JULY AUGUST Store Closes Daily b O'clock. JOHN McKAY KILLED BY A FALL SAD DEATH OF CAPT. XEIL MORRISON. Met Death on Steamer Acadian, at vessel inscharged Grats, sas Was boul 10 leave Jor gelieviie. 1 aptaln Neil Morrison, about thirgy use years of age, living twelve Bulbs oul ul Saris, vet, mel ussln varly on Wednesday might, 'as the veswit of a lait gn his vessel, tue steamer Acadian, of the Merchanis' mutual Lise. 2 he fell trom between uecsy 10 tue [ower Geek, Lad bis skull fructeteu, duu uedth Was slwost iu stuntanegus. 'Ihe. accident was purely Gf ab wccieental nature, ana Lr, nae born, wuo was called, decided that UTY bucks Uw eUnesday Alggtteen 1 EE DATLY B EE PR. J. W. EDWA Was Unanimously Chosen by the Conservatives, "fortable lasts, 7 x WHiG, THURSDAY, AUGUST 10, 1011. THE DAY'S LOCAL NOTES AND . THINGS .IN GENERAL. Decurrences in the City and Vicinity ~~Other Brief Items of Interest Easily Read and Remembered. "Buy lime juice," Gibson's. Chief Armstrong has returned from Toronto. > | Williaxd Swaine, piano tuner. Orders received at McAuley's. "Phone 778. Edward Laturney, Princess street, went to Toronto, Wednesday, on a business trip. Sale of women's $2.50 Oxfords, com- r $1.50. Dutton's, 209 Princess street. Miss Lulu Staley returned to Mont- real, after spending a vacation With .Nonsense. .NOVELS. By STEPHEN LEACOCK, Author of Literary Lapses, Ete. The Volume consists of a collee- a burlesque vein and ilustrdting the author's singular gift of humor at™its very best, The Best Book of the Season. tion of ten short stories written in. RECIPROCITY - = r. a i : Globe delivered to 1812 $1.00 pays for the Toronto Mail or your door by the postman from new An average of about 4c per' week. untill Jangary ist, v Li { \ 25c pays for the Toronto Mail or Globe frfm now untii September 22nd. giving the entire Election News. 21 Me piano tuner, 540-157 Brock Street. Kingston, . | . These newspapers have arranged for a special staff to ad Handsome cloth binding. 220 pages. PRICE $1.00 The College Book Store OPEN NIGHTS. 'Phone 914% August Sale ~OP--' , * Sunday the sont: company the different speakers in their trips from Halifax to clear Vancouver, and full reports of the speeches and developmients in the campaign will be printed fully each morning 7 260 PRIXCESS STREET. VERSE EERE FVII IIIIIIIIIII III Bowman, of Princess of A BIg Cut op the price of Linol- . and | Chaumont eums. { 60¢ Lino, 12 ft. wide. all colors ble, b0e Lino. 42¢. 40¢ Lino. ¥ The Farmer's Wi armer's Wife. @ rrrtstsstcss sensed Niagara Falls, N.Y, Gazette "Who," asks the reader, "are harliest worked and poorest class of laborers ¥' Well, we have not made a careful examination of all the labor, reports ) of Ganane und conditions may be radicall, very i of peritonitis, in the general changed from what they used hg re hospital, "but was a little better on [but our recollection of jthirty or thir English Photo Frames nN MADE IN STERLING SILVER WITH VELVET BACKS AND EASEL STANDS ROUND AND OBLONGS y. John Collins, wife and child, of Springfield, Mass., are guests at the home of W. J. MeoNeill, 148 Rideau street. : $1 motor veils, all sizes, stylish sailor collars, 20c.: silk ribbon, 0c. cess street. W. Y. Boyd, of Gananoque, has been 6 ft. wide. all colors, For that worn out, tired and run down feeling there is no better tonic than a combina- tion of BEEF, IRON AND WINE. in taste, enrich the the paid 6 ft. wide, all colors, three-inch Dutton's, 209 Prin. in dc. ws" Inlald all designs the $1.25 Inlaid $1.07; Lino., Lino., all designs, Ours is delicious ~ontains iron to blood, peptonized (digested) beef to feed the tissues. and choice wine as an appctizer. * in a recent Government analysis a bottle taken from our stock of Beef, Iron and Wine proved to be a superior article ranking as first class, TRY A BOTTLE, 50c. Dr. A. P. Chown Bruggist and Optician, 1853 PRINCESS STREET. 