b -- THE ST. GEORGE'S LADS HAVING A FINE TIME. ---- There are Seventy in the Party at Brophy's Point--Took a Trip Across the Island on Friday. Canon Starr's Boy Scouts, of B8t. George's cathedral, camping. at Bro phy"s Point, are having a splendid time. There are seventy in camp. The boys are up at 6.30 am. a retire at 9.30 p.m. Cook Muller is supplying their inner man splendidly, and Sergt-. Major Hogen, of the Mth PW.O, Rifles, and Sergt. Fecles, of the RC. HA, are the camp instructors. The boys amuse themselves with ball games and scouting games. On Fri- day they went for a march across the island and cooked their own lunch on the other side. The boys are in the best of health and will welcome visi- tors at any 'time. They hope to run > an excursion to help them out in their expenses, which are rather heavy, on Wednesday or Thursday of next week, and it ju hoped the public will gener- Wolfe Island, Aug. 3.--(To the Edi- tor):--Hiram Calvin is mentioned as likely to be an independent candidate in the forthcoming election. Islanders are well aware that Mr. Calvin bas ex himself in favor of recipro- city and has tlearly stated that the passage of the bill will be 4 great bene fit te the farmer. Now as every one knows, Mr. Calvin is a mdn of sterl ing worth and whose name is above, reproach and has always been known to be the farmer's friend. Therefore the writer is of the opinion that the lib erals should not bring out a candidate, but stand by Mr. Calvin if he consents to run, and if he does the Islanders will show Dr. Edwards by their vote, that they have no use for him.--AN ISLAND LIBERAL. At Lake Omtario Park. The band attraction in the city did not detract from the attendance at Lake Ontario Park last ~ evening. The programme presented * at the vaudeville entertainment wad. new and above the ordinary. "horn- a.m. ally patronize it. The scouts are hav- ing a splendid time and are as hap- py as larks. S¢ scouts from Mont. real and NapaGiee are with the party. ' Anything Ji Heueds Got Your Number." Master Harold, Whenever any a healing ap-1, onli tot, is making a hit with plication is required, use Wade's Oint-lc ji 00 Valentine W: P. New- {market's musical selections were .ap- have preciated. Miss Rosevear sang with the illustrated songs with spirit. Ridéan Lakes Nav. Co.. Limited. y Sieataes leave for Ottawa every M Wo Vs and Satur ays at 6 a.m. ton's were up-to-date in thar singing and novelty act, Master Howard gave "I'll Change the Thorns to " In the duet with Miss Gladys they mang well, "1 then be sure you the best possible should be kept in ever cure for wounds or # Cures pczema, salt tin seal itching eruptions of the skin, pimples, Tiotehes, dandrull, etc, Tn big boxes, 25¢., at J. B. Mclood's drug stores. For Clayton, every Tuesday, 'Wednes- Died at Cape Vincent, N.Y. day, Friday and Saturday, at 6.15 Mrs. Mary Stompf, mother of Su-|PT pervisor John Stumpf, Cape. Vin- cent, died at her home in that vil Inge on Wednesday, at: the age of seventy-three years. She had been ill for many months. Six children and a brother and one sister sur vive, 'The funeral was held on Fri- day morning from the St. Vincent de Paul's church, Cape Vincent. ---------------- Did You Ever Climb the mountain ? Monday, 11.15 stepmer America for Lake on the Mauntain. One hour there. Home 6 pom. Boe, > 4 Jones' Falls and return, every Wed: nesday and Saturday, at 6 a.m. Fare for round trip, 50ec. James Swift & Co., ageMs. « P. Hanley, agent, Focal Victorian Nursing. The Victorian nurse reports as. fol- | lows for July : Kn visits, . 98; casual 18; total, The list of pati- ents included-six Roman Catholics, five Anglicans, four Methodists, two Com- gregationalists. At a special . meeting of the Victorian committee, on Thurs- day, it was decided to grant the nurse a month's vacation during August, and Mrs. Robinson, 302 Queen street, was appointed to take charge of the work until Miss Leeder's return. ---- Panama Straw and Crash Hats All marked at slaughter prices. Campbell Bros'. big clearing sale of summer hats, Cape Vincent § Sunday Connections. America 7.30 a.m. and 2 p.m., re turning leaves Cape Vincent 11 a.m, Frank Smythe, of the Standard and 6.45 p.m., 50¢c. return. bank, is holidaying in Toronto. 