yh, i: _ Che 1 TROOPS FIRED INTO A oe. a a 194 MONEY WAS BANKED, Ident 'y 1 oot Pickpocket. innot Kiling Two Men and Mortally Wounding in i Ei Several Others. Scenes of Violence Mark the Great British Strike---Hungry i" Women Lead Mob in Attacks on the Storehouses in Liverpool--- Settlement Hoped For. f ind colliers and Xo ithout spl § 10060 col ato) the { haeked nun his per ¥rertes rick bei 2 ih I distinct of wkshive, Barrow il hand . cast in the in-Fumess SEY Eng... Aug. London striké is ended London, vallway mn out work ire 30,6 in i pe v in Wales rf Dut ham are Card Fales, wll bh London, Aug With ri Wales, two men bevy killed and many --avunded with women leading mobs mn attacks upon storelioises in Liver | At pool; desperate fighting between sol! 'heg dliers and strikers at. Lheravron, and {collier an attempt to wreck train Sear: oul of borough, reporis from the provinces, The Spturday night, were in strong road trast with the government's . ments that the strike outlo more opt net ye There ie still hope thal agreement for a basis of settlement can be od and the ete ng taken to ke op. rnin Hiss The closing of the South Lor vider | caused great inconvenience and the crowds in the ste the order] gave abundant evidence the ovusness of the situation, Ever the military guard and iron hand of ernment protect ing life and tant} in evidence, The was C8 snk 1H 'ment ith L1H jhers ny nothing ronal rthomberland wn ale tre he "rrr ree the PORN" ore and oe he trouble of the in consultation hill at oon ha closed re the oa Barer ve as a ' : at A h h labor Pricone fan Win variou with oflice HAINES DIVORCE Tell Wife con- ore CASE <f ok letimacy Between and Aanis Sal Mr wentative home furday aftern Simultaneous! Lloyd George and the repres of the Radwaymen's Ale | ton the was | Chr : | Witnesse of " : union were il reach rer rest men Troops Fired nell Wales, Au hot b tert twn killed and other wou dorl. This Into ! the Moh I troops, mistantl rially { l war riot h Sa or {turda of heir vwhere two wis the the property on the co the here thts a inlence declared of of W exe eplior trike A les ul gos | 1 nas w been with the Fhe in- [With SUCCES Lianelly, Wales, who shooting at eed by the wisted on trespassing on the railrond | A mob attempted to property. The soldiers warned them | ing train and. the to got buek, andgwhen they refused to | to disperse the obey, the troops were ordered to fire [act was The two men who were killed and the {had one injured are supposed to have been [their 4 non strikers. led the The authorities at discharged his revbh sent a request to Loudon for ig the mob roused fron m | police sent I here strikers pre witnes of stop i wh an neom Life ! whieh n «Or | i Annis | vied' De ym UHV het w i pit JOON unable riot but it continiend mount othcer , but police were Fhe ate, men timate existed M absenc bs and vines during {he the ive read ® | foct k loeome gist strikers wes from tr \ no « jcembe r, 7, GEN SIR JOHN FRENCH RECEIVES PRONOTION He Becomes Chief of the Imperial General Staif--A Leader of Troops. and military in the : on an hay troops. Leicester ' to quit who had iy to railroad propeciy They fired moh bre stret were dead two soldiers have been. or at Une thousand dered to proceed there the Maryleboue station At Scarborough the strikers attempt ol to derail uo train by blocking switch. A large crowd gathered st point where the switch had been nnd the soldiers arrived just in to prevent a serious wreck. The was bombarded with stones and every window was broken before the mob could be dispersed, A motor bus got beyond control the driver in london and crashed to the middle of a company of diers marching to do guard duty one of the railroad stations. Several | of the men were badly hurt that they had to be taken to the hospital At Birmingham the authorities took |tons one hundred tons of foodstufis Sun, the Northwestern Railway der escort of mounted troops. | The engineer who ran the Lichfield | Joba lad by hung to Walsall train reports that while =" . ie cold storage wirehbus crossing a bridge he 4 menacing re to get food to sustain If od : Se > . full iniled because the supply crowd gathered there. He put on full { haustod. While