Daily British Whig (1850), 5 Aug 1911, p. 2

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OTTAWA VIEW OF THE Vic. TORIAS OF KINGSTON. Novas REPRO $1.00 pays for the Toronto Mall or Globe delivérsd 1 By STEPHEN LEACOCK, your door by the postman (om now uhtil January ist; 191% An average of about 4e per week. ; ting Gold i : 0 in Mr. W. H. Sauva, of Cleveland, ---- . AUGUST a wd Mi Arr Deals, The O.AAC. Team Hopes to Wik Tor- A jolly party of girls and boys : ah left thin afternoon in Mr. Hendry Con | 2209" RE The Ottawa Journal says: "Local ti Connell ani chap - Their Newboro, to visit Miss Honor ett. {against the 0.A.A.C. 'nine, but - with {Isabel Waldron, Miss Rose Rogers, | 3 J, de Mille Burpee, Stuart street. | inion that Chittiek's nine will nose Author of Literary Lapses, Ete. 3. ' BRITISH *50000400600000000040697, | hotne. Misses Hilda snd Nora Mac : . lenuazn, who bave also been visi ' Mrs. Conuingham, secompanigd Mrs Friel, as far as Toronto. ) JULY " fe Ohio, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Beau 3 Guwi ght pre; Princess: street. Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Craig, Alhart wit S540004004 004008090080 * Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Adams, of Bat it Pays Due Respect to the ontoi at their Summer home, near Gan Kingston Team. Store Closes Daily nbil's: motor boat. ta take: thels ~ ten part y ie {fans will be given a chance Saturday | O'clock down among the islands. J Miss Gladys and 'Dorothy Barton, |; ing what is rated as the best 6 O'clock. ; : - Stuart street, will leave on Wednesda at alk a nt oic plains] . others were Miss Hazel Browne, Misses " 'e- : i . s ' Mrs. Upper, of Cayuga, arrived in |p : ied Helen and Matiory Campbell, Missi oy, today, to visit her daughter, foon ne it he ast of comBtien ~ {Misa Ruth Anglin, Miss Mary Strange, | yy. "|p 3 . J. Byrne, of Ottawa, is a yuest | i : Messrs. Harold Brownfield, "Sherman |. "0" = "ga 0 ' eA joey. il cin and ea Sl a The Volume consists of a collee- tion of tem short stories written in a burlesque vein and illustrating the author's singular gift of humor at its very best. - University on Wednes- JOHN McKAY FURRIER 240-167 Brock Street. Kingston. | Vr. and Mrs. G. EK. Jones, of Wa {terloo, Ohio, are visiting Mr. and {Mrs. George Watson, University ave Hill, "Lesslie Smith, Richard Kilmer, a ; {Herbert Stency, Colismer: Calvin, R.] Nr. Harold Donnelly, twiFler in line, and his record is well [Stewart > avenue, went to Ottawa, known t the province. i : doy, 10 spend some time. {has won mote games for the visi 'His Lordship Bishop Farthing, has then any other pitcher they hive had returned to Montreal, from St. Agathe.' uniform, and the a of the where he was the guest of Mr. R. Wil- Kingston tess are conbiont that the inue, Mr. and Mrs. Jones came to Salk Himith, at hia souniry Swidenien. 'locals will not 'break their winning {town to be present' at Mr. and)y Jr and Mrs. W. F. Nickle a the | "ress" ; { Mre: ; § nd (} assie Nickle, left on Friday by -- Mee Watdon Es oS dan wedding, which Toronto, for Toronto, to spend sever: | C.L.C's, vs. Athletics. : : Mrs. J. W. Elliott, of Chatham, is ™ 987 "So, The game between Athletics and C. - : W. J. Crot 1.C., on Saturday afterpoon is looked . ! 2 ~OF-- 3 26c_pays for the Toronto Mail or Globe from now until September 22nd. giving thw entire Election News. ® \ The Best Book of the Season. Handsome cloth binding 220 pages PCE 00 | FETEEIEE The College Book Store 'Phone 91v These newspapers have arranged for a special staff to ac company the different speakers in their trips from Halifax to Vancouver, and full Pepgorts of the speeches and developments in the campaign will be printed fully each morning the guest of Mrs. hers. | Mr. A. P. Christmas, arri 'om | ikely good ' AP , ived from i - wi street. Montreal, to-day, to spend the week- ation will be TE by ohoriy" Carpets, Furniture tn ay try Hors. King street, on" Mr. Frank Smythe wud Mr. Jock 'loios deloated CLC. none gms he {Thursday ing. Th t wep | Smythe, will leave Toronto, to-day, fore. If they should to win, C. | i C tai Mrs. T. D. R. Hemming, Mrs. R. ©. [lor Do Grassi Point, Lake Simcoe, to [.C. will he tied with - Victorias for : ' . . . 