Daily British Whig (1850), 18 Aug 1911, p. 3

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TENDERS | "TENDERS WANTED. INEWS OF THE THE DISTRICT" RECEIVED of or before pur hase of the TENDERS WILL the undersigned August 19th, for the Business and Stock-in-Trade of Robert J, Lawler, at present conducted as a Wholesale and Retail Liquor Store, at 150 Wellington Street, in the Clty of Kingston. The highest or any cesparily accepted C. G. CLARK Bailift, for he Mo BH tender not ne- rigagee. Department of Railways & Canals | settlers, franch Line of Railway From Dart- mouth to Deans, SEALED TENDERS to the "undersigned and "Penders for Branch Line, 10 Deans" will be received ai fice until sixteen o'clock on Friday, Beptember 15th, 191 lane, profiles, specification and form of Doniract to be entered into can be seen on and after the h instant at the office of the Chief gineer of the Department of Railways and Canals, Ottawa: at the office of the Chief Engineer of the 1ntercolonlatl, Rallway, oncton;: and. at the office of the Foard of Trade, Halifax. Forms of tender may be procured from ihe Chief Engineer of the Department of Bat ways and Canals or from the Chief Engineer of the Intercolonial Raliway. Parties tendering will be required (o aecept the falr wages schedule pre- pared or to be jrepated ih the De- partment of La _whig 3 Om Contractors are reque tod to bear in mind that tenders' will not be con- sidered unless made sirietly in accord- ante with the print forms, and In endorsed Dartmouth this of- | ot NTRY NOTE GENERAL. lof Easton's Corners, was found | | The Tidings From Various Points in| department Ontario--What Are Doing and What They Ed lakes caliing attention to the Fastern Saying. Mrs. CG, W day. , Hooper, faged fifty-three e year IES AND THINGS IN| People" of Smith's Falls, | died on Sun | 'William Watts, a prominent resident bel Thursday. 1 Miss and John Irene White, sSparlin dead Pembroke, were of algary, ft married on Wednesday, Mrs. Gideon five years, died Samuel Dax jand Miss Mildred ADDRESSED 'were married on the 9h of August. Harold VOArs, Dav Label ane of Pembroke's on We idson, idson, died at Smith's Falls, le, aged eighty- earliest inesday. of North lay, we, of Pembroke, ed twenty-one on ag urrday, after a couple of days illness. Rev, by i i. Lake fram Montreal for a short stay old country. Sesbor Mani Mitford, sailed Thursday, in the ne, toba, The post office department at Otts- wa has announced the establishment of a rural mail delivery Hollow and Athens. Waiter Stinson, of Greenbush, 'near Boston. Mrs. Alired Hubbs, ton. Wooler quarterly ly showed pastor's serviees, Rev. J. R. a was He is ( eit A board mes appreci between Plum former. resident killed last week a brother of 'entre street, Pics the Al sting, umanimous- ation of their Butler, the case of firms, unless there are at- by jnereasing his salary $100, making twehed the actual signature, the natura of the occupation, ala place of resid- ence of ea mem the firm, An acespted bank Shvaue for the sum of $150,000.00, made payable to the order of the Minister of Rallways and Canals mast secompany each tender, which sum will be forfeited if the party tendering declines entering into cantract for the work at the stated In the offer Submitted The cheque thus sent in wil be re- torned to the respective contractors whose tenders are not accepted, The cheque of the successful tender er wil be held as security, or part se- curity, for the due fulfllment, or part security, for the due fulfilment of the contract to be entered into The lowest or any tender not parily accep. ed By order, . neces L. K. JONES, Herrelary., Department of Railwayh and 'Canals, Otttawa, August 12th, 19114 Newspapers jnserting this a ert ise- ment without authority froni™the De- partment will not be paid for Ii. Department of Railways and Canals Branch Line of Rallway From Guys . Borengh to Sunny Brae Through Country 0 founrondn With un Rxtpasion from Country Harbour Crossrosds, to Deep Water of Couns try Harbour, SEALED TENDERS ADDRESSED to the undersigned and endorsed "Tender for Guaysboreugh-Country Harbour Line," will be