Daily British Whig (1850), 18 Aug 1911, p. 6

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®e0c0essesceesccese SPOCK i BANK OF TORONTO © Sang Department Offers to all thrifty people a -- --hyeiient and secure for their spare nd Ymerest is added to balances twice a year, WILL SELL HER FINGER DR. MARY WALKER'S OFFER 10 WEALTHY WOMAN Through "Crown Reserve Who is Eager-to Buy a Living Right gn Can. Index Finger to Her Hand, Philadelphia, Pa., Aug. 185.--Nrs. Reginald Waldorf, of Philadelphia and Lon Apgeles, Cal., who advertised for a "living right index finger," cau buy the desired member if she likes from loo lest a person than Dr. Mary Wal- | ker, the woman who wears trousers, Dr. Walker now lives in Oswego, N.Y. Yesterday she sent this letter to Mrs. Waldorf PR. Demnirion "Steel Duluth Superior * Minn. and St. 3 R. & 0. Porto Rico . Penmans Ltd. Quebec Ry. Toronto Ry. Twin .....oiice From MeCusig Pulp be Grafted on Compal arenas deren Detroit United .... Paul Dominion Textile s THE DATLY BRITISH WHIG. FRIDAY, eB STRIKERS HAVE LOST Ask, Bid, rue SYMPATHY OF THE BRI: August 18, 1911. | TISH PUBLIC cerrcennsivanil 4 497 21} QUOTATIONS Bros, Noutreah, | Since They Refused Premier As} quith's Offer of Royal Commis. | sion--FParliament Continues in London, Eng. Aug. 18.~Public 1238) sympathy has been lost by the strik-' N75 ers for refusing Premier Asquith's of fer of a royal commission, and in some places the men ignored the strike or- ders. The British press regards the sit- uation as very much like a civil war. The strike affects Ireland, but the 106 Scotch employees were slow to go out. AUGUST 18, 1911, ULL OF FIGHT. . (Continued from Page 1.) [few weeks, and I.can assure vou that! for twenty years Past f have scarcely {known what rest meant, But Pro- | videner has always treated me well, | and has given . me today a good! {health woich 1 did not enjoy even | when I was young. (Applause) And,' igentiemen of the province of 'Quebec : {1 say to you that I whould be ao! 'shamed of the intelligence Province has! given me if | «id wot devote my old! age to the honor and advancement of! my country. I do not know how much time for work there is left in! me, but for fifteen vears 1 have done! all that was in my power for my! country, and in thie fight 1 sll ig without attempting to prophesy, that! - Reginald \ Waldorf © 1 have just read that you desire to purchase a right index finger. Will vou give me enough to erect a consumptive ward | on my estate here? i 'I have saved hopeless cases, and | because | declare consumption is not Union Pacific contagious money is not forthcoming United Steel .. to erect ward. Southerh Pacific .. i "1 finished this letter not using my Roading .. "index finger. Copper... / 'MARY E. WALKER, M.D. Atchison .. "Surgeon of War 186) 65, Missouri Pacific "PSA roturn ticket is sent wil pelo sufi come immediately so yon can decide | GIVES UP THE BATTLE if my finger is desired by yourself." Dr. Walker has been trying for some Dr. Wiley, Food Expert, time to. find Mre. Waldori, She has!' His. Authority. sent letters to Philadelphia and te | Washington, Aug. 15.--De. Harvey Los Angeles addressed to the woman Ww. Wiley, chief of the bureau of chemi- whose advertisement for a finger ap- istry of the department of agriculture, peared in a Chicago newspaper, But goctified before the house investigating | each tim her lettor was returned. Yes- eonunittee that he has surrendered | 1 p she sent the letter which has ! Spractically all of his authority for en been travelling back and forth across force ing the pure food law to Dr. I. 1. the continent 10a newspaper in this punlap, associate chemist, and George | city. P. McCabe, solicitor of the agricultur- ~hie detimnd thut she was willing to 4 department. snerifice her finger provided Mes. 