i Surphss | Ings SIR ALLAN AYLESWORTH DROPS OUT OF POLITICS. esse Will Not be a Candidate in North of His Retirement. Ottawa, Aug, B.--Sic Allan Ayles- worth, after six years of splendid public service tq Canada, first a» postmasier-general, and for the past five years as minister of justice, is retiring from the government, and has definitely notified the North York liberal association that he will not again be a candidate. Sir Allan intimate minister over two years ago that desired to resign his portfolio; prin | cipally on the ground that his deal ness was a constant b t to Mm in parliament and the ® counei ings, and ® [against file usefulness to the go evn- ® ment both in the commons "ard in ® ihe country. Sir Willrid however, o [knowing the full value of Sir Allan's ® 'services, both as minister of justice ® land adviser at the council board, has ® 'lways strongly urged him to con- tinue in office. And in his apprecia- o tion "of the best minister of. justice ® Canada ever had" the premier has ® heen backed up by every liberal in ® Larltament. However, Sir Allan's sense of honor makes Mm ver?" keen: ® lv realize the handicap of his deaf- ® ness as a minister of the' crown, and ® he has, desvite pressure from all ifiartes, adhered to Tia oriownal Ge "cimgn_ to retire from public hie, and, "wi power practically assured, this as the mast opportune _earry his decision (nte effect. On Monday afternoon he notified the Jiveral executive in North York to [that effect, declining their oft-repeated 'offer of the: liberal nomination, and expressing his most gratdiul appre ciation of their great kindness to him at all times. Sir Allan helieves that T. C. Robinette of Toronto, who will now be the candidate, will have no diffieulty in holding the seat with reciprocity as the issue. y Sir Wilfrid has not yet accepted ithe resignation of his minister of | justice, and Sir Allan will probably 'hold the portiolio and administer the | department for some time yet, end: ing the swearing in of his successor, who will probably be Hugh Guthrie, K.C., the able and eloquent representa- tive of South Wellington in the com- mons since 1900, Sir Allan retires with honor and Jdignity from the government to which he has always given faithful and distinguished service, and he has possessed in a rave degree the come fidence, esteem and affection of oll lye colleagues and of every liberal mem- ber of the house. He will retin Toronto and resume the prast de law as consulting counsel in iis law firm, with which his son is I New Coats JUST ARRIVED | For Early Fall Wear | In light weight Tweeds, Checks, Black, Navy and other colors, also a big assortment of styles in Black, Velvet Coats. | All these Coats are the very newest, up-to-date in | 'every detail. | | 5 ; 0000000000000 C00OOCOOIOORQROOOYS Should be Kept. No place for them than a Savings Account at the Bauk of Toronto Our literest pay- ments make Wage-earners for You of your spare dollars. safely better Tor- onto -- A 1 Ai - - a esources. . £50,006,000 KINGSTON BRANCH 107 PRINCESS ST. GEORGE B. McKAY, Manager, 0000006000000 0000000000000000000000CR0000000 __eesesessecesscssssss HOT WEATHER 'Hammocks The kind you can lay straight out' regards time on and not double up Hke a Jack Knife. THE COUCH HAMMOCK Just like § bed for comfort. Hammocks from $1.00 to $7.50, W .A. Mitchell HARDWARE. to be hi 'Sir Allen Aylesworth will not the candidate of the North York old now 4 % AY New Sweater Coats Long and short lengths, White, Grey, gd. very reasonable price. RESOLVES TO RETIRE York--His Deafness i the Cause i to the prima, cabinet, Queen's. Prof. Macdonald set the