REE Ba PAGE FOUR. Ss THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY. Aversr 21. 1911. : -- 2 a-- . Ta: Wo of 32 ----i You can keep|THE WHIG, 78h YEAR|. 1: = nic + \MADE EDITOR MAI] Dm. SoPER- | 1 WHI blished n arty, but a Ov ' at Does » "King Street a On-| jropeany a 2 er this eoun- $ 1D Oo ER- your kitchen 2 at 36 per year, Bain tions af 2.301 with certain jdeas respecting ro oe "WEEKLY BRITISH Wiig, 18 pages |'7¥ And the mother country which he | BRITISH-BORN = TROUHLER || DR. WHITE clean, yours Phas in parts on its and| dul explain, and certain prinei- | WHO WAS SAT UPON. red ' not morning at $1 a y J Gained "rates, charge for postage. had! | ples which 'he did not define. He had] bathroom inviting to be added, inakin pries 3 Daily #8 something to say, of course' with re-| A Trimming Which a Conservative ) and your whole th Atiactied is one ol the beat Job Print| gard to reciprocity and the navy. Editor Gave to an Upstart--A EN N house fresh and sweet with ah Oe n wai A ine asain Respecting reciprocity he had not Species of Conservative Journalist y presses. | definite conclusions, He was not That is Scarce. i The British Whig ig Publishing vy Limited | »iroid of it. Canadians could deal] Toronto Globe 1 iH \ | eS or reas En ea. jist the representatives of any coun- He is a veteran among Canading ( i i = £ try without loss of national honour |e Hors, is newspaper is the lead ' : TORONTO OFFICE. | amet prestige. Reciprocity might dis-| 5 Conservative ail in one of the a Ladi ONE AND THE SAME PRICE TO ALL. g » p ; fo iseases Ski Actually saves half the labour on| suite 19 ana 20 Queen City Cham-|*™ , western provinces. A young man witl Spec! was Hl and never huts ol on ore. 12 Cauoen St. Toronto. H. E appoint those who favoured and those |, English air blew in on him not | Blood. Nerves, Bladder and Special Al : Smalipeice, J.P. representative, | who opposed it. Mr. Taft wanted it |long ago and explained that his paper : Thee aavisatie ; tmpossidle, || STORE CLOSES SATURDAY EVENINGS Keeps the hands soft and white. Daily Wing {fof the salvation of himseli and bis hd lent hin out from Tonge Pi ey on Ding opinion snd o* 10 O'CLOCK. V } : ree. ocity. We will give $5,000 to Favu jpurty: Mr. Asquith wanted it, 88 al ple ay, ip it) their abr a i hel ation : 1.14 { | means of getting rid of tariff reform. fey Canada in the empire form. Hours : 10 am. tol p.m. and anyone who can find acu'- an GRIMY HAND OF TOIL. {All this was "stagy" or common place | The editor sat silent one long min '12 tc 6 p.m. Sundays, 10 am. to 1 pw. teranls wm Cunugt Soap 4 A contemporary, the Canadian | (alk. The part worth considering was ute. Then, looking level into the in . DRS. SOPER & WHITE Use Sunlight Scop sccarding to direc | Courier, and from the pen of "Mono-| the declaration' that Mr. Borden terviewer's eyes, he said, solemnly : 36 Torumto Street, Toronte, Ont. "Young man, I pity you. You ar F17¢ ninco pf you. bo A / ru oo $onvinct cle," comments upon the absence of |"made a big blunder when he played doing your assignment, but vou an $e Ciber sob 14 {all appeals in the interest of the work- {into Laurier's hands, and agreed to |in the service of people whose ignot ~» i : : nbe TR po - ingman in this election. The manu- | place his all on the question of reci- oy utehed only by their pre $ . SPNON000000000800000 jycturers have had their day and in-[procity." Mr. Bourassa is not the| The London correspondent was 1 inings. The workingmen have had jonly one who thinks Mr. Borden blun- [rather staggered by such, straight theirs. Now the farmers demand their | dered. It is the opinion of the com- ow words from a. Canadian conser turn, and they must h we it. Mor ser at rty and the more its mem- vative editor. EAS y 1 od Dre- | Servative pa a i "Keeping Canada in the empire ! In over the manufaeturers, (having recov- | bers reflect upon it the more they deed ! Who told you Canada was i ered from the seare which followed the | | chafe. + {danger of going out of the empire dsp of certain men in Toronto and | Mr. Bourassa's p n_on the navy Afraid of ann X go you ? What | ee uli v | G Bie pe 22 : CEAAdian wants apnexation ? Do |° rMpItreRly, "we supporting iprocity lis peculiar.. He held that Canada |p 0 my son thete ? a rh roparte, eh iit © PHP Lots in Kingston, Fort William and or e ground that whatever benefits [could best advance its interests by yonder 3 Or the business men down | iteelton, Ontarig, ; Winnipeg and 8 | agriculture mug also benefit that is| 'building her own- house," "by keep- |stairs ? the printers upstairs ? (nr | Srandon in Manitoba u 9 Li . a 9 tegina, Weyburn, Moose Jaw, Saska- really dependant upon it. 