Daily British Whig (1850), 18 Aug 1911, p. 4

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inflammation of Bladder Completely Cured Interenting Story of How Mes. Burris Was Retieved of Intense Suffering. ive mber infi aati bladder Ws hed for by my doc- , but nu better and became much . dis- couraged wan feeble and emaciated noticed an of Warner's Cure and decided to the medicine a fair trial 1 did and was entirely curs ed. Many thanks for your Many thanks for your valuable medicine, which saved me so much suffer- ing. 1 sball always speak word for Lt, Burris ground, Wash Warner's Safe C "liver, and bladder wize, and sold by all druggists, Warner's Safe. Pills for constipation and billousness are 25c a package LUA gmpie bottle Warner's Safe Curd and sample box of Warner's Safe Pills will be sent free to anyone send jung name and address and mentioning Lally British Whig, Warner's Bale Cure Co, Toronte, Can. advertise Bale give met Battle- kidneys, $1.00 ure for the is put up in : TIMBER -- WHITE OAK, : rr * # » e » . * » s » DOUGLAS FIR, SPRUCE, HEMLOCK AND PINE . In the water ready for imme- diate use. Prone S. Anglin & Co. Office and Yards: Cor. Bay and Wellington Sts. i MEN'S STRONG WORKING BOOTS, (Sizes 6 to 11), $1.25, $1.50, $1.73 to $3.00. BOX CALF, BLUCHER CUT, (Hizes 6 to 11), $2.25, $2.70, $2.05 to $4.50, HOYN' BOOTS, Bizes § to 11, adie ' Sizes 11 to 14 Blzes 1 h S135, $1 'T JAG, $1.50, $1.75 to $2 oo, FINE SHOES, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75 to 50. to b, DIES to 1, Bizes SHOES, 1.25 and FINE E Rui of Suits, clothing, Sweaters is now be ceived Come and inspect it ISAAC 271 PRINCESS STREET, GIRLS: res Wood's The Great I Tones and He I he Bewhole matory and Ffecta of Price 31 per box, ix for will eure. Sold b roggists or n , On Tree t ot ca, New Jam fled free, The Medicine Frvmeriy indsor) 0000000000000 00000000 PURE ICE CREAM, We make our Ice Cream with Whipped Cream, We do not us any corn starch or gelatine, lc Crean Bundae, with Pine apple * or Strawberry Fruit, be. * warm outside, but very cool In @ our parlors, ® on, o ROYAL [OE CREAM PARL 1 000000000000 000000000 ° . eo o . 84 Princess Street, . Dr. de Van's Female Pills A reliable French regulator ; never fails. These pills are exceedingly powerful in reguiating the generative portion yor 4 hed Jemale system. Refuse all cheap imitations de Van's are sold at Sabor or ose eg ated to lod to any BY address. - For sale at Mahood" 8 gy Store. Strangers and Visitors are invited to inspect my big show- ing of Antique Furniture. Suitable prices. Best quality. L. LESSES, Cor. Princess and Chatham Sts, 'Phone 1045, x Will Buy or Sell all kinds of Furniture. Highest prices. a eH ) pu oe At our coal yards. and every customer may rest assured of obtaining his money's worth, whether he buysa ton or a car- load. It isn't merely a matter of full weight--quality of coal wounts as welll But we claim to give full weight of high- grade coal, and our list of patrons contains the names »f many who will back our as sertions. ~~ R. Crawford | FOOT OF QUEEN STREET. ;. Phone'. {congress when the agreement was un- ZACKS) ses, | Lion, n (that it favoured the trade pact, as a ingly, to cut swiy from a given course Arrange "THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY. and arouse enthusiasm by a few éx- tempore remarks. When one reads in the daily papers of the secession in large numbers from of farmers in THE WHIG, 78th YEAR at P06 0 RB King St bg Wd ngs tarfo, at $6 per year. Baitioas £% the conservative party, of farmers and manufactur of leaders in'every the west, Ontario, in the maritime provinees, certain sacrifice of conservative candidates, and former members in several provinces, he asks \whether.or leader has a right to expect such a sacrifice ! The Mr. Borden is really sincere in his opposi ta reciprocity. He: forced his conclusions on the party, in caucus. He was assuming the responsibility of deciding the issue to go before the people, Whatever his supporters thought about it they swallowed the them are suffering in- and ers in dustry t ing Offices an cheap ed of the presses. Canada; work; nin a Whig not any TORONTO OFFICE. Buite 19 and 20 Queen City Cham- ers, 32 Church St, Toronto. H E Smalipeice, J,P., representative, Daily Wihig. REPTILE FUNDS SUGGESTED. The Montreal Star regards as leampaign farce' the rumour that cer- pill, Americans--the lumber, paper andthe pains that preeeed political disso- beef particularly--will spend [lation. hundreds of thousands of dollars, | In certain cases theloyalty of party is perhaps a couple of millions of dol-|displayed in a remarkable way. Take lars, in defeating the reciprocity agree- | Dr. Roche, of Marquette. He is a good {ment in Canada, The term used by man, and yet he is being deserted by four contemporary is a very mild onejhis constituents in large numbers. He under the circumstances, The trusts | i% menaced with defeat, and all be are very jealous of their interests, and cause he would not support the trade will spend money in defence of them.