received at this office. until 16 o'clock on Friday, September the 15th, 1811, for section No. 1 of the Abs line of railway, comprising that portion extending from Guysborough te Country Har- bour Crossroads and from the latter eint to Deep Water Country Har our, Plans, profiles, specification and form of contract to be entered into can seen on and after the 15th instant at the office of the Chief Engineer of the Department of Rail- ways and Canals, Ottawa, at the office of the Chief Engineer of the Inter- colonial Railway, Moncton: and at tne office of the Hoard of Trade of Hali- fax, Worms of tender may oe procurs ed from the Chief Engineer of the De- partment of Railways and Canals or from the Chief Engineer of the Inter- colonial Rallway Parties re ndetlig will be réguired to accept the fair wages schedule pre- pared or to be prepared hy the De- partment of Labour, which schedile will form part of the contract; Contractors are requested to "Wear in mind that tenders will not be con. sidered ples n made strietiy in accords ance wil printed forms, ang mn the case of firme. unless there are at- tached the actual signature, the nature of the occupation, and place of residence of each member of the firm An accepted bank cheque for the sum of $100,000, made payable ta the order of the Minister of Rallways and Canals must accompany each tender, which sum will be forfeited If the party tendering declines entering into contract for the work, at the rates stated In the offer submitted The cheque thus sent in will be re- turned to the respective contractors whose tenders are not accepted. The cheque of the successful tender or will be held as security, or part se- curnty, for the due fulfilihent of the contract te be entered into. The lowest or any tender not naces- ily agcupted. : T Tape LK. JONES er retary. Yepartment of Rallways and Canals, I tia wa, August 12th 1911 Newspapers inserting this advertise. ment without authority from the De- partment will not be paid for iL O000000000000000000K Ny »D THE WRIST WATCH 13 THE MOST POPULAR WATCH IN USE TO-DAY. WE HAVE THEM FOR BOTH MEN AND WOMEN, RRS yan FLO TEN DOLLAR SIL. DO RATHER { i N ALL SHADES OF COLOR IS A MOST RELI- TIME KEEPER. i i= now $00, The death occurred at Hamilton, on Monday morni former residen deceased who At the bell, Victoria of the one of ted in gusta John The been the No groom marra Martin, Martin, active th less than B. R. Hepb sented to alle fore the Picton on ward county, Grenadier Ts ailment. fyears. farmers in wve felt but owing the to the local branch ment of rous surveys parts of the able to get vale, The 'rationa tarrh is breathing. to to troy get an the times a day, A complete bottles, but Soc, gist or post if Hyomei ma; croup, or grip, ead, Belleville's Central Booth Ue. Li is guaranteed sore throat, or refund yaur Sold and guaranteed by g of « of 8 r t was sixty-eight years age had been ailing for about a rates from cancer. residence of Rev. avenue, , Germ ge to daugl merchs Onta Vis sim 5,000 gravel have been put on. has superintended this work. urn, of w' his conservative Saturda for the nomination of the party the Honge of Commons in Prince The death took place of and former resident of Brockville who two years suffered from ty-three years of age and had on Grenadier Island for about forty I'he past few years a Prince Edward need seareit of the and ro I ¥y I way the Hyomei Seientists for been agreed on this point hut failed antiseptic kill eatarth germs and not tissues the same time, Hyoreei (pronounced High-o-me). Hyomei is the most powerful healing antiseptic known, through the inhaler over the #nflamed and gecm ridden membrane four or five of unti and in paid imited, alde James Simpson, a mith"s Falls. The of year Amos Camp- Belleville, uncle La Du Sills, rmen, was uni Miss Annie Au iter of the late | ant. ro mer an railway in improving roadbed from Picton to Maynooth. | Joads Joe Berry train o has con- go be Picton, name to convention as a candidate for Id v at al for bronchial vecently Hiram Buell, n The late Mr. Buell was seven- resided great many county of underdrainage, have been unable to do