Daily British Whig (1850), 18 Aug 1911, p. 5

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VERY HEAVY TRAFF THIS | LIVE COALS BEAT WORMWITH'S BY THREE TO ONE, ALL THE RAILWAYS » SUMMER. Amount of Haggage Harudled at Local Sta in and Out of of the Best in ON The Live Coals Have Played Fine Ball Games This Season--Other Baseball Games--Notes on Sports. Tremendous Has Been tions--Business Kipgston One Years. : 'The passenger tresfic on the railways this summer, has men very beavy--in fact railway men say that it has been one of the best in'many years. Ask the baggemen, and tiey are the officials who know something about it, and they will tell you that it is won- derful, the number of people who have been coming and going all the time. Both the Grand Trunk, the Canadian Pacific railway, also the Kingston & Pembroke ravlway had a very busy season. The smount of baggage handled, trunks, suit cases, grips, eto, of all sizes and descriptions has been tre mendous. The baggagemen have heen kept on the jump all the time. of course the tourigt and rezular summer traffic has been the cause of the"extra rush. Kingston, on account of being wo near the Thousand Islands, where so many people head for in the warm weather, gets pn very large crowd. The figures of the numbér of pieces of bagzage which have passed through the stations here since the peg 4 ment of the summer, would run = 1 9 the thousands. "There bas been a rush on all lines" remarked a railroader.. Get on any train, and almost at any time, and-vou will find it rather hard to get a seat." Kingston people who have been travelling this summer, will agree with this. It is often very hard even to get a weal lon a train going to Toronto or coming from there, even if one. "should travel at night. Rideau Lakes Nav. Co.. Limited. Steamers leave for Ottawa every Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday, at 6 a.m. For Clayton, every Tuesday, Wednes- day, Friday and Saturday, at 6.13} Fp Dr G at the cricket field on Thursday even- ihg by a score of 3 to 1 Woem- with's won the league last season but it doesn't look as if it can repeat it. The Live Coals have played fine ball all season . under the direction of * Jack" Stansbury. Live Coals--3tansbury, e.; Powell, p.; Hunt, lb; (Nal, 2b.; Nicholson, s.5.; Crawford, 3b.; Dick, r.f.; Stans bury, ¢f.; Gratton, LL Wormwith's-- Nicholson, ¢.; Burns, p.; Shultz, 1b.; McCaig, 2b.; K. McCaig, s.8.; Allen, 3b; Davis, r.i.; Murray, e.f.; Stanton, Li Umpére-- Ned" Hartrick, A Baseball Park, One of the principal officers of the City Baseball League expressed the opinion to the Whig that this was the Just year that city league baseball would be played at, the cricket field. This bore out in a good measure the statement made in the Whig. some time ago on the suggestion of baseball player to have a fork built. This official expressed the belief that in future all games would be played at Lake Ontario park or at have This season will show, the biggest ncial returns of any season since the league has been established, and lin the doings of the league to-day, it lis safe to say that larger crowds would attend the game at 'a park where they could get seats than now go to the cricket field, where they have to staid. Bowling Game. Watson defeated Skip to 9 at the Queen's bowling This game for the siep by 11 green, Thursday evening [ties a number of teams {championship. Teams Pardoe, A. Maclean, J. McKellar, Watson, skip. D. Dolan, W. M. Campbell, H. Wallace, T. Slater, skip. 1m. ff Falls and return, every Wedl- nesday and Saturday, at 6 a.m. Faroj for round trip, 50ec. Jaen Swift 4 Co.. agents, DEATH OF A PRISONER J. P. Hanley, agent. Penitentiary on Thursday From Heart Disease. John White, of Woodstock, who was serving. a two-year term in the peni- tentiary for -arson, died, on Thurs: day, from heart disease. He was sen- tenced in Woodstock about a year ago to serve two years in the prison, but did not live to see any of his friends again. He was fifty-five years of age. Ihe remains were sent to his home in Woodstock, Thursday evening, --er burial, x In the Worked Till After Midnight. The building of the permanent roads in progressing nicely now. Men were at work scarifying the road on King street, Clarence and Market sireets, Thursday morning Friday morning. This was caused by them not being able to traction engine during the day as it is employed in breaking at the quarry all day long between from six until one o'clock o'clock get a time, stone -------- Result of Drawing. The drawing for the prizes at garden party of the Church of Good Thief, Portsmouth, was Thursday. night, and was conducted by Reeve KR. J. Baiden. Mise Kathleen McGuire, of Portsmouth, won the sett For Skin Aflame. Many of -the itching and burning eruptions of the skin cause as acute suffering as though the skin was actu- ally burnt. 