4944494000080500000000000000000400000000000000 JUST ARRIVED. A hasty line line of Striped §hirts, with White Background, at $1.00. Stik Lisle Halt Hose. Regular 60c. Now ...... COLLARS IN 1-4 SIZES. iP. J HUNT, 53 Brock Street 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000 : . e ® ° * ® . *» "* ® ° " ° ® ® * 3 *sssssssscesencececetenaresesencssence : THE " TOKYO" Next to Waldron's, Wellington Street. ¢ JAPNAESE ART GOODS WE IMPORT THESE GOODS 1 That's why we sell so reason- ably. One price to all, and that the lowest possible. h 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 COREE LOEAEEEREHENE CRORE * As the wind-up to the most 4 Drug Store." 9000000000000 00000000 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, AUGUST 4. 1911. IN RESPECT 0 Wn FIRE ESCAPES ON HOTELS. The Escapes om Some Kingston Hotels Were Not Adequate-- Licenses Withheld Till Changes Made} Some time provincial inspec tor for the nae department was in Kingston and at pa time he gave orders for some changes to be made regarding fire escapes in the buildings and this week the work is being carried out in some of the hotels, It had been found that fire escapes al- ready in use would not fil the bill in ease of a serious blaze, and there fore changes had to be made. The local hotelmen who were giv- en 'an extension of time in their Ii censes, to make needed alterations, are carrying out all' the work. INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up by Re- porters on Their Rounds. Gilbert sells Gurd's Caledonia water. Garnett Aylesworth was operated on for appendicitis in the Hotel Dieu, Have | Thursd ay. Gilbert sells Gurd's ginger heer. Miss Lena Lafiert , is Vie iting the Misses Lue Main street. She is en route to Montreal. Dr. and Mrs. P. Drummond, Grant, Mich., were in the city yesterday. -Dr.| Drummond is » graduate of Queen's. Dander-Uf makes hair grow and kills the dandruff germ, 50c. "Prouse's "of 90 Stuart the camp of the St. Law- Mies Elsie Watts, street, is a guest at Charles Webster, down rence, Gilbert sells Gurd's ginger ale. "Bert" Ball, formerly of the Grand Trunk railway here, left, Thursday, for Syracuse, N.¥., after visiting Mrs. James Reid, Princess street. Gilbert sells Gurd's orange soda. Mrs. Samuel Thornton, Auburn, N.Y., arrived in Kingston, on Wednes- day evening, to spend a couple of weeks with friends and relatives. For burps and scalds, apply Bur- ton's Ointment. "Prouse's Drug Store." Misses Josephine and Estella Bazi net, Clayton, N.Y., who have been vis iting their sister, Mrs. W. J. Murphy, Colborne street, leave, this evening, for their home. Gilbert sells Gurd's plain soda. Rev. Father Russell, of Boston, left, on the steamer Toronto, Wednesday evening, for Rochester, N.Y., after vis- iting his nephew, George Huskel, who is sick with typhoid, in the Hotel Dieu. Riveri's Drug Store. Mr. and Mrs. dren, Perth, and Mrs. C. H. McShane, Micaville, - 'were the guests of' Mr. and! Mrs. J. S. Me Shane, Rideau street, during the holi- day. Str. America tours the Saturday, 2.30 p.m., 50c. Mrs. E. 8. Sheppard and daughter, of Brooklyn, N.Y., en pension at Mrs. Murphy's, William street, and who have been visiting Mrs. J. H. Gar- diner, Odessa, returned to the city on Thursday, bringing Mrs. Gardiner with them for a few days. ¥ Great reductions in price at Pre vost's, Brock street, in ready-made clothing, gents' furnishings and cloth- ing made to order. This clearing sale to make room for fall and winter im- poktationl. James, of the Bowmanville fd. da has entered upon his thir- talcum powder. "Prouse's I. Plunkett and chil- McShane and islands, ® 4 io fourth year as editor and proprie- . tor. He is vigorous yet, a thorough journalist and a man of geniality and iprogress. There are probably not a thali dozen men in all Canada who have been in active editorial charge of a newspaper continuously for = | longer period. The Whig's editors of forty and thirty-four years' staading congratulate Mr. James on his five success in the journalistic field. To See All the Islands Take the Str. America, Saturday, 2.30 p.m., on her famous tour of the! talangs, 0c. Snaps in Panama Hats At Campbell Bros'. clearing sale of summer hats. s successful Sale we have ever held, we shall offer some lines of Men's and Young Men's Suits at prices which will sure to tempt you, even though you will not require to use it before next spring. 