£ - 90000NETIEITIIIIUIOIIEL LS JULY AUGUST 'Store Closes Daily 5 O'clock. My RE * JOHN McKAY FURRIER 140-157 Brock Street. Kingston. August Sale \ --OF-- Carpets, Furniture and Curtains. . . ...__A Big Cut on the price of Lino} on Prize-$100_in-hrill Competi-| 2 ft, wide. all colors | eums. 80¢ Lino., 1 50c Lino., 6 ft. wide. 42¢. 40¢ all colors, €. $1.00 85c, $1.25 $1.07. Inlaid Lino., all designs, Inlaid Lino., all designs, SRRSL RE RRR SAL} PARLOR SUITE SPECIALS. 2 Parlor Suites, 5 pieces, In Velour, regular. $28.00, for $21.00, 1 Paclor Sulte, i pieces. In Silk. regular $40.00, at $34.00. 1 Parlor Suite, 3 pieces. Mahog. 'finish, regular $30, at $24.00, Everything reduced in every de- partment. A good chance for you to save money. : Yours, 'Phone 90. I. F. HARRISON Co. Lace Curtains Our showing of Lace Cur- tains In Irish Point, Brussels Net, Marie Antoinette, Arablan d Nottingham qualities, in bite, Iyory and two tone ef- fects ard as exquisite in design as most [fastidious could desire. NOTTINGHAM CURTAINS. ~8pecial yalues at $1.00, $1.25, $1. 60. IRISH ey CURTAINS, $3.50 to $8.00, MARIE ANTOINETTE from $6.00 upward. : ARABIAN POINT, $3.60. PEELE PPE E PEEP R. McFAUL. Kingston Carpet ' Warehouse. . : - » 1-2 Million The Travellers' Insurance Company paid in 1910 over balf a million dollars to its policyholders for = accidents recullar to the vacation sea- These enormous benefits, paid by this largest of all acci- dent companies for vacation uries, should impress you the necessity of accident i Lino.. 6 ft. wide, all colors} WGRK OF BOY SCOUTS AT BROPHY'S POINT WAS QUITE SURPRISING. A Fine Programme of Events Was Given--~Colonel Benson, 0.0, Was Present oy Gave an Ad- dress, The Boy Scouts' excursion to Bro- phy's Pot, on Thursday afternoon, was a grand success, as far as the boys were concerned, and the excellent programme put. on, but the attend- ance of visitors was pot as large as expected. 'The people of Kingston do THE DAILY BRITISS WHIG, FRIDAY, AUGUST 11, 1911. CITY AND VICINITY. _ + New "Prohibited" List. | A new "prohibited list" has just been issued by the license inspector, €. | W. Wright. The list includes ninety-two | names. Two names were added to ge! list to-day. Barrie Street Extension. Work has been commenced on the extension of Barrie street, through to Pine street. John McKee has the cop-| tract for the work. A by-law for the extension of this street was passed by | the city council, some time ago. Police Were Called. Ah Early last evening, a well known citi- | not seem Lo appreciate the Scout {movement or lend it the support they | might. Sat { vol. Benson, 0.C., of 3rd division, {attended, and was received by a gen- eral salute. The Scouts' physieal drill, gymnastics, signalling, and ambulance {work were given with much enjoyment, {1t was simply wonderful that in such a short time under canvas, the boys | | should become so enthused with the {work. The aquatic events were espe- cially good. The playing of the bugle band was a special feature and cal ed for. much praise. : | Col. Benson n {Starr and his stafi on the Scouts | splendid work and the discipline in the! lcump, and spoke of it as a great | { busider of Canadian manhood. Tea lwas served and the steamer peturne] to the city at 6.30 p.m. ! { THE KINGSTON CANTON. | tion. od | Kingston (anton, No. 6, won. al [prize of $1007in the Arill competition | [held at Niagara Falls, at grand odge meeting of the Quddiellows. The loca to the meeting, twelve in number, returned Home early Friday | morning. They report very warm wea- | ther for their session. ] : In regard to the business session, it is reported, that po action was taken in regard to special legislation, wudh time being given over to the interpre tatiofi of the law and its meaning, making it quite clear. The parade was held Wednesday afternoon, and it was a fine display. The Patriarchs Mili tant participated in thing. The drill competition Twas. held at the close of the parade at Wetoria Park. A feature of the proceedings, Thursday, was the tribute paid to the late