Daily British Whig (1850), 4 Aug 1911, p. 6

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"PAGE SIX." | Beseseseseecssetestcee "THE BANK OF TORONTO 'HAVING proved the - value of (is services in the past, It provides Aheday an, unexcelled banking service, E SAVINGS Accounts in- Vited. Interest Is paid on balances hall yearly, LADIES' and Child- ren's accous receive courteous attention, BUSINESS opened on terms. inary work is already done in the lib {eral party, while the conservatives thave three-fourths of their work ahead {of thera, 1 refer chiefly to the choos {ing of candidates. "As to the news geverally through- out the province in the rural pars, | the conservatives will mske no show- TOCLEAN IT OUT Rogers Machine to Be Crush- od in Manitoba, - - # only are the conservative electors in- forming the liberal will support them, but conservative leaders in maby parishes and muni- RE T cipalities are openly declaring them- J selves in the fight for the liberal 5 palicy."" ST -- | A feature of the beginning of the » 3 vampaigu locally is the fact that the PROMISES TO offices of the liberal organizers are {thronged with literally hundreds of . iyoung men, who are offering their ser- It They Don't Get the Full Ten Seats vices in the election. Mr. [etournean They Will Get Nine at Least-- 18% his hands full accepting the of- The Montreal Outlook, fers 'of volunteer speakers and work- "rs, Ottawa, Aug, 4.--Tt is beginning to | BL ---------- look as if the ee i gah ving | A GREAT BREAD COMPANY {to get the surprise. of fhe campaign! : [from the west Saskatchewan has al | ° [ways been conceded as liberal, if not | adian Cities. o o-sakid ten, at least nine. Alberta! -Tordnto, Aug. 4.~The establish: ® [will send probably six; and may be ment of avother large industry for ® eight, liberals td the new parliament, Canada will result from the negotia- : instead of four in the house just dis- tions closed hore lorday by Cawthra o Jolved. Mulock, for the organization of the eo | But the surprise came Canada Pread Co., limited. The com- ® from Manitoba. Theté the liberals pany will have modern breal manu- ® were admittedly suspicious of the factudng plants in Montreal, Toronto power of the Rogers machine, but a and Winnipeg and it "is the intention e maw who came back "rom Winnipeg to arrange in the near future for @ yesterday says reciprocity will - sweep the erection 'of plants in all the oth- ® the machine out of existence. The hest er larger cities of the dominion. THE PROVINCE BE ALL LIBERAL. Accounts favorable S00 0000000000000 0000000000000 To do Business in the Large Can. Resources : romises to KINGSTON BRANCH 107 PRINCESS ST. GEORGE B. McKAY, plaas are out au 0,000 'e0eee ebesscssscscsecsescsns 0000000000000 | ha kind you ean lay straight out on and pot double up like a J knife. Just like a bed for comfort. Hammocks from $1.00 to $7.50. Manager, : ® hopes of the western liberals was four | The company, when immediate $000000000000000000000 seats in Manitoba. This man says that of extensions atid new plants wvery seat. in Manitoba will go for completed, will have a weekly aac. Lh reciprocity, and that the only/ man put of Joaves, giv 1] (from the province who sat in the (annual production of about 50, fast house who will come back is Dr. loaves. Miller, : . According to spnouncoment made a The statement is so astounding that here to-day by Cawthra Mulock in- i x it is difficult to believe were it not cluded in the new company are five : | that it comes from a man, who in 1968 of amongst the largest bread manu- : jealled avery constituency west of the fneturing companies in Canadg, a 4 ammoc S lakest ten days before nomination, and mong them being the Perlin read 50 : {made only one error, that in Vietorin, C0., of Toronto, Stuarts, iwhere Templeman wus defeated hy the Montreal, Cecrge Weston, Imited, forged telegram. In every other tase Toronto, W. J. Boyd, Winnipeg, and he picked the winner, so his judgment H. C, Tomlin, Toronto. ack is certainly worth sometbing. He de | Mark Dredin, head of the Bredin lelares that reciprocity will sweep the company, Toronto, and regarded "as three central western provinces like a 'perhaps the most successful bread prairie fire, and that ie like stealing manufacturer that Canada has" yet la sugarstick from a baby. ~thad, will be genernl manager, while Outlook About Montreal. {Weston and W. J. Boyd. : THE COUCH HAMMOCK Montreal, \ug. 4.