'Monocle' ing her money in the county} * and the men ithe Bie Foom Il oval oon Warren RL Be Wainw ight 2: < think we are a ova vile N ¢ dor i nak : a' Aafonm ¢ , feivile, Nokomis and North Battleford, makes fun,of the politician's plea, and | providing adequately for the defence Well I can tell you we are just like | askatchewan Calgary Hutton, Red especially the average conservative's. jof her coasts. Just what the liberal ¢ fellows on other newspapers here reer. Edson, Scott Hdmontoen, apd <thbridge, Alber "They deny," he writes, "that reci- [party says. Mr. Bourassa adds that i is ety. is made up of people just] "00 KS obs like us. This whole country is of the same breed." coast defence, and the fact had been| "Wh, not tell them the truth?" WHITE OAK, DOUGLAS FIR, SPRUCE, HEMLOCK AND PINE oeswepeIVISIEDS In the water ready for Imme- diate use, S. Anglin & Co Office and Yards: Cor. Bay and Wellington Sts. Vancouver and Fort George, British Columbia. Full particulars furnished, apply to procity will increase the prices which le raised in the house the question of The man that buys moderate priced Suits will beg, greatly the farmer will get for his. food pro- | ; : interested in our Ten Dollar lines @ [ducts, alleging instead that the Cana: {list sight of by English "papers, [asked the editor, with growing impa J 0 HUTTON 18 Market St. We aim to give our trade the best moderate priced Clothing Fan farmer' already gets higher pric sos | though they had not lost sight of his | |Uence. "The truth would be five news . VY 1 {to some of then. Tell them that this KINGSTON, ONT. Re hi . | : {annexation talk is just bally politics, | can farmer does in his; but they do| And on what did this opposition | believed in by nobody with sense wrospect of the removal of the duty of AND WE DO IT, | le | that mohey can: buy, {in his home market than the Ameri- {opposition to the navy not take a minute off to consider that rest 2 Mr Bourassa did not say. Mr. {enough to vote, our dollars a ton, can anybody won- the workingman is paying those high- | Monk explained: that the people had | i Tell them something more. Tell | le = that the farmers of Hint province Our $10 Suits are made from choice Tweeds em irom his conservative sanctur ¥il vote r reciprocit 8 t er prices to-day and that reciprocity (not been consulted. That was his only [thats 4he best thing you te ao Dm man ? ® for reciprocity almost to tailored--cut in the same style of Suits costing double the price sessssasesssenets lhould on their own reasoning ~get grievance. But he told of the bye [wait awhile before you discuss (ana ---- eee em Lien lower prices." The workingman [election in St. Hyachinthe, where the | dian affairs. Get the point of view of Very Practical, Very, g th born. T may some of these days call the trou- jeonseription had been preached, where I! ie hatve-horn, Tell your people tc fontr Herald {follow the same advice. Change eyes Mr. Herron, the conservative wmem- : P |with a real Canadian. Then tell the | er for Macleod, Alberta, is running as tof Laurier's scheme to force his colin- [truth as you see it. 1 reciprocity' conservative, He 4 | EDITORIAL CONSPIRATORS. | yes Baya Ihe cesescssss 9999000000000 voeveoseoe BPO IOUNNIPY {blers to account. [the French were terrified by the stories L {trymen into the wars of Fugland and | "Look here ! continued the editor, | 'evervhody in the riding wants it, and | + editors of Toronto News andi go (hem as a sacrifice to his- im- | this thing just makes me wild We | | will vole for it." That is very prac We Told You So! {Le Devoir---Mr. Willison and Mr. Bour- perialism ! have fellows like vou and like these | .ical, but is it politics ? + 4 ' |perialism ! Soha I "British-b