FAYE TWO. JUNE JULY AUGUST 8tore Closes Daily 6 O'clock. JOHN McKAY FURRIER 149-137 Brock Street, Kingston, August Sale OF ~ _ Furniture, Carpets| rene Curtains, | Linoleums, Etc. | | Cheapest month of the Large stock, good prices that stimulate will 'pay you to lay out now #nd save from 16 cent. year variety, and] business It your money to 20 per {band { | | } | ! Carpets, Rugs, Linoleums, etc, all reduced to fit in with this sale. . Repair and Upholstering Work promptly and well done. "Phone 90. T° F. HARRISON Co. A-------- Te Leeeatasesssesesteets Lace Curtains Qur showing of Lace Cur- tains in Irish Point, Brussels Net, Marle Antoinette, Arabian and Nottingham qualities, in White, Ivory and two tone ef- fects are as'exqulsite. in design as the most [fastidious could desire. NOTTINGHAM ==fpecial values $1.25, $1.50. IRISH POINT CURTAINS, $3.50 to $8.00. MARIE ANTOINETTE from $6.00 upward, 4 ARABIAN POINT, $3.50. i 000000000044 140 bmraes R. McFAUL, Kingston. Carpet Warchouse, » FERRE sees Yours, £ | | | CURTAINS. at $1.00, I | sesetssscssecesssesace| Headquarters fo REAL ESTATE § Save time seeing our list. «Here are a few good things 427 Albert Streot---Detach- @ ed brick, 9 rooms, furnace bh @ and c., gas, stable and large ® and meney iy winners. decidedly {freight handlers {group is began to-day. known golfer and holds the champion- ship of the course for last year, cover- ing it with a record of thirty-four. will have to do better this year in thirty-two second to the with the renewal of THR DAILY BRITISH WIG, MONDAY, CITY AND VICINITY. Case Was Dismissed. of an Assyrian, arrested on Saturday afternoon, on a charge stealing some small articles from Knox's store, was dismissed by Mayor Graham. SHOOTING HELD LONG BRANCH. The case IN. THE AT Major H. J. Dawson and Staff-Sergt. D. T. McManus, of Royal Military College, Did Wgll--Cadet Turner and Sergt. Robertson Prize Win. ners. . Another Popular Price Excursion. Among the islands, only 25¢. Steam- er Quinte Queen leaves at 2 p.m s Wed- nesday: home %.15; one hour at Thou- sand Island Park. (rood consistent" shooting, under popular trip last week. very . trying weather, at the OUmtario Rifle Association meeting held at Long Branch rifle ranges, Toronto, last week, by Major H. J. Dawson and Staff-Sergt. DD. T. MeManus, of the Royal Military College, gained for them places in the prize lists in each competition throughout the meeting. In addition Major Dawson carried off the bronze medal in the Tyro aggre gate, with the score of 423, closely followed by Stafi-Sergt. McManus who collected 117. Needless to mention, these two veterans of the art soon thot themselves out of the tyros. Gen- tlemen Cadets J, A. Turner and Sergt. Robertson were algo among the prize He Sang Well. Sherlock sang in >t. John M. night, and re sndered a couple of solos in splendid voice. Many of his old] friends were out to hear him. New Manager Arrived. the new manager has arrived formerly works at at Dunkirk, | of m Mr. Wheatley, the locomotive the city. Mr. Wheatley was manager of the locomotsve Montreal, and latterly NX. works A Teacher Resigned. The secretary of tha school board received a telegram, this moning, from Miss Maude Cannem, of Cover- dale, B.C. tendering her resiguation as a. teacher mn Victoria school. Getting Busy Again. Lovdan, Ane. 21.