'Phone 343. SHAPES, ALL RANGE £2.50. OVALS, SIZES FROM 04000000000 000 PRICES $1.00 to SMITH BROS. Jewellers, Opticians, 850 KING STREET, Issuers of Marriage Licenses. s ELE) PARLOR SUITE SPECIALS. 2 Parlor Suites, 5 pieces, In Velour, regular $28.00. for $21.00. 1 Parlor Suite, 5 pleces. in Silk. regular $40.00, at $34.00. 1 Parlor Suite, 3 pleces. Mahog. finish, regular $30, at $24.00, Everything reduced in every de- partment. / A good chance for you to save money. Yours, : ; s Ssssssssssssssvsrvrere ae New Style CORSETS AA AIAN AMIN NNN "Phone 90. T. F. HARRISON Co sn tan sm th BEGGING ON THE. STREET. . sleieie MADE OVER AND REPAIRED W. F. GOURDIER [100K THESE OVE 531 Albert Street {8 Rood yard and stable; : 177 Pine Detached Frame | Dwelling; 8 rooms. b. & e.. large | garden and stable, $1,500 } 418 Johnson Street i frame dwelling, 7 rooms, jand good garden; $1,650 i Corner Nelson and { tached brick; 8 rooms; a | X 89 ft, 82.000 > | Corner Bagot and Earl iings, with improvements ® {all for $2,400 116 Earl - {water beating, 9 | ght, L650 to) | We have property for Sale in all N | parts of the City Come and see us | (MULLIN,--The Real Estate Expert Our showing of Lace Cur- § tains in Irish Point, Brussels §§ Net, Marie Antoinette, Arablan and Nottingham qualities, In § White, Ivory and two tone ef- § fects are as exquisite in design § as the most fastidious could § desire, . NOTTINGHAM CURTAINS pb --Special values at $1.00, 4 8 $1.25, $1.00. ¥ IRISH POINT CURTAINS, b $3.50 to $8.00. MARIE ANTOINETTE from § $6.00 upward. ARABIAN POINT, $3.50. , ti didi ditt dif did fh di a R. McFAUL., | Kingston Carpet Warehouse. do CREEEEE ® "The Hat Store." STRAW HATS «Must Get Out.. 5 rooms, b $1,100 & Street . Detached b. & « "REGISTRATION VERY SLOW. Few Voterd Visited the Registration Places So Far. The raisttation of voters for the coming inion election, was very slow, on Thursday, the opening day. It would be better if those who have to register would do so at once, and not leave it till the last day, when the registrars will be overworked, and the applicants will have to wait many weary minutes. Register early, please. J. B. Walkem registers the voters of Sydenham, Ontario and St. Lawrence wards, in the city council chamber; J. Mack De. lot 132 nt 3 and dwell shop, teceived to-day, a big shipment of the well known makes-- Cromp- tonand D & A. Many new styles and in all BD MUESL WAS Unnecessary. The steamer Acadisn arrived Yrom Fort Wiliam about nine o'clock on : h $ 8 J 'ommencing on Weslnestlay miu hg and Uigshatgos ers Kingston and Toronto will vy Te upatiayos at 5:30 a.m., instead of 6 a.m. " Z essel was § i i £1.50: ex- unloaded early in the evening and DR. J. W. EDWARDS. hi ne Tec paige a cleared for the dry dock, thete to] At the conservative convention, ths | _ oo on 0 © : 2 await a pilot, as the steamer was afternoon, in the Court House, Jalen The financial district meeting of the booked to load cement at Belleville Martin, president, occupied the pn Methodist church is in session, to-day, Jue Fort William, gud before him was a large number of |; G00 'Greet Methodist church . Shortly after eight o'clock; accord- ratepayers. a . Market Clerk Me('ammon has a pail Carpets, F urniture i to te report. given of the sad] The conventibn unanimously momin:|,f coc" swaiting an owner. It was totality, Capt. Morrison was walking [ated the old member, Dr. J. W. Ed left with him, ' gn A moriing. between decks with Capt. James Warde a candidate in the coming] gale o children's white shun, 65¢c.; Dougherty, of the schooner Keewatin. electi ons. patent