steam and turned off the electric lights diers were gentle EE The crowd threw stomes as the train |jasling with the they had flew by but the only damage wis the resort to their batons to Spore smashing of 4 few panes of g rioters. All: of -the. coal At Lincoln a attempted city was, to-day, charges on a signal cabin, The police bakers to enable used their clube freely the | their available supply of 'hroad crowd back, 5 . will be disposed «uf by (he Reports from Nowe y Finally the troops been stationed in the the depot and other jwere ordered to three volleys. At this the fled, leaving four ' the ground. Two ipicked up and the dving. onto vicin proteet shoot oh the set and when men on tine other were | fram -- We of | Liverpool, (cut off in sol. |taurants « prevail, and nen Storm Warehouse. Ang. 21.--Al this city: saloons and we ol I, famine the death rate is already alarmingly high. The stench of collected garbage is horrible, and less something is done to remove of refuse exposed to disease, hardly {combatted, will be to the irors of the strike. 4 power mn re conditions un 0 wn the | the now } which can added be | | from 2 | un- nor- station ry women attach hop They reads and Baw . was the police as AS mobs, it to the owned by the | turned over to loeal them to bake lass moh two ul Ih Ha Opening and Coove : 1. city Sil "Xft Chori oily 18 also mote engineers went oft Saturday and milk depots to supply babi that fewer pins wre running 'reight (dren who dying bv the dozen trad ia REIL standstill abid Cause of fark of food ports are in bad' shape -- Grimsby, which London's Strike Costly to cipal purveyor of fish, 1 Paris,Aug. 21.--Charles Logrand, any 'trains. Fhe fishermen sident of the Chamber to send their catches to market | Paris, estimates At Dover the cress-chanmel service {ion that the is maintained, but the boats are lale | causing loss and enrry few passengers The j dnily fruits, scarcity of coal at various places Ie lehaese and other cause of the railway strike has thrown 'which must be many thousands of men oil of work. wharves, having There are 20.000 steel workers idle shipment to FOUR HET DEATH The Steamer Hero and Tug Chief: tain Were in a Col: fision. Four people mot their death after one o'clock on Sunday morning, in the St. Lawrenve river, above Que bee, when a collision toek place be sped ef are the Tye cont ex Prin without unable | 1. France, is . ro pre a of commeree of from strikes { { specific informa England of $200,000 | Howes } in wre France vegetables, perishable destroved n Ww become unfit other market London, Aue uncenmen! ne tment nade. The from the f the the the ficeman Menard was mactried, and has 'and family. He had been with the [post Calvin company for many years, and forees was regarded as eve of the company's perind very hest mon. Mrs Haggerty a Jor some time widow and her danghter was about |[Mengement seventeen years of age. {ral The Calvin company jeouncil is further details concerning the acei- |POVM i swosttion fo ident, apart from the fact that the |] 4 3 steamer Chieftain had been ran down | tte. during the night, by the other vessel fen Be Mrs. Haggerty was the 1 of § Dennis Haggerty, who died sone hp cha tween the steamer Hero an! tug Chiel- three years ago. The family la hat tain. The steamer Hero was bound 'came from the old country, he down and the tug Chieftain, which had been regidents of Wolfe stand, by abd age Father brought down a raft to Quebec, was 'eral veats. {a leader of the on ils way up. : oe The steamer Chieftain, which figured minute writer Asa result of the collision the Chief- {in the disaster, was ont of the lest through the midi as a soldier tain. was sunk. When the crash came. known hoats in this district, having commanded his regiment, most of the people om board the Chief: boon engaged for' many years tow. commanded forces of all arms in peace tain were rescuatl, but Mes. Haggerty, jug rafts for the company, and when (2nd in war, and he will bring to the | cook, and her daughter, of Walle Ie lnot engaged jn this work, was u fami nrmy council a practical experience of | land, Geovge Menard, of Garden Hiar figure ground the harbor. the needs of the service, of which that