4 CWT WEE st - wu DAIDY 'BRITISH "WHIG, 'WEDNESDAY, AUGUST '16, 1011. ies v Cue TORONTO Savings Deparment Ofters to ail thrifty people a most convenlent "and secure depository for their spare dollars. Interest is added to balances twice a year, RECIPROCITY AND TOWNS. 3 S---- There is Great Benefit From Help- BY A CONVICT | 3 : } ing the Farmers. } m MOTHER AND SON "SHOT IN A|Toronte Weenly Sun {GIVEN IN THE BRIEFPEST POS- FLORIDA COUNTY. | Reciprocity is not to be regarded) SINLE FORM. wholly as a farmers' wsue. It needs | i senped ederer Added tgument to prove that the pros | : or : A a of the bban population de- | Matters That Interest Everybody-- a it : | Mt 4 Prtmee---Hiniell Vie - of oe au the production of the farm, |. Notes 'From All Over--Little of | Wound I... : @ forest, the mine, aud fisheries, ft | Pénsacola, Fla., Aug. 16-News Han gostly on: the production of the tat. | reathod here of a tragedy in, lee }i the smual yield of farm products | county, Florida, Saturday might, re be diminished from. apy cause, the! sulting in the denths of Mes. Weeks, affect is soon felt in the town, M the wife of the postmaster. of a small farmer has not the mesus of buyihg Lea county town, and Willie 'Williams, 4 new coat, he will not buy one, awl an escaped conviet, and serious in- the tailor will lose the profit of mak- a jury to a son of Mrs, Weeks. ing and selling it. The yoposition el Willintos, who was servisg an life the Dingley Sait wicket She gin dentence on a econviet farm rear the of farm produce from Ugnada to the .: | Weeks" home for the Killing of two Lnited States to fall immatiately from fresh Hie mutes, tu "Today. died on' white men, six years ago, escaped jwenty-five millions to thirteen mis, ms - Ach ! a the convict farm, together with Lions ¥ doMars, That loss, ao doubt t Rati ites Drevidenit, | ng ® [three other ife ferm prisoners. Steal hastened the emigration of farm folk 4 y tool oath of o , on ding | : o : Wednesday, before the congress, and | ® "ing four horses, supposedly «or the from Ontario, and aggravated if it - . of evn ug -- o purpose of robbery. Thinking thai did not produce the industrial eg. ME aber government. e it was her hushand returning home sion in the: cities and towns from 1590 | A series of earthquake shocks wero | BANK OF TORONTO 3 i LY Everything Easily 'tend sud | membered. ; | The weather conditions contimue ideal | and grain is being cut generally to] day throughout the prairie provinces. | At Hdllevbary, Ont, Fhe body of 4 new born 'babe was 'found Wdden in| bush. An 'arrest is expeeted shortly. | William Boyee, Hamilton, Om. | struck by mi autemobile returaing | 00000cedscocccevecosoed YOUR BASKING RUSINESS INVITED. : i Souther : ® (Mrs. Weeks went to the door. Thee to 1896, There are many towns aml itv Su aiies Poftugal, a Tueily ®- she was confronted by Williams, who villages throughout Ontario, which on MH WY a Jereasing il i woman grade questions | have displayed a 8. ng ¥ iy aj urions disregard for their true in- P&E i hve { op wEurioNy ¥ { | Mr. Borden has left for Chath for wake \ fie Weeks' They ; > i - Ba "hatham Awakened by t #hot ¥ # "terest. They huve voted against the I~ Sosniaias. -MotWIhslan ® [nistee year old son ran to the door farmer and neglected him. they have the sof the meetin in | o ® 'and was shot "also. 'He managed 10 exhausted themselves by tax exemp I , Seren : don crawl back to his room, and securing (jens, bonuses, and the like in the on ae was up at six oc . Williams ag. he . Siw hove. vain. in mosh Cases 83 experitncs ys, Soo your, umes ts. Henderson, | Au p ne proves, o a " a ing actories an a aged sixteen vears f Ranatonio Tex: leaving Williams lying population of working men. There hi yuaia, > hu yn an the ground. He remainad uphill were not factories for all, and the as, fishing in his pocket for money lo noon Sunday, when Wéeks returned advantages of some central locations | home to find his wife dead and bis for manufacturing were gradually from the logs of disclosed. The result was that many died in the towns amd Wwillages were disappointed land suflered greatAoss in wealth