a RAILWA mL DRE LL JULY 31st. Round trip tickets will be Issued at SINGLE FIRST CLASS FARE, Good going P.M. trains July 29th, all trains July 30th and 31st good to return until August 1st. SEASIDE EXCURSIONS AUGUST 6th, 7th, Sth and Oth, Good to return until August 31st. Farm Laborers' Excursions AUGUST 16th and 25th. $10.00. 7 TO WINNIPEG AND WEST. For full particulars, apply to J.P. ANLEY, Agent, Cor. onan and Ontario Sts. KINGCSTONS IE M 23 AY Wi WY IN CONNECTION WITH CANADIAN. PACIFIC RAILWAY, : Harvesters' Excursions, TO THE Canadian North West:$10.00 ON AUGUST 16th and 25th. To Moose Jaw and Bast--Pro- portionately low rates beyond to and dtiuding Melaod, Calgary and Homeseekers' Excirsions « MANITOBA, SASKATCHEWAN AND ALBERTA. August 8th, 22nd. Sept. Hth, 19th. Tickets good for 60 days. Full particulars at K. & P. and C.P.R. Ticket Office. Ontario Street. F. CONWAY, . Gen. Pass. Agent. BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY. Train leaves Union Station, Ontario Sr rest 38 aay, {Bugday S3oopied). onto, Bannockburn and all points rth. To secure quick despatch Ed, Mypnidih, sai nints on oute Ey a of : uinte Railway. For fur- Be Shs SR Pilin, pa Mar Sard, ALLAN LINE Royal Mail Steamers LAWRENCE PICTURESQUE ST. ROUTE. MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL. Victorian, Fri, Jil. 23; 2 di ay 1. ri. Fol Yirgintan, Fen ol WY: ht ian, ¥ri, oy 0 Fri, "aus "3k MONTREAL TO GLASGOW. Jleaperian, hs ne 34 nly 1 Grampian; Bat, ly wig, 3 Vo Aue, ,. MONTREL TO HAVRE AND LONDON. This service is composed of one class, second cabin steamers, sailing from Montreal every Saturday. Rates moderate. - Full Information on application to J. P, HANLEY, C. 8. KIRKPATRICK, G.T.Ry. : Clarence St. Agents, Kingston. THE ALLAN LINE, 17 Yonge Street, Toronto. (Quebec Steamship Company River and Gulf of St. Lawrence Summer Cruises in Cool Latitudes, 8.8. '"Cascapedia" 1,900 toms, re. cently fitted out on Lhe Clyde, speci ally for th. service, with all Fri vid comforts SAILS FROM p ONAL ow THURSDAY, at ahd sist August: fin ana beth Be and om % $0. the ote day ul Guapo, al hay perce, arand Ri Hummerside, PEt and Char town, P.EL New York From Quebec sl Car Subse ni A 11a and h August and Sth Sept, yo EL § trom New York h, satin " 10th August, nd days t a sea breexes yn ver, Temperat seldom aes of the weason for ACR gh LO) Canadian Verse ww OFF RIVIERE DU LOUP. By Duncan Campbell Scots." ship incom'ng from the sea p ith ail" your cloudy tower of sail Bashi the water to the lee, ng grandly to the sol The sunset pageant in the west : Has SIL filled your canvas curves with And antied every toppling crest That crashes into silver snows! You know the joy of coming home After long leagues to nce or Bpain; You feel the clear Canadian foam ~ And, the gulf water heave again. Between these sombre Purple | hills That cool the sunset's molten bars, You will go on as the wind wills, Beneath the river's roof of stars. "HY Wu the ights That spangle over the lone pier, By hamlets glimmering on the heights, By level islands black and clear: You will go on beyond the tide, Through brimming Boll of olive Through palér shallows light and Too piled along the ledge. At semiing eed i us Jody ay on your chain,' And catch the scent of dewy hay, Bott Sowing from the pleasant n. Canadian Verse THE HOUSE OF THE TREES. By Agnes Ethelwyn*Wetherald. Ope your doors and take me in, wii: of the wood; Wash me clean of dust and din, Clothe me in your mood. Take me from the noisy light To the funless peace, Where at midday standeth Night Bigning Toil's release. All your dusky twilight stores To my sense give; Take me in and lock the doors, Show me how to live. ® oo" Lift your leafy roof for me, 'Part your yielding walls, det me wander lingeri Through your scented Ope your Jats and fake me in, Spiriteof the wood; Take tah A me