3 Ordinary remedies give no relief but Wade's Ointment stops the burning al- most instantly. Positively cures Ee- zema (Salt Rheum), Ulcers, Piles, Ca- tarrh, Dandruff and all scaly or itch- ing eruptions of the skin. In big boxes 25 oents, at J. B. Mcleod's Drug Stores. the the also of Portsmouth, won the runa- about. Lieut. R. L. Fortt. R. L. Fortt, who graduated from the Royal Military College last June has been appointed a lieutenant in the Royal Canadian Artillery. He is son of E. L. Fortt, of the Bank of Montreal, Kingston. - A Fine Band Concert. 4th P, Park, at- The concert given by the W.0. rifles band, tn Macdonald Thursday evening, was largely tended. The crowd not quite os large as on previous everdngs on account of iL being a little cooler than usual, From the Old Land. Campbell Bros.', the Princess street hatters, have just recived.a large eomsignment of Christy's, Scott's and Buckley's cifebrated hats for fall, was On a Saturday Afternoon. ' Take the steamer America on her own tour of the Islands. 50c. Meals on board. Mr. and Mrs. George Pearson, Deser- onto, celebrated the fiftieth anmiver sary of thelr wedding Friday, sir rounded by their children and grand | children, : ¢ Mise Ida M. Clarke, of this city, is visiting friends in Belleville. ET ee ------ 000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000 JUST ARRIV A natty line of Striped Shirts with White Background, at $1.00. $1.25, $1.50. Silk Lisle Half Hose. COLLARS IN 1-4 SIZES. r= o ed Regular 50c. nn P. J. HUNT, 53 Brock Street cedescsccsessssssesese 0000000000000 00000000 FOR-SALE Frame Dwelling, No. 128 Durham Street, now occupied 'by Walter Lamb, containing ten rooms and closet. Good garden plot. 4-5 of an acre; also barn and hen house. E. Blake Thompson, OVER NORTHERN CROWN BANK "Phone 386. 0000000000800 000000000 0000000000000 0OCOCOOOIOTO KINGSTON, 000000000000 0000000000 090000000000 0000000000 LINENS - AND KIMONOS " Have just arrived from Japan. All exclusively hand-made. Prices extremely low COME AND SEE bsp { THE " TOKYO" © 174 Wellington Street. : oe! ® eo! eo : . . Sos0cnccccsrescsnccsene ®e00evsscsscee Live Coals trimmed the Wormwith's! , trict. ther place which would be fenced in. | with. the interest which is manifestedt The schooner Charley Slater | held, | of harness and Miss Myrtle Culcheth, | a Sue [years ago he had two boats and | brother, the late H. ithe name of the Thousand school examinations were very severe, a THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, AUGUST 18, 1911. i HT IS VERY DARK AT NINE MILE! PASSED AWAY "SUDD NLY i POINT. | THURSDAY AFTERNOON. | } y ~ ! J ! ( ] | Navigators Say That Matters Should Has Been in Poor Health for Some I be Looked After at Once-- Years--Prominent in) Business | Marine Notes Gathered Around' and Church Life. John A. Gardiner, one ! the Harbor. the known insurance men in es- | Kingston, passed away at'lhis ret | pecially those coming down Stony deoce, University avenue, Thursda Point Passage, bound from Uswego to afternoon at 5.30 o'clock, from heart Kingston, "and those from Sackett's failure. Deceased had been in poor {Harpur to Wingston, are complaining health dor the past seven years from loud apd long at tne darkness of the the effects of a dose of medicine which | light dn Nine Mile Point, at the was taken in mistake, For the past] head of Simcoe Island. It seems two months he had been confined to] that the light is so shut off that it his home most of the time, occasion- 'affords no guidance to pilots from ally going down to the office. Thurs that direction, mailug a part of the day afternoon he went to the office route al least quite dangerous with- in a cab, accompanied by his wile and {out the aid of the light. Qt should a couple of friends, and while there ibe looked after at once. In such be was taken worse. A cab was call: matters delays are dangerous and ne- el and he was taken to. his