you get all three in Seal Boa Coffee --the favorite in a million homes N In 1 and 2 pound sealed tins only, ¢ Thos. Lambert -- -- Merchant Tailor TOOK HERE YOU MEN-- Yon have to wear Clothes, and 'when you buf you look for the best value for your money. Low priced clothing is seldom cheap. clotly, well made at reasonable prices is the cheapest clothing to buy, and this youn get when dealing with Satay Thos. Lambert, 157 Pines Strest Frame Dwelling on Garrett Street. containing Rooms. Bath and Closet. Also good Stable. Can be Bought Cheap. E. Blake Thompson, OVER NORTHERN CROWN BANK. VARS, 'Phone 28 KINGSTON, © TON, ONT. Nine 00000000000 00000000000 0000000000000000000000 | THE: "TOKYO" Next to Waldron's, Wellington Street. JAPANESE ART 6003 WE IMPORT THESE GOODS That's why we sell so reason- ably. One price to all, and that the lowest possible. VOPR V VERO VOS Go0000000000000000000e 'Summer Clearance OF Suits, Dresses and Skirts Coat and Skirt Wash Suits, in White, ad Tan. Regular prices, $7.50 to $11.50. NOW ALL ONE PRICE AT Linen Ceats. Blue, i ' Mauve, Pink, Grey $2.08 Long White and Regolar, prices. $3.25, $3.60, and ¥6.00¢ " NOW Pretty Mul, Mauve at Half Prive, White and Cream Skirts at Half Price. Silk and Lisle Gloves. Half Price. D. M. SPENCE, I edt, 119 Princess Street, i $1.63, $1.75 and $2.50 One-piebe Dresses, If White, Cream, Pink, Blue and Must Finish Up On Oxfords This Week. a b oun WINDOWS HAVE souk VERY 1sviTING PRICES ON MEN'S DIVIDED - wo vos. Tans.' Blacks, Patents, two or thrée hole ties and button, Aw nd: 35.00 shoes. Tans, Blacks, Patents, Gun Metals. $4.00 values for S190 AF To ES . Bver see a Ladies' Goodyehr Welt © Black Swede Pump. at , $2.58, or a Black Satin Pump at $2.58, or a Two-hole Tie in Gun 3 Metal, Goodyear, Welt at $2.59. 2 og * These are oily a few of the many $4.00 Shoes We are show- bat. c 2.50 k Far the Children, $1.28 buys a Tan Calf 2-strap Buckle Shoe. dood ies Ne made ta give the utmost wear and look smart , 12 to a VAR eves estes La maw) sak aves " {fered with the road construction work! | Good phe eo in thy ® * ® from ® ithe palace ® Ottawa, ® ° * ° ° ® ® * * ® * . ot i {day evening, at her | Lake Ontario Park last evening. | Thornton Family put i ------ ARCH com-| sri AT work ON THE BARGE DAVIE. TO THE OLD Bos: ING DOWN AT 4 AM. 3 The Police Were Called, But They | Schooner Katie Eccles Did Cone Found They Had No Authority to siderable Damage to Stern of Stop Early Morning Labor, Steamer Jessie Bain -- Marine The old boys' arch at the cothier of | - Notes Gathered Around the Har- Clarence and Kin streets was token | bor. down on Thursday. The men in charge The steamer 'Jessie Buin, which was of the frig oper atiGn yn the los {run into by the schooner Katie Eccles, removed, as it interfered with their | " Wecheteia Fs Sullovet u. jac den] of work. Ona of the forsmen, deca thay | 41a, to Bee stern, and will have to if the city Jid not take down the arch |" F2 CF VE opeirs. he would have to put his own to work and fear it down. The arch was so admired that Ald. Carson disliked | to have it Yemoved, but when it intery| ling into Folger's whari, to unload a cargo of eoal for the Thousand Island i Steamboat. company, when the acci' dent occurred, The steamer America was held up in {the cans), and as a result it was one {o'clock this morging, when the vessel arrived back from its téip to Iroquois. The barze Davie, of the Montreal {Transportation company, whith went {aground, and was sunk at Alexandria has mot yet been raised. The | Calvin company is still at work - on he scene. The steamer Mississquoi from Gananoque, to-day. The steamer Buena Vista will ar- {rive from Smith's Falls, to-night. The schooner Keewatin, unloading jeoal, at the penitentiary, cleared for Oswego. he gave orders to remove the wecorn- | tion, At 4 am., the firemen began to pull! it down, While they were at work, a resident stuck his head out of a win-| dow and askdd them to®cease their la- | hors until & more seasonable hour, that the pedple could finish their sleep. | {The firemen said they were acting un- ide orders, and wanted to complete ; work before the middle of the day ! {when it would be so hot. The resident | then for the polite to see il! they could not force