Daily British Whig (1850), 8 Aug 1911, p. 4

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-- oluiy 18,308 33 Oy, C0 Smallpelce, J.P. A Daily Wing. GREAT WASTE OF MONEY. The Otiays Citizen protests--ag it has a right to do--sgainst the ex penditure of $1,000 in the produc B000000000000000000000 READY ROOFING Following Brands In Stock: BR ORD, AND CAREY. . N Thickness 1 ply to 4 ply. Price to suit your job. An Asphalt Roof does not rattle in the wind nor magnify the noise of pelting rain. a " S. Anglin & Co. Office and Yards: _ Cor. Bay and Wellington Sts. Not Long Ago We Wrote One of Our CusStomers|eins w= wai o stv of the ror And told him it was about time he|ing 'the patrons of art to inspect paid for the gas service we Installed |them ? 2 Just Smmer we ore sreatly sur-| Addresses are in order, and address prised whe e replied, "I wasn't aware that 1 owed you Anything. |®® Must be presented to the Duke of You told me that the gas would|Connaught when later he begins his pay for itself in six months. and it 18{¢our of Canada. "They can be neat almost a year now sinoe 1 had it put and tasty and not expensive. "Chat was one on us alright, so|i¢ only a temporary use, and having we will have to be careful what we|filled their purpose no one need care say, but we still throw out the}. ,.¢ becomes of them. An address Challenge that it i. the on which colour' and gold is applied iN AMERY to the value of $500, represents a OST I A t waste of money. oF FUELS, [FS oy COOK WITH GAS. FARMERS IN PARLIAMENT. The issue upon which the pending , Light, Heat & Power Dept. fdominion * elections Will be = fought Gen, Mgr. at the polls is reciprocity, mot reci- © FOLGHR, 3 procity in 'manufactured goods, but ssssssssasneeld reciprocity in. natural products or those produced largely on farms, re THECLUB HOTEL § : N ~N . marks the Canadian Farm, of Toron- 's : to. This being so, the farmer is the of Connaught. This address busi- ness is being carried to extremes. The fact that royalty is affected suggests all manner of extravagences. It would be tolerable if the samples of art, accumulating until' they must be inconvenient to handle, were likely Hobe preserved; forthe sake of their cost, But that is impossible. The Marquis of Lorné and [Princess Louise received #0 many tinselled de- corations in the way of addresses that some of them gol astray, and great was the grievance when, ' some years later, one of them was found among the junk in a second hand store. If it had been quietly burned there would not have been a word, and to the fire most of these ad- dresses must eventually go. When the Dike of York (now George ¥) passed through Canada he was load- ed down with addresses. Some of them very costly, and he expressed his ap- preciation of them all. But does any one imagine that his majesty fs filling the walls of afty of the royal . ENSsesusIe ene 3 z = = 00000000000000000000000000 00000 To (Near Princess). There are other hotels, buts none roach the Ciul BRomelike a for Located A city and Sloss ta principal stores and arges moderate. Bpecial rates bY the week, - P. HM. THOMPSON, Proprietor, person most interested, He is the one who will gain or lose by the coming into force of the trade agree ment and who should be most com- petent. to judge of its merits when it comes to legislative enactment in regard to it in the House of Com: mons. It, therefore, seems opportune to Brrrrananses have as many larmers elected to par: Dr. Martel's Female Pills lisment as possible at this juncture. BICHTEEN YEARS TNE STANDARD [No person is better qualified to deal Prescribed and recommended for women's «il | Vith the quesiton before the country ments, scientifically prepared remedy of proves | than the = well-read, intelligent farmer. worth. The result from their use i quick snd | [jo has something at stake "in re. ermanuat. For sale ot oll drag stores. gard to it. It will affect his busi " ness move than that of any other PAT y " citizen, and farmers should see to i fo . gi that they have & sny iv deciding who Notice BQ 'should represent them in parlinment ; ® lon this oceasign. Straggers and Visitors are Then, aside from the resiprocily is invited to inspect my big show- aut thee eteigacd aud siroag iow ing of Antique Furniture. Suitable prices. Best quality. isons why there should be more farm- Ten ors in parliament. In the first place agriculture is not nas fully represent- ied as it ought to be, and we are not & advocating anything in the way of class tation in saying so. 2 | For the proportion of farmers as'vom- pared with other classes is woefully small and there "is need for a little leavening of our legislative material by electing more level-hoaded, intelligent {farmers to parliament, tion of gaudy addresses to the Duke THE DAILY BRIFIER WHIG, TUESDAY, AUGUST 8. 