For regulating the bowels, invigorating the kidneys and stirring up the lazy liver Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills have proved for over half a century, in every quarter of the world, absolutely safe and most effective. 25¢c. a box everywhere. 7 Brennan came ai 1032, Hoe] KINGSTON. 'Bevessccsscssssane FHERABIGNETE i of ideas, who have sowie inventive abi lease write GREELE = Hel NT Patent Adorners nahlington, Sesser sssssssssssssani lings ure particularly Geo. Muller & Son Sewing en, Go re ott Either No fers igor vital force, drains, losses &¢ man drugs! ists or Mail §1 from Fougera & Co. , 90 Beekiian . Jiros Co, 14d. Toronto Hindoubt No required send self addreseed envelope Clerc Med Co Haverstock Rd Hampstead, Loudon, Eng. Try newDragée! Tasteless) | orm of TReraplon, easy to bake, sale, Tasting cure, | wYork City, or Ly free book to Dr -- ee ' 7 simp 2 hsestc Wall Plast $3.00a Ton Pp WALSH, Barrack St Berar teste trates i sesssscssccssnsssnsnnse § TAKE IT AWAY 3 : when served with Belfast @ . Ginger Ale or English Gloger Heer that de not besr our label, i » . Our beltled goods for family use' have no superior, f hoicis it at any of the lead- $ If hotel prod 0 rielephone 304 for a Vhompson Bottling Oo, 202 PRINCESS NT, KINGSTON | gpparently ilit 379 King St } Used in | blood fein, bad legs sores, ie harges(vithersex weakness «That's what our. patrons say ® {Tips For the Farmer BY UNCLE JOSH. who anxipus stap then confined to the only allowmg wheat knock Muny for eggs {laying by poultrymen Are in winter their hens keeping hen-house and them a Hew hundlulls Hew days the and commenca Lo they take lget started ction of (amply {diet feommnesd to clothes i Ar wo und feed during the food to manafacture new and wld aways this period subject over-fed birds. 1 inll down dead, will be fairly fo put it dos Heat apoplexy may be avoided by providing the birds with plenty of shelter. Young duck susceptible to daily la 'a offi laying Sometimes to susp of hens moult s or two weeks ten da Phere ned be no cruelty by Lhis treatment. birds on a low cheat. When 1st off beep the very the their "full liberally solely on have old steam foi hre ahead" mare [poultry Tatiticient moult req Heathers, whi be well Hed during | Poultry especially i : a bird suddenly ure to apoplexy, VOI see or sale sO, vou n to this, heat apoplexy. Bleeding ix. the Felieve The Wood # Orin. Pierce a vein 3. allow the blood to How for a little while, Of course, this need only be restored to when the bird appears 'nearly dead. In many cases this must be done immediately as death takes place in a few seconds. During hot yg Te adult stock should have all 2, | their drinking water made to taste islightly saline twice a week with eop- its; this the blood and the system, it also cleanses Holding a bird's head under of cold water, under the pump will often save its life. find. any every precaution In many lost quickest way to under the wing sOm cools at regulates {the liver et liven, I'he heat to remedy 20 or moment you of take cause Cases apoplex the 30 birds may by neglect cases be in a day A Daily Ration. balanced Wal- 25 a well ration, W e's Farmer gives the following potnds of corn silage, two pounds of bran, five pounds of corn chop and two and one-half pounds of cotton seed found by actual experience that the meal, with all the sorghum hay and fodder they will eat. 1 have Hotnd--by--actual--experionce thatthe following is a better ration. . Send vour wheat te mill and have it ground 28 you do your corn, then give silage, 35 pounds; clover alfalia hay, 12 pounds; wheat meal, live pounds; Cotton seed meal, two pounds, {with all the sorgham hay and corn . Hodder they will eal up clean. Try this and see $f your cows do not give imore milk and produce more butter ® Mast all corn silage has a good deal ® [of var corp, in if, and if you feed corn ® [chop or corn meal along with it, yon ® ave too much carbohydrates and not ° {enough protein. corm Corn or Oat and Wheat Smut. ol The oat or wheat smul atiacks the o Plant if the seed that is planted is ® [rms Fo prevent this it is neees sary *lo destroy the smut fungi on, the ® |r helore planting, The best remedy {for this dissase is formaldehyde. This I. COHEN British-American High-Class Ladjes' Tailoring. Has removed from 231 to 267 . Princess Street. We are ready .for business with all the latest styles for the Fall Season; Now is the time to order your Fall Suits by saving a big dis- count before the season comes, 0000000000000 000000000 Pecssccssscsansess ae COAL! $ The kind you are"lpoking for is the kind we sell. Scranton Coal © good coal and we guarantee prompt delivery. BOOTH & CO. FOOT WEST STRERT. is a chemical that may be purchased A the druz store. One pound of for bp | maldehyde to 50 gallons of water will {give the proper strength. Soak the grain in this solution for about 20 | minutes and then spread it out so that it may dry without heating. It {mated that farmers suffer a loss of 20 Iper cent, of their wheat, oats and bar ley through the growth of smut on the {urain, 'Fhis loss may be entirely pre. {vented by the use "of the formaldehyde [solution The same treatment will prevent potato seab. is esty- Silage for Horses, feeding silage Trow bridge, t | "In Prof. | Agricultural ( ollege, eration is that it be of the best quali to horses," says of the ' Missouri "the first consid- way. If desic- able results are to be expected it should ¢ 'be fed in conjunction with foodstufis [havi ing a protein content high enough to approximately balance the ration Rua portion of the ration of growing {horses may well be composed of silage {for two reasons : 1--It is pot a high- {priced food; 2-It has considerable jvalue as feed, without injurious ef {fects if fed properly, There are men {who make silage 5 greater portion of the roughness fed to brood mares that are not working. I do not believe this [to be the best system to follow. Pro- {viding silage is not spoiled, it'may be {fed in small quantities breeding - stock, but spoiled silage is sure to $ ty---not spoiled in any to {bring about most serious results i Thirst brood mares. The roughage fed idle horses may be larger in' quantity DUBLIN yu ALE, LEMON SYRUP. LIME JUICE, RASPBERRY VINEGAR. LEMONADE RANGEADE. D. COUPER, 'Phone 76. B43 Princess Street Prompt Delivery n to | than tnat fed horses orate doing hard work. A Most Important Pest. At this season of the year we should redouble our efforts to keep down all kinds of mites in the house and on the fowls, If allowed te get a foot hold, they will i over-fun the nests, roosts und bodies of the fowls, and we do not hesitate to say that live are the source of more diseases in in the poultry yard than any other one pest. ft is' tenly said that you cannot raise poultry and Liew to- gether, but the old fowls sooner or later suecumb to them. There are several Kinds of mites, two of which are es pecially troublesome. One kind stays mostly around the house in crac! and Titter during the day, while the other kind remains on the fowls all the time. In either case, begin with the house first and, while the fowls are being kept in another place, re yard amd burn at once. seald the howse with boiling hol water {warm water will do no good) and see that it fer, Bo She every crack aad itewash with a st pressure--from----thetiiugeling up. in their nests the bal. Young chicks suffer most from them, ks iti 81 to $1.35 pair; turkeys, 1Se. move all grash, nests and litter to the | ' THE DATLY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, AUGUST 18, 1911, EE i SS when the work has been done, your attention to the fowls. As watching season is over, perhaps simplest way is to grease the both old and young, with land inte which tobaseco hay beeo steeped. | Girease them on ton of head, under wings