| j agreement. Others, elsewhere, and (ne can scarcely doibt that. But | candidates, are in a peculiar position. in the late state elections, in which reciprocity an issue, and They, mver faced a revolt of the elec tors they face to-day, and because one man, Mr. Borden, in' his own imperious way, would insist upon making reciprocity a political issue. < mu--r opinion is expressed that tion a aud some of tain trusts conservative was in such as {der consideration, these trusts were not-apparently-- flush of fonds Fither that or the currents of public opinion were too strong to be influenced combination. Already there is talk of a successor not apparent" ground for Sup- (to Borden. McBride and Haultain posing that a reptile fund, originating |, talked of. It seems the United States, will be traced | lforegone conclusion that this is Bor in Canada. If it were the result will | {den's last performance. Public opinion by EDITORIAL NOTES There is any corrupt any to be a in ---- be the same. 18 run- AUGUST 18, 1011. PEACE OF THE WORLD DEPENDS UPON NAVIES, SAYS LORD BERESFORD. English Speaking Peoples Should! Organize--ILord Beresford is on a' Tour Through Canada. New York, Aug. 15. --Admiral Lord Charles Beresford left New York, yes terday, for a erunise up the great Spec: in diseases of Skin, Blood, Nerves, Bladder and Special All. ments of men, Oue visit advisable ; if impossible, send history for free 'opinton and ad- vice Question blank and book on Siscnred of men free. Consultation free. edicine furnished in tablet form. Hedictn 10 am. to 1 pm, and 2 to 6 p.m. Sundays, 10 am. to 1 Pw. » DRS. SOPER & WHITE Le 25 Toronte Street, Toronte, Out. ----- Holders of Unlocated Ontario Vet- with Lord | | eran Claims Papers. Special arrange- tain deeds for same by applying at fe to Sr STREET CAR CAUGHT FIRE, 28,000 names of Winnipeg registered and it in the ensuing barriers ielicible voters elec {tion, and hundreds were rejected. The] fake list of the Rogers mabhitig is not ning strongly 'on reciprocity cannot be stemmed by the which any boodle funds can tewn- porarily provide. rt --. acide INSANITY NOT RAMPANT, A letter, written by Joseph S. Sher- vice-president of the United published last week, now in evidence, Peace, Harmony, Concord. Buffalo News Sir. Wilfrid Laurier has opened his campaign for reciprocity with one of those powerful speeches that have | marked his entire career. He 'sees | that 'the issue of the day is reciprocity and nothing else. Parliament has dis solved for the i of testing pub- lic sentiment on that question and he i« right when he says that his coun- try has sought it for forty years. He | might add ten or even twenly years to that figure, and still be within all | bounds of truth, for the benefit of the veciprocity agreement of 1854 has | ngver-been forgotten in Canada any more than it has been denounced by | the stamdpat element in this country | because it promoted trade abun dantly. Sir" Wilfrid | man, and re- iterates the: previously given informa- that * Me. ably opposed to reciprocity. happen Mr. says States, tion Sherman is irreconcil- "I anything | Taft in the next the Ottawa Journal, the next disposes of reciprocity one way or the Mr, Sherman would hecome president, and, apparently, one of his first acts would be to veto the Ameri- were to few months, "that American parliament finally is before other, can legislation, which action would 5 20 probably dispose of the issue, at any ! in entirely right when he says that "peace, harmony and concord between Canada and - the United States has been firmly estab- lished." The people on both sides the line have found their profit in |: dealing with each other. The natural | lines of commerce run north and | south and they will continue uuder any circumstances to deal other with great activity. It is clear- |, lv for the interests of both that there be as little obstruction to that as may | be, and chiefly for the reason that conditions of labor, ideals of living are practically the same and in addi rate in its present form." One can scarcely believe the equal to. this of especially view Journal misrepresent of the fact act in Mr. Would Sherman to exhibit business venture. Suppose did enable ood Taft suddenly that Mr his