Roman sandals, 95¢.; infants' | COPE. Sroreison evidently forgot uf A: -Freaman, dnxerary. Propesed sho, 2c. Dution's, 209 Princess bout the danger spot fof he walked |Dr. Edwards name and John v [Algal : ; right into it. Capt. Dougherty call-|Storrington, seconded it. * Miss. Lizzie ed "look out, thers," but Capt. Mor-| Two other names were put before | street, has left to spend a couple rison disappeared, and a few seconds the convention, George Stewart and | weeks in Watertown later his'body, badly 'battered up, |Daniel Mclean, of Pittsburg present was found below. A hurried call wag ig the name of Anthony Rankin, Col- sent for Corbett's ambulance, which {line Bay, and John Lowrey, Olden, hastened to the scene, and a call wag and John Clow, of Portland proposing also sent to Dr. Sparks, "Capt. Mor. | Richard Hamilton, Hinchinbrook. rison had received terrible injuries,| Poth these expressed saufilen ce however, and only. lived a short |D Edwards a Retired so hat time, convention mi be unanimous. Dr. Kilborn, coroner, was summoned | ('®0Tge Taylor, Gananoque, was pres: and after making an investigation he|®0t to deliver an address. found that it was purely a case of Cer accidental death, 5 that an inguest dAberal Convention, Thursday, * | tv-fiv A . would be necessary. The remains| At two oiclock the liberals of Fron- Dr. and Mrs. A. Shaw, Philadelphia, | or FYE years ago is that the farm: wers then conveyed to Corbett's un. |tenac went (nto convention. It was Pa: lait, on Wednesday, after Vimting - Yives of that date held the re. dertaking parlors and prepared; for expected that Robert H. Fair, of bis. paronts Mr. nd Ma a ot cord for ong hours of labor and burial, Kingston Junction, would be the can- University avenue. aed » ugk pay. he. average farmer was The injuries sustained by the "de-|didate. About t ond na {pot mean to his wife in those days, ceased eal] of a fractured skull] Later--There was a very large repre |, . opiudred and fifty, people {but circumstances seemed to make it and forehead and his jawbones and sentation of liberals and reciprocity Rrophy's Point, on Tharsdar Ear, Nectasazy for the wife to do as nose was also broken, advocates from all parts of the riding. |, 0 ~ . |funeh work as three women ought to Deceased was ono of the best known |R. J. Vair and W. Blacklock, of Glen-} "5, 0 socks, 10e.; women's vests, 2 ave done, Often she rose ft between marine -men on the lakes, and was | Durnie, in pleasing remarks offered thee 950.; childven's hose, 10c. per pair: three and four o'clock in the morn very popular §n Kingston, where he | name of Robert i. Fair as the candi- [1 ioe fone Ihe. or ir etm ing and got breakfast for her hus had a great many friends. Deep re- date. The 'nomihation was unanimous 540 Princess street. * {band and maybe two or three hired gret was expressed on all sides over| 8nd Mr.' Fair accepted. He is a son| The steamer America had its full |[P*0nUs. Alter breakfast she milked a- the sad fatality. He was' one of the of J. M. Fair, of Glenburnie. sompjemnt & passengers on board [Pout Laie Sows; strained the ' milk best captaing on te lake. RE FR Seon on the trip down the river, Thursday | i away in the milk house, apt . a Cant. Whiteside INVITING CUSTOM. afternoon. She carried 600 people. | Yuring the iteuogn she whiled away was killed on the Aeadian, near Fort ™ I G. A. Ferguson, of the General Fire Mer time churning a few gallons of William, by the breaking of a boom. A Matter S| - Evers Merchant Extinguisher company, Montreal, re- Seam the Shi fashioned dash Many Kingstonians will recall this Shou now, tur to his home, after spending "Urn. aybe the butter came in i Hamilton Times. two weeks' § vacati y ) thalf an hour, maybe it didn't, The