and over and under tail. The | very yvoung chicks, or, in faet, those | not weaned need sot be greased, as they will get covered while under the mother's wings. This should free the | fowls, and if a place where they can dust themselves is provided, we should | have no further trouble, | the fowls, -- Care of Pigs. A good many people who raise pigs every know that they should use | care uid do certain things to preserve the health of their little es, somd of them overlook it until it too late. his places them in just bad position the party rot know how to prevent I will warn them of pitfalls, ising on. thumps. He careful do not vear hut | is os did | the trouble. stumbling blocks HCOUrs bring ne who hl en nnd ay the do not feed, about feeding BOW make | Make degrees, | the Lo overfeed her, a sinkden change every chauge Anything that will out of condition is likely Catise in the little pigs. le careful about feeding house slops to the sow. I there is anything in the slop that will be different from what she has been having it might cause trouble. It therefore, or her ally by throw in gradu sow SCOUrs is, wise to use caution. Second, on cold days the little pigs that are getting ali the milk that they ean grink from their mother and ance of ithe time T too fat, the fat from performing as it is are table to become prevents the heart ordinary function pressed by the fat, Neglecting the Eggs. egus are like Caesar's suspicion"'; others age like the famous curate's egg, "good only parts." During hot months hens often lay a away, either in the hay-loft clump of rank weeds, When found they are often marketed with the rest of "the ergs often incubation ; have a musty never be put with If found right, use up for cooking, do not run the of sending them market. this kind of thing happens your hens with more nests and gun. Make their surroundings comfortable as possible. If you find a hen has "stolen a nest," and gone broody, better let her it out if the comhtions are at all favorable, and where she has started to sit. Many wile, "above | in Line of egus or amongst a nest These eggs undergone partial best they will hey should other eggs. have | at the! flavor SVour them risk When provide to nest as A cares aa Some Timely Tips." Don't change the collars from one! horse to another, 5: Kun the hand separator aecording ta the instruction) book, Ihe serub farmer and stock seldom pull together, loys, dow't imagine that playing with the cole breaking him. = Don't let the price vontrol vour judgment when purchasing a boar A good argument in favor of sheep that they never suffer ora. Uniformity in a herd is a good in dex to the worth of the stock and. the skill of the breeder. if yor want to have some good fall pasture, sow a patch of Dwarf Es sex rape about sixty days before you need the pasture. Five of seed per acre broadcast Don't the cow ing her face. after you, but that have been shut the barn, kept off he an application of fly dope. An exchange says When the cow comes in to be milked, reward he with a little grain," We object to this adues unless it up, as she will soon refuse to give down her milk without a treat. Before trying calf in a pail tempted to jam bottom of the pail the corer when he bites your fingers stop long enough to that the calf is not half the were at his age. When the hogs gnawing the plaster in the foundation barn, it is generally they are after least some mineral their system araves. wood ashed or pulverized will usually stop this waste energy pure-bred in is from chol pounds for switch Nhe swear at tal in vour the flies out of back with is not should or vou follow little are the into drown the milk, or i his head through or to kick him to of you realize fool vou into of the or rooting deep into the ground, safe to presume that hone material, al that hard coal are or substance Charcoal, soft of hog ; Produce and Prices. Kingston, Aug. 19.