and "Pomation, fro the burden of deats must be distributed over smaller. number of taxpayers, and rates must be raised on a reduced | wasessment, the lot of property own-| ers is now in many places Hard. Such | ------ us theses. ought to carefully consider | (Continued from Page 1.) i the Beliefs which reciprocity will jain the majority, they would . "1 21 being to ther, bY perenne Sie value the agreement and "then there: woukl oa 233 Of 'arm proc Mey on. ' he : Tre be reciprocity all aver the land. How "504 504 purchasing pote: i e greatly Tun could this policy lead to annexation ? "& 613 oreast hI, 1 Only tue more mo °5t {he asked. Jet them discuss the mat a8 ' ype i. a ehpracity we ea ter calmly and with common sense, 1343 132) : ' JA wi bn rely tem 0 re OFe Annexation could be brought abeut in KB (the rural population. one of two ways, dither by conquest or by seduction. No one had ever {heard that the United Statics was go: copspuer Canada Then th sessesssstebestsnsnestcconens B50,000.000 '®. {mediately opened fire, the Resources $ being killed instantly Vrs. "KINGSTON BRANCH 107 PRINCESS ST. GEORGE DB. McRAY, Manager. pa : a revolver shot ® about to enter the door ® men escaped, : buy a paper sccidentally fired off a | ° revolver, killug a mews woman, Mis. | ® Rose Maloheode. i . Stewart Laidlaw, census commis ! sioner, Winmipeg, is considering suiny | the Winnipeg. Tekgram. for libel for | stating that census desmmissioners wee | deliberately keeping down the popula- tion of the west, | poseecesserscssscocey eseccsene son unconscious hlood T yard - Later Williams STOCK QUOTATIONS McCunig., Bros, Montreal Through J. O. Hutton. | € August 6, 1911. | Ask. Nid. S08 LAURIER OPENED, [Crown Reserve Bast Can. Pulp Hanada Cement Hammocks ic. -P. The kind you can 'lay straight out Dominion Steel pass i Detroit United on and not double up. Wke a Jack Duluth Superior Minoi and St. Paul knife. Mckay Com BR. & 0, ------ Porta. Rico | " | Quebec Ry H MM K, Toronto Ry. Twin City Just like a bed | Lake of the Woods Hammocks from $1.00 to $7.50. S BUT A PARROT CRY. 119 «63 + LAs MSE | 63 | ling to BS | Prices Will Meet on a Level, it Wlquestion arose, eould Canada be se 157% Claimed. : 5 1059 | "duecd ? No one believed that by eom- Bn "1 | 'The opposition papers pass out to ing to Canada, Americans couldn 1615 1614 each other the parrot cry that the duee Canadian citizens to join the e fhknobking down of the tarifi wall will United States. "Mr. Borden will be be a bad thing for the farmer. i ian two dave," he declared; "and | Monreal Power for comfort. : fn the United States it is the Am- {I say this to him, if Mr. Borden will Bid. Yorican 'farmer who is to be swamped bunswer for the tories, 1 will answer A694 hy the removal of the barriers which [for the grits." wu BY Hn restrict the movement of Cama- | He yroduced a resolution of the To- # {dian farm prodoets senthward. In Yonto hoard of trade, which dechared - -264 {Canada Vb Canadian farmer is to. be that ¥ any section of interest would con MEE trampled under foot by the flocks of bymefit that benefit would be nore MBE hy wid hevds of kwine that are Ao {than offset. by the loss to same other or 4 Toom ve rushing northward the mMo- moetion of the community on BOT \mait artificial obstructions to. trafic | "I say," aid Sir Wilfrid, "(hat Mod tare removed, the formers are benefited the rest of These statements are made by cmen the country will benefit, for we know who know mot farming--amatenr ad- (hat agrievltire is the base of yisers and so-ealled farmeps' friends, fprosperity.'? What they say counts for little by the side of the experience of pragtical Union Patifie United Steel adit nians vem pas Southern Pacific oo... Rr i . New York Stocks. } "Rock Teland Reading... Northern, Paci | Missouri Pacif FOOPPEE. alesnimnsi os on ALCRIRON iio w A. Mitchell i HARDWARE. iW is often forgot | transaction. The Sunday prayer ten in the wesk-day "Buy hand cleaner," Gibson's. Ha Pact "Not a Treaty. The resolution also prophesied \ --- ture damage to Canadian trade FN NE CIEL SR } We Are Showing fu He would not men. . A | Here is what is said by the Hap. F. M. Warne, who besides : being an fyi on to say that the risk lax-gavernor of Michigan, is one of po utual. 