--~The position of The Canada Bread Co., limited, is at the liberals in the forty-three counties the outset being placed in a very [comprinime the district of Montreal, strong financial position by the sum (was outlined, to-day, as most satig- [of | 81,01,000,000 being placed in the factory hy Severin Letqurneau, K.C., {treasury to provide for the ereciton the * local liberal = organizer, who of new plants and the extensi of speaks with the full sanction of Sena- the present ones and, at the same tor Dandurand, aud other chiefs, who {time, supply ample working capital. are condueting the local campaign. Mark Bredin, the general manager, "The work of the liberal party is [points ont that the new hread ecom- very much advanced," he said, "There pany, with its modern up-to-date are forty-three counties in the district (plants, will be in a position to turn ~~ |of Montreal, und wore than thirty of out s more uniform and better grade them aye likely to retain the outgoing of bread, while the systematizing of member, a6' that it can be said that it the distribution will insure the com- will be but a small matter to complete 'pany the saving of enormous sums the list. Three-fourths of the prelim- phat are now being wasted, owing to . ey {the customers of the different bak __ levies being very largely spread over all sections of a city. HARDWARE. Chatham is to have a ten-thousand ton beet sugar factory next semson, S---- New Coats JUST ARRIVED | For Early Fall Wear In light weight Tweeds, Checks, Navy and other colors, also a big assortment of styles in Black, Velvet Coats. All these Coats are the very. mewest, up-to-date in every detail. | New Sweater Coats | : and short lengths, White, | Grey, Etc.. at very reasonable price. isin Cushendall Report. Cushendall, Aug. 3.--The harvesting in this locality is pretty well under way, and the general report of crops is the beast for some years. Berries are very scarce. A. Martin attended the excursion recently to St, Anne de Beaupre. Mr. and Mrs. James Hamil ton and children have returned to To- ronto, after spending several weeks visiting Mrs. A. Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. J. MeClymont and daughter, Mina, have returned to Ottawa alter a visit at 8. Woods'. Mr. and Mrs J. Weir, who were called to Brock: (ville, by the serious illness of their son, have roturned home. Mr. Weir is recovering. J. Whitney, Kingston, in visiting his sister, Mrs, W. Hyland, Jr. Mr, and Mrs. W. Ward and son, Moaigeal, and Mrs. J, Smyth and sons, Portsmouth, are at Mrs, Ward's. The Misses McKenna, Kingston, at J, Duffie's; also Mr. and Mrs. W, Curtis, Willettsholme. Mrs, W. Hyland, Sr, is spending a week with her daughter, Mrs, Smith, near Gananogue. Miss ¥. Honan, Gananoque, at J. Walker's. At Pleasant Valley. Pleasant Valley, Aug. 3.--Farmers are busy harvesting and fepor a good crop. Mrs. Thomas Bradford is on the sick list. Mrs. H. W. Sarry and little son, H. W, Oswald, of Toronto, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Barr. My. and Mrs. Jobn Watts, at T. H. Watson's, Mr. and Nrs. Stanley Segsworth, at J. Kerr's and Gi. Barr's Mrs. Cynthe Ashley, has returned after visiting in Kingston and Odessa. Mr. and Mrs. L. Boyce spent Sunday last with friends in i : Henry Sears spent Sunday at Usorge Bart's. Mr. -~ Mrs. Noble Ellerbec! and little Miss Velnea, at Thomas Bradford's. Mr. and Mes. Delbert Bare called at G. Barr's, St. George's Lake Tidings. ¥ wh through haying. James Tryon is on the sick list. The Misses Gavin, Of Ottawa, have returned home, after spending a few days at J. Llireen' Stanley Asselstine has secured a posi: tion at J. Tryon"s for the summer months. Roy Hill, of Crystal, is spending a few days with R. Wright. £ Mrs. J. Gowdy and Miss Isa- , of Moscow, are spending a few C. Goudy's. Mr. Mrs. : McKivor spent Sumdsy at Al exander Mefiinuis' R. Wright, cheese maker, made a trip to Crystal | re cently, Fe EE - TR from $3.50 to MP's that they | limited, | the board of directors will include G. | (arker. Mr. and Murs. | St. George's Lake, Aug. 4.