1911. It is Uncle Sam the British League regards with so much suspicion and whose overtures with regard to com- merce, and : 10 the extent of a free exchange of national products it would treat with disdain. A while ago reference was made to the close of an hundred years of peace on the American continent, and the event was considered of so much the United States and Canada con- cerned themselves as to how they could most fittingly mark it. Vari- ous things were suggested, and one of them was a monnment, at some suitable point along the boundgry line, where the hundreds of thousands in the future might see it and ponder upon its meaning, : A nice commentary upon all this is the eagerness of some politicians "to ose as intense Britishers, and flaunt in the face of those who advo- cate a peaceful trade agreement charges of dishonesty and deception, and to use language deseriptive of in- ternational negotiations of the most offensive kind. THE CONTEST IN KINGSTON. | The liberals of the city Gre not manifesting. any undue excitement be- cause of the election. Victories are not test there appears to, be no doubt. It. has been decreed that there must be a Fight--mark the word, F-I-G-H-T and the men who have championed the liberal cause in the past, are quite willing and able to champion it again. They are not of the quality to which may be applied the aphor- ism, "He who fights and runs away will live to*fight another day." There will be a convention present- ly, and it will be in order, as a first duty, to endorse the action of the government and of all its acts lead- ing up to the dissolution of parlia- ment. The appeal to the people will be on reciprocity. That will be the main issue. Hon. Bob Rogers admits there may be side issues, but they will be, as the term implies, minor af- fairs, and will not have much, if any influence, on the decision of the people. For forty years government wfter gov- Theres {ernment has been anxious for recipro- cal trade relations betweén Canada and the United States, and it would be remarkable if these trade relajions were refused when the offer of them came from the United States. The in- dications are that the proposal will and that, ignoring all the side issues, the result will be a clean sweep for re ciproeity. The Whig does not forestall the lib- eral convention and make any an- nouncement as to the candidate it will probably elect. It will be for that convention, as a second - act, however, and after approving of the Laurier government and its policy, to put on record its appreciation of the service which Hon. Mr. Harty has rendered. He has made many sacri- fices in behall of the party, and he has earned Sts regard and gratitude. The Whigs editors can remember his splendid work aes far back as 1874, long before he had any parliamentary aspirations, when he ranked as one of the young liberals. To his zeal and devotion were due repeated successes has served it in every capacity and in every emergency, who has always been alert and active; who has been the leader ih so many keen political bat- thes, will bw shown the esteem in which he is held by every liberal in the city. EDITORIAL NOTES. The people will follow Sir Wilirid snd his white plumes. Man, a politician nowadays wishes he were in the cold shades. When Mr. Borden finds out bow many farmers want their turn he will wish he had found out sooner. Whal about a home association of Old Boys? Many citizens would like to sce one started. Who will take the initiative? = So far this has not been the Ind of fighting weather politicians like. roo hot 1 Could it ever be so for the aggressive advocates ? The Ottawa Free Pres remarks : ing. Will it be the new moon of re Here's to, won by noise and loud talk and . boasting. That there will be a con-_ captivate the people all over Canada, | which the party scored. The man who | « rides "There will be a new moon on Sep- Princess and King gre SR YD ys tember 22nd, the day after the poll- zens were heard .o eiprocity or that of a new regime? a chance for the superstitious, THE WEST FOR LAURIER -- ISENATOR KING SEES TRIUMPH OF RECIPROCITY. The West Wants Large Markets, and Pays Little Heed to the Tory Arguments, St. John, N.B., Aug. 8.