THE WHIG, 78th YEAR PAIX BR: BRITISH WHIG, published 306-310 King yo On. By at $6 per Sear. tions 3.30 and 4 o'clock WEEKLY B wag, 18 aa DAE ubHshed in momahg at wn % J tar. as tes, arge or a price a Daily 8 Den Bont Fob Print. stylish pro ved LL READY FOR THE CLEANING iy ) Attached is one a t n fic anada; ra an cheap work; ning presses. TORONTO OFFICE. Suite 19 and 20 Queen City Cham- et re a ruc H E ers, u Smallpelice, J.P, representative, Daile Wiha. ADMIT LAURIER'S VICTORY. An interesting indication of the - opinion of the conservative party as POOOOSSOONIOOO0O0P00O0® [{ the outcome of the elections on . | September 21st, is given in g circular READY ° {recently sent out by the canning ® sombination of Western Ontario to Following Brands in Stock the wholesale merchants of the dom- SURETY, BRANTFORD, inion, says the Ottawa Free Press. In this 'circular, which &s signed by SPARKLOID AND CAREY. Thickness 1 ply to 4 ply. {two men who were conservative {members of the House of Commons {just dissolved, it pointed out that as "the reciprocity agreement between Price to suit your job. "An Asphalt Roof does not rattle Injthe wind nor magnify the neigé of pelting rain. v -- * . . :S. Anglin & Co SVs . Canada and the United States will very probably. be approved by ine Office and Yards: Bay and Wellington Sts. electorale on September 21st next at the genera elections, it is of the greatest imphgtance that wholesale merchants shold mow secure full supplies of canned beans and peas, because at thé session which will follow the elections, Sir Wilfrid Laurier, returned to. power, will not fal to have the agreement ratified by parliamenf, and this will mean an increase in the price of beans and peas of fifty cents 5 bushell." This is at once an admission reciprocity will benefit the by the gmount ofl fhe remission ol the American duty and a confession | that the conservative cause is doom- od again to defeat. It is the business man's view. s Cor. POCO NCICIOINISNNIONISIONOINS BES04400000400000408 The American Cafe 185Wellington St The and Eating appartments. and lighted. sar our Full Course Dinner, THOMAS GUY, Prop. $ FHHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIE Black and Blue Serge Suits Sizes, 34 to 44. ® SON eisIeITIeNE Sess ate seb that farmer Up-to-date Restaurant House. Separat Well furnish ABOUT CLEAN SWEEPS, McBride announces that he is going to arrapge for a conservative "clean sweep" of British Columbia in the coming election. Talk about "clean sweeps" should be subject to heavy discount, suggests the Toronto Star, They happen rarely in our political contests. In 1887 the liberals carried all the seats in Prince Edward Island; but the and $12 phenomenon did not 'recur again un- WORSTED SUITS, Nice Browns and|til 1901, when the liberals swept Gragn; 319, 812 and $13, both Nova Scola and British Colum- Boys' d-plece Bulls, fine tweed : . . good wearing gualities, $4, $56 to §7, bia, mot a comservative being elected Boys' 2-plece Sults, $2.75 to 34. in either provifve. It was the Grand fy, S | Trunk Pacific issue. which proved ir- ISAAC ZACKS rigintible in Biitish Columbia upon ATL PRINCESS STRERT. Li occasion Reciprocity, it will be found, has considerable pulling power along the Pacific coast; and in the matter of immigration, which was the [Tnw ap upon which the liberals were) {shipwrecked in 1908, time has gone far toward justification of the policy of the dominion government. The nearest approach to a clean sweep last time wasin Saskatchewan, 'where the liberals carried nine out of the ten seats. Predictions are freely made that on the reciprocity issue all ten seals will go liberal this time. Nevertheless - the thgfices are that something will arise to keep the repre- sentation bi-partisan, although there is no question of the overwhelming strength of the liberals in the pro- vince. (lean sweeps are not. desir § able., The minority in each province should have facilities for making its \lews known upon the fidor of par lament. Mr. Single or Deuble, Prices, 812 and $15. These Ruits are especially good value, and squal In quality style and fit to any tailor-made Bulls TWEED SUITS at $6.50, $7.50, $10 5 ---------- i