'Lhe agreement was the largest dr..rymen in the state, hay- a treaty and conld be abrogated af {ing both dairy herds and dairy fac- | ny time. A great deal beey, {tories He said that last year, while made of some of the utterances on the "The was paying on the basis of wp to floor of the United States congress $1.30 Joo th. for 'mitk at some of land sennte by some men who were anx- {his factories, ¥ic. per 100 Ibs. was the i, for-annexation. "There are some] ruling price at Bloomfield in Prinee | | | Edwary County. On the average, { imen in the Listed States who desire declared. th iff he |snnexation," he declarpd, 'but there] |deciared, ere was a differelice © | fully twenty per cent in favor of sad are men in Canada who do not want | : thal "Jf he were addressing « meet | {American market for dairy produce as the south: side-of thedake he agwinst, the Canadian, and he express- would tell his audience that Ti reci: ed the beliel that under free teada | oy want the . loss of in butter, prices would meet on a level, nationalit-- and independence, Canada the Canadian going uh and the Asp | vould tell the United States to go on | ferican going down. The same thing, ji way. The tilk of annexafonivas| he suid, would oconr tn regard to hay. aueath the notice and beneath the! ingntemyt of a thinking. people. lwas fonny to ledrn that the | zatives were so. zealous for Arrivals and Denartures of Vessels tiul trade with Great Britain : at This Port. {they had opposed every step taken to] The steamer Plummer. passed up -on secure and enlarge 'the preferential | Tnesday. rade with England. The eonservas The tug William Hackett cleared, j1ive party took the stand that they light, for Uswego {would not give a preference to (reat The schooner Maize will clear, to Fo Lain unless Ri was earned. : Vise night, for Charlotte {liberals offered to make a preference The steambarge John Randall is at without. return. There were peuple the Kingston dry dogk. {who thought that the British might The schooner Katie Fecles cleared, | vot fives firtlerute. hat at At Sens Tuesday night, for Big Sodus, shiree different elections they ha « The tug For. By oo barge Colom: [Fined to do so. An agreement had Wan went into Davis' dry dock, for [been made with the United Stites ios ir { ing at of tarifi; repairs. 3 : ; i {volving a métusl Whales a The steapbarge Westport arrived in Did this act as an thstac | port, this morning, from Risleau_éo preference ? Surely Wot, Catiade, sould nal ports, on her way to Port Mill- 'snter into preferential an " ag Tal, a cargo of cheese boyes in the matter of mstluctiiee Mticics M.T. Co's elevator : Stuamer ger lwhen and wherever she deswed. 0 Crown arrived from Fort William, to- igo still further, i the Ameriean peo- day, and discharged 70,000 bushels of [le made an objection Lo the giving wheat; tug Emerson arrived from Lake of a preference to Great Pu tain Can- Erie and Charlotte, with coal barges | da would say © "Very well, then, take for Montreal, lvour own econrse." ft waw well 10 re Wark is being roshed on the steamer {inembx r that it was not a 'treaty. Re- (eronia, now in the. Kingston dry jeiproaty took only the -Jorm 'of ao doek, having a new wheel installed. agreement that could be abrogated at Many dollars are lost while the vessel io ie 4% out of commission and every effort| "f.( me {ote the law on the in heing made to get the work done length of this agreement," sarl Sire as soon as possible. Wilfrid. "As contained in the letters The stemmbarge John Randall met | hich passed between, Mr. Fiekling and with a slight mishap as she was about [My Knox, secretary of state for to clear for Oswego, on Tuesday af | United States, under date of Jdatnary ternoon, suffering » breakdown in the {21s,, he former wrote that: 'It ix machinery, and haul 10 return to the 'agreed that the arcangement will not Kingston foundry for slight repairs. ihe in the formal sature of a treaty, OF {The vessel was delayed a couple