--Rain is | badly needed. The farmers are nearly CAUGHT WITH GOODS { i ED A YOUNG MAN. ing whatever against reciprocity, Not Had Coat, Vest, With Gold Watch and Chain of a Fellgw-Passenger --Said He Had Beem Drinking-- Was Remanded Until Next Wed- i i i nesday. | Police Constable James Bateson caught a man "with f\e goods," as the saying goes, in police circles, early on Friday morning. Alexander Me Dean' Donald, about thirty years of age, is the man tn the teils, and he is accused. of stealing a coat, vest, with watch and ehain, from oue, Ro- bert Green. Both men came to King ston from Montreal on the night train. Green is on his way to the west. When he arrived in Kingston he missed his cout wd the other {valuables mentioned, ' sud the police were notified, given the case and he was not in rounding up his man. | Strolling along Ontario street, .a- bout' 6.20, Constable Bateson spotted long a young fellow coming along wearing [9 his and a coat and carrying another on arm, This looked suspicious, the officer 'took a chance. Asking the young fellow to wail for a few minutes the constable com- menced to ask a few questions about where the stranger "had secured the coat. He could not give a satisiac- tory account, and so Constable Bato son then asked him what he had done with the watch and chain. a] Wd ieee diving his hand into one of the pbe- kets, and producing a silver wach, with a gold chain. Constable Bate- son then took Mebonald to the po- lice station, and he was locked up Later, the watch and chain, with the coat and vest, were identifled as the property of Green. i When asked by the magistrate plead to the charge of theft in the police court McDopald stated that he could not aecount for having the stolen property. 'At Montreal he had a few drinks, and a bottle had to been passed around on the train, and | he guessed this had been the cause of it all. "I was never in prison in my life," said McDonald. He said he lived {with his mother and sister at 2188 | Waverley street, Montreal. He was (remanded until Wednesday, and his jease will be further investigated. What is Sir John A. FROM TORONTO NEWS. The editor of the Guelph Herald, in response to a telegraphic request, wires as follows : Guelph, Ont., July 31.-The memory of that veteran conservative, John A. Macdonald, appeals to Canadians to- day to be true to the lesson 'taught by the national policy, which has made Canada what it is to-day. We must at all hazards preserve this country from despoilers who would, through reciprocity, secure our mar kets and deplete our fesources. The {parting of the ways must be towards, not from. the empire. Conservatives Inever had a nobler mission. --Fditor of The Herald CONSTABLE BATESON ARREST. Constable Bateson was street, A. Macdonald's Appeal to Conservatives To-day?! HARROWSMITH HAPPEN! What is Transpiring in That Town. ship Village. Harrowsinith, Aug. 4.-On Sunday | last, a meeting of the Harrowsmith branch of the British and Foreign Bi! ble Society was held in the Freshy | terian church, when au interesting ac | count of the society's work for. the | past vear was given by D. McElroy, | of Ottawa. A large number enjoyed the Ladies' Aid tea; at the howe of | Mrs. A. Chariton, on Wednesday last. | Much needed repairs are being yi to completion at the bridge on the Colebrooke Road, near the ceametery. | Master Stewart Callaghan, wha re | cently underwent a very critical opr | eration in the Kingston general hos | pital, is expacted howe Saturday. Miss | Lois Shibley returned = home, Wednes- | day, after a visit in Napanee. Miss | Phyllis Bradshaw is visiting Miss Lor raine Smith, Weéstbrooke, Miss Lucille Gallagher is enjoying the vacation i Portland. Mrs. Fokes and Miss Ger | trude Fokes have returned, after at tending the Old Boys' re-wion in Kingston. Mr. McMaster spent the week-end in Toronto. Rev, Mr. and Mrs. Lidstone renewed aoyuaintances in Hartington last week. James Bra- was among 'the visitors at the Lingeton Old Boys' re-union. Mayor Gr , Kingston, was a recent visi- tor to this place. : Visitors: Dr. and Mrs. H. Day, Kingston, at John Shiblev's; Miss | duff, Lica, N.Y., at S. Stewart's; Mr. al Mrs. "Bert" Patterson, Wellwin, Sask., at James Boyce's: Mrs. Aikens and family, Portsmouth, at John Truscott's; Misses Hettie and Frankic Lake, Wiltbn, and Mrs, 'Beri!' Purdy, Murvale, at Rev. .J. A, Waddell's: Miss |. ughes and Wiss Matthews, Utica, N.Y., at Mus. Catherine Woods': Mrs. Webb, Sunbury, Mrs. W. Shibley, Montreal, D. Babcock, Wilton, and Mrs. Emerson, New: York, at Rev. J E. Lidstone's. | -- An Open Confession. Ottawa Free Press, "AL no time since. 1596 has the conservative party gome to the coun jtry under such very favorable stances as will prevail in Septembe: next." Ottawa Citizen. And in 1896 the conservative party was beaten to a standstill, jdst as it will be in 191). We admire the ex treme frankness of our esteemed con temporary. ei ---------- i Miss Alva Greenlees, Kingston, the guest of Miss Mabel line, Picton. 