--That reci- importance that the leading mem of procity will receive the hearty support of the many in the C jan west was thé opinion expreseed by Senat G. G. King, Chipman, N.B.; who w in the city on his way home from a two-month' visit to the principal , western towns. Senator King has had plenty of time to study conditions in the west and to learn the views of the farmers, and has come home firm- ly convinced that the reciprocity agreement between Canada and the United States will meet "with the hearty ' approval of the western peo- le. "I have travelled miles and miles through immense fields of wheat," he said to a Telegraph reporter, yester fay, "and I think the crop this year is going to excel that of any previous year, it being proclaimed in many places. that the entire crop will amount to two hundred million bush- lels. The owners of most of these farms aré well posted men, and they know that Great Pritain's require ments do not Exceed in Any one r 160,000,000 bushels of wheat. They also know that Canada has never in the fiast been able to find a market in Great Britain for, say, one-third of the prospective crop of the present year, and they are asking themselves 'Where is the balance over and above Canada's requirements to find a mar- ket if we do not have reciprocity 7 One of --the things that the farmers want to-day is a larger market, and reciprocity will give them the freedom of entry into the markets of the greatest consuming nation in the world. The conservatives are putting forth the plea that Fielding and, P terson should have stayed in Ottawa and that in a year or so Canada would "ka¥% probably obtained from the United States nearly all the con- cessions contained in a reciprocity bill without yielding a single concession in return. But if Canada had waited a year or two what would have hap- pened ? The markets of the 90,000,000 then would "be open to world and not to Canada alone. Can- ada under the proposed reciprotity agreement will have a preference in the United States that no other na- tion on earth can claim, and cannot help but profit thereby. The Tarmers all know this plo be true and appar ently pay but"little heed to the tory arguments." : Lrbma---- Ls -- A COMMON SENSE TALK ON THE TRADE AGREEMENT. . (Continued from Page 6.) 3 ers,"" rather sarcastically interrupted the younger manufacturer, "No," answered the other good na- turedly and overlooking the tome of sarcasm, "You are in the wrong fur Yow if you think the Canadian farmer and the Canadian implement manufnc- {turer are natural enemies. We buy heavily from them, it is true, and na turally pay some of the duty which protects them, In some cases, if I am not wrongly informed, vou manufac turers are allowed to bring in ma- chinery that you use for manufactur ing purposes at low duties or entirely free of duty, We might put in the same claim for our implements. But how little have you heard of free imple ments since the reciprocity pact was brought down at Ottawa? The Can- adian implement manufacturer kept abregst of the times, in 'cases ahead of them. We have paid him good prices, but we have got good honest-miade implement." "I theught you complained that farm implements made in Canada were sold cheaper abroad ihan here," suggested Mr. Brown, I° "Yes, we did, but the manufacturer counted on us with much the same argument | gave you a few minutes ago about the home market. He show- ed us that the home market was not in all cases the cheapest market to reach, and from this you may conclude that there is. nothing in that mystip term, 'the home market,' that over distance with either the manu facturer or the farmer. And of course you must not overlook the fact that {we get a very substantial reduction in farm implements under the = proposed tarifi arrangements. , "Gentlemen, I must #peaking at such length. When warmed up. to this subject it is to stop. As a penalty I am going buy the cigars. Will you join me 7" "I was on the point of making the am uke: i for get hard to apologize I that we will accept your hos pitality with pleasure, although for one I must confess | caunot accept your reasoning with the same enthusi- The cigars were ordered. Should Continue Sign. On Tuesday morning work was {commenced on. the - removal of the big electric sign, "Cook With Gas," which was placed at the corner of that the city should up, a8 it was one of the tisements the city had. Steamers North King and Caspian 15 a.m. daily, for Thous Rochester, leave at 10. 'and Islands and 5 p.m., for XY. J. P. Hanley, agent. ------------ ue RL E ; 4 he fF a iy re, 4 \ the whole | has |. some | gestion," said Mr. Brown. "IJ ye dai| : Sevain, 8) f N 1158 ' Ko PY BL pined. Reeves. Bladder and Special 411" men! . Cash inn, PREeE® ® " = oe Men's and Boy's Departmental Store: ts men. One visit advisable ; #f Imp send history for free opinion and ad-' vice. Question blank and book on Siscaree of men free. Consultation Medicine furnished in tablet form. Hours : 10 am. te 1 p.m, and 2 to § p.m. Sundays, 10 am. to I pw. » DRS. SOPER & WHITE 25 Toronto Bireet, Toremte, Ont, A : Run on the One 0 8 ® { Ol Price Cash System Men : 5 X . $400. Five-per cent--Domin ion Permanent Loan Company Debenture at par and interest. 