grand secretary of the grand lodge, J. B. King, who was well known in Kingston, having visited here on several occasions. Mr. King, for nearly half a century, filled that office with eredit to himself and honor to that body. A full report of the service wil} be given in the journal of proceedings. : : John Donogh, Toronto, :vice-presi- dhnt of Relief Association, was one of the principal speakers. Special atten- tion was pad to degree work, in which the encampments at Hamilton and $t. Catharines took part. A notice of motion was considered, calling for a special committee to com: municate with the grand lodges of the dominion, as to the desirability of in- stituting necessary procedure to secure the re-establishment of a sovereign grand lodge for Canada, based upon the lines similar to those which have heen accorded to Austria amd Germany and ofher nations outside the United States of America. | delegates on what was known as the grand of British North America, but this was discontinued in 1851, as it was regarded as not fulfilling its duties, successfully. The lodges then being af- filiated with the sovereign grand lodge of the 'United States of America with headquarfers at Baltimore. The motion was defeated for two or three "reasons. One was that the body in Canada be composed of twen- ty-five members; also because Canada had always received ample considera- tion from the supreme body; also be- cause the Oddfellows wgte not govern- edd by any national or politican lines but just a great brotherhood and not effected by boundary lines. TRADES COUNCIL AGREES To Re-Subscribe its Grant Tuberculosis Hospital. The meeting of the 'I'rades Labor council, on Thursday ing, was addressed by Dr. J. C. Connell; J. A. Minnes, Dr. D. E. Mundell and Hugh McBratney, with regard to the Mowat Tuberculosis hospital. Dr. Connell gave a very instructive address, showing the ac- tunl cost of the building, the yearly expenditure and every detail with regard to the estabhshment = of the sanatorium. The other three also gave addresses with ~ regard to the same matter, ;The council decided to give the money it had sabscrided for a building on 'the general hospital site to the new board. -- ison AT POLICE COURT. to the and even- A Very Short Session on Friday-- "Holding Up". People. | There was a very short session of lof the police eourt, on Friday morn- ing. Owing to the fact that the court room is being used for the registra tion of voters, the cases were heard in the magistrate's offices Ni 3 is the time when man are injured inehunting, fishing, bicycling, © golf, riding and driv- ® automobiling ahd travel : fi i - i Bagot and William streets, for outs, Iwas fined $5 and dosts, "or one . {He went down. Two drunks were in the lineup. One {was remanded and the other was given This brought outwa very spirited dis: cussion. There was established in 1846, | lodge | zen got into a warm controversy with | anot resident on Market street, | 'and in due time, it was waxed very! {warm--in fact so warm that call | was sent to the Police station, Con- | istable Timmerman, who is a terror to all evildoers and law-breakers = was {soon on the sceme, and His pfésence | was sufficient to stop the row. } i i Ald. Carson Displeased. | Ald. Carson is not at all s {with the foundation which being put down on Clarence street, for the new pavement. He sdys that the 'city pleased | is congratulated Canon «i. tearing up far better foundation | than they are putting down, and | claims that if the proper trealment was' ziven the present roadbed, a great deal of money could be saved, i that it would also be better Yor the city. ) Missed the Convention. There was one man, at least, who came to the city, om] yi-to-ate tend one of the political conventions, | who did not' get there. He arrived early<in the morning, loaded up at! different hotels, and beldre noon he; did not know his own name, and would | have had a very hard time trying to' locate the court house. He had to be taken in charge by -the police, but late in the afternoon, when he sobered