pace | Fifty British tramp steamers are in! King street. militated for jokes and the others followed. New "he return of the government'to | fo of | SRR During the election gain | . TUESDAY, AUGUST 8, 1911. connected. . paign he will take an active part in| support of liberal candidates in vari: | THE WORLD'S EPISODES... mo . ous parts of Ontario snd will address | -- Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By ; Reporters on Their Hounds. a number of meetings. {GIVEN IN THE BRIEFEST POS-| "Buy lithe juice," Gibson's. DINNER MONDAY EVENING. | BIBLE FORM. reconad at. Nadvieg a Fine Too : i i. 'W. Smith, of the Lackawans Of Queen's Summer Seiool--Juter- Matters That Interest Everybody Steel company, of Buffalo, is in the! esting Addresses. Notes From All Over--Little of ity. | ! The. Queen's Summer School dinner . i uy lime juice." Gibson's. given Mondsy evening in honour ol | Fireman Frank Burns, of the Drock the professors and their wives, was a | ws is enjoying kis most successful affair. Some (ity were | Hugh Guthrie is named as suc- tion. diy present, in spite of the extremé heal. cessor io the portfolio of minister of | Ms lone Kelley, Watertown, The students came away feeling that Justice. - visiting Migs Elisgbetn bunphy, they had néver heard so many Toronto census retutns have all been {York street. ; : things in one evening. : : ool and figure but at ahoul| Miss Flossie Knapp, Ontario stivel, The professors were in their happiest 395,000. £2 visiting iu Hamilton: snd ether mood. Dean on the wou | len men were rescied from a ship western points. blal state of British politics at the wreck ; in midocean and brought into! "Al cream, ice cream," Gibson's. present' day. Dr. Watson followed up New York. Capt. ©. F. Constantine, of the R. the subject dnder the aspect of : . tooratic democracy. Several of a : professors. ind i in x NY, 1 good the day night of cial results. in Manitoba, with = bewefi- futher is quite ill. HH. Cusmeguew, piano tuser, 21 - h M . Leuve orders ut [New York owing to tie strike of Auley's bookstore. the British sailors. Edwin Elliott, who is toast to "Sister Universities" gavé| The famous obelisk, (leopatra's the gen ral hospital the students an interesting: picture of | Needle, is to be cleaned for the first ever, is doing nicely. life at Oxford. He gave the lady stu- time in its history, | There was no meeting of the board dents go few hints based on his obser- | Richard Arikens was drowned while of governors of the general hospital vation of women students in Fnglish swimming at Val Cartier, his wife be- [on Monday afternoon. : universities. Prof. Baker in proposing ing ia a boat near by. ! Isaac, MeCandless, of Pittsfield, Mass. the toast "The Ladies," spoke on wo-| The boll worm is so prevalent this is spending a few days with his par men's education as he has seen it year that fotton erop in Punjab, an ents, on Princess street, worked oot at Queen's, where students important centre of India, may "Buy lime juice," (fbson's, are self-governing. a lallure, Mr. and Mis. Geor Mrs. John Macgilliveay, in reply,| J. A. Brien & Cos planing mill," daugliter, Buvision LF a sought to enlist the sympathy of the Montreal, was , loss $00,000. week at Glen Island; : audience in behalf of the proposid uni- Several other buildings were Jamaged. | "Buy talepm powders," Gibson's. versity residence for women. The even- Cause of fire unknown, Mrs. Nellie Cogk and danghter Mise ing closed with the Queen's doxoloey. Fon Ottawa hoy. Frank Helman, aged (iva, Hemlpek Lake, 'N.Y., are visiting goes dia edie ms Aes op thirteen, put his head out of a street friends in