bind | |assa--are said to |} X nes professiona ritish-born' spellbinders Labatt's fe ai © . iavemel en Otta-| N, Monk says that Mr. Bourassa goiug about Canada talking and writ- Lavergne Slips a Cog. ) Rx ilgred. nto 'a compaet bY leould repeat his platform in any Eng- tng about "keeping Canada in the] Stratfora Beacon {which they undertook to advance the) lish constituency and not give offence. [empire I' I want to know what you Msi Lavergne x complains that an REE = | Nationalist-Conservative cause. Anly.. jos vour blessed people and your press I oY SEumanY id oping out oi WORKINGMAN'S SHIRTS, WORKINGMAN'S TROUSERS evidence of--it--is--seon-- inthe ate L Siig ion wo---native-hornaregmuds of. We the k oh iti ng = =< ie Sum on S50c. D, - which' the News disc . with imnocuous. He can boas oo, Tha Fo put our whole lives into this of the Tash Satine. . Ln ge is one Extra full size. well made, A. 200d, sold. Dark. Grev : § » tsSey | rang . a BO ( 7 y : d int ses Bourassa's|{the ' French .admife the Union Jack, | |sauntsy, thousands and thousands of ¥ince the British fo of ita strongly sewn, all sizes 14 io Tweed Trouser, well cui, ! are "the Aurest bulwork us. Our fathers before us. fought and r 18 1-2, piain Blacks, Black strongly made neat cut {supplied wh 4 arti perior friendship for them . . " 3 ' {Supplied when an article which Mr. (on ninst annexation," that. they would (lave and blazed the trails across the and White Stripes. Oxford sizes 32 to 44 i ol > t 'hecks > A Vy ys Lavergne penned re-appeared in' the! usent insult or attuck from France Sontinent ng homes for their The Borden Plot. | Son. in checks, stripes and BIBBY'S SPECIAL, $1.50, News when he said it had been sent!:i olf : 3 rats A 0 eop'e anc YOUr | phe premier at Quebec eb 1 1s Devais Jett But he is the inspiration of 'politicians didn't care one farthing | * You have heard about this plot be BIBBY'S SPECIAL, 50c. 5 i a - oir. LL {those who are conducting at this mo- whether Canada belonged to the em- tween Messrs. Monk and Borden. That | ; =e : 7 WORKINGMAN 8S SOUKS, Labatt It is tem years since Mr. Bourassa {ment the rankest and rashest anti- pire or not. They didn't know, and |is not an imaginary one, They are WORKINGMAN'S BRACES, 25¢, Joba Laba began his racial movement. It has | British campaign that has ever been that was why they didn't care. But trying to work it, Mr. Borden say- | 25¢. . Pure wool, fine knit. spl i y j 4 : ' now when Canadians begin to make [ing in Ontario that the naval policy Extra strong brace. leathar ed heel and toe light and made some headway in Quebec, but |conducted in Canada. ) y 3 ! h none in Ontari 'A ood, fellows like you come around |is bad and our navy would be useless ends, double sewn, full length, dark shades, soft and tvrestful 're Romo Bi0S41 King id * Untano, A start was' made CAMPALC N EC HOE ™ and talk solemnly about 'keeping Can- [to England in case of war, while | good elastic web { to the feet, very durable - 2 gto {in this provtrce when Mr. Lavergne! ANMPALG ) 3 aura tarts poem asa | : = {ada in the empire !" Messrs. Bourassa and Monk say the | BIBBY'S SPECIAL, 205¢. { BIBBY'S SPECIAL, 25¢. {addressed the Canadian Club in. To-| | . The manufacturers of Berlin, {repre- | The reporter in the local room look. ["4VY is too imperial, and talk of con- ' FHi¢ MAS | OPL E Y fronto. The speech was an innoewous sented by Hon. Mr. King), are strong- ed amazed. He had never heard his |[3°TPtion for foreign wars 3 4 jt th r. Mr. B h {ly in favour of the trade agreement. chief quite so scornful. The English TE 1 ¢ . [thing. r. Bourassa has now been : ; ; y y Frone 987. i : ;m {This is disappointing to the enemy. man said nothing for a minute, but Learn How to Live. Drop a card to 19 Pine Street whe: invited to speak in Ottawa. He is! !did some thinking. T niyvihiy > { y "l 3 1 orniins et Re onal eg | willing to .go anywhere 80 long as he | Borden is without a sense of Namour.] Chuck your 'loyalty stunt," my | Sir John Macdonald used to say H » * 2 21 ~ of Jobat one Loew work also | {is assured of the aduiation for which | {He had better leave M¢. Graham boy ," said the editor in a calmer tone A British subject 1 was born and | Hard 