land, who had been captain of the i (Continned on Page 8.) bady, as at present covstituted, stands | and a Swede, named Alwar Thomas ----- sorely mn meed. The chief of the im were lost. a porial general stafi is also first wih Mrs. Haggerty and daughter are To be Engaged Permanently. tary anessber of the council, sod, as Jippond to have been killed in their | Pttawa, Aug. 21. <As a resolt of yisuch, be bas a responsibility outside «horths but the others, were drowned. jconference het ween Hon. Sydney Fish- (of the functions delmitely apportion; The accident took place between = St. $F mimstiar of agriculture, and Pr led in him in the distribution of J; ties | departments. It is Anteane tnd St. Croix, Lotbiniers | Rutherford, veterinary-general and live between war office county 1 : stock commissioner, Dr. Rutherford {hoped that he will act as director of | {will remain in his present position un- | manouevres when these take place. til Oetober Ist. Pr. Rutherford hand-! ti ras : SWEPT BY TORNADO. ed the government his resignation! The news of the disaster was received | Ln (ime ago to take effect on the in the city on Sunday morning, and poe dav of Augus Yomo Great Damage Done to the Whig, on ealling 'up the Calvin jo. rie : we mote North Dakota. company, at Carden Jslawd, was in: I jherelyy Dir. Rutherford will be retsin-| Minot, Nv, Aug. 21.--A half doven formed that four people had been log parmanently by the government. | towns in North Dakote Neate swept. by drowned; You paves consisting of the la torpade an Sunday following © rs. Haggerty and davgh- 1 Ag 5 result of assailing the Cuban | Sve, mjuring & hundred ter, wa Haggortay thé former hing government, Jose Maria Villaverde, | cousing two hundred thousand dollars | cook, wd the utter as ior of "Cuba, "Havana, and his da : lin the wile | transfer Fm A of X I fa f pecior ge eral of the tafl past, wall m ' wn that vl f chief of gener hag "been expect was and jt 3 an ar net rd to the | of from whirh . mare n with t exDeREe ral pre-eminent the hth it Wipro ae Tain } " i 1 had received no he callant -. which he w vi hi appoint ment aid shortly ny ~true fover nt ! ree Canard on ERPs i Jute widow ! French b had f operation possibly otherwise troops rather But he rs ton A Be hai) pra originally within but had for sev sXperience war ov rs ad than i'n He than « Sone i i" hoa § has | and n i i Word Received Here, Towns mn thas according to the police he was arrvest- - led as he was prepering for a fourth. aviator, | hy shot not {had been taken hold of by i government drs Lway LATEST TIDINGS - = Despatches From Near and Distant Places - THE WORLD'S EPISODES IN THE SIBLE BRIEF EST FORM. GIVEN POS- Matters That Interest 'Everybody-- Notes From A Over--Little of Lyerybody Easily Bead amd Ree membered, i | best hed of the Toronto one , of of vurmnent worker: org expected ten toon within onth. Phelpstor raotlraad track sleeping on re ate n aging ead ill strike ol ttled a Wns He n rae, heen to be police mit Pettit, Toronto, had the flour in the tried four times to VI fie] enteen | I yenrs willed has | I hay ti) bsetin I from poisoned by hing " i keepers Friday | license 21068 each n f vine them of * Mele shot leds by negro in ight, the result of between whites and blacks 4. church, Anciican clergy, summering Pa L hinrles gney was and an k a Harlem stantly Friduy on ' rol { George's best-known died while ad! the Tor Mu Cayley, rector Toronto, one of of al LON onto, koka. | he and damaged by [damage lion dollars Ernest Joufret lod charged with three wives, trcul FT Fhe oil tobacco crop in LConne Massachusetts has electrical estimated at been storm hall is i" l'oronto, arrest bigamy. It is all in Torome, Was and, irre Prior," the French was shot smd danperopsly wounded on Saturday, at the Hendon asrodome, his pupil, M. Hanot, then himself twice Both are condition who man serious in a SURVEY PARTY LIVING NEAR SMALLPOX nd in the Party is J. D. Craig, a Son of a Kingston- ian. A boundary are working in sottlement in of small-pox { the survey mm close proxim which tnere is among. the Ottawa, Aug anatiahs on international Alaska ity an epidemic Ir a dans Pr. 4. DD. servatory, there among House, boundary