home. | Igligence is crime." This was about 4.30 o'clock. A doc | A well-known captain, living in toy was waiting at the house when! | Kingston, drew the attention of the the party arrived, but could do no-| {Whig to the foregoing this morn-ithing' for him, and he expired in his| ing and stated that the facts were chair. correct and something should be done! The late Mr. Gardiner was born in| to remedy the trouble, 'The light, Odessa sixty-five years ago and had! he said, had been used as a range lived in this comunity nearly all his! light for many years but that in its life. He taught' school in his present condition it could not be days and lived in New York city {used and that it was very dangerous some tme. He spent the best part for navigators travelling in that dis-'of his lie in the uty. V2» was clerk] lof the division court for « number of | The steamer Portland passed down years. on her way to Montreal this morn-| For the past twenty-five years ing: Captain Benjamin Tripp, of conducted a general insurance busi- Detroit, was in command. ness and dealt in. real estate. For f Marshall ar- the past year he waa associated with rived-at-the----penitentinty-with----eoal George~A. Bateman. a from Charlotte. | Deceased was an ardent church work- Ihe schooner Bertha Kalkins cleared er while his health pewmitted, and for Oswego last might. was a staunch member of Queen I'he schooner Julia 15. Merrill is at street Methodist church. He was an Richardson's, wharf loading feldspar. lofficial in the church, and--was assis- The schooner Kate Eccles cleared to- tant superintendent of the Sunday day for Charlotte. school for many years. He was a The schooner America made its re- member of the Royal Arcanum, of the gular trip to Ogdensburg: on Friday AO.UW, and a Royal Tempiar. morning, Two hundred and fifty peo-|, He is survived by bis wife, one ple lot on the excursion, gon, Dr. Nelles Gardiner, of West- M. T. Co.'s elevator :© The steamer meath;#Ont., and one daughter, Mrs, Saskatoon arrived at one o'clock Fri. |(Rev.) George McKinnon, of Lachine, day morning, from Port Arthur, and Que. Three brothers, William, in discharged 50,000 bushels .of wheat; Saskatoon, Sask., Jacob J. of Per- steamer Turret Court discharged its due, Sask., and Joseph, of Burling- {cargo of grain, and cleared for Belle- ton, Ont. One sister, Mrs. McPherson, ville to load cement for Fort Wil-'of New York, also survives. liam: the steamer Turret Crown clear-| The funeral will take place Satur. led for Cleveland; the tug Emerson day motning and will be conducted by cleared from Port Dalhousie with oil Rev. S, Sellery, of Queen street Me barge No. 86 for Kingston; the steam- 'thodist church. er Canadian is due to-day or to-mor-| -------- lrow from Fort Willian with wheat! PROGRESSIVE LIBERAL PARTY. and oats. i At Swift's Steamers ronto and North King down and i to-day; steamer Rideau Queen Vs due| Kingston; Aug. 17.--(To the Vdi- {from Ottawa to-right; steamer City of tor) : "Is this Canada or China 7?" {Hamilton stopped on her way down | This is what the electors of Canada | Friday morning" with a full passen-| will have to decide on September 21st | ger list and considerable : steamer Britannic ise to pass up| Canada, and that * we must coiftinue | to-day: the steamer North King was iin the progressive and onward march. | an hour late leaving Picton this! The consery atives say 'Leave well en-| morning and did not arrive in the | ough, alone," and from their actions| city until about eleven o'clock. {in Ontario it looks as though they | The yacht Hirondelle, of Bu lo, | had adopted that plan, for of the IN.Y., with a private party on board, thousands of scholars who went up for | |dropped anchor at the Kingston dry | the entrance examinations, to the Col (dock, Friday. {legiate Institute, since they came into | The tug Bronson, I. |power, not ten per cent. passed, and [Cos fleet, which wus in the Kihgston the leader of the conservative party {dev dock having a twisted shafy|savs that owing to the congestion of {gtraightened, came out tivs morning, |the collegiate, it is necessary to cut The steamer Turret Crown is lying jdown the attendance, and, although | ontaide the Kingston dry dock having | there are hundreds of schools in the, some minor repairs made. | northern territories that cannot pro- | The steambarge Idae, of Sarnia, is|C' teachers at any