the work y of labor. The Ontario depart- agriculture have made nume- ans in different and have been ompson, of Elm Simeoe ans, who has a trac. tion engine to come and do drainage work in Prince Edward gounty. HYOME!I The Breathable Remedy for Catarrh. Ca- by have to eombat way, viz, years enough des the membrane at | the discovery of strong yet Breathe it y a few days the germs will disdppear. Hyomei ing the inhaler, costs $1 and afterwards Obtainable from gour drug- from the includ- extra enst outdit, noaded, R. .Y7. Erie, Ont. to cure asth- coughs, dold money back. J. B.. Me Fort We will iron on tr cost to you. th We ha TO GAS CONSUMERS Thee one week without any e Perfection Gas ve now dozens of Pleased constmers of gas using them, 'Phone 515 or drop U8 a card will give you prompt attention, J. W. OLDFIN, and we head of years anitob The applicant thin ry af at a the Dominion Land Agency tor Ihedists y be jhade 3 y agency, on iy Father a Toa £0! £3 vet or sister of fede: must 8 of $0 cinee, a, dnughicr, SYNOPSIS or uvAnAbIAN NORTH. WEST LAND REGULATIONS, ANY PERSON WHO IS THE SOLE family or ton or pret Saskatoehs any male over 18% ead a quarter Dominion land in Pach Bt PW an or Alberta. hi TEE, oe try by Sroxy residence upen onthe' and cultivation of the land in each of ar may jive acres ra aw nad ¥ his Ta 3 es EE SE and Sat- | Lend has | 'THE DAILY ! on KILL THE EXCURSION BUSINESS. muadian Vessels Not Allowed Take Passengers From U.S. Ports. I8. ~The United States commerce aud labor, issued a circular letter tw collectors of castoms the to Detroit, Avg, of | yesterday, {all on {law which forbids Canadian excursion ivessels from transporting passengers {from American ports to Canadian {ports or frum Canadian ports to Am- lerican ports and back. | The law provides a penalty of $200 to be paid by the steamship com- pany fur each passesiger so carried. | fhe matter wascalled to the atten tion 'of the department by the col- lector at Rochester, N.Y. Enforcement of 'the law will break up a flourishing excursion business now earrisd on by Canadian steamship companies on the lakes, ---------- i ---- POLITICS AT EXHIBITION. i i | | | Toronto Tories Wounld Introduce an Annexation" Bogey. Toronto, Aug. 18.--"Will the Cana- dian National Fxhibikon be used to exhibit the American annexation Hog- ey in order to defed® réfiprocity and to promote the interests of certain tory. polititans *"' the Globe asks. Information bas been communicated to that paper thai a plan has . been proposed ia influential circles to have an American speaker at one of 'the directory luncheons discuss reciprs tenP advocate political union as the result of freer trade. The plan could be worked, the arti- cle says, without the knowledge connivance of the board or of responsible officiale. or the POOR SPELLING MAY COST LIFE. "Mitigating™ Too Much for Jurors So They Omitted It. Memphis, Tenn., Aug, 18.--Unless the governor intervenes, William Fitzger- ald must hang for the murder of his {wife in a hotel here. The jury recom- {mended him to the mere yw of the court, (but: didn't put in the words © 'matizat- ling circumstances' because they didn't {know how to spell "mitigating," The {law requires' these words to make mercy obligatory on the judge in pas- [sing sentence. So the judge said death, instead of life imprisonment, Why They Died. Naturally applicants for life insur ance may be expected to put as good | |a face as possible on the reports von- cerning relatives and the causes of | their deaths, but they sometimes make rather amusing statements. Some one | {has collected a few of these which were | originally published in the 'British | Medical Journal." fais "Mother died in infancy "Father went to bed feeling well and the next morning woke up dead." "Grandfather died suddenly at the age of 103. Up to this time he bid fair to reach a ripe old age." 'Applicant does not know cause of * mother's death, bint states that she fully recovered from' her last illness." "Applicant has never * heen fatally sick." "Applicant's brother, who was an infant, died when he was a mere child." "Grandfather died from gunshot wound egused by an arrow shot by an Indian." "Applicant's fra- ternal parents died when he was a child." "Mother's last illness was cauns- from chronic rheumatism, Hut she was cured before death." "Father died sud- denly; nothing serious."