260 PRINCESS STREET. OPEN NIGHTS. "MIE. AND MRS. GEORGE C. WAT- SON, UNIVERSITY AVENUE Carter; Mrs. B. H. Rickiord, To. Spd the week-end with Mrs. George first place fn the City league, but if ronto, Mrs. Hansord 'Hora, Miss Sarak: | x Wro - . (the game goes the other way, it Willis, Halifax, Miss Eleanor Mae: rs. Wroughton, of Dawson City, is girengthens C.LL's hold on the silver- donell and Miss Loretta Swift. en pension at Mrs Gamble's, King ware. # large of spectatoes is wee le street. Mrs. Wroughton, is staving expected to be present. George Sulli- Miss Ide Kidd was hostess at o [Over iB Kingston, on-her way, Yome an will umpire. very sinall informal wil te _Thursda; oe from England, where she agcompanied i alternoon, w iss Friel, Chi. | Wer husband, Major W on, who | GOOD EARNINGS | was one of the representatives of Are Reported by the R. & O. Navi: gation Company. Canadian North-West Mounted Volice, Ricneliew and Ontario .esYnings to at the coronation. August Ist show an increase over the Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ralston, Toron- to, are visiting their uncle and aunt, corresponding period of 1910 of siight- ly over $40,000. August business, ac- Mr. and Mrs. 'James Weir, Alfred street, also Mrs. Dr. Boyce, Toromto. - - - te cording to the officials of the com- pany, is keeping up to the new level and the inPrease before the end of the|%ary at their home, on University season should be $75,000 'over last avenue, on Saturday. Mr. Watson was - year, the record one of the company. {born in Ty Eous, Ireland, in 1838, ud The engagement is : The new steamer Geronia arrived at|c@Me to this country, as a child, Miss page Mary, i aed af Folger's wharf on Friday night, on He has lived here ever since. Mrs. Wat; Colonel and Mrs. Sydenham McGill, [ler first trip of the season, and had |%08 was born in Carlyle, England, in King street, to Mr. Morgan Jellett, | large number of passengers on | 187, later coming to this country, of Toronto, partner, of the firm of [board. The new steamer is well fit- being married in Kingston, on Aug- Aemelius Jarvis & Co. ted out in every respect, and will |5th, 1861. * (Continued on page 3.) make a valuable addition to the flect,] Mr. Watson has been employed as running ta Montreal and Quebec, tailor at. Rockwood asylum for thuty- The" steambarge Waterlily was at]five years. Both Mr. and Mrs. Watson Folger's wharf, Saturday morning, |8%® enjoyiog good health. They have 4 A Big Cut on the price of Linol- eums. 60c Lino. 12 ft. wide. all colors Ble. b0¢ Lino., 6 3 - 2 C or °8 ah ft. wide all colors, cago, was the guest of honor. babbhbbbh 42 Were Married in Kingston en Aug. 15th, 1861--Mr. Watson Was Born in Ireland, and Mrs. Watson in England. : Mr. and Mrs. George C, Watson cele brated their golden wedding anniver The little girls who are preparing for a sale in aid of the Kingston general hospital, were entertained, on Friday afternoon, by Miss Doris Browne. For thst worn out, tired and run down feellng there is no better tonic than a combina- tion of BEEF, IRON AND WINE. in taste, enrich the e. ; 40c Lino. 6 ft. wide, all colors, Je. } / $1.00 Inlaid Lino. all designs, MADE IN STERLING SILVER WITH VELVET BACKS AND EASEL STANDS ROUND SHAPES, AND OBLONGS. ALL PRICES RANGE $1.00 to 82.50. e. $1.26 Inlaid Lino. all designs, A107. . Mrs. William Abernethy" announces the engagement of her daughter, Ethel M., to Mr. R. J. Davis, of Winnipeg, formerly of Ottawa. . - . Capt, and NS. 5 R Sedgewick, Royal Military College, entertained at a tennis party on Thursday after noon, Clergy, street west. | D. H. Dowsley, of Ot James Craig, Ours is delicious ~ontains iren. to blood, peptonized (digested) beef to feed the tissues. and choice wine as an appetizer. 3 In a recent Government analysis a bottle taken frofn our stock of Beef, Iron and /ine proved to be a superior article ranking. as first class, TRY A BOFTLE, 50c. Dr. A. P. Chown OVALS, SIZES FROM LLL 4L000404 wa, is Earl Nrs. visiting Mrs. street. Nr. E. lL. Kenny, of Toronto, spending the week-end in town. Ex-Cadet 'Philip Passy has been vis- iting in town for several days. Mrs. 0. G. Johnston and Misses Fanny and Daisy Johnston, left, to- VEGCRRERR EER TVEYYRYERY SMITH BROS., | Jewellers, Opticians. . Injured at Wharf. clerk at PARLOR SUITE SPECIALS. 2 Parlor" Suites, ©, pleces, In Velour, regular $28.00. for $21.00. 