min DALY BRITISH Ya. SATURDAY, AvGrST 12, 1911. 1 THE Whig, 78th {their trade as far as possible with WHIG, published the Mother Country; secondly, that Tl 25% they should not confine their efforts ELT, hiFian wig. 16. to British markets, but be aliowed as parts on 4 day" S2d their second duty to increase their ia mars cha go 1 for post trade with other nations; thirdly, a that any benefits given us by the sell-governing dominions to other pations should be given also, not only to the Mother Country, but to the other dominions of the emjire." The resolution was followed by an- jofher, by Sir Wilhéd Laurier, which fo Pras a | favoured any steps that 'meant ° the ers, 32 Church . Joranto. | E fuller development of commercial in- Smallpeice, J.P, representat! Dailo Wibig, = volved the 'appointment of a royal commission, fo gather up the facts and prepare the way for whatever ¥I"S THE FARMERS' HOBBY. [practical course they suggested. The The proof that the one great and whole plan had the cordial endorse- {dominating issue of this election, in ment of the Asquith government, and |the counties, is reciprocity, has been it olight to Kpow' what is for the lsupplied in Frontenac. } Wherever the good of England, Hate member has spoken he has been{ The relations of this country with x {whling to discuss nimost anything be Rritain are not in jeopardy. British {fore reciprocity, but it is reciprocity (connection is not in danger. There is {that the farmers will have before no call for any attack on the liberai Ithom. Whbre there bas been a vote, |zOvernment on account of 'it. It is Inot called, for by him, but forced suggestive that the British League is {upon thé meeting, the larger sum | Packed and financed by the conserva. bers--overwhelming majorities--have| #ve party, and its Toronto agents Jet hammer in favour of the j6re telling the League what they Suite 19 and For Barn and Drive House Door. i Made of highest grade .materials Strong and ex- veedingly durable. Simple. Eary to attach, Easy running and can't possibly jump the track. Lasting satisfaction. PRICE, 75c, Sold only at SRCT; ronght todo. | CORBETT'S, Hardware - It will be_thus to the end of the -- _--_-- $000000000000000000000 The government did not de| SOME POLITICAL GROUCHING. ® [sire a snap verdict. Its wis™ was to Some yoara sje he J ausiok hi READY carry on the business of the house. ment was impressed with the' impo until there had Deen a full registra- tance of the Hudson's Bay railway. tion of all the votes, and a redistri/ The queqtion Waa ae. lo Hs Prony " t th es bution "of seats acoording to the cahility. The Seat step wns the Following Brands Mn Stock: BRANTFORD, AND CAREY. piece. new census. The opposition would Pie of a party to Hudson's Boy, not have this. They obstructed the proceedings of the commons day al ter day, in order to force an appea to the electors on this trite pact. Now that this has been the result of their action the conservatives are Reciprocity, is the only thing the farmers talk about. It is, as the Canadian Farm and Weekly Sun, farmers' pa- pers, assert, the only thing that con- cerns every farmer, for the winter season, and for the of. observing the conditions ns navigation. What was the length of the open season? The pub- lication of the report followed, and fie was a state paper of the very high- i 1 purpose to SURETY, SPARKLOID Thickness 1 ply to 4 ply. Prive to suit your job. An Asphalt Roof does not rattle in the wind nor magnify the noise of pelting rain. or - S. Anglin & Co. Office and Yards: Cor. Bay and Wellington Sts. Not only-hdd reliabfe data touching of navigation, but data of a miscellan- eous Character. The next step was the commission ing of a party to gain all the infor pation it could respecting the timber the pro- est value, not satisfied, however, | collected, the question will resources along the youte of and the report upon in print. of engi- It is the one thing--and the only posed railway, this subject has been put At the same time a party neers was engaged in pyeparing the plans and reports upon which the government could, if it