price, many sec {ving at the Kingston dry dock for a{tions of Ontario are a Ivertising for {few days ; | teachers, many scholars are deprived lof an education, simply because the | = leollegiate is not large enough to ac | VERY SUDDEN DEATH. commodate them. Why not follow the | | progressive liberal party and build | Mrs. William Lawson Passed Away large collegiates and educate those | at Elginburg. Iwho wish to acquire an education, | Mrs. Lawson, wife of William Law-|rather than do as the doctor says, { son, justice of the peace, died very { "leave well enough alone ?' Many { suddenly, on Thursday evening, good conservatives in Ontario have, {her home, at Elginburg - fon that account, lait the ranks, for { Mrs. Lawson had been in poor health jeve: SUBSCRIBER. | for some time, but was able to bej = Ee {around the house, as usual. She ve-| Back ta Their Ship. | tited early in the evening, when she] The boys of the Canadian navy who { taken with a severe spell, and have been visiting here for the past lived --& short-time: Her death | three weeks, leave on Saturday for came as a great shock to her many | Halifax. Some of them gay they are | friends. Deceased sixty-seven {sorry to go back, and ethers are { vtars of age, and lived in Elginburg | clad, for they sa) they are. sick of {all her life. She died within twenty | being on land after being on the hoat rods of the place where she was born. [#0 long. The recruits will leave some |She was a daughter of the late Wil- [day next week. liam McNamara, her maiden name be- ling Eleanor McNamara. She was per-| {years of age, and lived in Elginburg | " She was married to Mr. Lawson | strongly to the habit, George Toland, {forty-five vears ago. A family of two |of No. 39 Globe avenue, Jamaica, isons and two daughters survive, H.|quit smoking. He died suddenly on iJ, of Detroit; S. 8, of Texas; Mrs, | Tuesday night and physicians said |F.- 1. McRory, of Sydenham, and Mrs i his death was due to the shock te his Yi Smith, of Masenna, N.Y. | system, cansed by the sudden aban- | The funeral will take place from her | donment of tobacco. {late residence, at two o'clock on Sat- | {urday afternoon, to Cataraqui ceme- | tery. A of the best! the city of! |. The Cape Vincent Eagle has Hollowing : 'Lake mnavigutors, he To- | "Subscriber" Speaks Out on FEduca- wharf : up | tional Question. of the M. at {was [only & Vas ol Warning to Wives. To please. his wife, who objected Quiet at Police Court. | Ev erything was very qulet, in police lwircles on Friday, and as a esult, {there was no session of the police |court, and Mayor Graham had an off Injunction Restraining Captain day: ¥ Visger From Landing at Thous- | aud Island Park, : | Kingston. had another good shower The steamboat war is on again on about four o'clock on Friday morn.ng, {the St. Lawrence and the Thousand land still another at an early hour on |1sland Steamboat company, it is said, Friday afternoon. : is after Walter 1. Visger, the only real - -- competitor that it has in the excar-! Christy's English Caps |sion line. Captain Visger now has the! 7¢ ( dros.'. Pri {Castanet as his only boat. A few | At Compbellafitos., Prien stra. s his "Buy Laxaecold tablets." Gibson's. W. Visger had] The open season for shooting deer | the Idler. The boat of the Thousand [in New York (state this year opens | Island Steamboat company which com: | September 16th and closes al midnight petes is the Ramona. October 31st. According to a new law | A proceeding has been brought | in| passed at the last session of the leg g Jeland |isluture, the sale of deer at any time Park association, where the boats is absolutely prohibited. generally meet and solicit traffic. | "Buy Wild Strawbeny From Justice Williams the associa-|(iibson's. ; tion has secured a temporary injunc- | The Tremtom Electric & Water com- | tion "restraining Captain Visger from pany, is now getting an extra supply' landing his boat at 'T. I." Park or so- (of water from the Bond Head Street; liciting traffic there. i Springs, where the company bas erect -- ra = se" -- led 4 small pumping station. Clever Bath Girl. "the home of hgh In spite of the fact that sowe of Huyler's and MeCoukey's. Sold only | he papers of entrance to normal i A STEAMBOAT WAR ON. i Good Showers, | { at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. Miss Gertrude B. Campbell, has re! turned to Toronto, after