-- Journal the American Association." of ------------------ Little Surprises. "Mr. Shunk, I find that this line fence encroaches aboye five. inches on your property. I am going to it back." "Hold on, mister, vou don't have to advertise your lost pocketbook You will see by an ad. we printed this morning that it has been found.' 'Pardon me for breaking it to you abruptly, Blithers, but you have been so faithful an employee that we ave going to give you a month's vacation this year," "Why ave that mining Don't you dirt "You don't need to look so scared, madam, the tooth is out." "H you insist on' my naming day, Jack, how will next do "Chicago Tribune. move you trying to get rid of stock, vou lunkhead ? know you've struck pay the Thursday Pulling Teeth in Scotland. An old Scotchwoman journeyed to London ta visit her son. She was taken with a jumping toothache and upon the advice of her son wisited a dentist, who soon had the offending molar flying in the air, With a sigh of reliel the old lady clinthed out of the chair and asked "How moocl "Ten shillings, dentist. "Tin shillings, is it, yo robber 7" screamed the woman. "Why, I'll ha' ye know, Sandy MacPherson 'ud haul' me all aboot the smithy for sax- pence.' mam,' réplied the i --------_ "Your money refunded" if Nyal's tooth paste is not the best on the market. Sold in Kingston at Gib son's Red Cross drug store. Rochester is donning a garb of flags and bunting in honor of the niveterants of 'the Civil War who will attend the forty-filth na- tions! encgmpment Grand Army of the republic, which will open here Monday. "Wild Strawberry Compound." Gib son's, A new line of rapid rumming motor in| SSeS has been established to replace! the antiquated horse busses that have been runming for more than forty years between the Chicago railroad stations and the shopping district "Buy Nyal's baby tablets." Gib son's. "Samuel Fowler, of the Standardstaf i* quite seriously ilk, in the general hos- ital. His Mrs. Dixon, of ' nocenily or with debberate in- SRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, . ff | HAmusements. LAKE ONTARIO PARK TO-NIGHT ad Bret BIG FREE SHOW VAUDEVILLE AND PICTURES. WEDNESDAY, CHILDREN'S 1 CENT DAY ON CARS. MATINEE AT 330, Steamer America BULLETIN. SATURDAY, AUG, 15, 2.30 pon~Tour of the filands, Se, SUNDAY, ALG, 20, 7.00 sam. and 2 pam. --Heguinr (rips S0e return, MEALS ON ALL TRIPS. Executors" Sale of Valuable City Property AU TIO AL ROL and $8 Brock Street on SATU AUGUST 26th; 1911, a2 12 a'cloel of part of Lot- No, 282, ly side of Bagot Street near Bay Street, having a frontage on Bagot treet of 31 feet, with a depth of 7% feet. On the premises there i8 a 2 1-2 ftovey brick house, containing a par- ting dining-room, and extension kitchen gas piping * and water furnace an good cellar . wiring' hot water oset and bath. The sale ts subject to a reserved hid Conditions made known at the time 'ted at reet Auctioneer, be insp Bagot ALLEN, any 8 LED - TENDERS ADDRE ) undersigned and endorsed for Supplying Coal for the Buildings." will be received untit 400 p.m, en Tues- 26, 194), for the sup- the Tublic Buildings Dominion SEA to the "Tender Prominion at this office day, September ! pty of al' for throughout the and form of Combined specification application tender can be obtained on at this office. Persons tendéring will not he printed with their notified that unless are considered form supplied actual signa- tenders pe { made on 1 and signed tures, | by ¢ accompanied ¢ on & cnartered Y order of the Haut able Minister eof Public Works, equal te ten per cent. (10 pe) of the amount of the temler, which will he forfeited if the person tepder- ing decliné to enter inte a comtract when celled upon to do so, or fail to complete the work contracted for. If the tender be not necepted the cheque will be returned By order, 4 RC DESROCHERS Secretary Works 13, iblie August of awa riment Ont re 1911, paid for this Hn with tment, Newspapers will not be advertisement if they insert out authority from the Depar 1870 ROUTLEY'S The Only Reliable Store To buy your Fishing Tatkle that's fit for fishing right now. 10 per cent. off Reels. 