next of kin To your leafy broed. BICYCLES BICYCLE I ON ot Cut Prices 249 Eran Seadiur Cut Price Catalogue. RABISNETE: No.3. Used in onprta s with, rat success, met b son, bad logs. sores, disc es ait wea ol br & vital force, ra! Heseit hrrn No. at I atr Ail 81 from Fougera & Co. , 90 Beekman Fo ew York Citys or Lyman tos. Co. Ltd. Toronto, in doubt No. . send self addressed envelope for free book w Dr Le Clore Mied. Ca. Haversioek Rd, Poapueal. sndon, Eng. Try néw! usteless) of Therapion, ea io take, safe, lasting cure, alls. Tk 20 PER CENT. DISCOUNT Off all papers marked 15e¢ a roil and over this week only. A few Bood remnants 'left at greatly Fete. prices. A. WEESE & « High cls Pleture oie, OY ROE | COOLEST SUMMER TRIP When the hot you take an trip by the Black Diamond SS Line This is the coolest trip on the con: hot us Return fare. $50. 00 and up, including ' Steamers Rosalind tinent and braces one in the weather. mela and hart h Bonavi strated "Booklet sent free on re- quest, A. T. WELDON, GF. & PA, 112 St. Jamey' Street, Montreal, LAKE ONTARIO AND BAY or ; QUINTE STHANEOAY 0, LTD. STEAMERS : ot Beat "| North King & Caspian 1000 ISLANDS AND ROC Es Steamer leaves - 1015 m oo Se Alexandrine REE summer days are sgom WHAT TUNNEL MEANS. Prince, Edward Island Has Much 'te Gain by New Scheme. The ry estimates receot- ly t down in Te Dominion Par- Anmant Sestaining a gram of $35.00 a froposed tunne under : of Northumberland to connect Prince Edward' 1sland with Hew Brunswick, will ally the * mir ion acre farm" practic a part the continent. r The coustruétion of an all-rail route to the mainland would mean many im- ments in Prince Edward Island. eguiar and daily communication is 2 maintained during the season of open navigation by two steamers un- der a subsidy liom the Dondinion Gov. ernment. Regular Bavigation gén- erally closed from the middle of De eember to the middle of April. During this period ice-breaker steamers ran: ning with mére or less regularity car ry' passengers, the mails, and some freight to and from Pictou in Nova Scotia. Undér unfavorable conditions howd alls, on sleds, are pul over ce ween the two ca named abave, x pet Prince Edward Island now produces snnuslly about $10,000,000 worth of field and animal products. Owin, do the yncertainties ™ navigation November the farmery are foreed rd sell, 16 matter what the markets then may be, s ly after their crops are harvested. No manufacturing exists on this island except to supply a few of the local wants. Labor i§ abund- aut and cheap, sueh labor leaving thie Foti in large numbers for the Joited States and the western pro- vihets of Canada. All efforts to utilize thie labor supply in local manufas writs ona 1 '0 up, #8 the means of shipping manu. factuyred goods from there are, 'dar- ing at least four months of the year, practically impossible. An all-rail route to i.e mainland would at once open up many opportunities to the people of that provinee. A Great Crop of Wheat. An immense amount of 'apital has been invested in Canadian bonds and stocks during the last ten years, and there has been a very -greal appre. ciation in value of many, securities. What would be the market value of these stocks to-day if there had been a succession of crop failures in Can- ada year citer year Jung the last ten years? .Anyone who 1 consider this question can understand to what a great extent the stock markets are interested in the condition of the crops. It is' now estimated that the wheat yield in the Western Provinces of Canada will not be less than 200,000, 000 bushels, and that it may reach 225,000,000. The geustal condition of other crops se' to be good throughout Cavada, asd it present expectations are rea. lized 1911 will be a bumper year for Capadian farmers. Distarbing inflo- ences; now unforescen, may affect the stogk market in spite of good crops; but the presént outiook is most favor: able. Reports prepared by the Interna. tml Agricaltural Institute state that the world's total wheat production for the year 1910 amounted to 3,574,573,000 bushels, compared with 3.581,007,000 bushels in 1809. © Assuming that the world's production should be the same this year 'as last year, and that the wheat crop of the Canadian West is 235,000,000, it will be nearly one-fif. teenth 'of the world's total yield.