visiting her | parents, on Barrie street. | Three motor host races, at CC L.Cs Miss Ellen Hall, of Bath, passed this a way that reflects y afternoon. "Buy Nyal's stomach early | for | {Joins freight; [next, Sir Wilfrid--Enurier--sayvs-this is be i | with the result of the council's deputa- ition to Ottawa, and, moreover, they {began to read it with | Mexican whom he had 'vou've won from me or I'li blow your | Compound, loaded on the instant the Knife and planted it to the hilt in the class sweets," | Englishman's stomach." icnic at lake Omsrio Park, Satur: (store has all dav Sanday serviee. : A and liver husband--eveept treat his stapidity ae pills." Sold in Kingston at Gibson's. if if were her own, - PAGE PITR 0000000000000 000000000000000000CCO0RORR0OOS 900000000000000000000 Shoe Bargains For Saturday $1.49 $1.00 Some Women's Patent Pumps and Kid one strap Slippers, Oxfords, regular $1.75 and $2.00. sizes--2% to 7 Saturday $1.49 o $1.98 ' reii's Summer Shoes, also a few Some Women's Tan Pumps, Patent : Pumps & Oxfords, reg. $3.00 & 2.50 Saturday $1,98 ABERNETHY"S Women's all Saturday $1.00 Special Snaps in Girls' and Child- Bargains for Men and Boys ] | | THE VAUDEVILLE ENJOYED By Large Crowds at Lake Ontario Park, The attraction in the city did <sot make any "material "difference in the attendance dt the vaudeville entertain ment at Lake Ontario Park last ening. + The Spalciogs introduced some new and daring feats in their aerial performances, which were loudly ap planded. Wild applause greeted John Morrison his several néw songs, especially beaut vul criptive one "The PAsoner Is the ther of the Girl T Love." He happy in his "I Am a Member of Patsy Club," "The Irish Fair," "Gallagher,'"" *and recalled he sang with spirit, "'Nothing Is for the hish." Miss Rosevear sang with her ysual sweet expression, 'When You're Kissing of the Girl "AH A pietures ey m his s tes Mo was the at the being loudly OF SPECIAL INTEREST --T0 Saturday Buyer double width Chiffon of other There Regular price was 75¢ DISPLAY. Too Good ness and Missing All the You Used to Know" lone." The moving much amusement, © peeiaily the Temperance Club," Heart' and "Mustang Affair." The same will be presented for the the week. and for the cave links "A Pete's suitable in Silk About 700 yards fine Veilings, Scarfs and a varie!) lot about 25 desirable shad SEE WINDOW YOUR CHOICE - are Graven yard Love programme bajance of 40c YARD PORTSMOUTH PEOPLE ANGRY At Insinuation That Breakwater Re. pairs are a Bribe. Portsmouth, Aug. I85.--(Ta the Fdi tor) : The residents of Portsinouth de not appreciate the insinuation-of the Standard, that the breakwater is to rebuilt as a political bribe. This had beer decided on long before an election was in sight. Both the tories and grits of the village are delighted 450 Yards Beautiful Silks Ti wide 35c YARD $ The. balance of our stock. comprising nearly 60c, Toc, 85c and $1.00 qualities Some 27 SATURDAY, - - rumley Bros. | @evsecrersssssssserascel Prosacsssscssasvasesses om wes wove. (GTI ON THE JUMP Years Ago. ¢ WITH OUR «=> |BIG MIDSUMMER SALE sixty hs hfe | N11) vr surg 0 WN \/; 7) his 8 were granted all they asked for, in cluding a quantity of stone for use on | streets, a supply of eurrent for street | lighting, repair of culvert, crossings, | ote.--~ PORTSMOUTH RESIDENT | i i Booked in History. A young girl who attended but had not been formally into society, found herself confronted with the serious responsibility of tertaining her first man caller, according to the Chicago Evening Post 1 "id pear He had asked permission to call after (oo ine injury having danced with her, and an ap | por two ve pointment. was made for several even: |. upper part of his ings distant lyzed, but after The girl had be eniosed and was considerably od hard" the prospect of having to keep the con: onthe ago At the age of | Her | shim "away to Iand." ht man then aboard a seaman Brooklyn a dance | forty-eight years Salone, kivn, owes Having lived a broken neck, Edmund years old, - of a record. He says that to the fact when introduced seven drove en he young there 'was no hes: sustained alter the hed, res aroy fre aid has work da ip to. a ire aoe it was pra mn that | no worldly education, hve health. flustered over aver few | versation up to a gentle boil friends pasured her that was not dificult, once started, put that there 'must be some reliances