Dominion ob word that suall-pox Rampart Ring, of the has received of the al Ir the thorhodod are fou wirvey, parties largely com of Ottawa mer hose wn charge are Messrs. J. DD. Crane, Lambert and GG sixteen are Cuses thor posed of the I. H Stewart Dr. King know par tws Nellis, he dd individual of to-day, that of the but sal i. the names members of the parties, them belonged to Ottawa There forty gether that many nearly alto stated men the matter the Yukon effort was being wade to prevent spread of the disease. He did think ™at the {members « df the surveving parts were in any danger. Rampart House on the Alaska boundary, several d miles from Dawson Are He and every the not hun GERMANY'S DEMANDS. to Make af Once, 21.--A France oncessions and Aug paper the Wants cable t+ there current Germany hed declared tut that the situntion Germany claimi_ territorial Hinterland and the re industrial and commer in South Morocco. Uernthn ome ut a time when jane] by labor 0 , York tes wtion that Fr eritionl HEPSFION 1H upd for rumor, ontdon an ance m wrnition of cial rights demands i land ' we i troubles; Made Sure of His Death. N York, Aug. 21- t he would make a good job his suicide, Walter J Lockner, East 19rd street, stuffed a kerchief down his throat as far ih of han embankment at ISist and fired 4 shot isto bis His dead body toppled over into Harlem river. ---------- Pope is Convalescent. Rome, Aug. 21. There is uo that Pope Pius is now convalescent. In his apartment be walks from 'one room to another, w ith little difficulty iand spends some "time at his desk attending to pressing affairs. " Awpaet, sdministers a bn injection avery evening to ai stoging ithe Soni health. in re | aily 1 Bris) Whig KINGSTON, ONTARIO, MOKDAY, AUGUST 21, fl to pay something ng the! jcablegram | London, Leured a rhe | | been sald be | | 1s vantage in its favor NC aurred the deathly of George B. Jacobs, Eng: | ~Phetermrined mained of | panied it to Kingston, Ont. 55 was located sight years, and was with | i. it at Amheresturg, Niagara and oth as or points. He played the flute und the lit would 'po, stepped 'over! the speed. cornet street, ments temple. Watertown, the came to Utiea in 180. doubt | iE perme | Er A LAST E DITION } STRIKE E ENDED British Raitvaymen Will Re- tum to Work Immediatey. COMMITTEE OF FIVE 911. SEEKING RELIEF. WE ATHER PROBABILITIES. 10 am Very Much Tangles Finances. Topeka, han, Aug. 21.-J Lo] her, who is supporting three a of children, has applied to Probated Judge Schoeh for help. Loher's first wile, by whom he had] three children, divoroed him, and uo- | der the law he is required to coutri {bute to their support. This wile has since remarried and has three children by her second hus-| baud, and Loher's shmony is pre | sumably going to their support also. | A wear after this divorce Loher re jmarried, this time a divorced woman, | {who had secured custody of her twol children, but failed to get any ali- mony. Loher hag several children by! his second wife, thus constituting the| third family to whose support be must | (contribute 1 He asks the voreed husband Divorce ' thunder storms by "ee local i BE OF REAT EARING SALE OF SUMMER _ WAISTS ) BE APPOINTED TO INVEST GATE (ONCILIATION ACT. Recognized --Managers Their Representas Prowised legis. Increase dng wave of ] Satw Unions © are Will Mee( tives----Railnays Intion Fermitting court to force the .di Rates, of his present wile toward the support | London, { relief, swept | aay might, | o'clock, the "fram the bord: Their Marviage| the railway strike and that the of work immedintel a elegrams 18 of Sum 8 & Telegrams 'were {ta all important haf recs a ing the informati by : | transit = marriage, m ing strike Friday, Julia Mar | op towns in hix co-star the theatrical | st When Mr. Sothery and Miss | seems closed their engagement Pn a | David Llovd Georg on July Mh it was | exchequer, intended to marry. | parliament was promptly de Aug. 21 over A great the country, shortly after eleven announcement was made of trade offices that had been settled, would return to of kis two children when, SOTHERN AND MARLOWE. Announcement of Made in New York, New York, Aug. 21 made at the offices Shubert that they from E. H