--~The following prices are reported on the market : Carrots, 4U¢. to BUe, doz. bunches; turnips, S0c. to 60c. doz. bunches; new | beans, Se. new cel bush; green bunch; Xe, to potatoes, $1.75 to $2 bush.; qt.; new cabbage , 60c. doz.; ery, 7c. per head; tomatoes, $l green corn, S¢. to 10e. doz; onions, 5c. bunch: radishes, lettuce, Bc. bunch; apples, gse. eck, A. MacFarlane, Brock street, re us grain, flour and feed selling as ollows : Oats, est local wheat, $I: buckwheat, 75c.; rye, T0c.; peas, Ye. to 81; yellow corn, 7c; bakers" flour, 2.50 to $2.75; farmers"; $2.75; Hun- garian patent, $2.75; oatmeal and rolled oats; $4.50 per bbl; cornmeal, $1.80 to $2; bran, $22 tom; shorts, $25 ton; baled straw, 87; lose, $5; hay, loose, $9 to $10 ton. Meat--Beef (local), earcase, Tic. Bie; prime western beef, $10 per ewt.; hy carcase, cuts, 10. to 15c.; live $7.85; dressed hogs, $10.50; pork, 10¢. to lle, by quarter; mut Jon, 0c; spring lamb, Te to Ibe. Ib: vesl, 5c. to 10c. per Ib; to to Ne. Wh: fowl, $1 to $1.25 pair; ing chickens, 75¢. to Wc. pair; but- 27c. 1b; rolls, Te. Ib; 15e. i pike, 10. 1b. Chinook salmon, 30c. Ib; 'kippered herring; Yarmouth bloaters, 40c. doz.: Adlantie salmon, 30¢. Tb.; salt codfish, 33e. Ib; ig turn | the 183 to $3.25; | Raw furs 82; | medium, {and culls, | owing prices for raw furs : 1 {swore « 'stable Hourigan made the arrest early + 'companied het home and is now | guest {fessional nurse, inon, lev Crosby | Tursthey morning; { tended. -- ple of weeks tage, up the : Smith, Luella (Caulfield, of Litiea a week with the George Liond, at Mrs. Matthews' oot } The Fvans X.Y. former's Hides, trimmed, 40c. 1b; horsehides, calisking, veals, Ie. ib; to ¥1; sheepskins, 3c. in cakes, 6c. Ih.; bees ginseng, $5 1b.: wool, ih., unwashed, 13¢. Ib. Red fox, No. large, $6; No. 1, mediam, $4; {atm No. 1, | large, $2 to -; No. 1, medium, $1 10 mivk, No. oy $6 1087. Noo, £3 to 6; spring rats, No. 1, No. 2, medium, 2%. kits at value; springy rubbed skins at value. George Mills & Co. Mixses lona | and Mildend are ver TOWN OF GANANOQUE THE deacons, Sec, to 3b¢.; sallow, lwax, 25e. ib; { washed, 20c Bpendimg Mis gaunt, FX:DIRECTORS WIELDED BAND BATON Cearden street i At a Concert Thursday Evening--A\ THE SPORT REVIEW. Bull Bothered Campers--Teg at the Yacht Club House. 1s, many Baseball © and Other Games, According to reports, ch Monteeal AAA ott. Frank Patric Renfrew and Ottawa a new western Canada league The Dal hall management made an offer to old "Cy" Young leased by Cleveland on Tuesday Marty" Walsa inclined to believe Toronto Asgonauts will be the to beat wnterprovineial union this fall. Hans Wagner was hurt and will be out of the game while are making their bid for league leadership. sard to be civil the Toronto baseball Notes Aboat large, 356 Another campers from and summer the open-air concert band st the Public evening, when ex-directors band and directors ol wielded the conductors' among those included being T. UConaor, W. E. Rees, W, H. Jack son, T. R. Willis and E. Parker. In- vitations were issued © X-mem- aml old bandsmen to be present this guests of the Gananogue, Aug large including surrounding will ths Rows evaownd, rugby team the : resorts, of the Park, of the olher baton, 13 islarcis quote "the fol injoved Be Citizens' Inst Citizens" bands ft is endeavoring to land Spring muskrats, large, 30e. to 40e¢.. for medium, 30c. to 3Be.; wink, large, $4 to $6: medium, 33 to $4.50: small, $2 ito 31: raccoon, large, $2.50. medinm, $1.50; small, 75¢c.; red fox, as to size, $1 to $6: skunk, as to size and length ». to $2; "weasel, 2c. to hockey stars timore has : FE fa Handier than f of Hie, sinpe, team Rag' to all bers in the on orecasion ns band The coal schooner Briton finished uploading, yesterday, and pulled out of Lianagogue river to wait for a fav- orable wind, A large attendance enjoyed the dance at Turner's hall, last ambpg land Jordan having come