bp ct BICYCLES BICYCLE SUNDRIES *, : BICYCLE MUNSON at Cat Prices 249 Yange St. Sendfoc Cut Price Catalogue. | TORONT® Asiasic Notice x Strangers and Visitors are BR Invited to inspect my big show- $f Ing of Antique Furniture, 2 Suitable prices. Beat quality. PARTY'S TACTICAL BLUNDER. A conservative paper that has sup- ported reciprocity from the beginning, and upon its merits, is the Ottawa Citizen. Clearly it is of the opinion that its_party has made a tactical blunder, and for reasons which are thus set forth : "There is nothing in the traditions of the conservative party that makes it an opponent on princip reci- Prosiiy. On the contrary, it was silure to secure reciprocity = that drove the conservatives in defence of Canada to adopt tection and the wisdom of the policy of the eon- servative party is ified to-day by the spectacle of the United States Soin bat in hand to au. for that reciprocity i was denied us. And here is where "it touches on the annexation a MH the United that reciprocit nexation a Jhat country not have given Canada the measure of reciprocity in the Julles when this 8 Cor. Princess and Chatham Sts, 'Phone 1045, y or Bell all kindy of Highest prices. 0 fv TB ld party to endorse what | PAR 5 [selves to be bull-dozed in caucus into | : | whine. THE WORLD'S EPISODES |GIVEN IN THE BRIEFEST POS SIBLE FORM. hesitation. The mem- ition allowed them- does. without bers 'of the an acceptance \of the leaders' dictum, | but the press has been unhampered, | and on! the trade question some con- | servatifie papers have spoken out in | no uneceftain way. {Matters That Interest Everybody-- PROSPECTS IN FRONTENAC. | Jheees dvom All Oser--litile of Never before were the prospects membered. a liberal candidate being elecied Y0e House of Lord 1 the vet Frontenae so bright as they are se Ards Dass LIE velo wm. ea ll by a majority of 'seventeen votes. the present time. The liberals of bi rp | Hon. R. 1. Borden and A. B. Cros chosen a capable candidate in Robert |by were nominated for the city = of H. Fair, whose platform is reciprocity | { Halifax, A generdl strike of Montreal tailors ecepted inati ° he « aud; wihiy asonpt the BOMIAALION is threatened unless conditions are im only because of a desire to serve the' proved, bewt interests of the farmers of Fron- | Bartholome, Ponténza was killed by tenac. He believes that better trade lightning at Oswego, N.Y., on Wednes arrangements with United States day. ! : g this dis | Car men's claims in London have would ean bul is heen settled and the strike is practi- Ed- | cally over, wards, is an anti-reciprocity mans' Sheese sales: Watortows, NY. and hence the electors of Frontenic to 12e.; Camphellfordl 12}c. to have a clear-cut issue before them, 5-16e.; Madoc, 12 5-16e. to 12§e, and if they*® vote in their own inter : Summer, visitors went shopping at ests and the interests of the country Belle River, attired only in bathing costumes. They were summoned to at large, they will elect Mr. Fair bY 8 court and fined. large majority. | General Georgé B, Gordon, com: The county liberal party is en- { mander-in-chief of the confederate vet: {husiastic over the alection, and it (erans, died at Memphis, Tenn., "oii Tuesday, di} y, aged seventy-five years. intends to fight hardNor its ap a] Among the returning officers appoint: date. The impression has been that! jy .. ¢ Brotkville, M. M. Brown; Frontenac is hopelessly conservative, South Renfrew, E. E. Grigg, Renfrew. but such is mot the case. Years ago, Lanark South, H. Taylor, Perth; Leeds when it was more conservative than €: ; Tansdowtis, now, Thomas Dawson, liberal, earried | Leroy Edgett, only agin months the north townships. The late How- the ospital at 1920. 19 { married, died in |Seneea = Falls, on Tuesday, fron urd W. Reynolds, 4 few years ago, al- [burns he' received when a plug of wost defeated J. S. Gallagher. It has | traction engine he was driving blew been pointed out by Mr. Mowat, the out. i i {. H.C Tapes editor of the Vankleek liberal organizer, that it has been or-| , \ ganization that the liberals have | {Hill Review, has' been committed for {trial on the charge of publishing = a chiefly lacked. There were enough | eriininal libel concerning Judge Con unpolled votes in the county during | stantineau. He was released on $1,000 the past two elections to give the {hall Botan. che fe oa . 