wetident, . seoresentiog the. 3 A contemporary calls the attention | ype More Blak Boge nr and {there was the butter to a. and be hunts' Wotuc) A OK a + 0 of the business men of Canada to the! Save money by wearing revolving [fashioned into rolls. Of course the to-dn lookin alter the company's 4 fact that at present there sa large | rubber heels, 15c., 25¢., 3%. per pair, house had to be swept and the beds v g pany margin in favor of United States in|put on free of charge. Sole agents, made. Bread and pies had to be tebema, nit of the sad accident' the |{%°F international trade with our Dutton's, 209 Princess street. made and baked. On Monday th Ai a eh . ne Wdcade mighbore. Our purchases are, uiuch 2 pleasant tive say spent at (washing had to be done. Before it e ln greater than our sales. We sold, last| Rogers' grove, Wednesday evening, could be finished d%huer had t . nicht, but it is expected that the year, to the United States, $103,922, where a dance was held. A large Dares A a ig gp Juve] will be able to get away dur- 393 'of Canadian goods, and wefnumber of campers were prgsent. Cros- appetites that would make that of an ing the day. ' par Shi bought $281,934,739 from the United | by & O'Connor's orchestra furnished {anaconda seem mincing and sickly The remains of ducen were PUP" (States. The reciprocity agreement will] music, : | Wile the men took the noon rest red to his home dt noon on Thurs-|4, much to adjust the balance by| The game between Locomotives and tthe woman washed 'the dishes . and day. furnishing free market to our farmers, the Civil Service has been called off, carried the empty crocks down to the lumbermen, fishermen and miners. Our [at the last mixfite, on account of | epring house. +z In 'the afternoon in Oy OO edie he out of town. 10 will kr hein (berry. time, she picked a bushel of Was Remanded Jou a Day by Magis. export of Canadian products to the |Tuesday afternoon next. : ? [ie ul Satie aud yosted Deswel$: put J Willi C i d started out United States will reach $200,000,000, Long the floral tributes sent to Then she got supper ready, g¢nd af When William Crawford started out,| phy will be an immense gain to [the late Mrs. D. MacNab were anchor, | "7 t hod - the dither agai Wednesday afternoon, to beg from | canadian industry. It is always to be] from Minden, Cataraqui and St. John | "F t a ond oe ilk i 3 on agen house to house, he picked out a bad borne in mind that over $130,000,000 | Masonic lodges; #:reath, from grand |*** ¢ house, milkec the six oO location whan he got on William worth of our imports from the United |lodge = Alberta; wreath, from North oven, Soe, amd fom Shat att oe street. He ha ren working on Ba- [Gi tes consist of raw materials, which | Star lodge, Lethbridge: anchor; from |'®" © ©0 orn garnieats, got street, and by telling a hard luck enter the country duty free for the [Lodge of Perfection, 'Alberta. | Patehos on the hays Fin Samed story, had been able to gather quite ponefit of Canadian: industries. These {the farmer's socks and sew the but. a sum, However, when he got on toi dude raw. cotton, rubber, wool, |*00090ecscssssseeesese tons on his shirts. She worked on William, tives he siruck the home of coal, ete. In coal alone our imports the Sight-hour plan, tne Shifts per J. C. McConachie, the agent for the |,ount to nearly $30,000,000. But @ [day of eight hours eafh. was no Children's Aid Society. At this place | here is a vast demand in the United : particular wonder that maby a far the people got wise to his little game gi, ¢65 for the products of Canadian -o | ers wife at forty looked like a wo and sent a telephone call to' the po-|industries; and the refhoval of the e man of sixty, Her hair grew pre lice, - a duties on