-- Canadian Century. Sir William Whyte. The knighting of William Whyte, vice-president of the C.P.R., is a miat- ter for satisfaction to his many friend: in Canada and abroad. In 1969 Mr. Whyte reached the age limit of service on the C_P.R., but hy d special dispensation this was extend. ed two years. Bo in a short time eith- er his retirement or another extension of time will be due. It is impessible to think of William Whyte as a man who 15 too old for active service, despite the fact that he is 67 years of age, and bas been a tremendous worker all his life. He was born in Seotland of humble par. ents, in' September, 1843--the year in which Sir nald Mann's father came to Canada: He worked on a Scot tish railroad for a while, came to Canada, and go a job as a brake. min. In 1886 hé hed become genera! superintendent of the western divi sion of the C.P.R. Later he was made yop "president and given complete con. of the Western part of the system, comprising over 6.000 miles of railroad. That's a record for both the man and the~country which provided him his opportunity to be proud of. Now he is Bir William Whyte, with higher honors yet possibly ahead of him. Wave to the Coast. Figures at hand at the Winnipeg immigration hall for the fiscal year just completed reach a total of 311,084, or over 100,000 greater than the im- mediate previous fiscal year. The best previous year was 1907-1908, when 262.. 469 immigrants entered Canada. Of last year's ate 123.013 came Eng. the United Kingdom, om Jing Eng lish. Ameritads | jrvaiby bered 121 1 and Eufopeans 61,890 ire pré- pr absorbed the big op Sao ants, but 54.680 went to British Co- umbia, and this of the very best class. , possibly th. most sig- nificant feature of these statistics 8 the big wave to the Pacific province. 'A Unique Distinction, Lady Laurier i8 the only Canadian woman who has ever essed "ing of a man to my estate be worth vente had tobe giv} Interesting Letter Bang Bespeaks His Love For His Spouse. The long and interesting letter writ. n while in prison by Sir Walter Ks l8igh, which was sold at Sotheby's in ndon, a few days ago for $2,600, is dited Oct. 5, no year; and iy address- ed "To my very worthy friend, Sir altar Cope, Knight." It is as fol- rir Walter Cope: You are of my old séquariianeed. and were my fam- iliar friend for many yeare , in which time I hope you cannot say that | éver used any unkind office towards you. But our fortunes are now chang. ed and it may be in your power, great- ly to bynde me unto you, if the bynd- anythi "My esire-unto you is that you wil- be pleased fo move my Lord Treasurer in my behalf that, by his grace. my wife might agayne be made a prison- er with me a8 she hath hing years last past, shee being now devided from me and thereby to my great {mpover- ishing; I sm-driven té keip to howses. A miseravle sute it is, and yet great ta me, who, in this wretched estate, ean hope for no other thing than peacible SOITOW. 