--Railroads are rapidly restoring their normal service to-day, and conditions are greatly re- lieved generally in Britain. tailway- Cannon will hhely locate T6 the, west. men claim a victory: The dpeke : 11 | She was one of the best teachers on titi wo--the ocean: io daa oe As Gh Le 3: affected, but the strike tht was af- the Niall, and Ter TECIF@nent gretted. fecting the wholé world is over, id \ \ Sunday school to-night, at Vie- Barn and Crop Burned. A report in. the city, Monday, said | that the barn and drive house belong- ing to Andrew McFadden, Stoness' Corners, pear Sydenham, was burned to the ground, Saturday evening. It was. also said that most of the sea- son's crop was in the barn for ,the fire was [orthcoming. } To Play Ball Ihe Pethel church baseball teams meet, {toria school ground, to play the se cond game for the eup offered by George Mills, superintendent. They did not play week account of some players not being able to be on last ss ON Kicked by a Horse. "Bert."' the street Junior Series is Ended. The junior series of the City Base ball League will not be continued, in of the fact that the Athletics wiped evervihing else off the slate,~ Without finishing the schedule the \ Noloties have shown that they have the undisputed right- to the eup {by winning all games in- which they played. Simpson, a conductor on railway, was kicked in the stomach, Monday morning, by a horse on Union street, in the vicinity of Queen's University. The planted both feet in his abdomen, luckily it was not serious. , He to a doctor, Monday afterfloon, find out if he was injured internally. view have but went to 4 4 iate Discourse. Painter Say An Appropriate cours Rev. Mr. McKinnon, of Lachine, preached in Queen Street Methodist church, last evening, a very ful and impressive sermon on Not," the words of Christ to widow of Nain. The church bad Play, a team to Railroad evening. time thrown they being the the can gel the this the Printers gether the will play era at the cricket field | Althongh it was stated some that the Printers had two games to the Railroaders have expressed themselves as adverse to putting at the head of any trouble. If the ago lost Gardiner, and the? dis very appropriate. A. was late J. course without Lake Ontatio Park, n An exceffent attraction has been To Try the Links. , | engaged for this week gf Lake Gi. L. Conley, son of Richard Conley, | tario park. The programme includes New York, and "a former Kingstouian,| "Bert" and Rose fea in a co at the Frontenac Hotel golf links | medy musical act, playing on several to take part in the tournament which {string and wind instruments, Miss Mr. Conley is a ' well | Helen Harper, singing classic and po- 1 pular songs. This, together with new moving pietures and illustrated songs, He | will make a clean, bright entertain: be- ment. ause already the round has been made Sidsp---- Stopped Runaway in Time. skins hed to the delivery . Lackie, baker, start- ed to run y Monday morning. It was left standing on Charles street below Montreal, while the driver was| delivering bread inside. When it got across Montreal street, (i. I. Val leau, who has a grocery store on the corner, noticed the horse going by and rushed after it. After ruvaing about half a block he caught the animal as it was o up the hill. The horse waggon of J Athletics Were Beaten. The junior Athletics lost their first game this season, when the team which they played at Wolle Island, Saturday afternoon, trimmed them by the score of 9 to 5. The city team had them beaten by a score of 5 to 4 up {till the beginning of the ninth in- ings, when the husky Wolfe Islanders ltook things in their owe hands and rounded out five runs in their half of {the innings. It is quite likely that | {the Athletics will play them again at the fair, which will be held next month. The local boys hope to get back at-them in the return game. olny Looking After Children. J. C. McConachie, local agent the Children's Aid Society, has re- turned from Renfrew county, where he spent the past week, looking after charges of the society in that district. I'here are in all twenty children, and Mr. McConachie paid a visit