60 Men's and Young Men's in Homespuns and Tweedas, light, Values up to $10.00. 50 Men's and Young Men's gular at $15.00 to $16.50. OC OCODCO000000 O50 YOUR CHOICE FOR ONE WEEK FOR .. _ YOUR CHOICE FOR ONE WEEK TO CLEAR .. .... 50 Children's Two and Three Plece Suits, dark and mediym shades Pg $4.03 Light and Medium Colored Fine Worsted Suits, broken sizes. but a big assortment of pat- terns. Swell goods, latest cut. Lest make and trim. Spid re- (89.45 Wash Suits Left Russian. Buster and Sailor styles, worth from tio to $2. 50. YOUR CHOICE FOR ONE WEEK... .. 20 Dozen Soft Front Lalored Well worth 75e. YOUR CHOICE FOR ONE WEEK AT . vs ce ++. B9e a Suit Stzes, 14 to 16 1-2. ad Shirts. BIG BARGAINS iN MEN'S TROUSERS, ALSO MANY OTHER LINES. + on avons swan swe ru PACK, + Men's Shoes $2.50 Buys any pair Men's $ $3.50 Oxfords. $3.00 Buys any pair Men's Oxfords in our store. 'Regular $4, 4.50 and 5.00. All go Women's Shoes $1.00 One table of Wo- men's Strap and Lace Shoes. Regular $1.25 1.35 1.50 values. Clearing Saturday Baturday $3.00. THE SPORT REVIEW COOKE'S DEFEATED BROCK BY TWO RUNS TO ONE. Raffle Motor Boat Races Popular Among Thousand Islands--Clay- ton Yacht Club Regatta Arranged. Cooke's defeated Brock Victoria school grounds, evening, by 2 to 1, in a Sunday School Baseball League game. The game was about the best seen in the whole series. Neither team seemed to have any advantage over the other. Very few long hits were made. "Shor ty" Pound, left fielder for Brock, must have caught about half a dozen. + Cooke's first man up seored, and no more runs were made till the third innings, when Vallier got one. Hall was the only man for Brock to score. A large crowd was present and the colléction was also good. Brock street has still to play anoth- er. game with Bethel, on Tuesday even- ing. Brock was handicapped on ac- count of being without Drury and Attwood. Teams ! Cooke"s--Sherbino, c¢.;' Potter, Dunlop, 1b.; Valliers, 2b.; Evans, Allen, 3b.; Pipe, rf; Somerville, Smith, Lf Brock--Sleeman, ¢.; D. Pound, Brouse, 1b.;: Burtth, 2b Hall, Reid, 3b.; Stagg, r.f.; McConnell, F. Pound, LL "Billie" Wilson gave entire satisfac- tion as umpire, street, at Thursday Pa S.8.A.AA. Executive, . month. (ners of summer' lists. A meeting of the S.S.A AA. is call for Monday night, to decide some de- tails with regard to the field day, to be held 'on August 16th. It is likely something will be done with regard to the tie game between Cooke's and Queen, as it interfers with the stand- ing in the league. Queen leads, but this tie game is yet unplayed. Island Boats Invited. Several yacht clubs along the river have received invitations to enter boats in the big regatta of the Ganavoque Yacht Club to be held August over the Gananoque course. The gatta will last the entire day and not only motor bout races will be held, but sailing races as well. Clayton Club Meeting. The annual meeting of the Clayton, N.Y., Yacht Club will be 'held this Soon after the nvéeting in likely that a regatta will be over 'the Clayton course. This will after the big challenge cup races it is thought that several of boats which will race in the interna- tional events may be entered here in an open race. The speed of . some of the entries is being kept a secret, it it the owners less to try to persuade prior compete in any smaller events to the big race. Raffle Motor Boat Races. Raflle races are proving very popular with followers of motor boating among : the Thousand Islands. In these races chance is 5 strong element and while actual winners of races may not re ceive the prizes still their chances are better than those which are not vie torious. The first boat to cross the line gets | ten slips bearing its name somb de. next boat in -- nine and on. The slips are, then drawn, of course, the odds favor the victorious boat, hence the name raffle 3 is con sidered complete un held. The idea is said to have origin- ated with Dr. Ross, secretary of the Clayton Yacht Club. FIELD CROP 00, COMPETITION. Township. The bicin ars the prize in conducted by the tural society A. E. Weller, Kingston Janetion, 86 . Charles Redden, Westbrook, 56 pointe 'A. Day, Colling Bay, 55 spoiute; - Delber: win- t 'Ames, Westbrook, 53 ome 1. F. Sproule, Westbrook, 804 Highly ames Keyes, ] commended---J Carat, and F. J. Gates, ------------ " are Bargains At © Pros"... alaughter sale L ¢ «Ware mar 2 twenty years ago by the late * |treal, ¢ | |dry dock, for repairs, 15th | barge Kingston, re- | Emerson cleared for | held and | the fast {down this morning; steamer Britannic is said. Consequently it would be use | to, The Prize Winners in Kingston |' iwho believe palit' i 'Robert §. Hart, Belleville, snd Ethel has Alberta Goldamith, Siduey $1.00. ABERNETHY'S= - {SEE THESE SHOE BARGAINS FOR SATURDAY | Children's Shoes ¢ Women's Shoes $1.98 . One largetablé fall of Women's Tan Oxfords, Tan Patent Oxfords, Patent Pumps Regular $2.50 3.00, Pumps, and Saturday $1.98 ABANDON WORK ON BARGE DAVIE If it is Found Impossible to Raise Her, Barge Will be Blown Up-- Much Trouble has been experi- ence in the Work. Work on the raising of the sunkey hull of the Davie opposite St. Law: rence Park seems to have been inde: finitely abandoned. The work of rais- ing the craft was begun several weeks ago _by the Calvin Salvage Co., but owing to several reverses, was aban- doned. Later the work was renewed and it was expected that the hull would soon be raised. However, the progress of the work was agaiy check: ed and it was decided to abandon the work indefinitely. Should it: later be found that it will be impossible to raise her, the boat will most probably be taken into the middle of the river and blown up. The, Hoat is.owned by the Montreal Transportation Co. The steamer Sirius, on which last Tuesday's accident happened at Mas sena, was 'built at Clayton about Capt. MAY. Simon G. Johnston. The steamer India arrived from Mon and went into the government The schooner Cornelia cleared light for Fairhaven. The schooner Abbie I. at Richardson's wharf, loading par, for Charlotte. The steamer Sowards cleared nignt for Fairhaven. The steamer Néepawah passed up this moroing. The steambarge Westport from Ottawa, with a cargo of (lum ber, 'which is being discharged at' the Kingston & Pembroke railway wharf. MT. Co's elevator:---The steamer Turret Chief discharged 68,000 © bushels of wheat, and will clear to-night at eight o'clock for Point St, Anne: the tug Emerson arrived from Charlotte, with three barges; the tug Hall clear: ed with oil barge No. 86 and the for Montreal; the tug Montreal, with three grain barges; the steamer Turret Crown and Edmonton are expected from Fort William, shortly, to dis charge; the tug Hall will arrive. from Montreal, light and will clear for Montreal, with two grain barges; the tug Bartlett cleared light for the Corn wall canal, with the barges Melrose, and Winnipeg, to load wheat, at To- ledo. Swift's wharf: Andrews is felds- last arrived Steamer North King from Montreal, this afternoon; steamer Toronto down this morning; steamer Rideau King up to-night, from Otta wa. ARCH, PULLED DOWN, But it Required Several Hours Work. Although the old boys' arch came down far easier and in less time than it took to put it up, will it required some time, to pull it down. A namber 'of men started on the job early, on Thursday morning, and it was three o a in the afternoon, when the ps, the main stay of the arch, [oie poles brought to the ground. There were some who wished to have arch remain in position for a few more days, but it was well to have it taken down, as some carless per- son might have sot a match to it, and a serious fire might have heen the re sult. OFF AGAIN, ON AGAIN. Two Volunteers for the * ibited List." Some may "think so, 'prohibited list" js v with some people. 