of but shall be the result of the conenr cleared across the rent action of the congress of the a 'hours, and then a , : 1 3 fake. United States and the parliament of : i + At Swift's wharf: Steamers Toran fittawa.' Canadinns may hope that it v a; : to and North King, down aind up, to- iwould remain in operation for nt his : es oy ine day; yacht Amorita with a private time, but no attempt was "Bee the latest ideas in Velvets and Hy on board, anchored at Swift's, (bind either nation syaiust' the intra erly: sieamer Rideau Queen elear- tion of any tariff tion that i ing: Steuiner To this Mr. Ruox ) : a Rear hv Fr this promptly replied that tive auderstand: Any garment made to your special ing on IN MARINE CIRCLES. conser | preferen: | whea | _ Cheviots, Broadcloths, Velvets, Diagonals, Tweeds, ETC, ETC. SKINNER SATIN, genuine quali- P: full one yard wide, in all the eading colors, for $1.25 Yard. BLAOK VOILES, special offerings, in all Wool French Makes. at 60c, 75c, 90c, $1 Yard. Color and quality guaranteed Ann Fined by Mr. ~levening: 'steamer Bellet tle passed down ing of the pact, as outhinec hi to-day: steamer Dundura was due to ds ih Nix own. "You are pass ap tonight, on her way west, 310i, why d A ---- ---------- 3 Ww 3 3 the government so ined A, t was current that a # Heil ig minent hotel, among the ovancig Toe lands, bail heen burned to the ground Lo, {but so far the report eannol be con - y ae, 3 . Re- | world, "What | conservative association temdered. him { his Canadian | : | States industries and y 4 tarifi, and it would be given to all | THE "S the' world. Canadians could meet | ! ; there thie competition of the world. | Under the present a greement the pre | perfence went to Cenada alone, Which | | was the better for Canada * State mesits hud been made with wails and | lamentations that in giving agreement Lo the United States the | door had been opened to the whole | did such a statement | mean? They said it beenuse some old | * treaty entered into by (reat Britain | favored- | ¥ some | § in 'barbaric days comtained nation privileges, There were countries to which Canada would compelled by Lhis agreement to ply the same tari terms as 10 United States--Beolivia, A--entina,' Austria-Hungary, Switzerfanc, Neo zupla, Japan and othersi, from uone of 'whieh Canada imported much if any natural products. 'It was rnidicu- lous to say that they need fear those countries. At the imperial conference, Sir Wilirid stated, he pointed out that those old treaties might some | day 'be au obstacle to the future growth of Canada, and he moved ul resolution, which was passed unawi- | mously, that if ever amy. pressure was | brought, by these nations, His ma: | jenty's government would enter into | negotiations to rescind the treaties. | He bad been eriticieed by the tory | press, 'dnd called 'au traitor and ol separatist. He was not ai traitor. He did not parade his lovulty very ol but was: born, under a form of libarty | and did not thiok that false appeals to loyalty would estrange his fellow: Canadians from him, l "Every one was learning, perhaps in spite of themselves, that blood was | thicker than water, harmony, | peace and concord the two great mations American heaven that expressions of hostility | were no longer hesrd. Owly last week | a treaty had been wigned hetwesy King George V. and President Fait, | which made it absolutely impossible for there to be war between the two be | ap; of the Nerth | nations," In conclusion Sir Wilfrid stated that the present agreement would not be the end of the reciprodiv negotia tions reachiiy agreement, which will bring even more closely together the great civilized mations of this eomtinment."' HONOR STANDING. Department 'Issmes Results of Junior Examinations. | The results of the examination for| honor jumior matriculation are givew | below. The standing obtained | each subject is indicated after ul! candidate's name--I indicating first- | class 'honors, H second-class honors, | and II third-class honors respective | ly i Frontenac-- 1. R. Sparks, -Fr., 11. | Germ. 111.; 'H. M. Thoinas, Math Hi, Lat. HL Fr, 111; A. M. "Fovell, | Hist, 1, Lat. ITLL Leeds and Grenville Ww, Johnsen, Hist. 111; G. E. Stewart] Eng. 111 { Prince Rdward--E. M. Rougard,| Hist. 11; Eng. 1, Lat. IIL, Pr. 11} Germ. 11.; R. O. Campney, Bang. 11] Chem. 111, Fr. 11.; M. lL. Harington, Hist. 111., Eng. 11, Lat. Iii. Fr. 11 Chem. 11, Fr. 11; T. P. Love, Hist. 111, Bog. 11, Fr. 111; H.C. Maybee. | Bag. Il, chem. 1H; 8. M. Miler Hig. 11, Eng. 11, Fr. 111 Gem Ith; 4. BE. Munro, Fag. IL, chem. I, Fr. 111; G. E. Ringer, Fr. Hl, M. A. Thompson, Eng. H.. math, 1]. Pr: HI, h Borden at London, Ont. London, Ont., Aug. 16.