to each one, and taken altogether, he Toronto Varsity Foot- | them in good homes. In a few intercollegiate, the | the ducati of the children work immediately | found. to have been allowed to drop a little, but an improvement along this the term, and fine 3 brosised | whether or. not they will have all of |" Proamsec, Inst * year's fourteen in line the team! {promises to -make a big bid for the | honors. { To Have Strong Team. Journal's sporting edi- creditable rumming The tor says periorm ance Ottawa In view of their last season in cases was ball team in the Queen's will start Laid at Rest. afternoon the fuperal took Garfield Platt will have charge of iplace «€ Neta Lillian, the infant | the Kingston students again, his won. {daughter of Mr. and Mrs Storms, | derful work last season in rounding |132 Colborne street, to Catarayui cem- the team into first class condition hav- {etery. Rev. A. P. Mershon conducted ing rafed him as ove ol the most suc- [the service. Many beautiful floral sssful coaches in the country. Re- | tokens were placed upon the casket, {ports are to the effect that Allap |inclucing offerings sent by Mr. and |Dowling, the Ottawa boy, will be Mrs. R. Prettie, Mrs. Shaw [back again, while efforts will be made | grandchildren, Mr. and Mrs. W. [to hold sevesal of last year's best. (man, Mrs. Watt and children, Mr, {Practices will be held during the first (aod Mrs. T. Martenelli, Mrs. Wash or second week [in September when the | burn, Mre. Acton and Mrs. Haymen layers will get right down work, : ye 8 to Paid the Damages. HE LIKES 10 1 TRAVEL One of the men, who had attended the picnic at Lake Ontario park, on Saturday afternoon, was not satisfied with seeing the baseball games, but started breaking windows in some of the houses at Portsmouth Saturday mith, of Odessa, who is visiting evening. He was under the influence of ith relatives on Queen street, at the liquor when he was doing the dam- home of Mrs. Rosevear. Though age: People went to Magistrate Hunt- eighty-two years of 'age Mr. Smithl/er and had a warrant issued. Con- is as lively as a cricket. He has nev. Stable Smith searched for the man, er had a pain or ache in his life. ibut he was not captured until Sunday He visited a time in Watertown and morning. He paid the damages Saturday Rod f And is Contemplating a TFip to Chicago. The Whig had the pleasure, on Mon- day, of a visit from Joseph R. This, proved a very] An- | drew's Presbyterian church, on Sunday | Miss! fret No cause | animal | thought- | "Weep | one of its most respected members, the On- | for | found | ares THE DAY'S EPISODES {LOCAL NOTES AND THINGS IN GENERAL. Occurrences in the City and Vicinity | --Other Brief Items of Interest Easily Read and Remembered. | "Buy tooth brushes" | Parafline wax, ive, { drug store," Harold Hughes {on Monday noon, W. and D. Lyons, Enterprise, eity visitors, on Saturday. Charles Eward, dr., Princess went to Perth Monday at noon "Buy tooth brushes' at (iibson"s. R. H. Fair has - gone to | Lake on political campaign work. | Willian: Swaine, piano tuner. Urders | received at Yoduley's. "Phone 778. Dr. Nelles Gardiner returned Westmeath, Ont., on Monday Races will be held on Tuesd ver se course of the Clayton Yacht ( ue ' B. Lawrence, Spencerville, Unt. was a visitor in the city over Sun day. "Buy son's. Miss Lizzie -M. O'Gorman, for Rochester, N.Y., to ac cept tion. A. CU. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. W, for a few days. Sr TOOTH Brushes : Joseph Munden and Miss Beste Mun den, Gananoque, ure visiting friends in the ity, H. Cunningham, { King street. Leave | Auley's bookstore, . The Misses Connor and Fthel Boyd, Brock street, have left on a trip {the steamer Dundury. "Ruy lackberry Cordial." Gibson's Dr. Frederick Nicholls, who has heen | visiting at his home, here, returned to Albany, N.Y., on Sundav. Miss Daisy Mc€alpin, bas returned home, after (week with Mattie Harpwell. Buy tooth brushes * at Cibsorn's Mr. and Mrs. A. GG. Williams, Albert street, leave to-day for a trip to Ko chester, Niagara Falls and Buffalo Edward Wbhonnell, who has | Cisiting his mother on Arch street, {turned on Sunday to New York. Clarence Dryden left, on Saturday, for N.Y., where he will re- main for some time with father. "thuy after-dinner mints." Gibson's. Miss Jessie Reid gave a finished ren- dition of 'Fear Ye Not in Queen Street Methodist church last evening. Miss Irene McNally, has returned to her home in-Westport, after visiting her aunt, Mrs. J. J. Murray, York 'street. "Muy Spearmint gum' Archibald Gates, B.Se., spent the wevk-end with his Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gates, street. Sydney Marshall, in the city, on a visit parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. (Brock street. i 'buy seidlitz powders" at Gibson's. | Mrs. John Armstrong, of Quebec {stroet, will leave on Wednesday to spend two weeks with relatives at Portland, Ont. {- Mrs. KR. Campion, who has been vis- liting the different cities in the west, {has returned home, afte! a months' holiday, | Rory Stocker, Belleville, who has heen visiting Mr, and Mrs. 1. Robin at their camp, returned home, | Sunday ening. { The Yacht Club dance it bh held to-night, as stated in Saturday' { paper; but be held Wednesday evening, Quite at Gibson's. ib. went' out were street, i noon. ay Blackberry Cordial * at Gib left posi has n Montreal, is Bailie, Barre with street, 21 Me- tuner, at ano orders on spending been re Oswego, "18 at Gibson's. Peterboro, parents, Princess NX., is grand: Smith, Syracuse, to his A.B HON on will ne will as usual e crowd expertied to a larg tele aaa ORGE JB IRR ae . ~ FALL STYLES In every department of ouristore we are al= most ready for the big- gest Fail T'rade in our history. New Goods are nearly all in and they are. beautiful | » * * ° 3 Fall Suits, Fall Hats, Fall Coats, AU or ST i. "Prouse"s to Perth | Sharbot | to] 260 PRINCESS STRE Gananogup, | {cannot "in Picton two 011. Ls as SR Re ST RBS Lo A series of little books designed for information and entertainment. J They are the latest as well as best book on the subjects of which they tr Popular Handbooks and unequalled in point of merit and cheapness, handsomely bound in green hese volumes are fompect in form cloth, Each printed on good paper. at, Sle ETIQUETTE, QUOTATIONS SLIPS OF SPEECH AFTER DINNER STORIES, DEBATER'S TREASURY. SOCIALISM. CONMMDRUMS, BRIDGE. . WHIST. FORTUNE TELLING. DANCING NURSING, It R STORIES WORTH LETTER WRITING WORTH KNOWIN{ EADY MADE SPEECHES TOASTS, ORATORY fINGS FELLING JOURNALISM, SOLITAIRE PARLOR GAMES DREAM BOOK. PARLIAMENTARY LAW BURINESS LETTERS. = The College ET _OPEN NIGHTS. leave on the next farm laborers' ex eursion 'to the west, which will leave on August 25th. Miss Alice Sturdevant, Fulton, N.Y, is spending a few days with her. aunt, Mrs. Carnegie, Bagot street. "Buy after-dinner mints.' Gibson's Miss Laing, Belleville, who has been spending the past week with the Misses Black, Nelson street, returned | home Sunday {here are 675 entries for the D.R ie which opened in Ottawa this morning I'his is increase over last year Sixty cadets are entered, Mrs. James McKenna and twin have to Watertown, N.Y few days, the guest of her sister, 8. Thomas Cork, Stuart street Fhe Thousand Island Steamboat pany not at all concerned the difficulties of the Vis the Thousand, Island Park "Buy seidlitz powders" at Gibson's The opponents of reciprocity n raise campa fund bat they h t elector 't conscience 3 iA SUMMER! TONIC ¥ out, tired and there is no a combina- For that worn run down feeling better tomic than ; tion of BEEF, is delicious iron to peptonized feed the choice wine as In a recent analysis 'a bottle our stock of Beef, Iron and Wine proved to be a superior article ranking as first class. TRY A BOTTLE, 50c, Dr. A. P. Chown Druggist and Optician, 185 PRINCESS STREET. 