desired, rand if were satisfied of the practicability of the scheme, proceed with the work. The government has let contracts wid at once there is a protest from in many years, which deeply the tiller of the soil. in| phumg it this he shows his wisdom. . rhein h TAXING LAND YALUES. Tax reform is a live subject, and it is attracting more and more atten- tion. When one reads of additions of | $5,000,000 and $10,000,000 to the real |' : 34k oT estate values of certain western cities |I11¢ = conservative opposition, Fhe he wonders how the increases can be Hamilton Spectator leads in the tu- figured. mult. It has always had its doubts In Vancouver, only the land values | #bout the railway io Hudson's Bay. are taxed, and they are constantly | It has these doubts still. : It considers changing. A given point, central, is "the thing ai® impossibility, commer- taken, and the lines are run out, and cially." And yet when Mr. Borden as the distance is less or more the | Was touring the west he talked a ratio of taxation goes up or down. Eovd deal about the railway. The land represents the real and abid- He was in favour of bufiing . im i w and as the values are rais- mediately. He confessed that he kne ed annually it is easy estimate | very little about it, and that he had what 'the difference or increase is. | sought and obtained no information, A study of the municipal tables, | He was sure, however, it could -be which are occasionally printed, opens built and he had no hesitation in up another line of thought. These saying that had Sir Charles the wants and wishes of my tables show that there have heen ad-|'emained in power it would have a Lan SY ey @ [ditions of many millions to the as- been constructed many years ago. He Very require. § The basis is not the same |"®% committed to "the immediate con ment. : + u L WINSTIN, 159 Wellington St in all cases. Indeed the basis is struction and operation of the Hud- I RR EE RRR RRR shifting so rapidly that sometimes it government is affected by many thousands of dol Second Hand Furniture thing affects and he his whole attention. In ties. Let me show you how to wear it, also the Spirella he * of the comforta- Soningethe why' Spirella Corset. Homo Gth sxclusheely. Sed post card or phone we. Margaret Dunnert, Corsettiere, 1060 Wellington Si. 'Phone i 78. L SES, ees LT et PrREhE RI a DREER Ladies' Custom Tailing. You may 'come to me with 5 confidence in my ability to please you and confidence in 1) the fairness of my prices., I.; have made a careful study of KY A simple house gown looks neat if worn with a Spirella Corset Fitted to your individual measure; brings out bea lines; subdues irregu accurately ing worth, to sessment. son's Bay railway as a work." Ihe Spectator is persuaded that the government is Apening and awarding Tupper is that the conservative party in "the fofmer year had a feader. If we promote the prosperity . of the farmer we shall undoubtedly pro- mote the prosperity of the whole population of Canada. The main in- dustry of Canada is agriculture will 'be for many years to come, not always, and Hiinois has a new law that forbids the drinking of liquors in part of a passenger train except the dining car. It isn't such a bad law, the Os wego Times says, With drinking con- fined to the dining car, at the prices you will find on the wine cards few people can afford to indulge excess even if the steward would per mit such a thing. any very to "It is fortunate that the Canadian election comes as early 2st, as soon after then the country roads in that latitude become block- aded by snow drifts," remarks the Os wego Times. The Times editor should not display such marked ignorance of this northern climate, seeing that he fives only about fifty miles south of Kingston, and in a town which broils in summer and which is very stormy in winter. Up in Canada, the weather last winter was. far less stormy thay it was in Northerg New York. PUBEDLBBAOIBONLLNONANS $ The Man On Watch. ; ° » o » 9000000000000 000000000 The Lampman's "'flagology' is the subject of criticism by one who signs himself as "Britisher." His