to blows hem heing quite a number of canip {few days ago in the club hous jers from this section. The Citizens' Mavbe Ty Cabb isn't {band orchestra furnished music among the Detroit Tigers, The ladies of Gananoque Yucht Clublp con't won a served five-o'elock tea for members and | {peach dropped from the line-up ir guests at the club house, a1" Monager Dave Tope has ¥. W. Fulford, J 1". The accused was |tarnoon, there being a large attend- the. Hamilton some Sv appoune Seduction Case. 17,~0n Monday who resides nes A Crosby * Wedbesday, the the last ar New Brockville the arvest a laborer of this place with seducing under pro his daughter, Mary County Con i A Crosby, Aug Henry Muc boro, ourne ford, Pirates National There i= ved to and it a warrant for ol Pyne, wmong fush war I Israeli charging players, him {mise of marriage Jane, a girl under age. evening, the whole works hut they Tuesday morning and took his rwison the Georuin er to Broekville, where he was ar- raigned Mavor Patterson and game since sTEvTioH | at Cut Prices Ly Send for Cut Prise Catalogue. before vesterday fans Note the improved, cower. Easily taken off--eqsily put on. Fite air-tight and keeps contentsat full strength ordinary Large Can 10 At Grocers BICYCLES BICYCLE SUNDRIES BICYCLE MUNSON MO Vong Ste remandel until Friday, but was later apes. ing that call the fest ladmit ted bail, his bondsman being | A party. of at the river Tiger rughy practice for Aug. 26th. J. N in' the sum of $1,000, Hront a few miles of the towa) I'he utter failure of the sluggers --Mies--llanche Thompson has returned had quite---an--eseiling time recently, gh ent zoster to hil up ty their from an extended visit with Mrs. W |hdving pitched two tents and settled reputations during the Baltimore sei jos ' { Chipman, Mrs. Chipman ac bywithout leave liberty in the terri | ' he is gaing to to campers Knowlton, on} 4 THECLUB west Moot val bigs was the direct eanse of the four losses Cobb laid himself ofi the Detroit team i of over-training. te wa convinced that he had heen working too hard and re guested: a fortnight's vacation. Baumann, the Liiseman, 1s proving a sensaliou the grandest old man baseball, has been handed hiz uncondy tional release hy the Nap management He says he will sigr big league team The | pitcher still thir'ss he ean C8 1S0 did J. J. Jefiries, br} Hackenselimdt, the where - a bull he id undisputed of friends here and her forme: Ahout midnight the animal at- home in Newhoro.*Guy Halladay. At- tempted to rush hoth tents, but was hens, has entered the employment of {pounded with tin pans and sticks un- W. A. Singleton, a8 clerk in his cone +30 compelled te beat a al Miss (C. Palmer, 'Camp treat. i Winchester," Portland, was the guest | The work on the new Miss Hilda Leggett recently. Wy jing of 'the Parménter & Bullock com- and Mrx, E. H. Merrill Master pany is being pushed along rapidly, Lloyd, of Ottawa, are holidaying at night and day gangs hoth being made B. A. leggett"s. Miss Taggart, pro-|use of Smith's Falls, was yt Messrs. Herbert of 'her Mrs. B.M,. C Charles ane day this week, - The weeks Rural Telephone fompany, ie | Mrs. Kinlock, Springfield, Mass A Russian: Lick," extending its line to Clear Lake. Miss | enjoving a few with friends ha rid' ol ami fionship in Hilda Leggett, has heen re-engaged Ito fir this section ee er ohed i York. to train fet teach Forfar public school in- Mr. and Mrs. A J i a crease in salary. J. Dillon, Gananoque, hy spending his sugeh with far tmp os monanient our ceme- | former's father, pane by Dr: 'Roller, street a of Seatts, who him Ea Hacks i for their near ( hicago | Fleming left, Although the rbot the have a good lead for race in the American : will possibly | " fuperal of the | Mre. 1. M. Machar, and/ Miss May jrafe 18 not hy any means over Detroit is now at home for | McDonnell, of Kingston, have been . ; ih Hruesta- for the past few:dayse at "Fern. lies, the