this vicinity, : STOCK QUOTATIONR car window and was fatally ~ injured Rl a Total : jwhen anol er our whizded by. je ospital, C yall, i 3 From MeCunig Bros, Mautreal | At Two Harbors, Minn, Ward Gor [Nien hou) ta araWall, it sssudiog Through J. O. Hutton. {don, aged sixteen yenrs, employed on} 'Mexican fly killer," for pF gnd August Sth, 1911, the Canadian freighter Stadacoia, fell le ile, Sold. in Kingston at Gibson's. | Ask. Jd, 'down the hold of the ' Crown Reserve ..... C.. 3m 918 was killed, His home is thought steamer ay i Miss Ethel Beaupre is home from - o 0: N.Y, ing ro Eastern Canada Pulp ......... 45 be at; Sarnia, {Buel i ihe pe Canadas Cement SR 21 | Seventy thousand men are now in-{ oop Canadian Pacific Railway... 242} 241} volved in the strike of doek Karl Hogan and James Daly," of Dominion Steel ....... ...... 02} 52 hands at ocean ports. Carmen join- |i}. Rockwood hospital, returned hive Detroit United wove 118 1} ed other strikers Tuesday sod full ig Hamiltoh where they hay --_ Minn. & St. Paul 139 136] cargoes lie st mooMngs with no un | co (we weeks, * ApEn, McKay Com. ..... . . 85 80 loaders available. i pt fli ? " Bh 3 eattl," Richelieu Yintario 1213 1212] Superintendent McKilliean, of the ex- 5" or ~ a al a Gibson' Be Porte Rico ...... 638 63} perimental farm, of Brandon, ridi-| Harts rh tn Beck wig He Penmans Limited 58 57 cules the rumor that black rust willl, 2 Bo ri Te k Wille i el Quebee Railway wi 89 B58 damage the wheat erop. Me says the' $ a an an i Hite 1iave Toronto Railway L161 1589) "crop is too far advanced for it A et Lak \ ide, Dominion Textile 8 65 have any efiect whatever. wo ranberry Lake, on the Rideau. { anton No. 6, LO.OF., leaves confined with in typhaid Prof. Campbell in replying to i for aris- | Rain fell in quantities during Mon- [CC H.A., went to Toronto, to-day. Has | Me- | } | 3 vaca ! | i i | i A I Evidence accumulates that not only are Laidlaw's Household Linens of good quality, but they are regu larly sold at prices, below what any other store in Kingston sells equally. good makes, . It is pleasant to have our knowledge of this & confirmed from aw outside and totally disinterested source as frequently happens. } { : hm TABLE LINENS New and Dainty Patterns 60c, 75c, 90c, $1.00 YARD AND uP A ------------ NAAN i & 50c, Bn a tat L all a g A A Table Covers and oblong: inen In wanted sizes, round, SY nare AA REN AN AN, ANN, El NHN ANN ANGINA inen Table N apkins ery large range of New Patterns put up in dozens & and one half dozens of a design. on Twin City ...... amy wr wcebrpsirscs: a ic 4 y 4 7 LIVE STOCK MARKETS. Magara Falls Wednesday morning i Lake of the Woods .. 147 : Montreal Power .... 163 the exeursion. Aboul twenty-one the Canton are expected to go. "English health salt," 10c., Gibson's. | Mrs. James Cochrane, West Virgi i; [phontreal, : the lpia, and Mrs. Martin O'Brien, Mon | 51 | oint St. Charles stock yards were {yeul, are visiting their sister, Mrs "8 {lower to-day, there being a drop of a |Alexander Besrance, Princess street : 151% {quarter of a cent for good, and hall | Miss Kula Keator and Miss Ethel * 124} 2 om, for common stock from last J efever, Brook street, returned, on n 45} | week's quotations. Ihe total receipts Monday afternoon, from Belleville, on 1081 {Inst week were : Cattle, 3,505; sheep, | wieré they were guests of leiends lo 643 2,400; hogs, 1,900, calves, 715. To-'a couple of days. day's receipts, cattle, 1,300; sheep nnd .wijiumn MB. diaynes, Oshawa, speul lambs, 1,500; hogs, 750; calves, 275. {Monday in the city, the guest of his GREAT COAL DISCOVERY Ls Prices: Choice teen, fe; mediom, gater, Mrs. (Corpordl) Adams, 209} MADE IN COLORADO (de; common, dic; choice cows, dic; Montréal street, returning to Ushawa, MADE BP 4 medium, 3fc. to de; lambs, $6 each; hy the evening traim. wien 163) | Enion Pagifie "ooo voseins coinnee United Steel Southern Pacific | Reading Northern Pacific. Missouri Pacifie ...... Atchison ........... « Copper Chicago--May Wheat ... The Prices Paid at the Various : Centres. : Bid. Montreal, Aug. 7.