on stand ard topics when an acquaintance just forming. The man lege-bred, they pointed but, and prob ably familiar with Nterature, art or history. History ! ! That Malone Hue in fifteen LORY er sea from his physique he and four sailing vess During ym a his head was voung was col ched fre high mast music, 3 J ust in Side arrived The newest | oards and Buffets Extension Tables, 6 or Also Nelid Oak ¢ Chairs 10 Match AS We deck on There was no doctor on board, = the boy staved tn his bunk until the shi® reached New York later Every bone in crushed, but by the New York had starte® To pr together He went to a treat, but for ne » Wu his case receive} 8 feet was an' inspirition, and she Leather Seated wvidity nn- the with with it Purchase store A { Chase, "i JAMES REID 'Phone 147 The evening came, and younz man. He presented some long-stemmed roses looked charming, referred to ure he had had m dancing and rattled on with the usual opening chorus Them he pauvsed, crossed his legs The girl changed color several times, choked momentarily and said "Wasn't that a perfectly thing about Mary Qieen of Scots time they reached | now, your pur her thay she told ner the pleas e pica strange her, the arms ained the vears i for a job Ihe broker conv¥ort, except that and with of re i attentior rest paralvzed, but he alter started to i were rr f | of them | Malone } use tv leaned back and rer {ook CAUSE OF FALLING HAIR, neck give | Dandrur, Which is a Germ Disease terrible Lo can't furn his hea ei ill the Germ : ing his body There a large lump | on bhaek it dandruff, The germ root: of the the vitality hair to fall in little sour You { Falling ban by which ix a burrowing "Loosing the Drop." the of his neck where the disease the it destroys bones - have been thrown out of place germ Severn! dave apo Malone eve and par dispensary A doctor ac cidentally twisted head while !'" treating a ear, Malona oul claimed, "7 that necks, 4t's broken." The doctors gathered the had "i into When a man whos gut a gun and want to an gets 'the drop' on you, there's m th ing else to do but throw up your hand and Jet him have whatever he wants." "That's where you fool yourself," said the man from the South-west "I a man has' the nerve he can face a gun and get away with it--some 'po 3 of times. I remember seeing in a border |, 4 "tie saloon an Englishman pull 5 zun ona pg. y caught cheat-| ~ hair, where the hair, causing the digs up the cuticle called dandruff or can't stop the falling bair without sround and pro : the dandruff, you ean't of the "Ure the dandruff kilhng the Brooklyn dandrufi germ the cauns, v the effect." Her- the only hair preparation that kills the dandruff germ Herpi- i a delightful tress his and for sore ex 3 sen len wk gut . curing and without worst fracture ever seen Destroy | reoOve Newhro's picide js 'Still Life. Is your mother painting ! {life now Sold hy leading druggists. Semd "You will 7' said the Mexican, look You; jathur's portzai Meggen- [ 16. ig stamps for sample to the fer ing calmly into she muzzle of the dorfer Bleatter. i ida Co., Detroit, Mich, One _ dol- Englishman's revolver Fell, ee -- ar bottles guaranteed. Jas. B. Me won't do it just now: that gin's not { Leod, special agent, Kingston. ' ing in a game of cards. "You give me back hair i ci 1m also thé money any #till jn tr u . Fou Keep Cool on the Water. Saturday, America lands, 280 p.m. Je tours' the " 'What's that ¥' exclaimed the Ing lishman, tarning the revolver toward | Janiah 3 : : himself to Jook into the chambers. And |, 2iaR © anther, Yerexville, show A Mos iran itomate plant that bore if | . Mexican, drew a (At Pickering's rinsed Ltomatoms itaelf. It was upshot plant, amd on one stem thers were twelve large juicy . | Tonight . Just before retiring, if your liver is sluggish, out of tune, and you fee! dull, billous, constipated, take a dose of Hood's Pills And you'll beall right in the morning - An alone redd tomatoes ---------------- New Arrivals In men's fall hats at Campbell's Cooked Meats of all kinds. Cooked WHreaklfast Food of all kinds Fresh Pruit and Vegetables. Biscuits, Cake and Pastry Lemon Squash Lime Juice, Orangeade. Lemonade. etc. "In case of sickpess on Sundave, remember (Vibeor's Ted Cross drug | A loyal wife will do anything for ber i. i » Phone 530 490 Princess St gi A A NAA "HOT WEATHER SUPPLIES

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