'Wal | dorf waonhd fay her price. the has brought before the foods and Mrs. Waldori desires a finger to re drugs inspection board, composed of | ple we one she lost in an accident. She 'these iwo men and hime, ix reported to be independently wonl lod that ho had found it useless to ap- thy and capable of paving almost any peal to, Seeratary Wilson, and had | Dee for a linger provided it nits hero not even received an answer to one of | {She believes that t finger can be the ON > a a The kind you can lay straight out'grafted on her hand and thi evertu- 1p; a A parte apply he had ally «he will have a perfect one. Pv, | : Walker is eighty-one years old, She figured prominently in the civil war as a surgeon, and was ong of the first women - sufirage workers in the "Mrs. wie . ake of the Woods : Montreal Power 27. 1623 YOUR BANKING INVITED, BUSINESS ------ New York Stocks. Rid. 17 704 74 13% oa 613 L053 . 413 KINGSTON BRANCH 107 PRINCESS ST. Surrenders, . 3858000080800 0000800000 00000 0000000000000 000000000 Social at Verona. Verona, Aug. 18.~The lawn: of Tuesday night was a success in country Oh a \ . every way, the sum of $111 beog | x er " > ba ; i i a Fro Yn he has ON realized. © On account of the tlmeaten- men's attire, She is anxious to erect ing weather the programme was de an hospital for consumptives and ina : | ayed for some time, but during the] note she savs she woula sacrifice much interval the hooths were kept excep- more than a finger if it were possible _. to reulize Her dreain tionally busy, When the storm, Lo which only threatened, passed by, the programme was given and was much enjoyed. The little folks in their drill did remarkably well, The oung ladies' drill was w performed, The ipl a antl boys \pantomine were id. The mudle was of a high Fhe --pantomine,-- Nearer to Thee," to have been the young ladies of Godirey, ow- H. Gooderham says that mg to a slight acident, had to be wolitios will not at the cancelled, to the regret of all those Toronto Exhibition luncheons. {who had seen it at Bethel. Mr. Yorke Dalton's lemonade in 10 cent bottles. {performed the duties of chairman. " , & » at "Prouse's Drug Store. | Harth a H ning. > Hartington, Aug. 17.-Several ithe young men have gone to the Rorthtent. Messrs. R. Freeman and | Brown left, Wednesday, for that ee Ritchie Flerbeck sublered a on and not double up lke knife, a Jack social Just like a bed for comfort. - LLJs Stir. Three motor boat races, at ( picnic at Lake Ontario Park, day afternoon, 5 The Dominion census returns will | compiled on a special tabulating dh chine, being made in Toronto. $1 'motor veils, D0v Threeineh ilk | {oa ribbon, 10c. ve: Be. chamois finish Lod gloves, 25¢. New York Dress Reforms (OY 'Hammocks from $1.00 to $7.50. wiv en "A. Mitchell HARDWARE. George - - be discussed Hon. George F. Foster was nomina- fed by the conservatives of North Toronto, " ; Sellery; {bad meeident recently when a rusty nail van into his foot. H. Wateom is reported ill with typhoid fever. Rov. {afr of Queen street Methodist + {vice in the Methodist church here next | Sunday afternoon. Mr. Maloney is spending a few days at J, E. Free man's. The two young sons of K. Ryan have returned home from visit- ing at Wolfe Island. Mrs. Burleigh {of Verona, is visiting at John Bab Saturday Morning, 6:30 U'clock Ttem of The Uhited Kingdoms, Two tiv during the--past-number--of yours; andi Overruled in two-thirds of the cases | he declar- : {least twenty percent in excess of other {at all, {put over all to a up the cracks. {ehurch, Kingston, will conduct the ser- | Mrs. Myrtle Reed McCullough Sui Nottingham, Dublin, Glasgow, leeds, if I' were a betting man | would | Manchester and Sheflield are among [ut my money. up that the old cock! [places affected. The govermment is still will win. (Applause. } {working for a settlement. "My opponents," declared Sir Wil At noon parliament decided it was | nid, "perhaps, with their coalition, impossible to adjourn to-day as sche | {can defeat me. Bui there wre things] .duled, owing to the critical labor con: they cannot take away from me--the| "ditions. Jlae of those who have worked with | | Livemool, Aug. 18. ~Suffering among | SO many vears; they cannot | lower the classes owing to the strike take away from me the prosperity is widespread in' Liverpool, which ju {which Canada has enjoved during the | 3 under military rule and all supplies Past fifteen years of "beral adminis are carried under eseort. Many works | fration. 