1s THE FACT. When as prime minister, Sir John A. Macdonald, passed the N.P. in 1879, it contained the following proviso, which was kept standing for years "Any or all of the following ar ticles, that is to say : animals &f all kinds, green fruit, hay, straw, vegetables, including potatoes and other roots, plants, trees, and shrubs, coal and ceke, salt, hops, wheat, peas, and beans, barley, rye, oats, Indian corn, buckwheat, and all other grains, flour of wheat, and flor of rye, Indian meal, and cat meal, and flow meal - of any other grain, butter, tallow, meats, fresh, salt, or smok- ed, and lumber, may be imported into Canada free of duty or at a less rate of duty than is provided by this act upon proclamation of the governorin-council, which may be issued whenever, it appears to his satisfaction that similar arti cles from Camada may be import: ed into the United States free of duty or at & rate of duty not ex- ceeding that payable on the same under such proclamation when im- ported into Canada." This was Wd anything a wider mea sure of proffered reciprocity than that which the Laurier government has ne gotiated. . $ ALL DANGER OF WAR 1S NOW AT END I Would Like to Have the Question Sent to a Confer ence. London, Aug. 4.--The Standard says all danger of war 'over Moroceo has | vanished. Details of the settlement alone remain for negotiation. Call in Another Power. Paria, August, 4.--With significant unanimity the French press favors {the idea of submitting the Morocean question to. another European ence. *At the same time ho doubt is Er the crisis. 4 STOCK QUOTATIONS McCunlg Bros;, Montreal Through J. O; Hutton, August 4th, 19 Aske From Hh Bid. Crown Reserve .... a Eastern Canada Pulp Canada Cemen regards a peaceable set. if ' ronto, 1; Providence, 3 | RACE TRAIN ENGINE DERAILED. Two Lard Cars Caught Fire, Caus- ing Great Blaze. 4.--~The Fort Erie from To engine, which Toronto, Aug. Grand 'Trunk race train ronto, after losing its took a joy ride, had a more eseit- ing experience just east of Hamilton this morning, when two eals of slow freight were wrecked, nnd rave tran engine derailed. 'The two cars comtaining lard from Armouar's caught fire, and a mighty blaze re sulted. No one was seriously hurt, but many passengers were shaken up, Declares for a Rule of Closure. Hon. Mr, Fisher at Waterloo, Que. "1 confess that liberty of speech is iL is necessary, and 1 venture to say that as we go to the people, and we are supported and pass rec 'prodty, we will also pass such chang od rales that the public business may {go on without obstruction, and with out the dictation of a minority ol representatives. I regret that by rea a of the action of a small body of imen that has beconie necassary, but jit is necessary, and I venture to say that the liberal party will accom |ptish ie." ; Baseball on Thursday. Eastern City, 2 To: Montreal, 0. Baltimane: aul nd, x T An n I; New York, 10. Roston, I: Detroit, 2. ' National £2 J. Cincinnati, 7; Phi oy 1 5; Clea anadian | Constipation Contre |» 0 League---Bertin, 5; 3 13 Hamilton, : St. Tho IMPORTANT Special Kimonwetyle, double nick allover em- broidery front, with Jace ard insertion, sleeves trimmed with inser tion and lace, back tucked, all sizes, : These would bo a bargain at $1 reg. Yours To-Morrow 49c . Morning and Afternoon, 55 Sailor Blouses. Kin 01a style, made from light weight Mercerized Indian Head, trimmed with navy suwilor coliar and with navy bands on sleeves, worth regulmly $1.25. | 59c. _ Samples of these will be in our Show Window To: Night. Yours To-Morrow, We cannot accept telephone or- ders for these two makes, and none sent on approval, as the quantities are not large. * 400 Pairs Ladies' Black Lisle Thread Stockings Fine Make, worth 35c or more. 25c Pair. 'Yours To-Morrow, JiLaidlaw & Son | | 000000000 * . * . . ® . Ld . . * * . e ® . % . . * * * * . * . . . ris . * ® > * * * . *® . ® s o * * . 968000000000 00000000 Our Oxfords Must Go Do You Want a Pair ? A tN PP i i tga, 20 per \ discount off all Fine Shoes, $2.00 and up. { { 12 Tables full of Bargains at great reduetion. All New Goods This Season, 20 per cent, and 75 per cent. Redaction on all Men's Oxforks, Tan, Patent & Calf Skin. Matting Suit Cages $2.00 and up just arrived. A lt Pl a rss haart ae a The Lockett Shoe Store rn P8000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 . i :

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