4 toa 1 of ¥ > whe many years liberal candidate a large majority. | was dramatic Grric on Sin ar Dr. EdwaFds is not invincible by any {papers and 'who established a coun In 1908, he did not win on ley- wide reputation as a poet and ori His opponent was M. |ginator of the Jinks of the Bohemian Avery, and a personal battle was |Club of Smi Francisco; "died at Boies fought. This time, many liberals who Springs, at the age of sixty-four, voted for Dr. ¥gdwards three. years ago, will be for the reciprocity candi- MANUFACTURERS FAVOR IT. A number of old-time conserva- themselves for of Frontenac Their duty is regret it if means. an issue, Two Spoke Strongly in Favor of the Pact At the liberal! convention in Brock- ville two manufacturers came out {strongly in favor of the reciprocity ' pact. \ John Gill, president and general manager of the James Smart industry > in Brockville, and one of. the largest Sir John Thompson, sn 1891, 'asked |} ardware and edged tool manufactor- his electors to back him up in get- [ies in eastern Ontario, rose .at the ting a reciprocity agreement just like beginning of the convention to place . on record his hearty endorsation of this one. the reciprocity agreement, Larger and freer markets in natural products must {improve trade conditions generally and {direct benefit must accure therefrom. Mr. Gill deprecated the suggestion that the opportunity for ingreased prosper ity would 'weaken -in- finy way Can adian fidelity to Britain. "The agree ment," said he, "is purely a sound business one, and Canadians will do well to avail themselves of its ad- vantages, altogether apart from poli: ties. I am glad as a manufacturer to have this opportunity of heartily ap- proving of this reciprocity agreement and of the sound businesslike agree ment secured by Mr. Fielding." "I, too, desire to give my views as a manufacturer," added William C. MacLaren, general manager of Halls, Limited, manufacturers of gloves, sus- penders, etc. "I have given the mat: ter of this reciprocity agreement. a : : a -------- sy [great deal of thought and 1. have The New York World has figured it found that there Is nothing in it ex out that Col. T. Roosevelt used the| cent benefit to the people of Canada. persopil pronoun "I" 130 times dur} cannot understand how manufactur- ing Gis examination by the Stanley ers can take any other position. This eel | investigating soOmmitter Satur. | 8gFeement in no sense injures amy of us, and cannot fail to be a big thing day. Tt always has been the most im: to the farmers and artisans. I desire portant word in the colonel's vocabu- Nto put myself on record as a manu lary. |facturer in complete accord with the [reciprocity agreement, and am glad {indeed that the farmers are to have this opportunity to secure better grow in production and wealth they returns for their labors. must secre means of expansion by} "I Jo this because I feel strongly markets for their 'surplus natural pro- {that 'the unwarranted position in . . which the manufacturing interests Suns. We sanhat way ay howe, ol [have allowed themselves' to be placed jac nives wi e is exciting animosity and class feeling thereby grow rich and multiply," says in the minds of the farmers., We the Halifax Chronicle. 'We must have | should not object because the farmers outside markets for our products.' ' reap benefits; nothing has been Jone {to interfere with the manufa¥furers, This is the solution furnished by reci { and we will be: well advised to attend procity. {to our business. I am a director in TT . {one lumber company in Quebec and in Attorney-General Campbell, of Mani- | ji, her in British Colpmbia, dnd ; I toba, declares that because of the re [know that reciprocity will henehl quired registration for Brandon and both. I cabmot see why any 'manu- Winnipeg, theusands will be disfran- facturers have been induced to take a chised. Yet who is to blame? R. L.