feature of which will be 1 eliffie."" Merton Gordon, New York [Philadelphia Tnyigion. -- PIII city, spending a few weeks' vaca plays four g umes at Tigerville 2 with parents, Mu and {mencing the latter part of "ne Gordon, King street. Mrs if the Tigers Detroit, Mich., is spend straight 0-1 ate 8. J weeks with relatives in town, prev Ath - | where he Mrs. (Dr.). Downing danghter, {letics, they will not 'be far belind meet all "his old Wheeling, W.Va, new Ones Aas mer's lather, Tinsmithing and Mrs Hain White, also agent for Mand ef .ellan, York; Miss Pepper ale, J. Todd, Jory sway. appr Ty Bomeltke surroundin Located close to theatre. neipal he was re new and se store. of fac L - factory build You, al of and another wonderful old up w ith and THE are on Manitoulin Wilmer Hamp- spending a guest cousin, an- { ton, street, South | few have the largest ipped dyeing and in Canada, and wrt workpeople Is it any wonder satisfactory work. 2 i 3 Island Georires known and Are Who aspire ' the weeks gtlis to York, with the at Latimer, Néw some time here W. F. Latimer; Main Mrs, |} M. Bind, Mrs. T. 0. Middle two weeks, have left Chicago. Ernest week, for a trip provinces, and un Frank Goteh He war zo 18 erecting the tery. mn ". Dye 6) Frincess St, wiestie and and ast charge tra has in will go mtao nin Lake Locals. 17.--~Haryesting is have Pod their much-needed The Seeley' ter Brewer's Mills, was largely Mrs, T. Berrigan and the Miss es Berrigan, of Kingston, are spending | a few weeks at their summer home, here. T. B. Patterson, Inverary, at R Webb's: Miss Hazel Hagye, Warburton, at Wiliam Bower's; H, Forrester, M. McMullen: and T. Maxwell, have leit for the west, Mr. and Mrs, J, lower expect to leave on the inst, to visit in Winnipeg. Leo leo Lae, Aug completed and some threshing The have come at las late' 8. 8S. Metcalfe, home in this west Athletics A Philadelpnia the Baseball Peagu : champion far done FAIR locate there val a long church, Ww. \ Plumber, busines Princess Bennett, is tion here his xt' wee Mrs. D. J | R. Cameron, ing a few from 373 Sireet; Horgey's will repeat and ne 1 they dil on vieit of the {and four leasion of the pext ns the be and we guests of the for James Calbick, Dr. and Fonda, NY; Miss Migs White, New| and Mr. and Mrs, enjoying a cou many class done; Range Cape Vincent Sunday Connections America 780 am, turning leaves Cape Vincent and 6.45 p.m. Be, return 26th fee ™. and 2 pm, IT a Gilbert sells Gured's ginger Toronto, ave > _---- . + ---- SUBSCRIPTION LIST IS NOW OPEN, AND WILL CLOSE ON OR BEFORE 3 P.M. MONDAY, AUGUST 218T. Cawthra Mulock & Co., own and offer at 981% $1,250,000 of 6 per cent First Mortgage Sinking Fund Thirty - Year Gold Bonds of 8s. in centre of city stores ages are moderate. Special rates by the week, PM TROMPSON, Proprietor, @evrrssvssssssrasessenly DYERS, and cleaning the most operate we PFARKER & C0, und Cleaners, Kingston, Ont, T insmish has Removed his place of King St door Hardware pleased customers and as require Phone 1033 §+s2eetassaasye LS a HOTEL WELLINGTON : (Near Prince There aré other bh roach the clus for but oe beat do Removal Notice! and to 191 to th? Store, lo first Plumbing the Souvenir Canada Bread Company, Limited | (Incorporated Under the Laws of the Province of Outaria.) : : to carry with them a bon us of 256 per cent; of Common Stock DUE Augnst branéh of the Unlon Hank of « The same Ist, 1041. DATED August 1st, 1 anada or Principal 1911. interest 1st and August 1st. payable at any the Metropulitan Bank DENOMINATIONS : $100, $500 and $1,000 Bands issued in coupon form, with privilege of registration of principal TRUSTEE : Guardian Trust Co., Limited, Toronto CAPITAL ISSUED AND FULLY PAID THIRTY-YEAR SINKING FUND GOLD BONDS . $1,250,000 PREFERRED STOCK. ISSUED AND FULLY PAID UP 1 50,000 FULLY. PAID UP 2,500,000 PURPOSES OF COMPANY Limited. has acquired as golag concerns the plants and businesses. of