Daily British Whig (1850), 7 Aug 1911, p. 4

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we REessssscamvevvIvIR UNOS OIOOSOO SS v ; Wea, wha have some inventive Fay : 5 4 , : ; t Khorasan Wasim Beer | Borden, dictating or directing his - policy, and doing what he can to , injure the government of which he THE WHI B ER PRT, NG, pion tario, at $6 per year, work; nl presses, : The BS WE olig Se. Linfteg TORONTO OFFICE. Suite 19 and 20 Queen Cit ag. ers, 32 Church st, Toronto" = Smalipeice, J P., represen h Daily Wing. A PLAN IN COLOURS. The decoration of the city, Old Boys' day, has recalled the practice ol another city, and a practice whick jean be copied very readily. The ten- dency is to buy small flags, which, unless used (in profusion, do not make much of a show. The 'plan, in the case referred to, was. to get away from the common experience, and with an experiment of the most satisfactory character, A committee of enterprising citizens was formed, They represented an-ides which had only to be presented in or- der to grow in popularity. It was to expend a Téw hundred 'dbllars in large flags, each five by eight feet, or eight by twelve feet. One was loaned to the merchant and citizen with the under- standing, committed to writing; that it ould be run up on a flag pole; or hung out on rod or cord, on every public or national day. The loan was cheerfully accepted, and the flag, be cause it was the property of the com- mittee, was generally cafed for. What of greater importance, merchant using the flag add to the display, | interesteds in the pro- | REFUSE THE JUST AS GOOD KINDS BE IMPOSED ON PABE v CANADA E.W.GILLETT CO.LTD TORONTO ONT. KEATING'S Powder is bad for all kinds of bu; It is stainless, odor- & less and harmless except to insect life, Sold by all Druggists in tins only 10, I, 20, 25¢, is more, and the man or was disposed to and, becoming ceeding, attended to it regularly. Ae a result the town in which this display is made has a reputation for BOSsssssvessRReROOROOYS _ READY ROOFING bunting that is peculiarly its own; F 4 rk: 3 . Ollowing 'Brands fn Stock and it is a reputation which can be SURETY, BRANTFORD, traced back to the work of this one SPARKLOID AND CAREY, committee. There is something sug- gestive in the recital recently an exhibit of colours, nation al and otherwise, which was very at- tractive, but the large and imposing flags were missing. They are not ex- pensive, but they are not id general demand, for the reason that there is no fixed place for the use of them. All Kingston peeds is a boom committes ~a committee with ideas--and the rest will follow, "STORIES ABOUT SIFTON. There is a story current that when Mr. Sifton differed with the govern ment on reciprocity; and spoke a- gust it in the house, he had an un Kingston had Thickness 1 ply to 4 ply. : Price to sult your job. An Asphalt Roof does not rattle in the wind nor magnify the noise of pelting rain. S. Anglin & Co. Office and Yards: Cor. Bay and Wellington Sts. MO0000s0OONOOOOOGIOONIGS Besrrscssssssasssesnend THECLUBHOTEL THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, AUGUST 7, foff. = - ALD WAS DROWNED greatest ease, and with the knowledge | WHILE mum of expense. Here there can be an expansion of the hospital scheme, as there in a demand for it, with the that every requirement of the law can be complied with. Here theré is am- ple ground for every purpose, for pas- 'turage, for gardening, for recreatiod, for the out-door individual or private Here are conditions which the inspec- tors ol hospitals declares are superior to any in the province. In all On- tario there is not now in use, for the purpose, a location, a site, so admir able in any respect. : Oné becomes reconciled to the change in the site when he has seen this new one and compared it with the con- contracted, limited, and, in the opin- wn of the medical men, unsuited quarters in rear of the general hospi- tal; and all who have had an oppor- tunity to see it have expressed them- selves approvingly. The Whig, at the outset, thought a great wrong had been dome to the originators of the movement when the city site had been refused it. Time has permitted of fur- ther reflection, and the, Whig is satis- fied that the fuberculosis hospital scheme has not been hurt, "that