our natural products pro- e |matwely grey and the lines of care Constables McAdoo and: Timmerman [vided for the reciprocity agreement ® {and worry came into her face while were soon on the job, and in less time will open this - great market to our ® {it still ought to hava been fresh with than it takes to tell the story, the|people. ® [the plumpness of youth. accused was locked up. Crawford is a| The wise merchant seeks the widest : An increase of the farmer's landed stranger here." : custom. He advertises his goods, and possessions means for the farmer's wife he makes an inviting display of them, an increase of labor. He could hire He seeks to cater to. demands. The heb but it~ was hard to get hired last thing he would think of doing girls on the farm. It is perhaps would be to set up obstacles to the much better now." We sincarelv hope coming of new customers. Why should go, for in the old days the farmet's not government seek similarly to clear wife worked more hours and worked the way of obstacles between buyer harder while she did work than an. and seller ? other laborer we knew anything about hot electric Street, gas 9 rooms, and A Party That Does Things. Brantford Expositor, was no English preference un- der the conservatives no anti-dumping tions intended to prevent Can- being made a slaughter market] for United States maoulacturers, and F. Farrell receives the Cataraqui ward A A Sipe Yaluation voters in the police court room; W, Most of our industries, like Muidell covers Frontenac ward; T. M. : dry received be Asselstine, Rideau ward, and Judge); FTA their Brice, Vietoria ward, at the court : ge. Death of W. Hunter. Cushendall, Aug. 9.--On_ Friday, 4th sizes at inst., the death occurred of Wm. Hun: ! ter; sr., one of our oldest and much re ted residents at his late home in ole of Man. Mr. Hunter had been in 30¢ 10 SL15 A PAR failing health for the past year and yet his sudden death came as a shock ESSER Money to Loan, Fire lusurance, Corner Johnson and Division Sts. "Phone 539 R000000000000000000000 to all his friends. Deceased- was born in Ireland, had reached eighty-six years, coming to Canada when very young. He was of 4 cheerful and kind hearted nature, as all who have known | him through life have kindly memories lof an old friend. He leaves to mourn two sons, John in Manitoba and Rob ert on the homestead, also one davgh- ter, Mrs. J. Hogan, Kinghton, besides and children. The funeral, to g : snekheasenenses 00000000000 We never carry over Straw Hats to another season, and so now to clear them out we offer Sell Them? No! er Baseball Records. Eastern league~Toronto, 50; New- ark; 27. Buffalo, ln e9eeTIIIS sO SPEER I ------ member, after which the remains were conveved to the last resting place, be side Mrs. Hunter, sr., who bad pre Canadian Courier of us who are scoustomed to consider every dollar we own with gréfdtest respect 'and care, find it oh hard to conmcvive that there are o TTT Rough careless Canadians to leave] Happenings. [$638,441 €n the banks unclaimed. Yet i Aug. 9.--Several of thei such is 'the fact as revesled by a are through with their harvest recent government blue book. The has begun. Many from banks are com te report to the / unclaimed for five years. ; St. John Globe suggests devot. jing the whole smount to the foun people lg tion of a national library. No - 'doubt the banks woulfl consent glad. ly, d the government were to piss the necessary enabling act. In the meantime if you think any belonge<o you get the and see if your: name is "1 f fait § + BE Ee 0000000000000 u00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 i tt] : "f | P i f ? § i see asesatssnaes --_ | KINGSTON LAUNDRY = Hoots, al sizes Cor. Princess Sydenham Rbreste: sssccseseseces