20 per cent. off Rods. For one week. Minnow Cans, Dippers. Landing Nets. Gaff Hooks. Pike, Pickerel, Maskinonge, Sal- mon Spoons, 10 per cent, A.K. Routley The One Store TO-DAY. Princess Street, ROD REPAIRS. Nets, Blown Out of Bed. New York, Aug. 15.- Amother and her new-born baby were literally blown from their bed in thie, Beehive section of the seething east side early yesterday. The outrage was commit- ted by Italian Black Havdérs, worag- ed because a prospective victim had refused to pay tribute. Because of the dastardly nature of the wrime, Com- mussioner Waldo and Tegpector Hughes | took personal charge of the detectives | trying to find the dynamiters, ---- She Was Suspicious. Cashior--I'm sorry, madam, but 1 can't homor this cheque. Your hus- band's account is overdrawn. Lady--Huh ! I thought there was something wrong when he wrote this cheqiie without waiting for me to get hysterical. --Chicago Mews. -- x For spraims, bruises, strains, swell ings, rub in Dr. Harts White Liniment, 2%e. bottle, at *Prouse's Drug Stove.' George Neilson was sont to 'the for stealing money from hospital pa tients. People don't. sets. bi tare Mug you ; they are interested got your money ® te Cape Viucent, 8, 6] RDAY, neon, on the weiter ATGUST 18, 1911. [oeseeerseessseseesssremrnarrerseimiine cteteessersssessesssessererry The People's Forum = © i 3 PAGE THRER. CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES First insertion lc = word, Each con- secutive jusertion thereafter half cent a word, Minimum charge for one insertion 20¢; three lasertions, 50c; six, $1; one month, $2. * HELP--WsNTED, LOST. TIP III II IIIT ITI II IRI SII II IRI F FIFRA PIR ISI IIIS IIIR III III FOR SALE. AN IRISH TERRIER, to the name der Ww ig to Col Street. CET ETI ES, HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. ANSWERING on Wadnesday rew ara by Ogilvie, 450 | be return. be Princess AT ONCE, A HOUSEMAID,. APPLY to Mrs' D.3Stewart Robertson Sydenham Street, cor. West SMART YOUNG work; good wages ton Hosiery Co, Ltd MAN, STEADY Apply, Kings. ving Street EXPERIENCED AGENTS goods on commission; state Apply, Box 318, Whig oN E, srience office --- -------- -------------------- TEN SMART GIRLS; paid to learpers; ply, Kingston King Street, GOOD WAGES steady work. Ap- Hosiery Co, lad AN . INTELLIGENT earn Nn an monthly nd fe for cate, 3.96 ON MAY corresponding or partieuiars, °p [3 Lockport, N.Y. CAPABLE OLD COUNTRY DOMES. tics, arriving August 6th, August 19th, Sept rd and weekly after Apply now, The Guild, Drum- mond Street, Montreal 14 Grenville Street, Toronto or CLERKS 70 SELL ARTIOLES MUON needed in every homs, pel, by working men; geod salary; manent position; if you are wen ing for small salary behind the counter, write to-day: you ear double your wages and be your own boss. Apply, Box "HE. B. C." Whig Office. WANTED--GENBRAL. BUY, omed in good $1,000 fice, OR SEVEN with fut price, $2300 Box 178 Whig TO MODERN x brick nu Toca ity Apply, of SHOE REPAIRING OF EVERY DE- scription; Ag BE class ork; best leather only ie one trial wiil suffice, rin 'your repairs to Scott's, 206 ie Street, cor. of Clergy West. GENTLEMEN TO BRING THEIR Cloth and have it made up into up- to-date suits, Price and workman- ship guaranteed to please. Pressing repairing done on the shortest notice. Thomas Galloway, 130 Brock Bt. next Bibby's Livery. PERSON HAVING GOOD SE- cond-hand Furniture and Btoves before disposing drop He a card I will pay good prices. I have Tor sale Brass and lren Beds and all inds of Furniture In Oak. Happy ought Ranges. Will sell reason- able. J. Thompson, 338 Priacess OCEAN STEAMSHIP AGENCY, TRANEATLANIIO LINES ALL CLASS. 4 Kirkpatrick, Agent, 41 8. Clarence Street, Kingston. 