the arch-razers to | return to their beds, but the "peelers'" found there was no by-law, under which | they could act. So the work of pull: ing down the arch continued. e is a noise by-law in foree, but | it does not apply to labor. If it did was up | Co's elevator--The steamer {Gordon dleared for Belleville, to load tenant for iJ 2 hiatm; the tug "iT son clear: or Montreal, - with work at drydotks, elevators and iin other places would come under the! {Shee Sain Barges, the Sug Paatson, ban. Evidently no distinction is made |, on or a Bares con barges; tug Bartlett, "from -- Port Dalbousie, between work in the day or night in| residential sections, as is_ the case in with. oil et vag Bartle Germany." | cleared » {grain barges; the' Seamer, Turret Cape, { grain- -laden_from rt William, is due ito arrive id to dicharge. | At Swift's wharf: Steamer Ri- {dean King cleared for Ottawa tits Take the Str. America, Saturday, {morning; steamers Kingston and Cas {2.30 p.m., on her famous tour of the pian down this morning; steamer lislands, 50c, Quinte Queen cleared for Picton with | rai an ---- excursion of 'Prentice Boys, ealling Hot for Street Work. at Portsmouth and Collins' Bay. Yesterday was a very hot day for pa TV BR ~ {the men-engaged on the street work, | FELL FROM STREET CAR, ty. It was very trying, but en stayed at their work, CITY To See All the Islands AND VICINITY. A Young Lady Had a Tumble on Union Street. At 9.30 o'clock Wednesday eveain,, a young lady received a bad tumble : off 'a street car on Union stréet, near Kingston, ED Wednesday afternoon, Centre street. She stepped off either Peterboro, and paid a visit Wo ipackwards or sideways before the car He left Thursday for} Stopped. and was thrown onto the road. {very close to the moving wheels of the car. Fortunately a couple of men of | were standing on the runboard, and have arrived at Bob's | {were prepared {9 grab her had she i shing trip. Dr. | taken another roll. The young lady | } Lake | quickly regained her feet, looking lit- {his headquarters for several seasons. |le the worse for her tumble, but she | ------ received 'quite a shaking up. The cur- | all the | Archbishop Gauthier Here. { : Archbishop Gautier arrived ia An Annual Trip. Dr. Thomas Mooney and party, Rochester, N.Y., Lake, on their annuak Mooney has been makivg Bob's | | | | | Death at "Wolfe Island, load of passetigers feared that she Stella M.. Esford, wife of Herbert [would be badly hurt, as they saw her Esford, "of Wolfe Taland, died, home. {forty-eight years of age, and is vived by her husband and ope child To religion she was a Methodist. She was | sur The Grand Trunk railway system an- | nounce tht on Tuesday, August Sth, fand 22nd, ptember 5th and 19th, 1191, wn db ers' excursions will be run to Western Canada, via Chicago duties with the and Duluth or via Chicago, St. Steamboat com- land Minneapolis, at reduced pany, after a severe illness, extending trip fares. over six months. His many foshds; The double track line of the Grand fire pleased to see him around agaiu. {Trunk to Chicago, appeals to the] | traveller, and with the superior train | Rervice offered, Sncluding the famous crowd at!" International Limited," yhany pass The |engers will be attracted this way. The on some pew jroute via Chicago, is interesting, Bag Howard sang a pretly gage is carried in bond without re » Miss quiring special attention. Inspection is Back at Work Again, William Aubin, has resumed his Thousand Island Johnson street, round { At Lake Ontario Park, | There was an immense songs. Master ballad, "I Got Your Number. Gladys, in' sweet voice, sang "Tl not necessary. Change the Thorns to Roses." A new | The sale of tickets is also authorized bill will 'be presented to-night. via Sarnia and the Northern Naviga: 'Sr Sa------------ | tion company 's magnificent steamers. Have a Large Surplus. {| For further particulars apply to The committea having in charge the [any agent of the Grand Trunk rail Orange picnie, at Lake Ontario Park, {> system, on the holiday, will have quite a large | es rr ---- surplus, as a result of their efforts. | iv For a Delightful Sail a The total receipts amounted to- ahout | ake the sieamer Amerkin , 2.30 p, £500, and the expenses reached $100. A