the new -aite--is--the better one; preferable in many wayk, and that all who favour a consistent treatment of con- sumption will eventually rejoice. The late publisher of this paper, Mr, Pense, favoured {lie Straubenzie pro- perty, and after an inspection of it the soundness his' judgment be comes apparent, The one thing that needs to be em- phasided is this : that the tuberculosis hog ghis a public institution, which is Sligned to do a great deal of godt and all who Lave to do with it must perform their tasks on a pure- ly philanthopic spirit. one who has any selfish plan to pro- mote. All are moved by one domin of There is no race and to aid the consumptives of nursing. . EDITORIAL NOTES, Hon, Mr. Duff, (the farmer member of the Whitney government), says the voting will not be along party lines in the mext election. He will not make a forecast of what the result will be. Cautious Mr. Dufi. Premier ~ Hazen, of New Brunswick, thinks very little advantage will crue to Canada Which is an adnfssion that some-ad- vandage will acerue, and for the party's sake, (on the wrong side as usual), he would minify &t. The liberals had a majority of forty- WELLINGTON SInEwr. derstanding with the leader of the There are other hotels, but opposition, It was to the effect that! Done gO a TP Sor should there be a change of govern-| a to In Santee of tty and ment he and two or more of his! K Arse ars moderate friends shoild be taken into the ea- Bpecial rates by the week, Linet. It is further rumoured that | P. M. THOMPSON, Proprietor, TEAVLBLLBRBRVIRTES Dr, de Van's Female Pills - A reliable French regulator; never fails. These Sywertul in regulating the 0 temale syrtem. Refuse i are exceeding! we portion o r Peds Siaitatinnn Pai t 0 a. Bok at By 0 Beaball Dru Co. St. Rar ga: the row odewrred which nearly result: ed in the retirement of Mr. Borden. | much about Mr. lf that is hard Now there is ton's later actions account for. from the government, on the trade is! to | she, awl still left the oppesition to ¥or sale at Mabood's rug Store. manage its own affairs. Yet he is found in close conference with Mr. $l was for many years 'a member. That Elis the part no one can appreciate. | There is an explanation and it eould be made probably by some of Mr. } invited to Inspect my big show- & | Sifton's former colleagues in the gov- ¢ Antique Furniture. 8 jernment. They remember him as an 3 Suitable prices. Best quality. &|nctive and aggressive minister, who in- Strangers and Visitors are $ Bo vited and received the fiercest as- o i. LESSES saults of the: oppositio, who was 5 ' 3 : X & | loyally support Interior de § Cor Drisss. 44d 4 Ehathta Sta. "2 partment, and w the sympa- "Phon i & x i 8 _ Will Buy or Sell a1) kinds of 8 |thy of the promier until the end. § Furniture. Highest prices. It would be remarkable if he, under all the circumstances, conspited a- wainst the government, or was guilty, as the conservative News of Toronto has charged against Hault*®, that he made a secret deal with the enemy to destroy his friends. The rumours about his desire for a place im: the three in the house wh™h was dis solved a few days ago. To overcome that majority where is Mr. Borden going to win his seats ? The liberals expect to make gains, and some pro- {Phecy the majority will be seventy. Some one has recommended Dr. when this understanding became known Harris, the musician, who lost 850, contract, a good 000 by the Sheffield choir for: knighthood. He has done Ceal fof music---has sacrificed a good ! David Johuston has leased the Sta; deal in its behali--but what party has He could have differed [he served ? It is in the fields of poli- | tics that the way to glory lies. 4 -------- tish gonference--against the protests and votes inthe commons of the Ca- nadian conservatives, who demanded a qitd pro quo--ought to with ©. continuance of that preference with reciprocity. The loyalty that acts is better than the loyalty that talks, 2 The water department is not pub- lishing any bulleting with regard to and the gemeral feeling is that . this water is pare. Js it_frée from bac teria ? HM not, what does the de partment now suggest ? The chair man is a resourceful man. What does he suggest ? Joseph Martin is coming to Canada and will participate in the British Columbia contests. What he is go ing to do no one oan tell. It was only recently thathe told the im- perial parliament that the Canadian people did not favour the preference. retreats which are sometimes desired. | ating all-persuading - motive, namely, ' alleviate the suffering of the human | | Vietim--y Fisher, Phila | delphia, Injured in Motor Beat 1 Accident. : 2, | Gananoque, Aug. 7.