telling of his men Announceme Aunouncemen jmiekly despat hed i ilro bear- | { crossed ini deserip was Lee r vl towns n, At to London, mm Hines and small 1 kingdo 1 erent essa on y { actor, rioty to in on To - Morrow By garmeut we I made Wf good wash fabrics mis- fits culls--all up-to-date the the sett lement of | the! to} Che | com- | inter | lowe world Marl Broadway theatre rumored that they The rumor, however nied, Virginia i or showlders of statements with | managers Hen arked Ton ciliataon i of the { ested parties seemed to ue given up A of hh members, composed of two vepresentat) the railway comj tw { men \ Partie January, | Will be appointed, {ue * {gate the workin of act of 1907, the the root of device overs to contend, a Ssvynonvm I So far | the to rest om the " e, chanestor who, in his und and intery swe ory Ww when others no divorce October | desertion. her htained Rene i in 18Y4 Robert Taber from him in Harned at grou A Sothern joiat commit ies ¢ the in of from Inst \ WHITE EMBROIDERY WAISTS, WHITE TAILORED WAISTS, COLORED TAILORED W AISTS. on Marl leading ane « married man, She se and n 241 a divorce wilistion | im the men cl 1900 Mi 1.3 which Jl their the is Ihis objection Miss Marlowe bave | 1904. Mr. Sothern Orleans fifty-two born Sothern and in grievances since New yours ngo His bride Coldbeck, Eng., in 1565 co-sLars in OHes ! en's wg born a royal conunissic which, WAS mn always has been for dela teri i compromise the managers in view made them cluding a permis of the men claw on the point of recognition wang, which wos Sal prisciples at Messages were sent es of the labor ing : "The joint tled the strike trades union to work As {soldiers strategical country arrangements can be There fray fired on wounding lot r to $3 Your Choice To-Morrow At Half Price 75¢ Waists at £1.00 Walists at F125 Waists af £1.50 Waists at All sizes in the 1 Regular prices, 75¢ TORY TELLS WHY "HE FAYORS PACT John Herron, MacLeod, Alberta, Gives Reasons For His Stand on Maclwod, Alta., Aug. 21. ~Jobn Her- | of Pincher Creek, conservative pomines for MacLeod constituency, in before the stat his position on fol in | to bel nei al it appe particularly to thas represent ating: | as goe in men's favor, consented schime of certain by the promise vermment leg Lair on rate &f tof { MEAGNE sm | of the tH ARCrea TW aA victory the he of Os) Fla Lo union 1,200 branch toright, say maniisgion Jas set victory! | 11 ron, roing convention here " X " , v reciprocity' as m. Al o 1atel cnn 1 ri CAS! SALES. NO STEACY'S PEOPLE'S STORE. el ows =] where 1 to imine hl APPROVAL, ut the . ed settlomint cattered about of the hal an) Suppose you Are anxious to know a yesuit stand on reciprocity. 1 want that 1 am to vdte for Pewipironity if 1 am vour candidate, and these reasons: After the question for been launched last winter 1 began lett ters from constituents reciprocity. 1 home to people in district ¢ them to ascertain what the gen towards it. who heer {re A \ OLS say going ¥ pot w withdrawn made ht Ww: killing others the nnd stray o do me to support to get asking wrote Lla a mob, nell where ' Lr aos at ' 3 1 and had rike AO men my \ two ma 1 askin ) ri THE fluence in en ling Ihe eral g ence at it depends its power by United European countr repugnant to all The settlement bet we ib opinion was : government stak unions have voted in agreement practically town councils and boards endorsed it, mfuential men have express f of opposing it, wha dif not first wrote me saving that they Tad i , but 1 decided that bounden duty to support constituents de' armers' bre atise MARRIED. KlAAWORTH 1811, by e Re fa of the unanimously, of trade have farmers and business ed themselves being it. 1 letters i w some working sor for shooting of eitizens le than and el soldiers oecurs often in the in any oti when Kingdom et ns n vor » ' is a few wd received natural, reciprocity nese was reached at David Liovd chancellor ihe "echegaer execute of the Premier Asquith returned to this afternoon from the iwhere he had expected tc "Sunday, and his secretar stant trips to the rconderence hoard of tra "and the head sn (of the railway magnate "" ty 1 In snbenguently changed thier it what sired "1 pever- made