3-4 Acre Garden Plot adjoin: ing City. Lotsand Houses in any part of the City. West- ern Lands and City Lots. J. 0. HUTTON, 18 Market St KINGSTON OSWEGO FULL OF MOSQUITOES. Their is Appearance in Swarms Quite a Mystery, Oswego Palladium Mosquitoes, large and small, fat and ilean, but all with the regulation num- ber of stingers, have, within the last {few days, settled on Oswego in thou- sands and have usurped the place of the common housefly as a sources of annoyance, Bugologists of local fame are at a loss to decount for the swarms of mosquitoes which infest every house and can only shake their hess and say that moisture and pools of stag- nant water cause them to breed by millions. This history is knocked in the head when it is considered that this summer there has been little or no rain, that is continued rain, but {the members of the Yacht Club point {to their fsont garden as a proper {place for the breeding of the tiny pest. | Col. E. A. Cooke, of the department of health, has a theory for takin care of the bites which listens od When he was down south in the six- ties fighting mosquitoes, rebels, sand fleas, ete., he claims that the entire army from the generals down to the lowly strikers got as full of corn {whiskey as the supply permitted, and the consequence was that the only suffegers from mosquitoes were the su- perannuated ministers in the "com- {mand who didn't believe in the cure, There are in this city a few people iwho would welcome such a preventa- | tive, but to the others the colonel can't offer any service. -- Remember the Sabbath Day. "Look at the Fourth Commandment varefully, and you will find that it is ia beam of light that may be separat- jed intdb seveu distinct colors. First, is the law of work: 'Six days shalt { thou labor," Next, we have the law of jrest: "I'he seventh day is the Sabbath jof the Lord thy God.' Jhird, we have ithe law of equality," or anti-caste | Tron ghatt rest, thou and thy man | serwahit] and thy maid-servant, and | the stranger that is within thy sates.' An antircaste law coming the | East, the home of the caste. Yet here it is in the Fourth Commandment. | rom oF Mow's Panama Hat, the real thing at Half Price. : to M's Men's ' Straw - Hats, for 15c. Men's Outing Shirts, 50c and 75c. 2 $2.00 'ones for $1.00. : Boys' Outing Straw and Linen Hats, 50c and 25¢ © Men's: Negligee Shirts, genuine Tooke Brand, © every Shirt guaranteed to stand the wash $1.00. Men's Garters, Boston, Velvet Grip, Little Gem, Midget, all Men's Outing Trousers, Paris, 25c. special at $2.00. Men's Armiets, splendid lot at 10c, 15¢, 25¢, 35¢. : Men's Fancy Sox, 50c quality for 23c. Underwear, light weight, T. V..B., 50c. | Underwear, special Bal's 50c quality for 25c. © & BIBBYS DOODOCO0000 eee OOOO YoYaYe ev eye) ave eR ReeERe sss 78 TO 82 PRINCESS STREET hm AA ANNAN Nt Limited Er es Bed cass ene eelaey Ses smsE snes deena sb ud We Make Brass, Bronze, or Aluminum Castings Prompt Deliveries. The Canada Metal Co. Ltd., Send Your Patterns. Fraser Avenue, Toronto: {confess to being astonished that such {an anti-caste law should come out of | Asia Then, in the fourth place, you thave the law of commemoration-a {commemoration of the creation under the old dispensation and of the resurrec ition under the new. In the fifth place, {you have the law of divine companion ship. We are to rest because God rest led. In the sixth place, we have the {law of periodicity. This you shall do one day in seven. And last, we have the law of worship, of holy conveen tion. Here we have these seven colors in" this one white beam of heaven fall- ling upon the earth. The more 1 study ithe Fourth Commandment, the more | find in it of unfathomable wisdom. The Decalogue look no more like hu man work than the sun iteeli."'- Joseph Cook. On Sunday Admiral Togo placed a wreath on the tomb of Washington, at Mount Vernon. | Self interest causes very many to (entirely ignore the golden rule. Even the thief is always in favor of an honest policy--for others. EAT PLENTY Mi-o-na Tablets will ' enable you to enjoy a good meal even if Jou are chronic dyspeptic. Severin Olson, Bois- Seva : "1 suffered them | Bedroom Setts at reduced 20 os § Gonorrhara and Runnings IN 48 HOURS, Cures Kio. T ney and Riadder Troubles DON'T FORGET THE OGOO0V0O0Q000OOO00N ¢ FURNITURE SALE OOOO OO0000080<C no ROBT. J. REID'S 2 POO PO OOOO0VK HOO OOOO VOTOO | They commence to rebuild next month. Some good aps on Sale. $25.00 Solid Miahogony Desk for $15.00, Dining wir, Parlor and x SLLA000000000004000000 GAS FITTING, See Our Window It is part and parcel of the Plumbing Busifiess. i you ' would Hke to bave us estimate on any such work, we will be glad to do so. That what we do. we do 7 we'l, Is almost unneees- to staté. but we do! "PHONE 335. RESIDENCE, 856. DAVID HALL 686 BROCK STREET. Ndi PEPER VERSE TRI NET R ERE Reese ey

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