1 soe heiore we men who! lare closed down for lack of power. are white -baired, as 1 am to-day, Birmingham, Fng., Aug. 18. --Sharp | {whom I remember when they wero! close quarter fighting oecurred between YOUN, and they know that never | the police and the strikers here, this has Canada been so happy and pros morning. 7 aevous as duriny these years of liberal - government." ' (Applause), Whole System Paralyzed. f Pome London, Eng., Avy. 13. --Stiike lead Reciprocity the Real Issue. ers Liis afternoon asserted they had | Pree wling, Sik Wiarid dealt with fps tically paralyzed the railway sys ithe increasing revenue of the country i { i i declared that it was plain this an. lereasing prosperity had had its effect {in Quebec province, since the old exo {dus to the statis had stopped, and Than Was Harvested in Any Other | now the young men of the provioee Year. [were going to Montreal wud the west Winnipeg, Man. Aug. 18.- From ei 'when they needed work. (Appl se.) tical Ehrrespondents in the western | But in. the face of oll this said | | provinces the information is gleaned to- Sic Withid, "the opposition says "Turn {day that the wheat yield will be at!l-aurier ue' 1 thaek heaven, which has been 80 good to me inthe past, years. No damage by frost is reported | j that | can appear before you and only a few isolated cases | With a policy of reciprocity with the | of damage by hail. Rust, is reported in {t nited States, which will 'make our many districts, bul ny material dam- jeauintey more. hros|ires than ever i age is reported. {{Applavse). Despite Ne efforts ta i -------- {make it appear that the naval Fal tis the important issue in this election, 1 am convinced that reciprocity is tho | real issue to be faced." Sic Wilirid declared that nowhere was this reciprocity pact of mere im- | portance than in the Quebee counties | facing the St. Lawrence, and prediet- ed that once it was adopted the | whole distriet would be visited by | buyers from the to | secure 'the products of the country. {dred thopsand men havieg quit work: TWENTY PER CENT. -- now Progressing Well, {1 Paving The laying of the pay ing? blocks on Clarence street is progressing as well as ean be expected. With the fine coat of sand for a bed, the bricks can be laid quickly, but the rain Friday al- ternoon stopped work for over an hour. A thin coat of cement will be ) ! States anxious Free Market for Produce, The prenvier then briefly dealt with the history of the old reciprocity ne gotiations until finally. the Americans {had sent to Canada and seconded in {getting bargain agreed And as soon as this is adopted in Can- ada," he sail, "vou will obtain en tirely free entry for vour grain, hay, aud vegetables into the markets of the United States thout Paying any tax, (Applause. fe tried to ir this measure," said Sir Wilfrid, "but such was the obstruction of the opposition that apparently the will of the majority did not count. So [ said the people of Canada were the masters, and they must be consulted, and now it is for vou to say if you want to see reeipro- city passed or not, so that vou can can send vour animals and farm pro- ducts to the American markets.' (Ap lause.) Sir Wilfrid expressed confidence that the election would result in favor of his government, and that soon after Chieago, Aug. 18.