1 Parlor Sulte, 5 pieces. in Silk. regular $40.00, at $34.00. 1 Parlor Suite, 3 pieces. Mahog. at $24.00 partment. A good chance for you to save money. . Yours, » 'Phone 90. "1. F. HARRISON Co. Lace Curtains Our showing of Lace Cur- tains in Irish Point, Brussels . Net, Marie Antoinette, Arablan J Eyerything reduced in every de-| day, for Ottawa, to visit Mrs. Johns ton's sister. Mrs. H. Sare, who has been visiting Mrs. George MeKay, Btuart street, left, to-day, for her home in West- Mrs. A. P. Christmas and her little daughter, of Montreal, are now the guests of Miss Bessie Smythe, West street. A . . . . The Misses Shaw, William street, are the guests of Mrs. E. T. Steacy, at her summer ott on Wolfe Island. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence C. Lockett are now preparing to mave into their new home, on Sydenham street, re cently oecupied by Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Bateman, Mrs. Campbell Laidlaw, who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Macdommell, University avenue, left, on Thursday, to spend a few days in Ottawa, and will return to town on Ti ay. Mr, Courtland Strange, of Montreal, is spending some time at Old Orch ard, - - . - Misses Nora Martin and Lorraine Allen expect to leave for Thousand ls land Park on Wednesday. . Miss Crocker, who has been visiting Frederick Muckler, night Swift's wharf, met with 4 painful ac- cident on Saturday morning. He was letting out the lines for the steamer Kingston, when he had his toe jammed in the iron ring. He was removed to his home in a cab, and will be laid up for a time. Ets Hosiery Bargains. Several thread hose... We parchased some and still have about fourteen dozen left. "They will now clear at Ibe. pec pair. They are worth 250. and 4c. por pofir., Jenkins'. -------- Had Large Orowd. One of the. largest crowds of the sea son came down on the steamer King- ston, Saterday morning. The passeng- t Fairhaven last ight, with coal R. Crawford. Emerson cleared for Montreal and louded freight for Montreal. The steamer Alexandria, from Que- bee and Montreal, discharged freight ut Polger's wharf Friday night. from for The steamer Sowards arrived The steamer Edmonton will arrive at the MT, Cos elevator during the houses were . unloading lisle Soy Srout Fort William, and discharge of wheat; the tug hreq grgin barges. The steamer Port Colborpe arrived st the Cereals company's elevator last night, loaded wheat, and cleared Montreal. for The steamer Renvoile passed up on Friday night. The steamer Simla ealled at Gar: den Island and cleared with the barge er list included a large party return- Burma for the Welland canal. ing from the convention of the Kmghts of Columbus, at Detroit. : On Three Weeks' Holidays. The Kingston boys who went to join the Canadian navy are here on a visit for three weeks. The boys all say they enjoy the life well and are glad they joined. They all look healthy. down, to-day; steamer Rideau cleared for Ottawa this morning. Steamer King- steamer Caspian, Queen At Swift's whar : ton, down, to-day; AT THE POLICE COURT. Cases Before Magistrate Saturday Morning. a family of two sons and three daugh- ters: Bemjiman Watson, of this city; George, of Bay City, Michigan; Mrs. J: W. Elliott, Kingston; Mrs. T. W. Moore, of Clemens, Michigan and Mrs. ENT, Jones, Waterloo, Iowa. "they i with | Methodist church. the also have five grandchildren. The . couple ' are congratulated on reaching their fiftieth anniversary. Their friends in Kingston are legion, 'hey are members of Queen street Colored Performers at Park. A splendid bill has been secured for next week at Lake Ontario Park. The programme consists of Mitchell Brady, two colored ladies, in singing, dancing and character change acts; and |' Nat Ritter, in singing and wooden shoe dancing. This, together with new moving pictures and the latest | llustrated songs, will make a clean, | bright performance. | ~ Is on His Way Home, Dr. E, W. Fahey, of Dulath, is the city, visiting his parents. Tle is on his way home from attending the | convention of the Knights of Colum: | bus, which was held in Detroit. n Druggist and Optician, 185 PRINCESS STREET. 'Phone 343. p 850 KING STREET, Issmers of Marriage Licenses. 