-Ancther sad ™ {drowning fatality has cast a gloom A {over this section. On this occasion the NSCS | | TY {tintin Was surge M. W. Keyes, young- [| ath len 4 est son r. and Mrs. George 1. Msts 1 | Keyes, Front of Leeds aud Lansdowne BIOS Nerves, haa rhs hr jtownship, a few miles wast of Ganan- |} ments On ble: i im ioque. The lad who was about twelve I} end history for free opinion and ad- {years of age, had gone with some oth- |] vice tion blank and k on (ers for a swim at Halstead's Bay, ag edie Purstehed tation {about a mule from his home, using an || form. Hours : 10 a.m. te 1 p.m. and (oC punt paddling about. He got pret- {| 2 to 6 p.m. Sundays, 10 a.m. to 1 ity well exhausted and at last on div » ORS. SOPER & WHITE jing from the punt did not. come Whether taking , er obstruction, {Was at once given and the i! an inquest | funéral takes {Halstead's Bay. cemetery. | Another motor boat aceiden rod at the wharf imont House, |eheraty a young (years of - Bamed Joseph (resident o Philadelphia, Pa. Saturday af {the summer on Tremont Dark, was |Debenture at par and interest, {seriously injured. He wus in his mot- | 3.4 Acre Garden Plot adjoin- {or launch, about to leave for 5 shore |: " J : | ienie, and in starting the engine jt | INE City. Lots and Houses in { kicked, throwing him on the bottom of [any part of the City, West- ithe boat and striking one eve on part . 1 Tae © {of the engine. He was at once hurried | €T1 Lands and ( iy Lots. {to town, by Mr. | tos + : jattended to his injuries, several stitches beings reyuired to elose up the {It is not as yet known Just he {ous his injuifes may prove, | Lorenzo Carpenter, a wel-kn highly respected resident. of the Front and Lansdowne township, Passed to rest at his home near Eden after fof Leeds iGrove, on Friday evening, + an illness extending over several weeks, in | The Ancient Scalp-Fever Theory Ex- the sixty-eighth year of his age. The ploded. {metal tock place Sunday a ternoon, At one time dandruff was attributed Iy attended Cemetery, and was large 'to the result of a feverish , condition Mrs. (Dr) ER. Snider, Ne icity, who with her {ten days ago, fer a visit with [ritle friends, was taken seriously ill lthat, dandruff is a germ disease, Was, had to be remoyed to hos- | This germ is really recponsible for pia aa SButution as consid- "the dandruff and for 80 many bald haar st Hus nly y Was sum- heads SI can be cured if it is gone nee oer id, an > ast te jahout in the right way. The ght : hug } gai ling nicely. \ way, of course, and the only way is | 8. 8S. -atimer, Stone Street, pati- to kil the germ. ent in Hotel Dieu, Kingston, for sey- Newhro's Herpicide does this, and (eral weeks past, has so far recovered {a8 to oe reported able to return to Ler | "home. | The financial i statement of Grace ;10e. in stamps f D . ps for sample to the Her ac- Shusch for the quarter ending July picide Co., Detroit, Mich, One dol from reciprosity. Sat shows receipts of $723.57; dis- lar bottles. guaranteed. Jas. B. Mc osusnatits; $660.56; balanes on hand, | Leod, special agent, Kingston. rhe | The second collection for the fresh i {air fund Tor Montreal and New York FARMER REWARDS GIRLS children was taken ut the {Hali-Moan bay last evening. count of the weather condition (attendance was hardly jd rd, { The Citizens band serenaded Mrs. Charles Macdonald cious lawn .at "Blinkbonny," turday evening, in honor of the cela, brati Gi i x Reon ot_tlie Bltleth airy Of | the fourteen girls at the court bouge rent was Prof, Meredith's "Blink. | © whom he made bequests of ¥1,000 bonny," dedicated to Mr Macdonald each because of little favors shown The 8. A. band rendered another him during his recent casés in Court sacred concert at the blic rk | With relatives and involving Bis es ¢ public park last evening, theatre from S. A. McKenzie taken possession, taken hotel. possession at the A Sir. (dence, on Charles street. {| Miss