up, he was sllowed to go home. Help In the Good Work. i Robert ¥. Elliott, the president of | the Liberal Association in this city, is showing much zeal "in the campaign and his preliminary work promises good results. He is really anxious that every liberal who has the election at heart, will aid "him in registering every young man available. This is | the young man's opportunity for reci- procity will bring to him added pros- perity. With the pact in operation Kingston's future seems of the bright est character. St---------------- A MEAN MAN THIS. His Wife's Money for Strong: Drink. There are many men men in the city, but the story concerning this man, who lives in Kingston, is about the limit. It appears that the man's wife placed money in a letter which she ad- dressed to a firm in Toronto. The amount enclosed was $2. She gave the letter with the money to her hus- | band to post. Instead of posting it, however, hubby made his way down town to ome of the hotels, and, tear ing open the letter, proceeded to spend the money over the bar. + But that is not all of the story. Ae- cidents will happen, and when the torn envelope slipped out of the man's pocket, some person just happened to pick it up. The envelope was not only picked up, but it was returned to the man's wife, and, as a result, there was a stormy time under this family roof. He Spent Neil C. Polson, jr., returned Jamaica on Friday. 4 from "Kingston's Famous Fur Store." LAST DAY OF OUR SUM- Fall Goods are expected to _ arrive next week, and to-mor- row ends our Sacrifice Sale. To the woman 'who appreciates brand new fashionable | wear. ing apparel at unheard of low prices we would say, visit our store to-morrow. The entire stock is marked away down. $1.50 pt . 2. SLOS LAST PAY! SHOP EARLY! WATCH OUR WINDOWS. B000000000000000000000000000s Sooneoveccosscocvene ee . eseseccscercrre 5 a ¥: a THE DAY'S EPISODES | Occurrencys in the City and Vicinity | <va Princess street | street . * $00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 LOCAL NOTES AND THINGS IN GENERAL. ~=Other Brief Items of Interest Easily Read and Remembered. W. Y. Boyd, Gananoque, is very ill in the Kingston general hospital. Williath Swaine, piano tuner. Orders received at MecAuley's. 'Phone 778. Leo Greenaway has returned to Port Hope, after; visiting friends in the aty. 3 H. Cunningham, piano tuner, King street. Leave orders al Agley's bookstore. See our special suit case, $1.50; ex- tra strong trunks, clieap, at Dutton's, 21 Me Mrs. W. A. Hughson and daughter, Grace, of New York, are visiting Mrs. W. H. Smallridge, 'Earl street. Sale 'of children's white shoes, 63e.; patent Roman sandals, 95¢c.; infants' shoes, (25c. Dutton's, 209 [Princess Mrs. W. H. Friendship and daughter, Hilda, Frontenac street, left, Thurs- .Nonsense NOVELS By STEPHEN LEACOCK, RE Author of Literary Lapses, Etc. tion of ten short stories written a burlesque vein and at its very best. The Best Book of the Season. PRICE $1.00 day, to spend two weeks with her; sister, Mrs. C. II. Derry, Napanee. $1 motor veils, all sues, 50c.; stylish sailor collars, 20c.; three-fnch #ilk ribbon, 10c. Dutton's, 2089 Prin cess street. \ Mrs. W. T. Lée and little daughter, Irinda Jee, of Penhold, Alta, are home on a visit with Mrs. Lee's fath- er, Myles Pixley, Spafiordton, Ont. Men's socks, 10c.; women's vests, 2 for 25¢.; children's hose, .10c. per pair; ladies' hose, 15¢c. per pair. Dutton's, 209 Princess street. Nv Miss Gertrude Cooke left for her home in Smith's Falls, this mormng, after a short visit with her grand: father, Edward Cooke, Nelson street. Save money by wearing revolving rubber heels, 15c., 25¢., Abc. pef pair, put on free of charge. Sole agents. Dutton's, 209 Princess street. STOCK QUOTATIONS McCualg Bros, Montreal. Through J. O. Hi ton, Lith, Ask. . S17 5 . Ny . 383 og 0 83 =. 8 1193 OR 1583 62 147 1053 1613 From 1911. Bid. 313 10 21 2384 514 694 August Crown Reserve Eastern Canada Pulp . ('anada Cement Canadian Pacific Railway Dominion Steel Detroit Unitdd ........ .... Duluth Superior ..... . MeKay Com. '........ coos Richelicu & Ontario ..... Quebec Railway Toronto Railway ... Dominion Textile ..... Lake of the Woods Twin City . " Montreal Power ... Hollinger Swastika ... Foley-O'Brien' ...... ...... ...... Dome... ...... mi Severe Preston Kast Dome . ----e . 119% . B81 159 . 145 . 107 . 161% 10.85 Ab} 1.00 61 29 New York Stocks. Bid. 7 .. 18 . 1158 wierd 384 nai dua 1473 . 122} 42) 631 ThE Union. Pacific United Steel . Southern Pacific Rock Island Reading .. Northern ¥ ites Missouri Paci Andvisin onthe Copper Atchison > Bid. . 102 Chicago. Wheat -- THE WHIG'S JUMBLE. A Lot of News of Interest to Every. body. Sale of special men's bootd, all sizes 81.75. Dutton's, 209 Princess street. Mrs. Michael Shannon died at Hal ston on Saturday, years. for summer complaints, *25c. "Prouse's Drug Store." Addie MeCready, six years old, in Belleville, on Wednesday, of pendicitis. See vur special - corset, 50¢.; hose supporters. New York Reform, 200 Princess street. Ralph Ni brown, eighty-six of age, died, in Belleville, on nesday. He had resided for sixty years. "Buy fly poison pads.' Gibson's. Miss Jean Kirkpatrick, B.A., Pene tanguishene, university, staff of the Athens high school. A memorable day in the history of old .St. John's, of the parish of Clay- son and Innisville, was Aug. 2nd, when the corner stone of the new church was laid by William Warren, people's 'warden. N° Men's Oxfords, firft-class styles and quality from $2. Dutton's, 209 Prin- cess street. : "Buy sponges." Gibson's. A pretty wedding was celebrated at the home of Mre. M. A. Niblock, Ath- ens, on Wednesday; when her daugh ter, Nass Margaret F., was united in !martiage to Henry chester, Leamington. Sale of women's $2.50 Oxfords, com- fortable lasts, $1.50. Dutton's, 208 Princess street. "Pyramid fly eatchers."' Gibson's. The marriage of Miss Elisabeth May, youngest daughter of Mrs. E. F. Owens, to Norman C. Buffam, was cvlebrated Aug. 2nd, in St. John's Ejfscopal church, Marcellus, N.Y. Mr, Buffam is from Lanark, Ont. ------------------------------ Scarcity of Fruit at Niagara. But not at Carvovsky's. For turday we offer 350 baskets peaches, 250 baskets plums, 100 baskets eating died ap four Dress years Wed- falter, helping with the milking, went aged fifty-seven { Carter's Wild Strawberry Compound |/ in Bellen slle o a graduate of Toronto ® had been engaged for the|; Edward Man- ® The Volume consists of a collec- illustrating the author's singular gift of humer Handsome cloth binding. 220 pages. RECIPROCITY An average of about 4c per we in 23¢ pays for the Toronto 4 \ --~ $1.00 pays for the Toronto Mail your door by the postman from now ek. September 22nd. giving the entire Election News These newspapers have arranged for a special staff 3 acs company the different speakers in their trips from Halifax to Vancouver, and full reports of the speeches and developments in the campaign will be printed fully each morning Globe delivered 1812 or to until Jaghuary 1st, Mail' or Globe from new... goth y 260 PRINCESS STREET. OPEN NIGHTS. ~The College Book Store "Phone 01% Capt. Joseph Parsons Suffered Loss of the Prince. Word was received in the city on Thursday . that Capt. Joseph Par sons' boat, the Prince, was burnt, but the crew was saved. The Prince has been engaged in carrying sand from Cleveland. It is supposed that the fire took place some time on Monday as word was sent from Detroity where lives, on Tuesddy. A reported that he going up the lake, and J evidently he life-saving and took , ! 