PAGE EIGHT, -- THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. FRIDAY. AUGUST 4 111. - re wee Tree GEE gn bry "HI | BY BREATHING. FOR SALE Frame Dwelling Gn Garrett Street. containing Nine Rooms. Bath and Closet. Also good Stable. Can be Bought Cheap. E. Blake Thompson, OVER NORTHERN CROWN : "Phone 286. ' BANS. KINGSTON, b+ Immeortalizing a Traitor, est In Years. You breathe in Hyomei (pronounced TRAITS OF THE GREAT SOUTH | Ome of streets in Montreal hsv- | For the time in several years High-o-me) and' inhale the antiseptic AFRICAN PIONEER ing 9 the aus after Du Calvet, 8 Foronts Sai Sn to second place vaporized life of thé pine and enealy-| . man prominent in that part of the * cities of Canada in the ptol forests. As you breathe in this --h-andbH history of Canadas that jmitiediately mon! returns comp.led ~ delightful air it passes over the ing B w followed the Oession, "Le- Nati ¢ Constraetion. is is for the mon flamed and germeridden membrane, arnato as the Napoleon ist" enters the following protest: a allays inflammation, kills the germs | and Rhodes the Wellington of the H 1 he indicate that building and drives out the diswase. ||, Diamond Fields In IST6--How the 3 one. in setivity veritably ramp-at Khinags- ruggist J. B. Mcleod sells Hyo- ounder hodes Bought Canada i - out country. Al no previous ti mei and guarantees jt for catarrh, Fup ey Riidstéa Bough Ma 4 the secrelary considering the large fis of cities re- coughs, bronchitis, asthma and eroup. - ag. # '| hi porting; have the gains 3 greatat 2 melts all includes hard rub-| Hesitation In Changing His Views. in A individ al | increases or inhalgr and costs you $1. Extra diamo Barone Hore Reps a * ~Hyomei- costs but . Ble. ie (real ua Sele Juung Tey Mg Wad | Calgary's heavy i Ee By mail postpaid 50c. and $1 from and yo Ceeil Rhodes were recog- ing to $3, shows & Tema h the Booth Co, limited, Fort' Erie, ! piged in 1874 as the two ablest specu- state. of O¢ a dae A Out. Remember Hyomei' is guar-| lators. Sir Lewis Mitchell, in his antesd or the money back ifit fails | biography of Rhodes, calls Barnato the © you. Napoleon and Rhodes the Wellington of that rough community. Rhodes, @vessssssssssssseccand crt srstrssasccsacae@ Sultana Cake} judging by appearances, was still a en, reversed the Sultana Cake, made from the ver best material at 25¢ "abl dition of she previous mouth. 4 - per Ib. y shy and awkward man addicted. to classical studies, his ambitions un- 5 krown. A competent observer de- 3 | Brandon, in the same province, with Our Fruit Cake leads in quality at 30c Ib. Try a Ib with, scribed him as " 1, 4 . : ; 2 DAY OR NIGHT : a sail, gaunt youth d Bever- an investment-of over hail a million, your next order. ; 4 Youghly dressed, coated with dust, sit- 'is 166 cent. ahead. In Saskatche- Phone - 201 : : : R. H. TOYE, 302 King St, mere ting moodily on a bucket, deaf to the the act. thrown ' wan, na, with a total of $1,036, Dr. de Van's Female Pilis Byes chatter and rattle about him, his blue Ba Calvet, forw: 2:5 x eyes fixed intently on his work or on i i, Jum a it pt. ens h vegulator: moves falls some Iabric of hia brain. i ither and Moose Jaw anuexed a gain ol 44 OUR CRYSTAL BRAND ir Beit, of tc same wee us : a dir per cent. Other western gains are Bi OF Btundard' Granulated Sugnt es, went to Kimberley from |monton; 118 per cent.; Medicine Hat, Has been tried and. found excellent for| Hamburg as a diamond buyer in 1875. {#9 per 'cent, and Vietoris, 11 per Preservin Ka table use, Price I»; The two joined company in a wonder- ns cent North Vancouver, while not sub. always right. = { ful career. They were the complement mitting comparative figures, indicates ANDREW MACLEAN, fto each other. Bir Lewis Mitchell iby her amount of $52,068. a very Ontario Street. Jays, "The far-reaching aspirations of i i wholesome condition. - h "Were ~1nto---aeeom---+- "inthe harbor - fe sotablefeaturéel: month was | For Health Rlished facts by the. intellectual and a rootitating i he a | , . nancial aid of his loyal friend. Their is vengeance. | the Hastern' Maritime district Hali- Drink McOurthey's Ale minds 2d ang Ieaeted ob une ane he crossed (ux, Sydney and 8i. John, which were y ther, es Was or- i ve revi ths, and Porter. It's the|dinarity one of the most self-reliant d, he Sapoend | behind Be Pua previous mouths ar : best. of men, His phrase in great emer- ¢ ing an advance of 307 per cent. and nt, R. J. LAWLER aehcies was hat wil Beit say? ian cause. | the latter two places gains of 378 snd Age : was plenty of hard life in 30 per cent. in order named. Kimberley in the 70's. There Was no In bee, aside from Montreal's railroad. Bupplies, coming in ox way all total" and the figures of Westmount, ons, were two months on