray, of Toronto. Mrs. G. M. McDonnell, University Nisgars Falls, aud. Bufalo, ® Carvers, \ ! .£ : avenue, returned to Toronto oi ; MARIE ANTOINETTE from Prof. and Mrs. James Small, John- | Monday. " $6.00 upward. won Papi ops on Monday, for Mon-| Mrs. Sare, who has been the guest treal an ton. of Mrs. George McKay, Stuart street, ARABIAN POINT, $3.50. Mr. and Mry. Wiliam Harty and | will, return ig her hore in Westmount 000000000000 000000000 Capt. E. de B. Panet, left on Friday, [the end of the week. i Gt ante; ho visit Mr. and . A a. a . rs, and they returned,| Dr. and Mrs. Conwa Cartwright, R. McFAUL. home, on. Tusiulay. Mr. heaes Swift | who have been ---- in yr, : accompan as as Gavan- jare movi to Victoria, where they Kingston Carpet Warehouse. oque. * will make their home for the future. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Staniev, eud| The Misses Vaughan, who have two sons, George and Edward, and [been the guests of the Misses Pense, Miss Emily Smythe, of Clinton, New |West street, will return to |, their York, are several weess cown | home in Utiea on Thursday. thy river at Ivy Lea. Later they will] Mr. J. B. Walkem, who has beén come to Kingston, to visit Mr. and|in Metis for a few weeks, returned Mre. R. D. Sutherland, West street. home on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Toller, are the| Mr. Arthur Hora, King street, ex- guests of Mr. and George Me: [pects to leave about the 15th of Murrick; De Grasse Point. : the month for Vancouver to spend Misses Helen and Grace Lyman are [some time with his son, Mr. Travers the guests of their mother, Mrs. Theo- | Hora. dore Lyman, "Calderwood." Mr. Noble S Johnston street, . . spent the week iw Gulstoque; * » 3 3 * +» Ld » » »8 Na PIPPI PIIIIIIIY AND REPAIRED W.F. GOURDIER I---------------------- THAT DESIRABLE DOUBLE SOLID BRICK DWELLING Number 117 and HY Johnson Street, each side, containing eight rOOms, with bh. and vc, gas and hot water heating, together ' with a lot 28 hy 132 feet sonably priced; . goes with the purchase for for $1,000. MULLIN THE REAL ESTATE EXPERT. YoYo eroy v jeTeierele sien! "Kingston's Famous Fur Store." ALL SUMMER GOODS MUST BE CLEARED OUT. Big Reductions during our Sacrifice Sale on all Ladies' Ready-to-Wear Goods. : H. Cunningham, piano tuner, 21 King street. Leave orders at Mec Oblong Trav Cloths, Auley's bookstore. 4 Eonbunand a "The steamer Rolph arrived in port Side hoard { over Bs Wednesday | afterncoy, light, from | Five O'clock Fea Montreal, on her way to Oswgro, vers. ote i wins Mrs. Charles Howard Emerald, Am Covers, etc. AN rea herst Island, has gone to Chieazo, to visit her som, Dr. Charles Howard. All Summer li inens "Buy foot powder," Gibson's i . I. G. Reece, travelling passenger | ( emg closed out at agenf for the Canaan Northern Rail | (o big ' reductions in way, was in the city, on Wednesday A "Buy lime juice," Gibson's, price. James Gillespie *and daughter, . Al |: Call and see the {bert street, leave for the old county, ) lon Friday. morning for two months |vacation. Rev." Mr. Mershon returned hom: Wednesday noon, from [Philadelphia Pa., where he has been spending the | { past month. ' Mr. and Mrs, Charles Riley, Camden { @rssrssssassssssnsnsel East, who have heen visiting Mrs Joseph. Hipson, Division street; Te turned home on Tuesday. "Buy foot wder," Gibson's. * Mrs. F. . Jackson, returned to Kingston, from Winnipeg, with her Imother, Mra R. Beaupre, and will pay la visit here. The Misses King, of Toronto, and Miss West, of Hamilton, are in the city, the guests of the Misses Mullin ger, Brock street. Miss Spooner, Union street, has foft to visit friends in Stateson, B.( The Misses' Robinson, Bethel, Ont. are visiting -their uncle, L. Spooner, Union street. "Buy taloum powder," Gibson's. ary Mercury Smoky humidity Mrs, Byers and daughter, of Chica. A : Hard time for gO, "and Miss Gert Irish, of To- |. { ronto, were the guests of Mrs. T. R. : | COLLARS, Carnovsky, Princess street, during the | OUFFS, SHIRTS, re-union., a powder," Gibson's. } SHIRTWAISTS, A: tairly good sized. ay turned { when they are not laun- lout Toesday night St. James' 3 : : dered right i {church, to hear the Sibi recital given i Try this Laundry by Percy Marshall, organisf of the defy humid days and 'church, assisted by Miss Hazel Massie. ! avoid hurt to your pride "Buy Seidlita. powders," Gibson's. A i and pocket. Mr. and Mrs. DeRoche, with their i two children, Helen and Marguerite, " Stewart Callaghan, aged seven, a KINGSTON LAUNDRY Loughrein and Master Basil fof Arthur Calla han, of Harrowsmith, and Miss L. McKinth, were {who has' ill, in the general hos | § Cor. Princess and Sydenham guests at Ha. T. Smith's, Ports |pital, Hon to return to Kis howe Sts. © "Phone 22. mouth. came on the old boys ex. ; to-day. is oursion, from Toronto, 'Buy headache powders," Gitwou CEO RA EREREeEeRE Suinmer Dresses, Summer Waists, Summer Skirts, Summer Coats. eles eisinislele snaps. Houses to rent and rents collected. Money to loan Fire insurance. Best compavies re presented. 'Phone 539, 1m Collingwood Ss residence, 7 a iok foundation 'and i 1 and 3 York 'Street-- Double, brick, uesday, to days with Mrs. L. F. Henderson, the Island Park. gis liorirude Couto and Miss Jo, andl ss. Att Irwin Xe. tig. Couto] Orta Nouday, after spending & few days in town. Mrs. Consollis, who has been the guest of ber niece, Mrs. David Laidlaw, Earl street,, will. return to York next week. aster Colamer Cal- Connell, have In our Summer Sale. All Millinery is included, and here is our offer : AH Hats, $7 to $12 ... $4.75 All Hats, $5 to $7 .... All Hats, $3 to $4 .... $1.89 WATCH OUR WINDOWS." GEORGE MILLS 8 £0 126-128 PRINCESS ST. eevee; seesssesscsrace bones EERE CO i Bh Brock, Cor. King Street. 'Phone 326 or 611. wevssseesesseeseseaey a - Rt hh TEAR TAT TLL ATR VT TTC RS i ir £ i : i : i