personal likes and pass away, dislikes as he pleases ? Me. 1 it had been passed by congress. aft signed the trade pact when He will. sign a paper annulling it, only tion here language, religion. when he has been authorized so to do If Mr. Taft vice-president common ideals of law and | the senate. were [¢ the would be guided by constitution and precedent. hy re- moved | there lib- | Liberalism in England. Sir Allen Aylesworth. "Yonder, in Old England, stand triumphant - the leader of eralism, a great statesman, an intel- lectual giant, a fearless fighter, and a true man. He has accomplished in the | last. few hours a bloodless revolution | unequalled in world-history. The pow- er-of aristocracy to stand in the way | of progress is at an end. It is the on- ward march of free men, the triumph of the people in the battle of the mass- es against the classes. As a liberal 1 exult in that victory. As a Canadian | 1 feel its inspiration. For Canadian people--common, everyday people like you and me-"have the battle before us, Our war is waged against the class of | moneyed interests gradually growing, under the. discrimination of protective | tariffs, into huge trusts and combines, | which threaten to crush the life of the | pation. "But, as in Britain, so in Canada. As in matters of caste privilege, so in matters of trade. Abuse must lead to battle, and the people's battle can re- sult in no other end than victory." He would not he able to commit the crazy act which the Journal suggests. THE FALL OF LIFE. The manager of the aviation meet in Chicago protests against any re flections being passed upon him and associates because two of the. avia- tors, Badger and Johnston, lost their lives. The meeting carefully planned. Those whe had to do with it suggested everything which could as- sure the safety of the performers. They were expected to fly out over the lake, and life preservers were provided, and refused. Badger was killed by his aeroplane becoming disabled, and dashing down an hundred feet into a pit. His neck | was broken. St. Croiz Johnston's ma- chine became useless and it went down, hundreds of feet, into the wa- ter. The engine carried him swiftly to the bottom of the lake, and he was drowned. 2 Two facts have been established. One is that both machines were incomplete or insecure. The other is that avia- tors generally have a desire to in- dulge in featsgor tests that severely try the planes. Sooner or later there is bound to be an accident with the best of them, sud the tol of life is very heavy.' Some people turn from the sacrifice with disgust, but the majority must have the tournament at any cost. The appetite for sensation, though it oles the death of the aviators, teminds one of the 'areaa at Rome where gladiators fought to the end and men and women found pleasure in the gaping wounds and dying gasps of the fallen. The tastes of some peo- ple are not improving. TESTING PARTY LOYALTY. The press reports of the Borden meetings in the west suggest that he is wot himself in this elect] He sought it, he forced it, and Ke fs" making the best of it; but he i is disappointing his was { | ! Borden's Latest Worry. Montreal Witness. Mr. Borden makes it pretty plain that it is not reciprocity, such as has been agreed. upon, that he and his privileged thasters fear, dut contin ental free trade. Sir Wilfrid "Laurier | boldly and wisely declares that he has a vision of such a peacemaking con- summation eventually. It will not be continental but world wide frie trade as in Britain. It will not come at once. It will take long years per+ haps to bring about. But it must come; because it is right, and it is not unlikely to come a conserva. sive - regime. Much more unlikely things have happened. In the mean- time Sir Wilfrid Laurier and hié' lieu- tenants are espousing the cause of lib- erty and justice and the greatest good to the greatest number; while Mr. Borden and his motley band are fight- ing under the banner of class privilege and international ill-will. Six Tories to Vote for Laurier. Toronto Star, "I have = at east six conservh- tives since the meeting who have told me openly that they were going to vobew! Laurer and reciprocity," said a man to the Star reporter after the mdeting at Simcoe: yesterday. The re {importante as this during the holiday {country |almost time that they are brought out. {that the issue was made a' fw hen market conditions were just about {as unsatisfactory as they could | be, and yet they seem little effect on the issue. | few erect new large modern plants cities of Montreal and well as to 'carry through the extensions proposed of {pls ants. Mark Bredin, the