the Bredin pany, Limited, of Toronto; Geo. Weston (The Model Bakery) of Toronto; H. C. Tomlin (Toronto Bakery jof vimited, of Montreal. and W. J. Boyd of Winnipeg In the case of Boyd the real pr per thes are excluded, : ant land in the City of Winnipeg. abont two acres in extent, is substituted x The first three companies have been in opera- tion for about thirty years and the last two for close to twenty years They have all grown from small beginnings till .they are now among the largest in their respective fields in Canada The combined ouign ol thie companien al present is approximately. 600,000 loaves of bread per week. If is intended. by extedsions to the j pres nt plan ts and the erection or Aes quisition of new plants, to forthwith increase the output of the Company to one million i In CE Wenk, Madern plants wii} later be added in the other large cities. The sum of $1,000,000 cash is being placed in the ry to provide for the erec- tion of the proposed new plants and to supply ample working capital ' POSITION OF BONDS may be made to our prospestus, which is pecompanied hy un letter from Mr. Mark Hredin, the Viees We draw sttention to the following points mated that, with the reonomies 10 he effected, ithe earnings on these plants will shortly amount fo SIN0000 a yenr, or g ~mearly two sud one-hall times (he bond interest, A With (he extensors (hat it in proposed ty effect forth- with, the company by the end of itn flent Sian) ear show he in a fon to shown earslugs of to three and one-half times the interest rr apyten bond lenge, and with wt (he additional! plants that provided with the cash wow In the treasnry (he eat should steadily goles te aver FIJO000 a sear, or We wneven times the bond | sterent requirements, 5 The company, with iis planis situsied in the cities af theQditferent Previtees of ( panda, will be in reptionaily erable piwition to heuriht by the marked reonomie nt will be possibile In mannisctocing, snd more especinity in dispteibution, and ali (he time will be torutng au aut a more uniform produ ander the mo=t sanitary conditions mem who have made the different com- panies partieuiariy sw cessful will be identified with the nngement and direction of the new company, Mr, Mark Brodin, whe is probably one the mont successful bread manufacturers In Cassda, will secapy the postilon of Vige- President and General Mansger, while. the services of fhe hendn of four of thy different companies taken over and of an efficient represestaiive of the filth have been ansured fo and semi-annual February 6 PER CENT, FIRST MORTGAGE 7 PER CENT. NON-CUMULATIVE CQMMON STOCK, ISSUED AND { Bread Com Toronto; St a parcel of vac Canada Bread Company Dut For full particulars reference President and General Manager of the company. I. The present $1,250000 of 6 per cent. Fiest Mor - Sinking Fund thirty -year gold bonds are secuced by Vo deeds to Gun un Trast Compsny, Limited, ' Toromid, econ- stituting a first mortgage on afl the property, real, per- sons! or mix now owned or hevantrer Aequised hy the said trust deeds, the that of the 81 wh $500,000 all be held by the Trustee, to be uked ouly in the redem Hah of wage, J | Sinking Fund of 1 per cent, Ay operative Asgust 1, mi he lh. anes without any stlaw "it x - in a - fe ol ete, at $841,425.70, There Sood will, trade-mn need of cash - ruin a 2 loan JHOR,221.08 of adatt from iready taken over BUTCR AIRE or fon- enrnings ehnpt plants, as per ceriifionts Price, pln & after silowing for de- precistion, amounted from Chon, 1910. to Auk nth, ba te Sheree is, i» Weibel may he a hing In. -» per cent. Cash treasury ts eo ymeént on extensfons. It in enti reanury peuding i mpi mer may be obinined from, and submeriptions should be torwarded to : GUARDIAN TRUST COMPANY, LIMITED, TORONTO. Any Branch of UNION BANK OF CANADA and The METROPOLITAN BANK OR TO ~ CAWTHRA _MULOCK & COMPANY . 12 KING STREET EAST, TORONTO uarta,