Sheldon, Brockville, an Frederick, Lansdowne, t the week More fun by givingit to them while | ' y+ Speen ; end here with friends. be trusted | At the administration of the sacra ment of the Lord's Supper in Grace ) church, yesterday alter the morning | People. whose daily habits are bon: service, a circumstance out of (he Stantly active soon wear out Nature's ordinary was the service of four delicate machinery. Nervous exhaus |nfnisters. The pastor, Rev. J. 71. tiom, _ general debility, sleeplesaness, { Pitcher, was assisted by Rev. Wil. ete., invariably follow. An invigorat- {liam Timberlake, a formér pastor, jing tonic such as "Wade's" Iron Tonie and his son, Steamers leave Monday, Wednesday, Saturday, at 6 a.m. For Clayton, every Tuesday, day, Friday and Saturday, p.m foy round i Ble. James Swift & Co., agents, J. P. Hauley, agent. Charles x the Imperial Thomas, is dead of paralysis. nn Some extraordinary we are told, i a x States. It is DIVING FROM A PUNT NEAR GANANOQUE. -- W. Kyes, Lansdowne, the a Gramp or striking an is not known. The alarm 0 body {fovered in 4 short fime. Coronet Shaw of Lansdowne, was notified, but unnecessary Place this afternoon, to in front of the Tre man about seventeen Fisher, 5]: » | spending Brown, and br. Bird : her mother, Mrs. Thom- | the districts by proper and scientific 8% Montague, King street, left service at up to the stan. Foil and Canton, 0., Aug. 5.--Samuel Rudy, on the ipa aged vighty-five, farmer and philan on D8 ehropist, said to be worth $50,000, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ranger have and Mrs. George Genge said Rudy.6 'They are nice girl The party that established the Bri. ove removed to M. McDonald's resi- va - . Rev. Ralph Timberlake, 'Pills will restore wasting vitality and the water pumped for domestic use, nd Rev. Albert R. Orser, superannua- | Ridean Lakes Nav, Co.. Limited. for Ottawa every lon Sunday, and Albert White's barns, Thursday Jones' Falls and return, every Wed: nesday and Saturday, at 6 a.m. Fare XN for summer complaints, 2. Love, Sr., manager of bank branch eat Se. | Neilson's chocolates. Reciprocity in Eggs Will Benefit Both*Farmer and Consumer. statements are being circulated by opponents of reei- pacity. These statements would be. alarming if based oh a foundation of . ; ing the agreement, that if the Canadian iS cot: "Fiteenthy buried by the shipments from other Sountiies, priscipal- the republic to south of us." iy What are the facts ? On Friday the Trade Bulletin, a recognized authority on markets ve as the top quotation for eggs in Montreal, even in a - bing way, Jc. At the same time the Produce Review, which oceupies the same position in New York that the Trade Bulletin does in Montreal, gave a top quotation of ec in the American commercial metropolis. 3 the Canadian duty were removed the se pr not be swamped just now by an oH |. 36 Toronto Street, Torente, Ont. Te con- » The t oceur- FOR SAL $400.-Five per cent. Domin- ternoon, ion Permanent Loan Company tect J. 0. HUTTON, 18 Market § KINGSTON THE REAL CAUSE, wound, OW Serf- own and of the scafp, which threw off ihe tired York cuticle in scales, Professor Unna, Hamburg, Ger Some many, noted authority on skin dis- rock: eases, explodes this theory and says w A R permits the hair to grow luxuriantly, Just as nature intended it should. | Sold by leading druggists, Sond WITH GIFTS OF $1,000 On ae}, . RE -- the | Young Women Who Befriend Aged Mau in Time of Trouble Are to be Made Happy. came to Canton, yesterday, just to see tate. | Rudy said that he was on his way to Iowa to sell a 480-acre farm amt he wanted to say good-bye to the court house girls, "When 1 get back I am going to thand $1,000 over to each of the pirls," and has | rlington and 11 don't want them*to wait until | am « | dead to gét the money. I can have d F, 8 ram living.' Take Heed of This. tone up the system. Price 25 cents, at J. B, McLeod's Drug Stores. Jane Fife, of Otonabe, was killed by DR. SOPER. || ! F5 : ! BIBBYS Limited Men's and Boy's Departmental Store TTR BOLRY nr ar Store Closes Saturday Evening at 10 o'clock. phat so ECT EGER APR SISE) INS, a5 MON a *® Bee prop / Our Store resembles a giant refrigerator, It's full of cool things. gp If you will spend half an hou= in looking You may get some tips on keeping cool this hot weather, COOL SUITS, See our Homespun Suits. ) Halifax Tweed Suits. Neatly made. Very dressy. All COOL UNDERWEAR. Balbriggan Shirts and Draw- ers : 23¢ Per Garment, our sizes, : $8.50. MESH UNDERWEAR, White. " Short or long, COOL: CDATS. 