Daily British Whig (1850), 3 Aug 1911, p. 4

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ful way. Belore anything definitely is done every subscriber will be seen and consulted. The 'whole of the money subscribed will fot be put into plant or buildings. As a matter of fact the Straubenzie residence can be convert » ed, at little expense, into an adminis gg AA tration building and infirmary, and work; ane there can be additions, following the we models * approved by the government, British Whig Co, Limited! a: o cost which will make the tots) & G. ym outlay for the present about $16,000. -- ul The Pegming can be a modest one, TORO: OFFICE. and as t and for accommodation Suits 13 and 20 A grows it can be provided. The reve resentative, nue for maintenance is assured. The amount per patient which the govern ment will grant, the amount per pa- tient for which the city will be liable under certain circumstances, - the amount which the Daughters of the Empire will contribute, and the sums which somé of the patients can give, to say nothing of the endowments promised and the income from invest- ments, assure the management of suf- ficient receipts' for all purposes. The main point is that something practi eal is being dome to provide a tuber culosis hospital, and the people will always hold in grateful remembrance the men. whose earlier labours have made this end attainable. EDITORIAL NOTES, The Ottawa Citiven does not see any seuge ip its party, the econserva- tive, attacking reciprocity as some thing which will ruin the country: it may be a gamble, but the old adage is "Nothing ventured, nothing won." . Beescsesessseesssevete READY ROOFING Following Brands in Stock: SURETY, BRANTFORD, SPARKLOID AND CAREY. Thickness 1 ply to 4 ply. Price to suit your job. An Asphalt Roof des not rattle in the wind nor mugniry Shan. the noise of Pelting Tain. @ | Bediisice TB, 1' Baile Wing. ISSUES BEFORE THE PEOPLE. p The Hamilton Spectator says that ii the election it should be made clear that the government would have deprived the people of the privilege of passing on the reciprotity question and that the opposition id to be thanked for this privilege. 1t"is doubt- ful whether the people will exhibit any gratitude for the seeming favour they have been shown, There was an elec tion two an a bali years ago, and the people then committed to the Lau- rier government the responsibility of price of a the beat Job Prim eveseeses Office and Yards: : "Cor. Bay and Wellington Sts. : Not Long Asp We Wrote ~ One of Our Customers And told him it was about time he pald for the gas service we! installed last summer. We were greatly sur- rised when he replied, "I wasn't lea : + Ae DT ue that I owed yon anything. administering their affairs jor the five You told me that the gas would following years. It was never intend- pay for itself in six months. and it 18/4 that parligment should not. deal almost 8 year now since I had it put with any question which had not been. re nr was one on = us alright, so|discussed during an election, General- { we will liave to be careful -what-wel ly the people are satisfied with §ov- say, but we still throw out the ernment, perhaps not every act of it, Z.€hallenge that It 18 the but with its general policy, and they CHEAPEST, CLEANEST vote confidence in it by sending to G7 AND MOST CONVENTENT parliament a majority of its support- OF FUELS, log, So far the Laurier government COOK WITH GAS. has been splendidly supported at the H { & Po D ) polls, and all the indications point to "the greatest victory that has been." C. C. FOLGER, Gen. Mgr. In England Mr. Bourassa is referred to as a second Parnell. Ove gues- tions the comparison. Mr. Parnell posed as a saviour of his country. Mr. Bourarsa poges as a political god whom his' countrymen are invited Tustead of the people rejoicing over to fall down - and -worship.: Light, : an election, and over the causes that -------------- a : J BOSTON'S BARBER REGULATIONS led to it, the refusal of the opposition] The evident reluctance of the : pro- 5 dom to do business, 'they will express their| incial premiers, who are conserva- 'Board of Health Orders Sterilization reprobation and in terms that the tives, to take a bold stand against of All That Barbers Use on Cus- leaders of the conservative party will reciprocity in the pending election is "tomers. not forget. The people can be trusted. | suggestive. Mr. Borden, early in the A special despatch from Boston, May They cannot be fooled. They are quite | campaign, has been givento under b, 408 % the N.Y, Sas rt? ~ conscious of the fact that hitherto re-fgiand ' that he represents a losing Health us to borber shops: "Mugs, [ciprocity has beén sought by both shaving brushes und razors shall be parties, and of the further fact that » sterilized alter each separate use there- [when t