general man {his central org {to the development of the business in with each [the other large centres outside of Tor- are features of a common {ne speed, feature is a , time | Another very satisfactory one to have ver the Duke of Sutherland's vacht, Sata Before leaving New York the ad sentimental grounds. The peace i i | i | weak thing ever is réspected." respect to the House of Lords, Lords and make it more suitable' for! ; TORONTO BENEFITS manci ti is indicated e Suc financial centre is indicated by th | Looked Liké Ball of "Fire on Ottawa {Canada Bread company. It is the first {depot street car came tearing - down applications, however, which have been |istence. Such a spectacle has never independent of the particular | terrible hurricane of livid flames com- well [Was going, but indistinctly, through immediately proceeding to [until a few- seconds before it went lakes to Fort William, and across Canada to Vancouver. He arrived in New York, Wednesday, on the (dym- pie. His cruise will be made aboard nia, which will carry him up the \New England coast to St. Andrew's, NB. | LlUebee, Montreal, and thence west. ward. miral said: "The English-speaking nations should organize to maintain the peace of the 'world. You cannot afford to try to maintain peace on | Europe depends on British fleets sully cient and efficient. There 8honld be no arrogance ahout it, but a Ration must be strong to be respected, The subject of reciprocity between | Canada and the United States was a | tabooed matter with him. In speaking of the agitation Beresford said "There has been a very great i stitutional change in England. shall have to reform the House br {ments can be made to locate and ob- our requirements. "I'am not a peer. I am the son of a-peer; anda member of the House of | Commons." BY BREAD ISSUE. | Iudicates Growth of City as Tesuing| | 0 HUTTON 18 Market St Centre--Extensive Plans. {3 U. "wy . Toronto, August 18th, (Specialj: The | growing importance of Toronto as wu | cess that is attending the issue being Street. {made at the present time by Messrs. | : . Cawthra Mulock & Co., of the. million | Ottawa, Aug. 18, Eoveloped in a {and a quarter honds of the new big {hug re ball of roaring flames, carrying fat' Teast a dozen passengers, a Union [time that a large financial House has [@ "4 ventured to bring out an issue of such {Sparks street at noon Thursday at a terrific giving the appearance season, and many were doubtful as to jof & monstrous. demon threatening to its advisability. The large number of {Wipe everything in its path out of ex- received from different parts of the! {been witnessed in this city, and those indicate thiit - the investment | Who saw it fairly shuddered, unable to lfield of Canada is growing so rapidly Imove from fright. There was no that the better grade of issues are now jtime to flee from what looked like a ling down the street. It lasted about jfifteen seconds and went out almost las quickly as it started. The people jumped off while the car ithe rolls of flames, "could see {forms standing and crouching on the Arrangements made during the past {floor of the car. The motorman him dave will result. in Canada Bread | self did not kmow the ear was on fire in the out The bluze had subsided before he brought the car to a standstill, as GONE POMpARy Winnipeg, STATION AT "PETEW AWA, to some of the: Toronto Were Away and it Burned to the Ground. ~etewawn, Aug. IS \ fire brok out at the station agent's quart on Wednesday Ming. In than an hour was in ashes help was available two miles from the Troops has gradually been rounding out 1 ganization with a view of being able to give consideraile time ager, less No the sta mto. at immediate 8 as are tion. Water and mun-handled gumps 1 the camp However, the station up with a marnjuee tent who gave him every troops S-------------- Laufier's Plain Speech, Ne is Some men in the United States vot only are used ed, they tell us, for this agreement | because they hope it will tend to an- xation. There are men in the Unit- ed States who desire annexation, but there are men in Canada who do Jot sible help by remoying his furniture want annexation--{applause)--and if I and settling him in temporary were privileged to address a meeting [home as comfortable as circumstances on the south side of the lake as I am [would permit. addressing a meeting on the north side |- The cause of he fire exactly of the lake, and if 1 were privileged | known. It started in the kitchdh when to address myself to an American [the occupants were' visiting neighbors. laudience; T would tell them we want | The Strathcona Horse have a slight to trade with you, but if you