[stand against it,' Borden and the conservative party, who demanded an election. They are responsible for the situation inthe western province. In England, the un- jonists are howling because the liberals are carrying out the terms of the con- stitution, and here in Canada, the tories are making the same kind of a date. tives openly declare Mr. Fair. The farmers now have their chance. plain. They will never they elect Mr. Fair. EDITORIAL NOTES, \ Wonder il the black rust has hit the | Laurier crop in the west ? enquires the | Toroato Telegram. It has not, but it | has given the tories the scurvy. Admiral Togo says if it is necessary to fight it is best to fight quickly. In this view he is supported by a warrior in another field of endeavor, Sir Wil- frid Laurier, whp caught the tories napping. It was a fine point made by a -wo- man speaking before the National Ad [Clubs when she said that women buy- ers prefer to buy advertised goods, for they are generally up to their ad- vertised standard of quality. ps "If the maritime provinces are to | Sensational Bargains. In summer haté at Campbell, Bros' Great reductions in price at Pre vost's, Brock street, in ready-made clothing, gents' furnishings snd. eloth- ing made to order. This clearing sale to make room for fall and winter im- portations. David Wolffsohn, leader of the Zion- ist movement since the death of the founder Theodore Hertzl, has Jecided to retire, because of ill-health. Pro fessor Otto Warburg, of Berlin, may succeed him. "Buy shaving cream." Gibson's. Order your corset now, perfect fit, from $5. Specialty made of spinal and abdominal supports, shoulder braces, 50c, New York Dress' Reform, 209 Princess street. Mrs. George Rasmussen, of | [Chicago was fined thirty times uring her thir- Sie og Mark Twain's Works. If you are interested in obtaining a complete set of all his books at one. half the former on the easy pay- ment plan, it will cost nothing to get full particulars and a new thirty-two book, "Little Stories About Twain." 'Address Box annually passed the house. CAST ORIA For Infants and Children. The Kisd You Have Always Bought |" Bears the life for the sims to hail merely took to a rovi love of adventure. She from Lincoln county. 1,000 Islands--Rochester. Steamers North King and Caspian nd Minas am 5 pam, bo for Thous- pm » Aver sT iL 1011. DR. SOPER. | DR. WHITE | Specialists in diseases of n, Blood, Nerves, Bladder and Special Ail. sable ; if impossible, send Ristory for free 'opinion and ad- vice Question iar and book oan diseazes of men free. Consultation free." Medicine furnished tab) form. Hours : 10 am. to 1 pm, aud 2t pm Sundays, 10 am to 1 pw. » DRS. SOPER & WHITE C. 35 Torente Street, Toronte, Ont, FOR SALE $400.---Five per cent. Domin- ion Permanent Loan Company Debenture at par and interest. 3-4 Acre Garden Plot adjoin- ng City. Lotsand Houses in ny part of the City. West- srn Lands and City Lots. |, 0; HUTTON, '18 Market St KINGSTON Wood's The Great Engli Tones and invigorates the Benny nervous ia spuon, mages new us Debility, ean and Brain Worry, Des ondency, Weakness, Emissions, Sper- aatorrhea, and Effects buse or Freesses, rice e will please, six Be Tai ww Medicine C ou Toronto, of a box, six fi On $1 per 2. six for 5, ory cure. Sold LE on Setiotd v Windsor) of ideas, who have some inventive ability lense write GREELEY & MelN TIRE Patent Attorney a, Washington, THE OTHER WAY. The" Manufacturer Should Remem- ber-to Help Others. The manufacturer knows how help: ful protection is to his business. Why does he think that the farmer does not know how helpful reciprocity will e to hia? is the query of the Toron- to Star which, continuing, points out the better way the manufacturer; might have pursued in regard to this matter, Protection, when introduced in Can- ada, was recomprapded as a means for bringing abouy just such a bargain with the United States as has now been brought about, If, instead of fighting the recipros city agreement, the protected inter ests and the conservative party, which is the protectionist party, had greéted it with approval as a cul mination long looked for, and a deserved reward to the farmers of Canada, who had so long and cheer- fully borne the taxation which a pro- tectionist policy had igposed on them, how much stronger