the ' which gives a gain of 23 per cent, and were sold at fabulous prices. The statisties are unavailable, although it diggers lived in tenis or in houses is definitely known that Quebee City made of packing cases. Canned meat J - = amber of the smaller munici was the food. Fever and dysentery th lites uodertook a substantial 7 ' : ' I \HAT'S a straight, TRIB Bi iH H the marked reversal of conditions 1 fl 5 money will buy anywhere. made their ravages. It looked { TT : thoueh thre roi be 00 aed a sn ol Mot This alec iy tae emphatic statement monde Defore Joe diggers Sage upon various: other vinces, many of which we are pre- Ropes of the faithful hy whieh Wie estaplishing new records pared to prove-- ime i i with each succeeding month. ; . oe at sat ot fn a name ZHleok Tis wiy + Every merchant band. only pamp at all within reach was the igh be ty I Wineh iaw ling Monarch Knit" will guarantee propesiy of Ms. Jcvenish, fy armer, portant work ih prospect. June, July our garments to give utter and \ hun Jaueh, pe, im went to him again -and again. He ) A Prophetic Jot es 2h 4 August should fever] Oh] ou: absolute satisfaction, O . peed " a 2 in 9 : 3 sa Davia boat Ww fall you cy Featro Ree 8 eri ln pig tion, 'which \ook pisces on November Blea pe i - ae Sxtom Big as we are---evem suppose our uirements. ur Gasol pr unt ! : : . : gines have 'earned a high ropu &| Fi poses rsh SUBD." said Rhodes, | 7h, Hance 8 'piogan, who was thes | with operations in one or two impor. business is International--we could Rs ation for speed, reliabi ity and 38 out a quiver. "A wagoner en- Saused 3 laugh at - miatilg at Mone. | tant centres. not make that SBuGuBcEent over ® ass workmanship. aged to transport it. The going was | ton, N.B.. by a prophetic utterance . our name, unless--we knew posi- ® Ask for our 1911 catalo; Sage Th i : Sir Charles Tu , who was The Rabbi's Retort. 3 ' SS- In Po: a e Bost said that he must wait a M tively the superiority of " Monarch Knit" garments. We do know. " Monarch Knit" garments are all wool--selected wool at that. Every ounce- of the raw material is im- ported from Australia, where the best wool comes from. ) DAVIS DRY DOCK co till the weather moderated Gihierwise | then leader of the Opposition at Ot Rev: ba rabbi-of Holy (% . it would be the death of his oxen, |tawa. Blossom Synagogue, is ove of the eas- Rhodes the Then it's assorted, combed and cleansed by our special germ-destroying process San re Pas | uit, Outi Sl, fs | pe 2 (8X : y e no money left, but he sat grea ngs rominent citizens to in ie CEE CEEEREEEIETOE y ul sat | slectors the 8 u 1% approached ab the proper time and And spun into the yarns which have made * Monarch Knit " famous--and knit to the exact measurement of individual types, the roadside and te out " : rie of the "ol |in the proper manner. Some time ago, after being specially preshrunk. a check with lead il. *Y Replying to the are a good ton of fellow. said the war ond Mr. Logan said: "h however, 8 woman reporter called up- So--~when you want the best sweater, coat or toque tell your merchant that you Boer. He accepted the check without Shagles s %o have been on him to ask for information about want "Monarch Knit." KINGSTON _ BUSINESS COLLE demur and put the oxen through. The | founder of the National Policy, he |the Jews 'and Jewish customs, and © (Limited) St was > to the mines in time. | claims to have built the C.P.R., and | found him very "different." ' . ' Rhodes often spoke in praise of this | he' claims She asked hitui--for she had been at Highest Education at Lowest Cost' trustful Boer. He called him one of . his synagogue--what the ark and the h tv _Fall Term nature's gentlemen, and always after. |! 1 Hebrew "gzords over. it signified. Hav- A Courses in || wards was willing to admit the good i thet he built the C.P.R., and did | ing had. it.explained that the Ark of te o gh is~ 1 points of Boers. - these other things. Let ws go |the Covenant is the place where the : Qukies set the book There are many anecdotes illustrat. | further and says that he built scrolls are kept, and that the words pot ] a ing the character of the empire-build- | World in six days. But he will rest | were the ten commandments, she fol- one iway cor || er in Sir Lewis Mitchell's volume. He | on the seventh." ; lowed up with a lot more questions Canada. Enter any || was "an incomparable host, a delight The andience enjoyed the jibe, and | until the rabbi was a little tired. The Tite Lor informas I ful and affectionate friend." He was | ab least the Liberals thought that it | lady thought it queer that he volun. : a ar nolpal 1 careless in matters where no careless- | %88 all the better because after the |tcered mo information But presently : , ness would be displayed by misers oc | election Sir Charles was still in the | he did. hE bankers. He lost a diamond worth | cold shades of opposition.