'Phone 343. mn IRON AND WINE. in taste, enrich the igested) and appetizer Government taken from Ours rontaing blood, beef to ab 108, gone , lor tissues an My com with and managers 8 Rit o cectraseessatesnine rR aN a huge bribe against nn vote his and his light, | Lyall Irwin this afternoon, also for they will chanan. "Buy Park lights Lawrence left Watertown, N.Y. NY, where Ih and A. B for Lawrence, the Si. be guests of hu it Gibson' New the Barrie being Wild Strawberry" s avenue is being fixed have been placed along avenue from Union street to street. The are also trimmed. SHIP II II III IIE up w trees J. Scobell, Cape Vincent, N.Y., who has been purchasing lumber out the Kingston & Pembroke. railway has returned to his home in Vincent. Miss Kathleen N.J., who has during Dr on line Cape We Are Clearing Decks For a Big Fall Trade Good Nixon, East been visiting the summer, Nichols, Clarence Orange, friends 18 vis iting Mrs. street, at Gibson's Summeaor and Pittsburg their father, seriously 'Buy Wild Strawberry" Mrs. Walter F. Caulson re. Henry Stutsman, of I'a., are here to see Charles: Marchand, itl Mrs little have sister, who is and street Hubley, Bagot spending parents, Edward Gladys, after Hubley's (Serzt.) daughter, returned mer with Mrs Quebec. sackberry of Capt lsteamer America, was removed tg general hospital from the boat, afternoon, undergo the sun al Cordial." Gibsan's Carnegie, of A son Saturday to un operation, barrie street at night and travelled. A needed and Earl street The Misses Katie and May Farl street, returned home from a three weeks' visit at where they Were the guests aunt, Mrs. J. Colyer. "buy wilt Strawberry' at Gibson's : Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Polley and fami OUR RANGE ly, of Calgary, Alta., spent last week ' at "Baskev Dell," guests of Mrs. A] BUYING. Saunders. They will return to thei western home this week | As hLively a love story as having read in a long time ting Married," which Edward bury field contributes to tl took Magazine for September A short story that would stined ~~ to become a classic | "Spuds," by Rupert Hughes, which iappears in the Red Book Magazine for | September. It the story of tw convicts. "Buy Wild Strawberry" G. W. Black, B.Sc. fgood roads, was in the city last week and went, in company with Chairman {| Rankin, agd A. W. Gray, to look over the new reads inthe county. lle was well pleased. Margaret. Burnash, 'infant daughte: tof Jobn Burnash, of Dufiern, aged four months, died on Saturday afternoon. The funeral took place Sunday after of one blackest most the of the dozen more Macdonald 18 One yet half het ween hight we par including I» Millian Saturday Toronto of then the vali larger es' wil be the best be procured in the trade BEFORE recall "ret we is | Opening Date Will Be Announced Later seen (slsle are» ole) at Gibson's wspector of WegERa sees ee . The Always Busy Store. SFIS II IIIS III HSI I IRS I IIIS IIIS lot. $2,600 229 Albert Street-- Detach ed brick; 7 rooms, » stable; rental, $216.00; poss ession May 1st next; $2,504, , 298 and 300 Albert-- Double brick; b. and c., 7 rooms gas, good cellar and lot; deat $312; yo rs for $3,200. 