were _ offered more than| Mr. . of. A separate, clean towel shall bel.) .. --- and expected, the conser [reads the Ottawa Journal's apology wl for neh parson. Matatial to no vatives'in the commons, in a purely to him for having doneghim an in- the owdond form, and applied on a [Partizan spirit, resisted it. The peo- flustice. Mr. © Monk ean now havé a Powder pulls are prohibited." [ple were not wanting an election in [S0me hope of a reconciliation, i Re- Wherever TNewbro's Herpicide" is used which to vote.on reciprocity, but they [pentance may be belated sometimes, for face or scalp alter shaving - aie have been given it by the govern- {but it ig always welcome. cutting, there is mo danger.of _inlec- tp togeniativ they can express : Sion, a a antiseptic, and kills the their . opinion on two subjects--the Sold by lending druggists. Send |mulishness of the opposition and the |election--and the ouly issue : made in stamps for sample to the Her [merits of the trade agreement. Their [such by the recent action of 2: i h ¢ : , Cg. Detroit, Mich. One dol: | 1. wers on both will be emphatic; the opposition in forcing a dissolu- Har bottles guaranteed, Jas. B, Me tion of the house in order to refer flaod, special agent, Kingston, it to the people, and itis the last Black and Blue Serge Suits thing the conservative party wauts to discuss. In all directfons Lhe tories Single B¢ Double. Sizes, 34 to 44. are on the run. Prices, $12 nnd: $15, # time when he seemed to deserve it. ese Bulls are especially good | That was when he was generally con- vidue ss and equal in guality style and A 4 . fit to any tatlor-made Sults damned, when his party metaphorical {aa YS BED SUITS at $4.50, $7.50, $10|)1y opened the door of the house and | WORSTED SUITS, Nice Browns and (Did him to go. His departure woull Greys, £10, $12 and $15. have been generally approved. But EO re ns A seds, Mr. Foster refused to go. He realized Boys' 2-plece Buits, $2.76 fo $4. that he could make the party stand ISAAC ZACKS him whatever his faults. Another . deputy to the leader was chosen, Ex- 271 PRINCESS STREET, Judge Doherty, but Mr. Foster went on with his work, in tha house, and 2 | occasionally seemed to, lead the op- E |position, Indeed he made Mr, Bor £3 | den, on several occasions, accept his oe 8 | leadership, and. rather than break _ Strangers and Visliors are ¥ {with him publicly, and perhaps make nite Inspect my big show- x {Ved To Antique Jo Reig a scene, he was allowed to do as he liked. 8 lng Suitable prices. Best quality, He has not lived down the opposi- ¥ {tion in his parly--he has fought it } {down to some extent--and the Journal is disposed to fall in adoration be fore him, "He has voiced again and again, with a splendor of utterance and argument such as no other man "Jin this country can surpass, some of the dearest aspirations of a great Pape of Capada." Here is a flowery bit of praise. It is more than praise: it is affectation or adulation thats complete cure for strikes. cause, Foster will be satisfied when he Reciprocity is the issue in: the | APOLOGIZING TO MR FOSTER. The Ottawa Journal apologizes to Mr, Foster for the harsh criticism which it passed upon him, and at a Mr. Sifton is announced as going to the west. Thatis the place for him, the west he helped to develop as minister = of the interior, and the west that no man can check. He may hypnotize the grain growers, and make them believe that they are mistaken in their support of recipro- city. But it is not likely. of and the Toronto Star's review Prince Edward Nova Scotia will go almost solidly for, reciprocity. In New Brunswick only two conservatives were elected in the last election and one is likely to disappear in this election, In Quebec and Ontario the liberal party is likely to gain rather thgn lose in numbers, In the situation If the eoal barons and the coal min- ers of the west want to fight it out --carrying a strike or lockout to extremes--all right, so long as the people do not suffer. Free coal, so Tar as the duty is concerned, and low freights, will do a great deal of good. A national mine, operated by a national government, would be © Wir PH Gn? 1045, X ore . Parniture. lcapture of . [the THREE PRESENTATIONS T0 BISHOP 0°CONNOR Clergy of the Diocsse Gave Him Peterboro, Ont., Aug. 3.