expéct | | infection influenza among their that by the price which you shall pay | horses, necessitating the isolation for it, you shall get our manhood and |four and careful watch over two our independence, | would fell them to three suspects K their trade, we would have none lof it.. T would tell them further to re member their own history, when con-| 'gress met at Philadelphia, and passed | suit the declaration of independence ou the [high rolling waves, R. Stevens, {4th of July, 1776, no man dM it with [Cleveland high school boy, piloted a cheerful heart. From General Wash- | his sixteenfoot open boat mto port ington down they all did it with bit- [here the other night after a terness and sorrow in their hearts, but | thrilling trip. | they did it because of -the folly of the | Stevens had a companion when he British government of that day. But | {left Cleveland, but he became hysteri new councils have prevailed in the | cal on account of the danger and was British empire since. If your ancestry {left at Sandsky. Seamen declare Mt had to suffer by the British parlia- |1® a miracle that the ment, we, on the contrary, have noth- hay. k ing but thankfulness and gratitude to . yan Camille a give the British parliament betause we Bn the i phi e, Was hel ot ave. are British subjects, but we are a free dif A an " bow wi il nation, and a free nation -we shall be. fren ihey/ty taal ather me nr © This talk of annexation is simply' be- the crew rescued, him eveland | ain Dealer. neath the contempt and beneath the > : Te ------------ attention of serious people. Pet DOE's Fatal Caress, Notes From Bath. Newark, N..J,, Bath, Aug. 17.--Dr. and Mrs. ¥, A {20 president of the Woodbridge Au- Aylesworth, of Roseneath, Ont., spent [tomobile company, is dead at his a few days last week under the pa- home in Woodbridge, N.J., of rabies, rental roof on their way home from after a two days' illness. A pet New York city, where the doctor hds which licked his hand a month been. taking an extensive course in the went mad a few days later, hospitals. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson, Jr., Iwas formerly a well known also Mrs. Jackson, Sr., and Miss [racing automobiles. Jackson, "of Ithaca, N.Y. and Mr. tr One Kind of Poverty. and Mrs, Simpson, ( 'ataraqui, visited at Dr. Northmore's, Thured of last | Though many may be rich in pocket, week, Faber Covert spent Subday last | their blood is poor they are sick, with friends in Trenton. unhappy mortals. A pallid face and | etl wrinkled skin result from impoverish 1,000 Islands--Rochester. ood. 'Wade's" Iron oe Pills Steamers North King and Caspian make new, rich blood, tons up the leave at 10.15 a.m., daily, for Thous system and nerves. Prige 25 cents, at | and Islands and 5 p.m., for Rochester, J. B. Mcleod's Drug Stores. N.Y. J. P. Hanley, agent. cirri: Jey Roosevelt Now Grandpa. oiling asters The Other Way. San Francisco, Aug. 18.--A daugh- Marks--Yes, I'm working night and [ler was born to Mr. and Mrs. Theo. day to put the scheme through. dore Roosevelt, Jr., on Thursday. Parks--Yon're foolish. Do m@thing | Mother and child are reported in about it and it will fall through. --Bos- [satisfactory health their mr ton, Transcript. ringe the Roosevelts huve made their erm home in this city, where Mr. Hoose New Fall Hats. velt is engaged in busi Every good style at Campbell Bros.' Kingston's hat store. rigged by the troops, pos his 18 not of f of or Boy's Trip Miraculous. Clad in a bathing constantly by the (). PutrIn-Bag, and deenched Stevens made Center, a professional' sailo dog, ago, | Swenger driver of | Since Had Two Appendices. | Cambridge Springs, Pa., Aung 18. la [Joseph Link, of Jofiorson, is belioyed i porter"s own experiences in talkin, with conservatives who heard jer, were very similar. Tt is reported that the former shal, # Persia was killed by an assassin. friends. Fis opening meeting in" Lon- don was lacking in inspiration. He was timid and fearful. Be read most of his speech. He was afraid, seem- 2 the prem- dies' Oxfords and pumps, from $1] street, | Patton' 8, To make room for fall stock, jto. be the only patient ever operated lgpon who had two seperate and div | joer. An operation bere dis the fact. The man has a good for recovery, 209 Princess P.M. Clark, retired King street tailor, Toronts, wan killed by a Marupolits sae, pens Sutton. 