from no man letters ut DIED. Kingsto 21st. 1911 60 vears of ference \ war the the Mo Chnries of pid} I AUK aged er. mio mnt, ef OR owt mer was my belie edd my 20th 62 Aug thy aged of it. Tha wade I have writ tating my repented it Mm thousands for recede | ibe y uecret m his Btreet three ri 5 ater Ride oon in aneral sidence a afterr werment LWA 4 re rues ek Cemeter concealed it + the AU or at Cataragul Ont Hetwa wa teh hundreds of position, and have ves hg oi Official Statems Kin Mrs Chas conversation hundreds; of times taking this from that get votes or not "I see u good many dangers in ree but | in it to in my choice ( B These are my reasons nt; stund I stand no matter . re ineral fr Fideau ar 2.80 cannot Acting representation whether . ¥ railway companies (Continued on A WILD STORM 3 Winnipeg, Aug. 21 Winnipeg {utruek, last night, the tail end of | after an illness of several months. Heln storm, accom pagried by vid laght vents old and hind (ming and heavy ruin, whioh apparent His ly has swept much of Naskatohe i Ootag Picton, [wan and Manitoba, doing damage in | Tables carving degree in some localities, | Beas hati: {wpparently most severe slong the West Incies., March 2ist, 1541, Toe ternational boundary he Bail {father being a member of the &2nd} {ported from Hordu, Sask, and darm British Lizht Infantry. -- Fw tyre hing were demolished st Elmore, with the regiment, accom. {with one person seriously injured. Fue where it ther south: in North Dakota, condi tions appear to have been worse, and | reports indicate a cvolope, with ae eral fatalities and excelled on these instru- | Gainsboro, Bask, Aug A He resided in Boston, Mas {clone swept the Fimore district about " Norwich, and Troy awd jiwelve mules from here, Saturday, and 9 : Vr Hour houses are totally wrecked When jthe barn of Dosald Cel gudioun w is iblown dows two men Were in al, a ane is 50 seriously ht chat be is wot | expected to recover. The other build baildings on the farm were damaged | and the machinery rendered useless, while the crops are destroyed #. 8. Shillington's barns, Ha; érops are ruined. A neighbor named a i------ i Brown suffered a like lo and a boy The steamer Favorite ran aground | wn hurt from the fs timbers of Lin Niagara river, sfter a futile at omel pf the barn. | tempt to rescue a roan Who Jel over-| John W Stevenson {bosrd, early on Monday. The passes | granary, machiner; were taken in row boasts. lar suffered The state penitentiary cells, son. Wis, were raided on Sunday The bouses of all were damaged, authorities two undred | though pone were blown dos Roois fifty weapon. The prisoners had wep were loosened, h Shisnueys Blown down ' residence afterno »'" Ar a ir va n late Tuesds k Friends tf | & mn hpr by the pare £ pe i S00 eRoOtuy proeity, fluence IN MEMORIAM. and loving memory who died 21st August Deeply mmonrned "ROBERT J. REID, The Leading Undertaker, 'Phone B77. 230 Princess Street. ee ---------------------------- JAMES REID The Od Firm of Undertakers, aed 25 PRINCESS STREET. 'Pone 4 for A lance. give Lhe ad The greatest gd opinion, ig that if the to work to Mee | canceled by a and of Wil 1962 wast. | vantage, people advantage stroke of 4 pen.' This statement for Laurier Pies in Bath, N.Y. NX Ang. 21. At! Bath in my do not find it can be i it J owe the alon west i {Utica of was 54 AN IQUE TABLES. fquare, Round and Oval Mahogany and Walngt, offers not refused. Turk's TURKS, about severity in Bath for formerly Miss SErVIVes Jacobs was born in St. Vincent, was tived wife, (hint Mr over twelve vears Miller, of on ay i =i £ Parrot Gave Alarm. York, Aug. 21.-The shouting! green parrot gave an alarm i ve in a lenwtores Madison apart went house, this morning, saving the fives of twenty persons who would | thave sufiocated Jby the smoke.' The i Joss is Wty thousand dollars. {3 very refreching these days When made with our Own Special Blend it both a comfort and » luxury New of =» ' is and burn, savin ¥tevhn- his crop. as Seamed sod severed Ilead of Arson Trust Yancouver, BA. Aug. %l.-Duvid + Rornehack, alleged bead of the "Arson trast," which a businesy of fra fas and windows smashed in wanted in -- uiidings a fire, arrested vetting was pe, | Chicago,