--The fiftieth anniversary of his 'ordination to the » was belebrated by Right Rev. Richard Adolphus O'Connor, D.D., yesterday, with clergy irom all parts of Canada and some from the United States in attendance. Hi mass was said by his lordship at 9.30 am., and an 1 by 3 priests of the arch- a presentation, banguet was given in St. Peter's school hall at and a reception was held at night. Bishop O'Connor has been in Peter- boro for twenty-two years. "se No Hope of a Change. Hamilton Herald, At this time the of a change of government as a result of the elee- tions does not appear to be great. A majority of forty-three will have to be overcome. "This would mean the twenty-two seats by the conservafives without the loss of a conservative seat. There niay be, and probably will be, some conservative gains in' Ontario and British Colum- bia, and, perhaps, in the maritime provinces, but it would not be surprise ing if reciprocity were to sweep Al- berta ahd Saskatchewan for the gov- ernment, and wrest two or three Manitoba seats from the opposition. As for Quebec, it seems certain that the nationalist campaign will cut down the government's big majority in that province; but the nationalists who will displace liberal members in the commons would not be a source of strength to Mr. Borden. He could not count upon their support. From Chaps to Erysipelas. The best remedy for all injuris or | diseases of the skin is Wade's. Oint- | ment. It not only cures wounds and | pin diseases, but prevents many skin | troubles by its antiseptic, germ de troying properties. Cures a, Salt Rheum, Sealy or Itching Eruptions of the skin, Pim- ples, Blotchés, Dandruff, ete. In big boxes, 25¢., at J. B. Meleod's Drug 'Stores. The Challenge Accepted. Toronto Globe. Mr. en has challenged Sir Wil frid to meet the people. Sir Wilfrid goes before them the moment Mr. Bor- den has proved by two weeks of ob- struction to the reciprocity measure that he" means what he said in the west. And instead of meeting™the an- nouncement with a shout, Mr. Borden meets it with a whimper. Instead of welcoming reciprocity as the single is- sue upon which the fate of the coun- try: hinges, he joins with the more timid of his supporters in seeking to make the general record of the gov- ernment the argument for changing relation of the outs to the ins. It is not with such leaders that Can- ada will replace Laurier, 1 Ridean Lakes Nav, Co., Limited. Steamers leave for Ottawa évery Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday, at 6 a.m. For Clayton, every Tuesday, Wednes- day, Fridey and Saturday, at 6.15 p.m, Jones' Falls and return, every Wed: nesday and Saturday, at 6 a.m. 'Fare for round trip, Boe. James Swift & Co., agents. J. P. Hanley, agent. Mark Twain's Works. If you are interested in obtaining a complete set of all his books at one half the former price on the easy pay- ment pian, it will cost nothing to get full particulars and a new thirty-two page book, "Little Stories About Mark Twain." Address Box 409, "British Whig office." Brockville and Ogdensburg. Friday, 8 a.m. calling at Ganano- que both ways, steamer America. 50c. return. Great reductions in price at Pre vost's, Bn street, in ready-made clothing, gents' furnishings and cloth- ing made to order. This clearing sale to make room for fall and winter im- portations. | Rev. Archibald MacKenzie, Douglas, is nauseating. Mr. Foster is a man mes . i ili .1 For - and scalds, appl; of commending ability, and he can ex Sons Dra hat py = Drug | Store, Str. America tours the islands, | Saturday, 2.30 p.m., 500, ' THE ISSUE Here are some of the articles that Bur- of Canada's patriotic. spirit. He is Nr. Foster still, cold, cynical, cruel, the one man in all the house who ' Present Article-- U.S. Rate. Cattle, over $M .. .. .L.. .. Wipe lorses, over $150 0. States ffom Canada if the electors vote {for the simultaneous removal of duties on natural died Tuesday, afte# an illness lasting several months, deceased, fifty years of age, was aWlflicted with cancer of the bowels. . Riveri's talcum powder. "Prouse's Drug Store." PUT BEFORE THE PEOPLE will Pass any fev into the United approval of t arrangements made product i. i «3 y people of Can- as a reduction of from farm waggons and supplies, lay people of the Peterboro dio- ; cese made the third presentation. A | _ {Toronlo, on T p. : i i i | Specialists in diseases Skin, '} Blood, Nerves, ladder and Special Atl: i§ Ove visit advisable ; if impossible, send history for free opinion . vice. Question blak nas ag form. Hours : 2 to § p.m. Sun » DRS. SOPER & WHITE ye #5 Torumto Street, Torente, Oud. } i ion Permanent Loan Company Debenture at par and interest. 3-4 Acre Garden Plot adjoin- ing City. Lots and Houses in any part of the City. Waest- ern Lands and City Lots. ------ J. 0. HUTTON, 18 Market St KINGSTON A SON SEARCHING $ FOR LOST MOTHER. Daniel White, of Brockville, is in Watertown, N.Y, on That Mission Watertown, N.Y. Aug, 3.