Wald have been the position of these people than it will be after reciprocity has been car- ried in spite of ghem, and in the face of their furious but vain resistance ? This was the way F. W.!C. Haul- tain, condervative leader gin Sas- katchewan, would have fronted the matter. as 4 : ' : : : ¢ 4 ' ¢ ; | ' : ¢ : ' ¢ ~~ @ecsssrassssssssssssasecacsccscacsssscsacacsel {BIBBYS LIMITED! Men's and Boys' Departmental Store es Sir, it is an absolute fact that ndreds of the best dressed men in New Suits for Fall is town are willing to hold up their : : : 1911 ' Ves ; hu : t right hand and swear that they never : : ' : : experienced full satisfaction with their | Clothes until they 'commenced buying here. W SUITS FOR FALL 1911 15. $15.00 Heavy Scotch 'effects. Don't be afraid to ask us to show you those New Suits for Fall at $15.00 that we advertise. We fit the body, please the eye and suit the purse. Make no mistake. We are prepared to deliver the Goods special to your measure af $15.00 in 2 hours time. "The Young § Man's Ideal Clothing Store. BIBBYS LIMITED 78-80-82 PRINCESS STREET : ¢ : : : 2 ci : w - dd hh he A TORE TOE NAIL FROM STEP-CHILD. Girl Charges Father and Mother With Inhuman Treatment, Toronto, Aug. 11.«-Magistrates Cruickshank and Rowntree . reserved judgment in the charges preferred against Thomas Dennis and his wife, of York township, of abusing the form- | er's nine-year-old daughter. In her | evidence the little girl said that her stepmother tied her to the bedpost and lashed her naked body with a whip She tore a toe nail from the child's foot by tramping on it, according to the little girl. An officer of the Girls Home said that the child bad behaved well since she had been admitted to the institution. The parents denied the | charges, but were remanded on $200 | bail, Step. Yot Afraid. Brantford Expositor The agricultural implement industry is one which we have been told would be destroyed bv Jeeiproeity, Since then we have seen thé Cockshutt Plow company; the Verity Plow com- pany and the Massey- Harris company greatly increase their existing plants and the Oliver Plow company and the John Deere company go ahead 'with extensive new plants. To-day the list is further added to by the announce ment thatthe International Harves ter company, of Hamilton, will imme diately extend its plant by $300,000 or. $400,000. Pretty convincing ' evi dence, we should say, not only that the Canadian manufacturer in these lines does not fear American 'competi tion, but also that reciprocity will be of benefit to the farmers, Mrnialeiaire---- Pulling Wool Over Eyes of Farmer. London Advertiser. +A United States senator deelared the other day that under reciprocity a willion Csuadidn sheep near the-buoe-i- would at once be driven into United States for shearing, The Too tonto World is raving over an invas ion of American mutton. Thus in both countries the romancers are try. | ing to pall the wool ovér the eyes of the sheep-growers. Keep Cool on the Water. Saturday, 2.30 p.m. America tours the Telande, 0c. ! William Burke, of Chicago, is under | Islards and N.Y, J. P. Hanley, agent. itt wt ors hiss = arrest at Stockholny; Sweden, for com- in iy a > the e, Shelt gf 31,00 eaten (thote: Tufte bun fourtem esses iat is the finest blend of the two best wheats Canada produces ~Manitoba Spring wheat and and Ontario Fall wheat. One provides the rich gluten that makes bone and muscle, the other gives lightness and whiteness to the bread and pastry. Beaver Flour makes \ more loaves to the barrel than "any other flour on the market ~loaves that are sweet, nutri- tious, and light, and it also makes delicious biscuits, cakes and pies. Try it, and show your friends the excellence of your baking. DRALRRS Write for prices on Peed, Coarse Grains and Cereals 11? ¥hie 1.1. TAYLOR CUy Limited, Chatham, Onl. 3 i pi re DRU-CO DYSP STENITIRI ion dyspepsia--set your stomach. right again. ¢ i all dares National Drug & Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited 82 . Becond Hand Furniture of New and Second. hand iia Vutnicors ainsi wd at Pre sory ar. erman's, "a Sutarte There is a serious outbreak of plagee ni, Clana. Since Saturday -boreign settles.