0d. Floors a nds Al {he fives I Ti ~ £ rail 1 "Take off your coat. Start to work at {British subject I will die In Canada : : A la one. ie minister of railways can! "po job, Get the native-born |there are at least eight million' peo hon 40 Quean Btraat rie yo * . i " » Mw Willison is helping him in On- tell a good story. The leader of the point of view, and Hy the time you Lig who will die British subjects But . tario. Mr. Borden denies that he has opposition cannot. have earned vour right to an opinior | the great problem is how to live as 78 80-82 PRINCESS. We BURE 108 CREAM, with made a deal with the enemy. But | ---- {you will know that your assistance is British subjects to the best advantage. | RNG * WEA T a Whipped Cream. We 40 not use Mr. Willison. is equal to s litfle job] "There were occasional exclamations not needed fo keep Canada in the mn jie Joba regarded Keqiproeity ; » or 1 MEN'S AND BOYS" WEAR STORE. any orn starch or gelatine. Ice yDire ot the means to this end, at avored - Cream Sundae, with FPineapplé of that kind, anything to {of dissent," at a Monk meeting hn pire he is a good cohiservati kit it, though it never came in his day ir Birawberry Fruit, Se t's i . ' \ C i i i 8 004 conservative editor, | a WAR tale but very cool in beat Laurier, and Canada's grand old|' Jacques artier. Rumblings of dis. too. k | His great successor, Sir Wilirid {favour of which more will be heard as ' our pariors g k , a re 'rier, has succeeded and now asks the! ROYAL ICE CREAM PARLOR, | M80... knowing how the campaign -- \ IN4 Princess Street {goes and feeling quite satisfied as to tie campaign proceeds. PRESS OPINION | Canadian role to approve of bol CONSERVATIVE WITNESS Wood's Phosphodine, r {how it will "end, laughs at their] Mr. Borden accounts for the Sisap. | he BO The Grigt English Re mpdy. | : I " : To the Benefits to be Derived From | o Tones and invigorates the wiol cama Irene abity iconnivings and treats them with pearance of his Halifax platform. Borden on Annexation, ' o A, ) Reciprocity. | g pore: as erste n, nakos lew we write i i ; "Arme: < rid i sod in old Ving Cures Nore lens Sire GREELY fo SISTINE, Jann has been embodied in the iota. 3t Farmers Getting Ready. Speaking at a dinner given in the ie Did mn " TE EEF SFE TET TESLA SAS Ss tat tates a at as see eve Teese e the Jacques Cartier platform. 1 plans, A further evidence of it wasithat . they sSaeeeTe r. TPT VVITTLTRLBORT BY ronto. Globe sevsecssssssssescsesscsesefPerecscsasssasacssacsacae e sTesesee Pet art E Wind LM I ® { Following is the address of SIF | ous Debility, Mental and Brivin We orry, Dies an---------------- p-- i -- . Px TN elarboro. Examiner indsor hotel, ontreal, on July 2st, [Joh Thompson to his constituents in | pondency, Sexual Weakness, Emiswions, Sper - u oS £ } » ' ' in ) h : of. 'the eco nig: : Strange to say mo} Along the north shore of Lake On: | 1904, Mr. Borden said Antigonish pa ISSL; asking for re patorrhaa, and L ects of Abuse or Furcesses. - a x . peXO 3 a . p > p ; n> a or " . ! : y i p 0 ig ® wr e will please JUG-HANDLED POLICY: aL xcept Mr. Borden has been aware a he {avers are fuintly Preparing | There is a fear in some sections of election on a reciprocity platiorm will cars Bold by oh | Arua or faatiod in : 'al And w of at. ' arger acreage in barley. nad this country that a policy Sof this {"To the electors of the counts i | plain pkg. on receipt o Pica, cw pamp, ti Col 31. Pennington Macpherson is {they are not such fools as to prepare gort {inter imperial preferential trade) i Anti ohith Mailed § ans W Boi Ont, O ice {occupying many columns of the Mon- Mr. Borden denies that he has any Hg free barley and then vote against 'may, in some way, interfere with the | "Gentlemen, At the election which Jr merily Strangers and Visitors are ! | treal Star in producing extracts at of election deal with Mr. Bourassa. Mr. !" blessed privilege of free government | will take place on the Sth day of invited 8 inspect my big show- clippings on reciproty. All are de-| Bourassa does not repudiate the idea. which privilege we never intend to { March, I wifl be a candidate for re Sresccssssrsassassasesd Fa . N . 