im, Thursday for 'the most complete meeting of the committee was held | tour of the islands, 50c. Inst night, when business arising out | of the picnic, was settled. i Mrs. Milo Cummings, Grindstone Ts- land, and Miss Helena Chapman, Tor- Grazed by Auto Car. onto, have returned home, after spend- ing the past few days as the guests of The schooner Katie Eccles was com- | New RRR NT SERN rae se se tt ht Wear; these dainty Shoes can be light dresses.' rw ~ A RS ee ona ett tne ae tite i | i INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked tp By Reporters on Their Rounds. , ' August Shoes See % pretty new Strap Shoes for Ladies' Fine Ladies' Finest Kid Colonial Pumps $3.00. . Ladies' Finest Patent Colt, Fancy Strap and Beaded Shoes $3.50, also 2 Button Shoes at $3.50. Fancy 9 Bar and Fancy Patent Straps at $3.00 * THESE ARE NEW GOODS JUST IN FROM HAGAR'S FACTORY, MONTREAL ABERNETHY'S Any Wrapper 95¢ worn with any sesrseprsseseel p Jenkins' suit sale is for youn. Let the farmer have his turn. What hot wepther we are getting ! Charles Jackson, Queen street, holidayTng in Toronto. Jenkins' is serving the wise now. SirgHenry Pellatt was bogs in Hale's cottages, then a fashionable quarter. William "Ford, of Minneapolis, is in town for a few days, the guest of Dr. W. T. Connell. 20¢. collare for 15¢c. at Jenkins' sale. Edwin Elliott, son of Smith Elliott, ig confined to the general hospital, sul- fering from typhoid fever, White duck pants at Jenkins' sale. Charles Selby, Gore street, leaves, Friday noon, om a trip to England. He will be absent two months. Our Free Lesson will convince you Wrappers at $1.25, She: rolled over once, coming | Wednes- [thrown to the ground. | Excursion to Western Canada. | Paul of good. told Kingstonian, | house ; F. Hamil, . Garbutt, locksmith, Prince B ur sy aan {Mre, J. E. Johnston, Brock street. Dress TO-MORROW i tt a Special Showing 'of that 30-Day Shorthand is a great im- provement, Moon College, Toromto. Jenkins' sale is the thing right now, The members of the Portsmouth Loyal Orange Lodge held a 'bee' the other day; and erected a fence around their hall. Get in touch with Jenking' sale. Rev. A. F. Cordner and children, Youngsville, Pa., left for Perth, yes terday, after visiting Mrs. Tetlock, Raglan Road. 3c. lisle sox for 180. at Jenkins', H. Staley, Wolle Island, was taken, In our Stock are Print and Flannelette YOUR CHOICE THIS WEEK SPECIAL Goods 12 1-2¢, 15¢, 18c, 20c, 22c 25¢ a Yard. 1.35 and 1.50 each. 95¢c EACH Inducements 40c A YARD Black Wash Materials ~ qn W ay, in James Reid's ambu. ---- A lance, to the Hotel Diew, suffering from typhoid fever. Join the crowd at Jenkins' sale. A good shower of rain would do the flowers in the city parks a world Park Ranger Phillips for rain, underwear = praying Summer cheap at Jen Cruniley | Bros. PrsSrsnssssssssssssssBBrsssssssssssssnen kins' sale. George B. Poronto, an was born in the occupied by Dr. Winnett, He has not been inside the heuse for for tyv-one vears. Boy# khaki bloomers at Jenkins' Mre. E. P. Barry, Miss Edith Barry and Master Edmund Barry, Rochester, N.Y., are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. J. V. H. Burton, 210 Queen street. Men's khaki pants at Jemkine' sale, Miss K. Diamond, bookkeeper in the Montreal street branch office of James Swift & Co., left, on Saturday, on a two weeks' visit to her cousin, Mrs. Montreal, Sweetnam, DRINKING. FOUNTAINS KINGSTON SHOULD HAVE MORE OF THEM. Visitor Expressed Surprise That City Did Not Provide for Benefit to Drivers. "It would be well if Kingston had many more dripking fountains around the streets in different parts of the city," remarked a citizen to the Whig to-day. There are only two or three fountalus and it cer tainly would be a good thing to have more.' The citizen who made the state- ment is a driver, and he says that the founfains render a great service to the horses when he is out on the rounds. The fountain in the market square and the one in Albert Sthect are in constant use. These warm days they are working overtime More--(ireat 69¢. shirt sale at Jenkins'. The United States outranks all' other countries in the amount of bu- siness done by the railroad and in surance companies, Patrick Crilley, formerly of Broek: ville, died, in Hamilton, on Monday. Summer vests half price at Jenkins' being hurt by an automobile Wednes- A visiting old boy here from De day evening. He was going home at six o'clock, and when erossing at the corner of Barrie and Princess streets, ansauto came up Princes street at a pretey fast rate of speed, and turved down Barrie street. Mr. Garbutt jumped back, but not far enough to|/ escape the. car, which struck him on the arm, scraping it. The two men in the auto went right on, never looking hack. street, had a very narrow escape from |° Iced... ming asinine Ask for Certificates. A Whig subscriber at 'Mountain Grove writes, complaining of itinerant catchmakers, whom = he claims sre simply botches, and to his view have never served one hour with a practic cal watchmaker. He suggests to all farmers that when these le apply for work that they be asked for their certificates, always given to compe tent workmen. The subscriber [quotes a number of "in-which rShnire were mage fl 8 watches, good prices Sacky the work, and, with the result, ihn the = or two the in strumenjs were as bad as ever. . Make Postum dark 'and rich, 'according fo to directions on the pack- age. Then add 'cracked and the sugar and lemon to taste. « ------------ The steamyacht Sirius, which cap- « sized ness Cornwall, on Tuesday ~~ ternoon," drowning seven people, was once a te yacht and saw service gy Sarah Hyett, of r York; and formerly of Kingston, is i thei months 'with sister, Miss Pancior Hyett, Arch da, Franlnus cot, w ia 1a Shir her danghter mating 8 t sale alt tig a Miss Vicie Sleamian is not taking a igh wh Lhe en Keyport, an gtat: June a of Toronto. | ¢ ». Ouffingwnnd Delicious ' Refreshing POSTUM WITH SUGAR AND LEMON An agreeable. cooling. food drink which adds to summer comfort. troit was somewhat sarprised thai the city had not more drinking fountains. In view of the fact tha Kingston had so much water, he thought it would be an easy maiter to get the fountains Nearly all the American cities, especially those on the water, have fountains scattered all over the city, and even in some of the inlands towns there are many EAS Band Concert To-night. At the concert in Macdonald Park to-night the 14th band will render this' programme : March, "Bufiaio Bill's Farewell," Sweeney; overture, 'Zam tpn," Herold; waltz, "Septembre," Gollin; schottish, ""Fveéry Little Move 'ment," Hoschna; suite, "Americana," { Thurban, (a) "The Tiger's Tail," ib} "When Malindy Binge," (¢) "The Wa- termelon Fete" song (cornet), "Ire land, 1 Love You," Brown; song {cor net), "Where the River Shannon Flows," Rassbll: bell gavotte (by re quest), "The Bella of Se. Malo," Rim- mer; a spicy "Red Pepper," B. Wek, bandmaster, th. PW.OR Those who have used hot Postum as a regular table beverage know its « great value in correcting ills caused by tea ro coffee. x | -- - \ Serious Results Follow. Cold, hands and feet, and Those who have never pains in the result from impov- evished blood. Serious Our Big Mid Summer Sale---Now_ On. A CHANCE TO BUY YOUR FURNI TURE AT SALE PRICES, BEDROOM SETTS, With Brass or Wood Beds PARLOR BETTS IN THREE OR FIVE PIECES, In Silk and Mahogany Finish. DINING-ROOM SETTS, BUFFETS AND SIDEBOARDS, SPRINGS AD SATTRESHES, The Leading Undertaken, "Phone 147. Dr: Martel's Female Pills EICHTEEN YEARS THE STANDARD | ments, a scientifically prepared worth. The result from their see ib quick and permanent. For sale ot all drug stores. tried Iced Postum are follow neglect. Wade's fron Foie 1881 Pills make new, rich ble toné up missing palatable, | wate, add vitality to wasting cr & iit tissues * strengt on weak nerves. wholesome "poner which Price. 25e. Sold by James B. Neleod, is really a liquid food, and jjdrewist. > Healthful "There's a Reason" Dance at Cushendall + One of the largest attended dances I the season was held - Wednesdny svening, #t Cunningham's Grove, Sheuial The platform is ome of the largest and finest in the district. Every person presest went away well far ahead of iced tea Mrs. G. H. Weatherhead, of Brovk- ville, died very suddealy, on Tuesday morning. She was in her wal. good Jishans. Crosby & O'Connor's orches rn farvished the 'music. srt health at breakfast, and pusied Swe 8 few miopwents afterwafidn, y