'Fuone PERSONALS, HAIR, MOLES,.. BIRTHMARK] warts, etc., removed permanently without scar. pwenty Jar ox rience. Eye, Nose, Throat and Skin Biem- th 'Specialist, 268 Bagot Btreet. MEDICAL. ini PRUNSWICK BOTEL, ONTARIO ST, G.T.R. station, one block from CPR, on street oar lime; bar supplied with best of wines end Nquors charges moderate; Special rates by the week. ohe usineau, Prop. THE GRIMASON HOTEL, 343-344 Princess Street. Bar stocked with best of Ales, Beers, Wines Liquors, &nd choicest Hrands of ch re. 26c each, or special es by the week. Ya sable accommodatio Rates reasonable. Mulville « 'Driscoll. TO LEI, STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, dry, AT rooms, absolutely "moth proat ; your own _ look and . key rosl's wid" Bterage, 299 Queen St 'Phone § > 158 EARL Septem bée DWELLING, Neo, possession house is being thor «8 and ™ kitehen: hot Apply te Armsiy 162 Centre Street, STREET: Ist; the f renovat @xtensjon heating, et« McCormick, ope 964 FURNITURE FINISHER. ANTIQUE FURNITURE A SPECIALTY ebonizsing and gilding. onameliing and ull colors of mission werk; all work glven best attention Pat Dilscol, 23 John Btreet. 'Phonr $ LEGAL CUNNINGHAM & MUDIE, BARRIST. ® and Bollcltors. Law Office, 79 ence Bt. Kingstos DENTAL. ° SPARKS AND SPARKS, DENTISTS 230 1-2 Princess Street, Kingston "Phone 346. 8. H. SIMPSON, L.D.S, D.D.S, DENT- 1st. Teleph 5 HF. TWIN INDIAN MOTOR CYOLE, 18 model: good CG, & J. tires, Ap. ply, Whig office ONE SECOND-HAND THIRTERN Dise "Drill, in good condition. Ape Ply to Dx J. Hay, Clarence Street. - A BIG VARIETY OF WALNIT AND mahogany Chairs and Sofas at Jory low priced. Turk's, 'Phone 05. r-- FRAME HOUSE, 88 Division Street; good cellar; all modern improvements, with bara and big lot. Apply on premises, PASSENGER, TWENTY touring car; alr sled in first class » conditiom Angrove Brothers' Garage, Angroves' Foundry FOUR n.r, Fr NEW FRAME HOUSE, BIGHT ROO modern improvements; lot 17 good barn, Apply on pres 177 Pine Street, or cornes and Montreal Streets. MS, HX mises of Bay BARG ALN, THE = 'rincess Street once to close up the buss Address, "8. Show Co, 115 Streel, Watertown, NY CW ONDER- m he A mG land 18t sold at ress Conrt RAND OPPORTUNITY, tiring, will sacrifice tablished Millinery high-class trade stand, "or full dress, Miss Killins, Street, Kingston, OWNER RE. a splendid es- Rusin and particulars, 178 Wellingtan NEW SOLID BRICK HOUSE, To N son Sireet seven rooms Ko cullar; hot air furnace: modern improvements; gas; lot, 40 x 150; possession abont Ist Sept. ; gwner leaving the city; snap for quick buyer Appl premises y on ------------. f-------------------------- ---- a FLAGS, AWNINGS, TENTS, camping outfits, fishing iackle, marine supplies, lunch baskets, English raindoats, everything in kit bugs, slik tent spray motor boat supplies, WW. Coake, 269 Ontario Bt £51 or 23. CANOES, CRITVAS, "hoods, Frank Phone : OR TO } 8 King Street Cafe, ne ir rent Milla it a obliged x to 1 ( would Mr busi he for Alhert torests there 368 Princess Street. DR. ©. CO. NASH, DENTIST; DR. O. Weicker, assistant, 153 Princess ot 'Phone 736. DR. A. E. KNAPP, DENTIST, 10 MONT. real Street, near Princess Btroet 'Phone 653. | S A. AYKROYD, DDS, ist, over Dominion' 187 Wellington | 0 LDS, DENT. Express Office, Street. 'Phone BUSINESS CHANCES. ANYONE, ANYWHERE, CAN START a mall order business at home. No Fhnvassing. 'your own Send for free Rha Tells how Heacock. 2.069 Lockport, N.Y ARCHITEOYS. HENRY P SMITH, ARCHITEC 268 T, RYO. King Street. "Phone 3 348 wr Telephone ARTHUR RLLIS,. ARCHITECT, Yiiversity Avenue. LI A SPARKS, BA, M.D, PRYSICIAN d Burgeon, 100 Wellington st Office hours, 10 3 1 12 am. Tito 9 pm. 'Phone 884. to 4 MUSIC, SALSBURY Music BROS, ORCHESTRA -- furnished for all oceasions at reasonable rates, from twe pleces to full orchestra as: desir. ed, Telephone 1079. MISS MARY KELLER IS PREPARED. to receive pupils n plang after Sept WM.. NEWLANDS ,. AROHI. tects, etc Oftice ns PON Street 'Phona 604. POWER A SON, ARCHITREOTS MER chants' Bank Building, corne Brock and Wellington ®ireets OSTEOPATHY. BOARD AND ROOMS, BRIGHT, AIRY ROOMS, WITH without board; can be had at University Avenue, convenlent core, gas, and all modern veniences oR to con. FINANCE AND INSURANOR, FOR INSURANCE THAT (NSURES GO to W. H Godwin & Son's Insurance' Emporium, over Northern Crown Bank, Brock Street, or 'pone 424. UENERAL INSURANCE--~FIRE, LIFR, Accident and Health Policies issu- oo Strat -Slasn companies; standard J. Boon, Agent,' i Wellington Btreet. A. BATEMAN, CUSTOMS BROKER and Insurance, Fire, Lite, Aceldent or Indemnity In first class come anies. 