8 Fo give up. It is, of course, necesss o |electio 8 smber » House of ing of Antique Furniture. | signed to show that John A. Mac-{"The firm of B. & B. exists and is very Not All Dead, Surely jRrve up. 18, course, necessary t ection as a member of the House of | ------ i th Suitable prices. Best quality. Lemdon Advertls carefully weigh this opinion and * to | Commons for, 'the eounty of Antigon donald really did not desire recipro-|real, the sleeping partner to the con Our local oT oepOrars says that [give ear to. these fears, but 1, person lish |eity as it is now understood and can trary notwithstanding. jonly dead. conservatives can be quoted j ally, do not think that there is any i "The government of which | ami a L. LESSES {he secured. Rut these columns of ex- . . lin favor of reciprocity. Are we to J ter in our!entering into what is member, is appealing to the country ' | : 5 tthe 'tnct that A conservative convention in South | |infer that the majority of western con- | nothing more than a ree iprocity treaty {with a poliey which we believe will ow > : jr 1a €o not disposs o s Tact tm 'ork endorsed the policy of Mr. Bor- {servatives, from Haultain and Herron, {with the United Kingdom, {be heartily indorsed by a great ma Ww F {down, are dead ones ? "Was there any idea that a reci- [jority Gf the electors. We have made ¢ procity treaty, with the United States | the Tdvernment of the United | Cor. Princess and Chatham Sts. 'Phone 1045, : : 3 Will Buy or Sell all kinds of {al policy and was discussed in the Furniture. Highest price jcampaign of 1878 with all the well ireciprocity was a part of the nation. . { F J I den, but not the poliey of Maclean. Billy is in conspiracy with | The Gain in Sight. | woud in any way interfere with self {States, through the government of the nationalist rebels. The. party can- | ottawa Free Press government in Canada ? No. Then |Gireat Britain, proposals for recipro not endorse that. New Brunswick expects a hay erop {why should that fear exist, so far as [ety in rade, which we have good The late Sir John Maedonald was a 3 this year of 855,000 tons. With the Great Britain in concerned ? » irenson to believe will result in an ar candidate (or re-election "in this city Reciprocity, says Mr. Foster, kills . {rangement by which the markets. of in 1578. The N.P. was something the home markets. Since when has he {the United States will he re-opened to = 3 {the products which 'our people desire new. It was the product of his fer- made this discovery ? Last December, | S F THE most. to send there 7 So. tile brain while the loader of the op- when he penned an article for a oer- 'A fair measure of reciprocity is position. He was « willing to school|tain magazine, he was in favour of it; Ht se foniy, pod we have » y dori Al ,, . # > 2 . -- [tha h can obtained without un g . Xe * ik Te . hig friends and supporters as to its and regarded it as a splendid thing. - - ---- Lie ane htain All our ladies Tan ( alt manning, and : the Whig. remembers. objection to reciprocity, | If I' were privileged to address any If the farmers are to be benefited,| "I respectfully ask your support and | 8 op Chocolate Oxfords ani what some of the party touters said, known vigour of the chieftain. hb Il other things fail, is that { American audience on the other side of 1all sections of the community will he | vOLen, and 1 pledge tuysell to serve the p when a other 1 a our oy . sont rm 4 : in- ' the lake as I am speaking here today, benefited, because agriculture is the [best interests of the. country, if umps are Roc a with his approval and under his "| prosperity is so great, and, as the!l would tell he want to trade foundation of Canada's prosperity. | should be honored by a renewal of pa: oo luced apiration, The fa i cid not * like Mail has. it, "fatal to the pact." The [with you, but if the price. we are to {confidence which was reposed in me | § $1 50 N it. It meant retaliation in tariffs, and pr ity under Laurier, the pr . | pay for it is the sacrifice of our man-| This talk of annexation is beneath [at the Inst elections and for which | » ow $ 1.15 they feared the loss that followed in ity the governments wants to increase hood, keep your trade--we will have! Hi ° Satrempt