--Mrs. Myrtle [(he reciprocity arrangement would be Reed McCullough, Phe famons athovess, | ,ceqmplished. Veto Bill Becomes Law. --Hondom-- Eng Aug 18--The--fam- ous veto hill, the cause of one of the most serious legislative conflicts in the hiktory of Britain became law to-day. The royal assent was given. There | was a great demonstration the | lower house. TW. R. Gillette Dead. Chisago, Aug. 18. --William R. Gil lette, grand chiel ranger, Independent Order of Foresters, dropped dead of heart disease at the aviation meet. AN AUTHORESS FOUND DEAD IN HER HOME a to. in cided With Overdose of Sleeping Powders. shouted cock's. | Tamworth Tidings. 3 | Tamworth, Aug. 17.~Mr. and Mrs. ! {Henry Joyner, of Reatlle are visiting | iriends in town. Mrs. B. Floyd amd | daughter, are visiting be the Thousand | {Islawds. - The Union picnic held at! {Benver: Lake, on Wednesday last was _ 'a success. Aboud HO men, women and |children weve in: altendance. W. A. {York bas men building his new shop. IMr. Meville, operator of Moosejaw, vis. "ited friends in town the end of last jwiek, George Woods and daughter, with several others, left on Tuesday last for Edmonton, Saskatoon and the west, } ite Muslin Blouses Regular 75¢, 90+; $1 00, for | ar 38¢ Each. All sizes in this lot, | White Corset Covers & Drawers Regular 60¢, 75¢, for 38c Each. Gloria Taffeta Underskirts 98c Each. Black Sik Taft Regular $5, 5.50, 6.00, for ] Baron Lied at Epsom. Aug. 18.-Baron James, Hereford, attorney-general to Edward, when he was jirines, suddenly, today, at Epsom. Loudon, Riog died Ron. E B. Garneau Dead. Quebec, Aug. 15~Hon. E. B. Gar nean, member of the Cuebee legisla: RB {tive council, died, to- "day, after an cfillness of a few weeks, aged fifty two. All colors and sizes. $1.50, 2.00, for Imports Fall Off. New York, Aug. 18.~Imports from England have tallen off eighty per cent, since the labor strike, which is seriously abveting the merchants, Two men stealing a' ride were se viously hurt in aT. & N. 0, freight |. wreck six miles north of North Ray, Fiiday morning. Several cars loft {the track, piling wp in a ditch, Marquis mei Po ony enroute to Oun- tario goldfields landed ot New York! Friday morning. He freely admits his j in a i# to make money. very vouthful graduate expects to set the world on tit '+ .seem to worty the insurance people Cy Ferey Simmonds, of Halifax, sud Miss Nollie Burton, were drowned in Dartmouth Lake By their - eanoe- ap $3 98. wearing sizes 2§ and 2, a price. Dutton's street. : iia has returned i Nig, ba Sydenham and th on business. official statement gives 632 | death ju Sve days: from eholers i of | was found dead at her home, last | Some one night, with indications that death | "What about {was caused by an overdose of sleep: |hacka 7} ing powders, taken with suicidal in "Don't be afraid," {tent. A note addressed to her maid | frid, "there will be no fog stil if Der husband had been us kiod (time, and we shall win." as her maid she would not be going | Wilfril' then. took up the np [where she was. Her husband former- Lyionaiist ers iig@inst the naval pro ly-wolked -ou---a- college paper in. Toc {ers sme. "Wise have we created. his ronto. Among decensed's books, writ- | puvy 7' he asked. 'Peeause have {ten were 'Lavender And. Old Lace" [become a nation of eight 'million pier | and "Love Letters Of a Musician." ple. nud shall soon have fifteen mil | i yem---------- ions, Apne it is unfortunate | | Death of Mes. eessity that as nations grow | Belleville, %.