04000000000 00008 VIVIPJIVIIIIII ~ dad pa : BREESE REE Cholr Visits Camp. of the First Baptist evening at ¢ Island, The members church choir. spent Friday "River View" camp, Cedar the guests of Mr. and Mrs Arthar ragleton,and their daughter, Edna The choir members enjoyed themselves so thoroughly that they are already atranging for another visit. The return trip was made avout mitnight ------------------ Jenkins' for white, pink heliotrope and brown underwear. WAR wat MADE OVER AND REPAIRED W. F. GOURDIER A good-hearted Irishman was centre of attraction, in the Saturday police court. He was charged with be-|53 ing drunk, and did not deny ii, but |G proceeded to tell his story to thes court. It was the first time he had been before the present magistrate, but in the olden days he had been before | Magistrate Duff. 3 Tut 1 remember the police petting me," he said with a true ln bro- |; "1 tried to get away, but it} - hard to do so. I did get up off the sidewalk when I saw a policeman coming, and then I had to tuke hold of a telegraph pole for support. Then 1 noticed two policemen." He had been drinking enough to see three or four policemen, evidently, but as he had not been up in such a long time, he was given a chance. Another drunk was discharged, and the case of a Princess sthre keeper who is alleged to have placed iubbish the street, after he had heen notified By the city scavenger, not to do so, will be heard on Tuesday next. erenersenasensetnebons "Kingston's Famous Fur Store." Sacrifice Summer- Sale . Specials For Saturday itis Not Mrs. L. K. Jones, King street, left, on Thursday, for Toronto. Miss Smith, of Montreal, is en pen- sion at the Y.W.C.A, Ex-Cadets Nation and Morrissy are spending some time in town. Miss fitlian Kent, Barrie street, left, an Friday, to join the house party at Rockford. Misses Jean and Helen Chown are spending the week.end at Mrs. J. Don: nelly's cottage, Forest Lawn: 1 Mr. Alban Phelan has returned, af : ® iter spending a few weeks camping MARIE ANTOINETTE from @ [down the river ping RB! Mrs. G, D. Hawley and Miss Ethel $6.00 upward. will d a month the guests of Mra. BAUR, and Nottingham qualities, in § White, Ivory and two tone ef- § fects are as exquisite in design RP as the most fastididus could p desire, § NOTTINGHAM CURTAINS. p --Bpecial values at $1.00, § $1.25, $1.50. ' IRISH POINT CURTAINS, § $3.50 to $8.00. : THAT DESIRABLE "DOUBLE SOLID BRICK DWELLING Number 417 and Johnson Street, each side, containing eight rooms, with b. and c¢., gas and hot water heating, together with a lot 28 by 132 feet goes with the purchase for for $4,000. MULLIN THE REAL ESTATE EXPERT, OOOO OOOO OOTIO) A A clearance in Hosiery Oddments, includ- £19 ing Men's Black Cotton Ffocks, size 10 only ; also Children's Black Cotton Hose, plain, sizes 6, 64,7 only. Priced 18c to 25¢ pair. To-Night 12 1-2¢ Pair rr -- X eel ARABIAN POINT, $3.50. Apmcuth the y ' Miss Alice Bellhouse, Napanee, is * R. McFAUL, ® [visiting Mrs. F. G. Lockett, Stuart Kingston Carpet Warehouse. @) eel iF 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 SAE T sees ACEO / = : street. De. Leonard Jones, of Rochester, to Rockford, Sunday, to spend The balance of our stock of Children's Socks, in plain and fancy colors. To Clear To-Night at 10c a Pair ; 12 only Ladies' Wash Suits, new goods, white and colors, bio:en sizes 34, 36, 38. Priced up to 86 50. z To-Night Your Choice for $1.49; . Monday A clean sweep in fine Dress Materials for Summer wear. In the lot are Mercerized Foulards, Fancy Voiles, Fine Muslins, Marquisettes, etc, in a big variety of dainty patterns, all new this season. Priced 26c, 35¢, 39¢ and 450 a yard. It is a shame to quote this low price, but Monday Morning 15ca Yard ; Newman & Shaw, { SEE Houses 'to rent and rents collected. Money to lean. Fire insurance. Best companies presented. 'Phone 539. md---- ------------------ DUMP WAS ON FIRE. ---- 0000000000000 00000 00 end v rn i i At 740 o'clock, on Friday night, call to the : | * Fe : 2 i 5 EEE 6 eV eee ois when they are not laun- dered right, ry this Laugdry-- a and to your pride Fe defy humid avoid hurt and pocket. Cor. Princess and Sts. "Phone x ooocecesee 00 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 FLAT LVVVVLLBLVBRLVLBTAB ES heidi hhh Bh RE tia arith dh fhe dh a en SS Seeescessessecse

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