316 Earl frame: 7 rooms, $2,200 b. and c¢, @ Park----New detached brick: 7 rooms, h.w. furnace, | b. and c., gas, etc; $4,200, Johnson. Mor. Toronto Street New frame, 7 rooms, b. and Lo $1,950. GE i br a © Street--Detached ¢ 208 Frontenac Street. near ® oS [then went on to Alexandrin Bay, amounting io $7.25, and received a $ | where he was the guest of his sister, 8 Hite. Henry Benjamin. On Monday he came up to Kingston. He is ac companied by his cowin, Norman : Allport, of Pennsylvania. Mr. and Mrs: George Way, of Watertown ar 8 | ived at Mr. Smith's home on Sa- . {turday, on their way to Picton to enjoy a week's vacation with rela- tives. Mr. Smith is now SOumenpla- ting a trip to hicago,, x} where of his grandehildren reside. A Spoil Meeting. 13 A special 'meeting of the city council called for Wednesday, at four! Whim various matters will be severe lecture. DIED VERY SUDDENLY. Brother of J. 8S. Randolph Passed Away in Brockville. J. S. Randolph, proprietor the Randolph hotel, red irl, fn day morning, of the death, in Brock- ville, of his brother, Jarvis Randolph. three Mr. Randolph did not kmow of his brother's ittmess. He had been in poor health for some time. His home is in Elgin and he went to Brockville, Saw. to consult a doctor and noon to the Catholic church, at Brew: eo r's Mills. « Waillham Y. Mills, of the Goorge Mills & Co., returned, ® from Cobourg. During the horse show ® week there every semson Mr. Mills ® makes a big display of Kingston made furs in Cobourg's leading dry-goods ® store, : "Buy after-dinner mints. ®! A lawn social, given on : i rm of to-day, Fall Dresses, Furs, * Gibson's, McLaren's Saturday All the new styles are ready. Choose early and we urge your at- J tention to repair and remodeling NOW, lawn, Wolfe Island, on evening, was a fine success. The dance was in charge of a couple of Wolfe ® Island's young men. About thirty-five o couples took part. The music was o farnished by the Davix orchessfa | "Blackberry Cordial." Gibson's. A couple of Portsmouth young mew engaged in quite a lively fight, in the : 'village, early on Saturday night, and R MILLS & C0 mis £5 138 AXD 138 wt} At West Toronto, fire destroyed five #444500404044988450 4 |r: of meat ay the Cann 1td ph int . ®! ° off. | w as! te cool Sena Seteatetsr assist eaey SESE CI00ETIeIttIsS tot tars the village constable had to take both | seas sss e/eisiv elena 00 0's Book Store _'Phune 9 i > English Photo F Trane; : IN STE RLING SILVER BACKS AND STANDS ND SHAPES, AND OBLO} ALL OVALS, 8 SIZES PRICES $100 RANGE to $2.50. FROM SMITH BROS., Jewellers, Opticians. 850 KING STREET Issmers of Marriage Licenses. MADE OVER AND REFAIRED F. GOURDIER hata List to Look Over 3 oria 177 Pine Street Street, two US torey frame brick feet [108 Queen' Strent H.W hid brick heatin and die Farl sleet ric =~ ree light ments 81 B thorne three &{., furnace dels roon reet or i] ood and "Phone MULLIN --The Real Estate Expert Corner Jotismon and Bivision Nis {| : I: : THREATENED TO KILL ish A Penalty of 820 apd Costs or Mduti | in Jail. Mayor Grabam imposed awl costs, « police court, die aged man, heavily of late, abusing his family. While in Kis cups i day, he threatened to kill all the men j bers of his famile, with & razor was accused of threatening amily, but said this that he" had no intention, court took the story of t daughter in the case. Four drunks were given a get out 'of the cits un fine of ¥2 | one nil, this morning, on a who has been drink: i month in wife on Satur to not but wife was true the he 51 chance 1 Popular Excursion at "Popular Pri {| Giving two bours-a Picton; home pm. steamer Quinte Jueen, 7.30 am to-morrow, Only © oa Half Done x naAKer a hh SR Eh laundry; e Everything is and perfects Spotless Exquisite shirtwaists Smoath-edged collars snow -white shirts, Beautiful linens, - Kingston Laundry Cor. Princess & Sydenham sts, 'Phone 3 sxssssaeehaibes . 3 4 : Teta ea pt Gy lace curtains. SY $ Batt IST Tce.