---Prices at New York Stocks. n . log a ¥ in | m : i Be th 2 | Big Vein Unearthed on the Peo. | EP: 3c. per lb. | rhe italiun, who was brought . - from Yarser suffering from lockjaw, Tri July of Vy Maia Ga ! Chieago Prices. on Monday, and removed to the Fitlidad, Cols. 20g, 8. hat ia Pro: nicag 7. : ners) hos ital, shows very little | bably the greatest coal discovery wer Shicugo, Aug. 3 atthe Rendigite'sn tent jn: his condition. made in Colorado occurred here, Yes: ie higher: Eaves tet em Ty Owing to the fact that the terday, when a big vein was unearthed techs $1.50 to 0 5 A h Texan rogimesy band as dn. engagement on {on the property of the Wootten Land gyi" "eg 0h ciockers and feeders, Thursday evening the weckly band jand Fuel Sampahy. Fhis concern 1a) ws .and heifors $22.15 to ¥6: calves. concert tn Macdonald Park will ait hed almost tury by J. Pierpont [ox 50 WL : : "Le given until kriday evening. a a ey ko 1 hav i Hogs, receipts estimated at 35,000 ;' Mr. wad Mrs. P. saeey, ot Chicago, oe ta 3 a di hart 'e ave | narket stromg; light, $6.95 to £7.60 who came down last week with the | back towards the hill re it i mixed, $6.85 to $7.60 heavy, $655 to excursion, > spend a couple of weeks Yeo deep under cover that further June $7.50; rough, 36.55 to 86.55; good to here and in the country visiting their is impracticable. y {choice heavy, $6.85 to $7.50; pigs, WNmerous friends and relatives before b Ho pening the new measure will 35.85 to §7.45; bulk of sales, $7.10 to a on ice cream," Gibson's : y ' : 7 » ' i of am 00 Tout, Irom, the Hippie Sheep, receipts estimated at 27,000 ;! Messrs. H. Vaughn, J. ©. Wilson, lof the modern coal mine oan be market steady: native $2.25 to $3.85. H. M. Pikeham, H. Binks, N. Rew, brought to bear on the opening. Fox. (Western, 8250 to $3.85; yearlings, A. Shall, A, Neish, br. Simms, | pert coal men say the discovery will 83.75 to $4.50 ; lambe natives, ¥3.75 and P. Simms, of Ottawa, arrived add millions to the pocket of the to 36.85; western, $4.25 to 86.90. jure ou, Houday | sot £0. Sunn to the owner, oat ra a v ys Miss lise Brice, of London, Fi - who has en visiting Mrs. W. Woes Salugs _ a Wijtorp - + Toronte, Aug. ~The altho turiet Sawyer, Jt ipa avenild, was Laken in eon tne 4 hi yw Reubo Hn i oh --_ a t JIS Ane. = nm uno the genersh hospital om Satur sine in suflerin Ee y ol n or Nailed runt itigng of last week Pre gay, Mhreatened with 'appendicitis. Khe I Miller in covering. Tram Blood: |. Exports eoytle, choice, 35,85 to 80.25; 1* Juch batter now. poisoning in the hand Sirs Robert do., bulls, $5.65 to $5.85: "b Med cat} Ave you twenty-one years of age? a ee Ene. wh a tla: chute, F010 3610: dor moe. -Are-you a British subject ? Have: you an accident near Bath n Frid. ; um, £5.35 to £5 00; do. o _-- hee * lived in Canada ove sgar aod in tis their retu from Alfred Miller's. 8 on 24.50 to 8: do jag 0: ye HO: riding three months ? if so, you are hurst. The horse, becomi frightened $2.10 10 $3.20, phn i "8 to entitled to a vote on Sept. 2st, al at a tigetion gion. yo hie 5.25 i Dut Wg 8, $5.50. the coming dominion election. Sa {breaking the shafts Mil slofters, oie $4.75 $4.85. 