and hotnth, the atten- Jaa be forever grateful. I remain, 2.00 Te 1.60 the exportation of ther crops, snd] ih larger markets. nome of it. {HOR 6 Nous pops Re hadiont servant, : particularly of their barley. Some] . ; i al any time i suits the British | 1 say to you that it would have hon ! "JOHN 8. D. THOMPSON, 3.00 >: 2.26 i - : sag g fiscal licy, [a erime not to have listened to "Antigonish, Feb. 24th, 1591." Te premise sive wat Toe ea ec Mork ote vote uf amie [pple to hung thts Sotut Buber} Ln ".) oe anchonte, Sok : 4.00 and 3.75 for 2.98 The promise always was that AS Soon lin the commons because. the people |® oe arty 2. vive them one, have accepted the opportunity of wid! Canadian Pacific railway earnings " as the Americans were willing 10 ne-|were not consulted about "the gene- Suey Vl ons = peli Shy oe present at- or reciprocal trade with them. for the week ending August "14th 25 p. c. off all otir men's gotiate in trade the Canadians would |ral contribution of Canada to imper- |. , oment is no interference, with it, | &. Joh Macdonald: wes." the amounted to $2,205,000, gain of i i» + < gem Sir John AL n 1 a £206 000 . he i Ing Oxford ( M " ] 1: be glad to treat wit,h them. ial armaments." And all the comser- [is not fatal against it. Moses of Reciprocity, but like Moses, over he same Period); Inst £ Lun Metal, Tan At our cosl yards, and every | The old arrangement--before the N.|vative members of the commons voted 3 If Mr. Bor- he avas not destined to see tha Promis | oor: z » Pat Calf ont assured of i o I y ) Who wants annexation ? or Pat Calf SUstomer may P.--was called jug-handled. The ew for it. Wonderful. When, by the way, den will answer for the tories, 1 will} sl Land. It way be my privilege to be : : Snaps if you want the rth, . ohaisine We mines word. arrangement out ¢ff some cf the trade was this thing proposed ? answer for the grits. he Joshua of the people, to sen this Dr. Morse s It isn't merely a matter between Catinda and the United States : Ces ; . | The advantages of reciprocity are so great poliey earried out. Indian Root Pills in the products of the farm. The new The sampaygn Titaraturs of 158] is obvious that they need no reiteration. | Reciprocity will not only be a power-| cure many common ailments which ; f 'hb arrangement was jugchandled and it being turned up and Sir John Mac gus the more thoroughly they are dis- 15s) factor in the material prosperity of gre ee very di ifferent, but which all arise 1 Sive hui weight o as has remained so until this day donald, Sir Charles Tupper and all cussed the clearer they appear. our country, but it ix an advance to- same cause--a system Ei i, the names of rien : the rest of them found to be ardent | This agreement constitutes a bond of | wards that higher civilization which dlggel 3 impurities. The og many who will back our as " TRAITORS IN DISGUISE. supporters of reciprocity. In the To- | ipeace and harmony and of friendship | Retut ----"s has shiva tn) be within he Bowe bh So move og Any: serious. "A remarkable thing occurred in ronto programme of a meeting it is between the two mations. os 4 and apes up the pores of she en " i ns tely off Jneques Carlier county on Friday, referred to as "an honorable recipro-| But, fellow countrymen, the leaders! 1 harbor in my heart the belief that| These organs immediately throw when Mr. Bourassa appeared before | feity." That was in+ February. In bt: the conservative party to-day Bave the arbitration treaty may be supple Accumulated impurities, and Bii- English audience and bh of Sir John ocourred. Proved renegade to the of mented in a way which will endeavor | OlSness, , Liver . =a justified the; lame. the. dunt 'their leaders for forty 20 ther ve to undo the mischief which was done existence of the nationalist party and 'So that he was an advocate of veci- tarot Thais. backs be iples for in the righteenth cenfury by the vio- the alliance with it of Me. Monk, the procity from BE ani i en of fic geet" men sd Past lent separation of mother "and chil iihave stood. dren. Pow hd hd best good shoes, The Sawyer Shoe Store 212 Princess St. WEST ossasssasssssssscssssssssss TTVULVVVRLTLTATLALRVVTTVTVTLVLTLTVTOGN Shasta estsesseasessew VOTO