cntic holds that the proper place for the Union Jack on the flagpole in Vie toria Park, is at the peak, and not at the masthead. The Lampman still maintains that the Jack should be at the masthead, and he also claims that the type of flagpole that stands in the above mentioned park should not be there at all. Such a pole is for sig: nalling. The Lampman is further of the opinion that the Canadian ensign should not fly on shore, as it is sane tioned only for the mercantile mavine, There is only one national flag that shoyld fly on shore, and that flag is the 'Union Jack. A churchgoer' remarked to the Lamp man the other day that it was too bad the churches were so empty this summer. He doubted if so few people in Kingston ever attended church in summer before. The higher critics, he claimed, were regponsible for the peo- ple keeping away from divine worship. Just the day before, the Lampman heard ome of the higher ecrities of Queen's University preach in one of the town churches and he was amazed at the simple gospel sermon he gave If that is the kind of higher criticism (taught at Queen's, let there be more of it, the Lampman says. He Joes not think that the people pay any at- tention| to religious heresy talk. er things are responsible for small church 'attendances in the hot wea ther. 1t- has been dinned into the heads of the people by the Lord's Day Alliance that Sunday is a ret Jay, and they make it that as much possible. They look upon a journey to church as anything but restful. The Lampman does not hold this view- but this is a free country, ~THE TOWN WATC HAL AN. 0s TLV VTVLLTVLVVVVELLVLTVOOD VTLTVTTLVVTH LTTE TVIVR CTL LL BTCV RLTCTVLETOOD ressssssanae -e ASTER!!! Every man (not disqualified) who is =» British subject, whether by birth or natu- ralization, who is over 21 as September | Oth- | {lars within a few days. The mayor of Large Stock of New and Second. |Ottawa has cited a case in which he hand Furniture; also all kinds of Pre- is interested. He bought a lot far serving Jara Call at H. Bugerman's, w tenders for election years of age, and'who has resided in Canada for 12 months, and in the City of *! wi purposes. What as Mr. Borden's wild and reckless : i | or warre | | BIBBYS LIMITED! Men's and Boys' Departmental Store SBA TLRRVVLAe SSeees SR pg Specialists in diseases of Skin, Blood, Reryea, Bladder and Special All. ments of me One Fy dvisable ; if impossible, send history for free 'opinion and ad- vice Question blank and k on diseases men free. Consultation free. \todlctue fugnished in tablet form. Hours : 10 4m. % 1 p.m, and 21% 6pm Sundays, 10 am to 1 paw. , DRS. SOPER & WHITE L. 26 Toremto Street, Toronte, Ont. FOR SALE $400.--Five per cent. Domin- ion Permanent Loan C 'ompany Debenture at interest.| 3-4 Acre Garden Plot adjoin- ing City. Lotsand Houses in any part of the City. West- ern Lands and City Lots. New Suits for Fall 1911 ? Yes Sir, it is an absolute fact that hundreds of the best dressed men in this town are willing to hold up their = oQ =r ~r 5 Q. a. w s 0 5 ~~ ye o . -- -- 0 « ny 0 4 0 gn experienced full satisfaction with their Clothes until they commencéd buying here. NEW SUITS FOR FALL 1911 J. 0. HUTTON, 18 Market St KINGSTON DR. AKED'S VIEWS "SOCIETY. IS LEAVING RELIGION| © OR RELIGION LEAVING SOCIETY. | Fifty Years Behind England in Re- ligious Thought--Declares Prayer Meetings a Humbug. Chautauqua, N.Y. Aug. H.-"Eng- land is fifty years ahead of the United Ntates in religious thought," says Dr. Charles F. Aked of San Francisco, the well kndwn English preacher, who "is at Chautauqua for this week's devo- tional hours. This was one of a num ber striking statements made by Dr. Aked in an interview. "The American | are up-to-date in the vigor of their | church life, 'but in the interpretation | of scripture and in theology they dre] fifty years behind England. Things call-| ed heresies in this country have heen | accepted fn theology in England for mauy years." Jn | Dr." Aked is well known in this country, especially through the pub- licity. he has gained from = being known as '"Rockefeller's pastor' and on account of his recent resignation | from a New York church to accept a parish in San Francisco. In - to this last, Dr. Aked said it was all | false that he dft New York because] the members did not want poor | people to come to their hurch. | 'There were poor people there com {stantly," said the doctor. "'John D.