0; 1 "lee cream from pure cream," Gib- | swived several cuts and rine out ers Tight, #1 to $4.50. - nners, ak son's. { h i i hl ID milks, hoi neu, BO jt is expected That the 'contract for phe fare. but Ming, Jake, micuped the Ra Milken, Shajon,. anti, » 10 (he addition to be built to the King- treat > preparatory masting in the é Co. tommon and medium, 33 to post office will be awarded in Presbyterian church, Friday evening, $50; springers, $35 to #30; calves, $3.25 , ork of was addressed by Rev. Mr. Dren to $7.25 sheep $3 a few days, and that the wor Sunbury. A large nimhior attended the bucks and culls na =: construction will start very shortly. Fmd to the islands e lambs, each 20 to $7: hogs ed ans William Newlands is architect. : Saturday, given by Rev Wah watered, $7.65: do. ob. $1.38, "Buy jiffy hand cleaner," Gibson's. aria Hie. Wileors absence. oF TH. r Dei; C0 2.000, Trl | Under the title of "The Railway Li a coy amen the services, on WILL STANDARDIZE PROPERTY, brary 198" are pressnied o number of |Sunday, at the appointments : a! ------ * (papers a addresses of Shat Jearulenls dn i Brocky restport ling with various rans oe Sunday, Seton p- wit Preach elowinte a eto Raliway tol ng ation problem. The book is com- I a. : on, Juve Den | : {piled and edited by Stason Thompson, Fring afternoon teas (n honor of Misg! Brockville, Aug, 8.--Officials of the jan of the burean of railway news i fe i : en the manager burea ailwa som, Chicago, and Miss Laura Canadian Northern railroad, which! MN aghan, Perth, who have been recently purchased the Brockville, 'and statisties in Chicago. {visiting at J. Care's and H. Mille' re Westport apd North Western raihass | : spectively. Mrs. Staples has returned are preparing to standardize their | : oe hor daughter's, Mrs. W. H. Mills, holdings. This will include the filling | Winnipey, Aug. S.~That black rust after several months spent at her old n of two trestles west of the town, has appesred in the wheat fields of Simmons improvement of the railroad, addi the Brasdom district wns demonsica- % [ted yesterduy, when a careful exami nite senm---- 'nati showed the dreaded on Drowned Before Wile's Eyes. . |naret Terme 40 + ap Que eo', Que, Ang. 7.---A drowning of the rity. her the wheat bas secident oceurred on the Jacques reached a stage where it stands a ver, yesterday, at Val Car 'good chance of being which a young man pamed dams Toronto Cattle Market. ! i | | The Western Crop. west, week. Visitors: : Janel, is the guest of Mise Eve Gallag- her; Mrs, Emerson and Mrs. (Dr) Ja quith, at Guy Simmons"; Mrs, § gr Ig ro ag adie, Cacti 2 , at J. Forsvih's; Ce W. 's Bulloch and two children, at = W. : Robard Neilson' old, lost | a Linen Table Covers and Napkins To match, put up Cover and 1 dezen of Napkins, a great choice-of® Patterns from $5 to $30 n set. : TOWELS Huckaback Border or Borders all Fine Pure Linen with Hemstitched Fancy Embroidered sizes from the small guest towel to the largest sizes, AAA AABN AN Fine Towelling By the Yard for making Gift Towels SI A AN NNN JN HNN NN EN am EMBROIDERED LINENS OF ALL KINDS. FANCY LINENS AND LACE COMBINATIONS. DOYLIES SIDEBOARD COVERS ~ TRAY COVERS 98000000000 0000000000 ¥ SPECIAL BARGAINS SUMMER SALE of OXFORD SHOES 0000000000 000000008 oe se desscsesssassececedee $0. o $2.50 . SLES $140 3 a . terri p rey 3 » t chhesssssssssssssseneacene "% 1"Tatie of Ladies Fine Shoe amd Pompe at '1 Table of Ladies" High-priced . Patent Shoes, $4.00 and 1 Table of Ladies" $3.00 Tan Calf Oxfords 1 Table of Ladies' $2 Kid Oxfords Now 1 Table of Ladies' Kid Shoes, $3.00. $3.50, 7 othea Tables full of Bargains r $2.00 Now ' a an Sesetesncesesessee i ele aE ssresmsssssnasers