--Mrs. Huvley, | Soust take steps for sell-defence, just] wife of J, .. dominion fish [as with the increase of towns they | { inspector, passed away vesterday af Just develop their police fore in or {teenoon, at the family residence, on] {der to secure the safety of persons | Queeir street. Deeensed had been in {and property. That is what is hap- | failing health for some' time. Mrs. |Pening to England; to-day, with the | Hurley was about seventy years of {AVY as the police of the sea, and | } Aik the army on land. We also have this | tage, : protection, and it will cost us a good | i World's Fattest: Woman Dies, deal of money. But our naval pre | Br . gramme will cost only three per | Foronto, Aung. 18--~Mrs. Leta Camp- {of the revenue, and that will bell, better known as "Dolly Varden, prove hard to bear." died here, this morning, aged sisty. -- She was the fattest woman in exis tence, twenty-five vears ago, and had Oa Tour of World, travelled the world on exhibition. She | IS.~Mr. and' Mrs. once weighed 00: pounds. When she aged twenty-nine | amd twenty-eight, reached here, vig | morning, on the first lap trip of | died she was 400, forty thousand wiles, touching every | Haggart Secures Nomination. country im the world from New York {for the ten thousand dollar prize Perth, Aug. IS --~Hon John Hag! gart secured the conservative conven-! tion here vestarday by. nine votes, | 8 New York magazine. over Col. Balderson. The vote stood] 193 to 81 Six others were nominated {hut withdrew. Thus was the trowble in the conservative urvative gmaty | here solved ROOSEVELT IS SCARED, L + $0 BRYAN DECLARES Steel Trust Used Panic Bogey to Make lim Consest to the Teanessag Merges Urbana, Ills, J = ~William evan, speaking. ire. on Blend Ser former President Roosevelt was "inti- widated" by the steel trast in con senting to the Tennessee Coal & fron company metwer. In this connestion, ig? said : ih, al "Isn't i a a pathetic a that such pp in the crowd Drummond' and Artha Wil this Sir there said Sir we ne "an 3 they | J. M. Hurley. Avy M. Hurles -- yt cent not | Toronto, Aug. Henry Humphries, of | Woman Pulled a Eevolver. foronte, Aug. I¥.--Because husband | had stopped pus ing the weekly settle | mont, Mrs. bb. Joyner became abu {sive in the a office and drow a | revolver which Staff Inspector hen nedy took away from her. The gun was not loaded, but she had cart. ridges, vi motbbni George P. G. Manu, of Montreal, a former Kingstonian, is a visitor is the leity, My. Mann is superintendent of the | ntemdtional Test company, | proprietors of the International Corne- | 0g Tweed News: Ross Tuottle *s home) rom hingstin. He will keep an eye! to things while the old ke are, away. Monarchists are ready to invade Portugal. The republican troops are under aod day. Be; pien's | Ibe. Dut; r nets, 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Stmssenssseesssseninsseea santas sanens ya * o-Morrow AT ONE-THIRD OFF. To~-Morrow we will place cn sale the ba~ lance of our stock of Ladies' Lingerie Waists, all this season's novelties. These are Mall, Indian Linon and Fine Lawn. Soma ace embroidered fronts, finished with lace; others Allover Embroidery fronts, with fine pie tucks, 'onyg or short 32 to 42 32 50 for $1.67, 300 for 2.00, 350 for 2.33, 1 00 for - 2.67 1.50 for $1.00, 4.50 for 3.00, 175 for 1.17, 500 for 3.33; £2 00 for $1.12, red ves wll sizes 75¢ for 49¢, 89¢ for hic, $1.00 for (7e, 25 for 8c, 150 Yards Biack Palette Silk A soft Silk, with a bright finish that ives excellent wear and is of excel- lent welght. It ig'the usual 19 inches wide and is generally sold at 59¢ yard. To-Morrow 34c Yard 125 Good White Cotton Sheets Size 90 inches long by 80 inches wide, properly hemstitched. This make is usually told at $1.25 each or $250 im) pair. To-Morrow 89c Each J.Laidlaw & Son 0000000000000 000000000 -- _---- Discount Off All Oxford Shoes am Arp on A A lB AI at « MEN'S, WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S ALL SHOES OF $2.00 AND UP. The Lockett Shoe Store . sensors ssssssssessscsseseses -- : 9000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000 BAAN 00 stat tatatasansrsttise sas tases stetns

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