---Daniel White, a citizen of Brockville, Ont., has been in this city in an effort to ascertain the whereabouts of his moth- er, Mrs. White, who came here about a month ago. Since her visit here nothing has been seen or heard of her and the son in Brockville is anxious to locate her. The case is a peculiar one. Another son, . Anthony, also eof Brockville, came to Watertown four years ago for employment. The past year failed to communicate with his mother and a month ago she came here to locate him. That was the last that Daniel White heard of his mother and brother. He has been here and interésted friends in the search but without results. The mat ter has not been reported to the po- lice department. ---------------------- . Benefit of Reciprocity. Toronto Farmers' Sun, The American markets proved of un- told value to, Canadian farmers under the reciprocity treaty of 1854, It was of immense advantage even under the moderate American tariff that prevail- ed unti] 1888. It" would be vastly more beneficial now because meantime the food consuming population of the United States has grown out of all proportion to the food producing population. The cities of Chicago, Port. Huron, Detroit; Cleveland, To. ledo, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Roches ter and New York have meantime mul tiplied their population over and over again. The great iron and coal indus- tries of Pennsylvania have been devel oped. All these great centres are within reach by 'phone from Canadian farms. The produce of these farms can be collected one day and turned into cash the next. In the face of a duty of twenty-five per cent. the most valuable car of horses taken out of Durham county, last vear were sold in New York. A slight reduction in "the duty on cream caused Onfario'™s ex ports of dairy produgts to the United States to jump from a mere nothing to some $3,000,000 in a few months. Even in the lines in which it was feared injury might be caused there will be benefit as shown by the fact that American buyers have scoured all Ontario this season for berries and cherries, despite a duty of one cent per quart on the former and twenty- five per cent. on the latter, with which to supply American demand. Yellow Journalism in Canada. Hamilton Times. Here is a specimen of a very disgrace ful kind of journalism from Cotton's Weekly, Cowansville, Que. : During September 100,000 people will die of the plague in India. At the present time 20,000 a week are dying and 'the plague increases in yirulence during the cold weather, ™ plague wiped out if the money that is wast' ed on George V werd used to fight it. George V is a gentleman who walks amid death and plague happy only when he is the central figure of waste and extravagance.' When the parasites use their favor- ite expression: to show their loyalty; t 0: not. say all they mean. If they did this is how the expression would run, "The king, God bless him. And damn humanity." It is a pity that Canada should be disgraced by such publications. Daoder-Uf makes hair grow and kills the dandruff germ, 50c. "Prouse's Drug Store" Bruce Culcheth, Portsmouth, went to <p 2 Cannot He Cured. lications, as they cannot portion of the ear. to cure deal- constitutional by local a reach the There is only one way and that Is by is can an of the mucous lin- Hube. When ON have a eet hearin Pren ness, jon Faumtachian inflamed rumbling sound or fmpe and when it is entirely closed ness is the result, and unless the in fNammation can be taken out and this tube restored te it» normal! condition, heariag will be déstroyed forever. nin. ecibes out Of ten are caussd by Catiirrh, which is nothing but an inflamed con dition of the mucous surfaces. 3 We will Eve One Hundred Dollar {ness ansed by cured by Hall's ar circgiacs, tres FOR SALE $400.--Five per cent. Domin- | This Ad oabepimand is for the| Suit Man E choose to put forward our greatest value mca $15.00 W giving effort at $15.00, because its such a good, average figure--the price that thousands pay. We'll show you a diversity of color and pattern assortments, a quality of fabrics and a freshness of fashionable models at $15,00 that are simply out of the (question at most stores at this price. Then Again! The man who is wearing one of our Fifteen Dollar Suits isn't subject to the unpleasant reflection that he might have gotten more for his money elsewhere -- for that's impessible. . EXTRAS BIBBYS Limited KINGSTON'S ONE PRICE STORE "~ SPECIAL. NECKWEAR DISPLAY. 50 DOZEN MEN'S SILK FOUR-IN-HAND TES. New colorings. New shapea G0c qualitieg, BIBEY'S SPECIAL, 2 50 Dozen MEN'S FRENCH BALBRIG, UNDERWEAR. Regular 50¢ qualities. BIBBY'S SPECIAL, 25¢. is a preventable disease and could be! i i i : THE PRESERVING TEST FOR'NEARLY 60 YEARS. TRAE SRA STIR RRR TOV BRBTTBRTBTRLITAST CIB ® X EXTRA GRANULATED SUGAR has stood the searching test o 'preserving time. This possible because of it consistent high quality. FROM YOUR GROCER. The Canada Sugar Refining Co., Limited, Montreal Established in 1854 by John Redpath, is only ~-- ' see Summer Wear Need the same careful attention given your Winter' apparel. Try Us On A Summer Suit CRAWFORD & WALSH '$ Leading Tailors. Princess & Bagot St a Sits ~ ia ww Ww

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