'IMere are many that the list is ther 'salvation, and they stand by it every byt the y popular the feld crop competition time. i Frontenac agrieul: | This week the time of two men who bad been placed on the list, ex- pired, and to-day the men called at the office . of the inspector, 7 W. Wright, and volunteered to go on the | people list for another year. They believe that being on the list is a great help for them to keep from drinking liquor. Mrs. Susanna Armstrong, aged eigh- ty-vight, died suddenly, on July 29th, at her home in Yonge. She leaves eight children, fonts. gramichikdem, and tentycight grant ad Wie log mt oat teacher of Latin sod Toute mivol oo Grosses sssssranvan : Summer White Striped Parasols. Merceris some Directoire Handles $1.25 Values for ... $1.50 Values for . .. $1.73 Values for . $2.00 and $2.25 Values for wat th a tars Ce Tem anteed pure wool. Full 54 inch yard White Parasols, Fancy Colored trimmed with fine openwork [nsertion, tt Atta PA AAA SME it SATURDAY SALE OF .Fall Dress Materials.. Comprising Venetian Broadcloths, Cloths. Bouele™or Wide Wale Cloths in all wanted shades. _ SATURDAY 88c YARD Coley Bros. PrvesssrasssesssssscscPreces TTVLVVBBVUVLLS 50c One table: of Child- ren's Brown Strap Shoes and Lace Boots, sizes 3 to 7. Special 50¢ All Children's White Canvas Shoes, 3 to 7} and 8 to 10}. Regular 85c and $1. Saturday 50c. IN MARINE CIRCLES | sssssssasseeld CLEARING SALE OF Parasols.. a te At tl tat a tart, Parasols Ecru, Black and ed Parasols. or dainty Parasols ordinary style or hand- vo T8ec $1.00 . SLID . $1.25 A A A AA Basket Guar- $1.25 per Cheviots, Diagonals, es wide, and regularly WHILE : MOTHE R WAS IN THE ORPHEUM THEATRE Her Child Got Out of its Carriage and Wandered Down Street. very amusing ivcident oecurréd Thursday afternoon, about 1.30 A woman had gone into the Theatre to see the show, Shild sleeping in a car riage. THEUNle one awoke during the show, anfifgot out of the carriage, and thought he would go for a walk When the mother come out of the the atre, went to look for the baby, but no baby was to found. She got a number of people in the the atre to aid her in searching for the child. At last, after a long search, the baby was found down street, wan- dering around if nothing ns wrong. A on o'clock, Orpheum leaving h she be as IN EXPORTS From Kingston District States During July. The following are the declared values of exports from the Consular District of Kingston to the United States for the month of July: --Autos, $1,000 cream, $721.65; feldspar, $7,944.60; fish, 1$2.589.19; hay, $1590.50. hidés and jukine, $8,224.79. household goods, $4, 817: fron pyites, $105; lumber, $13, 208.50 ; mica, $55.40: plumbago, $1, M6.65; returned goods, $450; total, $44,373.28; July 1910, $28284.16; in crease over 1910, $16,089.12, Riding for a Fall. Toronto Weekly San, Despite the shifting of political pow er, reciprocity, if defeated, BIG INCREASE to United will be de | Our Big Mid-Summer FOR THE BEST RESULTS THE LEAST EXERTION USE A BISSELL CARPET FANCY JARDINER Er ii AND RATTAN ROCKERS AND CHAIRS. WITH fesited by the farmer. That the far mer will, for partizanship or religioos or racial passion, or for any other reason, vole down so beneficent a measure as reciprocity, the Sun, which kas known him intimately for pany years, cannot believe. It would be ne cessary to concludé that all the pro- foasions of both parties in its favor for more than sixty years were moon shine, and that 1 statesmen and politicians who made them were un able to : guage public opinion or the pulle needs. is more reasonable to believe that . Mr. Borden is riding for a fall, in the belief that, if he suffers a defeat now, there will be in a short time after the passage of are distribution bill another appeal to the in which, on other issues, . may have better fortune; better for tune, at all events, than, if he y mitted both reciprocity and redistri PY Lod of paying, at Campbell Brow' Bathing Mouse Popalar. Y.M.CA. bathing houses are becom more popular sll the time. On Wednesday about one hundred boys went out and enjoyed an after noon's fan, Some of these days, the YMCA officers are thinking of giving some thing, in the style of a paper chane, to fake Outario Park The eem-------- Straw and Panama Hats At Joss prices than you ever dream- big clearing sale of summer hats, bution now, and so gave to the liber als a long lease of power, ; Campbell Bros". For bargains in summer hate. The 1 in from of thel Clayton, NY. was struck by lightning, on Wednesday, snd split from top to bottom. fix ---------------- July Vital Statistics, During July the lollowing vital stat- Vistion were regintered in the diy clerk's officec--Births, 33, marniages, 18; 'deaths, 25, : ge Sunday in Watertown, ving Saturday or Sunday, re onday, # raturn. |