--Two thoun- sand people greeted IU. 1. Borden" in the Grand Opera House, here, last night, when he opened his campaign the London liberal in this province demonstration, prededing Ihe keynote of the "Canada for © EGana- Borden denounced the reciprocity paet, which, he alleged, is going td place Canada in the hands of the United States open the Canadian markers to the United have the coun Washingtos. & monster address meet ing was hans." Mr try's .tarifi fashioned at ---- The Frivolous Limit. His. main trouble was that he per: sisted in treating everything frivol: ously. Nothing was sacred to him Suggest any subject--any one 'what ever--one that was absolutely rending the world asunder-and he would | crack a joke about it "That chap,' said a serions-minded friend, in a wild attempt to do justice to the other's frivolity, "why that | chap is the only human béing on earth who cun sing the Declaration of | Independence to i concertina accom« | paniment i To Live in Rochestér, N.Y. John Sheard, formerly employed] by R. J. Reid, undertaker, left this] wedk for Rochester, N.Y.. to live) with nis mother-indaw, Mrs Gharies| While. . It will be remembered thai! Mr. White died in Rochester 'about! three weeks ago. He left some valu- able estates in England. Mr. Sheard will go later to Ragland to straightes up the business there Prince Found Guilty. i Stephen Prince, afrested at To- routo for burglary, after he had been out. of the penitentiary 'but a feds days, was found guilty. He said he entered the home of Alan Larkin Albany avenue, by securing the key under the door mat. He will be sentenced August Ind. Shooting at Toronto. At the Ontario Rifle Association meet, Toronto, Major #.°J Pasaon won $3 ia City of Hamilton mateh.! and $5 in the Osler match. Lido A. MH. MeGreer canght $3 in the City tof Hamilton mateh . Sometimes it is best to think twice Hdore you speak, and thea Inaitate. i Many men 'iheine only to repara: tion when the nw foroes them fo. i Daltan's Jemonade. in 10 cent bottles, | at "Prouse's Drug Store." i Through this | | the | A prevaiiled between | continent... He thanked | I 1 i | | md | I have visions of a more far l 3 | | | i i | TO-MORROW We will place 'on sa'e 500 yards of DRESS MUSLIN. Th y are all White Ground, with Pink, Blee, Mauve, Tan, Green and Black Spots and Small Figures, suitable for Kimonas ov Children's Dresses. 25 inches wide. Seld reg utar 9c or 10e, " To-Morrow 5¢ Yard SKE WINDOW. 75 Stamped Corset Covers Made from very fine Lonsdale Came brie, stamped in several dainty de- vigr 8; also 3 Skeins Peri Lustra to work cover. Complete the whole thing For 15c. 16 Only Fancy Parasols TO-MORROW at HALF-PRICE Wa will sell the balance of our stock styles Ladies' Fancy Parasols, all thris Summer's. Black, Black and White, Blue, Mauve and Linen TO-MORROW. $1 50 for. 75¢, $2.75 for $1.38, 1.69 for 85¢, 4.25 for 2.18, 2.50 for 1.25, 2.50 for 1.75, $5.50 for § 2 {de Corsets French Model Corscte, $150, 2.00, 2.50, 3.00. Crompton Corsets, Ble; Toe, $1 00, 1.25 up. D. ad A. Cordets, 50e, 75¢, $1.00, 1.25 up. Children's Corset Waists, In a great variety of makes, 27e, 39c, 49¢c. | J.Laidlaw & Son | | 000000000000 0000000000000 SITIO TNNEODOO0 00000 NEITN0000000RINOOROIIIIOISY | Discount Off - All Oxford Shoes ef Sn fs ie ff St fe MEN'S, WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S ALL SHOES OF $200 AND LP. 9000000000000 000000000 esense as The Lockett Shoe Store Pe a aoe sessvsseavessee sees a a a 0000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000 * fee ~