| ® | Rookeféller, Jr., would stand in the] vestibule and greet them himself | That was all newspaper talk," "Do you find society people leav-| {ing religion ?"* the doctor was asked. "Decidedly. Either is leav- ing religion or religion is leaving so- | dety."' | "You have been quoted that; prayer-meetings bers "The 15. eavy Scotch effects. Don't b fraid to ask us to show you thos ew Suits for Fall at $15.00 that we dvertise. We fit the body, please he eye and suit the purse. Make no mistake. We are prepared to deliver the Goods special to your measure at $15.00 in 2 hours time. "The Young Man's Ideal Clothing Store. &R vl. e € o VBL VEVTATLTTVVLTVLLTLLTALTT LLEVA ATLLL ELT ETAT CLL VLHTLT ALLTEL LLLEEAE STLSVLLLTLTLBLTSQT2cseaee Zz _--- pn BIBBYS LIMITED 78-80-82 PRINCESS STREET society @ essa sssassscsassssssasns Sass sssssesse saving | @ocrsscssssssssasssreasPressasscsssssasssasase num- | as back are COMING HE Porcupine Goldfields has, in our opinion, THE BOOM IS as prayer meetings are, I have | said, 'stodgy' things and the greatest | hombur | know Ihe dom'y | want them. They say but | people they, do, had lds siumg ys On prayer meeting might they always 4 [have an engagement for the theatre hg po the, opera, or for dimmer tor | something. This true as as | # |New York is concerned. When went | ito the Fifth. Avenue church jon with the prayer meeting they | + wan me to but the people would # not tome. I quit going and organized #|a Bible class to which people came." 3 "You have become un Congregatiof + | alist, have you not ?"' | "Yes, | am a Congregationalist. The ! Baptists in America are still' clinging to baptism ns an essential to church | membersnip. That is not true in England. Alexander MacLaren and! Cliffbrd do not insist on baptism and some of the deacons in my church! were' not baptised." | "Do you mean they were not bap | little ised at all or. were they only sprinkled 7" "When I say baptised, T mean im | mersion, of course, as there is nol 186,000 and sold it for $10,000. A. few | days later it was sold again at profit of £3,500, Ottawa's grievance is that the sessment of real estate is not the cofrect method of taxation. The real estate of the capital is said to have $ increased in value last yesr by about BR | $15,000,000. But this is only a guess. flere is no way of getting at the real value of the buildings in a rapid- k $ilv growing city. Ottawa would like i Cor. Princess and Chathani Sts. the power tp tax land values, and its ; Wi LB th winds ot B member has made several futile of 8B Furniture. Highout Brice. $3 forts to get through the legislature a RX bill which - will permit of this. Sir James Whitney objects, and for the reason that he seems to have some tisgiviggs about the matter. BRITISH CONNECTION SAFE. The British League is a wew or ganization, having ite birth wt To ronto, and for its object (he cultiva- tion of an anti-American prejudice. Its occasion to be the fear that , business relations of the Canadian- Aunierican people under reciprocity may become too friendly and that there may be, as a consequence, a Wwoan- ing of the Canadians from the mo- ther country and the loyalty which exists between them. This is the #ig hoom We pred) on i and according fo conservative mining men the coming---September 15 is the date set by them when this dale is reached, the esent market prices Kingston for three months preceding the 10th day of August. 1911. is entitled to vote If your nanié does not appear on the municipal lists for any reason you must re- gister in order to vote tegister promptly. and vote for the Government which gave Canada Manhood Suffrage and [/p-to-date Lists. Call at Liberal Rooms, Prin- cess Street, and arrange for Jour rogistration. 