'It is pow that I call the Lord of all power to witines, yet I ever have bine and am resolved that it was nev- er in the worthy hart of Sr. Robert Cecyil (what soever a counselor of State and a Lord Treasurer of Ing- lound must do) to suffer me to fall, much less to perrish. For vhatscever names it hath pleased his Lordship to use towards me, which might ut. terly Sispaile any bodie else, yet I know yt he spake then as a counselor, sting. in counsettin company of such- as would not otherwise have bine satisfied. "But, as God liveth, I would have bought his presence att a far dearer rate than these sharp words and those three months' close in risonment, for 't is in his Lordshi art and coun- tenance that I behold all yt remaynes to mé of comfort and all the hope I have, and from which 1 shall never be beaten till T see the last of evills and the dizapire, which haht no healp. The blessings of nnot make him cruel that was never so * * * nor any man of so great worth to de- light in the endless adversities of an enemie, with lash of him who, in his very sowle and nature, can never be such a one towards him. "Br, the matter is of no great im- portanes (though, a ecruell destinie hath made it so to me) to desire that my wife may live with me in this un- savoury place. IH, by your mediation, I may obtayne it I will acknowledge it in highest degrée of thankfulness and rest. reddy to trew fayth toc be com- manded by you. "W. Ralegh." The letter was probably written in 1610, when for three months the ene- mies of Raleigh, or Ralegh, as he speiled the name, succeeded in de- priving him of the society of his wife, who was ordered to leave the Tower. Hs was released in 1815-16 to go on s hunt for gold in South Americas, but failing in his quést was re-arrested on his return to England and was exacuted on on. 29, 1618. "The Ungodly Cough." "You never know where he is go- ing .to break out next," someone once said regarding Rev. RJ. Campbell, pastor of the City Temple, who is about to vitit Canada on a preach. ing tour. This person was referring particularly to Mr. Campbell's some- what dnconventional remarks. On one occasion he addressed his hearers upon the timely subject of congrega- tional coughing, and assured them that there was such a thing as *'the ungodly eough." Then, again, he one day stop his Congregation sing- ing that hymn, "0, Beautiful My Country," saying that the compilers of the hymn book had spoilt it by altering the tune. And then, break- ing inte song, he sang the lines as we thought they should be written. The applause which greeted this musi- cal effort was tremendous. Apparent. ly. however, Mr. Campbell, ao not consider Himself to be the broadmind- ed man his admirers imagine, for, when he was asked if he was likely to stay abroad, he replied, "I am such a narrow. bigoted John Bull that 1 am alraid I couldn't be comfortable 1 say country but my own." The Lord Great Chamberlain, It. was announced some weeks ago that Lord Carrington, who recently celebrated his sixty-eighth birthday, would act as Lord Great Chamber. lain at the crowning of King George. eis lordship stands in high favér at court, and is exceedingly popular throughout the country. He is a mo- sel landlord, and a man who has always used the advantages of his position and wealth for the benefit of the community at large. He is prob- ably the only peer who derives his income entirely from agriculture. "I }#t my tenants fatm as they like, shoot what they like, pay when they ithe, and vote as they like," he oiice said. He is 'a great believer in girls Earning to cook. cgokery," he has remarked, "is one 'of? the "se ordts of domestic happiness. Lady Carrington his looked after our house and given myseif and the family a most excellent dinner every day sines our marriage a good many years ago. iY every oti wife wouid strive to do the same we should hear less about UNAAPPY marriages. ------p---------------- Very Unwell. When Theodore Hook vas once tra- Feline by coach, there were but two nside passengers--# very pretty but delicate-looking young lady attended by a homely lookicg maid. The coach stop: for twenty minutes to allow for dinner. Hook returned first to his seat, the maid next. During the ab- sence of her young miistress, Hook said th her in a tone of Breat concern lady seems very un- "Yes, sir} she suffers sadly. a "Consampficn. 