30¢ Per Garment, | Lustre, Mohair. etc, COMBINATION SUITS of Balbriggan, with Gusset, $1.00 Per Suit $1.50, $2, $2.50, SUMMER VESTS, ree see All sizes, ZIMMER KNIT COOMBINA. ' Washable. Neat Patterns TION SUITS, + Regular $1.25, $1.50 qualities, $1.00 Per Suit. 4 i At Bibby's for $1.00, ARTEX COMBINATION SUITS, LINEN, SUMMER TROUSERS. $1.75 Per Suit. $ Light tweeds, genteel pat- xi oxy cies terns, belt loops, cuff bottoms, MEN'S BATHING SUITS, $ # etc. Regular $3.50 qualities. Ope piece, 50c, 75¢, $1.00, Two piece, 90c¢, $1, 81.2581.50 ¢ At Bibby's. for $2.50, WHITE DUCK AND KARKI BOATING JERSEY, p? Low neck, short or long weil ie in eut sleeve, cashmere, A beauty . . for $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2.00. : $1.00, COOL SHIRTS. SOFT WHITE SHIRTS, Real Negligee Shirts, Soft ~ Fancy P.Ks., plain or fancy collars, soft cuffs, fancy white bosom, soft or stiff cuffs and creams, plain. tan, blue. Sizes, 14 to 17 1.2 Komi: greens, ete. . 3 thing nobby. 785¢c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50. $1.25, a ns a -------- ran a es HS A AAA tt A rt BIBBYS LIMITED 78--80--82 PRINCESS STREET ssssssssesssssssssfPrecsscscscssessessssesans TVVVVEVVLVVCLLTT LOS BA * ' ' ¢ ' ' ' ' ¢ ' ' 4 ' ¢ ' ' ' ' ' ¢ ¢ ' ' ' ' ' i ' ' ' ® pe We Make Brass, Bronze, or Aluminum Castings Prompt Deliveries. Send Your Patterns, The Canada Metal Co. Ltd., Fraser Avenue, Toronto SAY WOMEN VOTERS { theit : IMPROVE POLITICS. | a number of the objectionable featiires with conditions and does awa, of closely contested elections + "Riots and intimidation at election p New S s and Premier of New South Wale polls are a thing of the past. The Mrs. McGowen Describe Bene fits of Equal Suffrage. women are increasing their rading of operation and teking more and more lightning in Jackson Park, Peterboro, | and fa mile from Peterboro, were burned. i Reid. i Wednes- | Henry. Lemir, "aged twenty-five, of | at 6.15 | Tecumseh; who was beaten by a high- | wayman in Detroit, a year ago, died | on Sunday. Carter's Wild Strawberry Compound | "Provse's| Drug Store." i ! Dr. Carl Peters, African = explorer, | isays, in Der Tag, that the partition | of Moroeeo is worth a war. : "Prouse's Drug | Store." a one of the pamphlets issued by those appos- duty on eggs is abolished this cvan- infush of eggs * equally obvious that with the American duty reciprocity, Ontario producers would bwith equal New York, Aug. 5. Bound for home [the reins of government into, thei alter having attended the coronation, hands' : 4. T 8, RS uren, premier of New In reply (0 the implication that equal suffrage tended 16 lessen dunes South Wales, and his wile arrived in tieity, Mrs. Mcliowen rose to the de New York, on board the Mauretania, which reached her pier at a late hour [fence of her sisters of New South Thursday night. New Routh Wales has Wales, and said : been conducting its home government "They have higher standards than ten was women in any other part of the world beliove, for they are constant! suffrage for the last years, and when Mr. McGowen in asked to tell his views as to the sues termingling with esch other and he cess of the plan be said : come sequainted with the joys did "In a great measure the efficiency of sorrows that éhewhers are never our government, which is better than [shared. On election day they take caré of each others' babies. and sich things." Mr. and Mrs. MeGowen will spend several days. dt the Hotel Helmout he fore going to Vaneosiver, B.C, on their way back to New South Wales - that of any other state in the world, is due to the influence of women in its politics. "I he percentage of women voting in my state is greater than that of the men, and both sexes have equal power in the enactment and en- forcement of Jaw. The franchise not only does not unsex the women, but | ¥ vou sit in a draft the Jocior mes makes them more womanly, haproves cash it. ! poor grades. You get the best that |) money can buy at moderate £) price when a :

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