243 Ontario Street. : talk in Winnipeg about this road, if not for political purposes ? a or far 1 I as as | EDITORIAL NOTES, There is a strain of humor contention that Canadian farmers afraid to have a larger market. EXTENSION DOME~~FOLEY - MINES -- DOME EAST HOLLINGER-----REA SWASTIKA VIPOND--PHESTON O'BRIENA-PEARL LAKE went Noti otice 8 Strangers and Visitors are % invited to inspect my big show- the are in 3 -- John A, Macdonald favored re in farm products, but it i only fair to remember that Mr. Bor by any means. i Ing of Antique Furniture. 0" Suitable prices. Best quality. L. LESSES, stocks begin g kind of sccuri tocks immed When gold than any other mentioned nt rapidly above will be increased at least 25 pér up they increase In value more ties. Our advice is, "Buy any of the ately at marke! SPECIAL CANADIAN WEEKLY POSTED ON THE PORCUPINE Bir einrocity WiLL DIN LETTER COBALT uen ism t a John A, MARKET AND OUR: KEEP YOU TRICTS. SENT FREE UPON REQUEST. WE WILL BE GLAD TO EXECUTE ORDERS FOR THE PURCHASE OR SALE OF ACTIVE, LISTED MINING STOCKS, EITHER FOR CASH OR ON MARGIN OF 33 1-3 PER CENT., AND WILL ACCEPT CERT. FICATES WHEN PROPERLY ENDORSED, AS COLLATERAL MARGIN AGAINST PURCHASERS, Chas. A. Stoneham & Co COMMISSION STOCK BROKERS. NEP Nr OTROS PEPR POP HPP < » + Mr. Borden is the .irst conservative * leader who ever urged that the free exchange of farm products must in- free exchange of ' every- » iat taaatadhittatu ad No > Quiszing Him. Teacher (to new pupil) Hannibal cross the Alps, man ? My Little Man~'For the same rea son as the 'en crossed th' road. Yer don' Satelit me with no puzzles. Syd: other form. of baptism." ney tin. | "Do not the Congregationalisis in- sist on a haptised membership and do | they mot sprinkle infants #"* 7 "Yes, they do. The . sprinkling of | infants 1 have not vet settled.. Ihave 23 MELINDA STREET. TORONTO, TELEPHONE MAIN 2650, not been asked to sprinkle an wince} ' : ;1 have been in San Francisco. It may | Direct Private Wire to our Main Office, 54.568 Hroad st, {be that when they are willing to re | of + "ceive unbaptised . members and place | ia baptistry in the chureh 1 may he! willing to sprinkle babies." volve the thing glse. Why did | my This is the farmer's turn for a share of the good things that follow from the normal development of a singularly favored land. In fairness to him, and in our own interest, let the Tarmier have his turn. Great reductions in price at. Pre vost's, Brock street, in ready-made slothing, gents' furnishings and cloth- ing made to order. This clearing sale to an for fall and winter im- prrtations. In the death which occurred, on Sun day last, Montague has lost its most 'respected and ---- resi | !dents in the person of Richard Box, , aged eighty-four years of age. The Toronto News has great hopes of the conservative party riding into power at the coming election, and foints to how §t overturned the Mac- kenzie govern t in 1878 by such a large majority. The difference between the election of 1878 and that of 1911 ° New. York, Esssssssssstsssssssssfitsestasasssssssssased + : Peaches Arriving Fresh Daily. Get Our Prices Before Buying. JE ILTOVE Bg, --- Mark Twain's Works. If vou are iiterestad in obtaining a | complete set of all his books at one- | half the former | ice on the easy pay- ment plan § it will cost nothing to A full particulars and a new thirty-two book, "Little Stories About ark Twain" Address Box 409, "British Whig office." Miss Susan Church, Prescott, died on | August 5th, at the residence of Mrs, | Benjamin French, Dibble street, after | illness of meveral months. ' "Banish fies" from horses Wand eat: the. Mexican Fly Destroyer will do it. Stic. pint, at Gibson's. After forty-two vears continuots | grind in -railrond work, George Wilkin- san, of of Prescotl, has 'been superanuu- a "The genuine ewl's fron Tanie Pilla" are, solid at Gibson's 3 away, on Avgust 3rd City of St. Boniface 5% DEBENTURES § | At on Aiactve Rate Wood: Gundy & Coe LONDON. Engl. TORONTO, Canede I@ssscsssccssassssssas We Make Brass, Bronze, or Aluminum Castings Prompt Deliveries. Send Your Patterns. The Canada Metal Co. Ltd., Fraser Avenue, Toronto