--Canadian "We have a Christian lady to play Courier, the organ," he observed. : 4: : "Indeed," answered the interviewer, -- ; "and why is that, pray?" iThe Monarch Kaitting Co. 14d. Dunnvilje, Ont TAKE IT AWAY An Gan In. Howie. pum. "Uh," said the rabbi, "it's work, and ly id . %y Factories also at St Thomas. Ont. Catharines, Out, ; / were stowed around in the pockets of | ber of inmates in the several hospitals | ¥¢ Dever a low our Jews to work on s a i .. That's what our patrons say old coats, and in other obscure x ; ie i the Sabbath." > +.when served with Belfast 8 "hy : -,| for the insane in Ontario is shown in And with that he terminated the Ginger Ale or English Ginger ays the biographer--*"He never kept | the 43rd annual report of the Inspec- ion Week! Beer that do not bear our a att of Pooks or a list of sums due | 1or of Prisons Public. Charities, interview.~Torouto Star Weekly. ur | to him. Secretaries of public eom- | just issued from the Provincial See- ur bottles oods fo : i a= | Just issu rom e Proving 4 gy have tied Sood for family @ | panies were apt to complain that his retary's office. The total number 'this .Ontario Minerals Sample it at any of the lead. § | dividend warrants were unduly out | year is 5,609, as against 5.531 Jast year, | - The Ontario Government returns of Jl Poicla 9 vislephona 304 for a standing, and he had to be searched | the proportions being 2,688 male and |the mineral production for the first : : ere they could be found. When I |2921 female. The accommodation in {three months of 1911 show an in- Thompson Bottling Co. 2 | sequestered his cheek book the hospitals is overtaxed by 100, and | creased production of 1,130,560 ounces PRINCESS Or. KinyTon, § | interests he issued oh there are 164 applications on file for |of silver, and an increase in value of np ' * . sheets of notepaper, and on some 0 admission. The total admissions dur- | $667,386, : ! | casions. signed in 1. ing the year ending October 31, 1910, | The total production of the metalli- in Rhodesia during the Matabele w were 1,140, and those discharged num- |ferous mines and works of Ontario his heart bled for the pecuniary bered 585. Yor the period amounted in value to suffered by his 'settlers,' as he The revenue from all sources | $6,808,760. The output of silver was Crown Gypsum them, and amounted to $311,146, $109,194 of this |7,590,487 ounces, ~worth $3,708,544. being from municipalities, $168,914 | The Gowganda and Elk Lake district 3 § i from paying patients, $10,876 from | produced 132,000 ounces, and South Hair P laster ographer received it- | farm at miscellaneous sources, and Pruice 66.796 ounces. The produc i saves labor and will make your walls practically inde- structible, f 3 ¥ i $22,163 was received from paying tidats in the hospitals for feeble-mind- ed and epileptics. The secretary's de- partment has acted as administrator of estates for nearly a thousand per. sous, the total capital represented be- tion of copper was 2,121 tons, valued at $308,240, a decrease of $53,834; of nickel, 4,194 tons, valued at $884,993, a decrease of $246,632; iron ore, 11,621 tons, valued at $24,404, an increase of $9,370; pig iron, 115454 if i ing more than $150,000. tons valued at $1,823.717, an increase "fwenty-eight insane _patients and |of $73,321; cobalt and nickel oxides, 99 criminals have been deprried, while | 107,048 tons, valued at $38,082. 21 remain as a public charge, await ing deportation. P. WALSH 86-67 Barrack Street Curious Labrador. Dr. W. T. Grenfell describes Labra- dor as a land still hardly known be- yond its borders. The cold current that Sows along its shores from the north dominates its climate, and not ithsthading that it is considerably farther it receives less conting- ous supsiioe than the Klondike, be- cause its summer is shorter. The cold: ness of the soil and the dryness of the winds Shain san of i plants to sach a degree t a larch growing at the southern end of Labrador which show. ed thirty-two sanual growth rings was but three-eighths of an inch in dia "| meter. Mineral deposits seem to be abundant, but prospectors have been able to stay but for short periods. | co EF Es oF Ei cif i f f ; Bl i ¥ Cocoa is food and drink for the sick. The delightful aroma and the rich chocolate flavor of Cowan's Cocos tempt the lagging appetite, and its strong heslth-building properties are just what are needed to refresh Then Cowan 's Cocos is 80 easy to digest. It is just Cocoa, pure Cocos, I 5 Nurses and Doctors recommend its use in sickness or in health. ten DO YOU USE COwWAN'S cocoa? ; AC n ompeany Limited, Toronto