1 fear?" "No, sir; 1 am sorry to cay it is the "Dear me! Ane atim?" "Oh, no, sir; it is only a lieutenant in the navy." * '. Succession duties paid provines dusing J Ted $154,388. oF hich a Brockville, paid ss, Fire i California forests will | wipe wa millions of lars wath. The absolute purity and healthfulness of BAKER'S COCOA 'and CHOCOLATE are guaranteed under the pure food laws of Canada. Made by a perfect mechanical process, they are unequaled for delicacy of flavor and food value. The New Mills at Montreal are now in 'operation and for the convenience of the #* "Canadian trade we haye established Distributing Points at i Montreal, Winnipeg, Vancouver WALTER BAKER & CO. LIMITED ESTABLISHED 1780 8rtstttsetiisetasssng esata a TY Sultana Cake Sultana Cake, made from the very best material at 23¢ per 1b, Our Fruit Cake leads in quality at 30c Ib, your next order. R. H. TOYE, 302 King St., sco 0 A'S stsstssassssas Tos strana iassanss Try a a Ib with PRs sessed sae ie Clothes' Insurance--a paid-up "policy" 'against o » the ordinary troubles of wash-day is yours if you use one of Eddy's Washboards The Boards With =The Labor Saving Crimp SETREER EEE oe SEX Seles OO) Substitution doesn't pay it. means to you loss of confidence and tothe Grocer loss of a customr, There are no wash boards "just as good" as Eddy's. = MEER IROE see Ee) EEE seh see wees ATTENTION WHEN YOU REQUIRE ANY Tinsmithing, Gas-Fitting, Plumbing or Hot Water Heating Done CALL UP Elliott Bros. Telephone 385. 77 Princess Street. a ---- All orders promptly attended to, a Dr J.Collis Browne's i /, UY | K dad; THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE. Acts like a Charm in DIARRHOEA ....... DYSENTERY. Checks sad arresis those too often fatal diseases-- FEVER, CROUP, AGUE. The best Remedy knows for COUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS. Effectonily cuts short all attacks of SPASMS. Is the only palliative in NEURALGIA, RHEUMATISM, TOOTHACHE Chilorodyne is a liguid takes in drops. graduated acuording to the malady, It invariably relicves pain of whatever kind ertates a calm refreshing sleep allays grtutetson of 4 nervous sysPom yohes other 4 afer semedies task, leaves wo bad can bs laen when wo other can be tolerated. INSIST ON HAVING \ { i -~9 DORCHESTER, MASS. Canadian Mills at 1000 ALBERT STREET, MONTREAL Second Hand Furniture fo Btock of New and Hecond- furniture; also all Kinds of Pre. Jars. Call at H. Sugerman's, Ontario Street, , WILLIAM MURRAY, | : Auctioneer, Oity and Country Sales Care : fully Conducted. Market Square, Kingston, : +40 SEEEIISI0E EES Lar hand we ring Sess sssssssssasaneanll COAL! The kind you are looking for is the kind we sell. Scranton Coal » good coal and we guarantee $ prompt delivery. BOOTH & CO. . FOOT WEST STREET. PREV VV RT WTC BN S | @veessssssssesssrsseself---- 1300 Cords Pecied Pulp Wood This Wood was peeled and plied under cover to dry. We are offering this Wood to the public at $6.00 per cord, cul In any lengths. This is the best lot of Wood ever offered for spring and summer use. Try it and be enn- vinced. ' SOWARDS "Phone 166. North End Ontario Street. EE sresassgresssenssrseed ALL KINDS OF LUMBER AT LOW PRICES. ASBESTIO PLASTER POR SALE, | ALSO ODAL AND ALL KINDS OF WOOD. S. Bennett & Co. Cory Bagot and Barrack Sts. 'Phone "1 SVE TTvvTTRTTT TLR. {i 1 WR A California Plums Apricots and Peaches A. J. REES 166 Prinches Street. "Phone 58. BG a Bea@er Pen er Lr * YES, WE CERTAINLY DO GAS FITTING. See' Our Window It is part and parcel of the Plumbing Bukiness. If you. would like to bave us estimate on any sich work, we will be glad to do so. That what we do. we do we'l, 1s almost unmeces 10 state. but we do! PHONE 335. RESIDENCE, S56. DAVID HALL 66 BROCK STR a a a i