'Phone 356 wl Clarence treet, Kingston, Ont. FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEM- ment Soclety; established 1883; president, Bir Richard Cartwright; money issued on city and farm roperties, municipal and count ebentures; mortgages purchas deposits received and luterest lowed. , MeGil, Managin Director, ¥7 Clarence Btreet. a als . ¢ LIVERPOOL, LONDON, Firs dnsutance Fn mp. assets, $61,187.2 in addition te which the 3g SOI ave for security the unimited liability of all the stockholdeps Farm and city property ins [Ped possible rates. Before or giving new busine from Strange & Btrange, 'Phone 3 ND GLOBR y. Avallable Agents. "HEALTH WITHOUT DRUGS"--R. 6 Ashcroft, D.O., Edna E. Ashoroft ., Graduates under Dr. Btil the Founder of Osteopathy, {3 Princess Street, corner Division "Phone 447. No charge for con- sultation and literature. Offic hours. 10 to 12, 3 wo 6. § to A UPHOLSTERER, W, J. GAVIN UPHOLSTERING, RE pairing and carpet work, halr mat- roeo fengvatin 9, Drop a card or call 216 Bagot Stre THE TONIC OF VICTORY. Army Surgeons Say It Anaesthetic. Bonnette, a Frendh army attached to the 39th Artillery, in the Presse Medicale of the traordinary indifference to the pain of operation manifested by the soldiers of Napoleon, while the great conguer- lor was sweeping victeriously over 'Europe, While the defeated soldier is full of imaginary terrors, subject to panic, madness and treason, the con- qreror on' the other hand is intoxica- ted with success, says the New York [Medical Jourmak Nothing, wot even {the morbific microbe, can resist troops iwho believe themselves to be invih cible. Victory is the most powerfat of re storatives and the deepest aonesthe tic. Legless of the Old Gard erowding into an ambulance would at sight of the emperor rise on their stumps to salute him. After Eylan Larrey operated wnimterrupted- ly for thirty-six hours, and he reports how. the soldiers seemed uncomscious of their own troubles, lost in thought of the glory of their leader, and maimed as they were lending their best aid to fellow patients. At Borodina larrey disartieniated the of a colonel, who mme- Agts as an surgeon, writes ex i i Central prison from Sault Ste. Muridf jiately set ont for, France on af {where he arriv venty-five years old: bad shattered by a ; mmputation was En in three minutes na ¥io- smowstorm and in ittacly cold yet the while-haired Sltiese Placed in a Wage avd taked to (STARLI SHED 1866, IF YOU BURN WOOD Come to us for it. We buy our Wood green and have it cut and properly piled. Th is means Wood that has a high percentage of heat value. SL - -- SWIFT S Vilna, where he died at the age eighty six vears. Many similar dotes are toll by opr civil war vete rans, anes Setting the Pace, Farmer Slow=Well, that Abner | How do you get to lay so? Farmer Klukbam----By this hes pewlangled thing 'they call suggestion Theres a phonegraph iu my chicken holuse that keeps escklin' all the time. Hear it? bents ull these wns For Better, "Oh, wilt thon take me. dear, For better or for worse *" smiled the while x ennny smile TN GT petted him a good A Young Diglomution, Taddy, aged - four, called on his nearest neighbor, own, who deal and usually gave him & couple of cookies, and il she happened to forget to pase them he sometimnes reminded her of it, . Hix inther learned of this, and chid- ed him for begging, and told him he mist not- do #0 apy more. A day or two Jater Taddy came home with cookie crumbs in evidenes, "Have you been bey from Nrs. Brown again father rather sternly. "No 1" wisd Taddy, "7 didn't Veg her for any. 1 just said this smells as if it was full of eookien, what's that to me?" Harpes's. often Mrs nice out, conkive asked hig sing ging heriae bug And took kim for--his purus, Judge. Cillert sells Guard's ginger beery

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