'the captain lighthouse keeper noticed a boat which was on fire, was trying to beach. crew picked up the crew them ashore. Capt. Parsons is ian. He lived here some vears ago and later moved to troit. His son, Herbert, is one of the firm which owns the boat, which his father Railed. Capt. Parsons is a son-in-law of Mrs. Webster Robinson, Brock street, and he made a visit here last August. The captain's many friends are sorry to hear of his mis fortune, but are glad to hear that he is safe. an old Kingston twenty-one De 'Attacked by Cattle. Tweed News On Tuesday evening of last week Mrs. William F. Farrell, living about a hali mile below Hazzard's Cormers, to an adjoining field to see if there was sufficient water for the eattle. She had started to return when she saw the bull and a cow rumming to- ward her. She started for the fence, but tripped and fell, and before she could get out of the way the animals, were upon her and both weré trying to oore her. Fortunately they were both! dehorned. : Her cries attracted Mrs. Mitts' at- tention and she shouted for help. This brought Mr. Mitts to the rescue and he had great difliculty in beating the animals off. Mrs. Farrell was very seriously hurt Upon examination it was found that | her_collar bone had been broken, also | two ribs on onc side and three ribs | on the other. { Gibson's. "Fly paison pads." L HIS BOAT WAS BURNED, Petesestserestiessrtss ee & ® + » A SUMMER TONIC For that worn out, tired and run down feeling there is no better tonic than a combina- tion of BEEF, IRON AND WINE. in taste, enrich the + Ours is delicious ~ontains iron to @ blood, "péptonized (digested) ® peef to feed the tissues. and choice wine as an appetizer. * In a recent Government analysis a bottle taken from @ our stock of Beef, Iron and Wine proved to be_a superior @ article ranking as first class TRY A BOTTLE, 50c. Dr. A. P. Chown Druggist and Optician, 185 PRINCESS STREET. "Phone 343. 2566666686 46004 SS ® 2866464 DIFP V ROVER VIER REPRE RRR ee recess PIPPI IIIII PIII IIIS Menace to Monroe Doctrine. Washington, Aug. 11. arbitration treaties signed between the United States and Great Pritain and France a menace to the integrity of the Monroe Doétrine, Han nis Taylor, writer international baw, today predicted that the agree! ment would not be ratified in the sen | ate. He declared 'that it would be Declaring the last week on "enicidal to the supremacy of the Unit | ed States in the western hemisphere to «ubmit any question involving the | Monroe doctrine to a tribunal of ww i bitration which, he said, would be un- | doubtedly Jominated by world | influences. old i -------- Monday, Str. America. 230 p.m., makes a cheap excursion to '1,000 Island Park. Home early | | | ! | Only 35ec. i Se esses ee argain aturday I > & A snap for Saturday pus 2 5 2 Dozen Ladies' Peter Pan ®) white. trimmed with blue collar : > These are 75c Garments. @ TO CLEAR AT . 3 Dozen ladies' White Wai Kimono sleeves, very ne tl, sizes, 31 to 42 uf » 's front. ®) ® and up All sizes. E ? - 3 ur ¥ FOR: ,.} 50 only White Honeycomb Quilts, very durable, good size, £6 FOR A SATURDAY MORNING SPECIAL . Ladies' Wash Dresses. Princess style, dainty this season. broken sizes, priced up fo $6.50. SATURDAY MORNING YOUR PICK OF THE LOT AT A big Stock of New Style Corsets just received. EE SREP R dee eee eee see eles) | ® | . wo Buyers 3 | x. Se Each, Talsts, "with Kimono lee ve vid cuffs. broken sizes up to 42 19c¢ Each, with lace and PEwmbroidery | made, different designs, broken . BRe Each, colorg, all pew $1.95. @ Prices, boc '¥ see DERE os + i | ® ® | o | ® | ®) 1¢ (o | ; OE o | | and [x 89 11 English Photo Frames MADE IN STERLING SILVER WITH VELVET BACKS AND EASEL STANDS ROUND SHAPES, AND OBLONGS ALL OVALS, SIZES PRICES RANGE $1.00 to $2.00. FROM SMITH BROS., . Jewellers, Opticians. 850 KING STREET, Issuers of Marriage Licenses. MADE OVER AND : REPAIRED W. F. GOURDIER ------------------------------ ---- 631 h 4 good yard and Lei Pine Dwelling X garden and stable, 18 Johnson frame dwelling, J good garden. Corner Nelson tached brick; & $2.000 Corner Bagot and Earl ings, with improvemenis all for $2,400 116 Karl water heating light, $2 We have property parts of the City Albert Street. .& table; $1,100 Petached Frame rooms. b. & ¢; | $1,500 Street oom Street RIgn wlached rooms, bh & $1,656 and rooms; Mack Ihe lot 13 { dwel Street, Bas and electric 650 for all Come MULLIN,--The Real Estate Expert Money to Loan, Fire Insurance, Corner Johnson and Division Sts, Phone 539 Sale in and se t KINGSTON LAUNDRY 2 | Cor. Princess & Sydenham Streets, a" ny ew Phone A