4 iy the vicinity, | went was goon | al } most | Aug. 18, Jacob Swen- | § Socctscecece iBIBBYS Men's and Boys' Departmental Store Limited SUIT CASES AND TRUNKS, 00000 00000PCOIOOOOOORNOINOOOOOTS sessesescosscacesnrecs Fall HATS AND CAPS. $00000000000000000000000000000 esssscssse S0s000v000e Suits moderately and pleasingly | een eatTt er rrr eToirasy o shoulders, the new lapels, ¢ straighter trousers--all th § ideas that will be very j : SEASONS Handsome new The elegance: that o skillful Tailoring in these at Will you the new styles. once, not s . ° * * ° ° : ® * ° " » ° WENTHWORTH SUITS, $1 THE THE WE are now showing the season's correct styles, The new shapely form fitting models, the perfect fabr Browns and Olive mixture ASHBURY sUITS, $20.00, wiced vests and English coming the higher cut ese are the wopular during the new ina variety of Greys 1S S. comes through perfect and Suits, will appeal to you tep in just for a look at THE ALTON SUITS, Sis :BIBBYS - * ° » ° ° . ° ° . * ° ® * ° 0000000000000 000000MNS Stories. Banfisbire om the when Two Scotch schoolmaster in years ago had strong views of dress. ln the day crinoline all the. rage came to school with a very one; which much exceeded the | between' the 'deck and the form | which she had to sit. Lhe teacher, seeing this, said to' her, "Gang awa' aud tak' off thag girds (hoops) come buck to the schoo, as Goud A Scotch subject a girl extensive was spate on home and made ye Another domirse | catech- a begin- | "Will he, replied rough and ready was examining his boys in ism and 'asked if God had {ning 'No,"" said the boy havean end?" "Yes," he This was followed instant} buffet the side of the he havean end noo?' {the boy, and the master a by . | "Will said on N was satisfied Touching the Right Spot, Bishop Codman, of Maine, is {for his pulpit eloquence, and hence it was mot unnatural for a Portland {(Jargyman to address this question to {him recently "Now that the hot weather {us, my dear bishop, 1 find that many members of my dongregalion are inclined to doze dung the ser mon. What do vou advise in this matter Bishop Codman, with a faint smile, noted | Is "| is upon a good er remedy - jroplied 'When 1 first conmmencad 1 devoted a good deal of thought {the problem you propound. I {tell you the course 1 décided on. 1 {gave the sexton strict' orders that whenever he saw anyone asleep in my leongregation he would immediately jute forward and wake up the preach preaching to will marrage New Sport for Girls, Who will hazard a guess as to what will be the next vogue in safety now [that the rage for roller skating, al- | though perhaps only for the moment, has subsided ? I fancy that ball play- ing, the legitimate ohl ball of the Greek women and be engaged in hy up to-date women and theic Jaughters, and much {they peed it both for mind and body {The women of ancient Greece and ine pla il girls, vmohish ---- endorse continue did and fie LIMITED HAR WEALTH Take Advantage of This Offer, 0000000000 0000000000000000000000 0000000000000 0000000000000OC0CFCOIOIOONONOYS We could not afford to so strongly Rexall. 04 and it Loni d Hu i if to sell | AR WE do our enthusiasm and Rexall "937 give entire satisiactic d 1 faith Lorge statements, all we claim it will not should a Carry Han u way, Fon not the users, they ML us In Conse would and our and { quence suffer, We heginnimg if you have ar 9' Hair Toni dicate dandrufi, prevent premature Our faith in Rexall is so strong that it on our pesitive guarantee that Your. money be eheerfully re fanded if it does not do Two sizes, Sc. and $i at our store~The Rexall Mahood. - SUITS FOR 'ALL Men's and Yoys Sults and Over- comts. Ladies' Suits Rugs, Curtains, ets, etc. Jewellery, Art Squares. ON EASY PAYMENT PLAN. All kinds of Boots and Shoes-- Ladies', Men's, Children's. . Cheapest prices. Call and exam Prices. Joseph Abramsky 2638 PrinOMSS STREET. our bus "5 prestige that if your hair is fall it trouble, Rexal promptly stimulate growth baldness 93 Hair i assure you to uenaturall O or sealp 1 will era naar Ton we Ask yO to try will as we claim Sold only Store. G. W. Otlcloths, Blank- {ne the Goods and st. Lawrence, Wolfe Island. Rt. Lawrence, Aug, 17. Harvesting ix about foigwd aed many report an excellent crop. Mis lone | 4 # Watertown, RY. apd Mies f phy, of Wingetos, sre ar holy th thes Martha Hennessy. 6. A. Barry prudes himself in having the finest held of grain in this vigrity. Wiss Laura Dignem spent few in Ciapan- AVN fay imore particularly the Spartan, had § 'the most graceful figures and bearing jin the world. How did they .wequire 'them ? By gentle ball playing, of course, and by wearing their clothes bowvse ~The Gentlewopian. oque visiting friends ou Stose street -------------------- Rail Thurs #0 wh Bh electri Elgin eHnupty A sevege 1 storm vised day « Secs 7 Gilbert sells Gurd's orange Soda. hvigern. The Lod wibis followers--not ad

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